[1] [2] When the duke had said, and looked that the people, whome he hoped that the maior had framed before, should after this proposition made, haue cried; King Richard, king Richard: all was husht and mute, and not one word answered therevnto. Wherewith the duke was maruellouslie abashed, and taking the maior neerer to him, with other that were about him priuie to that matter, said vnto them softlie. What meaneth this, that the people be so still? Sir (quoth the maior) percase they perceiue you not well. That shall we mend (quoth he) if that will helpe. And by & by somewhat lowder he rehersed to them the same mat|ter againe in other order, and other words, so well and ornatlie, and nathelesse so euidentlie and plaine, with voice, gesture, and countenance so comelie, and so conuenient, that euerie man much maruelled that heard him, and thought that they neuer had in their liues heard so euill a tale so well told [insomuch that he séemed as cunning an orator, as he, of whome the poet spake to his high praise & cõmendation, saieng:

Quaelibet eloquio causa fit apta suo.]