[1] Moreouer, to reduce the English people the sooner vnto obedience and awe, he tooke from them all their armour and weapons.The Conque|ror taketh frõ the English|men their ar|mour. He ordeined also that the maister of euerie houshold about eight of the clocke in the euening, should cause his fire to be raked vp in a [...]hes, his lights to be put out, and then go to bed. Besides this, to the end that euerie man might haue knowledge of the houre to go to rest, he gaue order, that in all cities, townes, and villages, where anie church was, there should a bell be roong at the said houre, which custome is still vsed euen vnto this daie, and commonlie called by the French word, Couer few first instituted. Couer few, that is, Rake vp the fier.