[1] [2] After a little talking with them, he said vnto the bishop of Elie; My lord you haue verie good strawbe|ries at your garden in Holborne, I require you let vs haue a messe of them. Gladlie my lord (quoth he) would God I had some better thing as readie to your pleasure as that! And therewithall in all the hast he sent his seruant for a messe of strawberies. The protector set the lords fast in communing, & therevp|on praieng them to spare him for a little while, depar|ted thense. And soone after one houre,The beha [...] of the lord p [...]tector in the assemblie of the lords. betwéene ten & eleuen he returned into the chamber amongst them all, changed with a woonderfull soure angrie counte|nance, knitting the browes, frowning and fretting, and gnawing on his lips: and so sat him downe in his place.