The Dream of the Rood

Lines 1 - 28

Hwæt°, ic swefna° cyst° secgan° wylle,Lo! dream (gp), best (as),to say/tell
hwæt me gemætte° to midre° nihte,  to dream (impers. w. d., pret 3s), middle (ds)
syðþan reordberend° reste wunedon°. speech-bearer (np), to dwell (pret. 3p)
Þuhte° me þæt ic gesawe syllicre° treowto seem (impers. w. d., pret 3s), beautiful(asn)

on lyft° lædan°, leohte bewunden°, 'in the air', to lift, to envelop (p ptc)
beama° beorhtost°. Eall þæt beacen wæs tree (gp), bright (supl.)
begoten° mid golde; gimmas stodon tocover (p ptc)
fægere° æt foldan° sceatum°, swylce þær fife wæron beautiful (npm), earth(gs), corner (dp)
uppe on þam eaxlegespanne°. Beheoldon þær engel Dryhtnes° ealle cross-beam (ds), Lord (gs)
fægere þurh forðgesceaft° ne wæs ðær huru fracodes° gealga°, eternal decree(as), wicked one (gs), gallows (ns)
ac hine þær beheoldon° haligegastas, to behold
men ofer moldan° and eall þeos mære gesceaft°. the earth (as), creation(ns)
Syllic wæs se sigebeam°, ic synnum fah°, victory-tree (ns), stained (nsm)
forwunded° mid wommum°. Geseah ic wuldres treow to wound sorely (p ptc), iniquity (dp)
wædum° geweorðod° wynnum° scinan, covering (dp), to honour (p ptc), joy (dp as adv)
gegyred° mid golde; gimmas hæfdon to adorn (p ptc)
bewrigen° weorðlice Wealdendes° treow. to cover (p ptc), the Ruler (gs)
Hwæðre ic þurh þæt gold ongytan° meahte to perceive
earmra° ærgewin°, þæthit ærest ongan°  wretched one (gp), ancient strife (as),to begin
swætan on þa swiðran° healfe. Eall ic wæs mid sorgum gedrefed°; right (as), to afflict (pptc)
forht° ic wæs for þære fægran gesyhðe; geseah ic þæt fuse° beacen afraid(ns), eager (as)
wendan° wædum and bleom°; hwilumhit wæs mid wætan° bestemed°, to change, colour (dp),blood/moisture (ds), to soak (p ptc)
beswyled° mid swates° gange°, hwilum mid since° gegyrwed°. to drench (p ptc), blood (gs), flow (ds),treasure, (ds), to adorn (p ptc)
Hwæðre ic þær licgende lange hwile
beheold hreowcearig° Hælendes treow, troubled (ns), Saviour (gs)
oð ðæt ic gehyrde þæt hit hleoðrode°; to speak (pret 3s)
ongan þa word sprecan wudu selesta°: noble (supl.)
‘þæt wæs geara iu - ic þæt gyta° geman° - still, to remember (pret.pres, 1s pret.)