[1] [2] And for the colourable proofe thereof, such of the dukes seruants as rode with the carts of their stuffe that were taken (among which stuffe, no maruell though some were harnesse, which at the breaking vp of that houshold must néeds either be brought awaie or cast awaie) they shewed vnto the people all the waies as they went;
Lo here be the barrels of har|nesse that these traitors had priuilie conueid in their carriage to destroie the noble lords withall.This de|uise albeit that it made the matter to wise men more vnlikelie, well perceiuing that the intendors of such a purpose would rather haue had their harnesse on their backs, than to haue [...]ound them vp in battels, yet much part of the common people were therewith verie well satisfied, and said it were almesse to hang them.