[1] [2] The quéenes replie vpon the lord car|dinall.A sir (quoth the quéene) hath the protector so tender zeale, that he feareth nothing but least he should es|cape him? Thinketh he that I would send him hence, which neither is in the plight to send out. And in what place could I reckon him sure, if he be not sure in this sanctuarie, whereof was there neuer tyrant yet so diuelish that durst presume to breake? And I trust God is as strong now to withstand his aduer|saries, as euer he was. But my sonne can deserue no sanctuarie, and therefore he can not haue it. For|sooth he hath found a goodlie glose, by which that place that may defend a théefe, may not saue an innocent. But he is in no ieopardie, nor hath no need thereof, would God he had not.