Stigand. Alexander bishop of Lin|colne.About this
time the archbishop Stigand, and A|lexander bishop of Lincolne fled to
Scotland, where they kept themselues close for a season. But the king still
continued in his hard procéeding against the Englishmen, insomuch that now
protesting how he came to the gouernance of
the realme only by plaine conquest,
Polydor. The hard de|ling of K. Wil|liam against the
English|men. he seized into his hands most part of eue|rie mans
possessions, causing them to redeeme the same at his hands againe, and yet
reteined a proper|tie in the most part of them; so that those that should
afterwards enioy them, should acknowledge them|selues to hold them of him,
in yéelding a yéerlie rent to him and his successors for euer, with certeine
o|ther prouisions, whereby in cases of forfeiture the same lands should
returne to him, and his said suc|cessors
againe. The like order he appointed to be v|sed by other possessors of
lands, in letting them forth to their tenants. He ordeined also, that the
Termes should be kept foure times in the yéere,The
instituti|on of the foure Termes. in such pla|ces as he should
nominate, and that the iudges shuld sit in their seuerall places to iudge
and decide causes and matters in controuersie betwixt partie and par|tie, in
manner as is vsed vnto this day. He decréed moreouer, that there should be
shiriffes in euerie shire, and iustices of the peace to keepe the
countries in quiet, and to sée offendors
punished. Further|more, he instituted the court of the Excheker, and the
officers belonging to the same,
The Exche|ker. The Chan|cerie.