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1.9. Of such Ilands as are to be seene vpon the coasts of Britaine. Cap. 10.

Of such Ilands as are to be seene vpon the coasts of Britaine. Cap. 10.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _THere are néere vnto, or not ve|rie farre from the coasts of Bri|taine many faire Ilands, wher|of Ireland with hir neighbors (not here handled) séeme to be the cheefe. But of the rest, some are much larger or lesse than o|ther, diuers in like sort enuiro|ned continuallie with the salt sea (whereof I purpose onelie to intreat, although not a few of them be I|lands but at the floud) and other finallie be clipped part|lie by the fresh and partlie by the salt water, or by the fresh alone, whereof I may speake afterward.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Of these salt Ilands (for so I call them that are en|uironed with the Ocean waues) some are fruitfull in wood, corne, wild foule, and pasture ground for cattell, albeit that manie of them be accounted barren, bi|cause they are onelie replenished with conies, and those of sundrie colours (cherished of purpose by the owners, for their skins or carcases in their prouision of house|hold) without either man or woman otherwise inha|biting in them. Furthermore, the greatest number of these Ilands haue townes and parish-churches, with|in their seuerall precincts, some mo, some lesse: and be|side all this, are so inriched with commodities, that they haue pleasant hauens, fresh springs, great store of fish, and plentie of cattell, wherby the inhabitants doo reape no small aduantage. How manie they are in number I cannot as yet determine, bicause mine informati|ons are not so fullie set downe, as the promises of some on the one side, & mine expectation on the other did ex|tend vnto. Howbeit, first of all that there are certeine which lie neere togither, as it were by heapes and clu|sters, I hope none will readilie denie. Of these also those called the Nesiadae,Nesiadae, InsulaeInsulae Scylurum,Scylurum, Silcustrae,Silcustrae. Syllanae, Syllanae. now the Sorlings, Sorlingae. and Iles of Silley, Sylley. lieng be|yond Cornwall are one, and confe [...]eth in number one hundreth fourtie and seauen (each of them bearing grasse) besides shelfes and shallowes . In like sort the companie of the Hebr [...]des Hebrides. in old time subiect vnto Ire|land are another,Hebudes. which are said to be 43. situat vpon the west side of this Iand,Meuaniae. betweene Ireland & Scot|land, and of which there are some that repute Anglesei,Orchades. EEBO page image 30 Mona Caesaris, and other lieng betweene them to be parcell, in their corrupted iudgement. The third cluster or bunch consisteth of those that are called the Or|chades, and these lie vpon the northwest point of Scot|land, being 31. aliàs 28. in number, as for the rest they lie scattered here and there, and yet not to be vntouched as their courses shall come about. There are also the 18. Shetland Iles, and other yet farther distant from them, of which Iohn Frobuser I doubt not touched vpon some in his voiage to Meta Incognita: but for somuch as I must speake of the Shetlands hereafter, I doo not meane to spend anie time about them as yet.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There haue beene diuers that haue written of pur|pose, De insulis Britanniae, as Caesar doth confesse. The like also may be seene by Plutarch, who nameth one Deme|trius a Britaine, that should set foorth an exact treatise of each of them in order, and among other tell of cer|teine desert Iles beyond Scotland dedicated to sun|drie gods and goddesses, but of one especiallie, where Briareus should hold Saturne and manie other spirits fast bound with the chaines of an heauie sléepe, as he heard, of which some die now and then, by meane wher|of the aire becommeth maruellouslie troubled, &c: as you may sée in Plutarch De cessatione oraculorum, &c. But sith those bookes are now perished, and the most of the said Ilands remaine vtterlie vnknowen, euen to our owne selues (for who is able in our time to say where is Glota, Hiuerion, Etta, Iduna, Armia, Aesarea, Barsa, Isiandium, Icdelis, Xantisma, Indelis, Siata, Ga. Andros or Edros, Siambis, Xanthos, Ricnea, Menapia, &c? whose names onelie are lest in memorie by ancient writers, but I saie their places not so much as heard of in our daies) I meane (God willing) to set downe so manie of them with their commodities, as I doo either know by Leland, or am otherwise instructed of by such as are of credit. Herein also I will touch at large those that are most famous, and breeflie passe ouer such as are obscure and vnknowen, making mine entrance at the Thames mouth, and directing this imagined course (for I neuer sailed it) by the south part of the Iland into the west. From thence in like sort I will proceed into the north, & come about againe by the east side into the fall of the aforesaid streame, where I will strike saile, and safelie be set a shore, that haue often in this voiage wanted water, but oftener béene set a ground, especiallie on the Scotish side.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In beginning therefore, with such as lie in the mouth of the aforesaid riuer, I must néeds passe by the How ,Hoo. which is not an Iland, and therefore not within the compasse of my description at this time, but almost an Iland, which parcels the Latins call Peninsulas, and I doo english a Byland, vsing the word for such as a man may go into drie-footed at the full sea, or on horsse|backe at the low water without anie boat or vessell: and such a one almost is Rochford hundred in Essex al|so, yet not at this time to be spoken of, bicause not the sea onelie but the fresh water also doth in maner enui|ron it, and is the cheefe occasion wherfore it is called an Iland. This How lieth between Cliffe (in old time cal|led Clouesho , to wit, Cliffe in How or in the hundred of How) & the midwaie that goeth along by Rochester, of which hundred there goeth an old prouerbe in rime after this maner:

He that rideth into the hundred of How,
Beside pilfering sea-men shall find durt ynow.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Next vnto this we haue the Greane , Greane. wherein is a towne of the same denomination, an Ile supposed to be foure miles in length, and two in bredth. Then come we to Shepey, Shepey. which Ptolomie calleth Counos , conteining seauen miles in length, and three in bredth, wherein is a castell called Quinborow, and a parke, beside foure townes, of which one is named Minster, another East|church, the third Warden, and the fourth Leyden: the whole soile being throughlie fed with shéepe, verie well woodded, and (as I heare) belongeth to the Lord Chey|ney , as parcell of his inheritance. It lieth thirtéene miles by water from Rochester, but the castell is fif|téene, and by south thereof are two small Ilands,Elmesie. Herresie. wher|of the one is called Elmesie, and the more easterlie Her|tesie. In this also is a towne called Hertie, or Hartie, and all in the Lath of Scraie, notwithstanding that Hartie lieth in the hundred of Feuersham, and Shepey reteineth one especiall Bailie of hir owne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 From hence we passe by the Reculuers (or territo|rie belonging in time past to one Raculphus , who ere|cted an house of religion, or some such thing there) vnto a little Iland in the Stoure mouth. Herevpon also the Thanet abutteth,Srureey. Thanet. which Ptolomie calleth Toliapis, other Athanatos, bicause serpents are supposed not to liue in the same, howbeit sith it is not enuironed with the sea, it is not to be dealt withall as an Iland in this place, albeit I will not let to borow of my determination, and describe it as I go, bicause it is so fruitfull. Beda noteth it in times past to haue conteined 600. families, which are all one with Hidelands,In Lin|colneshire the word Hide or hideland, was neuer in vse in old time as in o|ther places, but for Hide they vsed the word Caru|cate or [...]art|ware, or Teme, and these were of no lesse com|passe than an Hideland. Ploughlands, Car|rucates, or Temewares. He addeth also that it is di|uided from our continent, by the riuer called Want|sume , which is about thrée furlongs broad, and to be pas|sed ouer in two places onelie. But whereas Polydore saieth, the Thanet is nine miles in length & not much lesse in bredth, it is now reckoned that it hath not much aboue seauen miles from Nordtmuth to Sandwich, and foure in bredth, from the Stoure to Margate, or from the south to the north, the circuit of the whole being 17. or 18. as Leland also noteth. This Iland hath no wood growing in it except it be forced, and yet other|wise it is verie fruitfull, and beside that it wanteth few other commodities, Ex Hugone le blanc Mo|nacho Petro|b [...]gensi . the finest chalke is said to be found there. Herein also did Augustine the moonke first ar|riue, when he came to conuert the Saxons, and after|ward in processe of time, sundry religious houses were erected there, as in a soile much bettered (as the super|sticious supposed) by the steps of that holy man, & such as came ouer with him. There are at this time 10. parish churches at the least in the Ile of Thanet, as S. Nicho|las, Birchington, S. Iohns, Wood or Woodchurch, S. Pe|ters, S. Laurence, Mownton or Monkeron, Minster, S. Gyles, and all Saincts, whereof M. Lambert hath writ|ten at large in his description of Kent, and placed the same in the Lath of sainct Augustine and hundred of Kingslow, as may easilie be séene to him that will per|use it.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Sometime Rutupium or (as Beda calleth it) Repta|cester, Rutupium. stood also in this Iland, but now thorough alte|ration of the chanell of the Dour, it is shut quite out, and annexed to the maine. It is called in these daies Richborow, and as it should seeme builded vpon an in|different soile or high ground. The large brickes also yet to be seene there, in the ruinous walles, declare ei|ther the Romane or the old British workemanship. But as time decaieth all things, so Rutupium named Ruptimuth is now become desolate, and out of the dust thereof Sandwich producted, which standeth a full mile from the place where Reptacester stood. The old wri|ters affirme, how Arthur & Mordred fought one notable battell here, wherin Gwallon or Gawan was slaine; at which time the said rebell came against his souereigne with 70000. Picts, Scots, Irish, Norwegiens, &c: and with Ethelbert the first christian king of Kent did hold his palace in this towne, and yet none of his coine hath hitherto beene found there, as is dailie that of the Romanes, whereof manie péeces of siluer and gold, so well as of brasse, copper, and other mettall haue often beene shewed vnto me. It should appéere in like sort, that of this place, all the whole coast of Kent therabout was called Littus Rutupinum, which some doo not a lit|tle confirme by these words of Lucane , to be read in his sixt booke soone after the beginning

EEBO page image 31
Aut vaga cum Tethis, Rutupinà littora feruent,
Vnda Calidonios fallit turbata Britannos.
Or when the wandering seas
and Kentish coasts doo worke,
And Calidons of British bloud,The last verse of one couple and first of an other.
the troubled waues beguile.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Meaning in like sort by the latter, the coast néere Andredeswald , which in time past was called Littus Calidonium of that wood or forrest, as Leland also confirmeth. But as it is not my mind to deale anie thing curiouslie in these by-matters, so in returning a|gaine to my purpose, and taking my iourney toward the Wight, I must needs passe by Selesey , which some|time (as it should séeme) hath béene a noble Iland,Seolesey of Seles there taken. but now in maner a Byland or Peninsula, wherin the chéefe sée of the bishop of Chichester was holden by the space of thrée hundred twentie nine yeares, and vnder twentie bishops.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Next vnto this, we come vnto those that lie betweene the Wight and the maine land, of which the most easter|lie is called Thorne, Thorne. and to saie truth, the verie least of all that are to be found in that knot. Being past the Thorne, we touched vpon the Haling , which is bigger than the Thorne, and wherein one towne is situat of the same denomination beside another, whose name I remember not.Haling. By west also of the Haling lieth the Port (the greatest of the three alreadie mentioned) and in this standeth Portsmouth and Ringstéed, whereof al|so our Leland, saieth thus: Port Ile is cut from the shore by an arme of the maine hauen, which breaketh out about thrée miles aboue Portsmouth, and goeth vp two miles or more by morish ground to a place called Portbridge,Port. which is two miles from Portsmouth. Then breaketh there out another créeke from the maine sea, about Auant hauen, which gulleth vp almost to Portbridge, and thence is the ground disseuered, so that Portsmouth standeth in a corner of this Ile, which Iland is in length six miles, and three miles in bredth, verie good for grasse and corne, not without some wood, and here and there inclosure. Beside this, there is also another Iland north northwest of Port Ile, which is now so worne and washed awaie with the working of the sea, that at the spring tides it is wholie couered with water, and thereby made vnprofitable. Finallie being past all these, and in compassing this gulfe, we come by an other, which lieth north of Hirst castell, & south|east of Kaie hauen, whereof I find nothing worthie to be noted, sauing that it wanteth wood, as Ptolomie af|firmeth in his Geographicall tables of all those Ilands which enuiron our Albion.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Wight is called in Latine Vectis, Wight. Guidh. but in the British speach Guidh, that is to saie, Eefe or easie to be séene, or (as D. Caius saith) separate, bicause that by a breach of the sea, it was once diuided from the maine, as Sicilia was also from Italie, Anglesei from Wales, Foulenesse from Essex, & Quinborow from Kent. It lieth distant from the south shore of Britaine (where it is fardest off) by fiue miles & a halfe, but where it com|meth neerest, not passing a thousand paces, and this at the cut ouer betwéene Hirst castell and a place called Whetwell chine , as the inhabitants doo report. It con|teineth in length twentie miles, and in bredth ten, it hath also the north pole eleuated by 50. degrées and 27. minutes, and is onelie 18. degrees in distance, and 50. od minuts from the west point, as experience hath confirmed, contrarie to the description of Ptolomie, and such as folow his assertions in the same. In forme, it representeth almost an eg, and so well is it inhabited with meere English at this present, that there are thir|tie six townes, villages and castels to be found therein, be side 27. parish-churches, of which 15. or 16. haue their Parsons, the rest either such poore Uicars or Curats, as the liuings left are able to sustaine. The names of the parishes in the Wight are these.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 It belongeth for temporall iurisdiction to the countie of Hamshire, but in spirituall cases it yéeldeth obe|dience to the sée of Winchester, wherof it is a Deane|rie. As for the soile of the whole Iland, it is verie fruit|full, for notwithstanding the shore of it selfe be verie full of rocks and craggie cliffes, yet there wanteth no plentie of cattell, corne, pasture, medow ground, wild foule, fish, fresh riuers, and pleasant woods, whereby the inhabitants may liue in ease and welfare. It was first ruled by a seuerall king, and afterwards wonne from the Britons by Vespasian the legat, at such time as he made a voiage into the west countrie. In pro|cesse of time also it was gotten from the Romans by the kings of Sussex, who held the souereignti [...] of the same, and kept the king thereof vnder tribute, till it was wonne also from them, in the time of Athelwold, the eight king of the said south region, by Ceadwalla, who killed Aruald that reigned there, and reserued the souereigntie of that Ile to himselfe and his successors for euermore. At this time also there were 1200. fa|milies in that Iland, whereof the said Ceadwalla gaue 300 to Wilfride sometime bishop of Yorke, exhorting him to erect a church there, and preach the gospell also to the inhabitants thereof, which he in like maner perfor|med, but according to the precriptions of the church of Rome, wherevnto he yéelded himselfe vassall and feu|darie: so that this Ile by Wilfride was first conuerted to the faith, though the last of all other that hearke|ned vnto the word. After Ceadwalla, Woolfride the parricide was the first Saxon prince that aduentu|red to flie into the Wight for his safegard, whither he was driuen by Kenwalch of the Westsaxons, who made great warres vpon him, and in the end compelled him to go into this place for succour, as did also king Iohn , in the rebellious stir of his Barons, practised by the clergie: the said Iland being as then in possession of the Forts, as some doo write that haue handled it of purpose. The first Earle of this Iland that I doo read of, was one Baldwijne de Betoun, who married for his second wife, the daughter of William le Grosse Earle of Awmarle; but he dieng without issue by this ladie, she was maried the second time to Earle Maundeuile, and thirdlie to William de Fortes, who finished Skip|ton castell, which his wiues father had begun about the time of king Richard the first. Hereby it came to passe also, that the Forts were Earls of Awmarle, Wight, and Deuonshire a long time, till the ladie Elizabeth Fortes, sole heire to all those possessions came to age, with whom king Edward the third so preuailed through monie & faire words, that he gat the possession of the Wight wholie into his hands, & held it to himselfe & his successors, vntill Henrie the sixt, about the twentieth of his reigne, crowned Henrie Beauchamp sonne to the lord Richard Earle of Warwike king thereof and of Iardesey and Gardesey with his owne hands, and thervnto gaue him a commendation of the Dutchie of Warwike with the titles of Comes comitum Angliae, lord Spenser of Aburgauenie, and of the castell of Bristow (which castell was sometime taken from his ancestors by king Iohn) albeit he did not long enioy EEBO page image 32 these great honors, sith he died 1446. without issue, and seuen yéeres after his father.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After we be past the Wight, we go forward and come vnto Poole hauen, wherein is an Ile, called Brunt Keysy , Brunt Keysy. in which was sometime a parish church, and but a chapell at this present, as I heare. There are also two other Iles, but as yet I know not their names.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 We haue (after we are passed by these) another Ile, or rather Byland also vpon the coast named Portland not far from Waymouth or the Gowy,Portland. a prettie fertile peece though without wood, of ten miles in circuit, now well inhabited, but much better heretofore, and yet are there about foure score housholds in it. There is but one street of houses therein, the rest are dis|persed, howbeit they belong all to one parish-church, whereas in time past there were two within the com|passe of the same. There is also a castell of the kings, who is lord of the Ile, although the bishop of Winche|ster be patrone of the church, the parsonage whereof is the fairest house in all the péece. The people there are no lesse excellent stingers of stones than were the Ba|leares, who would neuer giue their children their din|ners till they had gotten the same with their stings, and therefore their parents vsed to hang their meate verie high vpon some bough, to the end that he which strake it downe might onlie haue it, whereas such as missed were sure to go without it, Florus lib. 3. cap. 8. Which feat the Portlands vse for the defense of their Iland, and yet otherwise are verie couetous. And wheras in time past they liued onlie by fishing, now they fall to tillage. Their fire bote is brought out of the Wight, and other places, yet doo they burne much cow doong dri|ed in the sunne, for there is I saie no wood in the Ile, ex|cept a few elmes that be about the church. There would some grow there, no doubt, if they were willing to plant it, although the soile lie verie bleake and open. It is not long since this was vnited to the maine, and likelie yer long to be cut off againe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Being past this we raise another, also in the mouth of the Gowy, betweene Colsford and Lime, of which for the smalnesse thereof I make no great account. Wherefore giuing ouer to intreat any farther of it,Iardsey. I cast about to Iardsey, and Gardesey, Gardesey. which Iles with their appurtenances apperteined in times past to the Dukes of Normandie, but now they remaine to our Quéene, as parcell of Hamshire and iurisdiction of Winchester, & belonging to hir crowne, by meanes of a composition made betwéene K. Iohn of England and the K. of France, when the dominions of the said prince began so fast to decrease, as Thomas Sulmo saith.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Of these two,Iardsey. Iardsey is the greatest, an Iland hauing thirtie miles in compasse, as most men doo con|iecture. There are likewise in the same twelue parish-churches, with a colledge, which hath a Deane and Prebends. It is distant from Gardsey full 21. miles, or therabouts, and made notable, by meanes of a blou|die fact doone there in Queene Maries daies, whereby a woman called Perotine Massie wife vnto an honest minister or préest, being great with childe by hir hus|band, was burned to ashes: through the excéeding crueltie of the Deane and Chapiter, then contending manifestlie against God for the mainteinance of their popish and antichristian kingdome. In this hir execu|tion, and at such time as the fire caught holde of hir wombe, hir bellie brake, and there issued a goodly man|childe from hir, with such force that it fell vpon the cold ground quite beyond the heate and furie of the flame, which quicklie was taken vp and giuen from one tor|mentor and aduersarie to an other to looke vpon, whose eies being after a while satisfied with the beholding thereof,Horrible murther. they threw it vnto the carcase of the mother which burned in the fire, whereby the poore innocent was consumed to ashes, whom that furious element would gladlie haue left vntouched,Gardsey. & wherevnto it mi|nistred (as you heare) an hurtlesse passage. In this lat|ter also, there haue béene in times past, fiue religious houses, and nine castels, howbeit in these daies there is but one parish-church lest standing in the same. There are also certeine other small Ilands, which Henrie the second in his donation calleth Insulettas, beside verie manie rocks whereof one called S. Hilaries S. Hilaries. (wherein sometime was a monasterie) is fast vpon Iardsey, ano|ther is named the Cornet, Cornet. which hath a castel not passing an arrow shot from Gardsey.Serke. The Serke also is be|twéene both, which is six miles about, and hath another annexed to it by an Isthmus or Strictland, wherein was a religious house, & therwithall great store of conies.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There is also the Brehoc ,Brehoc. the Gytho ,Gytho. and the Herme, Herme. which latter is foure miles in compasse, and therein was sometime a Canonrie, that afterward was con|uerted into an house of Franciscanes. There are two other likewise neere vnto that of S. Hilarie, of whose names I haue no notice. There is also the rockie Ile of Burhoo , Burhoo, ali|às the Ile of rats. but now the Ile of rats, so called of the huge plentie of rats that are found there, though otherwise it be replenished with infinit store of conies, betwéene whome and the rats, as I coniecture, the same which we call Turkie conies,Turkie co|nies. are oftentimes produced among those few houses that are to be seene in this Iland. Some are of the opinion that there hath béene more store of building in this Ile than is at this present to be seene, & that it became abandoned through multitudes of rats, but hereof I find no perfect warrantise that I may safelie trust vnto, yet in other places I read of the like thing to haue happened, as in Gyara of the Cycla|des, where the rats increased so fast that they drauc a|way the people. Varro speaketh of a towne in Spaine that was ouerthrowne by conies. The Abderits were driuen out of Thracia by the increase of mice & frogs; and so manie conies were there on a time in the Iles Maiorca and Minorca (now perteining to Spaine) that the people began to starue for want of bread, and their cattell for lacke of grasse. And bicause the Iland|ers were not able to ouercome them, Augustus was constreined to send an armie of men to destroie that needlesse brood. Plin. lib. 8. cap. 55. A towne also in France sometime became desolate onelie by frogs and todes. Another in Africa by locustes and also by grashoppers, as Amicla was by snakes and adders.Causes of the desolati|on of sundrie cities and townes. Theophrast telleth of an whole countrie consumed by the palmer-worme, which is like vnto an huge cater|piller. Plinie writeth of a prouince vpon the borders of Aethiopia made void of people by ants and scorpions, and how the citizens of Megara in Grecia were faine to leaue that citie through multitudes of bées, as waspes had almost driuen the Ephensians out of Ephe|sus. But this of all other (whereof Aelianus intreateth ) is most woonderfull, that when the Cretenses were cha|sed out of a famous citie of their Iland by infinit num|bers of bees, the said bees conuerted their houses into hiues, and made large combes in them which reached from wall to wall, wherein they reserued their honie. Which things being dulie considered, I doo not denie the possibilitie of the expulsion of the inhabitants out of the Ile of Burho by rats, although I say that I doo not warrant the effect, bicause I find it not set downe directlie in plaine words.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Beside this there is moreouer the Ile of Alderney a verie pretie plot,Alderney. about seuen miles in compasse, wher|in in a préest not long since did find a coffin of stone, in which lay the bodie of an huge giant, whose fore téeth were so big as a mans fist, as Leland dooth report.Comment. Cer|tes this to me is no maruell at all,Brit. sith I haue read of greater, and mentioned them alreadie in the begin|ning of this booke. Such a tooth also haue they in Spaine wherevnto they go in pilgrimage as vnto S. Christo|phers tooth, but it was one of his eie teeth, if Ludouicus Viues say true, who went thither to offer vnto the EEBO page image 33 same. S. August. de ciuit. lib. 15. cap. 9 . writeth in like sort, of such another found vpon the coast of Vtica, and thereby gathereth that all men in time past were not onlie far greater than they be now, but also the giants farre exceeding the huge stature and height of the high|est of them all.Iliad. 6. Homer complaineth that men in his time were but dwarfes in comparison of such as liued in the wars of Troy. See his fift Iliad, where he spea|keth of Diomedes, Iliad 5. & 7. and how he threw a stone at Aeneas, (which 14. men of his time were not able to stirre) and therewith did hit him on the thigh and ouerthrew him. Virgil also noteth no lesse, in his owne deuise,Virgilius Aen. 12. but Iu|uenall bréefelie comprehendeth all this in his 15. Satya, where he saith:

Saxa inclinatis per humum quaesita lacertis
Incipiunt torquere, domestica seditione
Tela, nec hunc lapidem, quali se Turnus, & Aiax,
Et quo Tytides percussit pondere coxam
Aeneae: sed quem valeant emittere dextrae
Illis dissimiles, & nostro tempore nata.
Nam genus hoc viuo iam decrescebat Homero,
Terra malos homines nunc educat, atque pusillos,
Ergo Deus quicunque aspexit, ridet, & odit.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to returne againe vnto the Ile of Alderney, from whence I haue digressed. Herein also is a prettie towne with a parish-church, great plentie of corne, cattell, conies, and wilde foule, whereby the inhabi|tants doo reape much gaine and commoditie: onelie wood is their want, which they otherwise supplie. The language also of such as dwell in these Iles, is French; but the wearing of their haire long, & the attire of those that liued in Gardsey and Iardsey, vntill the time of king Henrie the eight, was all after the Irish guise. The Ile of Gardsey also was sore spoiled by the French 1371 . and left so desolate, that onlie one castell remai|ned therein vntouched.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Beyond this, and neere vnto the coast of England (for these doo lie about the verie middest of the British sea) we haue one Iland called the Bruch or the Bruch|sey ,Bruchsey. lieng about two miles from Poole, whither men saile from the Fromouth, and wherein is nought else, but an old chapell, without any other housing.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Next to this also are certeine rocks, which some take for Iles, as Illeston rocke néere vnto Peritorie , Horestan Ile a mile from Peritorie by south, Blacke rocke Ile southeast from Peritorie toward Teygne|mouth, and also Chester, otherwise called Plegimund|ham: but how (to saie truth) or where this latter lieth, I cannot make report as yet, neuerthelesse sith Le|land noteth them togither, I thinke it not my part to make separation of them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 From hence the next Ile is called Mount. Iland,Mount Iland. o|therwise Mowtland, situate ouer against Lough, a|bout two miles from the shore, and well néere thrée miles in compasse. This Iland hath no inhabitants, but onelie the warrenner and his dog, who looketh vn|to the conies there: notwithstanding that vpon the coast thereof in time of the yeere, great store of pil|chards is taken, and carried from thence into manie places of our countrie. It hath also a fresh well com|ming out of the rocks, which is worthie to be noted in so small a compasse of ground. Moreouer in the mouth of the créeke that leadeth vnto Lough, or Loow, as some call it, there is another little Iland of about eight acres of ground called S. Nicholas Ile ,S. Nicholas Iland. and midwaie betweene Falmouth and Dudman (a certeine Pro|montorie is such another named the Gréefe ,Greefe. wherein is great store of gulles & sea foule. As for Inis Pry|nin ,Inis Pry|nin. it lieth within the Baie, about three miles from Li|zards, and containeth not aboue two acres of ground, from which Newltjn is not far distant, and wherein is a poore fisher-towne and a faire wel-spring, wherof as yet no writer hath made mention. After these (omit|ting Pendinant in the point of Falmouth hauen) we came at last to saint Michaels mount,S. Micha|els mount. whereof I find this description readie to my hand in Leland.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The compasse of the root of the mount of saint Mi|chael is not much more than halfe a mile, and of this the south part is pasturable and bréedeth conies, the resi|due high and rockie soile. In the north side thereof al|so is a garden, with certeine houses and shops for fisher|men. Furthermore, the waie to the mountaine lieth at the north side, and is frequented from halfe eb to halfe floud, the entrance beginning at the foot of the hill, and so ascending by steps and greeces westward, first; and then eastward to the vtter ward of the church. Within the same ward also is a court stronglie walled, wherein on the south side is a chapell of S. Michaell, and in the east side another of our ladie. Manie times a man may come to the hill on foot. On the north northwest side hereof also, is a Piere for botes and ships, and in the Baie betwixt the mount and Pensardz are seene at the lowe water marke, diuers roots and stubs of trées, beside hewen stone, sometimes of doores & windowes, which are perceiued in the inner part of the Baie, and import that there hath not onelie beene building, but al|so firme ground, whereas the salt water doth now rule and beare the maisterie. Beyond this is an other little Ile, called S. Clements Ile, of a chapell there de|dicated to that saint.S. Cle|ments Ile. It hath a little from it also the Ile called Mowshole, which is not touched in any Chard. As for Mowshole it selfe, it is a towne of the maine, called in Cornish Port Enis, that is, Portus insulae , whereof the said Ile taketh denomination, and in tin workes néere vnto the same there hath beene found of late, speare heds, battell axes, and swords of copper wrapped vp in linnen, and scarselie hurt with rust or other hinde|rance. Certes the sea hath won verie much in this cor|ner of our Iland, but chéefelie betwéene Mowshole and Pensardz.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Hauing thus passed ouer verie neere all such Iles, as lie vpon the south coast of Britaine, and now being come vnto the west part of our countrie, a sudden Pirie cat [...]heth hold of vs (as it did before, when we went to Iardsey) and carieth vs yet more westerlie a|mong the flats of Sylley. Such force dooth the south|east wind often shewe vpon poore trauellers in those parts,Sylley Iles or Syl. as the south and southwest dooth vpon stran|gers against the British coast, that are not skilfull of our rodes and harborowes. Howbeit such was our suc|cesse in this voiage, that we feared no rocks, more than did king Athelstane, when he subdued them (and soone after builded a colledge of preests at S. Burien, in performance of his vow made when he enterpri|sed this voiage for his safe returne) nor anie tempest of weather in those parts that could annoie our pas|sage. Perusing therefore the perils whereinto we were pitifullie plunged, we found the Syllane Ilands (pla|ces often robbed by the Frenchmen and Spaniards) to lie distant from the point of Cornewall, about three or foure hours sailing, or twentie English miles, as some men doo account it. There are of these (as I said) to the number of one hundreth fortie seauen in sight, whereof each one is greater or lesse than other, and most of them sometime inhabited: howbeit, there are twentie of them, which for their greatnesse and commodities ex|ceed all the rest. Thereto (if you respect their position) they are situat in maner of a circle or ring, hauing an huge lake or portion of the sea in the middest of them, which is not without perill to such as with small aduisement enter into the same. Certes it passeth my cunning, either to name or to describe all these one hundreth fourtie seauen, according to their estate; nei|ther haue I had anie information of them, more than I haue gathered by Leland, or gotten out of a map of their description, which I had sometime of Reginald Woolfe: wherfore omitting as it were all the rags, and such as are not worthie to haue anie time spent about EEBO page image 34 their particular descriptions, I will onelie touch the greatest, and those that lie togither (as I said) in ma|ner of a roundle.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The first and greatest of these therefore,S. Maries Ile. called S. Maries Ile , is about fiue miles ouer, or nine miles in compasse. Therein also is a parish-church, and a poore towne belonging thereto, of threescore housholds, be|side a castell, plentie of corne, conies, wild swans, puffens, gulles, cranes, & other kinds of foule, in great abundance. This fertile Iland being thus viewed, we sailed southwards by the Norman rocke, and S. Maries sound vnto Agnus Ile, which is six miles ouer,Agnus Ile. and hath in like sort one towne or parish within the same of fiue or six housholds, beside no small store of hogs & conies of sundrie colours, verie profitable to their owners. It is not long since this Ile was left desolate, for when the inhabitants thereof returned from a feast holden in S. Maries Ile, they were all drowned, and not one person left aliue. There are also two other small Ilands, betwéene this and the Annot , whereof I find nothing worthie relation: for as both of them ioind togither are not comparable to the said Annot Annot. for greatnesse and circuit, so they want both hogs and conies, wherof An|not hath great plentie. There is moreouer the Minwi|sand, Minwisand. from whence we passe by the Smithy sound Smithy sound. (lea|uing thrée little Ilands on the left hand, vnto the Suar|tigan Suartigan. Iland, then to Rousuian , Rousuian. Rousuiar , Rousuiar. and the Creg|win , Cregwin. which seauen are (for the most part) replenished with conies onelie, and wild garlike, but void of wood & other commodities, sauing of a short kind of grasse, or here & there some firzes whereon their conies doo féed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Leauing therefore these desert peeces, we incline a little toward the northwest, where we stumble or run vpon Moncarthat, Moncar|that. Inis Welseck , Inis Wel|seck. & Suethiall . Suethiall. We came in like sort vnto Rat Iland ,Rat Iland. wherein are so manie mon|strous rats, that if anie horsses, or other beasts, happen to come thither, or be left there by negligence but one night, they are sure to be deuoured & eaten vp, without all hope of recouerie. There is moreouer the Anwall Anwall. and the Brier, Brier. Ilands in like sort void of all good furni|ture, conies onelie excepted, and the Brier (wherein is a village, castell, and parish-church) bringeth foorth no lesse store of hogs, and wild foule, than Rat Iland doth of rats, whereof I greatlie maruell.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 By north of the Brier, lieth the Rusco , Rusco. which hath a Labell or Byland stretching out toward the southwest, called Inis widdon. Inis widdõ. This Rusco is verie neere so great as that of S. Maries. It hath moreouer an hold, and a parish within it, beside great store of conies and wild foule, whereof they make much gaine in due time of the yeare. Next vnto this we come to the Round Iland ,Round I|land. which is about a mile ouer, then to S. Lides S. Lides. Iland, (wherein is a parish-church dedicated to that Saint, be|side conies, wood, and wild foule, of which two later there is some indifferent store) the Notho, Notho. the Auing, Auing. (one of them being situat by south of another, and the Auing halfe a mile ouer, which is a iust halfe lesse than the Notho) and the Tyan , Tyan. which later is a great Iland, furnished with a parish-church, and no small plentie of conies as I heare.S. Martines. After the Tyan we come to S. Mar|tines Ile, wherein is a faire towne, the Ile it selfe being next vnto the Rusco for greatnesse, and verie well fur|nished with conies & fresh springs. Also betwixt this and S. Maries, are ten other, smaller, which reach out of the northeast into the southwest, as Knolworth, Knolworth. Sniuil|liuer, Sniuilliuer. Menwetham , Menwethã. Vollis. 1. Vollis. 1. Surwihe, Surwihe. Vollis. 2. Vollis. 2. Arthurs Arthurs Ile. Iland, Guiniliuer , Guiniliuer. Nenech Nenech. and Gothrois , Gothrois. whose estates are diuers: howbeit as no one of these is to be ac|counted great in comparison of the other, so they all yéeld a short grasse méet for sheepe and conies, as doo al|so the rest. In the greater Iles likewise (whose names are commonlie such as those of the townes or churches standing in the same) there are (as I here) sundry lakes, and those neuer without great plentie of wild foule, so that the Iles of Sylley, are supposed to be no lesse bene|ficiall to their lords, than anie other what soeuer, within the compasse of our Ile, or neere vnto our coasts. In some of them also are wild swine.Wild swine in Sylley. And as these Iles are supposed to be a notable safegard to the coast of Corne|wall, so in diuerse of them great store of tin is like|wise to be found. There is in like maner such plentie of fish taken among these same, that beside the feeding of their swine withall, a man shall haue more there for a penie, than in London for ten grotes. Howbeit their cheefe commoditie is made by Reigh, which they drie, cut in peeces, and carie ouer into little Britaine, where they exchange it there, for salt, canuas, readie monie, or o|ther merchandize which they doo stand in need of. A like trade haue some of them also, with Buckhorne or dried whiting, as I heare. But sith the author of this report did not flatlie auouch it, I passe ouer that fish as not in season of this time. Thus haue we viewed the richest and most wealthie Iles of Sylley, from whence we must direct our course eastwards, vnto the mouth of the Sauerne, and then go backe againe vnto the west point of Wales, continuing still our voiage along vp|on the west coast of Britaine, till we come to the Sol|uey whereat the kingdomes part, & from which foorth on we must touch such Ilands as lie vpon the west and north shore, till we be come againe vnto the Scotish sea, and to our owne dominions.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 From the point of Cornewall therefore, or promon|torie of Helenus Helenus. (so called, as some thinke, bicause He|lenus the son of Priamus Priamus. who arriued here with Brute lieth buried there, except the sea haue washed awaie his sepulchre) vntill we come vnto the mouth of Sa|uerne, we haue none Ilands at all that I doo know or heare of, but one litle Byland, Cape or Peninsula, which is not to be counted of in this place. And yet sith I haue spoken of it, you shall vnderstand, that it is called Pendinas , and beside that the compasse thereof is not aboue a mile, this is to be remembred farder thereof, how there standeth a Pharos or light therein, for ships which saile by those coasts in the night. There is also at the verie point of the said Pendinas, Pendinas. a chappell of saint Nicholas, beside the church of saint Ia , an Irish wo|man saint. It belonged of late to the Lord Brooke, but now (as I gesse) the Lord Mountioy enioieth it . There is also a blockhouse, and a péere in the eastside thereof, but the péere is sore choked with sand, as is the whole shore furthermore from S. Ies vnto S. Carantokes , inso|much that the greatest part of this Byland is now co|uered with sands, which the sea casteth vp, and this cala|mitie hath indured little aboue fiftie yeares, as the in|habitants doo affirme.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There are also two rocks neere vnto Tredwy , and another not farre from Tintagell, all which many of the common sort doo repute and take for Iles: where|fore as one desirous to note all, I thinke it not best that these should be omitted: but to proceed. When we be come further, I meane vnto the Sauerne mouth, we meet the two Holmes, of which one is called Step|holme, and the other Flatholme , of their formes bée|ing in déed parcels of ground and low soiles fit for lit|tle else than to beare grasse for cattell, whereof they take those names. For Holme is an old Saxon word, applied to all such places. Of these also Stepholme li|eth south of the Flatholme, about foure or fiue miles; the first also a mile and an halfe, the other two miles or thereabout in length; but neither of them a mile and an halfe in breadth, where they doo seeme to be the broa|dest.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 It should séeme by some that they are not worthie to be placed among Ilands: yet othersome are of opini|on, that they are not altogither so base, as to be reputed amongst flats or rocks: but whatsoeuer they be, this is sure, that they oft annoie such passengers and mer|chants as passe and repasse vpon that riuer. Neither EEBO page image 35 doo I read of any other Iles which lie by east of these, saue onlie the Barri, Barri. and Dunwen: the first of which is so called of one Barroc, a religious man (as Gyral|dus saith) and is about a flight shot from the shore. Herin also is a rocke standing at the verie entrance of the cliffe, which hath a little rift or chine vpon the side, wherevnto if a man doo laie his eare, he shall heare a noise, as if smithes did worke at the forge, sometimes blowing with their bellowes, and sometimes stri|king and clinking with hammers, whereof manie men haue great wonder; Barri is a feight shot from the shore. and no maruell. It is about a mile in compasse, situat ouer against Aberbarry, and hath a chappell in it.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Dunwen is so called of a church (dedicated to a Welsh woman saint,Dunwen. called Dunwen) that standeth there. It lieth more than two miles from Henrosser, right against Neuen , and hath within it two faire mils, & great store of conies. Certes if the sand increase so fast hereafter as it hath done of late about it, it will be vnited to the maine within a short season. Beyond these & toward the coast of Southwales lie two other Ilands, larger in quantitie than the Holmes, of which the one is called Caldee or Inis Pyr. Caldee. It hath a parish|church with a spire steeple, and a pretie towne belonging to the countie of Pembroke, and iurisdiction of one Da|uid in Wales. Leland supposeth the ruines that are found therein to haue béene of an old priorie some|times called Lille, which was a cell belonging to the monasterie of S. Dogmael, but of this I can saie no|thing. The other hight Londy, Londy. wherein is also a village or towne, and of this Iland the parson of the said towns is not onelie the captaine, but hath thereto weife, di|stresse, and all other commodities belonging to the same. It is little aboue sixteene miles from the coast of Wales, though it be thirtie from Caldée, and yet it ser|ueth (as I am informed) lord and king in Deuonshire. Moreouer in this Iland is great plentie of sheepe, but more conies, and therewithall of verie fine and short grasse for their better food & pasturage; likewise much Sampere vpon the shore, which is carried from thence in barrels. And albeit that there be not scarslie fourtie housholds in the whole, yet the inhabitants there with huge stones (alredie prouided) may kéepe off thousands of their enimies, bicause it is not possible for anie ad|uersaries to assaile them, but onelie at one place, and with a most dangerous entrance. In this voiage also we met with two other Ilands, one of them called Shepes Ile, the other Rat Ile ; the first is but a little plot lieng at the point of the Baie, before we come at the Blockhouse which standeth north of the same, at the verie entrie into Milford hauen vpon the eastside. By north also of Shepes Ile, and betwéene it & Stacke rocke, which lieth in the verie middest of the hauen, at another point is Rat Ile yet smaller than the former, but what commodities are to be found in them as yet I cannot tell.Schalmey. Schalmey the greater and the lesse lie northwest of Milford hauen a good waie. They belong both to the crowne, but are not inhabited, bicause they be so often spoiled with pirates.Schoncold. Schoncold Ile ioineth vnto great Schalmey, and is bigger than it, onlie a pas|sage for ships parteth them, whereby they are supposed to be one: Leland noteth them to lie in Milford hauen. Beside these also we found the Bateholme, Stocke|holme, Midland, and Gresholme Iles, and then dou|bling the Wellock point, we came into a Baie, where we saw saint Brides Iland , and another in the Sound betwéene Ramsey and the point , of all which Iles and such rocks as are offensiue to mariners that passe by them, it may be my hap to speake more at large here|after.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Limen (as Ptolomie calleth it) is situat ouer against S. Dauids in Wales (wherevnto we must néeds come,Limen or Ramsey. after we be past another little one, which some men doo call Gresholme ) & lieth directlie west of Schalmey. In a late map I find this Limen to be called in English Ramsey: Leland also confirmeth the same, and I can|not learne more thereof, than that it is much greater than anie of the other last mentioned (sithens I descri|bed the Holmes) and for temporall iurisdiction a mem|ber of Penbrookeshire, as it is vnto S. Dauids for mat|ters concerning the church. Leland in his commen|taries of England lib. 8. saieth that it contained thrée Ilets, whereof the bishop of S. Dauids is owner of the greatest, but the chanter of S. Dauids claimeth the se|cond, as the archdeacon of Cairmarden dooth the third. And in these is verie excellent pasture for sheepe and horses, but not for other horned beasts which lacke their vpper téeth by nature (whose substance is conuerted in|to the nourishment of their hornes) and therefore can|not bite so low. Next vnto this Ile we came to Mawr , Mawr. an Iland in the mouth of Mawr, scant a bow shoot o|uer, and enuironed at the low water with fresh, but at the high with salt, and here also is excellent catching of herings.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, procéeding on still with our course, we fetched a compasse, going out of the north toward the west, and then turning againe (as the coast of the coun|trie leadeth) vntill we sailed full south, leauing the shore still on our right hand, vntill we came vnto a cou|ple of Iles, which doo lie vpon the mouth of the Soch , one of them being distant (as we gessed) a mile from the other, and neither of them of anie greatnesse al|most worthie to be remembred. The first that we came vnto is called Tudfall , and therein is a church,Tudfall. but without anie parishioners, except they be shéepe and conies. The quantitie thereof also is not much a|boue six acres of ground, measured by the pole. The next is Penthlin, Myrach, or Mererosse, Penthlin. situat in maner betwixt Tudfall or Tuidall and the shore, and herein is verie good pasture for horsses, wherof (as I take it) that name is giuen vnto it. Next vnto them, we come vnto Gwelyn , Guelyn. a little Ile which lieth southeast of the fall of Daron or Daren, a thing of small quantitie, and yet al|most parted in the mids by water, and next of all vnto Bardsey an Iland lieng ouer against Periuincle the southwest point or promontorie of Northwales (where Merlin Syluestris lieth buried) and whither the rest of the monks of Bangor did flie to saue themselues, when 2100. of their fellowes were slaine by the Saxon prin|ces in the quarell of Augustine the monke, & the citie of Caerleon or Chester raced to the ground, and not since reedified againe to anie purpose. Ptolomie calleth this Iland Lymnos, the Britons Enlhi , and therein also is a parish-church, as the report goeth. From hence we cast about, gathering still toward the northest, till we came to Caer Ierienrhod , a notable rocke situat ouer against the mouth of the Leuenni, wherein standeth a strong hold or fortresse, or else some towne or village. Certes we could not well discerne whether of both it was, bi|cause the wind blew hard at southwest, the morning was mistie, and our mariners doubting some flats to be couched not far from thence, hasted awaie vnto An|glesei, whither we went apace with a readie wind e|uen at our owne desire.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This Iland (which Tacitus mistaketh no doubt for Mona Caesaris, and so dooth Ptolomie as appeareth by his latitudes) is situat about two miles from the shore of Northwales. Paulus Iouius gesseth that it was in time past ioined to the continent, or maine of our Ile,Anglesei cut from Wales by working of the sea. and onelie cut off by working of the Ocean, as Sicilia peraduenture was from Italie by the violence of the Leuant or practise of some king that reigned there. Thereby also (as he saith) the inhabitants were con|streind at the first to make a bridge ouer into the same, till the breach waxed so great, that no such passage could anie longer be mainteined. But as these things doo ei|ther not touch my purpose at all, or make smallie with the present description of this Ile: so (in comming to EEBO page image 36 my matter) Anglesei is found to be full so great as the Wight,Anglesei. and nothing inferiour, but rather surmoun|ting it, as that also which Caesar calleth Mona in fruit|fulnesse of soile by manie an hundred fold. In old time it was reputed and taken for the common granarie to Wales, as Sicilia was to Rome and Italie for their prouision of corne. In like maner the Welshmen themselues called it the mother of their countrie, for gi|uing their minds wholie to pasturage, as the most easie and lesse chargeable trade, they vtterlie neglected til|lage, as men that leaned onelie to the fertilitie of this Iland for their corne, from whence they neuer failed to receiue continuall abundance. Gyraldus saith that the Ile of Anglesei was no lesse sufficient to minister graine for the sustentation of all the men of Wales, than the mountaines called Ereri or Snowdoni in Northwales were to yeeld plentie of pasture for all the cattell whatsoeuer within the aforesaid compasse, if they were brought togither and left vpon the same. It contained moreouer so manie townes welnéere, as there be daies in a yeare, which some conuerting into Cantreds haue accompted but for three, as Gyraldus saith. Howbeit, as there haue beene I say 363. townes in Anglesei, so now a great part of that reckoning is vtterlie shroonke, and so far gone to decaie, that the ve|rie ruines of them are vnneath to be séene & discerned: and yet it séemeth to be méetlie well inhabited. Leland noting the smalnesse of our hundreds in comparison to that they were in time past, addeth (so far as I remem|ber) that there are six of them in Anglesei, as Menay, Maltraith, Liuon, Talbellion, Torkalin, and Tindaithin: herevnto Lhoid saith also how it belonged in old time vnto the kingdome of Guinhed or Northwales, and that therein at a towne called Aberfraw , being on the southwestside of the Ile, the kings of Gwinhed held euermore their palaces, whereby it came to passe, that the kings of Northwales were for a longtime called kings of Aberfraw, as the Welshmen named the kings of England kings of London, till better instru|ction did bring them farther knowledge.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There are in Anglesei many townes and villages, whose names as yet I cannot orderlie atteine vnto: wherefore I will content my selfe with the rehearsall of so many as we viewed in sailing about the coasts, and otherwise heard report of by such as I haue talked withall. Beginning therefore at the mouth of the Gef|ni (which riseth at northeast aboue Gefni or Geuenni, 20. miles at the least into the land) we passed first by Hundwyn , then by Newborow , Port Hayton , Beau|marrais , Penmon , Elian , Almwoch , Burric (whereby runneth a rill into a creeke) Cornew, Holihed (stan|ding in the promontorie) Gwifen , Aberfraw , and Cair Cadwalader , of all which, the two latter stand as it were in a nuke betweene the Geuenni water, and the Fraw, wherevpon Aberfraw is situate. Within the Iland we heard onlie of Gefni afore mentioned, of Gristial standing vpon the same water, of Tefri, of La|nerchimedh , Lachtenfarwy and Bodedrin , but of all these the cheefe is now Beaumarais, which was builded sometime by king Edward the first, and therewithall a strong castell about the yeare 1295. to kéepe that land in quiet. There are also (as Leland saith) 31. parish|churches beside 69. chappels, that is, a hundreth in all. But héerof I can saie little, for lacke of iust instruction. In time past, the people of this Ile vsed not to seuerall their grounds, but now they dig stonie hillocks, and with the stones thereof they make rude walles, much like to those of Deuonshire, sith they want hedge|bote, fire bote, and house bote, or (to saie at one word) timber, bushes and trees. As for wine, it is so plenti|full and good cheape there most commonlie as in Lon|don, through the great recourse of merchants from France, Spaine, and Italie vnto the aforesaid Iland. The flesh likewise of such cattell as is bred there, wher|of we haue store yearelie brought vnto Cole faire in Essex is most delicate, by reason of their excellent pa|sture, and so much was it esteemed by the Romans in time past, that Columella did not onelie commend and preferre them before those of Liguria, but the em|perours themselues being neere hand also caused their prouision to be made for nete out of Anglesei, to feed vpon at their owne tables as the most excellent beefe. It taketh now the name of Angles and Ei, which is to meane the Ile of Englishmen, bicause they wan it in the Conquerors time , vnder the leading of Hugh earle of Chester, and Hugh of Shrewesburie. Howbeit they recouered it againe in the time of William Rufus, when they spoiled the citie of Glocester, ransacked Shrewes|burie, and returned home with great bootie and pillage, in which voiage also they were holpen greatlie by the Irishmen, who after thrée yeares ioined with them a|gaine, and slue the earle of Shrewesburie (which then liued) with great crueltie. The Welshmen call it Tire|mone and Mon, and herein likewise is a promontorie or Byland, called Holie head Holie head, or Cair kiby. (which hath in time past beene named Cair kyby, of Kyby a monke that dwel|led there) from whence the readiest passage is common|lie had out of Northwales to get ouer into Ireland, of which Ile I will not speake at this time, least I shuld bereaue another of that trauell. Yet Plinie saith, lib. 4. cap. 16. that it lieth not farre off from and ouer a|gainst the Silures, which then dwelled vpon the west coast of our Iland, and euen so farre as Dunbritton, and beyond: but to our Cair kybi. The Britons named it Enylsnach, or holie Ile, Enilsnach, holie Ile. of the number of carcases of holie men, which they affirme to haue beene buried there. But herein I maruell not a little, wherein women had offended, that they might not come thither, or at the least wise returne from thence without some notable reproch or shame vnto their bo|dies. By south also of Hilarie point, somewhat incli|ning toward the east, lieth Inis Lygod, a small thing (God wot) and therefore not worthie great remem|brance: neuertheles not to be omitted, though nothing else inforced the memoriall thereof, but onelie the number and certeine fale of such Iles as lie about our Iland. I might also speake of the Ile Mail Rony|ad , which lieth north west of Anglesei by sixe miles; but bicause the true name hereof, as of manie riuers and streames are to me vnknowne, I am the more willing to passe them ouer in silence, least I should be noted to be farther corrupter of such words as I haue no skill to deliuer and exhibit in their kind. And now to conclude with the description of the whole Iland, this I will ad moreouer vnto hir commodities, that as there are the best milstones of white, red, blew, and gréene gréets, (especiallie in Tindaithin) so there is great gaines to be gotten by fishing round about this Ile, if the people there could vse the trade: but they want both cunning and diligence to take that matter in hand. And as for temporall regiment, it apperteineth to the countie of Cairnaruon, so in spirituall cases it belongeth to the bi|shoprike of Bangor. This is finallie to be noted of An|glesei,Ancient buriall. that sundrie earthen pots are often found there of dead mens bones conuerted into ashes, set with the mouthes downeward contrarie to the vse of other na|tions, which turned the brims vpwards, whereof let this suffice.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Hauing thus described Anglesei, it resteth to report furthermore, how that in our circuit about the same, we met with other little Ilets, of which one lieth north|west thereof almost ouer against Butricke mouth, or the fall of the water, that passeth by Butricke. The Britons called it Ynis Ader, Adar. that is to say, the Ile of birds in old time, but now it hight Ynis Moil, Moil. or Ynis Rhomaid, Rhomaid. that is the Ile of porpasses. It hath to name likewise Ysterisd, Ysterisd. and Adros. Adros. Being past this, we came to the second lieng by north east, ouer against the Hilarie EEBO page image 37 point,Lygod. called Ynis Ligod, that is to saie, the Ile of Mise , and of these two this latter is the smallest, neither of them both being of any greatnesse to speake of. Ynis Seriall Seriall. or Prestholme, Prestholme lieth ouer against Penmon, or the point called the head of Mon, where I found a towne (as I told you) of the same denomination. Ptolomie nameth not this Iland, whereof I maruell. It is par|cell of Flintshire, and of the iurisdiction of S. Asaph, and in fertilitie of soile, and breed of cattell, nothing in|feriour vnto Anglesei hir mother: although that for quantitie of ground it come infinitelie short thereof, and be nothing comparable vnto it. The last Iland vp|on the cost of Wales, hauing now left Anglesei, is cal|led Credine , Credine. and although it lie not properlie within the compasse of my description, yet I will not let to touch it by the waie, sith the causey thither from Denbigh|land, is commonlie ouerflowne. It is partlie made an Iland by the Conwey, and partlie by the sea. But to pro|ceed, when we had viewed this place, we passed foorth to S. Antonies Ile, which is about two or thrée miles com|passe or more, a sandie soile, but yet verie batable for sheepe and cattell, it is well replenished also with fresh wels, great plentie of wild foule, conies and quarries of hard ruddie stone, which is oft brought thence to Westchester, where they make the foundations of their buildings withall. There are also two parish churches in the same, dedicated to S. Antonie and S. Iohn, but the people are verie poore, bicause they be so oft spoiled by pirats, although the lord of the same be verie weal|thie thorough the exchange made with them of his victuals, for their wares, whereof they make good peniworths, as théeues commonlie doo of such preies as they get by like escheat, notwithstanding their landing there is verie dangerous, and onlie at one place. How|beit they are constreined to vse it, and there to make their marts. From hence we went on, vntill we came to the cape of Ile Brée,Hilberie. or Hilberie , and point of Wyr|ale, from whence is a common passage into Ireland, of 18. or 20. houres sailing, if the wether be not tedi|ous. This Iland at the full sea is a quarter of a mile from the land, and the streame betwéene foure fadams déepe, as ship-boies haue oft sounded, but at a lowe wa|ter a man may go ouer thither on the sand. The Ile of it selfe is verie sandie a mile in compasse, and well sto|red with conies, thither also went a sort of supersticious fooles in times past, in pilgrimage, to our ladie of Hil|berie, by whose offerings a cell of monkes there, which belonged to Chester, was cherished and mainteined.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The next Iland vpon the coast of England is Man or Mona Caesaris , which some name Mana or Manim, but after Ptolomie, Monaoida, as some thinke, though other ascribe that name to Anglesei, which the Welsh|men doo commonlie call Môn, as they doo this Manaw, It is supposed to be the first, as Hirtha is the last of the Hebrides. Hector Boetius noteth a difference betwéene them of 300. miles. But Plinie saith that Mona is 200000. miles from Camaldunum, lib. 2. cap. 75. It lieth also vnder 53. degrées of latitude, and 30. minuts, and hath in longitude 16. degrees and 40. minuts, abutting on the north side vpon S. Ninians in Scotland, Furnes|fels on the east, Prestholme and Anglesei on the south, and Ulsther in Ireland on the west. It is greater than Anglesei by a third, and there are two riuers in the same, whose heads doo ioine so néere, that they doo seeme in maner to part the Ile in twaine. Some of the anci|ent writers, as Ethicus, &c: call it Eubonia , Eubonia. and other following Orosius, Meuana Meuania. or Maeuania, howbeit after Beda and the Scotish histories, the Meuaniae are all those Iles aforesaid called the Hebrides, Eubonides, or Hebudes (whereof William Malmesburie, lib. 1. de regi|bus (beside this our Mona) will haue Anglesei also to be one. Wherefore it séemeth hereby that a number of our late writers ascribing the said name vnto Mona one|lie, haue not beene a little deceiued. Iornandes lib. de Ge|tis speaketh of a second Meuansa; Habet & aliam Me|uaniam (saith he) necnon & Orchadas. But which should be prima, as yet I do not read, except it should be Anglesei; and then saith Malmesburie well. In like sort Proper|tius speaketh of a Meuania, which he called Nebulosa, but he meaneth it euidentlie of a little towne in Um|bria where he was borne, lib. 4. eleg. De vrbe Rom. Wher|fore there néedeth no vse of his authoritie. This in the meane time is euident out of Orosius, lib, 1. capite 2 . that Scots dwelled somtime in this Ile, as also in Ireland, which Ethicus also affirmeth of his owne time, and fi|nallie confirmeth that the Scots and Irish were some|time one people. It hath in length 24. miles, and 8. in bredth, and is in maner of like distance from Gallo|way in Scotland, Ireland and Cumberland in Eng|land, as Buchanan reporteth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this Iland also were some time 1300. families, of which 960. were in the west halfe, and the rest in the other. But now through ioining house to house & land to land (a common plague and canker, which will eat vp all, if prouision be not made in time to withstand this mischéefe) that number is halfe diminished, and yet many of the rich inhabiters want roome, and wote not how and where to bestowe themselues, to their quiet contentations. Certes this impediment groweth not by reason that men were greater in bodie, than they haue béene in time past, but onelie for that their insa|tiable desire of inlarging their priuate possessions in|creaseth still vpon them, and will doo more, except they be restrained: but to returne to our purpose. It was once spoiled by the Scots in the time of king Athel|stane, chéeflie by Anlafus in his flight from the bloudie battell , wherein Constantine king of Scotland was ouercome: secondlie by the Scots 1388 . after it came to the possession of the English, for in the beginning the kings of Scotland had this Iland vnder their do|minion, almost from their first arriuall in this Iland, and as Beda saith till Edwine king of the Northum|bers wan it from them, and vnited it to his kingdome. After the time of Edwine, the Scots gat the possession thereof againe, and held it till the Danes & Norwaies wan it from them, who also kept it (but with much trou|ble) almost 370. yeares vnder the gouernance of their viceroies, whome the kings of Norwaie inuested vnto that honor, till Alexander the third king of that name in Scotland recouered it from them, with all the rest of those Iles that lie vpon the west coast, called also Sodorenses in the daies of Magnus king of Norwaie. And sithens that time the Scotish princes haue not ceased to giue lawes to such as dwelled there, but also from time to time appointed such bishops as should ex|ercise ecclesiasticall iurisdiction in the same, till it was won from them by our princes, and so vnited vnto the realme of England. Finallie,Chronica Tinemuthi. how after sundrie sales bargains and contracts of matrimonie (for I read that William Scroope the kings Uicechamberleine, did buy this Ile and crowne thereof of the lord William Montacute earle of Sarum) it came vnto the ance|stours of the earles of Darbie, who haue béene com|monlie said to be kings of Man, the discourse folowing shall more at large declare. Giraldus noteth a conten|tion betwéene the kings of England & Ireland for the right of this Iland, but in the end, when by a compr [...]|mise the triall of the matter was referred to the liues or deaths of such venemous wormes as should be brought into the same, and it was found that they died not at all, as the like doo in Ireland, sentence passed with the king of England, & so he reteined the Iland. But howsoeuer this matter standeth, and whether anie such thing was done at all or not, sure it is that the peo|ple of the said Ile were much giuen to witchcraft and sorcerie (which they learned of the Scots a nation great|lie bent to that horible practise) in somuch that their women would oftentimes sell wind to the mariners, EEBO page image 38 inclosed vnder certeine knots of thred, with this in|iunction, that they which bought the same, should for a great gale vndoo manie, and for the lesse a fewer or smaller number.Tall men in Man. The stature of the men and also ferti|litie of this Iland are much commended, and for the latter supposed verie néere to be equall with that of An|glesei, in all commodities.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There are also these townes therein, as they come now to my remembrance, Rushen , Dunglasse, Holme towne , S. Brids , Bala cury (the bishops house) S. Mich. S. Andrew , kirk Christ , kirk Louel , S. Mathees , kirk S. Anne , Pala sala , kirk S. Marie , kirk Concane , kirk Malu , and Home. But of all these Rushen with the castell is the strongest.Riuers. It is also in recompense of the common want of wood, indued with sundrie pretie waters, as first of al the Burne rising in the northside of Warehill botoms, and branching out by southwest of kirk S. An, it séemeth to cut off a great part of the eastside thereof, from the residue of that Iland. From those hils also (but of the south halfe) commeth the Holme and Hol|mey, by a towne of the same name, in the verie mouth whereof lieth the Pile afore mentioned. They haue also the Bala passing by Bala cury, on the westside, and the Rame on the north, whose fall is named Ramesei hauen , as I doo read in Chronicles.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There are moreouer sundrie great hils therein, as that wherevpon S. Mathees standeth,Hilles. in the northeast part of the Ile, a parcell whereof commeth flat south, betwéene kirk Louell, and kirk Marie, yéelding out of their botoms the water Bala, whereof I spake before. Beside these and well toward the south part of the Ile, I find the Warehils, which are extended al|most from the west coast ouertwhart vnto the Burne streame. It hath also sundrie hauens, as Ramsei hauen,Hauens. by north Laxam hauen, by east Port Iris, by southwest Port Home, and Port Michell, by west. In like sort there are diuers Ilets annexed to the same, as the Calfe of man on the south,Calfe of man. the PileThe pile. S. Michels Ile. on the west, and finallie S. Michels Ile in the gulfe called Ranoths waie in the east. Moreouer the sheepeSheepe. of this countrie are excéeding huge, well woolled, and their tailes of such greatnesse as is almost incredible.Hogs. In like sort their hogs are in maner monstrous. They haue furthermore great store of barnacles bréeding vpon their coasts,Barnacles. but yet not so great store as in Ireland, and those (as there also) of old ships, ores, masts, peeces of rotten timber as they saie, and such putrified pitched stuffe, as by wrecke hath happened to corrupt vpon that shore. Howbeit neither the inhabitants of this Ile, nor yet of Ireland can rea|dilie saie whether they be fish or flesh,Barnacles neither fish nor flesh. for although the re|ligious there vsed to eat them as fish, yet elsewhere, some haue beene troubled, for eating of them in times prohibited for heretikes and lollards.

For my part, I haue béene verie desirous to vnder|stand the vttermost of the bréeding of barnacls, & que|stioned with diuers persons about the same. I haue red also whatsoeuer is written by forren authors touching the generation of that foule, & sought out some places where I haue béene assured to sée great numbers of them: but in vaine. Wherefore I vtterlie despaired to obteine my purpose, till this present yeare of Grace 1584. and moneth of Maie, wherein going to the court at Gréenewich from London by bote, I saw sundrie ships lieng in the Thames newlie come home, either from Barbarie or the Canarie Iles (for I doo not well remember now from which of these places) on whose sides I perceiued an infinit sort of shels to hang so thicke as could be one by another. Drawing néere also, I tooke off ten or twelue of the greatest of them, & afterward hauing opened them, I saw the proporti|on of a foule in one of them more perfectlie than in all the rest, sauing that the head was not yet formed, bi|cause the fresh water had killed them all (as I take it) and thereby hindered their perfection. Certeinelie the feathers of the taile hoong out of the shell at least two inches, the wings (almost perfect touching forme) were garded with two shels or shéeldes proportioned like the selfe wings, and likewise the brestbone had hir couerture also of like shellie substance, and altogither resembling the figure which Lobell and Pena doo giue foorth in their description of this foule: so that I am now fullie persuaded that it is either the barnacle that is ingendred after one maner in these shels, or some o|ther sea-foule to vs as yet vnknowen. For by the fea|thers appearing and forme so apparant, it cannot be de|nied, but that some bird or other must proceed of this substance, which by falling from the sides of the ships in long voiages, may come to some perfection. But now it is time for me to returne againe vnto my former purpose.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There hath sometime beene, and yet is a bishop of this Ile,Bishop of Man. who at the first was called Episcopus Sodo|rensis, when the iurisdiction of all the Hebrides belong|ed vnto him. Whereas now he that is bishop there, is but a bishops shadow, for albeit that he beare the name of bishop of Man, yet haue the earles of Darbie, as it is supposed,Patrone of Man. the cheefe profit of his sée (sauing that they allow him a little somewhat for a flourish) notwith|standing that they be his patrons, and haue his nomi|nation vnto that liuing. The first bishop of this Ile was called Wimundus or Raymundus, and surna|med Monachus Sauinensis, who by reason of his ex|treame and tyrannicall crueltie toward the Ilanders, had first his sight taken from him, & then was sent into exile. After him succéeded another moonke in king Ste|phens daies called Iohn , and after him one Marcus , &c: other after other in succession, the sée it selfe being now also subiect to the archbishop of Yorke for spirituall iu|risdiction. In time of Henrie the second, this Iland also had a king,King of Man. whose name was Cuthred , vnto whome Vinianus the cardinall came as legate 1177. and wher|in Houeden erreth not. In the yeare also 1228. one Reginald was viceroy or petie king of Man, afterward murthered by his subiects. Then Olauus , after him Hos|bach the sonne of Osmond Hacon , 1290. who being slaine, Olauus and Gotredus parted this kingdome of Sodora, in such wise, that this had all the rest of the Iles, the other onelie the Ile of Man at the first; but af|ter the slaughter of Gotredus, Olauus held all, after whom Olauus his sonne succeeded. Then Harald sonne to Olauus, who being entered in Maie, and drow|ned vpon the coastes of Ireland, his brother Reginald reigned twentie and seuen daies, and then was killed the first of Iune, whereby Olauus aliàs Harald sonne to Gotred ruled in the Ile one yeare. Next vnto him succéeded Magnus the second sonne of Olauus , and last of all Iuarus , who held it so long as the Norwaies were lords thereof. But being once come into the hands of the Scots, one Godred Mac Mares was made lieutenant, then Alane, thirdlie Maurice Okarefer, and fourthlie one of the kings chapleines, &c. I would gladlie haue set downe the whole catalog of all the viceroyes and lieutenants: but sith I can neither come by their names nor successions, I surcesse to speake any more of them, and also of the Ile it selfe, whereof this may suffice.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After we haue in this wise described the Ile of Man, with hir commodities, we returned eastwards backe againe vnto the point of Ramshed , where we found to the number of six Ilets of one sort and other, whereof the first greatest and most southwesterlie, is named the Wauay. It runneth out in length,Wauay. as we gessed, about fiue miles and more from the southeast into the north|west, betwéene which and the maine land lie two little ones, whose names are Oldborrow and Fowlney . The fourth is called the Fouldra, Fouldra. and being situate southeast of the first, it hath a prettie pile or blockhouse therin, which the inhabitants name the pile of Fouldra. EEBO page image 39 By east thereof in like sort lie the Fola Fola. Roa. and the Roa , plots of no great compasse, and yet of all these six, the first and Fouldra are the fairest and most fruitfull. From hence we went by Rauenglasse point,Rauenglasse. where lieth an Iland of the same denomination, as Regi|nald Wolfe hath noted in his great card, not yet fini|shed, nor likelie to be published. He noteth also two other Ilets, betwéene the same and the maine land; but Leland speaketh nothing of them (to my remem|brance) neither any other card, as yet set foorth of England: and thus much of the Ilands that lie vpon our shore in this part of my voiage.

Hauing so exactlie as to me is possible, set downe the names and positions of such Iles, as are to be found vpon the coast of the Quéenes Maiesties do|minions,Iles in Scot+land. now it resteth that we procéed orderlie with those that are séene to lie vpon the coast of Scotland, that is to saie, in the Irish, the Deucalidonian & the Germans seas, which I will performe in such order as I may, sith I cannot do so much therin as I would. Some therefore doo comprehend and diuide all the Iles that lie about the north coast of this Ile now cal|led Scotland into thrée parts, sauing that they are either occidentals, the west Iles, aliàs the Orchades & Zelandine, or the Shetlands. They place the first be|twéene Ireland and the Orchades, so that they are ex|tended from Man and the point of Cantire almost vn|to the Orchades in the Deucalidonian sea, and after some are called the Hebrides. In this part the old writers in déed placed the Hebrides or Hemodes, Hemodes of some called Acmodes, sée Plinie , Mela , Martianus, Capella . Plu|tarch. de defect. orac. which diuers call the Hebudes and the Acmodes; al|beit the writers varie in their numbers, some spea|king of 30 Hebudes and seuen Hemodes; some of fiue Ebudes, as Solinus , and such as follow his autho|ritie. Howbeit the late Scottish writers doo product a summe of more than 300 of these Ilands in all, which sometime belonged to the Scots, sometime to the Norwegians, and sometime to the Danes. The first of these is our Manaw , of which I haue before in|treated: next vnto this is Alisa a desert. Ile, yet re|plenished with conies, soland foule, and a fit harbor for fishermen that in time of the yeare lie vpon the coast thereof for herings. Next vnto this is the Ar|ran , a verie hillie and craggie soile, yet verie plenti|full of fish all about the coast, and wherein is a verie good hauen: ouer against the mouth whereof lieth the Moll, which is also no small defense to such seafaring men as seeke harbor in that part. Then came we by the Fladwa or Pladwa, no lesse fruitfull and stored with conies than the Bota, Bura, or Botha, or eight miles long & foure miles broad, a low ground but yet verie batable, and wherein is good store of short and indifferent pasture: it hath also a towne there called Rosse, and a castell named the Camps. There is also another called the Marnech , an Iland of a mile in length, and halfe a mile in breadth, low ground also but yet verie fertile. In the mouth likewise of the Glot, lieth the more Cumber and the lesse , not farre in sunder one from another, and both fruitfull inough the one for corne, and the other for Platyceraton. The Auon another Iland lieth about a mile from Cantire, and is verie commodious to ships, wherof it is called Auon, that is to saie, Portuosa, or full of harbor: and therefore the Danes had in time past great vse of it. Then haue we the Raclind, the Kyntar , the Cray , the Gegaw six miles in length and a mile and a halfe in breadth; the Dera full of déere, and not otherwise vn|fruitfull: and therefore some thinke that it was cal|led the Ile of déere in old time.Scarba. Scarba foure miles in length, and one in breadth, verie little inhabi|ted, and thereinto the sea betwéene that and the Ile of déere is so swift and violent, that except it be at certeine times, it is not easilie nauigable. Being past these, we come to certeine Ilands of no great fame, which lie scattered here and there, as Bellach , Gyra|stell , Longaie , both the Fiolas , the thrée Yarues , Cul|brenin , Duncomell , Lupar , Belnaua , Wikerua, Cal|file, Luing , Sele Ile , Sound , of which the last thrée are fruitfull, and belong to the earle of Argile. Slate Ile. Then haue we the Slate , so called of the tiles that are made ther|in. The Nagsey, Isdalf , and the Sken (which later is also called Thian, of a wicked herbe growing there great|lie hurtfull, and in colour not much vnlike the lillie, sauing that it is of a more wan and féeble colour) V|derga, kings Ile , Duffa or blacke Ile , Kirke Ile, and Triarach. There is also the Ile Ard, Humble Ile, Greene Ile, and Heth Ile, Arbor Ile, Gote Ile , Co|nies Ile alias idle Ile , Abrid Ile or bird Ile , and Lis|mor , wherein the bishop of Argill sometime held his palace, being eight miles in length and two miles in breadth, and not without some mines also of good met|tall. There is also the Ile Ouilia , Siuna , Trect, She|pey, Fladaw , Stone Ile , Gresse , great Ile , Ardis, Mu|sadell , & Berner , sometime called the holie sanctuarie, Vghe Ile, Molochasgyr , and Drinacha, now ouer|growne with bushes, elders, and vtterlie spoiled by the ruines of such great houses as haue hereto|fore béene found therin. There is in like sort the Wijc, the Ranse , and the Caruer .

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this tract also, there are yet thrée to intreat of,Ila. as Ila , Mula and Iona , of which the first is one of the most, that hath not béene least accounted of. It is not much aboue 24 miles in length, and in breadth 16 reaching from the south into the north, and yet it is an excéeding rich plot of ground verie plentious of corne, cattell, déere, and also lead, and other mettals, which were easie to be obteined, if either the people were industrious, or the soile yéeldable of wood to fine and trie out the same. In this Iland also there is a lake of swéet water called the Laie, and also a baie wherein are sundrie Ilands; and therevnto another lake of fresh water, wherein the Falangam Ile is situate, wherein the souereigne of all the Iles some|time dwelled.Round Ile. Néere vnto this is the round Ile , so called of the consultations there had: for there was a court sometime holden, wherein 14 of the princi|pall inhabitants did minister iustice vnto the rest, and had the whole disposition of things committed vnto them, which might rule vnto the benefit of those Ilands. There is also the Stoneheape, an other Iland so called of the heape of stones that is therein. On the south side also of Ila, we find moreouer the Colurne , Mulmor , Osrin , Brigidan , Corkerke , Humble Ile , Imersga , Bethy, Texa , Shepeie , Naosig, Rinard, Cane, Tharscher , Aknor, Gret Ile , Man Ile , S. Iohns Ile , and Stackbed . On the west side thereof also lieth O|uersey , whereby runneth a perilous sea, and not naui|gable, but at certeine houres, Merchant Ile , Vsa|brast, Tanask , Neff , Wauer Ile, Oruans , Hog Ile, and Colauanso .

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Mula is a right noble Ile, 24 miles in length and so manie in bredth,Mula. rough of soile, yet fruitfull enough: & beside woods, deere, & good harbrough for ships, reple|nished with diuers and sundrie townes and castels. Ouer against Columkill also, it hath two riuers, which yeld verie great store of salmons, and other ri|uellets now altogither vnfruitfull, beside two lakes, in each of which is an Iland: and likewise in euerie of these Ilands a castell. The sea beating vpon this Ile, maketh foure notable baies wherein great plen|tie and verie good herrings are taken. It hath also in the northwest side Columbria , or the Ile of doues; on the southeast, Era : both verie commodious for fi|shing, cattell, and corne. Moreouer, this is woorth the noting in this Ile aboue all the rest, that it hath a ple|sant spring, arising two miles in distance from the shore, wherein are certeine little egs found, much like vnto indifferent pearles, both for colour and bright|nesse, EEBO page image 40 and thereto full of thicke humour, which egs be|ing carried by violence of the fresh water vnto the salt, are there within the space of twelue houres conuerted into great shels, which I take to be mo|ther pearle; except I be deceiued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iona was sometime called Columkill,Iona. in fame and estimation nothing inferiour to anie of the o|ther, although in length it excéed little aboue two miles, and in breadth one. Certes it is verie fruit|full of all such commodities, as that climat where|in it standeth dooth yeeld, and beareth the name of Co|lumbus the abbat, of whome I haue spoken more at large in my Chronologie. There were somtimes al|so two monasteries therein, one of moonks builded by Fergus , another of nuns: and a parish church, beside many chappels builded by the Scotish kings, and such princes as gouerned in the Iles. And when the English had once gotten possession of the Ile of Manaw, a bishops see was erected in the old mona|sterie of Columbus, whereby the iurisdiction of those Iles was still mainteined and continued. Certes there remaine yet in this Iland the old burials apper|tein [...]ng to the most noble families that had dwelled in the west Iles; but thrée aboue other are accomp|ted the most notable, which haue little houses buil|ded vpon them. That in the middest hath a stone, whereon is written,Regum tu|muli. Tumuli regum Scotiae, The burials of the kings of Scotland: for (as they saie) fourtie eight of them were there interred. Another is inti|tuled with these words, The burials of the kings of Ireland, bicause foure of them lie in that place. The third hath these words written thereon, The graues of the kings of Norwaie, for there eight of them were buried also, and all through a fond suspicion conceiued of the merits of Columbus. Howbeit in processe of time, when Malcolme Cammor had erec|ted his abbeie at Donfermeling , he gaue occasion to manie of his successors to be interred there.

About this Iland there lie six other Iles dispersed, small in quantitie, but not altogither barren, some|times giuen by the kings of Scotland and lords of the Iles vnto the abbeie of saint Columbus, of which the Soa, albeit that it yeeld competent pasturage for shéepe, yet is it more commodious, by such egs as the great plentie of wildfoule there breeding doo laie within the same.The Ile of Shrewes. Then is there the Ile of Shrewes or of women ; as the more sober heads doo call it. Also Rudan , & next vnto that, the Rering . There is also the Shen halfe a mile from Mula, whose bankes doo swarme with conies: it hath also a parish church, but most of the inhabitants doo liue and dwell in Mula. There is also the Eorse or the Arse , and all these be|long vnto saint Columbus abbeie. Two miles from Arse is the Olue , an Iland fiue miles in length, and sufficientlie stored with corne and grasse, & not with|out a good hauen for ships to lie and harbor in. There is also the Colfans , an Iland fruitfull inough, and full of cornell trées. There is not far off also the Go|mater , Stafa , the two Kerneburgs , and the Mosse Ile , in the old Brittish speech called Monad, that is to saie Mosse.Mosse Ile. The soile of it is verie blacke, bicause of the corruption & putrefaction of such woods as haue rotted thereon: wherevpon also no small plentie of mosse is bred and ingendered. The people in like maner make their fire of the said earth, which is ful|lie so good as our English turffe. There is also the Long , & six miles further toward the west, Tirreie , which is eight miles in length and thrée in breadth, & of all other one of the most plentifull for all kinds of commodities: for it beareth corne, cattell, fish, and seafowle aboundantlie. It hath also a well of fresh water, a castell, and a verie good hauen for great ves|sels to lie at safegard in. Two miles from this also is the Gun , and the Coll two miles also from the Gun. Then passed we by the Calfe , a verie wooddie Iland, the foure gréene Iles , the two glasse or skie I|lands, the Ardan , the Ile of woolfes , & then the great Iland which reacheth from the east into the west, is sixteene miles in length, and six in breadth, full of mounteins and swelling woods: and for asmuch as it is not much inhabited, the seafoules laie great plentie of egs there, whereof such as will, may ga|ther what number them listeth. Upon the high cliffes and rocks also the Soland géefe are taken verie plentifullie. Beyond this, about foure miles also is the Ile of horsses: and a little from that the hog I|land , which is not altogither vnfruitfull. There is a falcon which of custome bréedeth there, and therevn|to it is not without a conuenient hauen. Not farre off also is the Canna , and the Egga , little Iles, but the later full of Soland géefe. Likewise the Sobra|till , more apt to hunt in than méet for anie other commoditie that is to be reaped thereby.

After this we come to the Skie ,Skie. the greatest Ile about all Scotland: for it is two and fortie miles long; and somewhere eight, & in some places twelue miles broad: it is moreouer verie hillie, which hilles are therevnto loaden with great store of wood, as the woods are with pasture, the fields with corne and cattell; and (besides all other commodities) with no small heards of mares, whereby they raise great ad|uantage and commoditie. It hath fiue riuers verie much abounding with salmons, and other fresh streams not altogither void of that prouision. It is inuironed also with manie baies, wherein great plentie of herrings is taken in time of the yéere. It hath also a noble poole of fresh water; fiue castels and sundrie townes; as Aie, S. Iohns, Dunwegen , S. Nicholas, &c. The old Scots called it Skianacha, that is, Winged, but now named Skie. There lie cer|teine small Ilands about this also, as Rausa a ba|table soile for corne & gras; Conie Iland full of woods and conies; Paba a theeuish Iland, in whose woods théeues do lurke to rob such as passe by them. Scalpe Ile , which is full of deere; Crowling , wherein is ve|rie good harbour for ships; Rarsa , full of béechen woods and stags, being in length seuen miles, and two in breadth. The Ron , a woodie Ile and full of heath: yet hath it a good hauen, which hath a little I|land called Gerloch on the mouth thereof, and there|in lurke manie théeues. There is not farre off from this Ron, to wit about six miles also, the Flad, the Tiulmen , Oransa , Buie the lesse, and Buie the more , and fiue other little trifling Iles, of whose names I haue no notice.

After these we come vnto the Ise , a pretie fer|tile Iland, to the Oue, to the Askoome , to the Lindill . And foure score miles from the Skie towards the west, to the Ling , the Gigarmen , the Berner, the Magle , the Pable , the Flab , the Scarpe , the San|der , the Uateras , which later hath a noble hauen for great ships, beside sundrie other commodities: and these nine last rehearsed are vnder the dominion of the bishop of the Iles. After this we come to the Bar, Bar. an Iland seauen miles in length, not vnfruit|full for grasse and corne, but the chiefe commoditie thereof lieth by taking of herrings, which are there to be had abundantlie. In one baie of this Iland there lieth an Islet, and therein standeth a strong castell. In the north part hereof also is an hill which beareth good grasse from the foot to the top, and out of that riseth a spring, which running to the sea, doth carrie withall a kind of creature not yet perfectlie for|med, which some do liken vnto cockels; and vpon the shore where the water falleth into the sea, they take vp a kind of shelfish, when the water is gone, which they suppose to be ingendred or increased after this manner. Betwéene the Barre and the Uisse lie also EEBO page image 41 these Ilands, Orbaus , Oue, Hakerset , Warlang , Flad , the two Baies , Haie, Helsaie , Gigaie , Lin|gaie , Fraie , Fudaie , and Friskaie. The Uisse is thirtie miles long and six miles broad; and therein are sundrie fresh waters, but one especiallie of three miles in length: neuerthelesse, the sea hath now of late found a waie into it, so that it cannot be kept off with a banke of three score foot, but now and then it will flowe into the same, and leaue sea-fish behind it in the lake. There is also a fish bred therein al|most like vnto a salmon, sauing that it hath a white bellie, a blacke backe, and is altogither without scales: it is likewise a great harbour for théeues and pirats.

Eight miles beyond this lieth the Helscher , appertinent to the nuns of Iona: we haue then the Hasker , verie plentifullie benefited by seales, which are there taken in time of the yéere. Thrée score miles from this also is the Hirth , whose inhabitants are rude in all good science and religion; yet is the Iland verie fruitfull in all things, and bringeth foorth shéepe farre greater than are else-where to be found, for they are as big as our fallow deare, horned like bugles, and haue their tailes hanging to the ground. He that is owner of this Ile,Baptisme without preests. sendeth ouer his bai|liffe into the same at midsummer, to gather in his du|ties, and with him a préest to saie masse, and to bap|tise all the children borne since that time of the yéere precedent: or if none will go ouer with him (bicause the voiage is dangerous) then doth each father take paine to baptise his owne at home. Their rents are paid commonlie in dried seales and sea foule. All the whole Ile is not aboue a mile euerie waie; and ex|cept thrée mounteines that lie vpon one part of the shore, such as dwell in the other Iles can see no part thereof.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Being past the Uisse, we came after to Wa|laie , the Soa , the Strome , to Pabaie , to Barner , Ensaie , Killiger , the two Sagas , the Hermodraie , Scarfe , Grie , Ling , Gilling , Heie , Hoie , Farlaie, great So, little So , Ise , Sein the more, Sein the lesse, Tarant , Slegan, Tuom, Scarpe , Hareie , and the seauen holie Ilands , which are desert and bréed nothing but a kind of wild shéepe,Wild sheepe. which are often hunted, but seldome or neuer eaten. For in stéed of flesh they haue nothing but tallow; and if anie flesh be, it is so vnsauorie, that few men care to eate of it, except great hunger compell them. I suppose, that these be the wild sheepe which will not be tamed; and bicause of the horrible grenning thereof, is taken for the bastard tiger. Their haire is betweene the wooll of a sheepe,Tigers. and the haire of a goat, resembling both, shacked, and yet absolutelie like vnto neither of both: it maie be also the same beast which Capitolinus cal|leth Ouis fera, shewed in the time of Gordian the em|perour; albeit that some take the same for the Ca|melopardalis: but hereof I make no warrantise.

There is also not farre off the Garuell, the Lambe, the Flad , the Kellas, the two Bernars , the Kirt , the two Buies , the Uixaie , the Pabaie , the two Si|grams , and the Ile of Pigmeies Ile of Pig|meies. (which is so called vpon some probable coniecture) for manie little sculs and bones are dailie there found déepe in the ground, perfectlie, resembling the bodies of children; & not a|nie of greater quantities, wherby their coniecture (in their opinion) is the more likelie to be true. There is also the Fabill Ile , Adams Ile , the Ile of Lambes , Hulmes , Uiccoll, Haueraie , Cax , Era, Columbes Ile , Tor Ile , Iffurd , Scalpe , Flad , and the Swet ; on whose east side is a certeine vault or caue, arched o|uer, a flight shoot in length, wherevnto meane ships do vse to runne for harbour with full saile when a tempest ouertaketh them, or the raging of the sea, in those parts do put them in danger of wrecke. Also we passed by the old castell Ile, which is a pretie and, verie commodious plat for fish, foule, egges, corne and pasture. There is also the Ile Eust or Eu , which is full of wood, and a notable harbour for théeues, as is also the Grinort ; likewise the preests Ile , which is verie full of sea foule and good pasture. The Afull , the two Herbrerts , to wit, the greater and the lesse; and the Iles of Horsses , and Mertaika : and these 8 lie ouer against the baie which is called the Lake Brian . After this, we go toward the north, and come to the Haraie , and the Lewis or the Leug , both which make (in truth) but one Iland of thrée score miles in length, and sixtéene in breadth, being distinguished by no water, but by huge woods, bounds, and limits of the two owners that doo possesse those parts. The south part is called Haraie, and the whole situate in the Deucalidon sea, ouer against the Rosse, & called Thule by Tacitus , Lewis called Thule by Tacitus, with no better authoritie than the An|gleseie Mona. wherein are manie lakes, and verie pretie villages, as lake Erwi [...]n, lake Unsalsago: but of townes, S. Clements, Stoie, Nois, S. Co|lumbane, Radmach, &c. In like sort, there are two churches, whereof one is dedicated to saint Peter, an other to S. Clement, beside a monasterie called Roadill . The soile also of this Ile is indifferent fruit|full; but they reape more profit vnder the ground than aboue, by digging. There is neither woolfe, fox, nor serpent séene in this Iland; yet are there great woods therein, which also separate one part from the other. Likewise there be plentie of stags, but farre lesse in quantitie than ours: and in the north part of the Iland also is a riuer which greatlie aboundeth with salmons. That part also called Lewisa, which is the north half of the Ile is well inhabited toward the sea coasts, and hath riuers no lesse plentifull for sal|mon than the other halfe. There is also great store of herrings taken, whereof the fisher men doo raise great gaine and commoditie; and no lesse plentie of sheepe, which they doo not sheere, but plucke euerie yeere; yet is the ground of this part verie heathie, and full of mosse, and the face thereof verie swart and blacke, for the space of a foot in depth, through the corruption of such woods as in time past haue rotted on the same. And therefore in time of the yeere they conuert it into turffe to burne, as néede shall serue; and in the yéere after, hauing well doonged it in the meane time with slawke of the sea, they sowe bar|leie in the selfe places where the turffes grew, and reape verie good corne, wherewith they liue and féed. Such plentie of whales also are taken in this coast,Tithe whales. that the verie tithe hath béene knowne, in some one yéere, to amount vnto seauen and twentie whales of one greatnesse and other. This is notable also in this part of the Ile, that there is a great caue two yards déepe of water when the sea is gone, and not aboue foure when it is at the highest; ouer which great numbers doo sit of both sexes and ages, with hooks and lines, and catch at all times an infinite deale of fish, wherewith they liue, and which maketh them also the more idle.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Being past this about sixtie miles, we come vnto the Rona, or Ron , which some take for the last of the Hebrides, distant (as I said) about fortie miles from the Orchades, and one hundreth and thirtie from the promontorie of Dungishe . The inhabitants of this Ile are verie rude and irreligious, the lord also of the soile dooth limit their number of housholds, & hauing assigned vnto them what numbers of the greater and smaller sorts of cattell they shall spend and inioie for their owne prouision, they send the ouerplus yéerlie vnto him to Lewis. Their cheefe paiments consist of a great quantitie of meale, which is verie plenti|full among them, sowed vp in shéepes skins. Also of mutton and sea foule dried, that resteth ouer and a|boue, which they themselues do spend. And if it happen EEBO page image 42 that there be more people in the Iland than the lords booke or rate dooth come vnto, then they send also the ouerplus of them in like maner vnto him: by which means they liue alwaies in plentie. They receiue no vices from strange countries, neither know or heare of anie things doone else-where than in their owne Iland. Manie whales are taken also vpon their coasts, which are likewise replenished with seale, and porpasse, and those which are either so tame, or so fierce, that they abash not at the sight of such as looke vpon them, neither make they anie hast to flie out of their presence.

Beyond this Ile, about 16 miles westward, there is another called Suilscraie ,Suilscraie. of a mile length, void of grasse, and without so much as heath growing vpon hir soile: yet are there manie cliffes and rocks there|in, which are couered with blacke mosse, whereon in|numerable sorts of foules do bréed and laie their egs. Thither in like sort manie doo saile from Lewissa, to take them yoong in time of the yeare, before they be able to flie, which they also kill and drie in eight daies space, and then returne home againe with them, and great plentie of fethers fathered in this voiage. One thing is verie strange and to be noted in this Iland, of the Colke foule,Colke foule. which is little lesse than a goose; and this kind commeth thither but once in the yeare, to wit, in the spring, to laie hir egs and bring vp hir yoong, till they be able to shift for themselues, & then they get them awaie togither to the sea, and come no more vntill that time of the yéere which next insueth. At the same season also they cast their fethers there, as it were answering tribute to nature for the vse of hir mossie soile: wherein it is woonderfull to sée, that those fethers haue no stalkes, neither anie thing that is hard in them, but are séene to couer their bo|dies as it were wooll or downe, till breeding time (I saie) wherein they be left starke naked.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Orchades (whose first inhabitants were the Scithians,Orchades. which came from those Iles where the Gothes did inhabit, as some sparks yet remaining among them of that language doo declare) lie partlie in the Germaine, and partlie in the Calidon seas, ouer against the point of Dunghisbie (being in number eight and twentie, or as other saie thirtie & one, yet some saie thirtie thrée, as Orosius, but Plinie saith fortie ) and now belonging to the crowne of Scotland, as are the rest whereof héeretofore I haue made report, since we crossed ouer the mouth of the Solueie streame, to come into this countrie. Certes the people of these Islands reteine much of their old sparing diets, and therevnto they are of goodlie sta|ture, tall, verie comelie, healthfull, of long life, great strength, whitish colour, as men that feed most vpon fish; sith the cold is so extreame in those parts, that the ground bringeth foorth but small store of wheate, and in maner verie little or no fuell at all, wherewith to warme them in the winter, and yet it séemeth that (in times past) some of these Ilands also haue béene well replenished with wood, but now they are without either trée or shrub, in stéed whereof they haue plen|tie of heath, which is suffered to grow among them, rather thorough their negligence, than that the soile of it selfe will not yéeld to bring foorth trées & bushes. For what store of such hath beene in times past, the roots yet found and digged out of the ground doo yéeld sufficient triall. Otes they haue verie plenti|fullie, but greater store of barleie, wherof they make a nappie kind of drinke, and such indéed, as will verie readilie cause a stranger to ouershoot himselfe. How|beit this may be vnto vs in lieu of a miracle, that al|though their drinke be neuer so strong, & they them|selues so vnmeasurable drinkers (as none are more) yet it shall not easilie be séene (saith Hector ) that there is anie drunkard among them,If he speake all in truth. either frantike, or mad man, dolt, or naturall foole, meet to weare a cockescombe.

This vnmeasurable drinking of theirs is confes|sed also by Buchanan , who noteth, that whensoeuer anie wine is brought vnto them from other soiles, they take their parts thereof aboundantlie. He ad|deth moreouer, how they haue an old bole (which they call S. Magnus bole, who first preached Christ vnto them) of farre greater quantitie than common boles are, and so great, that it may séeme to be reser|ued since the Lapithane banket , onelie to quaffe and drinke in. And when anie bishop commeth vnto them, they offer him this bole full of drinke, which if he be able to drinke vp quite at one draught; then they assure themselues of good lucke, and plentie after it. Neuerthelesse this excesse is not often found in the common sort, whom penurie maketh to be more fru|gall; but in their priests, and such as are of the richer calling. They succour pirats also, and verie often ex|change their vittels with their commodities, rather for feare and want of power to resist (their Ilands li|eng so scattered) than for anie necessitie of such gains as they doo get by those men: for in truth, they thinke themselues to haue little need of other furniture than their owne soiles doo yéeld and offer vnto them. This is also to be read of the inhabitants of these Ilands, that ignorance of excesse is vnto the most part of them in stéed of physicke; and labour and trauell a me|dicine for such few diseases as they are molested and incombred withall.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In like sort they want venemous beasts, cheefe|lie such as doo delight in hotter soile, and all kinds of ouglie creatures. Their ewes also are so full of in|crease, that some doo vsuallie bring foorth two, three, or foure lambes at once, whereby they account our anelings (which are such as bring foorth but one at once) rather barren than to be kept for anie gaine. As for wild and tame foules, they haue such plentie of them, that the people there account them rather a burthen to their soile, than a benefit to their tables: they haue also neat and gotes, whereby they abound in white meat, as butter and cheese: wherein, next vnto fish, the chéefe part of their sustenance dooth con|sist. There is also a bishop of the Orchades, who hath his see in Pomona the chéefe of all the Ilands, where|in also are two strong castels, and such hath béene the superstition of the people here, that there is almost no one of them, that hath not one church at the least dedicated to the mother of Christ. Finallie, there is little vse of physicke in these quarters, lesse store of éeles, and least of frogs. As for the horsses that are bred amongst them, they are commonlie not much greater than asses, and yet to labour and trauell, a man shall find verie few else-where, able to come neere, much lesse to match with them, in holding out their iournies. The seas about these Ilands are ve|rie tempestuous, not onelie through strong winds, and the influences of the heauens and stars; but by the contrarie méetings and workings of the west o|cean, which rageth so vehementlie in the streicts, that no vessell is able to passe in safetie amongst them. Some of these Ilands also are so small and low, that all the commoditie which is to be reaped by anie of them, is scarselie sufficient to susteine one or two men: and some of them so barren and full of rocks, that they are nothing else but mosse or bare shingle. Wherefore onelie thirteene of them are inhabited and made account of, the rest being left vnto their sheepe and cattell. Of all these Ilands also Pomona is the greatest, and therfore called the continent, which con|teineth thirtie miles in length, and is well repleni|shed with people: for it hath twelue parish churches, and one towne, which the Danes (sometime lords of that Iland) called Cracouia :Kirkwa. but now it hight Kirk|wa. EEBO page image 43 There are also two pretie holds, one belonging to the king, the other to the bishop: and also a beauti|full church, and much building betweene the two holds, and about this church, which being taken as it were for two townes, the one is called the kings and the other the bishops towne. All the whole Iland is full of cliffes and promontories, whereby no small number of baies and some hauens are producted.

There is also tin and lead to be found in six of these Iles, so good and plentifullie as anie where else in Britaine. It lieth foure & twentie miles from Cath|nesse, being separated from the same by the Pic|tish sea: wherein also lie certeine Ilands, as Stro|ma , foure miles from Cathnesse, which albeit that it be but foure miles from Cathnesse, is not reputed for anie of the Orchades. Going therefore from hence northward, we come to the first Ile of the Orchades, called south Rauals , which is sixtéene miles from Dunghilsbie, aliàs Dunachisbie, & that in two houres space, such is the swiftnesse of the sea in that tract. This Ile is fiue miles long, and hath a faire port cal|led saint Margarets hauen . Then passe we by two desert Iles, which lie towards the east, wherein no|thing is found but cattell: some call them the hol|mes, bicause they lie low, and are good for nothing but grasse. On the northside lieth the Bur , and two other holmes betweene the same Pomona. From Bur, to|ward the west lie thrée Iles, Snu, Flat , and Far : and beyond them Hoie and Uall , which some accompt for two, and other but for one; bicause that in March and September, the flats that lie betwéene them, doo séeme to ioine them togither, after the tide is gone. This neuerthelesse is certeine, that in this single or double Ile, which is ten miles in length, the highest hilles are to be séene that are in all the Orchades. And as they lie eight miles from Rauals, so are they two miles from Pomona, from saint Donats in Scotland full twentie miles. And on the north side of it lieth the Brainse, in a narrow streict, as Bucha|nan dooth remember. And these are the Iles which lie betweene Pomona and Cathnesse. As for the west side of the continent, I find that it lieth open to the sea, without either shelues, Ilands, or rocks, appée|ring néere vnto it: but on the east side thereof Co|besa dooth in maner ouershadow it. Siapiusa also an Ile of six miles long, lieth within two miles of Cra|couia. Toward the east, on the west side of Pomo|na lieth the Rouse , of six miles in length: and by east of that, the Eglisa , wherin (as they saie) their patrone S. Magnus lieth interred. From hense southward lie the Uera Gersa , and not far off the Uester (which is fourescore miles from Hethland) Papa , & Stron|za , which is also eightie miles from Hethland as the Uester. In the middest also of this tract lieth Far , or Fara, which is to saie, faire Ile, in old English, faire eie: and within sight so well of Hethland, as the Or|chades, by reason of three insuperable rocks which are apparant in the same: a verie poore Iland, and yet yearelie robbed (of such commodities as it hath) by such Flemish and English fishermen as passe by the coasts thereof in time of the yeare, to catch fish for the prouision of their countries.

Next vnto this is the greatest of all the Hethlands , an Iland called the Maine , sixtie miles in length, and sixteene in bredth, full of rocks, and whose coasts are onelie inhabited, the innermost parts being lest vnto the foules of the aire, bicause of the barrennesse and vnfruitfulnesse of the soile: yet of late some haue indeuoured to impeople it, but with no successe cor|respondent to their desire. Wherefore they returned to their former trades, making their chéefe commo|ditie and yearelie gaine by fish, as aforetime. Ten miles from this toward the north, lieth the Zeale , twentie miles in length, eight in bredth, and so wild that it will suffer no creature to liue thereof, that is not bred therein. Betwéene this Iland also and the Maine, are other smaller Ilands to be found, as the Ling , Orne, Big , and Sanferre . And from hense nine miles northward Usta , twentie miles long, & six in bredth, plaine, pleasant, but inuironed with a swift and terrible sea. Betwéene this also and the Zeale, are the Uie , the Ure , and the Ling: also to|wards the west, the two Skenes , Chalseie , Nord|wade, Brase , and Mowse , on the west side lie the west Skenes , Rottia , Papa the lesse , Wunned, Papa the more , Ualla , Tondra , Burra , Haura the more, Haura the lesse , & in maner so manie holmes dispersed heere and there, whereof I haue no notice. Some call these the Shetland, and some the Shotland Iles. Buchanan nameth them in the third member of his diuision Zelandise, and toward the end of his first booke seemeth to auouch, that they liue in maner as doo the inhabitants of the Orchades: al|though not in so ciuill wise, nor in such large mea|sure and aboundance of diet in their houses. He ad|deth moreouer, that their apparrell is after the Ger|maine cut, comelie, but not so chargeable and costlie, and how they raise their gaine by skins of beasts, as marterns, sheepe, oxen, and gotes skins, and there|vnto a kind of cloth which they weaue, and sell to the merchants of Norwaie, togither with their butter, fish, either salted or dried, and their traine oile, and ex|ercise their trade of fishing also in their vncerteine skewes, which they fetch out of Norwaie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Their speech is Gothish, and such of them as by their dealing with forren merchants doo gather anie wealth, that they will verie often bestow vpon the furniture of their houses. Their weights & measures are after the Germaine maner, their countrie is verie healthie, and so wholesome, that of late a man was found which had maried a wife at one hundred yeares of age, and was able to go out a fishing with his bote at one hundred and fortie, and of late yéeres died of méere age, without anie other disease. Dron|kennesse is not heard of among them, and yet they meet and make good chéere verie often. Neither doo I read of anie great vse of flesh or foule there, although that some of their Ilands haue plentie of each. Nor anie mention of corne growing in these parts, and therefore in steed of bread they drie a kind of fish , which they beat in morters to powder, & bake it in their ouens, vntill it be hard and drie. Their fu|ell also is of such bones as the fish yéeldeth, that is taken on their coasts: and yet they liue as them|selues suppose in much felicitie, thinking it a great péece of their happinesse to be so farre distant from the wicked auarice, and cruell dealings of the more rich and ciuill part of the world.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herein also they are like vnto the Hirthiens, in that at one time of the yeare, there commeth a priest vnto them out of the Orchades (vnto which iurisdic|tion they doo belong) who baptiseth all such children, as haue béene borne among them, since he last arri|ued, and hauing afterward remained there for a two daies, he taketh his tithes of them (which they prouide and paie with great scrupulositie in fish, for of other commodities paie they none) and then re|turneth home againe, not without boast of his trou|blesome voiage, except he watch his time. In these Iles also is great plentie of fine Amber to be hadAmber. (as Hector saith ) which is producted by the working of the sea vpon those coasts: but more of this elsewhere. This neuertheles is certeine, that these Ilands, with the Orchades, were neuer perfectlie vnited to the crowne of Scotland, till the mariage was made be|twéene king Iames and the ladie Marie daughter to Christierne king of Denmarke 1468 ; which Chri|stierne at the birth of their sonne Iames (afterward EEBO page image 44 king of Scotland and called Iames the fourth) re|signed all his right and title whatsoeuer either he or his ancestors either presently or hertofore had, might haue had, or herafrer may or should haue, vnto the a|foresaid péeres, as appéereth by the charter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 From these Shetland Iles, and vntill we come southwards to the Scarre , which lieth in Buquham|nesse, I find no mention of anie Ile situat vpon that coast, neither greatlie from thence, vntill we come at the Forth, that leadeth vp to Sterling, neither thought we it safetie for vs to search so farre as Thu|le, whence the most excellent brimstone commeth, & thereto what store of Ilands lie vnder the more nor|therlie climats, whose secret situations though part|lie seene in my time, haue not yet bin perfectlie reue|led or discouered by anie, bicause of the great aboun|dance of huge Ilands of ice that mooueth to and fro vpon their shores, and sundrie perilous gulfes and indraughts of water, and for as much as their know|lege doth not concerne our purpose, wherfore casting about, we came at the last into the Firth or Forth, which some call the Scotish sea, wherein we passe by seuen or eight such as they be, of which the first called the Maie , the second Baas , and Garwie the third, doo séeme to be inhabited. From these also holding on our course toward England, we passe by another Ile, wherein Faux castell standeth, and this (so far as my skill serueth) is the last Iland of the Scotish side, in compassing whereof I am not able to discerne, whether their flats and shallowes, number of Ilands without name, confusion of situation, lacke of true description, or mine owne ignorance hath troubled me most. No meruell therefore that I haue béene so oft on ground among them. But most ioifull am I that am come home againe: & although not by the Thames mouth into my natiue citie (which taketh his name of Troie) yet into the English dominion, where good interteinement is much more franke and copious, and better harborough wherein to rest my wearie bones, and refresh at ease our wether beaten carcasses.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The first Iland therefore which commeth to our sight, after we passed Berwike, is that which was somtime called Lindesfarne , but now Holie Iland,Lindesfarne or Holie I|land. and conteineth eight miles; a place much honored a|mong our monasticall writers, bicause diuerse moonks and heremits did spend their times therein. There was also the bishops see of Lindesfarne for a long season, which afterward was translated to Che|ster in the stréet , & finallie to Duresine , Dunelme, or Durham. It was first erected by Oswald , wherein he placed Aidanus the learned Scotish moonke, who came hither out of the Ile called Hij, whereof Beda speaking in the third chapter of his third booke, no|teth, that although the said Hij belong to the kings of Northumberland, by reason of situation & néere|nesse to the coast; yet the Picts appointed the bishops of the same, and gaue the Ile with the see it selfe to such Scotish moonks as they liked, bicause that by their preaching they first receiued the faith. But to re|turne to Lindesfarne. After Aidan departed this life, Finanus finished and builded the whole church with sawed timber of oke, after the maner of his coun|trie, which when Theodorus the archbishop of Can|turburie had dedicated, Edbert the bishop did couer ouer with lead.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Next vnto this is the Ile of Farne,Farne. and herein is a place of defense so far as I remember, and so great store of egs laid there by diuerse kinds of wildfoule in time of the yeare, that a man shall hardlie run for a wager on the plaine ground without the breach of manie, before his race be finished. About Farne also lie certeine Iles greater than Farne it selfe, but void of inhabitants; and in these also is great store of puffins,Puffins. graie as duckes, and without coloured fe|thers, sauing that they haue a white ring round a|bout their necks. There is moreouer another bird,Saint Cuth|berts foules. which the people call saint Cuthberts foules , a verie tame and gentle creature, and easie to be taken. Af|ter this we came to the Cocket Iland; so called, bi|cause it lieth ouer against the fall of Cocket water. Herein is a veine of meane seacole, which the people dig out of the shore at the low water; and in this I|land dwelled one Henrie sometime a famous here|mite , who (as his life declareth) came of the Danish race. And from thence vntill we came vnto the coast of Norffolke I saw no more Ilands.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Being therfore past S. Edmunds point , we found a litle Ile ouer against the fall of the water that commeth from Holkham , & likewise another ouer a|gainst the Claie , before we came at Waburne hope : the third also in Yarmouth riuer ouer against Brad|well , a towne in low or little England, whereof also I must néeds saie somewhat, bicause it is in maner an Iland, and as I gesse either hath béene or may be one: for the brodest place of the strict land that lea|deth to the same, is little aboue a quarter of a mile, which against the raging waues of the sea can make but small resistance. Little EnglandLittle Eng|land. or low Eng|land therefore is about eight miles in length and foure in bredth, verie well replenished with townes, as Fristan, Burgh castell, Olton, Flixton, Les|toft, Gunton, Blundston, Corton, Lownd, Ashe|bie, Hoxton, Belton, Bradwell, and Gorleston , and beside this it is verie fruitfull and indued with all commodities.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Going forward from hence, by the Estonnesse (almost an Iland) I saw a small parcell cut from the maine in Oxford hauen , the Langerstone in Orwell mouth, & two péeces or Islets at Cattiwade bridge; and then casting about vnto the Colne, we beheld Merseie Merseie. which is a pretie Iland, well furnished with wood. It was sometime a great receptacle for the Danes when they inuaded England; howbeit at this present it hath beside two decaied blockehouses, two parish churches, of which one is called east Mer|seie, the other west Merseie, and both vnder the arch|deacon of Colchester, as parcell of his iurisdiction. Foulenesse is an Ile void of wood,Foulnesse. and yet well re|plenished with verie good grasse for neat and sheepe, whereof the inhabitants haue great plentie: there is also a parish church, and albeit that it stand somewhat distant from the shore, yet at a dead low water a man may (as they saie) ride thereto if he be skilfull of the causie; it is vnder the iurisdiction of London. And at this present master William Tabor bacheler of diuinitie and archdeacon of Essex hath it vnder his iurisdiction & regiment, by the surrender of mai|ster Iohn Walker doctor also of diuinitie, who liued at such time as I first attempted to commit this booke to the impression.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In Maldon water are in like sort thrée Ilands inuironed all with salt streames, as saint Osithes, Northeie ,Osithe. Northeie. and another (after a mersh) that beareth no name so far as I remember. On the right hand al|so as we went toward the sea againe, we saw Ram|seie Ile , or rather a Peninsula or Biland,Ramseie. & likewise the Reie ,Reie. in which is a chappell of saint Peter. And then coasting vpon the mouth of the Bourne, we saw the Wallot Ile and his mates, whereof two lie by east Wallot, and the fourth is Foulnesse, except I be deceiued, for here my memorie faileth me on the one side, and information on the other, I meane concerning the placing of Foulenesse. But to pro|céed. After this, and being entered into the Thames mouth, I find no Iland of anie name, except you ac|compt Rochford hundred for one, whereof I haue no mind to intreat, more than of Crowland, Mersland, EEBO page image 45 Elie, and the rest, that are framed by the ouze, An|dredeseie in Trent, so called of a church there dedica|ted to saint Andrew, and Auon (two noble riuers hereafter to be described) sith I touch onelie those that are inuironed with the sea or salt water round about, as we may see in the CanwaieCanwaie. Iles , which some call marshes onelie, and liken them to an ipo|cras bag, some to a vice, scrue, or wide sléeue, bi|cause they are verie small at the east end, and large at west. The salt rilles also that crosse the same doo so separat the one of them from the other, that they re|semble the slope course of the cutting part of a scrue or gimlet, in verie perfect maner, if a man doo ima|gine himselfe to looke downe from the top of the mast vpon them. Betwéene these, moreouer and the Leigh towne lieth another litle Ile or Holme, whose name is to me vnknowne. Certes I would haue gone to land and viewed these parcels as they laie, or at the least haue sailed round about them by the whole hauen, which may easilie be doone at an high water: but for as much as a perrie of wind (scarse comparable to the makerell gale , whereof Iohn A|nele of Calis one of the best seamen that England euer bred for his skill in the narow seas was woont to talke) caught hold of our sailes, & caried vs forth the right waie toward London, I could not tarie to sée what things were hereabouts. Thus much there|fore of our Ilands, & so much may well suffice where more cannot be had.

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1.9. Of the number and names of ſuch ſalt Iſlands, as lye diſperſed rounde about vppon the coaſt of Brytaine. Cap. 8.

Of the number and names of ſuch ſalt Iſlands, as lye diſperſed rounde about vppon the coaſt of Brytaine. Cap. 8.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 THere are néere vnto, or not verye farre from the coaſts of Brytaine many faire Iſlandes, whereof Irelande with hir neigh|bors, (not here hãdled) ſéeme to be the chiefe. But of ye reaſt, ſome are much larger or leſſe then other, diuers in lyke ſort enuironed con|tinually with the ſalt ſea, (whereof I purpoſe onely to intreate, although not a few of them be Ilands but at the floude) & other finally be clipped partely by the freſh, and partly by the ſalt water, or by the freſhe alone, whereof I may ſpeake afterwarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of theſe ſalt Iſlandes, (for ſo I call them that are enuyroned with the Ocean-waues) ſome are fruitefull in Wood, Corne, Wilde|foule, and paſture grounde for Cattel, albeit that manye of them be accounted barren be|cauſe they are only repleniſhed with conies & thoſe of ſundry collors, (cheriſhed of purpoſe by the owners, for their ſkinnes carcaſes, and prouyſion of houſholde,) wythout ey|ther man, or woman, otherwiſe inhabiting in them. Furthermore, the greateſt number of theſe Iſlandes, haue Townes and pariſhe Churches, within theyr ſeuerall precinctes, ſome mo, ſome leſſe: and beſide all thys, are ſo inriched with commodities, that they haue pleaſant hauens, freſhe ſpringes, great ſtore of fiſhe, and plentye of Cattell, whereby the inhabitants doe reape no ſmall aduantage. How many they are in nũber I cãnot as yet determine, bycauſe myne informations are not ſo fully ſet down, as the promiſes of ſome on the ſide, & myne expectation on the other, EEBO page image 12 did extẽd vnto. Howbeit, ye firſt of al there are certeine which lie néere togither, as it were by heaps & cluſters, I hope, [...] will rediliy deny.Neſiadae. Inſule. Scylurum. Sileuſtrae. Syllanae. Sorlingae Sylley. Hebrides. Hebudes. Meuanie. Orchades. Of theſe alſo thoſe called ye Neſiadae, In|ſulae Scylurum, Sileuſtrae, Syllanae, nowe ye ſor|lings, and Iſles of Silley, lying beyond Corn|wall are one, and conteineth in number one hundred fourtye & ſeauen, (eche of them, bea|ring graſſe) beſides ſhelfers and ſhallowes. In like ſort the company of the Hebrides are another which are ſayd to be 43. ſituate vpon the weſt ſide of this Iſland, betwéene Ireland and Scotland, and of which there are ſome, that repute Angleſey, Mona Gaeſaris, & other lying betwéene them to be percell, in theyr corrupted iudgement. The thirde cluſter or bunche, conſiſteth of thoſe, that are called the Orchades, and theſe lye vpon the North|weſt point of Scotlande being 31. in number, as for the reaſt they lye ſcattered here and there, and yet not to be vntouched as theyr courſes ſhall come about.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There haue béene diuers that haue written of purpoſe, De inſulis Britanniae, as Caeſar doth confeſſe, the lyke alſo maye be ſéene by Plutarche who nameth one Demetrius, a Bry|taine that ſhoulde ſet foorth an exact treatiſe of eche of them in order, but ſith thoſe bookes are now peryſhed, and the moſt of the ſayde Iſlandes remaine vtterly vnknowne, euen to our owne ſelues. I meane God willyng to ſet downe ſo many of them with their com|modities, as I doe either knowe by Leland, or am otherwyſe inſtructed of, by ſuch as are of credite. Herein alſo I will touch at large ſuch as are moſt famous, and brieflye paſſe ouer thoſe that are obſcure and vnknowen, making myne entraunce at the Thames mouth, and directing thys imagined courſe, (for I neuer ſailed it), by ye ſouth part of the Iland, into ye Weſt. Frõ thence in lyke ſort, I will proceede into the North, & come about againe by the eaſt ſide into ye fall of the afore|ſaid ſtreame, where I will ſtrike ſayle, & ſafe|ly be ſet a ſhoore, that haue often in this voy|age wanted water, but oftner béene ſet a grounde, eſpeciallye on the Scottiſh ſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In beginning therfore, with ſuch as lye in the mouth of the aforeſayde Riuer, I muſt néedes paſſe by the Hoo,Hoo. whiche is not an Iſlande but (if I may giue ſuch péeces a new name) a bylande, bycauſe we may paſſe thy|ther from the maine Iſle, by an Iſthums or ſtrictlande, that is to ſay by lande, without a|nye veſſell, at the full Sea, or any horſe at the ebbe.Greane. It lyeth betwéene Clyffe and the mid|way, that goeth alõg by Rocheſter. Next vn|this we haue the Greane wherein is a towne of the ſame denomination, an Iſle ſuppo|ſed to be foure miles in length, and two in bredth.Shepey. Then come we to Shepey, which con|teineth ſeauen myles in length, and thrée in breadth, wherein is a caſtell called Quin|borowe, and a Parke, beſide foure Townes, of which one is named Munſter, another Eaſtchurch, the thyrde Warden, & the fourth Leyden: the whole ſ [...]yle being [...] thorowly [...]ad with ſheepe, [...]erye well woodded, and as I here belonging to the Lord Cheyney, as par|cell of his [...] inheritaunce It lyeth thirtéene myles by water from Rocheſter, but the Caſtle is fiftéene, and by ſouth thereof are two ſmall Iſlandes, whereof the one is called Elmeſy, and the more eaſterly Herteſy Elmeſey. Hertſey. In this alſo is a towne called Hertie, or Hartie, and all in the Hathe of Scraie, notwithſtan|ding that Hartie lieth in the hundred of Fa|uerſham, and Shepey retaineth one eſpecyall Baily of hir owne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From hence we paſſe by the Reculuers, (or territorie belonging in tyme paſt to one Raculphus, who erected an houſe of religion, or ſome ſuch thing there,) vnto a litle Iſland, in the ſtoure mouth.Stureſey. Thanet. Herevpon alſo the Tha|net abutteth, which is rather a bylande then an yland. Beda noteth it in times paſt to haue contayned 600 families, which are all one with Hidelandes In Lin|colneſhire the worde hyde or hidelande, was neuer in vſe in olde time as in o|ther places but for hide they vſed the word Ca|tucate or cart|ware, or Teme, and theſe were of no leſſe compaſſe then an hideland. Ex Hugo|ne le blanc Monacho petrobur|genſi. Plowghlandes, Carru|cates or Temewares. He addeth alſo ye it is deuided from our continent, by the riuer cal|led Wantſume, which is about thrée fur|longs brode, & to be paſſed ouer in two pla|ces onely.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But whereas Polidore ſayeth, the Te|net is nyne myles in length & not much leſſe in bredth, it is nowe reconed that it hath not much aboue ſeuẽ myles from Nordtmuth to Sandwiche, & foure in bredth, frõ the Stoure to Margate, or from the South to the North, the circuit of ye whole being 17. or 18. as Ley|lãd alſo noteth. This Ilãd hath no wood gro|wing in it except it be forced, & yet otherwiſe it is very fruitfull, and beſide that, it wanteth fewe other commodities, the fineſt chalke is ſayde to be found there. Herin alſo dyd Augu|ſtine the Monke firſt arriue when he came to conuert the Saxons, & afterward in proceſſe of tyme, ſundry religious houſes were erec|ted there, as in a ſoyle much bettered (as ye ſuperſticiors ſuppoſed) by ſteps of that ho|ly man & ſuch as came ouer with him. There are at this tyme 10. Pariſh churches at the leaſt in ye Iſle of Thanet, as S. Nicholas, Bir|chingtõ S. Iohns, Wood, or Woodchurch, S. Pe|ters, S. Laurẽs, Mowntõ or Monketon, Minſter, S. Gyles and all Saincts, wherof M. Lambert hath written at large in his deſcription of Kent, & placed the ſame in lath the of S. Augu|ſtine EEBO page image 21 and hundred of Ringeflow as may eaſi|ly be ſéene to him that will peruſe it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Rutupium,Sometyme Rutupium (or as Beda calleth it Reptaceſter) ſtoode alſo in this Iſlande, but now thorowe alteration of the chanell of the Dour, it is ſhut quite out and annexed to the maine. It is called in theſe daies Richeborow and as it ſhoulde ſeeme buylded vpon an in|different ſoyle, or highe grounde. The large brickes alſo yet to be ſéene there, in the rui|nous walles, declare eyther the Romayne or the old Brittiſh workemanſhip. But as time decayeth all things, ſo Rutupium is now be|come deſolate, & out of the duſt therof Sand|wiche producted, which ſtandeth a full mile from the place, where Reptaceſter ſtoode. The olde writers affirme, how Ethelbert the firſt chriſtian king of Kent, did holde his pal|lace in this towne, and yet none of his coyne hath hitherto béene founde there, as is dayly that of the Romaynes, whereof many péeces of ſiluer and gold, ſo wel as of braſſe, copper, and other mettal haue often bene ſhewed vn|to me. It ſhoulde appeare in lyke ſorte that of this place, all the whole coaſt of Kent ther|about, was called Littus Rutupinum, which ſome doe not a little confirme by theſe words of Lucane, to be red in his ſixt booke, ſoone af|ter the beginning.

Aut vaga cum Tethis, Rutupina littora feruent,
Vnda Calidonios fallit turbata Brittannos.
Or when the wãdering Seas or Kentiſh coaſts doe worke, The laſt verſe of one copie and firſt of another. and Calidons of Brittiſhe bloude, the troubled waues beguyle. Meaning in like ſorte by the latter the coaſte néere Andredeſ|walde, which in time paſt was called Littus Calidonium of that wood or forreſt, as Leland alſo confirmeth. But as it is not my minde to deale any thing curiouſly in theſe by mat|ters, ſo in returning againe to my purpoſe, & taking my iorney toward the Wight, I muſt néeds paſſe by Seleſey,Seleſey. which ſometime as it ſhould ſéeme hath ben a noble yland, but now a Bylãd or Peninſula, wherin the chiefe Sie of the Byſhop of Chicheſter was holden by the ſpace of 329. yeres, & vnder 20. Biſhops.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thorne.Next vnto this, we come vnto thoſe that lye betwéene the Wight and the mayne lande, of which the moſt eaſterly is called Thorne, & to ſay truth, ye very leaſt of al that are to be founde in that knotte. Being paſt the Thorne we touched vpon the Haling, which is bigger then the Thorne, and wherein one towne is ſcituate of the ſame denominatiõ beſide ano|ther, whoſe name I remember not. By weſt alſo of the Haling lieth the Port (the greateſt of the thrée already mencioned) & in this ſtan|deth Portſmouth and Ringſtéed,Haling. whereof al|ſo our Lelande, ſayeth thus. Port Iſle is cut frõ the ſhore by an arme of the maine hauen, which breaketh out about three myles aboue Portſmouth & goeth vp two myles or more by moriſhe grounde to a place called Port|bridge,Port. which is two myles frõ Portſmouth. Thẽ breaketh there out another Créeke frõ the maine ſea, about Auant hauen, which gulleth vp almoſt to Portbridge, and thence is the ground diſſeuered, ſo that Portſmouth ſtãdeth in a corner of this Iſle, which Iſland is in length ſixe myles, and thrée myles in bredth, very good for graſſe & corne, not with|out ſome wood, and here and there incloſure. Beſide this there is alſo another Iſlãd north northweſt of port yle, which is now ſo worne and waſhed awaye with the working of the ſea, that at the ſpring tides it is wholly coue|red with water, and thereby made vnprofi|table. Finally being paſt all theſe, & in com|paſſing this goulfe, we come by an other, which lyeth North of Hirſt caſtell, and ſouth|eaſt of Kaie hauen, whereof I finde nothing worthy to be noted, ſauing that it wanteth wood as Ptolomie affirmeth in hys Geogra|phicall tables of all thoſe Iſlands, which en|uironne our Albion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Wight it ſelfe is called in latine Ve|ctis, Wight. Guidh. but in the Bryttiſh ſpeach Guidh, that is to ſay éefe or eaſie to be ſéene. It lieth diſtãt from the ſouth ſhore of Britaine (where it is fardeſt of) by fiue myles & a halfe, but where it commeth néereſt, not paſſing a thouſande paces, and this at the cut ouer betwene Hirſt caſtell and a place called Whetwell chine, as the inhabitauntes doe report. It contay|neth in length twentie myles, and in bredth tenne, it hath alſo the North poole eleuated by 50. degrées and 27. minutes, & is onely 18. degrées in diſtaunce, and 50. odde minutes, from the Weſt point as experience hath con|firmed, contrarie to the deſcription of Ptolo|mie, and ſuch as followe his aſſertions in the ſame. In forme, it repreſenteth almoſt an egge, and ſo well is it inhabited with méere Engliſh at this preſent, that there are thirtie ſixe Townes, Villages and Caſtels to be founde therin, beſide 27. Pariſh churches, of which 15. or 16. haue their Parſons, the reaſt eyther ſuch poore Vicares or Curates, as the liuings left are able to ſuſtayne. The names of the Pariſhes in the Wight are theſe.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • 1. Newport, a chap.
  • 2. Cairſbroſie. v.
  • 3. Northwood.
  • 4. Arriun. v.
  • 5. Goddeſhill. v.
  • 6. Whytwell.
  • 7. S. Laurence. p.
  • 8. Nighton. p.
  • 9. Brading. v.P. ſignifi|eth Par [...]|nages, [...] Vicar [...]
  • 10. Newchurch. v.
  • 11. S. Helene. v.
  • 12. Yauerland. p.
  • 13. Calborne. p.
  • 14. Bonechurch. p.
  • EEBO page image 1315. Motteſſon. p.
  • 16. Yarmouth. p.
  • 17. Thorley. v.
  • 18. Sha [...]e. v.
  • 19. Whippinghã. p.
  • 20. W [...]tton. p.
  • 21. Chale. p.
  • 22. Kingſton. p.
  • 23. Shorwell. p.
  • 24. [...]a [...]mbe. p.
  • 25. Bro [...]ie.
  • 26. Bryxſton. p.
  • 27. Be [...]iſted. p.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 It belongeth for temporall Iuriſdiction to the countie of Hamſhire, but in ſpirituall caſes, it yéeldeth obediẽce to the See of Chi|cheſter, whereof it is a De [...]erie. As for the ſoyle of the whole Iſland, it is very fruitful, for notwithſtanding that the ſhore of it ſelfe be very full of rockes and [...]aggy cliffes, yet there wanteth no plentie of cattell, corne, pa|ſture, medow grounde, wilde foule, fiſh, freſh riuers, and pleaſant wooddes, wherby the in|habitants may lyue in eaſe and welfare. It was firſt ruled by a ſeuerall king, and after|warde wonne from the Britons by Veſpa|ſian the Legate, at ſuch tyme as he made a voyage into the Weſt country. In proceſſe of tyme alſo it was gotten frõ the Romaines by Ceadwall [...], who killed Aruald that reig|ned there, and reſerued the ſouereingtie of that Iſle to himſelfe, and his ſucceſſours. Af|ter Ceadwalla, Woolfride the Parricide was the firſt Saxon Prince, that aduentured into the Wight, whether he was driuen by Ken|walch of the Weſt ſaxons, who made great warres vpon him, and in the ende compel|led hym to flye into this place for ſuccours, as did alſo king Iohn, in the rebellious ſturre of his Barons, practiſed by the clargie: the ſayd Iſlãd being as then in poſſeſſiõ of the Fortes as ſome doe write that haue handled it of purpoſe. The firſt Earle of this Iſlande that I doe read of, was one Baldwijne de Betoun who maryed for his ſeconde wife, the daugh|ter of William le Groſſe Earle of Awmarle, but he dying without iſſue by this Lady, ſhe was maryed ye ſecond time to Earle Mawn|deuile, and thirdlye to William de Fortes, who finyſhed Skipton Caſtell, which hys wyues father had begunne about the time of king Richard ye firſt. Hereby it came to paſſe alſo, yt the fortes were Erles of Awmarle, Wight, and Deuonſhyre a long time, till the Lady Elizabeth Fortes ſole heire to all thoſe poſſeſſions came to age, with whõ king Ed|ward the thirde ſo preuayled thorow money and fayre wordes, that he gate the poſſeſſion of the Wight wholly into his handes. After we be paſt the Wight, we go forwarde and come vnto Poole hauen, wherein is an Iſle, called Brunt Keyſi, in which was ſometime a Pariſhe church, [...]unt [...]ſi. and yet a chappell at this preſent as I here. There are alſo two other Iſles but I know not their names.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Wée haue after wée are paſſed by theſe another Iſle,Portland. alſo vpõ the co [...] named Port|land not farre from Waymouth a prety fer|tile péece through wtout woode, of 10. myles in circuite, now well inhabited, but much bet|ter heretofore, & yet are there about 80. houſ|holdes in it. There is alſo but one ſtréete of houſes therin, the reaſt are diſperſed, how|beit they belong all to one Pariſhe Church, whereas in time paſt there were two within the compaſſe of the ſame. There is alſo a Ca|ſtell of the [...]ings, who is Lord of the Iſle, al|though the biſhop of Wincheſter be patrone of the Church, the perſonage whereof is the faireſt houſe in al the péece. The people there are excellent [...]ingers of ſtones, which feate they vſe for the defence of their Iſlande, and yet otherwiſe very couetous. And wheras in tyme paſt they lyued onely by fiſhing, now they fall to tillage, their fire bote is brought out of the wight, and other places, yet do they burne much cowdung, dryed in the ſonne: for there is I ſay no wood in ye Iſle, except a few elmes that be about the church. There would ſome growe there, no doubt if they were wil|ling to plant it, although the ſoyle lye very bleake & open. It is not long ſince this was vnited to the mayne, and likely ere long to be cut of againe. Being paſt thys we rayſe ano|ther, alſo in the mouth of the Gowy, betwene Golſforde & Lime, of which for the ſmalneſſe therof I make no great accompt. Wherfore giuing ouer to intreate anye farder of it I caſt about to Gerſey, and Gerneſey,Gerſey. Garneſey. which Iſles with their appurtenaunces appertay|ned in tymes paſt to the Dukes of Norman|dye, but now they remayne to our Quéene, as percell of Hamſhyre and belonging to hir Crowne, by meanes of a compoſition made, betwéene king Iohn of England, & the king of Fraunce, when the Dominions of the ſaid Prince began ſo faſt to decreaſe, as Thomas Sulmo ſayth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of theſe two, Gerſey is the greateſt,Gerſey. as an Iſlãd hauing 30. miles in cõpas, as moſt men doe cõiecture. There are likewiſe in the ſame twelue Pariſh Churches, wyth a Colledge, which hath a Deane and Prebendes. It is di|ſtaunt from Gerneſey full 21. myles, or there|aboutes. In this latter alſo, there haue bene in times paſt, fiue religious houſes and nyne Caſtelles,Gerneſey. howbeit in theſe dayes there is but one Pariſh church left ſtanding in the ſame. There are alſo certayne other ſmall Iſlands, which Henry the ſecond in his Donation cal|leth Inſuletas (beſide very many rocks) wher|of one called S. Helenes (wherein ſometyme was a Monaſtery) is faſt vpon Gerſey,S. Hereli. ano|ther is named ye Cornet, Cornet. which hath a Caſtell EEBO page image 22 not paſſing an arrow ſhoote frõ Gerſey. The Serke alſo is betwéene both, which is is ſixe myles about,Serke. and hath another annexed to it by an Iſthmus or Strictlande, wherein was a religious houſe, and therewith all great ſtore of conyes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Brehoc. Gytho. Herme.There is alſo the Brehoc, the Gytho, and the Herme, which latter is foure myles in compaſſe, and therein was ſometyme a Chanonry, that afterwarde was conuer|ted into an houſe of Franciſcanes. There are two other likewyſe néere vnto that of S. Hele|rie of whoſe names I haue no notice. There is alſo the rockye, Burho als. the Iſle of Rattes. Iſle, of Burhoo, but nowe the Iſle of Rattes (ſo called of the huge plen|tie of Rattes that are founde there, though otherwiſe it be repleniſhed with infinite ſtore of Conyes, betwéene whome and the Rattes, as I coniecture thoſe which we call Turkie confes are oftentimes produced among thoſe few houſes that are to be ſéene in thys Iland. Beſide this there is moreouer the Iſle of Al|derney a very pretie Plot,Alderney. about ſeuen miles in compaſſe, wherein a Prieſt not long ſince did find a coffin of ſtone, in which lay ye body of and huge Gyaunt, whoſe fore téeth were ſo bygge as a mans fiſt, as Lelande doth re|port.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Certes this to me is no marueile at al, ſith I haue read of greater, and mencioned them already in the beginning of thys booke. Such a one, alſo haue they in Spayne, whereunto they go in pilgrimage as vnto S. Chriſto|phers tooth, but it was one of his eye téeth, if Lodouicus Viues ſay true, who went hither to offer vnto ye ſame. S. Auguſt writeth in like ſorte, of ſuch another found vpõ the coſt of V|tica, and thereby not onely gathered that all men were not onely farre greater then they be now, but alſo the Giaunts farre excéeding the huge ſtature of the hygheſt of them all. Homere complayneth that men in hys time were but Dwarfes in compariſon of ſuch as lyued in the warres of Troy. Sée his fift Iliade, where he ſpeaketh of Diomedes & how he threw a ſtone at Aeneas, (which 14. men of his time were not able to ſturre) & therewith did hit hym on the thighe & ouerthrowe him. Virgile alſo noteth no leſſe, but Iuuenall brief|lye comprehendeth all thys in his 15. Satyra, where he ſayth.

Saxa inclinatis per humum quaeſita lacertis
Iliad 5. & 7.Incipiunt torquere, domeſtica ſeditione
Tela, nec hunc lapidem, quali ſe Turnus, & Aiax,
Et quo Tytides percuſsit pondere coxam
Virgilius Aen. 12.Aeneae: ſed quem valeant emittere dextrae
Illis diſsimiles, & noſtro tempore natae.
Nam genus hoc viuo iam decreſcebat Homero.
Terra malos homines nunq educat, [...]t a puſillos,
Ergo De [...]s qui [...] aſpex [...]t, ri [...] [...]
But to returne agayne vnto the Iſle of Al|derney frõwhence I haue digreſſed. Herein alſo is a pretie towne with a Pariſh church, great plentie of Corne, Cattell, Conyes, and wilde foule, whereby the inhabitauntes doe reape much gayne and commoditie, onelye wood is theyr want, which they otherwyſe ſupply. The language alſo of ſuch as dwel in theſe Iſles, is Frenche, but the attire of thoſe yt liued in Gerneſey & Gerſey, vntil the time of King Henry the eyght, was al after the I|riſh guyſe. The Iſle of Gerneſey alſo was ſore ſpoyled by the Frenche 1371. & left ſo de|ſolate that onely one caſtell remained there|in vntouched.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beyonde thys and néere vnto the coaſt of Englande (for theſe doe lye about the ve|rye middeſt of the Brittiſh ſea) we haue one Iſlande called the Bruch or the Bruchſey,Bruchſey lying about two myles from Poole, whether men ſayle from the Fromouth, & wherin is nought elſe, but an olde Chappell, without o|ther houſing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Next to this alſo are certaine rocks, which ſome take for Iſles, as Illeſtõ rocke nere vn|to Peritorie, Horeſtan Iſle a myle from Pe|ritorie by South, Blacke rocke Iſle, South|eaſt from Perytorie toward Teygnemouth, and alſo Cheſter, otherwyſe called Plegy|mudham: but howe (to ſaye truth) or where this latter lieth, I cãnot make report, as yet, & ſith Leland noteth them togither, I thinke it not my part to make ſeparation of them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 From hence the next Iſle is called Mount Iſland, otherwiſe Mowtland,Mount Iſlande. ſcituate ouer againſt Lough, about two myles from the ſhore, and well néere, thrée myles in com|paſſe. This Iſland hath no inhabitants, but onely the Warrenner & his dogge, who loo|keth vnto the Conies there: notwithſtanding that vpõ the coaſt therof in time of the yere, great ſtore of Pylchardes is taken, and ca|ryed from thence into many places of our coũtrey. It hath alſo a freſh Well comming out of the rockes, which is woorthy to be no|ted in ſo ſmall a cõpaſſe of ground. Moreouer in the mouth of the créeke that leadeth vnto Lough, or Loow, as ſome call it, there is an other little Iſlande of about eight Acres of grounde called S. Nicholas Iſle, S. Nichol [...] Iſlande. and midwaye betwéene Falmouth, and Dudman, (a cer|tayne Promontorie) is ſuch another named the Grefe,Greefe. Inis: Pr [...] wherein is great ſtore of Gulles & ſea foule. As for Inis Prynin, it lyeth within the Baye about thrée myles from Lizardes, & contayneth not aboue two Acres of groũd, EEBO page image 14 from which Newltjn is not farre diſtaunt, & wherein is a poore fiſher r [...]wne and a fayre We [...]ſpring, whereof as yet no writer hath made mention. After theſe (o [...]teing, p [...]nndo|uant in ye point of Fulmouth hane) we came at laſt to ſaint Michaels profit,Mount. S. Mi| [...]haeli. wherof I find this deſcription readye to my handes in Le|lande. The compaſſe of the roote of the Moũt of ſaint Michael is not much more then halfe a myle, and of this the South part is paſtu|rable and bréedeth Conyes; the reſidue high and rocky. In the North ſide thereof alſo is a Garden, with certayne houſes and ſhoppes for fiſhermen. Furthermore, the way to the Mountaine lieth at the North ſide, and is fre|quented from halfe ebbe to halfe floud, the en|traunce beginning at the foote of the Hyll, & ſo aſſending by ſteps and greces weſtward, firſt, and then Eaſtward to the vtterward of the Church. Within the ſame ward alſo is a Court ſtrongly walled, wherin on the ſouth|ſide is a Chappell of S. Michaell, and in the Eaſtſide another of our Lady. Many times a man maye come to the hill on foote. On the North Northweſt ſide hereof alſo, is a Piere for botes and ſhips, and in the baye betwixt the Mount & Penſantz are ſéene at the lowe water marke, diuers rootes and ſtubbes of trées, beſide hewen ſtone, ſometimes of dores and windowes, which are perceyued in the inner part of the Bay, and import that there hath not onely béene buylding, but alſo firme ground there, whereas the Salt water doth now rule & beare the maſtery. Beyond this is an other litle Iſle,S. Cle|ments. called S. Clemẽts Iſle, of a Chappell there dedicated to that Saint. It hath a litle beyond it, Mowſhole, which is not touched in any Card. As for Mowſhole it ſelf it is a towne of the maine, called in Cor|niſh port Enis, that is, portus inſule, & in tinne workes néere vnto the ſame, there hath bene founde of late, ſpeare heddes, battaile axes, & ſwords of Copper, wrapped vp in linnen and ſcarſely hurt with ruſt or other hinderance. Certes the ſea hath won very much in this corner of our Iſlande, but chiefly betwéene Mowſhole Penſardes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hauing thus paſſed ouer very néere all ſuch Iſles, as lye vppon the ſouth coaſt of Bry|taine, and nowe being come vnto the weſt part of our coũtry, a ſodeyne Pirry catcheth holde of vs (as it did before, when we went to Gerſy) and caryeth vs yet more weſterlye a|mõg the flattes of Sylly. Such force doth the ſoutheaſt winde often ſhowe vpon poore tra|ueylers in thoſe parties, as the ſouth & ſouth|weſt, doth vpon ſtraungers againſt the Bry|tiſh coaſt, that are not ſkilfull of our rodes, and herborowes. Howbeit ſuch was our ſuc|ceſſe in their voyage, that we feared no rockes,King A|thelſtane hauing ſubdued the Syl|lane Iſles, builded a Colledge of Prieſts at S. Bu|rien, in perfour|mance of his vowe, made whẽ he enter|priſed this voyage, for his ſafe re|turne. (more then did king Athelſtane, when he ſub|dued thẽ) nor any tempeſt of weather in thoſe partes, that [...]lde annoy the paſſage. Peru|ſing therefore the periles whereinto we were pitifully plouged: we founde the Syllane I|lande [...] (places often robbed by the French|men and Spanyardes) to lye diſtaunt from the poynt of Cornewall, about thrée or foure houre [...] ſayling, or twentie Englyſhe miles, as ſome men doe account it. There are of theſe as I ſayde, to the number of one hundreth forty ſeauen in ſight, whereof eche one is greater or leſſe then other, and moſt of them ſometime inhabited, howbeit, there are twentie of them, which for their greatneſſe & commodities, excéede all the reaſt. Therto (if you reſpect their poſition) they are ſcituate in manner of a circle, or ring, hauing an huge lake, or portion of the ſea in the middeſt of them, which is not without perill, to ſuch as with ſmall aduiſement enter into the ſame. Certes it paſſeth my cunning, either to name or to deſcrybe all theſe one hundreth fourtie ſeauen according to their eſtate, neither haue I had any information of them, more than I haue gathered by Leyland, or gotten out of a Mappe of their deſcriptiõ, which I had, ſome|tyme of Reynolde Woolfe: wherefore omit|ting as it were all the raggos, and ſuch as are not worthy to haue anytime ſpent about their particular deſcriptions, I will only touch the greateſt and thoſe that ly togither, (as I ſaid) in maner of a roundell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt and greateſt of theſe therefore, called S. Maries Iſle, is about fiue miles ouer,S. Ma|ries Iſle. or nyne myles in compaſſe. Therein alſo is a pariſhe Church, and a poore Towne belong|ing thereto, of thrée ſcore houſholdes, beſide a caſtel, plẽtie of Corne, Co [...]es, wilde Swai|nes, Puffens, Gulles, Cranes & other kindes of Foule, in great abundãce. This fertile Iſ|lãd being thus viewed, we ſailed ſouthwarde by the norman rocke; & S. Maries ſounde vnto Agnus Iſle, which is ſixe myles ouer,Agnus Iſle. & hath in lyke ſorte one Towne or Pariſhe within the ſame of fiue or ſixe houſholdes, beſide no ſmall ſtore of Hogs, & Con [...]es, of ſundry cou|lours, very profitable to theyr owners. It is not long ſince this Iſle was left deſolate, for whẽ ye inhabitãts therof, returned frõ a feaſt holden in S. Maries Iſle, they were al drow|ned and not one perſon left aliue. There are alſo two other ſmall Iſlandes, betwéene this & the Annot, Annot. wherof I finde nothing worthy relation, for as both of them ioyned together are not comparable, to the ſayde Annot for greatneſſe and circuite, ſo they want both Hogges and Connies, whereof Annot hath EEBO page image 23 great plentie.Minwiſand. Smithy ſounde. Suartigan. Rouſuian. Rouſuiar. Cregwin. There is moreouer the Minwi|ſand, from whence we paſſe by the Smithy ſound, (leauing thrée little Iſlandes on the left hande, vnto the Suartigan Iſlande, then to Rouſuian, Rouſuiar, and the Cregwin, which ſeauen are for yu moſt part, repleniſhed with Conies only, and wilde Earlike, but voyde of woode, and other commodities, ſauyng of a ſhort kinde of graſſe, or here or there ſome firzes whereon their Conies doe féede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Leauing therefore theſe deſert péeces, wée incline a little towarde the northweſt, where we ſtumble or runne vppon,Moncar|that. Inis Wel|ſeck. Suethiall. Rat Iſ|land. Anwall. Brier. Moncarthat, Inis Welſeck, & Suethial. We came in like ſort vn|to Ratte Iſlande (wherein are ſo many mon|ſtrous Rattes, that if horſes, or other beaſts, happen to come thither, or be left there by negligence, they are ſure to be deuoured and eaten vp, without all hope of recouerye) the Anwall and the Brier, Iſlandes in lyke ſorte voyde of all good furniture, Conies only ex|cepted, & that; he Brier (wherein is a village, Caſtell, & pariſh Church) bringeth foorth no leſſe ſtore of Hogges, and wyldefoule, then Ratte Iſland doth of Rats, whereof I great|ly marueyle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By north of the Brier, lyeth the Ruſco, which hath a Labell or Bylande ſtretch|ing out toward the ſouthweſt, called Inis wid|don. Ruſco. Inis widdõ, This Ruſco is verye néere ſo great as that of S. Maries. It hath moreouer an hold, & a Pariſh within it, beſide great ſtore of Conies and wildefoule, whereof they make much gayne in due tyme of the yeare. Next vnto thys wée come to the Rounde Iſland,Round. Iſlande. S. Lides. Notho. Auing. Tyan. then to S. Lides Iſland, (wherin is a Pariſh church, dedicated to that ſaint) the Notho, the Auing, (one of thẽ being ſituate by ſouth of another) and the Tyan, which later is a great Iſlande, furnyſhed with a Pariſh Church, & no ſmall plenty of Conies as I here. After the Tyan we come to S. Martines Iſle,S. Martines betwixt which & S. Maries, are tenne other, ſmaller, which reach out of the northeaſt into the ſouthweſt, as Knolworth Sniuilliuer, Knolworth. Sniuilliuer. Menwethã Vollis. 1. Surwihe. Volils. 2. Arthurs Ile Guiniliuer. Nenech. Gothrois. Menwetham, Vol|lis. 1. Surwihe, Vollis. 2. Arthurs Iſland, Guiui|liuer, Nenech and Gothrois, whoſe qualities are dyuers: howbeit as no one of theſe, is to be accounted great in compariſon of the o|ther, ſo they al yéelde a ſhort graſſe, méete for ſhéepe and Conies, as doe alſo the reaſt. In the greater Iſles likewiſe, (whoſe names are commonlye ſuch as thoſe of the Townes, or Churches ſtanding in the ſame) there are as I here ſundrye lakes, and thoſe neuer without great plentye of wildefoule, ſo that the Iſles of Sylly, are ſuppoſed to be no leſſe beneficiall to their Lordes, then anye other whatſoeuer, within the compaſſe of our Iſle, or néere vnto our coaſtes. In ſome of them alſo are wilde ſwine.Wilde ſwine in Sylley. And as thoſe Iſles are ſuppoſed to be a notable ſafegard to the coaſt of Corinewall, ſo in dyuers of them great ſtore of tinne, is to be founde. There is in like maner ſuch plenty of fiſhe taken among theſe ſame, that beſide the féeding of their ſwine wyth all, a man ſhall haue more there for a peny, then in London for ten Grotes: How|beit their chiefe cõmodity is made by Reigh, which they dry and cutte in péeces, and cary|ing it ouer into litle Britayne, they exchange it there, for Salt, Canuas, readye Money, or other Marchaundiſe which they doe ſtande in neede of. A like trade haue ſome of them alſo, with Buckehorne or dryed Whityng, as I here: but ſith the Authour of this report, did not flatly auouch it, I paſſe ouer that fiſhe as not in ſeaſon at this time. Thus haue we viewed the richeſt and moſt wealthy Iſles of Sylley, frõ whence we muſt direct our courſe eaſtwardes, vnto the mouth of the Sauerne, & then go backe againe vnto the weſt poynt of Wales, cõtinuing ſtill our voyage along vp|on the weſt coaſt of Brytaine, till we come to the Soluey where at the kingdomes part, and from which forth on we muſt touch ſuch Iſ|landes, as lye vpon the weſt and northſhoore, till we be come againe vnto the Scottiſh ſea, and to our owne dominions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From the poynt of Cornewall therefore, or Promõtory of Helenus, (ſo called, as ſome think,Helenus. Priamus. becauſe Helenus the ſon of Priam lyeth buried there, except ye ſea haue waſhed away his ſepulchre) vntill we come vnto the mouth of Sauerne, we haue none Iſlandes at all that I do knowe or here of, but one lytle Byland, Cape or Peninſula, which is not to be reco|ned of in this place. And yet ſith I haue made mention of it, you ſhall vnderſtande, that it is called Pendinas, and beſide yt the compaſſe thereof is not aboue a myle, this is to be re|membred farder how there ſtãdeth a Pharos or light therein, for ſhippes which ſayle by thoſe coaſts in the night. There is alſo at the very poynt of the ſayde Pendinas, Pendinas. a chappell of S. Nicholas, beſide the church of S. Ia, an I|riſh woman Sainct. It belõged of late to the Lorde Brooke, but nowe as I geſſe the Lorde Mountioy enioyeth it. There is alſo a Block|houſe, and a péere in the eaſt ſide thereof, but the péere is ſore choked with ſande, as is the whole ſhore furthemore frõ S. Ies vnto S. Car|antokes, inſomuch that the greateſt parte of thys Bylande is nowe couered with ſandes, which the ſea caſteth vp, & this calamity hath indured little aboue fiftie yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There are alſo two Rockes néere vnto Tredwy, and another not farre from Tinta|gell, EEBO page image 15 all which many of the common ſort doe repute and take for Iſles: wherefore as one deſirous to note all, I thinke it not beſt that theſe ſhould be omitted, but to procéede. Whẽ we be come farder; I meane vnto ye Sauerne mouth, we méete the two Holmes, of which one is called Stepholine, and the other Flat|holme, of theyr formes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It ſhoulde ſéeme by ſome that they are not worthy to be placed among Iſlands: yet other ſome are of the opinion, that they are not altogyther ſo baſe, as to bée reputed a|mongſt flattes or rockes: but whatſoeuer they be, this is ſure that they oft annoye ſuch Paſſengers and Marchauntes as paſſe, and repaſſe vpon that riuer. Neyther doe I reade of any other Iſles which lye by caſt of theſe ſame onely the Barri and Dunwen: [...]rri. the firſt of which is ſo called of one Barroc, a religious man as Gyraldus ſaith. And here in is a rock, ſtanding at the very entraunce of the clyffe, which hath a little rift or chine vpon the ſide, whervnto if a mã do lay his eare, he ſhal here a noyſe, as if ſmithes did worke at the forge, ſometimes blowing wyth theyr Bellowes, [...]rri, is a [...]ght thot [...]m the [...]re. & ſometimes ſtriking and clinking with Ham|mers, whereof many men haue great woon|der and marueyle. It is about a mile in com|paſſe, ſcituate ouer againſt Aberbarry, and hath a chappel in it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]unwen. Dunwen, is ſo called of a Churche dedi|cated to a Welch woman ſaint, called Dun|wen, that ſtandeth there. It lyeth more then two miles from Henroſſer, ryght againſt Ne|uen, and hath within it two fayre mylles, and great ſtore of conies, and if the ſande in|creaſe ſo faſt herafter as it hath done of late about it, it will be vnyted to the mayne, within a ſhort ſeaſon. Beyond theſe & toward the coaſt of Southwales, lye two other Iſ|landes, larger in quantitie, then the Holmes, of which the one is called Caldee or Inis Pyr. [...]aldee. It hath a Pariſhe Church wyth a ſpire ſtée|ple, and a prety towne belonging to the coun|ty of Pembroke, and iuriſdiction of S. Dauid in Wales. Lelande ſuppoſeth the ruines that are founde there in, to haue beene of an olde priorye ſometimes called Lille, which was a celle belonging to the Monaſterye of S. Dog|maell, but of this I can ſaye nothing. The other hyght Londy, [...]ondy. wherein is alſo a village or towne, and of thys Iſlande the Parſon of the ſayde towne, is not onelye the captaine, but hath thereto weife, diſtreſſe, and all other commodities belonging to the ſame. It is little aboue ſixtéene myles, from the coaſt of wales, and yet it ſerueth as I am informed Lord and king in Deuonſhyre. Moreouer in thys Iſlande is great plentie of ſhéepe, but more of conies, and therewithall of very fine and ſhort graſſe, for their better foode and paſtureage. And albeit that there be not ſcal|lie fourtie houſholdes in the whole, yet the in|habitants there with huge ſtones (alreadye prouided) may kéepe of thouſandes of theyr enemies, becauſe it is not poſſible for any ad|uerſaries to aſſayle them, but onelye at one place, and wyth a moſt daungerous entrance,Schalmey. Schoncold. Scalmey the greater and the leſſe lye north|weſt of Milforde hauen a good way. They be|long both to the king; but are not inhabited, bicauſe they be ſo often ſpoiled with pirates, Schoncold Iſle ioineth vnto great Scalmey, & is bygger then it, onely a paſſage for ſhippes parteth them wherby they are ſuppoſed to be one, Leland noteth thẽ to lie in Milford hauẽ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Limen as Ptolomy calleth it,Limen or Ramſey. is ſcituate ouer againſt S. Dauides in wales, wherevnto we muſt nedes come, after we be paſt another litle one, which ſome men do call Greſsholme, Gresſholm In a late Mappe I finde this Limen to be cal|led in Engliſhe Ramſey: Lelande alſo confir|meth the ſame, and I cannot learne more thereof, then that it is much greater than any of the other laſt mencioned, (ſithence I deſcri|bed the holmes) and for temporall iuriſdicti|on, a member of Penbrookſhire, as it is vnto S. Dauides, for matters concerning ye church. Lelande in his Commentaries of Englande Lib. 8. ſayeth that it contayned thrée Iſlettes, where of the Biſhop of S. Dauids is owner of the greateſt, but ye Chanter of S. Dauids clay|meth the ſecond, as the Archedeacon of Cair|maiden doth the thirde. And in theſe is very excellent paſture for ſhéepe, and horſes, but not for other horned beaſts, which lacke their vpper téeth, by nature (whoſe ſubſtaunce is cõuerted into the nouriſhmẽt of their hornes) and therefore cannot byte ſo low. Next vnto this Iſle we came to Mawr, Mawr. an Iſland in the mouth of Mawr, ſcant a bow ſhoote ouer, and enuironned at the low water with freſh, but at the high Salt, & here alſo is excellent cat|ching of Heringes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this procéeding on ſtil with our courſe; we fetched a compaſſe, going out of the north towarde the weſt, and then turning againe (as the coaſt of the country leadeth) vntill we ſayled full ſouth, leauing the ſhore ſtill on our right hande, vntyll we came vnto a couple of yles, which lye vpõ the mouth of the Soch, one of them being diſtaunt, as we geſſed a myle from the other, and neyther of them of anye greatneſſe, almoſt woorthy to remembred. The firſt that we came vnto is called Tudfal and therin is a Church,Tudfall. but without any Pa|riſhioners, except they be ſhéepe and Conies. The quantitie therof alſo is not much aboue, EEBO page image 24 ſixe acres of grounde, meaſured by the pole. The next is Penthlin, Penthlin. or Myrach, ſcituate in maner betwixt Tudfall, or Tuidall and the ſhore, & herin is very good paſture for horſes, whereof as I take it that name is giuen vnto it. Next vnto them, we come vnto Bardeſey, an Iſlande lying ouer againſt the Southweſt poynt or Promontorie of Northwales,Bardeſey. and whether the reaſt of the Monkes of Bangor dyd flye to ſaue themſelues, when their fello|lowes were ſlayne by the Saxon Princes in the quarell of Auguſtine the monke, and the Citie of Caerleon or Cheſter, raced to the grounde. Ptolomie calleth this Iſland, Lym|nos, the Britons Enlhi, and therein alſo is a pariſh church, as the report goeth. Frõ hence wée caſt about gathering ſtill towarde the Northeaſt, till we came to Caer Ierienrhod a notable rocke ſituate ouer againſt ye mouth of the Leuenni, wherin ſtandeth a ſtrong hold or fortreſſe, or elſe ſome Towne or Village. Certes we could no well diſcerne whether of both it was, becauſe the winde blew harde at Southweſt, the morning was miſtie and our mariners doubting ſome flats to be couched not farre from thence, haſted away vnto An|gleſey, whether we went a pace, wyth a redy winde, euen at our owne deſire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Angleſey cut from Wales by working of the ſea.This Iſlande (which Tacitus miſtaketh, no doubt for Mona Cerſaris) is ſcituate about two myles from the ſhore of Northwales. Paulus Iouius geſſeth that it was in time paſt ioyned to the continent, or maine of our Iſle, and only cut of by working of the Oceane, as Si|cilia peraduenture was frõ Italy by the vio|lence of the Leuant: thereby alſo as he ſayth the inhabitants were conſtrayned at the firſt to make a bridge ouer into the ſame, till the breach waxed ſo great, that no ſuch paſſage could any longer be mainteyned, but as theſe things d [...]e eyther not touche my purpoſe at all, or make ſmally with the preſent deſcrip|tion of this Iſle: ſo (in comming to my mat|ter) Angleſey is founde to be full ſo great as the Wight,Angleſey. & nothing inferiour, but rather ſurmounting it, as that alſo which Caeſar calleth Mona in fruitefulneſſe of ſoile by ma|nye an hundred folde. In olde time it was re|puted and taken for the common granerie to Wales, as Sicilia was to Italy for their pro|uiſion of Corne. In lyke maner the Welch|men themſelues called it the mother of theyr country, for giuing their mindes wholly to paſturage, as the moſt eaſie and leſſe charge|able trade, they vtterly neglected tyllage, as men that leaned wholly to the fertilitie of this Iſlande for their Corne, from whence they neuer fayled to receyue cõtinuall abun|daunce. It contayned moreouer ſo manye townes welnéere, as there be daies in a ye [...], which ſome conuerting into Cantredes haue accompted but for thrée, as Gyraldus ſayeth. Howbeit as there haue béene I ſay 363. tow|nes in Angleſey, ſo now a great part of ye re|conning is vtterly ſhronke, & ſo farre gone to decay, yt the very ruines of theẽ are vnneth to be ſéene: and yet it ſeemeth to be méetely wel inhabited. Lelande noting the ſmalneſſe of our hundredes in compariſon to that they were in tyme paſt, addeth ſo farre as I re|member that there are ſixe of them in An|gleſey, as Menay, Maltraith, Liuon, Talbelliõ, Torkalm, and Tindaither: herevnto Lhoid ſaith alſo how it belonged in olde time, vnto the kingdome of Guinhed or Northwales, & that therin at a towne called Aberfraw, being on the Southweſt ſide of the Iſle, the kinges of Gwinhed helde euermore their pallaces, whereby it came to paſſe, that the kinges of northwales, were for a lõg time, called kings of Aberfraw, as ye Welchmẽ named ye kings of England kinges of London, till better in+ſtruction dyd bring them farder knowledge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There are in Angleſey many townes and villages, whoſe names as yet I can not or|derly attayne vnto: wherefore I will content my ſelfe with the rehearſall of ſo many as we viewed in ſayling about the coaſtes, and otherwyſe hearde report of by ſuch as I haue talked with all. Beginning therefore at the mouth of the Ge [...]ni (which ryſeth at North|eaſt aboue Gefni or Geuen [...], 20. myles at ye leaſt into the land) we paſſed firſt by Hund|wyn, then by Newborow, Port Hayton, Beau|marrais, Penmõ, Eliã, Almwoch, Burric (wher|by runneth a rill into a creke) Cornew, Holy|hed, (ſtanding in the promontorie) Gwifen, Aberfraw, and Cair Gadwaladar, of all which, the two latter ſtande, as it were in a nuke, be|twéene the Geuenni water, & the Fraw, wher|vpõ Aberfraw is ſcituate. Within the Iland, we hard only of Gefni afore mẽtioned, of Gri|ſtial ſtãding vpõ ye ſame water of Tefri, of La|nerchimedh, Lachtenfarwy & Bodedrin, but of all theſe the chiefe is nowe Beaumarais, which was buylded ſometyme by king Edward the firſt, and therewithall a ſtrong Caſtell about the yeare 1295. to kepe that lande in quiet. There are alſo as Leland ſayth 31. Pariſhe churches beſide 69. chappelles, that is 100. in all: but hereof I can ſay litle, for lacke of iuſt inſtruction. In tymes paſt, the people of this Iſle vſed not to ſeuerall their groundes, but now they diggeſtony hillockes and with the ſtones thereof they make rude walles, much lyke to thoſe of Deuonſhyre, ſith they want hedges, fire bote, and houſebote, or to ſaye at one worde, timber & trées. As for wine, it EEBO page image 16 is ſo plentifull & good cheape there moſt com|monly as in London, thorowe the great re|courſe of marchaunts frõ France, Spaine, and Italy vnto the aforeſayde Iſlande. The fleſhe likewyſe of ſuch Cattell as is bredde there, is moſt delicate, by reaſon of their ex|cellent paſture, & ſo much was it eſtéemed by the Romaines in tyme paſt, ye Collumella did not onely commende & preferre them before thoſe of Liguria, but the emperours thẽſelues alſo cauſed there prouiſion to be made for nete out of Angleſey to féede vppon at their owne tables as the moſt excellent béefe. It taketh the name of Angles & Eye, which is to meane the Iſle of Engliſhmen, bycauſe they wan it in the conquerours tyme, vnder the leading of Hugh Earle of Cheſter, & Hugh of Shreweſbury. The Welchmẽ cal it Tire|mone, and herein likewyſe is a Promontorie or Bylande, called Holly hed, (which hath in tyme paſt bene named Cair kyby, [...]y head, Cair [...]. of Kyby a monke, that dwelled in that place) frõ whence the readyeſt paſſage is commonly had out of Northwales to get ouer into Irelande. The Britons named it Enylſnach, [...]lſnach, [...]y Iſle. or holy Iſle of the number of carkaſes of holy men, which they ſuppoſe to haue béene buryed there. But herein I marueyle not a little what women had offended, that they myght not come thi|ther, or at the leaſt wyſe returne from thence without ſome notable reproche. And nowe to conclude with the deſcription of the whole Iſ|lande, this I will adde moreouer vnto hir cõ|modities, that as there are the beſt milſtones of white, redde, blewe, and gréene gréetes, (eſpecially in Tindaithin,) ſo there is great gaines to begotten by fiſhing, rounde about this Iſle, if the people there coulde vſe the trade: but they want both cunning and dili|gence to take that matter in hande. And as for temporall regimẽt it apparteyneth to the countye of Cairnaruon, ſo in ſpirituall caſes it belongeth to the Byſhopricke of Bangor. This is finally to be noted moreouer of An|gleſey, that ſundry earthen pottes are often founde there of dead mens bones conuerted into aſhes, ſet with the mouthes downeward contrarie to the vſe of other nations, which turned the brimmes vpwardes, whereof let this ſuffice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hauing thus deſcrybed Angleſey, it rea|ſteth to report furthermore, how that in our circuite about the ſame, we mette with other little Iſlettes, of which one lyeth Northweſt therof almoſt ouer againſt Butricke mouth, or the fall of the water, that paſſeth by Bu|tricke. The Britons called it Ynis Ader, that is to ſay, [...]r. [...]l. [...]maid. the Iſle of Birdes in olde time, but now it hight Ynis Moil, or Ynis Rhomaid, that is ye Iſle of Porpaſſes. It hath to name like|wiſe Yſteriſd, and Adros. Being paſt this,Yſteriſd. Adros. Lygod. we came to the ſecond lying by North eaſt, ouer againſt the Hillary point, called Ynis Ligod. that is to ſay, the Iſle of Miſe, and of theſe two this latter is the ſmalleſt, neyther of thẽ both beyng of anye greatneſſe to ſpeake of. Ynis Seriall or Preſtholme, Seriall. Preſtholne lieth ouer againſt Penmon, or the point called the hed of Mon, where I founde a towne (as I tolde you) of the ſame denominatiõ. Ptolomy nameth not this Iſlande, whereof I marueyle. It is per|cell of Flintſhyre, and of the iuriſdiction of S. Apſah, and in fertilitie of ſoyle, and bréede of Cattell, nothing inferiour vnto Angleſey hir moother: although that for quantitie of groũd it come infinitely ſhort thereof, & be nothing cõparable vnto it. The laſt Iſland vpon ye coſt of Wales, hauing now left Angleſey, is called Credine, & although it lye not properly with|in the compaſſe of my deſcription,Credine. yet I will not let to touch it by the waye, ſith the cauſey thither from Denbighlande, is commonly ouerflowen. It is partly made an Iſland by the Conwey & partly by the ſea. But to pro|céede, when we had viewed this place, we paſ|ſed forth without finding any mo Iſles to my remembraunce, vntill we came to the Cape of Iſle Brée, or Hilbery & poynt of Wyrale,Hilbery. which is an Iſlande at the full ſea, a quarter of a myle from the lande, and foure fadame déepe, as ſhippes boyes haue oft ſounded, but at a lowe water, a man may go ouer on the ſande. The Ile of it ſelf is very ſandy a mile in compaſſe, & well ſtored with Conies, thi|ther alſo went a ſort of ſuperſticious fooles in tymes paſt, in pylgrimage, to our Ladye of Hilbery by whoſe offrings a Cell of Monkes there, which belonged to Cheſter, were che|riſhed and maintayned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The next Iſland vppon the coaſt of Eng|land is man,Man is ſuppoſed to be the firſt, as His tha is the laſt, of the Hebrides, and Hector Boethus noteth a difference betwéene them of 300. miles. Eubonia. Meuania. which the Welchmen doe com|monly call Manaw. It lieth vnder 53. degrées of Latitude, and 30. minuts, and hath in lon|gitude 16. degrées and 40. minutes, abutting on the North ſide vpõ S. Nimans in Scotland, Furneſſels on the Eaſt, Preſtholme & An|gleſey on the South, and Vlſther in Ireland on the Weſt. It is greater then Angleſey by a thirde part, and there are two riuers in the ſame, whoſe heddes doe ioyne ſo néere, that they doe ſeeme in maner to part the Iſle in twaine. Some of our auncient writers call it Eubonia and other Meuania, howbeit after Beda and the Scottiſh hiſtories, the Meuaniae are thoſe Iſles which we now call the Hebri|des or Hebudes (whereof William Maſſme|bery Lib. 1. de regibus, will haue Angleſey to be one) wherfore it ſéemeth that a number of EEBO page image 25 our late writers aſcrybing the ſayde name vnto Mona, haue not béene a little deceaued. In this Iſlande were ſometime 1300. fami|lies, of which 960. were in the Weſt halfe, & the reaſt in the other. But nowe thorow ioy|ning houſe to houſe, and lande to land, (a cõ|mon plague & canker, which wil eate vp al, if prouiſion be not made in tyme to withſtande this miſchiefe) that number is halfe dimini|ſhed, and yet many of the riche inhabiters want roume & wote not howe & where to be|ſtow themſelues, to their quiet contentatiõs. Certes this impedimẽt groweth not be rea|ſon that men were greater in body, then they haue beene in tyme paſt, but onlye for yt their inſatiable deſire of inlarging their priuate poſſeſſions increaſeth ſtill vpon them, & will doe more, except they be reſtrayned: but to returne to our purpoſe. The kings of Scot|lande had this Iſlande vnder their dominiõ, almoſt from their firſt arriual in this Iſland, and as Beda ſayeth till Edwine king of the Northumbers wanne it from them and vni|ted it to his kingdome. Hereof alſo I coulde bring better teſtimonie, for we finde that the kings of Scotlande, did not only giue lawes to ſuch as dwelled there, but alſo from tyme to tyme, appoint ſuch Byſhoppes as ſhoulde exerciſe Eccleſiaſtical Iuriſdictiõ in ye ſame. Fnally how,Cronica Tine|muthi. after ſundry ſales bargains and cõtracts of Matrimony for I reade yt Williã Scroupe the kings Vicechamberleyne, did buy this Iſle and crowne therof of the Lord Wil. Montacute Earle of Sarum) it came vnto ye aunceſtours of the Earles of Darby, who haue béene cõmonly ſayd to be kings of Man, the hyſtorie folowing as I ſuppoſe ſhal more at large declare. Gyraldus noteth how there was contention ſometyme betwéene the kings of Englande, and Irelande, for the ryght of this Iſlande, but in the ende when by a cõprimiſe the tryall of the matter was referred to the liues or deathes of ſuch vene|mous Wormes as ſhoulde be brought in|to the ſame, and it was founde, that they dyed not at all, as the lyke doe in Irelande, ſentence paſſed with the kyng of Englande, and ſo he retayned the Iſlande. But howſoe|uer this matter ſtandeth, & whether any ſuch thing was done at all or not, ſure it is that the people of the ſayde Iſle, were much giuen to Witchcraft, and Sorcerie (which they lear|ned of the Scottes a people greatly bent to that horrible practiſe) inſomuch that theyr women, woulde oftentimes ſell winde to the mariners incloſed vnder certayne knots of thréede, with this iniunction, that they which bought the ſame, ſhoulde for a great gale vn|doe manye, and for the leſſe a ſmaller num|ber.Tal [...] in ma [...] The ſtature of the men & alſo fertilitie of this Iſlande are much commended & for the latter ſuppoſed verye néere to be equall with that of Angleſey, in all commodities.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There are alſo theſe townes therin, as they come now to my remẽbrance, Ruſhen Dun|glaſſe, Holme towne S. Brids, Bala Cury (ye by|ſhops houſe) S. Mich. S. Andrew, kirk chriſt, kirk Louel. S. Machees, kirke Santã, Pala ſalla, kirk S. Mary, kirk Cõcane, kirk Malu, & Home. But of all theſe Ruſhen with ye caſtel is the ſtrõgeſt. It is alſo in recompẽce of the common want of woode, indued wyth ſundry prety waters,Riuers as firſt of all the burne that ryſſeth in north|ſide of warehill botomes, & branching out by ſouthweſt of kirke Santan, it ſéemeth to cut of a great part of the eaſtſide thereof, from the reſidue of that Iſland. From thoſe hylles alſo (but of the ſouth halfe) commeth the Home and Homey, by a towne of the ſame name, in the verry mouth whereof, lieth the Pile, afore mencioned. They haue alſo the Bala paſſing by Bala cury, on the weſtſide, and the Rame on the north, whoſe fall is named Rameſey hauen as I doe reade in Chronicles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There are moreouer ſundry great hylles therein as that wherupõ S. Mathees ſtandeth,Hilles. in the northeaſt parte of the Iſle, a parcell whereof commeth flat ſouth, betwéene kirke Louell, and kirke Mary, yéelding out of their botomes the water Bala, whereof I ſpake be|fore. Beſide theſe and well toward the ſouth part of the Iſle, I finde the warehilles, which are extended almoſt, from the weſt coaſt o|uertwhart vnto the burne ſtreame. It hath alſo ſundrye hauens, as Ramſey hauen,Hauens by north, Laxam hauen, by eaſt, Port Iris, by ſouthweſt, Port Home, and Port Michell, by weſt. In lyke ſort there are diuers Iſlettes annexed to the ſame, as the Calf of man on the ſouth, the Pile on the weſt, and finallye S. Michelles Iſle, in the Gulf called Ranoths way, in the eaſt. Moreouer the ſhéepe of thys countrye are excéeding huge, wel woolled,Calf of [...] The pyl [...] S. Michel|les Iſle. Sheépe. Hogges Barnacl [...] and their tayles of ſuch greatneſſe as is almoſt incredible. In lyke ſorte theyr hogges are in maner monſtruous. They haue furthermore great ſtore of Barnacles, bréeding vpõ their coaſts, (but yet not ſo great ſtore as in Ire|land) and thoſe (as there alſo) of olde ſhippes. Ores, Maſtes, and ſuch putryfied pytched ſtufe, as by wrecke hath happened to corrupt vpon that ſhore. Howbeit neyther the inha|bytantes of thys Iſle,Barnacl [...] neyther fiſhe, nor fleſhe. nor yet of Ireland can redily ſaye whether they be fiſh or fleſhe, for although the religious there vſed to eate thẽ as fiſhe, yet elſewhere, ſome haue béene trou|bled, for eating them in times prohibited, as Heretikes, and Lollardes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 17 [...]iſhop of [...]an.There hath ſometime béene, and yet is a Byſhop of this Iſle, who at the firſt was cal|led Epiſcopus Sodorenſis, when ye iuriſdiction of all ye Hebrides belõged vnto him. Wheras now he yt is Byſhop there, is but a Biſhops ſhadow, for albeit yt he beare ye name of By|ſhop of Man, yet haue ye Earles of Darby, as it is ſuppoſed, al ye profite of his Sie, (ſauing that they allowe him a little ſomewhat for a flouriſh) notwithſtãding that they be hys pa|trons and haue hys nomination to that Sie. [...]atrone Man. It is ſubiect to the Byſhoppe of Yorke alſo, for ſpirituall Iuriſdiction, & in time of Henry the ſeconde had a king, as Houeden ſaith, whoſe name was Cuthrede vnto whome Vinianus ye Cardinall came as Legate. 1177. but ſith I can neyther come by the names, nor ſucceſſions of thoſe Princes that reigned there, I ſurceſſe to ſpeake any more of them, and alſo of the Iſle it ſelfe, whereof this may ſuffice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After we haue in thus wiſe deſcribed the Iſle of Man, with hyr commodities, we re|turned eaſtwardes back againe vnto ye point of Ramſhed, where we founde to the number of ſixe Iſlettes of one ſorte and other, whereof the firſt greateſt and moſt eaſterly, is named the Wauay. [...]auay. It runneth out in length, as wée geſſed about fiue myles from the ſouth into ye north, and betwéene the ſame and the maine lande lie two little ones, whoſe names I find not in anye writer ſo farre, as I remember. The fourth is called ye Fouldra, and bring ſci|tuate ſoutheaſt of the firſt, it hath a prety pile or blockhouſe therin, which the inhabitaunts name the Pile of Fouldray. [...]uldra. [...]la. [...]a. By eaſt thereof in lyke ſort lye the Fola and the Roa, plottes of no great compaſſe, and yet of al theſe ſixe, the firſt and Fowldra are the fayreſt and moſ [...] fruitefull. From hence we went by Rauen|glaſſe point, where lieth an Iſland of the ſame denomination, [...]auen| [...]aſſe. as Reginalde Wolfe hath noted in his great Carde, not yet finiſhed, nor lykely to be publiſhed. He noteth alſo two o|ther Iſlettes, betwéene the ſame & the mayne lande, but Lelande ſpeaketh nothing of them, (to my remembrance,) neyther anye other Carde, as yet ſet foorth of England: and thus much of the Iſlands that lie vpon our ſhoore.

Hauing ſo exactlye as to me is poſſible, ſet downe the names & poſitions of ſuch Iſles as are to be found vpõ the coaſtes of ye Quéenes maieſties dominions. Nowe it reſteth yt we procéede orderly wyth thoſe yt are ſéene to lye vpõ the coſt of Scotland, that is to ſay, in the Iriſh, the Deucalidon & the Germaines ſeas: But before we come at theſe, there are di|uers other to be touched, which are ſcituate betwéene the nuke of Galloway, & the Frith of Solue, whoſe names I find not as yet fel downe by any writer, neyther is their num|ber greate. Wherefore ſith I may not doe in this their deſcriptiõ what I would, I muſt be contented to doe therein what I may, and to ridde my hands of the one, that I may the ſooner come vnto, and be dealing with the o|ther. The firſt of theſe therefore, lyeth ouer a|gaynſt Dundrenaw, ſomewhat towarde the mouth of the ſtreame, that goeth vnto Glan|kaire. The ſecond is ſcituate in ye Dée, wher|in Trief Caſtell ſtandeth:Trief. S. Mary Iſle. by weſt whereof ly|eth S. Mary Iſle, which is ouer againſt Whi|therne, or as we nowe call it Witherne, of which in our Engliſhe hyſtories we haue oft mention vnder the name of Candida Caſa, whereof the learned are not ignoraunt. Beyonde theſe are two other lying togither, as it were in the mouth of the loweſt docke, & from thence we paſſed directly rounde about, the aforeſayde nuke, vnto Dumbritton fyrth, where we finde alſo nine or tenne Iſlandes, of dyuers quantities, wherof Ailze, or Aliza, is the firſt, & wherein is great plentye of the Soland foule, Cinuary the ſecond, Bure the thirde, Marnoch the fourth, Pladua the fift, Lanlach the ſixt, Arren or Botha, the ſeauenth, Sauday the eyght, and Olr the ninth: but of all theſe, one or two are only accounted famous, that is Arren the greateſt of all, wherin ſtan|deth a towne of the ſame name, and Bure the next, in which Roſa is ſcituate: the reaſt are eyther vtterly barren, or not very commo|dious, except for fowle to ſuch as owe the ſame. By this time alſo are we come to the poynt of Cantyre, 15. Miles betwéene Cantyre & the coaſt of De [...]mond. which is not paſſing fiftene or ſixtene myles, diſtaunt from the coaſt of Irelande, ſo that next vnto theſe afore remẽ|bred (and when we haue fetched in the afore|ſaid poynt) we come vnto the Hebrides, which are reconned to be thrée and fourtie, in num|ber, beſides the flattes and ſhallowes as I haue earſt affirmed in the beginning of thys chapter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of theſe aforeſayd Iſlands, I finde dyuers to be 30. myles, ſome twelue other more or leſſe quantity, but Sky Mula Iona, & Ila, are the greateſt, as ſhall appeare hereafter. Certes it is impoſſible for me, being a méere Eng|lyſhman voyde of helpe & of ſmall reading, to diſcuſſe the controuerſies that are mooued among the learned, touching the Meuainae & the Hebrides, wherefore ſith I am not able to deale ſo déepely with that matter, I will firſt ſhewe what Iſlandes doe lye vpon the weſt coaſtes of Scotlande betwéene Cantyre and Andermouth heade, giuing out onelye the names of the leaſt (ſith I know nothing els of their commodities and greatneſſe) and then EEBO page image 26 procéeding with the reaſt as they doe lie in order. Firſt of all therefore and ouer againſt Kiltan, (for I will go by the ſhore) we haue Karay, then Gegay, S. Machare, and hys neighbour, Langa, Suinnay, Dunqu, Corſey Leawing, Cewil, Nawell, Caerbery, Liſ|more, & Muke, which lyeth at the very point, of Andermouth, ouer againſt Mere [...]ourtene in all. From hence going weſtwarde, wée come to the Terry and the Coll, and then en|tring in among the reaſt, by Earndeburge, Vlwaye, or Oronſay, Cola [...]ſay, & Iona minor we come at the laſt to Scarbo, Corebricken, Houell, al which thus mencioned, of the leaſt are counted ye greateſt, & yet there are ſundry other, of whoſe names I haue no knowledge. In thys tracte alſo, there are yet thrée to in|treate of,Ila. as Ila, Iona & Mula, of which the firſt is one of the moſt, that hath not bene leaſt ac|counted of. It is not much aboue 30 myles in length, & twenty in breadth, & yet it is an ex|céeding riche plot of grounde very plenteous of corne, but more ful of mettals, which were eaſie to be obteyned, if either the people were induſtrious, or the ſoyle yéeldable of woode to fine and trye out the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iona. Iona was ſometime called Columkill, In fame and eſtimation, nothing inferiour to any of the other, although in length it excéede little aboue twentie myles, and in breadth, 10. for by reaſon of a famous Abbie ſomtime buylded there by Fergus the ſeconde, it hath bene countenaunced out by the ſepulchres of ſo many kings, as deceaſed in Scotlãd, after the ſayde Fergus, vntil the tyme of Malcoline Cammor, who by buylding another Abbey, at Dunfermeling, gaue occaſion to hys ſuc|ceſſours to be interred there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mula. Mula is a ryght noble Iſle, repleniſhed wyth dyuers and ſundry townes, and caſtels, as are alſo the other two, albeit their names at thys tyme be not at hand & ready. This yet is worth the noting in this Iſlande aboue all the reſt, that it hath a pleaſant ſpring, ariſing two myles in diſtaunce from the ſhore, wher|in are certayne lyttle egges founde, much like vnto indifferent Pearles, both for colour and bryghtneſſe, and thereto full of thicke hu|mour, which egges being carried by violence of ye freſh water, vnto the ſalt, are there with|in the ſpace of 12, houres conuerted into great ſhelles, which I take to be the mother pearle except I be deceyued. And thus much brief|lye of the ſeauen and twentye greateſt Iſles, lying within the aforeſayde compaſſe, be|ing driuen of force to omitte the leſſer onely, for that I neyther fynd theyr names, among the Scottiſhe writers, neyther to ſaye the truth directlye vnderſtande howe manye be flattes, and howe manye be couered with graſſe: To procéede therefore by north of An|dermouth we haue Egge, Ron, Cãnay, Flad, Trantneſſe, (where is a caſtell,) Trant, Al|tauecke, another Flad, Rona, and Scalpa, beſide ſundrye ſmaller, whoſe names I doe not knowe, & all theſe doe enuyron the grea|teſt of all, called Sky,Skye. in which are dyuers townes, as Aye, S. Iohns, Dunwegen, and S. Nicholas, beſide other, and thereunto ſun|dry lakes, and freſhe ſtreames, and thoſe not withoute great abundaunce of Samon and ſundry other fiſhe, whereby the inhabitaunts of thoſe partes doe reape no ſmall aduaun|tage. Furthermore & by weſt of theſe lye di|uers other percels alſo of this number, of which, if you looke to here an orderly reporte you ſhall vnderſtande that I will beginne at the moſt ſoutherly of them, and ſo procéede, with eche one in order, ſo well as my know|ledg doth ſerue me. Firſt of al therfore, there are foure little Iſlandes, of which one called Erth, another Scail are ye greateſt.Erth. Scaill. Bawa [...] S. Pete [...] Iſle. Hirth [...] Euſt. Next vn|to theſe and directly towarde the north lyeth Baway, then S. Peters Iſle, in the eaſt ſide, whereof are thrée ſmall ones, whoſe names I haue not yet learned. Next of al is the Euſt or Hirtha, which ſéemeth by certaine riuers, to be deuided into four partes, of which the the firſt hath a towne called S. Columbanes in ye north ſide thereof, ye ſecond another dedi|cated to S. Mary, & the fourth (for I find no|thing of ye third) one named after S. Patricke, by weſt wherof, lyeth yet a leſſe, not greatly frequẽted of any. By north of this alſo are 3. other, of lyke quantity, and then followeth Lewis, ſcituate in the Deucalidon ſea,Lewis called Thule [...] Tacitus with [...] better [...] thoriti [...] then he named [...]tgleſey [...]na. ouer a|gainſt the Roſſe, and called Thule, by Taci|tus, wherein are many lakes, and very pret|tye Villages, as lake Erwijn, lake Vnſal|ſago: but of townes, S. Clements, Stoye, Noys, S. Colombane, Radmach &c. About thys are alſo diuers other Iſles, of leſſe quã|titye found, as Scalpay, Ilen, Schent, Bar|ray the more, Barraye the leſſe, S. Kylder, & other of ſmaller reputation, wherof the moſt parte are voyde of culture and inhabitantes, and therefore not worthye to be remembred here. This finallye is left to be ſayd of theſe Iſles, that albeit Leuiſſa, be the greateſt of them, and conteyning thréeſcore myles, in length, and thirtie in breadth, yet Hirtha, or Hirth, is the moſt famous, for the ſhéepe which are there bredde, and is therefore cal|led Shepy of the wylde Iryſhe. Certes, the ſtature of theſe ſhéepe is greater and higher, thẽ of any fallowe déere, their tailes hanging downe to the grounde, and their hornes lon|ger & thicker then thoſe of any Bugle. Vnto EEBO page image 18 thys Iſlande alſo in the Moneth of Iune; (when the ſeas be moſt calme) there com|meth a Prieſt out of Lewiſſa, & minyſtreth the ſacramẽt of Baptiſme to all ſuch childrẽ as haue béene borne there, and the Iſlandes about ſith that moneth in the yeare paſſed. This being done, and his appointed num|ber of Maſſes ſaide, he receyueth the tythes of all theyr commodities, and then returneth home againe the ſame way he came.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...]na. Rona the laſt of the Hebrides, is dyſtant, as I ſaide, about fouretie mile from the Or|chades, and one hundredth and thirtye, from the Promontorye of Dungiſbe. The coaſt of thys Iſle is dayly repleniſhed with Seale, and Porpaſſe, which are eyther ſo tame, or ſo fierce, that they abaſh not at the ſight of ſuch as looke vpon them, neyther make they any haſte to flye out of theyr preſence. Aboue the Hirth alſo is another Iſlande, though not inhabited, wherin is a certeine kind of wilde beaſte, not much different frõ the figure of a ſhéepe, but ſo wilde that it will not eaſilye be tamed. For theyr gry [...]ning alſo they are re|puted to be a kynde of baſtarde Tyger. As for theyr heaire it is betweene the wooll of a ſhéepe, and heaire of a goate, ſomewhat re|ſembling eche, ſhacked, and yet abſolutely like vnto neyther of both.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...] Shot [...] IſlesThere are alſo other Iſles, an hundreth myles beyond the Orchades, towarde eaſt northeaſt, and ſubiect to ſcotlande, wherin is neyther corne, nor anye vſe of fleſh, although they haue ſtore of ſundrye ſortes of cattell a|mongſt them. But in ſtead of bread, they drie a kinde of fiſhe, which they beate in morters to powder, and bake it in theyr Ouens, vntill it be hearde and drye. Theyr fewell alſo is of ſuch bones as the fiſhe yéeldeth that is taken on theyr coaſtes, and yet they lyue as themſelues ſuppoſe in much felicitie, think|ing it a great péece of theyr happyneſſe to bée ſo farre diſtaunt from the wicked aua rice, & cruell dealings of the world. As for theyr ry|ches and commodities, they al conſiſt in the ſkinnes of beſtes, as of Oxẽ, Shéepe, Gotes, Marternes, and ſuch like, wherof they make great reconing. Herin alſo they are lyke vn|to ye Hirthiens; in yt at one time of the yeare, there commeth a prieſt vnto them, out of the Orchades (vnto which Iuriſdiction they doe belong) who Baptiſeth all ſuch children, as haue bene borne among them, ſith he laſt ar|riued: and hauing afterward remained there for a few dayes, he taketh his tythes of them (which they prouide & pay with great ſerupu|loſitie in fiſhe, for of other commodities pay they none) and then returneth home againe, not without boaſt of his troubleſome voyage, except he watch his time. In theſe Iſles alſo is great plẽty of fine Amber to be had, which is producted by the working of the ſea, vpon th [...]ſe coaſtes: howbeit, after what name theſe Iſles be called particulerly and how many there be of them in all, the Scottes themſel|ues are eyther ignoraunt, or not ſo diligent, as to make any conſtant mention.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Orchades, lie partly in the Germaine,Orchades. and partly in the Calidon ſeas, ouer agaynſt the poynt of Dunghiſby, beyng in number, thirtie one of name, & belonging to ye crowne of Scotlande, as are the reaſt whereof here tofore I haue made report, ſince we croſſed ouer the mouth of the Solueie ſtreame, to come into this countrye. Certes the people of theſe Iſlands are of goodly ſtature, tall, ve|rye comelye, healthfull, of long lyfe, great ſtrength, and moſt whyte coulour: and yet they féede moſt vpon fiſhe onely, ſith the cold is ſo extréeme in thoſe parts, that the ground bringeth forth but ſmal ſtore of Wheate, & in maner very litle or no fewell at al, to warme them in the winter. Otes they haue verye plentifull, but greater ſtore of Barly, wher|of they make a nappye kinde of drinke, and ſuch in déede, as will verye readilye cauſe a ſtrãger to forget himſelf. Howbeit this may be vnto vs, a in lieu of a myracle, yt although theyr drinke be neuer ſo ſtrong, & they them|ſelues ſo immeaſurable drinkers (as none are more) yet it ſhal not eaſily be ſéene, that there is any drunckarde among them, either fran|tike, or madde mã, dolt, or natural foole, méete to were a cockeſcomb. In like ſort they want venemous beaſtes, chiefly ſuch as doe delyte in hotter ſoile. Theyr Ewes alſo are ſo full of increaſe, that ſome doe vſuallye bring foorth two, thrée, or foure lambes at once, whereby they account our anclings (which are ſuch as bring foorth but one at once) rather to be bar|ren then kept for any gaine. As for wyld and tame fowles, they haue ſuch plentie of them, that the people there account them rather a burthen to theyr ſoyle, then a benefite to their tables. There is alſo a Biſhop of the Orcha|des, who hath his Sie, in Pomonia the chiefe of al the Iſlands, wherin alſo are two ſtrong caſtelles, and ſuch hath béen the ſuperſticion of the people here, that there is almoſt no one of them, that hath not one church at the leaſt dedicated to the moother of Chriſt. Finallye there is little vſe of Phiſicke in theſe quar|ters, leſſe ſtore of Eles, and leaſt of frogges. As for ye horſes that are bred amongſt them, they are commonlye not much greater then Aſſes, and yet to labour and trauaile, a man ſhall finde very fewe elſewhere, able to come néere, much leſſe to matche with them, in EEBO page image 27 holding out their labours.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From the Orchades vntill we come ſouth|wardes to the Scarre, which lyeth in Buqu|hamneſſe, I finde no mention of any Iſle ſci|tuate vpon that coaſt, neyther greatly from thence, vntill we come at the forth, that lea|deth vp to Sterling, wherein we paſſe by ſe|uen or eyght ſuch as they be, of which the firſt called the May, the ſeconde Baas and Gar|wy, the third doe ſéeme to be inhabited. From theſe alſo holding on our courſe towarde En|gland, we paſſe by another yle, wherin Faux caſtell ſtandeth, and this ſo farre as my ſkill ſerueth is the laſt Iſland of the Scottiſh ſide, in compaſſing whereof I am not able to diſ|cerne, whether their flattes and ſhallowes, number of Iſlandes without name, confuſion of ſcituation, lacke of true deſcriptiõ, or mine owne ignoraunce hath troubled me moſt. No marueyle therefore that I haue béene ſo oft on ground, among them. But moſt ioyful am I yt am come home againe: & although not by ye Thames mouth into my natiue citie (whi|che taketh his name of Troye) yet into ye En|gliſhe dominion where good entertaynement is much more franke and copious, and better harborow, wherein to reſt my wery bones, & eaſily refreſhe my wetherbeaten carkaſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The firſt Iſland therfore, which commeth to our ſight, after we paſſed Barwuc, is that which was ſometime called Lindefarne,Lindeſ|farne or holy Iland but now Holly Iſlande, and contayneth 8. myles a place much honoured among our Monaſti|call writers, bycauſe diuers monkes & Here|mites dyd ſpende theyr times therein. There was alſo the Byſhoppes Sée of Lindefarne, for a long ſeaſon, which afterwarde was trã|ſlated to Dunelme or Durham. Next vnto this is the Iſle of Farne,Farne. and herein is a place of defence ſo farre as I remember, & ſo great ſtore of Egges layed there by diuers kindes of Wildfoule in time of the yere, that a man ſhall hardly runne for a wager on the plaine groũd without the breach of many be|fore his race be finiſhed.Puffins. About Farne alſo lie certayne yles greater then Farne it ſelf, but voyde of inhabitaunts & in theſe alſo is great ſtore of Puffins, graie as Duckes, and with|out couloured fethers, ſauing that they haue a white ring round about their neckes. There is moreouer another Birde, which the peo|ple call ſainct Cuthbertes foules, a very tame and gentle creature,S. Cuth|bertes foules. and eaſie to be taken. Af|ter this we came to the Cocket Iſlãd, ſo cal|led bycauſe it lyeth ouer agaynſt the fall of cocke water. And here is a vayne of meane ſeacole, which the people digge out of the ſhore at the low water. And from thence vn|till we came vnto the coſt of Norfolke I ſaw no mo Iſlands. Being therefore paſt S. Ed|monds point, we ſaw a litle Iſle ouer againſt the fall of the water that commeth frõ Holk|ham, and likewyſe an other ouer againſt the Clay, before we came at Waburne hope: the thirde alſo in Yarmouth ryuer ouer agaynſt Bradwell a towne in low or little England, wherof alſo I muſt néedes ſay ſomewhat, by|cauſe it is in maner an Iſland, and as I geſſe eyther hath béene or may be one, for the bro|deſt place of the Strict lande that leadeth to the ſame, it little aboue a quarter of a myle, which againſt the raging waues of the ſea, can make but ſmal reſiſtence.Litle [...]|land. Litle England or low Englande therefore is about 8. miles in length and foure in bredth, very well re|pleniſhed with townes, as Friſtan, Burgh caſtel, Olton, Flixtõ, Leſtoft, Gu [...]tõ, Blund|ſton, Corton, Lownd, Aſheby, Hoxton, Bel|ton, Bradwel, & Gorleſton, and beſide this it is very fruitfull and indued with all commo|dities. Going forwarde from hence, by the Eſtonneſſe (almoſt an Iſlande,) I ſawe a ſmall percell cut from the maine in Orforde hauen, ye Langerſtone in Orwell mouth, two péeces or Iſlettes at Cattywade Bridge, thẽ caſting about vnto ye Colne, we beholde Mer|ſey which is a pretie Iſlande, well furniſhed with wood. It was ſomtime a great recepta|cle for the Danes, when they inuaded En|glande, howbeit at this preſent it hath beſide two decaied Blockhouſes, two Pariſh chur|ches of wich one is called Eaſt Merſey, the other weſt Merſey & both vnder the Archdea|con of Colcheſter as percell of his iuriſdictiõ,Fowl [...] Fowlneſſe is an Iſle voyde of wood, & yet wel repleniſhed with very good graſſe for nette and ſhéepe, whereof the inhabitaunts haue great plentie: there is alſo a Pariſh church, and albeit that it ſtande ſomewhat diſtaunt from the ſhore, yet at a dead low water a man ryde thereto if he be ſkilfull of the Cawſie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Maldon water are in lyke sorte three Islands, enuironned with the salt streames, Ouſcy. North [...] as S. Osithes, Northey and another (after a mershe) that beareth no name so far as I remember. On the right hand also as we went toward the sea againe, we saw Ramsey Isle, Ramſey or rather a Peninsula or Bylande, Key. and likewyse the Key, in which is a Chappell of S. Peter. And then coasting upo(n) the mouth of ye Bourne, we saw ye Wallot Isle & his mates, wherof two lye by East of Wallot, and the forth is foulnesse, excepte I be deceyued, for here my memorye fayleth me, on the one side and information on the other, I meane co(n)cerning ye placing of foulnesse. But to proceede, after this and being entered into the Thames mouth, I finde no Islande of anye name, EEBO page image 19 name, except you accompt Rochford hundred for one, whereof I have no mind to entreate, more then of Crowland, Mersland, Ely, and the reast, that are framed by the Ouze and Avon (two noble riuers herafter to be described) sith I tonch [sic] only those that are enuironed with the sea, or salt water rounde about, as wee may see in the Canway Isles, [...]anway. which some doe liken to an Ipocrase bag, some to a vice, skrew, or wide sleeue, bycause they are very small at the east end, and large at west. The salte rilles also that crosse the same doe so seperate the one of them fro(m) the other, that they resemble the slope course of the cutting part of a skrew or gimlet, in very perfite maner, if a man doe imagine himselfe to looke downe from the top of the mast uppon them. Betweene these, moreouer and the Leighe towne lyeth another little Isle, whose name is to me unknowen. Certes I woulde haue gone to lande and viewed these percelles as they lay, but forasmuch as a Perry of winde (scarce co(m)parable to the makerell gale wherof Iohn Anele, one of the best seame(n) that england euer bredde, was woonte to talke) caught holde of our sayles, and caryed us foorth the right way toward London, I coulde not tary to see what thinges were hereabouts. Thus much therefore of our Islandes, and so much may well suffice.