[1] [2] When bishop Odo was come into those parties to reuenge the bishops death with an armie (as we haue said) he sore afflicted the countrie, by spoiling it on euerie side with great crueltie. Here king Wil|liam placed and displaced diuerse rulers ouer the Northumbers: for first he appointed one Copsi to haue the rule of that countrie, Sim. Dunel. in place of Marchar who before had held the same. This Copsi expelled Osulfe the sonne of earle Edulfe brother to earle Al|dred,Copsi. which Osulfe was substitute vnto the earles Edwine and Marchar, who although he was driuen out of his gouernement by Copsi, yet recouering his forces againe, he slue the same Copsi as he en|tred into the church of Newburne. But within a few moneths after, the same Osulfe (as he ran with his horsse against a theefe) was thrust through the bodie with a speare, which the theefe held in his hand, and so died. Then Gospatrike was assigned by king Wil|liam to haue the gouernement there:Gospatrike. whose mother Aldgitha was daughter to Uthred sometime earle of Northumberland begotten vpon Elfgiua the daugh|ter of king Egelred.