[1] The quéene with these words stood a good while in a great studie. And forsomuch as hir seemed the car|dinall more readie to depart than some of the rem|nant, and the protector himselfe readie at hand; so that she verelie thought she could not kéepe him, but that he should incontinentlie be taken thense: and to conueie him else-where, neither had she time to serue hir, nor place determined, nor persons appointed, all things vnreadie, this message came on hir so sudden|lie, nothing lesse looking for, than to haue him set out of sanctuarie, which she thought to be now beset in such places about, that he could not be conueied out vntaken, and partlie as she thought it might for|tune hir feare to be false, so well she wist it was ei|ther néedlesse or bootlesse: wherefore if she should needs go from him, she deemed it best to deliuer him.