[1] [2] [3] And if my priuilege could not serue him, nor he aske it for himselfe, yet sith the law committeth to me the custodie of him, I may require it for him, ex|cept the law giue a child a gardian onelie for his goods and lands, discharging him of the cure and safe kéeping of his bodie, for which onelie both lands and goods serue.This that is heere betwéen this marke (*) & this marke (*) was not writ [...]ẽ by him in English but is translated out of this hi|storie which he wrote in Latine. (*) And if examples be sufficient to ob|teine priuilege for my child, I need not farre to séeke. For in this place in which we now be (and which is now in question whether my child may take benefit of it) mine other sonne now king was borne, and kept in his cradle, and preserued to a more prospe|rous fortune, which I praie God long to continue. And as all you know, this is not the first time that I haue taken sanctuarie.