[1] The earle of Britaine, being a man of a stout sto|mach, and meaning to defend that which was thus gi|uen to him,Castell of Richmont. built a strong castell néere to his manor of Gillingham, and named it Richmont. The first originall line of the earles of Richmont (that bare their title of honor of this castell and towne of Rich|mont (as Leland hath set downe the same) is this: Eudo earle of Britaine, the sonne of Geffrey, begat three sonnes, Alane le Rous, otherwise Fregaunte, Alane the blacke, and Stephan. These three brethren after their fathers decease, succéeded one another in the earledome of Britaine; the two elder,Earle of Bri|taine. A|lane the red and Alane the blacke died without issue. Stephan begat a sonne named Alane, who left a sonne, which was his heire named Conan, which Co|nan married Margaret the daughter of William king of Scotland, who bare him a daughter named Constantia, which Constantia was coupled in mar|riage with Geffrey sonne to king Henrie the second, who had by hir Arthur, whom his vncle king Iohn, for feare to be depriued by him of the crowne, caused to be made awaie; as some haue written. But now to returne where we left touching the Danes. Simon Dun. Simon Dunel. affirmeth, that Harold and Canute or Cnute the sonnes of Sweine king of Denmarke, Matth. Paris maketh men|tion but of Sweine and Osborne whom he cal|leth brethren. with their vncle earle Osborne, and one Christianus a bi|shop of the Danes, and earle Turketillus were gui|ders of this Danish armie, & that afterwards, when king William came into Northumberland, he sent vnto earle Osborne, promising him that he would permit him to take vp vittels for his armie about the sea coastes; and further, to giue him a portion of mo|nie, so that he should depart and returne home as soone as the winter was passed. But howsoeuer the matter went with the Danes, certeine it is by the whole consent of writers, that king William ha|uing thus subdued his enimies in the north, he tooke so great displeasure with the inhabitants of the coun|trie of Yorkeshire and Northumberland, that he wasted all the land betwixt Yorke and Durham, so that for the space of threescore miles, Wil. Malm [...]. there was left in maner no habitation for the people, by reason where|of it laie wast and desert for the space of nine or ten yeares. ¶ The goodlie cities with their towers and steeples set vpon a statelie height, and reaching as it were into the aire: the beautifull fields and pa|stures, watered with the course of sweet and pleasant riuers, if a stranger should then haue beheld, and also knowne before they were thus defaced, he would surelie haue lamented: or if any old inhabitant had béene long absent, & newly returned thither, had séene this pitifull face of the countrie, he would not haue knowne it, such destruction was made through out all those quarters, whereof Yorke it selfe felt not the smallest portion. The bishop of Durham Egelwi|nus with his cleargie fled into holie Iland with S. Cutberts bodie, and other iewels of the church of Durham, Simon Du [...] where they tarried three moneths and od daies, before they returned to Durham againe. The [page 8] kings armie comming into the countrie that lieth betwixt the riuers Theise and Tine, found nothing but void feelds and bare walles; the people with their goods and cattell being fled and withdrawne in|to the woods and mountaines, if any thing were for|gotten behind, these new gests were diligent inough to find it out.