[1] In this wise the duke of Glocester tooke vpon himselfe the order and gouernance of the yoong king, whome with much honor and humble reuerence he conueied vpward towards the citie. But anon, the tidings of this matter came hastilie to the queene a a little before the midnight following, and that in the sorest wise; that the king hir son was taken, hir bro|ther, hir sonne, & hir other fréends arrested, and sent no man wist whither, to be doone with God wot what. With which tidings the quéene in great flight & hea|uinesse, bewailing hir childes reigne, hir freends mis|chance, and hir owne infortune, damning the time that euer she dissuaded the gathering of power about the king, gat hir selfe in all the hast possible with hir yoonger sonne and hir daughters out of the palace of Westminster, in which she then laie,The quéene taketh sanc|tuarie. into the sanctua|rie, lodging hir selfe and hir companie there in the abbats place.