[1] [2] My lord (quoth the lord Hastings) on my life ne|uer doubt you: for while one man is there, which is neuer thense, neuer can there be thing once mooued, that should sound amisse toward me, but it should be in mine eares yer it were well out of their mouths. This ment he by Catesbie, which was of his neere secret councell, and whome he verie familiarlie vsed, and in his most weightie matters put no man in so speciall trust, reckoning himselfe to no man so liefe, sith he well wist there was no man so much to him beholden as was this Catesbie, which was a man well learned in the lawes of this land, and by the spe|ciall fauour of the lord chamberlaine,Catesbie and his conditi|ons described. in good authori|tie, and much rule bare in all the countie of Leice|ster, where the lord chamberlains power cheefelie laie.