[1] [2] These things and such like, being beaten into the dukes mind, brought him to that point, that where he had repented the way that he had entered; yet would he go foorth in the same; and sith he had once begun, he would stoutlie go thorough. And therefore to this wicked enterprise,The dukes full resoluti|on, to go tho|rough with his enter|prise. which he beléeued could not be voi|ded, he bent himselfe, and went through; and determi|ned, that sith the common mischéefe could not be a|mended, he would turne it as much as he might to his owne commoditie. Then it was agreed, that the protector shuld haue the dukes aid to make him king, and that the protectors onelie lawfull sonne should marrie the dukes daughter, and that the protector should grant him the quiet possession of the earldome of Hereford, which he claimed as his inheritance, and could neuer obteine it in king Edwards time.