[1] This earle Walteof or Waldeue was sonne (as ye haue heard) to Siward the noble earle of Nor|thumberland, of whose valure in the time of K. Ed|ward the confessor ye haue heard. His son the fore|said Walteof in strength of bodie and hardinesse did not degenerate from his father, for he was tall of personage, in sinews and musculs verie strong and mighty. In the slaughter of the Normans at Yorke, he shewed proofe of his prowesse, in striking off the heads of manie of them with his owne hands, as they came foorth of the gates singlie one by one: yet afterwards, when the king had pardoned him of all former offenses, and receiued him into fauour, hee gaue to him in mariage his néece Iudith the daugh|ter of Lambert earle of Lens, sister to Stephenerle of Albermare, and with hir he had of the kings gift, all the lands and liberties belonging to the honor of Huntingdon: in consideration whereof,Earledome of Huntingdon. he assigned to hir in name of hir dower, all the lands that he held from Trent southward. Shée bare by him two daughters, Maud and Alice. We find, that he was not onlie earle of Northumberland, but also of Nor|thampton and Huntingdon.