The Dream of the Rood

Lines 29 - 78

þæt ic wæs aheawen holtes°on ende,the wood (gs)
astyred° of stefne° minum. Genamanme ðær strange feondas,to remove (p ptc), root (ds)
geworhton° him þær to wæfersyne°, heton° me heora wergas° hebban°;to make (pret 3p), spectacle(ds), to command (pret 3p), criminal (ap), to raise up
bæron me þær beornas° on eaxlum°, oð ðæt hie me on beorg° asetton;man (np), shoulder(dp), hill (as)
gefæstnodon me þær feondas genoge°. Geseah ic þa Frean° mancynnesmany (np), the Lord (as)
efstan° elne° mycle, þæthe me wolde on gestigan°.to hasten, courage (ds),  to climbon
Þær ic þa ne dorste ofer Dryhtnes word
bugan° oððe berstan, þa icbifian° geseah to bend, to shake
eorðan sceatas°. Ealle ic mihtethesurface (ap)
feondas gefyllan, hwæðre ic fæste stod.
Ongyrede° hine þa geong hæleð - þæt wæs God ælmihtig! -to strip

strang stiðmod°; gestah° he ongealgan heanne°,resolute (ns), to climb (pret 3s), despised (as)
modig° on manigra gesyhðe, þahe wolde mancyn lysan°.brave (ns), to redeem
Bifode° ic þa me se beorn ymbclypte°; ne dorste ic hwæðre bugan to eorðan,to tremble (pret 1s), to embrace (pret 3s)
feallan to foldan sceatum, ac ic sceolde fæste standan.
Rod° wæs ic aræred; ahof° ic ricne Cyning, a cross(ns), to raise up (pret 1s)
heofona Hlaford; hyldan° me ne dorste. to bend
Þurhdrifan° hi me mid deorcan næglum; on me syndon þu dolg° gesiene, to pierce (pret 3s), wound (np)
opene inwidhlemmas° ne dorste ic hira ænigum sceððan°.malicious wounds (np), to injure
Bysmeredon° hie unc° butu ætgædere; eall ic wæs mid blode bestemed,to insult (pret 3p), us (acc. ofdual)
begoten° of þæs guman° sidan siððan he hæfde his gast issue (p ptc), man(gs)
'Feala° ic on þam beorge gebiden°hæbbemany (w.g), to experience (p ptc)
wraðra° wyrda°:   geseah ic weruda°Godcruel (gp), event (gp), host (gp)
þearle° þenian°. Þystro°hæfdon violently, to strech out (passive), darkness (np)
bewrigen° mid wolcnum° Wealdendes hræw°, to cover (p ptc), cloud (dp), corpse (as)
scirne° sciman°; sceadu forð eode, gleaming (as), radiance (as)
wann° under wolcnum. Weop eal gesceaft°, dark (ns), creation (ns)
cwiðdon° Cyninges fyll°: Crist wæson lament (pret 3p), the fall (as)
Hwæðere þær fuse feorran cwoman
to þam Æðelinge; ic þæt eall beheold.
Sare ic wæs mid sorgum° gedrefed°, hnag° ic hwæðre þam secgum° to handasorrow (dp), to oppress (p ptc), to bow down (pret 1s), warrior (dp)
eaðmod°, elne° mycle. Genamon°hie þær ælmihtigne God,humble (ns), zeal (is), totake hold (pret 3p)
ahofon° hine of ðam hefian° wite°; forleton° me þa hilderincas°to raise (pret 3p), oppressive(ds), torment (ds), to leave (pret 3p), warrior (np)
standan steame° bedrifenne°; eall icwæs mid strælum° forwundod.moisture (ds), to cover (pptc), arrow (dp)
Aledon° hie ðær limwerigne°; gestodon him æt his lices heafdum; to lay down (pret 3p), waeryof limb (as)
beheoldon hie ðær heofenes Dryhten, and he hine ðær hwile reste,
meðe° æfter ðam miclan gewinne°. Ongunnon him þa moldern° wyrcanweary (ns), agony (ds), tomb(as)
beornas on banan° gesyhðe, curfon°hie ðæt of beorhtan stane;the slayer (gs), to carve (pret3p)
gesetton hie ðæron sigora° Wealdend. Ongunnon him þa sorhleoð° galan°victory (gp),dirge (as), to sing
earme° on þu æfentide°, þa hie woldon eft siðian°,sorrowful (np), evening (as),to journey back
meðe fram þam mæran° þeodne°; reste he ðær mæte° weorode°.glorious (ds), prince(ds), small (is), company (is)
Hwæðere we ðær greotende° gode° hwileto weep (pres ptc), good/long (as)
stodon on staðole°; stefn° up gewat° fixed place (ds), voice (ns), to go up (pret. 3s)
hilderinca; hræw colode,
fæger° feorgbold°. Þa usman fyllan° onganbeautiful (ns), life-house (ns), to fell
ealle to eorðan; þæt wæs egeslic° wyrd! terrible(ns)
Bedealf° us man on deopan seaþe°. Hwæðre me þær Dryhtnes þegnas,to bury (pret3s), pit (ds)
sfreondas gefrunon°,to find out (pret 3p)
gyredon° me golde and seolfre. to adorn(pret 3p)
'Nu ðu miht gehyran, hæleð min se leofa°,beloved (ns)