[1] So did he also William the lord Hastings a no|ble man,Hastings lord chamberleine maligned of the queene & hir kin. then lord chamberleine, against whome the quéene speciallie grudged, for the great fauour the king bare him: and also for that she thought him se|cretlie familiar with the king in wanton companie. Hir kinred also bare him sore, as well for that the king had made him capteine of Calis, which office the lord Riuers, brother to the quéene, clamed of the kings former promise, as for diuerse other great gifts which he receiued, that they looked for. When these lords, with diuerse other of both the parties, were come in presence, the king lifting vp himselfe, and vnderset with pillowes, as it is reported, on this wise said vnto them.