[1] [2] To laie bastardie in king Edward, sounded open|lie to the rebuke of the protectors owne mother, which was mother to them both; for in that point could be no other color, but to pretend that his owne mother was an adultresse, which notwithstanding, to fur|ther this purpose he letted not. But neuerthelesse he would that point should be lesse and more fauoura|blie handled: not euen fullie plaine and directlie, but that the matter should be touched aslope craftilie, as [page 726] though men spared in that point to speake all the truth, for feare of his displeasure. But the other point concerning the bastardie that they deuised to surmize in king Edwards children, that would he should be openlie declared and inforced to the vttermost. The colour and pretext whereof cannot be well perceiued, but if we first repeat you some things long before doone about king Edwards mariage.