[1] [2] And at their rising in the dawning of the daie, they sent about priuilie to their seruants in their Ins & lodgings about,The practises of the duke of Buckingham & Glocester. giuing them commandement to make themselues shortlie readie, for their lords were to horsse backeward. Upon which messages, manie of their folke were attendant, when manie of the lord Riuers seruants were vnreadie. Now had these dukes taken also into their custodie the keies of the In, that none should passe foorth without their licence. And ouer this, in the high waie toward Stonie Stratford, where the king lay, they had bestowed cer|teine of their folke, that should send backe againe, and compell to returne, anie man that were gotten out of Northampton, toward Stonie Stratford, till they should giue other licence. For asmuch as the dukes themselues intended for the shew of their dili|gence, to be the first that should that daie attend vp|on the kings highnesse out of that towne. Thus bare they folke in hand.