[page 666] [page 291]

1.1. The politique Conqueſte of VVilliam the firſt.

The politique Conqueſte of VVilliam the firſt.

[figure appears here on page 291]

[1] Anno. I._THIS William Duke of Norman|die, baſe ſonne of Robert the ſixt duke of Normandie, and Nephew vnto Ed|warde king of Eng|land, ſurnamed the Confeſſour, hauing thus vanquiſhed the Engliſh power, and ſlaine Harolde in the fielde, began his reigne ouer Englande the .xv. day of October beeing Sunday, in the yeare after the creation of the worlde .5033. (as William Hari|ſon gathereth) and after the birth of our Sauiour 1066.1066 which was in the tenth yeare of the Empe|rour Henry the fourth, in the ſixt of Pope Alex|ander the ſecond, in the ſixt yere of Philip king of Fraunce, and about the tenth yeare of Malcolme the third, ſurnamed Camoir, king of Scotlande.

[1] Sim. Dun.Immediatly after he had thus wonne the vic|torie in a pight field (as before ye haue heard) hee firſt returned to Haſtings, and after ſet forwarde towards London, waſted the Countries of Suſ|ſex, Kent, Hamſhire, Southerie, Middleſex, and Herefordſhire, burning the townes, and ſleaing the people, til he came to Beorcham. In the mean time, immediately after the diſcomfiture in Suſ|ſex, the two Earles of Northumberlande and Mercia;Edwyn and Marchar Edwyn, and Marchar, who had with|drawne themſelues from the battail togither with their people came to London, and with all ſpeede ſent their ſiſter Queene Aldgitha vnto the Citie of Cheſter,Queene Ald|githa ſent to Cheſter. and herewith ſought to perſwade the Londoners, to aduaunce the one of them to the kingdome (as Wil.VVil. Mal. Simon Dun. Mal. wryteth.) But Simon of Durham ſayth, that Aldred Archbiſhoppe of Yorke, and the ſayde Earles with other, woulde haue made Edgar Etheling king. But whileſt many of the Noble men and other prepared to make themſelues readie to giue a new battaile to the Normãs, (how or whatſoeuer was the cauſe) the ſayde Earles drewe homewardes with theyr powers, to the great diſcomfort of their friends.

[1] Wil. Malm. VVil. Malm. The Biſhops blamed. ſeemeth to put blame in the Biſhoppes for that the Lordes went not forward with their purpoſe in aduauncing Edgar Ethe|ling to the Crowne. For the Biſhops (ſayth he) refuſed to ioine with the Lords in that behalf, and ſo through enuie and ſpite which one part bare to an other, when they coulde not agree vpon an Engliſhe man, they receyued a ſtraunger, inſo|much that vpõ king William his comming vn|to Beorcham, Aldred Archbiſhop of York,The Archbi|ſhop of Yorke and other ſub|mit themſel|ues to king William. Wol|ſtane Biſhop of Worceſter, and Walter Biſhop of Hereforde, Edgar Etheling, and the foreſayd Earles Edwyn and Marchar, came and ſubmit|ted themſelues vnto him, whome he gently recey|ued, and incontinently made an agreemente wyth them, taking theyr othe and Hoſtages, (as ſome wryte) and yet neuertheleſſe hee per|mytted hys people to ſpoyle and burne the Countrey.

[1] But nowe when the feaſt of Chriſtmaſſe was at hande, hee approched to the Citie of London, and comming thither, cauſed his vauntgarde firſt to enter into the ſtreetes, where finding ſome reſiſtance, be eaſily ſubdued the Citizens that thus tooke vpon them to withſtand him, though not without ſome bloudſhed, (as Gemeticen.Gemeticenſes. writeth) But as by other it ſhould appeare, he was recey|ued into the Citie without any reſiſtance at all, And ſo being in poſſeſſion thereof, he ſpake many friendly wordes to the Citizens, and promiſed that he woulde vſe them in moſt liberall and cur|teous maner.

[1] And ſoone after when things were brought in order (as was thought requiſite) he was crowned king vpon Chriſtmas day following,Williã Cõque|rour crowned 1067. accor|ding to their account which begin the yere on the day of Chriſt his Natiuitie. by Aldred Archbiſhop of Yorke. For he would not receyue the Crowne at the handes of Stigande Archbi|ſhop of Canterburie, bycauſe he was hated, and furthermore iudged to bee a verie lewde perſon, and a naughtie liuer.

[1] At his Coronation, he cauſed the Biſhops and Barons of the realme to take their othe, that they ſhould be his true and loyall ſubiectes (according to the maner in that caſe accuſtomed.) And being requyred thereto by the Archbiſhop of Yorke, he tooke his perſonall othe before the Aulter of Saint Peter at Weſtminſter, to defende holy Church, and Rulers of the ſame, to gouerne the people [page 292] in iuſtice as became a King to doe, to ordeyne righteous lawes, and keepe the ſame, ſo that all maner of bribing, rapine, and wrongfull iudge|ments ſhould for euer hereafter be aboliſhed.

[figure appears here on page 292]




After this, hee tooke order howe to keepe the realme in good and quiet gouernment, fortifying the neceſſarie places, and furniſhing them wyth gariſons. He alſo appoynted officers and Coun|ſaylers ſuch as hee thought to bee wiſe and diſ|crete men, and appoynted ſhippes to be in the ha|uens by the coaſt for the defence of the land, as he thought moſt expedient. And eyther nowe af|ter his coronation, or rather before (as by ſome Authours it ſhoulde ſeeme) euen preſentlye vppon obteyning of the Citie of London,Iohn Stow. hee tooke his iourney towardes the Caſtell of Do|uer to ſubdue that,Tho. Sprot. and the reſt of Kent alſo: which when the Archebyſhoppe Stygande, and Egelſin the Abbot of Saint Auguſtines (bee|ing as it were the chiefeſt Lordes and Gouer|nours of all Kent) did perceyue and conſyder, that the whole Realme was in an euyll ſtate, and that where as in thys Realme of Eng|lande, before the comming in of the foreſayde Duke Wylliam, there was no bondemenne: nowe all, as well Noble men as the common people, were without reſpect made ſubiect vnto the perpetuall bondage of the Normans, taking an occaſion by the perill and daunger that theyr neighbours were in, to prouide for the ſafegarde of themſelues and theyr Countrey. They cau|ſed to aſſemble at Canterburie, all the people of the Countie of Kent, and declared to them the perilles and daungers imminent, the miſerie that their neighbours were come into, the pride and inſolencie of the Normans, and the hard|neſſe and griefe of bondage and ſeruile eſtate: Wherevppon all the people rather chooſing to ende theyr vnfortunate life, than to ſubmytte themſelues to an vnaccuſtomed yoke of ſeruitude and bondage, with a common conſente de|termined to meete Duke William, and to fight with him for the lawes of theyr Countrey. And the foreſayde Stigande the Archebyſhoppe, and the Abbot Egelſin, chooſing rather to die in bat|taile, than to ſee theyr Nation in ſo euell an e|ſtate, being encouraged by the examples of the holy Machabees, became Captaynes of the ar|mie. And at a day appoynted, all the people met at Swaneſcombe, and being hidden in the woods lay priuily in wayte for the comming of the fore|ſayde Duke William.

[1] And bycauſe it cannot hurt to take greate heede, and to be verie warie in ſuche caſes, they agreed before hande, that when the Duke was come, and the paſſages on euery ſide ſtopped, to the ende he ſhould no way be able to eſcape, eue|rye one of them, as well horſemen as footemen ſhould beare boughes in their handes.

[1] The next daye after, when the Duke was come into the fieldes and territories neare vnto Swaneſcombe, and ſawe all the Countrey ſette and placed about him, as it had beene a ſtyrring and moouing Woodde, and that with a meane pace they approched and drewe neare vnto him, with great diſcomforte of minde he wondered at that ſight.

[1] And aſſoone as the Captaynes of the Ken|tiſh men ſawe that Duke William was enclo|ſed in the middeſt of theyr armie, they cauſed the Trumpettes to bee ſounded, theyr Ban|ners to bee diſplayed, and threwe downe theyr boughes, and wyth theyr Bowes bent, theyr Swordes drawne, and theyr Speares and o|ther kind of weapons ſtretched forth, they ſhewed themſelues readie to fight.

[1] [2] Duke William and they that were wyth him ſtoode (as no maruayle it was) ſore aſtonied, [page 293] and amazed. And he which thought that he had alreadie [...]ll [...] Englande faſt in his fyſt, did nowe diſpayre of his owne li [...]. Therefore on the be|halfe of the Kentiſhe men, were ſente vnto Duke William the Archcbiſhop Stigande, and E|gleſin Abbot of Saint Auguſtins who told him theyr meſſage in this ſort: My Lorde Duke, beholde the people of Kent commeth forth to meete you, and to receyue you as theyr liege Lorde, requiring at your handes the thinges which perteyne to peace, and that vnder this con|dition, that all the people of Kent, enioy for euer their auncient liberties, and maye for euermore vſe the lawes and cuſtomes of the Countrey: otherwiſe they are readie preſently to bidde bat|taile to you, and them that hee with you, and are mynded rather to die here altogither, than to departe from the lawes and cuſtomes of theyr Countrey, and to ſubmitte themſelues to bondage, whereof as yet they neuer had expe|rience.

[1] The Duke ſeeing himſelfe to bee driuen to ſuch a ſtayghte and narrowe Pinche, conſulted a while with them that came with him, pru|dently conſidering, that is he ſhoulde take any re|pulſe or diſpleaſure at the handes of this people, which be the Key of Englande, all that euer he had done before ſhoulde be vndone againe, and of no effect, and all his hope and ſafetie ſhoulde ſtande in daunger and ieopardie: not ſo willing|ly as wiſelye hee graunted the people of Kent theyr requeſt. So when the couenant was eſta|bliſhed, and pledges giuen on bothe ſydes: The Kentiſhe men beeing ioyfull, conducted the Nor|mans, who alſo were glad) vnto Rocheſter, and yeelded vp to the Duke the Earledome of Kent, and the noble Caſtell of Douer.

[1] Thus the auncient liberties of Englande, and the lawes and cuſtomes of the Countrey,The auncient liberties and lawes of Eng|lande remaine in Kent onely. which before the comming of Duke William out of Normandie, were equally kepte throughoute all englande, doe (throughe this induſtrie and earneſt trauayle of the Archebyſhoppe Stigande and Egelſin Abbot of Sainte Auguſtines) re|maine inuiolably obſerued vntyll thys day with|in that Countie of Kent.

[1] Thus farre Thomas Spot,VVil. Thorne and after him William Thorne wryteth the ſame. Of the which the former (that is Spotte) liued in the dayes of King Edwarde the firſt, and William Thorne in the dayes of King Richarde the ſe|conde.

[1] But nowe before we proceede any further in recitall of the Conquerours doings, we haue here in a Table noted all the noble Captaynes and Gentlemen of name, aſwell Normans as other ſtraungers, which aſſiſted Duke William in the conqueſt of this land. And firſt, as we finde them written in the Chronicles of Normandie by one William Tailleur.

The Catalogue of ſuch Noble men, Lordes and Gentlemen of name, as came into this lande with VVilliam Conquerour.

[1] with other Lordes and men of account in great nembers, whoſe names the Author of the Chro|nicles of Normandie coulde not come by (as he himſelf confeſſeth.) In conſideration wherof, and bycauſe diuerſe of theſe are ſet forth only by theyr titles of eſtate, and not by their ſurnames, we haue thought it conuenient to make you partaker of the roll which ſometime belonged to Battaile Abbay, conteyning alſo (as the tytle thereof im|porteth) the names of ſuch Nobles and Gentle|men of Marque, as came in at this time with the Conqueror, wherof diuerſe may be the ſame per|ſons whiche in the catalogue aboue written are conteyned, bearing the names of the places wher|of they were poſſeſſours and owners, as by the ſame Catalogue it may appeare.

1.1.1. The Roll of Battaile Abbey.

The Roll of Battaile Abbey.


  • Aumarle
  • Ayncourt
  • Audeley
  • Angilliam
  • Argentonne
  • Arundell
  • Auenant
  • Abell
  • Auuerne
  • Aunwers
  • Angers
  • Angenoun
  • Archere
  • Anuay
  • Aſpervile
  • Albevile
  • Andevile
  • Amouerduile
  • Arcy and Akeny
  • Albeny
  • Aybenart
  • Amay
  • Aſpermounde
  • Amerenges.


  • Bertram
  • Buttecourt
  • Brebus and Byſeg
  • Bardolfe
  • Baſſet and Bygot
  • Bohun
  • Baylyf
  • Bondevile
  • Brabaſon
  • Baſkervile
  • Bures
  • Bounylayne
  • Boys
  • Botelere
  • Bourcher
  • Brabayon
  • Berners
  • Braybuf
  • Brande and Bronce
  • Burgh
  • Buſſhy
  • Banet
  • Blondell
  • Breton
  • Bluet and Bayous
  • Browne
  • Beke
  • Byckarde
  • Banaſtre
  • Baloun
  • Beauchampe
  • Bray and Bandy
  • Bracy
  • Boundes
  • Baſeoun
  • Broylem
  • Broyleby
  • Burnell
  • Bellet
  • Baudewyn
  • [page 295] Beaumont
  • Burdon
  • Bertevilay
  • Barre
  • Buſſevile
  • Blunt
  • Beaupere
  • Beuyll
  • Bardvedor
  • Brette
  • Barrett
  • Bonrett
  • Baynard
  • Barnyvale
  • Bonett
  • Barry
  • Bryan
  • Bodyn
  • Bertevile
  • Bertyn
  • Berenevile
  • Bellewe
  • Bevery
  • Buſſhell
  • Boranvile
  • Browe
  • Beleuers
  • Buffard
  • Botelere
  • Bonueyer
  • Boteuile
  • Bellyre
  • Baſtard
  • Baynard
  • Braſard
  • Beelhelme
  • Brayne
  • Brent
  • Braunche
  • Beleſuz
  • Blundell
  • Burdett
  • Bagott
  • Beauuiſe
  • Belemis
  • Beyſyn
  • Bernon
  • Boels
  • Belefroun
  • Brutz
  • Barchampe


  • Camoys
  • Camvile
  • Chawent
  • Chauncy
  • Couderay
  • Colvile
  • Chamberlaine
  • Chamburnoun
  • Comyn
  • Columber
  • Crybett
  • Creuquere
  • Corbine
  • Corbett
  • Chaundos
  • Chaworth
  • Cleremaus
  • Clarell
  • Chopys
  • Chaunduyt
  • Chantelow
  • Chamberay
  • Creſſy
  • Curtenay
  • Coneſtable
  • Cholmeley
  • Champney
  • Chawnos
  • Comivile
  • Champaine
  • Careuile
  • Carbonelle
  • Charles
  • Chereberge
  • Chawnes
  • Chaumont
  • Caperoun
  • Cheyne
  • Curſon
  • Couille
  • Chayters
  • Cheynes
  • Cateray
  • Cherecourt
  • Cammyle
  • Clerenay
  • Curly
  • Cuyly
  • Clynels
  • Chaundos
  • Courteney
  • Clyfford.


  • Denaville
  • Dercy
  • Dyue
  • Dyſpencere
  • Daubeny
  • Daniell
  • Denyſe and Draeſt
  • Denaus
  • Dauers.
  • Dodyngſels
  • Darell
  • Delaber
  • Delapole
  • Delalynde
  • Delahill
  • Delaware
  • Delavache
  • Dakeny
  • Dauntre
  • Deſnye
  • Dabernoune
  • Damry
  • Daueros
  • Dauonge
  • Duylby
  • Delauere
  • Delahoyde
  • Durange
  • Delee
  • Delaunde
  • Delawarde
  • Delaplanch
  • Damnot
  • Danway
  • Dehenſe
  • Devile
  • Dyſard
  • Doyuille
  • Durant
  • Drury
  • Dabitott
  • Dunſterville
  • Dunchampe
  • Dambelton


  • Eſtrange
  • Eſtutevile
  • Engayne
  • Eſtriels
  • Eſturney


  • Ferrerers
  • Foluile
  • Fitzwatere
  • Fitzmarmaduke
  • Fleuez
  • Fylberd
  • Fitz Roger
  • Fauecourt
  • Ferrers
  • Fitz Phillip
  • Filiot
  • Furniueus
  • Furniuaus
  • Fitz Otes
  • Fitz William
  • Fitz Roand
  • Fitz Payn
  • Fitz Anger
  • Fitz Aleyn
  • Fitz Rauff
  • Fitz browne
  • Fouke
  • Freuile
  • Front de Boef
  • Facunberge
  • Fort
  • Fryſell
  • Fitz Simon
  • Fitz Fouk
  • Fylioll
  • Fitz Thomas
  • Fitz Morice
  • Fitz Hugh
  • Fitz Henrie
  • Fitz Waren
  • Fitz Raynold
  • Flamvile
  • Formay
  • Fitz Euſtach
  • Fitz Laurence
  • Formyband
  • Friſound
  • Fynere and Fitz Robert
  • Furniuale
  • Fitz Geffrey
  • Fitz Herbert
  • Fitz Peres
  • Fychet
  • Fitz Rewes
  • Fitz Fitz
  • Fitz Iohn
  • Fleſchampe


  • Gurnay
  • Greſſy
  • Graunſon
  • Gracy
  • Georges
  • Gower
  • Gaugy
  • Goband
  • Gray
  • Gaunſon
  • Golofre
  • Gobyon
  • Grenſy
  • Graunt
  • Greyle
  • Greuet
  • Gurry
  • Gurley
  • [page 296] Grammori
  • Gernoun
  • Grendon
  • Gurdon
  • Gynes
  • Gryuel
  • Grenevile
  • Glatevile
  • Gurney
  • Giffard
  • Gouerges
  • Gamages.


  • Haunteney
  • Haunſard
  • Haſtings
  • Hanlay
  • Haurell
  • Huſee
  • Hercy
  • Herioun
  • Herne
  • Harecourt
  • Henoure
  • Houell
  • Hamelyn
  • Harewell
  • Hardell
  • Haket
  • Hamound
  • Harcord.


  • Iarden
  • Iay
  • Ieniels
  • Ierconviſe
  • Ianvile
  • Iaſpervile.


  • Kaunt
  • Karre
  • Karrowe
  • Koyne
  • Kymaronne
  • Kyryell
  • Kancey
  • Kenelre.


  • Loueny
  • Lacy
  • Linneby
  • Latomer
  • Loueday
  • Louell
  • Lemare
  • Leuetote
  • Lucy
  • Luny
  • Logevile
  • Longeſpes
  • Louerace
  • Longechampe
  • Laſcales
  • Lacy
  • Louan
  • Leded
  • Luſe
  • Loterell
  • Loruge
  • Longevale
  • Loy
  • Lorancourt
  • Loyons
  • Lymers
  • Longepay
  • Laumale
  • Lane
  • Louetote


  • Mohant
  • Mowne
  • Maundeuile
  • Marmilon
  • Morybray
  • Moruile
  • Myriell
  • Manlay
  • Malebraunch
  • Malemayne
  • Mortimere
  • Mortymaine
  • Muſe
  • Marteyne
  • Mountbother
  • Mountſoler
  • Malevile
  • Malet
  • Mounteney
  • Monfychet
  • Maleherbe
  • Mare
  • Muſegros
  • Muſarde
  • Moyne
  • Montrauers
  • Merke
  • Murres
  • Mortivale
  • Moncheneſy
  • Mallory
  • Marny
  • Mountagu
  • Mountford
  • Maule
  • Monhermon
  • Muſett
  • Meneuile
  • Mantevenat & Manfe
  • Menpyncoy
  • Mayne
  • Maynard
  • Morell
  • Maynell
  • Maleluſe
  • Memorous
  • Morreis
  • Morleyan Maine
  • Maleuere
  • Mandut
  • Mountmarten
  • Mantelet
  • Myners
  • Mauclerke
  • Maunchenell
  • Mouet
  • Meyntenore
  • Meletak
  • Manvile
  • Mangyſere
  • Maumaſin
  • Mountlouel
  • Mawrewarde
  • Monhaut
  • Meller
  • Mountgomerie
  • Manlay
  • Maularde
  • Maynard
  • Menere
  • Martina [...]t
  • Mare
  • Mainwaringe
  • Matelay
  • Malemys
  • Maleheyre
  • Moren
  • Melun
  • Marceans
  • Mayell
  • Morton


  • Noers
  • Neuile
  • Newmarch
  • Norbet
  • Norice
  • Newborough
  • Neyremet
  • Neyle
  • Normauile
  • Neofmarche
  • Nermitz
  • Nembrutz


  • Oteuell
  • Olybef
  • Olyfant
  • Oſenel
  • Oyſell
  • Olyfard
  • Orinall
  • Oryoll


  • Pigot
  • Pery
  • Perepount
  • Perſhale
  • Power
  • Paynell
  • Peche and Paucy
  • Peurell
  • Perot
  • Pycard
  • Pynkenie
  • Pomeray
  • Pounce
  • Pauely
  • Payfrere
  • Plukenet
  • Phuars
  • Punchardoun
  • Pynchard
  • Placy
  • Pugoy
  • Patefine
  • Place
  • Pampilioun
  • Percelay
  • Perere and Pekeny
  • Poterell
  • Peukeny
  • Peccell
  • Pinell
  • Putrill
  • Petivoll
  • Preaus
  • Pantolf
  • Prito
  • Penecord
  • Prendyrlegaſt
  • Percyuale


  • Quinci
  • Quintiny


  • Ros
  • Ridell
  • Ryuers
  • Ryvell
  • Rous
  • Ruſſell
  • Raband
  • Ronde
  • Rye
  • Rokell
  • Ryſers
  • Randvile
  • Roſelin
  • Raſtoke
  • Rynvyll
  • Rougere
  • Rait
  • Rypere
  • Rigny
  • Richemounde
  • Rochford
  • Raymond


    [1] [2]
  • Souche
  • Shevile
  • Seucheus
  • Senclere
  • Sent quintin
  • Sent Omere
  • Sent Amond
  • Sent Legere
  • Somervile
  • Syward
  • Saunſovere
  • Sanford
  • Sanctes
  • Savay
  • Saulay
  • Sules
  • Sorell
  • Somerey
  • Sent Iohn
  • Sent George
  • Sent Les
  • Seſſe
  • Salvyn
  • Say
  • Solers
  • Sanlay
  • Sent Albyn
  • Sent Martin
  • Sourdemale
  • Seguin
  • Sent Barbe
  • Sent Vyle
  • Souremount
  • Soregliſe
  • Sandvile
  • Sauncey
  • Syrewaſt
  • Sent Cheueroll
  • Sent More
  • Sent Scudemore


  • Toget
  • Tercy
  • Tuchet
  • Tracy
  • Trouſbut
  • Traynell
  • Taket
  • Truſſell and Triſon
  • Talbot
  • Touny
  • Trayes
  • Tollemache
  • Tolons
  • Tanny
  • Touke
  • Tybtote
  • Turbevyle
  • Turvile
  • Tomy and Tauerner
  • Trenchevile
  • Trenchelyon
  • Tankervyle
  • Tyrell
  • Tryvet
  • Tolet
  • Travers
  • Tardevyle
  • Turburvyle
  • Tynevyle
  • Torell
  • Tortechappell
  • Truſbote
  • Treuerell
  • Tenwis
  • Totelles


  • Vere
  • Vermoun
  • Veſcy
  • Verdoune
  • Valence
  • Verdeire
  • Vauaſour
  • Wardeboys
  • Wate
  • Wyuell
  • Wake
  • Watelin
  • Wely
  • Werdonell
  • Vendore
  • Verlay
  • Warde
  • Valenger
  • Venables
  • Venoure
  • Vylan
  • Verlaund
  • Valers
  • Veyrny
  • Vavurvyle
  • Watervyl
  • Venyels
  • Vertere
  • Vſchere
  • Veffay
  • Vanay
  • Vyan
  • Vernoys
  • Wafre
  • Weſpayle
  • Wareyne
  • Vrnall
  • Vnket
  • Vrnafull
  • Vaſderoll
  • Vaberon
  • Valingford
  • Venicorde
  • Valiue
  • Viville
  • Vancorde & Valenges.

[1] [2] Thus when hee hadde ſet all things in order through the moſt part of the Realme, hee deliue|red the guiding thereof vnto his brother Odo,Sim. Dunel. the Biſhop of Bayeux, and to his couſin William Fitz Oſberne whome he had made Erle of Her|ford: and in Lent following, he ſayled into Nor|mandy,King William goeth ouer into Normãdy Hen. Hunt. Polichron. Simon Dun. leading with him the pledges and other of the chiefeſt Lordes of the Engliſhe nation: a|mong whom, the two Earles Edwin and Mor|kar, Stigand the Archbiſhop, Edgar, Etheling, Waltheof ſonne to Siwarde ſometime Duke of Northumberland, and the Abbot of Glaſtenbu|ry Agelnothus were ye moſt famous. Soone after his departing. Edrike ſurnamed Siluaticus, ſon to Alfricke that was brother to Edricke de Stre|ona,Edricke Silua|ticus. refuſing to ſubmit himſelfe vnto the Kyng, rebelled and aroſe againſte ſuche as he had left in his abſence to gouerne the land, wherevpon, thoſe that lay in the Caſtell of Hereford, as Richarde Fitz Scrope and others,Richard Fitz Scrope. did oftentimes inuade his Lands, and waſted the goodes of his farmors and tenantes. But yet ſo often as they attemp|ted to inuade him, they loſt many of theyr owne Souldiers, and men of warre. Moreouer, ye ſayde Edricke calling to his ayde the Kyngs of the Welchmen, Bleothgent, and Rithwalle, the ſaid Edricke about the feaſt of the aſſumption of our Lady, waſted the countrey of Hereford, euen to ye bridge of the Riuer of Wye,The Riuer of Wye. and obteyned out of thoſe quarters a maruellous great ſpoyle. In the winter following alſo,King Williã returneth into England. and after King William had ordred his buſineſſe in Normandy, he retur|ned into England, and euen then began to han|dle the Engliſhmen ſomewhat ſharply, ſuppo|ſing thereby to keepe them the more eaſily vnder his obedience. He ſpoyled in like maner dyuers of the nobilitie, and others of the welthier ſort, of al their liuings, and gaue ye ſame to his Normans.H. Hunt. [page 298] Moreouer, he reyſed greate payments and ſubſe|dies through the Realme:Hen. Hunt. the Engliſhe nobilitie alſo he nothing regarded, ſo yt they whiche before thought themſelues to bee made for euer by brin|ging a ſtranger into the Realme, do now ſee thẽ|ſelues troden vnder foote, and to bee deſpiſed and mocked on all ſides,Math. Paris. in ſo much, that many of thẽ were conſtreyned (as if were for a further teſti|monie of ſeruitude and bondage) to ſhaue theyr beards, to round their heare, and to frame them|ſelues as well in apparrell, as in ſeruice and dyet at their tables, after the Norman manner, ryghte ſtrange, and farre differing from the auntient cu|ſtomes and olde vſages of theyr countrey: other vtterly refuſing to ſuſteyne ſuche an intollerable yoke of thraldom as was dayly layd vpon thẽ by ye Normans, choſe rather to leaue all, both goods and lands, and after the manner of outlawes got them to the wooddes with their wiues,Engliſhmen withdrawe thẽ to the woodes [...] outlawes. children, and ſeruauntes, meaning frõ thencefoorth whol|ly to liue vpon the ſpoyle of the countreys adioy|ning, and take whatſoeuer came to hand. Wher|vpon it came to paſſe within a while, that no mã might in ſafetie trauayle from his owne houſe or towne to his next neighbors, and euery quiet and honeſt mans houſe became as it were an hold or fortreſſe, and furniſhed for defence with bowes & arrowes, billes, polle axes, ſwordes, clubbes and ſlaues, ye dores kept locked, and ſtrongly boulted, namely in the night ſeaſon, for feare to be ſurpri|ſed as it had bin in time of open war, and amõgſt publike enimies. Prayers were ſayde alſo by the maſter of the houſe, as though they had bin in the middeſt of the Seas in ſome ſtormy tempeſt, and when the windowes or dores ſhould be ſhut in & cloſed, they vſed to ſay Benedicite, & other to aun|ſwer Dominus, with moſt zealous and reuerende deuotion, whiche cuſtome then taking place, through feare of preſent daunger, hathe euer ſince remayned in vſe till theſe our preſent dayes. But for all this, K. William ſought to fame and van|quiſh thoſe of the Engliſh nobilitie, which would not be vnder his obeyſance. They againe on the other ſide made themſelues ſtrong, the better to reſiſt him, chooſing for their chiefe Captaines and leaders, the Erles Edwin and Edgar Etheling, which valiantly reſiſted the Normans, and ſlew many of them with great rage and crueltie. And as they thus proceeded in their matters, K. Wil|liam being a politike Prince, forwarde & payne|full in his buſineſſe, ſuffered thẽ not altogyther to eſcape cleere away, but did ſore anoy and put thẽ oft to irrecouerable loſſes, though he ſuffered in ye meane time many laborious iourneys, ſlaughters of his people, & damages of his perſon. Herevpon ye Engliſh nobilitie euer after, yea in time of peace were hated of ye K. & his Normans, & at lẽgth wer kept ſo ſhort, yt being moued partly with diſdeine,

Polidor. An. Reg. 2 Math. Paris. Mat. VVeſt. Diuers with|draw foorth of their coũtrey.


and partly with dread, they gote them out of the Realm, ſome into Scotlãd, ſome into Denmark, other into Norway, & amõg theſe, the two Erles Edwin & Marcar, with certayn Biſhops and o|ther of ye Cleargie, beſides many alſo of the tem|poraltie, eſcaped into Scotland. Marleſwin and Goſpatric, with a great nũber of other ye Nobles of Northumberland, Edgar Ethling wt his mo|ther Agatha, & his ſiſters Chriſtine & Margaret, chãced alſo to be driuẽ into Scotland by tempeſt, as they were ſayling towardes ye coaſtes of Ger|many, in purpoſe to haue returned into Hungary wher ye ſaid Edgar was borne: howbeit being ar|riued in Scotland, he found ſo friendly entertain|mẽt there, that finally Malcolme ye third then K. of that Realm, tooke his ſiſter Margaret to wife, and Chriſtin became a Nonne, as in ye Scottiſh Chronicles more plainely doth appeare. K. Wil|liam hereby perceiuing dayly how willing ye eng|liſhmẽ wer to be vnder his obeiſance was in feare of Rebellious cõmotiõs,Polidor. & therfore to maſter thẽ ye better, he builded .4. Caſtels, one at Notinghã, [figure appears here on page 298] [page 299] an other at Lincolne,Two at York, wherein hee left fiue hun|dred men in garriſon. Simon Dun. the thirde at Yorke, and the fourth neere vnto Haſtings, where hee landed at his firſt comming into England.

[1] Moreouer, to reduce the Engliſh people from their fierce wildneſſe vnto a more ciuilitie & qui|et trade of life, he tooke frõ them all their armoure and weapons.The conque|ror taketh from the Eng|liſhmen theyr armour. And agayne, he ordeyned that the maſter of euery houſhold about eyght of ye clocke in the euening, ſhoulde cauſe his fire to be couered with aſhes, and thervppon goe to bed: and to the ende that euery man mighte haue knowledge of that houre when hee ſhould to goe to reſt, he gaue order, that in all Cities, Townes, and Villages, where any Church was, there ſhoulde bee a Bell roong at the ſayd houre, whiche cuſtome is ſtill v|ſed euen vnto this daye, and commonly called by the French word Cover fewe.

Cover few firſt inſtituted 1068

Mat. VVeſt.

[1] Moreouer, this yere on Whitſonday, Mande the Wife of King William was crowned Q. by Aeldred Archbyſhop of Yorke. The ſame yere alſo was Henry his ſon borne here in Eng|land, for his other two ſonnes Robert and Wil|liam wereborne in Normandy, before hee had conquered this lande.

[1] About ye ſame time alſo,Edmund the great Goodwin & Edmund ſurnamed the great, that were ſonnes to K. Har|rold, came out of Ireland, and landing in Som|merſetſhire, ſoughte with Adnothus that had bin maſter of their fathers Horſe, whome they ſlewe, with a greate nũber of others, and ſo hauing got|ten [figure appears here on page 299] this victory, returned into Irelãd, frõ whẽce they came, with a greate booty whiche they tooke before their returne out of ye Countreis of Corne|wall, and Deuonſhire, and other the places there|about. In like manner, Exeter did as then Re|bell, and likewiſe the countrey of Northumber|land, wherevpon,VVil. Malm. Simon Dun. the King appoynted one of hys Captaines named Roberte, ſurnamed Cumin, a right noble perſonage (but more valiant than cir|cumſpect) to goe againſte the Northren people with a part of his army, whileſt he himſelfe with the other part wente to ſubdue them of Execter: where at his comming afore the Citie, the Cit|tizens prepared themſelues to defende their gates and walles: but after that hee began to make hys approch to aſſayle them, part of the Citizens re|penting their fooliſh attemptes, opened the gates, and ſuffered him to enter. Thus hauing ſubdued them of Exeter, he greeuouſly puniſhed the chiefe offendours. But the Counteſſe Gita, the ſiſter of Swayne K. of Denmarke, & ſometime wife to Earle Goodwin, and mother to the laſt K. Har|rolde, with diuers other that were gote into that Citie, founde meanes to flie, and ſo eſcaped ouer into Flaunders. King William hauing diſpat|ched his buſineſſe in ſue [...] wiſe in Deuonſhire, hee haſted backe towards Yorke, beeing aduertiſed in the way that the Northumbers hauing know|ledge by their Sp [...]a [...]les, that Roberte generall of the Normans being [...] to Durham, dyd not ſo gently cauſe watche and warde to be kepte about the town in the night ſeaſon as was requi|ſite, they did ſet vpon him about midnighte,This chaun|ced the .28. of Ianuary on a wedneſday. Polidor. and founde fortune ſo greatly fauourable to them in their enterpriſe, that they ſlew the ſame Roberte with all his companie, ſo that of ſeuen hundred which he broughte with him, there was but one that eſcaped to bring tidings to the King.

[1] He hearde alſo, how Edgar Etheling at the ſame time, being in the countrey, riding abroade with a troupe of Horſemen, and hearing of the diſcomfiture of thoſe Normans, purſued them e|grely; and ſlewe greate numbers of them,Polidor. as they were about to ſaue themſelues by flighte, with whiche newes beeing in no ſmall furie, he made ſpeede forwarde, and comming at the laſt into Northumberland, he eaſily vanquiſhed the afore|ſayd Rebels, and putting the chiefe Authors of [page 300] this buſineſſe to deathes hee reſerued ſome of the reſt as Captiues, and of other ſome, hee cauſed the hands to be chopped off in token of their incõ|ſtancie, and Rebellions dealing. After this, he cõ|meth to Yorke, and there in like forte puniſhed thoſe that had ayded Edgar, whiche done hee re|turned to Londõ,1069 where he intended to ſoiourne for a ſeaſon.

[1] [2] Of this iourney, Simon Dunel. ſpeaketh not a word, but ioyning the arriuall of the Daniſhe fleete to followe after the ſlaughter of the Nor|mans at Durham, ſheweth at large what enſued vpon their arriuall in thoſe parties, but whether ye Northumberlande men reſted in quiet after they hadde ſlayne the Normans at Durham, till the comming of the Danes, or whether immediate|ly therevpon they were inuaded by King Willi|am, as it is moſt like they were, true it is, that in the meane time, thoſe Engliſhmen that were fled (as you haue heard) into Denmarkt, by conti|nuall ſuite made vnto Sueno then King of that Realme,Swayne and Osborne hath Math Paris. to procure him to make a iourney into Englande for recouerie of the righte diſcended to him from his aunceſtors, at length they obteyned their purpoſe, in ſo much, that K. Sueno ſent hys ſonnes Harrold and Canutus toward England, who with a nauie of two hũdred ſayle,Three hun|dred ſayles ſaith M. W. but Sim. Dun. hath. 240. in the cõ|pany of Oſborne their Vncle, arriued in ye mouth of Humber betweene the two later Lady days, & there landing their people with the Engliſh out|lawes which they had brought with them, they ſtraight ways marched towards Yorke, waſting and ſpoyling the countrey with greate cruelty as they paſſed: ſoone after alſo came Edgar, and ſuch other engliſh exiles as had before fled into Scot|land, and ioined their forces with them. Whẽ the newes of theſe things were brought to Yorke, the people there wer ſtriken with a maruellous feare, in ſo muche, that Aldred the Archbiſhop through very greefe and anguiſhe of minde departed thys life. The Normans alſo whiche lay there in gar|riſon, after they vnderſtoode by their ſpies that the enimies were come within two dayes iourney of them, began not a little to miſtruſt the faythe of the Citizens, and bycauſe the ſuburbes ſhould not be any ayde vnto them, they ſet fire on the ſame, which by the hugeneſſe of the wind that ſuddain|ly aroſe herewith, at the ſame time the flame be|came to bigge, and mounted on ſuch height, that it tooke into the Citie alſo, and conſumed a great part thereof to aſhes, togither with the miniſter of S. Peter, and a famous library belonging to the ſame, the Normans and Citizens in like maner beeing coñſtreyned to iſſue foorthe euen at the ſame time,Yorke brent. and beeing vppon the enimies before they had any knowledge of their approche, were forced to trie the matter by diſordred battayle, and albeit their number was farre infecious, and nothing equall vnto theirs, yet they valiantly de|fended themſelues for a time, til beeing oppreſſed with multitude, they were ouercome and ſlayne,Normans ſlayne. ſo that there periſhed in this conflict, to the num|ber [figure appears here on page 300] of three thouſand of them. Many of the Eng|liſhmen alſo that came with them to the fielde, were ſaued by the enimies,Simon Dun. to the end they mighte gayne ſomewhat by their raunſomes, as Willi|am Mallet Sherife of the Shire, with his wife & two of their childrẽ, and Gilbert de Gaunt, with diuers other. This ſlaughter chanced on a Sa|terday, beeing the nineteenth day of September. The two breethren hauing thus obteyned thys victory went on further into ye countrey of Nor|thumberland, and brought the ſame wholly vnto their obeyſance in ſomuch, yt al the North partes were at their comandemẽt. After this, they meant to haue gone towardes, London, to haue proued their fortune likewiſe in ye South partes,A ſharp win|ter, an enimie to warlike enterpriſes. if ye ex|treame & hard winter which chanced ye yeare, had not ſtayed them of their purpoſe in like caſe as it did K. Williã frõ aſſailing them, who hearing of all the doings of his enimies in the North coun|trey would gladly haue ſet vppon them, if eyther the ſeaſon of the yere or weather had ſerued anye thing at all to the furtherance of his iourney.The Danes where they wintered. Hen. Hunt. In the mean time ye Danes wintered in Yorkſhire, betwixt the two Riuers of Duſe & Trent, but ſo [page 301] ſoone as the Snow began to melt,Polidor. and the Ife to thaw and weare away, King William ſped him with great haſt towarde his enimies into York|ſhire, and comming to the Riuer of Trent, where it falleth into Humber, he pitched his tents there, to refreſhe his people, and ſo much the rather, by|cauſe he vnderſtoode his enimies were at hande, The day following, he bringeth his army into ye field to fight with the Daniſh Princes, who like|wiſe hadde ſet their people in order of battayle, ſo that it was not long ere both the hoſtes were met and ioyned togither: thus there began a right ſore and terrible battayle, commiting a long ſpare in equall ballance, till at length in one of the wings the Norman Horſemen had put their enimies to flight, which when the reſidue of the Danes per|ceyued, [figure appears here on page 301] and beeing put in a ſuddayne feare with|all, they likewiſe fledde. Harrold & Canutus with a company of hardie Souldiers that tarried a|bout them, retired backe (though with much adoe and great daunger) vnto their Ships, Edgar al|ſo by help of good horſes, eſcaped into Scotlande with a fewe in his company. Earle Waltir who had fought moſt manfully in that battayle,Math. Paris. and ſlaine many Normans with his owne handes, was reconciled into the Kings fauoure:Hen. Hunt. but the reſidue were for the moſt part takẽ priſoners, and killed. William of Malmeſbury writeth, that King William comming at that time into the North parties,VVil. Malm. beſieged the Citie of Yorke, & put|ting to flight a gret Army of his enimies yt came to the ſuccours of thẽ within, not without greate loſſe of his owne Souldiers, at length, the Citie was deliuered into his handes, the Citizens and other that kept it, as Scottes, Danes, and Eng|liſhmen, being conſtreyned thereto through lacke of vittayles.Sim. Dunel. Other write, how the Danes beeing loden with riches and ſpoyles, gote in the coun|trey, were departed to their Shippes before the comming of King William. Heere is not to bee forgotten, yt as Iohn Lelande hath noted, whi|leſt the Conquerour helde ſiege before Yorke, at the earneſt requeſt of his wife Queene Maude, he aduanced his Nephewe Alane Earle of Brit|tayne with the gift of all thoſe landes that ſome|time belonged vnto Earle Edwin,Earle Edwines lands giuen vnto Alane Erle of Bri|taine. the tenor of which gift heere enſueth, Ego Gulihelmus cogno|mine Baſtardus, do et cõcedo tibi nepoti meo Alano Britanniae comiti, & haeredibus tuu in perpetuum, omnes illas villas & terras quae nuper fuerunt co|mitis Eadwini in Eboraſhita, cũ feodis militum & alijs libertatibus & conſuetis dinibus, ita liberè & honorificè ſicut ide Eadwinus ea tenuit. Dat. in ob|ſidione coram ciuitate Eboraci. The ſame in Eng|liſh is thus, I VVilliam ſurnamed Baſtard, King of England, do giue and graunt to thee my Ne|phew Alane Erle of Britayne, and to thine heires for euer, all the Townes and lands that lately be|longed to Earle Eadwine in Yorkſhire, with the Knightes fees, and other liberties and cuſtomes, ſo freely and honorably as the ſaid Eadwine held the ſame. Giuen in our ſeege before the Citie of Yorke.

[1] The Earle of Britayne being a mã of a ſtoute ſtomack, and meaning to defend that which was thus giuen to him, built a ſtrong Caſtel, neere to his manor of Gillingham, and named it Rich|mont. To ſhewe therefore ſomewhat alſo of the firſte originall line of the Earles of Richmõnt (that bare their title of honor of this Caſtell and Towne of Richmont, as Leland hath ſet downe the ſame) This it is, Eudo Erle of Britayne, the ſonne of Geffrey begate three ſonnes, Alane le Rous, otherwiſe Fregaunte, Alane the blacke, & Stephan: theſe three breethren after their fathers deceſſe, ſucceeded one after another in the Earle|dome of Britayne, the two elder, Alane the red, & Alane the blacke, died without iſſue. Stephan be|gate [page 302] gate a ſonne named Alane, who left a ſonne whi|che was his heire named Conane, which Conan married Margaret the daughter of William Kyng of Scotlande, who bare him a daughter named Conſtantia, which Conſtantia was cou|pled in marriage with Geffrey, ſonne to Kyng Henry the ſecond, who had by hir Arthur, whom hys Vncle King Iohn, for feare to be depriued by him of the Crowne, cauſed to bee made away as ſome haue written. But nowe hauing thus farre ſtepped from the matter whiche we haue in hand, it is time to returne where we left touching the Danes. Surely the Daniſhe writers make no mention in the life of that Kanute or Cnute,Albertus Grantz. whiche raigned at thys ſeaſon in Denmarke, of anye ſuche voyage made by him, but declare howe hee prepared to haue come into England, but was letted, as in their hiſtory more playnely appeareth:Simon Dun. but verily Simon Dunel. affirmeth, that Harrold and Canute or Cnute the ſonnes of Sweyne Kyng of Denmarke,Math. Paris maketh men|tion but of Sweyne and Osberne whome he calleth bree|thren. with theyr Vncle Earle Oſborne, and one Chriſtianus a Biſhoppe of the Danes, and Earle Turketillus were guiders of this Daniſhe army, and that af|terwardes, when Kyng William came into Northumberland, hee ſent vnto Earle Oſborne, promiſing to him, that hee would permitte hym, to take vp vittayles for his army about the Sea coaſtes, and further, to giue him a portion of money, but ſo that he ſhould departe and returne home, ſo ſoone as the winter was paſſed. But howſoeuer the matter wente with the Danes, certayne it is by the whole conſente of Writers, that King William hauing thus ſubdued his e|nimies in the Northe, hee tooke ſo greate diſplea|ſure with the inhabitauntes of the Countrey of Yorkſhire and Northumberland, that he waſted all the land betwixt Yorke and Durham,VVil. Mal. ſo that for the ſpace of ſixtie miles, there was left in ma|ner no habitation for the people, by reaſon wher|of it lay waſt and deſerte for the ſpace of nine or tenne yeares. The goodly Cities with theyr Towers and Steeples ſet vp on a ſtately height, and reaching as it were into the aire: the beau|tifull fieldes and paſtures, watered with the courſe of ſweete and pleaſant Riuers, if a ſtraun|ger ſhoulde then haue behelde and alſo knowen before they were thus defaced, hee woulde ſurely haue lamented: or if anye olde inhabiter had bene long abſent, and nowe returned thither, had ſeene this pitifull face of the countrey, hee woulde not haue knowen it, ſuch deſtruction was made tho|rough out all thoſe quarters, whereof Yorke it ſelfe felt not the ſmalleſt portion. The Biſhop of Durham Egelwinus with his Cleargie fledde into holy Iland, with S. Cutberts body and o|ther iewels of the Churche of Durham,Simon Dun. where they tarried three monethes and odde dayes, be|fore they returned to Durham agayne. The Kings army comming into the countrey that lyeth betwixt the Riuers Theiſe & Tyne, found nothing but voyde fieldes and bare walles, the people with their goodes and Cattell being fled and withdrawen into the Wooddes and Moun|taynes, if any thing were forgotten behinde, Anno. 4. theſe new geſtes were dilgent inough to finde it out.

[1] In the beginning of the ſpring,1070 King Willi|am returned to London, and now after all theſe troubles, he began to conceyue greater hatred a|gainſt the Engliſhmen than euer he hadde done before,Polidor. and therefore ſuppoſing hee ſhoulde neuer with gentleneſſe winne their good willes, he now determined to keepe them vnder with feare & op|preſſion: a great number he baniſhed and ſpoyled of all their goodes, and not only ſuch as he ſuſpec|ted, but alſo thoſe of whome hee was in hope to gaine any great portion of ſubſtance.

[1] Thus were ye Engliſhmẽ generally in danger [figure appears here on page 302] [page 303] to loſe life lands and goodes, without knowledge, or orderly proceeding vnto iudgement, ſo that no greater miſerie in the earthe coulde be imagined, than that into the whiche our nation was nowe fallen. He tooke from the Townes and Cities, from the Biſhoppes Secs and Abbeyes all theyr auncient priuiledges and freedomes,Priuileges and freedoms reuoked. to the ende they ſhould not only be cut ſhort and made wea|ker, but alſo that they might redeeme the fame of him, for ſuch ſummes of money, as pleaſed hym to appointe, to obteyne their quietneſſe. And among other things, he ordeyned that in time of warre,Math. Paris. they ſhoulde ayde him, in ſuche wiſe, with armoure, Horſe and money, and accordyng to that order which he ſhould then preſcribe.

[1] Heereof alſo he cauſed a Regiſter to be written [figure appears here on page 303] and enrolled, the whiche he willed to be layde vp in his treaſurie, and whereas diuerſe of the ſpiri|tuall perſons woulde not obey this ordinance, hee baniſhed them without remorſe.

[1] [2] [3] Stigand. Alexander Biſhop of Lincolne.About the ſame time alſo, the Archbiſhoppe Stigand and Alexander Biſhop of Lincolne fled into Scotlande, and there kepe themſelues [...]oſe for a ſeaſon. But the Kyng ſtill continued in his hard proceeding againſte the Engliſhmen, in ſo much, that now proteſting how he came to the gouernance of the Realme onely by playne con|queſt,


The hard dea|ling of Kyng William a|gainſt the Engliſhmen.

hee ſeyled into his hands the moſt parte of euery mans poſſeſſions, cauſing them to redeeme the ſame at his handes agayne, and yet reteyned a propertie in the moſt part of them, ſo that thoſe that ſhould afterwardes enioy them, ſhoulde ac|knowledge themſelues to holde them of him, in yeelding an yerely rent to him and his ſucceſſors for euer, with certayne other prouiſions, whereby in caſes of forfeyture the ſame landes ſhoulde re|turne to him, and hys ſayde ſucceſſors agayne. The like order he appoynted to bee vſed by other poſſeſſors of lands, in letting them foorth to their Tenauntes. Hee ordeyned alſo, that ye Tearmes ſhould be kept four times in the yere, in ſuche pla|ces as he ſhould nominate, and that the Iudges ſhould ſit in their ſeuerall places to iudge and de|cide cauſes and matters in controuerſie betwixte partie and partie, in manner as is vſed vnto thys day. Hee decreed moreouer, that there ſhoulde bee Sherifes in euery ſhire, and Iuſtices of the peace to keepe the countreys in good quiet, and to ſee offendors puniſhed. Furthermore, hee inſtituted the Court of the Excheker,The Excheker and the officers belõ|ging to the ſame, as the Barons, the Clearkes,The Chance|rie. and ſuch other, alſo ye high Court of the Chance|rie. And after he had in this wiſe ordeyned his Magiſtrates and Miniſters of the lawes, hee laſtly tooke order what ordinãces he would haue obſerued, and therevpon abrogating in manner all the aunciente lawes vſed in times paſt, and inſtituted by the former Kyngs for the good or|der and quietneſſe of the people he made new,New lawes. no|thing ſo equall or eaſie to bee kept, the whiche ne|uertheleſſe, thoſe that came after, not withoute theyr greate harme, were conſtreyned to obſerue, as though it had bin an high offence againſt God to aboliſhe thoſe euill lawes, which King Willi|am (being a Prince, nothing friẽdly to the Eng|liſh nation,) had firſte ordeyned, and to bring in other more eaſie and tollerable neyther can I in this place omitte to giue a note of that whiche may ſeeme to ſuch as do indifferently conſider of things a greate abſurditie, videlicet, that thoſe lawes whiche touched all men, and ought to bee knowen of all men, were notwithſtanding writ|ten in the Norman tong,The lawes were written in the Normã tong. which the Engliſhmen vnderſtood not, ſo that euen at the beginning you ſhould haue great numbers, partly by the iniqui|tie of the lawes, and partly by ignorance, in miſ|conſtruing the ſame to bee wrongfully condem|ned, ſome to deathe, and ſome in the forfeyture of their goodes, other were ſo ent [...]ngled in ſutes and cauſes, that by no meanes they knew how to get out, but continually were toſſed as a poſt to [...]|ler in ſuche wiſe, that in their mindes they cured the tyme that euer theſe vnequall lawes were made. The manner for the trial of cauſes in con|trouerſie, was deuiſed in ſuch ſort as is yet vſed.Matters to be tried by a iu|rie of .12. mẽ. Twelue aunciẽt men (but moſt commonly vn|learned in the lawes) beeing of the ſame Countie where the ſute lay, were appoynted by ye Iudges to goe togither into ſome cloſe chamber, where they ſhould bee ſhut vp, till vpon diligent exami|nation of the matter they ſhoulde agree vpon the condemnation or acquiting of the priſoner, if it were in criminall cauſes, or vppon the deciding in whom the right remayned, if it were vpõ triall of things in controuerſie: and when they were once agreed, theſe .12. men, as it were the .12. Apo|ſtles (yt in the nũber yet ſome reſpect of religion euen wiſe appere) came in before the iudges, de|claring what they had agred vpon, which done, the iudges opened it to ye offẽdors or ſutors, and [page 304] withall they pronounced them according as the qualitie of ye cauſe did inforce and require. Thus at the firſte were the twelue men appoynted, and the ſame order is ſtill obſerued in matters of con|trouerſie vnto this day: their iudgemente alſo or conſent is called a verdict, that is to ſaye, a true ſaying: but I woulde to God that name myghte rightly and with good cauſe be euer applyed ther|to, that men mighte haue their cauſes iuſtly ad|iudged, rather than preiudiced by the verdictes of ſuche freeholders as are accuſtomed to ſerue the Prince and their Countreys at aſſiſes and Seſ|ſions. There may happily be (as Polidor Vergill ſayth) that will mayneteyne how this manner of proceeding in the adminiſtration of iuſtice by the voyces of a Iurie, was in vſe before the Conque|roures dayes, but they are not able ſo to prooue it by any auntient recordes of writers, as he thyn|keth: albeit by ſome of our hiſtories they ſhoulde ſeeme to bee firſte ordeyned by Ethelred or E|gelred. But this is moſt true, that the Norman Kings themſelues would confeſſe, that the lawes deuiſed and made by the Conqueroure, were not moſt equall, in ſo muche, that William Rufus, and Henry the ſonnes of the Conquerour, would at all times whẽ they ſought to purchaſe the peo|ples fauor, promiſe to aboliſh the lawes ordeyned by theyr father, and eſtabliſhe other more equall, and to reſtore thoſe whiche were vſed by Kyng Edwardes dayes. The lyke kynde of purcha|ſing fauoure, was vſed by King Stephen, and other Kings that followed him. But their mea|ning was ſo far to the contrary, that their deedes declared theyr diſſimulatiõ, ſo that many of thoſe Norman lawes remayne in force euen vnto theſe dayes. The cauſe as ſome thinke is, for that they make more to the Princes behoofe, than to the commoditie of the people. But now to the matter, King William after hee hadde made theſe ordinances to keepe the people in order, hee ſet his minde to enriche his cofers, and therevppõ he firſt appoynted a tribute to be leuied of the cõ|mons, then hee cauſed the Abbeyes to be ſearched,

Math. Paris. Mat. VVeſt. VVil. Malm. VVi. Thorne.

Abbeys ſear|ched.

Polidor. Simon Dun.

and all ſuche money as any of the Engliſhmen hadde layde vp in the ſame, to bee kepte, and like|wiſe their charters of priuileges made to them by the Saxon Kyngs of the lande hee ſeaſed into hys handes, and ſpared not ſo muche as the ie|wels and plate dedicate to ſacred vſes. And all this did hee (as ſome write) by counſell of the Earle of Hertford.

[1] Shortly after alſo betwixte Eaſter & Whit|ſontide,VVi. Thorne. a greate Counſell was holden at Win|cheſter by the Biſhops and Cleargie, where Er|menfred the Biſhoppe of Sion or Sitt [...]n,Polidor. Sim. Dunel. with two Cardinals Iohn and Peter ſente thither frõ Pope Alexander the ſecond, did ſit as chiefe com|miſſioners. And in this Counſell was Stigan|dus [figure appears here on page 304] the Archbiſhoppe of Canterbury depriued of his Biſhopricke,Stigand Arch|biſhop of Can|terbury de|priued. for three ſpeciall cauſes.

[1] The firſt, for that hee had wrongfully holden that Biſhopricke whileſt the Archbiſhop Roberte was liuing.

[1] Secondly, for that hee kepte alſo the See of Wincheſter in his handes, after his inueſtiture vnto Canterbury, whiche hee ought not to haue done.

[1] [2] [3] Thirdly, for that hee had receyued the Palle at the handes of Pope Benedict the tenthe, whome the Cardynalles as one not lawfully e|lected, had depoſed. But many Winters bur|den Kyng William (who was preſente at thys Counſell) for the procuring of Stigand his de|priuation, to the ende he myghte place a ſtraun|ger in his roome, for in manner as he hadde rooted out the Engliſhe nobilitie, and giuen away their lands and liuings to his Normans, ſo meant hee to returne the Engliſhe Cleargie from bearing [page 305] any office of honor within the Realme, whiche his meaning did well appeare at his Counſell in the which diuers other Biſhops with Abbots and Priors were depoſed,

Agelmarus Biſhop of Thetford was one that was depoſed.

Simon Dun. Mat. Paris.

Thomas a Canon of Bay|eux made Archbiſhop of Yorke.

and Normans preferred in their places. Stigande after his depriuation, was kept in perpetuall priſon at Wincheſter, till he di|ed, and yet as ſome write, the ſame Stigand was an helper vnder hande for King William to at|teyne the Crowne. In the feaſt of Pentecoſt next enſuing, the King beeing at Windſor, gaue the Archbiſhoprike of Yorke vnto one Thomas, a Canon of Bayeux, and to Walkelme one of his Chaplaynes hee gaue the Biſhopricke of Wincheſter.Lanfranke conſecrated Archbiſhop of Canterbury. After this, calling one Lanfranke an Italian from Caen where he was Abbot, hee made him Archbiſhop of Canterbury, who was [figure appears here on page 305] conſecrated there in the feaſt of S. Iohn Bap|tiſt in the yeare following,

Math. Weſt. hath the eight Kal. of May, but Wil. Mal. and Eadmerus the fourth Kal. of Sep|tember.


An. Reg. 5.

VVil. Mal.

whiche was after the birthe of our Sauiour .1071. The foreſayd Tho|mas was the fiue and twentith Biſhop that had gouerned in that ſee of Yorke, and Lanfranke the three and thirtith in the Sea of Canterbury: but ere long, betwixte theſe two Archbiſhops, there roſe great contention for the ſuperioritie of theyr Churches, in ſo muche, that the Archbiſhoppe of Yorke appealed to Rome, where they both ap|peared in proper perſons afore Pope Alexander,Eadmerus. in whoſe preſence Lanfrankes cauſe was ſo much fauoured, that not only the foreſayd Tho|mas, but alſo Remigius the Biſhop of Dorche|ſter were for reaſonable cauſes depriued of theyr Croſiers and Kings, and Lanfranke at theyr humble requeſt was a meane to the Pope for thẽ in the ende, that they mighte bee reſtored to theyr ſtaues agayne, whych was in like manner accor|dingly obteyned: for when the Pope hearde Lan|franke declare in their fauour how neceſſary their ſeruice myght be to the Kyng in the eſtabliſhmẽt of his new gotten kingdom, he ſayd to Lãfranke, well, looke you then to the matter, you are the fa|ther of that countrey, and therefore conſider what is expedient to be done therein: their ſtaues which they haue ſurrended vp, there they bee, take them, and diſpoſe them as you ſhall thinke moſt profi|table for the aduauncement of the Chriſtian Re|ligion in that countrey. Wherevpon, Lanfranke tooke the ſtaues, and deliuered them to the for|mer poſſeſſours, and ſo were they in the Popes preſence reſtored to their former dignities again.

[1] [2] The cauſe why Thomas was depriued (if the writers diſſemble not, though to mee it ſeeme vn|likely) was, for that hee had holpen Duke Willi|am toward his iourney into England when hee came to conquer it, for the which pleaſure to him then ſhewed, the Duke promiſed hym a Byſhop|ricke, if euer hee obteyned the victory of the Eng|liſhe: the other, for that he was a Prieſtes ſonne. Furthermore, when the Pope vnderſtoode the full ground of their contention for the primacie of the two Sees, Canterbury and Yorke,VVil. Malm. and had heard what could be alledged on both ſydes, he remitted the determination thereof to the Kyng and By|ſhops of England, that by the hiſtories and Re|cordes of the lande, the matter myghte bee tryed, iudged and ordered. And thus for the time, did the Pope ridde hys hands of theſe, and the like mat|ters. Wherefore at their comming home, and af|ter long debating and diſcuſſing of the cauſe (as in William Marleburgh it appeareth more at large) at a Synode holden at Windſor, in the yeare .1072.

An. reg. 6.


Math. VVeſt.

The ſubiectiõ of the Archbi|ſhopricke of Yorke, to the Archbiſhop|ricke of Can|terbury.

ſentence was gyuen on Lanfrankes ſyde, ſo that in all things concerning Religion, and the fayth of holy Churche, the Archbiſhop of Yorke ſhould be euer ſubiect to the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and come with all the Biſhops of his prouince to anye ſuche place as the Archby|ſhop of Canterbury ſhoulde call anye counſell within the Realme of Englande.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Moreouer, when any elected Biſhop of Can|terbury was to be ſacred, the Archbiſhop of Yorke for the time beeing ſhould come to Canterbury, and ſacre hym there, and if the Archbiſhoppe of Yorke was to be ſtalled and ſacred, then ſhoulde he come vnto Canterbury, or elſe where it ſhould pleaſe the Archbiſhop of Canterbury to aſſigne and there to be ſacred of hym, taking an oth with hys profeſſion of due obedience vnto the higher ſee. And nowe heere is to bee noted, that as the ſayde Thomas of Yorke dyd yeelde obedience to Lanfranke of Canterbury, ſo lykewiſe the electe Biſhop of Glaſcowe in Scotlande named Mi|chaell, was ſoone after conſecrated of the foreſayd Thomas Archbiſhop of Yorke,


The Archbi|ſhop of Yorke acknowledged primate of all Scotlande.

and made an oth of obedience vnto the ſayde Archbiſhop, as to the primate of all Scotland, and after him Tothade the Biſhop of Saint Androwes did the like, by commaundemente of Malcolme the third of that name, Kyng of Scotlande, and Margaret hys wife, who thoughte good by this recogniſance of obedience and duetie, ſo to prouide againſte fur|ther inconuenience to come, that heereafter, one [page 306] of the Biſhops of their Realme ſhoulde not take vpon them to conſecrate an other, or do any thing contrary to the ancient decrees of the old fathers, that mighte be preiudiciall to the authoritie of the Archbiſhop of Yorke, at whoſe appoyntmẽt thoſe and the like things were accuſtomed to bee done. But to leaue this, and to ſpeake of other thyngs which chaunced in the meane time that this con|trouerſie depended betwixt the two Archbiſhops, I finde that Edwin & Marchar Earles of Mer|tia and Northumberland, being reconciled with the K. of Englande, and hauing of late obteyned pardon for their former miſdeameanor, began now ſo muche to miſlike the ſtate of the worlde agayne, as euer they did before: for perceyuing howe the Engliſhmenne were ſtill oppreſſed and thralled with miſerie on eache hand, they conſpi|red and began a new Rebellion, but with very ill ſucceſſe, as ſhall heereafter appeare. The Kyng vnderſtanding of theyr dealings,Mat. Paris. and beeing not only armed thoroughly with temporall force, but alſo endued with the ſpiritual power of his Arch|biſhop Lanfranke, who aided him in all that hee might, for the ſuppreſſing of thoſe Rebels, waſted the countreys exceedingly, where hee vnderſtoode that they had gotten any releefe, minding vtterly to vanquiſh them with ſword, fire, and hunger, or by extreame penurie to bring them to ſome or|der. They on the other part make as ſtout reſi|ſtance, and now perceyuing that it ſtoode thẽ vp|pon, either to vanquiſh or to fall into vtter ruine, they reiſe a mighty ſtrong hoſt, and made Ed|gar Etheling their Captaine, a comely gẽtle mã, & a valiãt, in whom alſo ye whole hope of ye Eng|liſh nation repoſed, as appeareth by thys by worde Edgar Ethling Englandes dearling, which was dayly rehearſed of him. And amongſt other noble men that were chiefe doers in the aſſemblyng of this army, Fredericke Abbot of S. Albons was one of the chiefe, a Prelate of greate wealth, and no leſſe puiſſance. The King perceyuing hys e|ſtate to be nowe brought into no ſmall daunger, is by reaſon thereof in a great perplexitie what to do, in the end, he counſelleth with the Archbiſhop Lanfranke of Canterbury, how he might remedy the matter, who told him that in ſuch a deſperate caſe, the beſt way for hym ſhoulde bee to ſeeke by fayre words and friendly offers how to pacifie ye Engliſh nobilitie, whiche by all meanes poſſible, would neuer ceaſſe to moleſt him in the recouerie of their libertie. Herevppon therefore, hee made meanes to come to ſome agreement with them, and ſo well the matter proceeded on his ſide, that the Engliſhmen deceiued through his faire pro|miſes, were contente to commune of peace, for whiche purpoſe they came alſo vnder the conduit of the Abbot Fredericke vnto Berkamſted, where after much reaſoning and debating of the matter for the concluſion of amity betwixte them, Kyng William in the preſence of the Archbiſhop Lan|franke & other of his Lords, toke a perſonall othe, vpon al ye reliques of the Church of S. Albons, & the holy Euangeliſts, the Abbot Frederick mini|ſtring ye ſame vnto him, that he would frõ thenſ|foorth obſerue and keepe the good and aunciente approued lawes of the Realme, whiche the noble Kings of England his aunceſtors had made, and ordeined heretofore, but namely thoſe of S. Ed|ward, which were ſuppoſed to be the moſt equall and indifferent. The peace being thus concluded, and the Engliſhmẽ growen therby to ſome hope of further quietneſſe, they began to forſake theyr allies, & returne eache one, eyther to his own poſ|ſeſſiõs, or attẽdance vpon ye K. but he warely clo|king his inward purpoſed intẽt, & notwithſtãding ye vnitie lately made, determineth particularly to aſſaile his enimies (whoſe power without doubt ſo long as it was vnited, could not poſſibly be o|uercome as he thought) & therefore being now by reaſõ of this peace diſſeuered & diſperſed, he thoght it high time to practiſe his ſecrete purpoſes, and therevpon taking them at vnwares, thinking of nothing leſſe than warres and ſuddayne inuaſiõ, he impriſoneth many, killeth diuers, & purſueth ye reſidue wt fire & ſword, ſpoiling thẽ of their goods, poſſeſſions, lãds & inheritances, & baniſhing them out of ye Realm altogither at his pleaſure. In the meane time, thoſe of the Engliſhe nobilitie which could eſcape this his outrageous tirannie, got a|way, & amõgſt other, Edgar Etheling fled again into Scotland: but Edwin was ſlain of his own ſouldiers, as he rode alſo towards Scotlãd.Ran. Higd. H. Hunt. Mat. Paris. Erle Marchar & one Hereward, with the Biſhoppe of Durham named Egelwinus, got into the Iſle of Ely, in purpoſe there to defend themſelues frõ the iniurie of ye Normans, bycauſe they tooke ye place by reaſon of ye ſituatiõ of ye ſame to be of no ſmall ſtrength, but K. Williã, endeuouring to cut thẽ ſhort in ye beginning, reiſed a power, & firſt ſtop|ped all ye paſſages on ye Eaſt ſide, and on the weſt part he made a cauſey through ye Fennes,Polidor. Hen. Hunt. Math. Paris. of two miles in length, whereby he got vnto them & con|ſtreyned thoſe his enimies in ye end to yeld them|ſelues by force vnto his mercy. Howbeit Mar|char, (or as others haue) Herewarde, percey|uing before hand the imminent danger likely to take effect, made ſhift to get out of ye Iſle by bote, & ſo by ſpeedy flight eſcaped into Scotland. The Biſhop of Durham being taken,Simon Dun. was ſent to the Abbey of Abingdõ, to be kept as a priſoner, where he was ſparingly fed, that within a ſhort ſpace,Some write that he was ſo ſtubborne harted, that after he knew he ſhould re|mayne in per|petuall priſon, he refuſed his meate, and ſo pined himſelfe to death. he died for hunger. In this mean time, and whi|leſt K. Williã was thus occupyed in ridding out the Engliſh rebelles, Malcolme King of Scot|lãd had waſted the countreys of Theiſedale, and Cleueland, & the lands of S. Cutbert, with ſun|dry other places in the North partes, wherevpon Goſpatrick being lately recõciled to ye K. & made [page 307] Earle of Northumberland, was ſente agaynſte hym, who waſted and deſtroyed that parte of Cumberlande in like manner, whiche the ſayde Malcolme had by violence brought vnder hys ſubiection. At the ſame time, Malcolme was at Weremouth, beholding the fire whiche hys peo|ple had kindled in the Church of Saint Peeter to burne vp the ſame, and there hearing what Goſ|patricke had done, he tooke ſuch diſpleaſure there|withall, that he commaunded his men that they ſhould ſpare none of the Engliſhe nation alyue, but put them all to the ſworde withoute pitie or compaſſion, ſo oft as they came to hand. The bloudy ſlaughter therefore whiche was made at thys tyme by the Scottes, through that cruell commaundement of Malcolme, was pitifull to conſider, for women, children, old men, and yong wente all one way, howbeit, many of thoſe that were ſtrong and able to ſerue for drudges and ſlaues, were reſerued, and carried into Scotlande as priſoners, where they remayned many yeares after, in ſo muche, that there were fewe houſes in that Realme, but had one or more Engliſhe ſer|uauntes and captiues, whiche they gate at thys vnhappy voyage. Thus we may behold a myſe|rable face of the Engliſh nation at this preſente, for they do not onely conſume one another, but the Scottes on the one ſide, and Kyng William on the other, doe make greate hauocke, and op|preſſe them altogyther. But to returne agayne to the purpoſe in hand, King William hearyng of all theſe things, was not a little moued at the ſame, but chiefly with Malcolme K. of Scottes, for that his countrey was the onely place where|in all the Rebels of his Realme had theyr refuge. Wherefore, thinking to reuenge the loſſe of hys ſubiectes, and bring that Realme alſo vnto hys ſubiection, hee went thither with an huge army, about the midle of Auguſt, where he firſt inuaded the boundes of Galloway,Polidor. bycauſe he heard howe the Engliſh Rebels were lately fled thither, but after he had wearied his Souldiers in vayne pur|ſuite of thẽ (who kept thẽſelues in ye Mountaines and Marres ground) hee gaue ouer the enterpriſe, & drew towards Lothiã, wher he vnderſtood, that K. Malcolme lay with all his power, & findyng him there, encountred with ſundry Engliſh fugi|tiues, he determined by battayle, to make an ende of his trouble, & eyther purchaſe his quietneſſe, or finiſh his worldly life at this momẽt & time: thus each one prepared to ye field, but as both ye Kings with their armies were ready to ioine, Malcolme began to doubt ſomewhat of the fierceneſſe of the battel,Math. Paris. bycauſe he ſaw the great puiſſance & ready willes to fighte of the army of Engliſhmen and Normans, which K. William had brought with him,H. Hunt. and therevppon ſente an Harrold to Kyng William to treate of a peace, which K. William was cõtent at the laſt, though with muche ado to heare of, and ſo an vnitie yet enſued betwixte the two Princes, vpõ theſe conditions, that K. Mal|colme ſhould do homage vnto K. William for ye Realm of Scotland, & therevpon delyuer ſuffici|ent hoſtages: and that on the other ſide, K. Willi|am ſhoulde perpetually pardon all the Engliſhe outlawes whiche then rebelled againſt him. The place where this peace was concluded, was cal|led Abirneth [...]. After which, K. William returned into England, where he ere long tooke the Earle|dome of Northumberlande, from Goſpatricke,Simon Dun. & gaue it to Waltheof ye ſon of Siward, bycauſe yt of right it ſeemed to diſcende vnto him frõ his fa|ther, but chiefly frõ his mother Alfreda, who was the daughter of Aldred ſometime Earle of that countrey. At the ſame time alſo, ye K. cauſed a Caſtell to be built at Durham, & after he had ſped his buſineſſe in thoſe parties, he returned to Lon|dõ, where he receiued aduertiſement yt his ſubiects in Normãdy toward the parties of Angiew had begun a Rebellion againſt him. Heerevpon with al ſpeede he leuied an army, whereof the moſt part conſiſted of Engliſhmen (whoſe ſeruice hee choſe rather in a foraine countrey than in their owne,) and with this army being once put in a readines, he ſailed ouer into Normandy, & eaſily ſubdued his enimies by help of ye Engliſhmen, whom frõ thenceforth he began ſomewhat to fauoure & bet|ter thinke of, than hee had bin before accuſtomed to do. Yong Edgar alſo came into very good cre|dite with him, for though he had twice brokẽ hys oth of allegiaunce, and runne to the Scottes as a Rebell, yet now of his owne motiõ, returning to ye K. & aſking pardon, he was not only receyued,

An. Reg. 8.


but alſo highly honored & preferred in his courte. The yere .1074. ther were three Monks of ye pro|uince of Mercia, yt which in purpoſe to reſtore re|ligiõ after their maner within ye prouince of Nor+thumberlande, came vnto Yorke, and required of Hugh Fitz Baldricke (as then Sherife of ye ſhire) to haue a guide to ſaulfe cõduite them vnto Mõ|kaſter, which afterwards hight New Caſtel, and ſo is called vnto this day. Theſe three Moonkes whoſe names wer Aldwine, Alfwin & Remfred, cõming vnto the foreſayd place, found no tokẽ or remnant of any religious perſons, whiche ſome|time had habitation there, for al was defaced and gone: wherevpõ, after they had remayned in that place a certaine time, they remoued to Iarrowe, wher finding ye ruines of olde decayed buildings & churches perteining in times paſt to ye Monkes yt there inhabited, they founde ſuch aſſiſtance at the hands of ye Biſhop of Durham, Walkher, that at length, by the diligente trauell and ſute of theſe three Monks, there were three Monaſteries newly founded and erected in the North partes, as one at Durham, and an other at Yorke, [page 308] and the third at Whitby. For you muſt conſider, that by the inuaſion of the Danes, the Churches and Monaſteries through out Northumberland were ſo vtterly deſtroyed and throwen downe, that vnneth ſhould a man finde a Churche ſtan|ding in all that countrey, and thoſe fewe that re|mayned, were couered with broome or thatch: but as for any Abbey or Monaſterie, there was not one left in all the countrey, neyther for the ſpace of two hundred yeares was there any man that tooke care for the repayring or buyldyng vp of any thyng, ſo that the people of that countrey wiſt not what a Monke meant, and if they ſawe any, they wondred at the ſtraungeneſſe of the ſyght.

[1] [2]

An. Reg. 9.


Whyleſt the Kyng remayned thus in Nor|mandy, Roger Earle of Hereford contrary to the Kyngs mynde and pleaſure, married hys ſiſter vnto Raulfe Earle of Cambridge,

[...]aufe Earle of [...]ambridge.

Mat. VVeſt. Math. Paris. Hen. Hunt. [...]imon Dun.

[...] Rebellion [...] vſed againſt [...] William.

or as other haue Northfolke, and withall began a new con|ſpiracie againſt hym. Amongſt other alſo of the aſſociates, Earle Walteif the ſonne of Earle Si|ward was one, who afterwarde miſtruſting the ſucceſſe of this deuiſe, firſte vttered it to the Arch|biſhop Lanfranke, and by his aduice ſayled ouer into Normandy, and there diſcloſed the whole matter to Kyng William: but in the mean time, the other two Earles of Hereforde and Cam|bridge had gone ſo farre already in ye matter, that they were vp in armour. Howbeit Wolſtan Bi|ſhop of Worceter, and Egelwine Abbot of E|ueſham, with the Sherife of Worceter, and Walter Lacey, ſo reſiſted the Earle of Hereford, that he could not paſſe the Seuerne to ioyne with the Earle of Cambridge. And on the other ſyde,Iohn. Pike. Odo the Biſhop of Bayeux, and Geffrey ye Bi|ſhoppe of Conſtances purſued the Erle of Cam|bridge ſo narrowly with an other army whyche they hadde gathered of Engliſhmen and Nor|mans,

An. Reg. 10.


yt they conſtreyned hym to flee into Bri|tayne, whereby the Rebellion was very well ap|peaſed. In the meane tyme, the Kyng vnder|ſtanding by Erle Waltheof how ye matter went in Englande, came ouer, with all ſpeede out of Nomandy, and within a ſhort ſpace, brought ye reſidue of the conſpiratours into ſuch a feare, that they ſcattered and fled, without attempting any further exployte or conſpiracie againſt him. Ma|ny of them alſo were apprehended and put to death, among whiche, Roger and Walteif were the moſt famous. Though Walteif (as ye haue heard before) diſcloſed the treaſon,

H. Hunt.

Earle Walteof beheaded.

yet to the ende he ſhould offend no more heereafter, hee was be|headed at Wincheſter by the Kyngs commaun|dement, [figure appears here on page 308] and his body being firſt buried in ye ſame place where he ſuffered, was after conueyed vnto Crowland, and there more honorably enterred.

[1] This Earle Walteof or Waldeue was ſonne (as yee haue hearde) to the Noble Earle of Nor|thumberlande Siwarde, of whoſe valure in the tyme of Kyng Edward the Confeſſor yee haue heard. His ſonne the foreſaid Walteif in ſtrength of body and hardineſſe, did not degenerate from his father, for he was talle of perſonage, in ſinews and muſcules very ſtrong and mightie. In the ſlaughter of the Normans at Yorke, hee ſhewed proofe of his proweſſe, in ſtriking off the heads of many of them with his own hands as they came foorthe of the gates ſingly one by one: yet after|wardes, when the King had pardoned hym of all former offences, and receyued hym into fauoure, he gaue to hym in marriage his neece Iudith the daughter of Lambert Erle of Le [...]s ſiſter to Ste|phan Earle of Albermare, and with hir he had of the Kings gift, all the landes and liberties belon|ging to the honor of Huntington: and in conſide|ration thereof, he aſſigned foorth to hir in name of hir dower, all hys landes that he held from Trent [page 309] Southward. Shee bare of hym two daughters, Maude and Alice. We finde, that he was not on|ly Earle of Northumberlande, but alſo of Nor|thampton, and Huntington. The Conqueroure was noted of no ſmall crueltie, for the puttyng of this noble man to death, ſith he reuolted from hys confederates, to aduertiſe hym of all theyr practi|ſes, whereby hee was the better able to ſubdue them, as in the end he dyd.

[1] Mat. Paris.The Counteſſe of Cambridge, (or North|folke as other haue) wife of Earle Raulf, beeyng withdrawen into the Citie of Norwiche, was beſieged in the ſame with an army ſente thyther by the Kyng, till through famine ſhee yeelded the place, but vpon compoſition, that thoſe that were beſieged within, ſhoulde departe the Realme, as perſons abiured and baniſhed the lande for euer. And thys was the ende of the foreſayde conſpira|cie: howbeit, ſuche was the deſtiny of the Kyng, that he was neuer ridde of one vexation, but ano|ther enſued, as it were, in the necke of that whych went before: for the Danes being alſo ſolicited by the forenamed conſpirators, and hauing made their prouiſion to ſet forwarde on their iourney, vnder the leading of Cnuto, ſonne to Sueno, and Earle Haco,Polidor. Hen. Hunt. Simon Dun. Mat. Par. doe nowe vnlooked for ariue here in Englande with two hundred ſayles. But hea|ring by good hap that the ciuill tumulte was en|ded in ſuch wiſe, as you haue heard, and ſeeing no man ready to encourage them in their enterpriſe, they returned firſte into Flaunders, whiche they ſpoyled, and after into their own countrey, with|out eyther will or purpoſe for euermore to come agayne into Englande. Kyng William alſo vnderſtanding that they were thus departed, paſ|ſed ouer into Britayne, and there beſieged the Caſtell of Dolle, that belonged to Raulf Earle of Cambridge, or Northfolke: but by the comming of the French Kyng Philip, King William, be|ing not prouided of ſufficiente vittayles for hys army, was cõſtreyned to reyſe his ſiege, although with great loſſe both of his men and Horſes.

An. Reg. 11.


Mat. Paris.

[1] The ſeuen and twentith day of Marche, there was a generall Earthquake in Englande, and in the Winter following, a froſt that continued from the firſte of Nouember vnto the middle of Aprill. A blaſing Starre appeared on Palme Sunday, being the ſixteenth day of Aprill, about ſixe of ye clocke, when ye aire was fayre & cleere.

[1] About the ſame ſeaſon, Pope Gregory per|ceyuing that married Prieſtes choſe rather to runne into the daunger of his curſe, than to for|ſake their lawfull wiues, thought to bridle them by an other meane, as thus: he gaue commaun|demẽt by his Bulle publiſhed abroade,

An. Reg. 12.



A Synode holden at London.

that none ſhould beare the Maſſe of a married Prieſt.

[1] K. Williã after his comming from the ſiege of Dolle, remayned a certayne time in quiet, during which meane while, Lanfranke the Archbiſhoppe called a Counſell of the Cleargie at London, in [figure appears here on page 309] the whiche amongſt other things it was ordey|ned,Biſhops Sees remoued. that certaine Biſhops Sees ſhould be remo|ued from ſmall Townes vnto Cities of more fame, wherby it came to paſſe, that Chicheſter, Exeter, Bath, Saliſburie, Lincolne and Cheſter were honored with new fees and Palaces of Bi|ſhops, where before they kepte their reſidence at Sellewey, Kirton, Welles, Shireborne, Dorche|ſter and Liechfielde.Woolſtan.

[1] [2] At this Counſell alſo Woolſtan Biſhoppe of Worceter was preſent, whom Lanfrank would haue depriued for his inſufficiencie of learnyng, as he coulourably pretended, but indeede to plea|ſure the Kyng, who woulde fayne haue placed a Norman in hys roome: but (as they ſay) o mi|racle whiche hee preſently wroughte, in cauſing his croſier ſtaffe to ſticke faſt in the Tombe of holy Sainte Edwarde (to whome he proteſted and ſayde hee woulde reſigne it, for that hee ob|teyned the ſame by hys gifte) hee dyd putte [page 310] the King and the Archbiſhop into ſuche a feare, that they ſuffered him ſtill to enioy his Biſhop|rick without any further vexation. Theſe things with other, touching a reformatiõ in the Church and Cleargie, being handled in this Counſell, it was ſoone after diſſolued.

An. Reg. 13.


In the yeare following, King William led a mighty army into Wales, and ſubdued that countrey to himſelfe, receyuing of the Rulers and Princes there their homages,Mat. Paris. Math. VVeſt. at the handes of faithfull hoſtages. Aboute the ſame time, Robert the Kyngs eldeſt ſon, a right worthy perſonage, but yet as one of nature ſome|what vnſtable, beeing pricked forward, and ſup|ported by the Frẽch K. entred into Normãdy as a Rebell to his father, and by force tooke dyuerſe places into his hands. This was done I ſaye by the practiſe of Philip the Frenche Kyng, who nowe began to doubt of the greate puiſſaunce of King William, as foreſeing how much it might preiudice him, and the whole Realme of Fraunce in time to come.The French King ſetteth the ſonne a|gainſt the fa|ther. And therefore to ſtop the courſe of his proſperous ſucceſſe, he deuiſed a meane to ſet the ſonne againſt the father. True it is, that King William had promiſed long afore, to re|ſigne the gouernemente of Normandy, vnto the ſayd Robert his ſonne. Wherevpon, the yong man, being himſelfe of an ambitious nature, and now pricked forward by the ſiniſter aduice of the French, ſeeketh to obteyne that by violence whi|che he thought would be very long ere he ſhoulde atteyne by curteſie. King William heereof ad|uertiſed, was not a little mooued againſte hys diſobediente ſonne, and curſed both hym,Sim. Dunel. Mat. Paris. and the tyme that euer he begate him. Finally, reyſing an army, he marched towards him, ſo that they met in the field. Aſſoone as the one came in ſight of ye other, they buckle togither at a place called Ar|chenbray, and whileſt the battayle was at the whotteſt, and that the footemen were moſt buſi|ed in the fighte, Roberte appoynted a power of Horſemẽ to breake in vpon the hindermoſt ward of his aduerſaries, and hee himſelfe following af|ter with all his mighte, chanced among other to cope with his owne father, ſo that thruſting him [figure appears here on page 310] through the arme with his launce, he bare hym beſide his Horſe,The ſonne o|uerthroweth the father. and ouerthrew hym to ye groũd. The Kyng being falne, called to his menne to re|mount him againe. Roberte vnderſtoode, and by his voyce perceyued how he had borne downe his father, wherfore he ſpedily alighted, and toke him vp, aſking him for that fact forgiueneſſe, and ſet|ting him vp on his owne Horſe, he broughte him out of the preaſe, and ſuffered him to departe in ſafetie. King William being thus eſcaped out of that preſent daunger,Simon Dun. and perceyuing himſelf not able to reſiſt the puiſſance of his aduerſaries, lefte the fielde to his ſonne, hauing loſt many of hys men that were ſlayne in the battell and chaſe, be|ſides a great number that were hurte and woun|ded, among whome, his ſecond ſonne William ſurnamed Rufus or the red,Mat. Paris. was one, and there|fore (as ſome write) hee curſed righte bitterly hys ſonne Robert, by whome hee had ſuſteyned ſuche iniurie, loſſe, and diſhonor. Howbeit, other write, that for the curteſie whiche his ſonne ſhewed in releeuing hym and helping him out of daunger when he was by him caſt down beſide his Horſe, hee was mooued with ſuch a fatherly affection,The father and the ſonne are made friendes. that preſently after they were made friends, the father remitting to his ſonne all his former offen|ces, and therevppon, founde him euer after more tractable and obedient, than before he had done.

[1] After this battell,

An. Reg. 14.


Kyng William being thus accorded with his ſonne, hee returned with him into Englande, and immediately the King ſente hym agaynſte Malcolme Kyng of Scotlande, who hauing broken the truce in time of the trou|ble betwixte Kyng William and his ſonne, had [page 311] done much hurt by forrayes made vpõ the Eng|liſh bor [...]es,Sim. Dunel. waſting all Northumberland [...] to the Riuer of Tyne. Howbeit, when hee hearde that Roberte the King of Englandes ſonne ap|proched with his army towards hym, hee with|drewe hym agayne into Scotland. Robert Cur|th [...]e then lodged with his army vpon the bankes of the Riuer of Tyne, where hee began the foun|dation of a Caſtell,The founda|tion of newe Caſtell vpon Tine, which before that ſeaſon was called Mon|caſter. whereof the Towne of New Caſtell did after take both beginning and name, for before this ſeaſon it was called Mon|caſter.

[1] About the ſame time, Odo ye Biſhop of Bay|eux was ſent into Northumberlande to reuenge the death of Walcher Biſhop of Durham, whom lately before the people of Northumberlande had ſlayne in a tumult by them reyſed. The occaſion of his death grewe by the deathe of one Liulfus, a noble man of thoſe parties,Simon Dun. and highly beloued of the people, bycauſe hee was deſcended of no|ble parentage, and had married the Lady Al|githa, that was daughter vnto Earle Ale [...]d, and ſiſter to Alfleda, the mother of Earle Walteif.

[1] This Liulfus beeing a man of great poſſeſſi|ons through England, nowe that the Normans ruled in all places, was quietly withdrawen vnto Durham, and growen into ſuch familiaritie and credit with the Biſhoppe there, that touching the order of temporall matters, he would do nothing without his aduice. Hereof one Leofwin the Bi|ſhops Chaplayne conceyued ſuche enuie chiefly for that he was not ſo often called to counſell as before, that finally he procured by his malicious meanes one Gilbert (to whome the Biſhop had committed the rule of the Earledome) to mur|ther the foreſayde Liulfus one night in his man|ſion houſe or manor place, wherein he remayned not farre from Durham: wherevpon, the Biſhop hauing vnderſtanding of the thyng, and knowing that the matter would be greeuouſly taken of the people, ſente out letters and meſſengers into the countrey, offering to purge himſelf of the ſlaugh|ter of this manne, according to the order of the Canon lawes.

[1] He alſo alledged, that hee hadde baniſhed Gil|bert and other (that had committed the murther) out of Northumberlande, which hee dyd not, and therevppon kindled the malice of the people a|gainſt hym: for when it was knowen that he had receyued the murtherres into his houſe, and had them in lyke fauoure as before, they ſtomaked the matter highly, and heerevpon, when by the trauel of thoſe that wente too and fro betwixte the Bi|ſhop and the kinneſfolkes of Liulfe, a daye was appoynted, on the which the Biſhop ſhould come to a farther communication with them at Gates head.

[1] He repaired thyther according to his promiſe but refuſing to talke with them abrode, hee kepte himſelfe ſtill within the Church, and ſente foorth ſuch of hys counſell as ſhoulde commune with them: but when the people that were there gathe|red in greate numbers, had ſignified in playne wordes howe that hee ſhould eyther come foorthe and ſhewe hymſelfe amongſt them, or elſe that they woulde fyre the place where he [...]te: he cau|ſed fyrſte Gilbert to goe foorthe vnto them, whome they ſlewe, togyther with thoſe that came out of the Churche to defende him, and when the peoples furie was not ſo quenched, the Biſhop himſelfe caſting the ſkirtes of his gowne ouer his face, came likewiſe foorthe, and was in|continently murthered amongſt them. After this, they ſet fyre on the Churche, bycauſe the [figure appears here on page 311] Byſhops Chapleyne Leofwine and other, were yet within, and refuſed to come foorthe: but in the ende, beeing compelled by the rage of fire to come out, the ſayde Leofwine was alſo ſlayne and cut in peeces as he had well deſerued, beeyng the chiefe procurer of all the miſchiefe.

[1] Thus may wee ſee what followed of the neg|lecting of iuſtice, in the Byſhoppe: for if he hadde eyther baniſhed Gilbert and other hys compli|ces in the murther accordingly as hee pretended to doe, or otherwiſe, haue ſeene due puniſhmente executed agaynſte them, the peoples rage had ne|uer proceeded ſo farre as it dyd, for they coulde not perſwade themſelues to thynke, but that the Biſhoppe was giltie and priuie to Liulfes death, ſith he hadde receyued the murtherers into hys houſe the ſame nyghte in whiche the facte was done, and kepte them ſtill about hym, whyche hys [...]earing with them, coſt hym hys owne lyfe (as before yee haue hearde,) whereby it appeareth, that it is not inough for a go|uernoure to bee cleere from the knowledge of euill before the fact [...], and at the tyme [page 312] in which it is done by others, if hee ſee not them that do it duly puniſhed for their offences: bycauſe that when iuſtice is ſuppreſſed, and hathe not hir due courſe, thoſe that ſuſteine iniurie, are euer de|ſirous of reuenge, beeing ready to attempte it by vnlawfull meanes of themſelues in priuate ſorte, when through lacke of ordinarie courſe of lawes they are debarred from it. But nowe to the pur|poſe of the Hiſtorie.

[1] When Biſhoppe Odo was come into thoſe partice to reuenge the Biſhops death with an ar|my as we haue ſayde, hee ſore afflicted the coun|trey by ſpoyling it on euery ſide, with great cruel|tie. Heere yee ſhall vnderſtand, that King Wil|liam placed, and eftſoones remoued dyuers Ru|lers ouer the Northumbers, for firſte hee appoin|ted one Copſius to haue the rule of that coun|trey in place of Markar that before had helde the ſame.Sim. Dunel.

[1] This Copſie expulſed Oſulfe the ſonne of Earle Edulfe that was brother to Earle Aldred, whiche Oſulfe was ſubſtitute vnto the Earles Edwyne and Morkar, who although hee was dryuen out of hys gouernamente by Copſi, yet recouering his forces againe, hee ſlewe the ſame Copſie as hee entred into the Churche of Newburne, but within a fewe monethes after, the ſame Oſulfe as hee ranne with hys Horſe a|gainſte a Theefe, hee was thruſt through the body with a Speare, whyche the Theefe helde in his hande, and ſo dyed. Then Goſpatrike that was ſonne to Aldgitha the daughter of V|thred ſometyme Earle of Northumberland [...], was aſſigned by Kyng William the Conque|rour, to haue the gouernemente there. Hys mo|ther Aldgitha was daughter to Vthred ſome|tyme Earle of Northumberlande begote vpon Elfgina the daughter of Kyng Egelred.

[1] Some write, that Goſpatricke purchaſed the Earledome of Kyng William, and ſo helde it for a tyme, till the ſame Kyng tooke it from him agayne, and then gaue it vnto Earle Walteife or Waldeue, and then nexte after hym, the fore|ſayde Biſhoppe of Durham Walcher hadde the whole adminiſtration committed to hym, but after hys deceſſe (hee beeyng ſlayne as yee haue hearde,) one Albericke ruled that countrey, and laſtly, Roberte Mulbray a ryghte noble perſo|nage (and for hys wiſedome and valiauncie, highly renowmed with all men,) was created Earle of Northumberlande, and gouerned the people of thoſe parties in ſuche politique and wiſe order,

The founda|tion of Vni|uerſitie col|ledge in Ox|forde.

An. Reg. 15.


that during hys tyme, it is hard to ſay, whether hys quietneſſe, or the obediẽce of hys people was lykely to be the greater.

[1] [2] In like manner, after the foreſayde Walcher, one William was created Biſhop of Durham, who was the originall founder of the Vniuerſitie Colledge in Oxford, and by whoſe aſiſtance, the Monkes gaping both for riches, eaſe, and poſſeſ|ſions, founde the meanes to diſplace the ſecular Prieſtes of the Colledge of Durham,

An. Reg. 16.


that they mighte get into theyr roomes as they did indeede ſoone after, to thi [...]e greate lucre and aduantage. But to returne againe to the courſe of the hiſto|rie. Shortly after the reuenge of the deathe of Walcher the Biſhop of Durham, the forenamed Biſhop Odo the Kyngs brother was ſuſpected of ſome vntroth and ſiniſter dealing, and there|vpon was ſent as a baniſhed man into Normã|dy, or rather as other write, committed to priſon,

An. Reg. 17.


where hee remayned not as a Clearke, but as a Baron of the Realme, for he was both Biſhoppe and Earle of Kente. The Kyng hauyng at length obteyned ſome reſt from warres, dothe practiſe by ſundry meanes howe to enriche hys coffers, and therefore hee rayſed a tribute tho|rough out all the Kyngdome, for the better le|uying whereof, hee appoynted all the ſubiectes of hys Realme to be numbred, alſo all the Cities and Townes, Villages, and Hamlets, Abbeys, Monaſteries, & Priories to bee regiſtred. More|ouer, hee cauſed a certificate to be made of euery mannes ſubſtaunce, and what hee myghte diſ|pende by yeare, and cauſed theyr names to bee written whyche helde Knyghtes fees, and were bounde thereby to ſerue hym in the warres. Like|wiſe hee tooke the tale of euery yoke of Oxen, and what number of plough landes, and how many bondmen were within the Realme, whereby the certificate thereof beeyng once made, and broughte vnto him, hee came to full vnderſtan|dyng what wealthe yet remayned among the Engliſhmenne, and therefore hee rayſed hys tribute ſo muche the more,Plow lande. taking ſixe Shillings for euery hyde of land through out his Realme, whyche amounted to an ineſtimable ſumme when it was all broughte togither into his Ex|chequer.

[1] Heere note by the way,

Geruaſius Tilberenſis.

The true de|finition of a hide of lande.

that an hyde of lande includeth an hundred acres, and an acre contey|neth fortie perches in length, and foure in bredth, the length of a pearch conteyning ſixteene foote and an halfe, ſo that the common acre ſhoulde conteyne .240. perches, and eyght hydes or .800. acres is a Knyghts fee, after the beſt approoued Writers and playne demonſtration.

[1] [2] Thoſe are therefore deceyued, that take an hyde of lande to conteine twentie acres, as Wil|liam Lambert hath well noted in his treatiſe, de priſcis Anglorum legibus, where hee expoundeth the meaning of the olde Saxon tearmes pertey|ning to the lawes but to proceede, and come a|little after temporals dealing to ſome of the ſpiri|tuall affayres. It hapned about the ſame time, yt K. Williã had finiſhed ye rating of his ſubiects, [page 313] that the [...] r [...]ſe a ſtrife betwixt Thurſtan Abbot of Glaſtenburie a Norman and the Monkes of that houſe:

Regni. 18.


VVil. Mal. Simon Dun.

Thurſtan Ab|bot of Gla|ſtenburie. William of Feſtampe.

[...] thereof was for that the Abbot woulde haue compelled them to haue left the plaine ſong or note for the ſeruice which Pope Gregorie had ſet forth, and to haue vſed an other kinde of [...] deuiſed by [...] William of Fe|ſcampe [...] this the ſayd [...] Abbot ſpent, and waſted the goodes that belonged to the houſe in ryot, lecherie, and by ſuch other inſolent meanes (withdrawing alſo from the Monkes their olde [...] for the which they firſt fell at [...] wordes, and afterwarde to plaine fighting.

[1] Hen. Hunt. VVil. Malm. hath two ſlaine and .xiiii. hurt.The Abbot got armed men aboute him, and falling vpon the Monkes, he ſlue three of them at the high Aultar, and wounded .xviij. And yet the Monkes for their partes played the pretie [...], with Formes and Candleſticks defending them|ſelues aswell as they might, ſo that they ha [...] di|uerſe of the Abbottes ſide,Mat. VVeſt. and droue them oute of the Quiere.

[1] In the ende the complaint hereof was brought before the king, by whoſe iudgement the matter was ſo ordered, that Thurſtan loſt his roome, & returned againe vnto Cane in Normandie from whence he came, and the Monkes were ſpredde abroade in a diuerſe houſes of Religion through the Realme, Glaſtenburie being repleniſhed with more quiet perſons, and ſuche as were ſuppoſed readier to pray than quarel as the other did: yet is it ſayde, that in the time of William Rufus this Thurſton obteyned the rule of that Abbay againe for a portion of money, amounting to the ſumme of fiue hundred pounde.

[1] There be alſo which write, that the numbring of men and of the places,Sim. Dunel. Hen. Marle. Math. Paris. the valuation of their goodes and ſubſtance, as well in cattell as in rea|die monie, was not taken till about the .xix. yeare of this kings raigne (although the ſubſedie afore mentioned was gathered aboute two yeares be|fore of euery hide of lande as aboue ye haue heard) and that the certificate hereof being enrolled,Hen Marle. An. reg. 19. Simon Dun. was put into the kings treaſure at Wincheſter, in the xix. yeare of his raigne, and not in the .xvj. But in what yeare ſoeuer it was leuied, and howſoe|uer the writers diſagree in their Hiſtories, certain it is, that rayſed it was, to the great griefe and impoueriſhment of the people, who ſore lamen|ted their miſerable eſtate whereinto they were brought and thralled,Polidor. Mat. Par. ſo that they hated the Nor|mans in their hearts with deadly malice. How|beit the more they ſpake and ſeemed to grudge a|gaynſt ſuch ſore tolles and tallages, cruell cu|ſtomes, and other oppreſſions, as were dayly de|uiſed to their vndoing, the more they were bur|thened, after the maner of the bondage which the children of Iſraell ſometime ſuffered in Egypt, for on the other ſide,The Conque|ror ſeeketh to keepe the Eng|liſh men low. the Normans with theyr king perceyuing the hatred whiche the Engliſhe men bare towards them, were ſore offended in theyr myndes, and therefore ſought by all maner of wayes how to kepe them vnder. Such as were called Iuſtices, were enimies to all iuſtice, wher|vpon greeter burdens dayly grewe towardes the Engliſh Nation,Polidor. inſomuche that after they had bene robbed & ſpoyled of their goodes vnder pre|tence of Iuſtice, they were alſo debarred of theyr cuſtomed ſportes and paſtimes: for where naturally (as they doe vnto this daye) they tooke their great pleaſure in hunting Deere, both redde and fallow, in the Wooddes and Forreſts about without reſtraint,The Forreſtes ſeaſed into the kings handes. king William ſeaſing the moſt part of the ſame Forreſtes into his owne handes; did ſet a puniſhment to bee executed agaynſt all thoſe that ſhould kil any of the ſame Deere,Mat. Par. which was to haue their eyes put out. And to bring the greater number of menne in daunger of thoſe his penall lawes, (a peſtilent pollicie of a ſpitefull minde, and [...]auouring altogither of his Frenche ſlauerie) hee deuiſed meanes howe to breed, nou|riſh and increaſe the multitude of Deere, and alſo to make rowmth for thẽ in that part of the realm whiche lyeth betwixte Saliſburie and the Sea Southward: he pulled downe townes, villages, and Churches, with all other buyldings for the ſpace of .xxx. myles, to make thereof a Forreſt, which vnto this day is called the newe Forreſt,New Forreſt. the people as then ſore bew [...]ling their fortune, and greatly lamenting that they muſt thus leaue houſe and home, with lande and all vnto the vſe of ſauage beaſtes, which crueltie, not onely mor|tall men liuing here on earth, but alſo the earth it ſelfe might ſeeme to deteſt,

Mat. Par.

An earth|quake.

as by a wonderfull ſignification it ſeemed to declare, by the ſhaking and roaring of the ſame, which chaunced about the .xiiij. yeare of his raigne, (as wryters haue recorded.)

[1] There be that ſuppoſe how the King made that part of the realme waſt and barraine vpon a pollicie,Polidor. to the intent that if his chaunce were to be expulſed by ciuill warres, and compelled to leaue the lande, there ſhoulde be no inhabiters in that part of the lande to reſiſt his arriuall vppon his new returne. But whatſoeuer cauſe moued him thereto, it was a wicked and right heynous act, ſo to decay the increaſe of mankinde, & to re|pleniſhe the Countrey with brute and ſauage beaſtes.

[1] But to go forth with our purpoſe.

Simon Dun.


A rumor ſpred of the cõming of the Danes.

About the ſame time, a rumor was ſpred in England that Sueyn king of Denmarke ment to inuade Eng|lande with a puiſſant armie, and the aſſiſtance of the Earle of Flaunders, whoſe daughter hee had maried, wherevpon king William being then in Normandie, reteyned a great [...] Fr [...]nche [page 314] ſouldiers, both Archers and footemen, which togi|ther with a number of his owne people the Nor|mans he brought ouer into England in the Har|ueſt ſeaſon, and meaning vtterly to diſburthen himſelfe of the charge of theyr keeping, he cauſed prouiſion to be made for their finding and pay|ment of wages, by the Lordes and Peeres of the realme, and alſo by the Sherifs of the ſhires, and other his officers. Anno. 20. Howbeit when he vnderſtoode that the Danes had chaunged their purpoſe, and woulde not keepe on their iourney, he diſcharged part of his forces, and ſent them home againe, ke|ping notwithſtanding the reſidue all the Winter with him here in England, readie of purpoſe for his defence if any rebelliõ or other neceſſitie ſhuld befal, wherin their ſeruice might ſtãd him in ſteed.



Mat. VVeſt.


An othe taken to be true to the king.

The ſame yeare, he helde his Chriſtmaſſe at Glouceſter, and made his ſonne Henrie knight at Weſtminſter in the Whitſonweeke enſuing, ſhortly after calling togither as well the Lordes ſpirituall as temporall, hee cauſed them all to ſweare to be true to him, and to his heyres after him in the poſſeſſion of this kingdome.

[1] Great ſickneſſe reigning.About which ſeaſon, the people euerie where began to be miſerably vexed with ſickneſſe, name|ly wyth burning feuers, which ſlue and brought many to their ende. A death alſo and murraine came amongſt their cattell,

Murraine of cattaile.

Math. VVeſt.

ſo that a wonderfull number died of all ſortes. And at the ſame tyme (whiche is more maruellous) tame foules, as Hennes, Geeſe, and Peacocks, withdrawing thẽ|ſelues from the owners houſes, fled to the woods and became wilde. No leſſe hurt was done in many partes of this realme by fire, and ſpecially in the citie of London, where vpon the .vij. day of Iuly a ſodain flame began, which burnt ye church of S. Paule,Simon Dun. with a great part of the Citie downe to the very ground.

[1] After that king William had taken the othe of obedience of all his Lordes,Ran. Higd. Sim. Dun. Edgar Etheling who was reconciled vnto his fauour as you haue heard, obteyning licence of him to bee out of the realme for a certaine ſeaſon, ſayled into Puglia with two hundred ſouldiers but of his acts there and returne againe into Englande I finde ſmall reherſall, and therfore I paſſe ouer to ſpeake any more of him,An. reg. 21. con [...]ecting any ſtile to king Willi|am, who hauing now brought the Engliſhmẽ ſo lowe and bare, that little more was to be got out of their hands, went once againe ouer into Nor|mandie with an huge Maſſe of money, and there ſoone after chaunced to fall ſicke, ſo that he was conſtrayned to keepe his bed longer than hee had bene accuſtomed to do, wherat Philip the French king in leaſ [...]ing maner ſayde, howe king Willi|am his couſin did nowe lie in childbed (alluding partly to his great fat belly,VVil. Mal Mat. Par. bycauſe he was very corpulent) and withall added, Oh what a number of Candles muſt I prouide to offer vp at his go|ing to Church, certenly I thinke that .100000. will not ſuffice. &c. which talke ſo moued the king when it came to his care, that hee made this an|ſwere: well, I truſt when I ſhal be churched, that our couſin ſhall bee at no ſuche coſt,VVil. Malm. Ran. Higd. but I will helpe to finde him a thouſande Candelles my ſelfe, and light them vp to ſome of their paynes, if God doe graunt mee life: and this promiſe hee bound with an othe, which in deed he performed: for in the Moneth of Iuly enſuing, when their corne, fruit, and grapes were moſt floriſhing,He inuadeth Fraunce. and readie to come to proufe, he entred France with a great army, & ſet on fire many of their Cities and townes in the weſtſide of that Countrey, & laſtly came to the citie of Maunt,

Gemeticenſis. The Citie of Maunt burnt by K. William

Mat. VVeſt.

which he bunrt with the Church of our Ladie, and therein an Ankreſſe encloſed in the wall thereof, as an holy recluſe, for the force of the fire was ſuche as all wente to wrecke.

[figure appears here on page 314]

[1] [page 315] Howbeit in this heate, king William tooke ſuch a ſickneſſe (which was not diminiſhed by the fall of an horſe as he rode to and fro,Math. Paris. bycauſe hee was not able to trauaile on foote aboute his Pa|lace by reaſon of his diſeaſe) that coſt him hys life in the ende,

King William departed this life.

Simon Dun. Mat. VVest.

The .lix. of his age hath VVil. Mal.

ſo that when he had ordeyned his laſt will, and taken order for the ſtay of things after his deceaſe, hee departed this life on the .ix. day of September, in the yeare after the byrth of our Sauiour .1087. and .lxxiiij. (as Polidor ſaith) of his age, hauing gouerned Normandie aboute lj. yeares, and reigned ouer Englande .xx. yeares, tenne monethes, and .xxviij. dayes (as all the writers doe report.)

[1] Not long before his death, he releaſed alſo out of priſon his brother Odo the biſhop of Bayeux,He ſet all pri|ſoners at liber|tie ſayth VVil. Malm. Marchar Earle of Northumberland, and Wil|notus the ſonne of king Harolde, or (as ſome ſay) his brother.

[1] Polidor.Moreouer he repented him (as ſome ſay) when he lay on his death bed, for his cruell dealing with the Engliſh men, conſidering that by them he had atteyned to ſuch honour and dignitie, as to weare the crowne and ſcepter of a kingdome: but whe|ther he did ſo or not, or that ſome Monke deuiſed the excuſe in fauor of the Prince: Surely he was a famous knight, and though his time was trou|bleſome, yet hee was right fortunate in all his attempts. Againe if a man ſhall conſider howe that in a ſtraunge realme he coulde make ſuche a conqueſt, and ſo perfitely and ſpeedily eſtabliſh the ſame to his heyres, with newe lawes, orders, and conſtitutions (whiche as appeare are moſte like euer to endure) he woulde thinke it a thing al|togither voyde of credite. Yet ſo it was, and ſo ho|nourable were his doings, and notable in ſight of the worlde here, that thoſe kings which haue ſuc|ceeded ſithence his death, beginne their account at him, as from one that had by his prudence re|nued the ſtate of the realme, and inſtituted an o|ther forme of regiment, in atchieuing whereof he did not ſo much pretende a rightfull chalenge by the graunt of his coſin king Edwarde the Con|feſſor, as by the law of armes, and plaine con|queſt, than the which as he ſuppoſed, there coulde be no better tytle.

[1] Herevpon alſo thoſe that haue ſithence ſuccee|ded him, vſe the ſame armes as peculiar to the crowne of Englande, which he vſed in his time, that is to witte,He bare but two Lions or rather Leo|pards as ſome thinke. three Lions paſſant golde in a fielde gewles (as Polidor writeth) the three floure Delices were ſince that time annexed thereto by Edward the third, by reaſon of his clayme to the crowne of Fraunce, whereof hereafter yee ſhall heare more.

[1] Polidor.There be alſo that write, how the inconſtancie of the Engliſh people by their oft rebellions occa|ſioned the king to be ſo heauie Lorde and maſter vnto them. Where he of his naturall diſpoſition was rather gentle and curteous than ſharpe and cruell, diuerſe mẽ might be perſwaded ſo to thinke of him in deed, if he had ceaſſed frõ his rough go|uerning yet in the ende: but ſithence he continued his rigor euen to his laſt days, we may rather be|leeue that although happily from his childhoode he ſhewed ſome tokens of clemencie, bountie, and liberalitie, yet by following the warres and prac|tiſing to raigne with ſterneneſſe, he became ſo in|vred therewith, that thoſe peaceable vertues were quite altered in him, & in maner clearly extinct: in whoſe place cruel rigor, auaritious couetouſneſſe, and vnmercifull ſeueritie, caught roote and were planted. Yet is he renoumed to haue reteyned ſtill a certaine ſtouteneſſe of courage and ſkil in feates of warre, which good happe euer followed. More|ouer he was free from lecherous luſtes, and with|out ſuſpition of bodily vices, quicke and ſubtile of wit, deſirous of honor, and coulde very well ſu|ſteyne trauail, watching, colde, and heate, though he were tall of ſtature, and very groſſe of bodie.

[1] [2] [3] In like maner toward the ende of his dayes he began to waxe verie deuout, and ſomewhat to bend toward the aduauncing of the preſent eſtate of the church, inſomuch that he builded three Ab|bayes in ſeuerall places, endowing them with fayre lands and large poſſeſſions, as two in Eng|land, one at the place where hee vanquiſhed King Harolde, fiue miles diſtant from Haſtings, which he named Battaile, of the field there foughten: the other at Celby in Yorkſhire: & ye third in Normã|die at Caen, where alſo wife Queene his Mawd had buylded a Nunnerie, which Mawde died in in the yeare .1084. before the king hir huſband. Af|ter his death, his bodie was buried in Caen, in S. Stephens church, but before it could be commit|ted to the grounde,They gaue him an hun|dred pounde ſayth Hen. Marle. the executors were conſtray|ned to agree with a certaine man that claymed to be Lord of the ſoyle where the Church ſtoode, and which (as he ſayd) the king in his life time had in|iuriouſly taken from him, and gaue him a greate ſumme of money to releaſe his title: wherby you may cõſider the great miſerie of mans eſtate, and how that ſo mightie a Prince as the Conquerour was, coulde not haue ſo much grounde after hys death as to couer his dead corps, without doing iniurie to an other: which may be a noble leſſon for all other men, and namely for Princes, noble men and gentlemen, who oftentimes to enlarge their owne commodities, doe not regarde what wrong to the inferior ſort they offer.

[1] Furthermore, King William had iſſue by Mawde his wife, the daughter of Baldwin Erle of Flaunders, foure ſonnes, Robert ſurnamed Curthoſe (vnto whom he bequeathed the duchie of Normandie) Richard died yong, William ſur|named Rufus (to whom he gaue by his teſtament [page 332] the realme of Englande) and Henrie ſurnamed Beauclerk, for his cunning and perfit knowledge in learning, vnto whom he bequethed all his trea|ſure and moueable goods, with the poſſeſſions that belonged to his mother.Hen. Marle. Beſides theſe four ſonnes he had alſo by his wife fiue daughters, Cecillie, which became a Nunne: Conſtance, maried to Alane duke of Britaine: Adela, giuen in mariage to Stephen Earle of Bloys: (of whom that Ste|phen was borne which raigned after Henrie the firſt) Adeliza, promiſed in mariage to Harold K. of England (as before ye haue heard) but ſhe died before ſhe was maried either to him, or to any o|ther, and ſo likewiſe did the fift, whoſe name I cannot reherſe.

[1] Among other grieuances which the Engliſhe men ſuſteyned by the hard dealing of the Cõque|rour, this is alſo to be remembred, that he brought the Iewes into this land frõ Rouen and appoin|ted them place here to inhabite.

[1] [2] But now to conclude, though king William helde the Engliſh ſo vnder foote, that in his dayes almoſt no Engliſh man bare any office of honor or rule in his time,Iohn Rous. yet he ſomewhat fauoured the Citie of London, and at the earneſt ſute of Wil|liam a Norman, then Biſhop there, he graunted vnto the Citizẽs the firſt Charter, which is writ|ten in the Saxon tongue, ſealed with green wax, and expreſſed in .viij. or .ix. lines at the moſt. But howſoeuer he vſed the reſt of the Engliſhmẽ,Math. Paris. Hen. Hunt. this is recorded of ſome writers, that by his rigorous proceedings agaynſt thẽ, he brought to paſſe that the Countrey was ſo rid of theeues and robbers, that at length a mayd might haue paſſed through the land with a bag ful of golde, and not haue met with any miſdoer to haue bereft hir of the ſame, which was a thing right ſtraunge to conſider, ſith that in the beginning of his reigne there was ſuch great companies of Outlawes and robbers, that vneth were men warranted within their owne houſes, though the ſame were neuer ſo ſtrong and well prouided of defence.

[1] Iohn Rous. Hen Marle.Among many other lawes alſo made by him, this one is to be remembred, that ſuche as forced any woman, ſhould loſe their genitals.

[1] In this William the Conquerors dayes liued Oſmond the ſeconde Biſhop of Saliſburie, who compiled the Church ſeruice,Salisburie vſe. which in times paſt they commonly called after Saliſburie vſe.

[1] Shooting.The vſe of the long Bow (as Iohn Rous teſti|fieth) came firſt into Englande with this king William the Conquerour, for the Engliſh men before that time vſed to fight cõmonly with axes and ſuch hand weapons, and therfore in the orati|on made by the Conqueror before he gaue battail to king Harolde, the better to encourage his men, he tolde them they ſhould encounter with enimies that wanted ſhotte.

[1] In the yeare of our Lorde .1542. Monſeur de Caſtres Biſhop of Baieulx, and Abbot of Saint Eſtiennie in Caen, cauſed the Sepulchre of this noble prince William the Conqueror to be ope|ned, within the which his body was found whole, fayre and perfite, of limmes large and big, of ſta|ture and perſonage longer than the common ſort of men of our age by two foot: within the ſame ſe|pulchre or tombe, was found a copper plate, fayre gylt, conteyning this Epitaph.

Qui rexit rigidos Northmannos, at Britannos
Audacter vicit, fortiter obtinuit,
Et Coenomenſes virtute contundit enſes,
Imperij ſui legibus applicuit:
Rex magnus parua iacet hac Guilhelmus in vrna:
Sufficit & magno parua domus domino,
Ter ſeptem gradibus, ſe voluerat at duobus,
Virginis in gremio Phoebus, & hic obijt.

In Engliſh thus. H.F

Who ouer Normãs rough did rule, & ouer Britõs bolde
Did cõqueſt ſtoutly win, & conqueſt won did ſtrongly holde:
Who by his valure great the fatall vprores calmde in Mayne,
And to obey his power and lawes, the Manceaux did conſtrayne:
This mightie king within this little vault entombed lyes,
So great a Lorde ſomtime, ſo ſmall a rowmth doth now ſuffiſe.
When three times ſeuen and two by iuſt degrees the Sun had tooke
His wonted courſe in Virgos lap, then he the worlde forſooke.

Here to fill vp this page, I haue thought good to ſet downe the Charter which this king Wil. the Conqueror graunted vnto the Citie of Lon|don, at the ſpecial ſute of William then Biſhop of the ſame Citie, aſwel for the briefneſſe thereof (& yet conteyning matter ſufficient in thoſe dayes to warrant his meaning) as alſo for the ſtrange|neſſe of the Engliſh then in vſe.


VVilliem Kyng grets VVilliem Biſceop & God|fred Porterefan,

The charter of K. William the firſt.


& ealle ya Burghwarn binnen Lõdon frenciſce, & Engliſce frendlice, & Ic kiden eoy, yeet Ic wille that git ben ealra weera lagay|weord, ye get weeran on Eadwerds daege kings, and Ic will yeet aelc child by his fader yrfnume, aefter his faders daege. And Ic nellege wolian, yeet aenig man eoy aenis wrang beode. God eoy heald.

[1] VVilhelmus rex ſalutat VVilhelmum Epiſcopum, & Goffridũ Portegrefiũ & omnẽ Burghware in|fra London Franſ. & Angl. amicabiliter. Et vobis notũ facio, quòd ego volo, quòd vos ſitis omni lege illa digni quae fuistis Edwardi diebus regis. Et volo quòd omnis puer ſit patris ſui haeres post diem patris ſui. Et ego nolo pati quod aliquis homo aliquam in|iuriam vobis inferat. Deus vos ſaluet.