[1] At the same time also the king caused a castell to be built at Durham, and returned to London, where he receiued aduertisement that his subiects in Nor|mandie toward the parties of Angiew had begun a rebellion against him. Heerevpon with all speed he leuied an armie, whereof the most part consisted of English (whose seruice he liked rather in a forren countrie than in their owne) and sailed ouer into Normandie, where he easilie subdued his enimies by the valiancie of the English, whom from thenceforth he began somewhat to fauour and better thinke of than before. Yoong Edgar also grew in verie good [page 11] credit with him, for though he had twise broken his oth of allegiance, and run to the Scots as a rebell, yet now of his owne motion, returning to the king and crauing pardon, he was not onelie receiued, but also highlie honoured and preferred in his court.