[1] Some write, that Gospatrike purchased the earle|dome of king William, and so held it, till the king tooke it from him againe, and then gaue it vnto earle Walteof or Waldeue. Next after him Walkher the foresaid bishop of Durham had the whole admi|nistration cõmitted to him, but (after he was slaine as yée haue heard) one Alberike ruled that countrie, and lastlie, Robert Mulbray a right noble perso|nage (for his wisedome and valiancie highlie re|nowmed with all men) was created earle of Nor|thumberland,Robert Mul|bray earle of Northumber|land. and gouerned the people of those par|ties in such politike and wise order, that during his time, it is hard to saie, whether his quietnesse or the obedience of the people was greater.