1.11. King Edward the thirde.
EEBO page image 885
King Edward the thirde.
[figure appears here on page 885]
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]dward [...]e. 3.
_EDwarde the thirde of that name, the ſonne of Edwarde the ſeconde,
and of Iſabell the onelye daughter of Philip le Beau, and ſiſter to Charles
the fifth, king of Fraunce, be|gan his
raigne as king of England, his father yet liuing, the .xxv. day of Ianuarie,
after the crea|tion .5292. in the yeare of our Lorde .1327. after the
account of them that beginne the yeare at Chriſtmaſſe, 867. after the
comming of the Sax|ons, 260. after the conqueſt, the .13. yeare of the
raigne of Lewes the fourth then Emperor, the ſe|uenth of Charles the fift
king of Fraunce, the ſe|cõd of Andronicus Iunior Emperor of the Eaſt
almoſt ended, and about the end of the
.22. of Ro|bert le Bruce king of Scotland, as Wil. Hariſon in his
Chronologie hath diligently recorded.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 He was crowned at
Weſtminſter on the day of the Purification of our Ladie next enſuing, by the
handes of Walter the Archbiſhop of Canter|burie.
[...]ers [...]ted. And bycauſe he was but .xiiij. yeres of age, ſo that to
gouerne of himſelfe he was not ſuffici|ent, it was decreed that .xij. of the
greateſt lordes within the realme ſhoulde haue the rule and go|uernment
till he came to more perfite
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The names of which lords
were as followeth. The Archbiſhop of Cãterburie, the Archbiſhop of Yorke,
the Biſhops of Wincheſter & of Hereford, Henrie Erle of Lancaſter,
Thomas Brotherton Erle Marſhal, Edmond of Woodſtocke Erle of Kent. Iohn Erle
of Warren, the Lord Thomas Wake, the Lord Henry Percy, the Lord Oliuer de
Ingham, and the Lorde Iohn Ros. Theſe were ſworne of the kings counſaile,
and charged with the gouernment as they
woulde make an|ſwer. But this ordinance continued not long: for the Queene,
& the Lorde Roger Mortimer tooke the whole rule ſo into their
handes, that both the king and his ſayde Counſaylours were gouerned only by
them in all matters both high and lowe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 He confirmed the
liberties and franchiſes of the citie of London, and graunted that the Maior
of the ſame Citie for the time being might ſit in all places of iudgement
within the liberties therof for chief Iuſtice, aboue all other,The franchiſes of the Citie of London con|firmed. the
kings perſon on|ly excepted, and that euery Alderman that had bin Maior
ſhoulde be Iuſtice of peace through all the Citie of London and countie of
Middleſex, and euery Alderman that had not bene Maior, ſhould be Iuſtice of
peace within his owne warde. He graunted alſo to the Citizens, that they
ſhoulde not be conſtrayned to go forth of the Citie to any warres in defence
of the lande, and that the fran|chiſes of the Citie ſhould not be ſeaſed
frõ thence|forth into the kings hands, for any cauſe, but on|ly for treaſon
and rebellion ſhewed by the whole Citie. Alſo Southwarke was appoynted to
bee vnder the rule of the Citie, and the Maior of Lõ|don to bee Baylife of
Southwarke, and to or|daine ſuch a ſubſtitute in the ſame Borough as pleaſed
Compare 1587 edition:
4 In the firſt yeare of
this kings raigne,Recordes of Burie. wee finde in
the Recordes belonging to the Abbey of S. Edmondſburie in Suffolke, that the
Inhabi|tants of that towne rayſed a ſore commotion a|gaynſt the Abbot and
Monkes of the ſame Ab|bey, and that at ſeuerall tymes, as firſt on the
Wedneſday next after the feaſt of the conuerſion of Saint Paule, in the
ſayde firſt yeare of thys Kings raigne, one Robert Forton, Rycharde Drayton,
and a great number of other, aſſem|bling themſelues togither in warlike
order and array, aſſaulted the ſayd Abbey, brake downe the Gates, Wyndowes,
and Doores, entered the houſe by force, and aſſayling certain Monks and
ſeruaunts that belonged to the Abbot, did beate, wounde, and euill entreate
them, brake open a number of Cheſts, Coffers, and forcers, tooke out
Chalices of golde and ſiluer, bookes, Veſtments, and other ornaments of the
church, beſide a great quantitie of riche plate, and other furniture of
houſebolde, apparel, armour, and other things, be|ſide fiue hundred pounds
in readie coyne, and alſo three thouſand Florens of gold. All which things
they tooke and caried away, togither with diuerſe Charters, wrytings, and
miniments, as three Charters of Knute ſomtyme king of Englande, foure
Charters of king Hardiknute, one Char|ter of king Edwarde the Confeſſour,
two Char|ters of king Henrie the firſt, other two Charters of king Henrie
the thirde, which Charters con|cerned as wel the foundation of the ſame
Abbey, as the grauntes and confirmations of the poſſeſſi|ons and liberties
belonging thereto. Alſo they tooke away certaine writings obligatorie, in
the whiche diuerſe perſons were bounde for the pay|ment of great ſummes of
money, and deliuerie of certaine wines vnto the hands of the ſayd Abbot.
Moreouer they tooke away with them ten ſeueral bulles, conteyning certaine
exemptions & immu|nities EEBO page image 886 graunted to the Abbots
and Monkes of Burie by ſundrie Biſhops of Rome. And not herewith contented,
they tooke Peter Clopton Prior of the ſaid Abbey, and other Monkes forth of
the houſe, and leading them vnto a place called the Leaden hall, there
impriſoned them, till the Thurſday next before the feaſt of the Purificatiõ
of our Ladie, and that day bringing them backe againe into the chapter
houſe, deteyned them ſtill as priſoners, till they had ſealed a writing,
cõtey|ning that the Abbot and conuent
were bound in ten .M. pound to be payd to Oliuer Kemp and o|thers by them
named. And further, they were cõ|ſtreyned to ſeale a letter of releaſe for
all actions, quarels, debts, tranſgreſſions, ſuites & demaũds,
which the Abbot might in any wiſe clayme or proſecute againſt the ſayd
Oliuer Kempe and o|thers in the ſame letters named. For theſe wrõgs and
other, as for that they would not permit the Abbots, Baylifes, and officers
to kepe their ordi|narie courtes as they
were accuſtomed to doe, as well three dayes in the weeke for the Market, to
wit, Monday, Wedneſday and Fryday, as the Portman mote euery Tueſday three
weekes, and further prohibit them from gathering ſuch tolles, cuſtomes, and
yearely rentes, as were due to the Abbot for certain tenements in the towne,
which were let to ferme, the Abbot brought his action againſt the ſaid
Foxton, Drayton & others, & ha|uing it tried by an inqueſt,
on the Friday next af|ter the feaſt of S.
Lucie the virgin, in a Seſſions holden at Burie by Iohn Stonore, Walter
Friſkney, Robert Maberihorp, and Iohn Bouſ|ſer, by vertue of the kings writ
of Oyer and De|terminer to them directed, the offenders were cõ|demned in
.40000. pounds, ſo that the ſayde Ri|chard Drayton, and others there preſent
in the Court, were committed to priſon in cuſtodie of the Sherife Robert
Walkefare, who was com|maunded alſo to apprehende the other that were
not yet areſted, if within his
Bayliwike they might be founde, and to haue their bodies before the ſayd
Iuſtices at Burie aforeſayd, on Thurſ|day in Whitſonweeke next enſuing.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Beſide this, there was an
other inditement and action of treſpaſſe founde there the ſame day agaynſt
the ſayde Richard Drayton and others, for a lyke diſorder and ryot by them
committed,The ſeconde ryot. on the Thurſday
next after the feaſt of the Puri|fication of our Ladie, in the ſame firſt
yeare of this king, at what time they did
not onely breake into the Abbey, and beate the Abbottes menne, but alſo
tooke the Abbot hymſelfe, beeyng then at home, wyth certayne of hys Monkes,
kee|ping both him and them as priſoners, til the next day that they were
conſtreyned to ſeale certayne wrytings. And amongeſt other, a Charter, in
which it was conteyned, that the Abbot and his Conuent, did graunt vnto the
Inhabitaunts of the towne of Burie, to be a corporation of them|ſelues, and
to haue a common ſeale wyth a gylde of Marchants and Aldermen: alſo they
were cõ|pelled to ſeale another Charter, wherein was cõ|teyned a graunt to
the ſayde Inhabitaunts, that they ſhould haue the cuſtodie of the towne
gates, and likewiſe the wardſhip of all Pupils and Or|phanes wythin the ſame
towne, beſide diuerſe o|ther liberties. Moreouer they were in like maner
conſtreyned to ſeale three ſeuerall obligations, in which the Abbot and
Conuent were bound to the ſayde Inhabitantes, as to a communaltie of a
corporation in .vij. M. pounds, as in two .M. by one obligation, and in two
.M. by another, and in three .M. by the thirde obligation, and fur|ther they
were driuen to ſeale a letter of releaſe of all treſpaſſes, and other things
that myght bee demaunded agaynſte the ſayde Inhabitauntes, with a generall
acquittaunce of all debts.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſide this, the ſayde
riotous perſons tooke the ſame tyme forth of the Abbey great ryches, as well
in plate, Armor, Bookes, apparell, as in o|ther things. They alſo brake
downe two houſes or Meſſuages, that belonged to the Abbey, and ſituate
within the towne of Burie: they alſo de|ſtroyed his fiſh pondes, and tooke
out ſuch ſtore of fiſh as they found in the ſame: they cut downe alſo .lx.
Aſhes there growing, on the ſoyle that belonged to the ſayde Abbot, and did
many other great outrages and enormities, ſo that it was founde by the
inqueſt, that the Abbot was dam|nifyed to the value of other fortye
thouſande poundes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe ryottes may ſeeme
grieuous and ve|rie ſtraunge,The ch [...]
but yet the ſame were not ſo hey|nouſly taken, as an other whiche
the ſayde In|habitants of Burie attempted agaynſt the ſayde Abbey in maner
of a plaine commotion, vpon S. Lukes day in the ſame yeare, at what time (as
by the Recordes of that Abbey it ſhoulde appeare) both the Abbot and his
houſe were in the kinges ſpeciall protection, and the ſayde Inhabitantes
prohibited by his letters to attempt any iniurie agaynſt hym or hys Conuent.
But neuerthe|leſſe we fynde that not onely the Inhabitants of Burie, but
alſo a great number of other miſgo|uerned perſons, that reſorted to them
from pla|ces there about, arrayed and furniſhed with horſe, armour and
weapon, after the maner of warre, came and aſſaulted the Abbey Gates, ſette
fyre on them, and burned them wyth dyuerſe o|ther Houſes neare adioyning,
that belonged to the Abbay, and continued in that theyr ry|otous enterpryſe
all that daye and nyght follo|wing.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame night alſo they
burnt a Manor of ye Abbots called Holdernes barn,The
M [...] Hold [...] b [...]ne. wt .ij. other manors EEBO page image 887 called the
Aunianers berne, and Haberdone alſo the Grangles, that ſtoode withoute the
South gate,The Manour [...] Weſtley [...]ne. and the Manour of Weſtley, in which pla|ces they burned
in corne and graine, to the value of a thouſande pounde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The nexte day they
entered into the Abbey Court, and burnt all the houſes on the north ſide, as
ſtables, Brewhouſes, B [...]houſes, Gray [...]is, and other ſuch houſes of offices, and on the other ſide the Court,
they burnt certaine houſes belon|ging to
the Aumenerie.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 On the next day they
burned the More hall, and Bradford hall, with the new hall, and diuerſe
chambers and ſollers to the ſame halles annexed, with the Chapell of S.
Laurence at the ende of the hoſpitall hall. Alſo the Manor of Eldhall, the
Maner of Horninger, with all the corne & grain within and about the
ſame. The next day they burnt the ſoller of ye Sollerer, with a chapel
there: alſo the kytchen, the larder, and a part of the Far|marie. On the Thurſday they burnt the reſidue of the
Farmarie, and the lodging called the blacke lodging, with a Chapell of S.
Andrew therein.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In executing of all theſe
riotous diſorders, one Geffrey Moreman was an ayder, who wyth di|uerſe other
perſons vnknowne, departed forth of the towne of Burie,The Manour [...] Fornham [...]n. & by the aſſent of the other his complices he
burnt the Manor of Fornham.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame day alſo other
of their companie, as William the ſonne of Iames Neketon, Raufe Grubbe, Richard Rery, and a great number of o|ther
perſones vnknowne, by the aſſent and ab|betment of the other that committed
the ſayd diſ|orders, burnt two Manors belonging alſo to the ſayde Abbey in
great Berton, with all the corne and graine there founde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Vpon knowledge had of
theſe great riots, and perillous commotions, there was a commiſſion directed
from the king, vnto Thomas Earle of Norfolk high Marſhall of Englãd, to
Thomas Bardin [...], Robert Morley, Peter Wedall, Iohn Howard, and Iohn Walkfare,
authoriſing them with ye power of the counties of Suffolk &
Norf|folke, to apprehend, trie and puniſh, ſuch lewde diſordered perſons,
& rebellious malefactors, which had committed ſuch felonious
enterprices, to the breach of the kings peace, & daungerous
diſquie|ting of his ſubiects: but the ſaid Commiſſioners proceeded not
according to the effect of their Cõ|miſſion in triall of any felonies by
the ſame per|ſons committed and done, but onely cauſed them to be indited of
treſpas: albert Robert Walkfare, and Iohn Clauer, with their aſſociates
Iuſtices of peace, in their Seſſions holden at Elueden the Tueſday next
after the feaſt of the Apoſtles. Si|mon and Iude, in the ſayd firſt yeare of
this king Edward the third, proceeded in ſuch wiſe againſt the ſayd
Malefactors, ye Iohn de Berton Cord|wayner, Robert Forton, and a great
number of other were indyted of felonie, for the myſdemea|nours afore
mentioned, and the Indytements ſo founde were after ſent and preſented vnto,
Iohn Stonore, Walter de Friſkeney, Robert Malber|thorpe, and Iohn Bouſſer,
who by vertue of the kings Commiſſion of Oier & Determiner to thẽ
directed, ſat at S. Edmundſbury the Wedneſday next after the feaſt of Saint
Lucie the virgin, and then and there ſent forth precepts to the Sherife,
commaunding him to apprehende the ſayd Ber|ton, Forton, and others, that
were indyted of the foreſayde felonies, and alſo to returne a ſuf|ficient
Iurie to trie vpon theyr arraignment the ſayde Malefactors by order of law,
the Fryday next after the ſayde feaſt of Saint Lucie. Here|vpon Alane de
Latoner, and Robert Dalling, with .xvij. others, being arraigned, were
founde guiltie, and ſuffered death according to the order appoynted for
[figure appears here on page 887]
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 888One Adam Miniot ſtoode muet, and refuſed to be tryed by his
countrey, and ſo was preſſed to death, as the law in ſuch caſe
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Diuerſe other were ſaued
by their bookes, ac|cording io the order of Clerkes conuict, as Alex|ander
Brid perſon of Hogeſete, Iohn Rugham perſon of little Welnetham, Iohn Berton
Cordwayner, and diuers other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Some were repriued, as
one woman named Iulian Barbor, who being big bellied was reſpi|ted,
till ſhe were deliuered of child.
Benedict Sio, and Robert Ruſſell were repriued, and commit|ted to the ſafe
keeping of the Sherife, as triers or appeachers (as we terme them) of other
offenders: and bycauſe there was not anye as yet atta|ched by theyr
appeales, they were commaunded againe to priſon.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 One Robert de Creſwell
was ſaued by the kings letters of ſpecial pardon, which he had there readie
to ſhew. As for Robert Foxton, Adam
Cokefielde, and a great number of other, whome the Sherife was commaunded to
apprehende, hee returned that he coulde not heare of them within the
precinct of his Baylifewike, wherevpon exi|gentes were awarded agaynſt them,
& the Sherif was cõmaunded, that if he might come to attach them,
he ſhould not fayle but ſo to do, and to haue theyr bodies there at Burie
before the ſayde Iu|ſtices, the Thurſday in Whitſunweeke next en|ſuing.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Diuerſe alſo were
arraigned the ſame time of the ſayd felonies, and therof acquited, as
Michael Scabaille, Raufe Smeremonger, and others. In+deed thoſe that were
founde guiltie,The common people often deceyued by lewde
infor|mations. and ſuffred, were the chiefe authours, and
procurors of the cõ|motion, bearing others in hande, that the Abbot had in
his cuſtodie a certaine Charter, wherin the king ſhould grant to the
inhabitants of the town of Burie, certaine liberties, whereby it might
ap|peare that they were free, and diſcharged from the payment of dyuerſe cuſtomes & exactions:
wher|vpon the ignorant multitude eaſily giuing credit to ſuch ſurmiſed
tales, were the ſooner induced to attempt ſuch diſorders as before are
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus haue ye heard all in
effect that was done in this firſt yeare of king Edward the thirde hys
raigne, by and agaynſt thoſe offenders. But by|cauſe wee will not interrupt
matters of other yeares with that which followed further of this buſineſſe,
we haue thought good to put the whole that
wee intende to write thereof here in thys place.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Ye ſhall therefore
vnderſtand, that diuerſe of thoſe agaynſt whome exigentes were awarded, came
in, and yeelded their bodies to the Sherifes priſon, before they were called
the fifth Countie day. Albeit a great meinie there were that came not, and
ſo were outlawed. Robert Foxton got the kings pardon,Robert [...] pardoned. and ſo purchaſing forth [...] perſedias, the ſute therevpon agaynſt him [...] ſtayed.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Sherife therefore in
Whitſu [...] the ſeconde yeare of this kings raigne, made his returne touching
Benedict Sio, Robert Ruſ|ſell, and Iulian Barbor, that hee delyuered them
vnto the Baylifes of the libertie of the Abbot of Burie, by reaſon of an
auncient priui|ledge,A priuiledge. which the Abbot
claymed to belong to hys houſe. The Baylifes confeſſed they had receyued the
ſayde priſoners, but forſomuch as they had bene arraigned at a Portmane
mote,Portman [...]
which was vſed to be kept euery three weekes, and vpon their
arraignment were found guiltie of certaine other fellonies, by them
committed, within the towne of Burie, and therevpon were put to
execution,The Abb [...] officers has [...]+med. Adam Finchmã the kings Attourney there, tooke it
verie euill, and layde it grieuouſly to the change of the Abbots officers,
for their haſtie & preſump|tuous proceeding agaynſt the ſayde
priſoners, namely bycauſe the ſayde Sio, and Ruſſell were repriued, to the
ende that by their vtterance, many heynous offences might haue beene brought
to light. The ſame day that is to wit, Thurſday in Whitſunweeke, the
foreſayde Robert Foxton, & diuerſe other came in, and were attached
by the Sherif to anſwere the Abbot to his action of im|paſſe, which he
brought againſt thẽ, and putting the matter to the triall of an
Inqueſt,A conde [...]|tion. they were condemned in .lx. M. pounds to be leuied of
theyr goods and cattalles to the vſe of the Abbot, and in the meane time
they were committed to priſon, but firſte they made ſute that they might bee
put to their fines, for their offences committed a|gaynſt the kings peace,
& their requeſt in that be|half was graunted, ſo that vpon putting
in ſuffi|cient ſureties for their good abearing, their fines were aſſeſſed,
as ſome at more and ſome at leſſe, as the caſe was thought to require.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus reſted the matter
for a long ſeaſon after, till the fifth yere of this kings raigne, in which
the Thurſday next after the feaſt of the bleſſed Tri|nitie, the king being
himſelfe in perſon at S. Ed|mondſburie aforeſaid,An
agreeme [...]
a finall agreement and cõ|cord was concluded, betwixt the ſaid
Abbot and his conuent on the one party, and Richard Dray|ton and other the
Inhabitants of that towne on the other party, before the right reuerend
father in God Iohn Biſhop of Wincheſter and Chancel|lor of England, and the
kings Iuſtices, Iohn Stonore, and Iohn Cambridge ſitting there the ſame
time, by the kings commaundement. The effect of which agreement was as
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Firſt where as the ſayd
Abbot had recoueredThe Arri [...] of the agre [...]|ment. by iudgement before the ſayde Iohn Stonore and other
his aſſociates iuſtices of Oier and De|terminer in the ſaid towne of Bury
the ſumme of EEBO page image 889 vij. ſcore thouſand poundes for treſpaſſes to
him and his houſe cõmitted and done, by the ſaid Ri|chard Drayton, and
other the inhabitãts of Bu|rye. nowe at the deſyre of the ſayde Kyng, and
for other good reſpectes hym mouyng, her par|doned and releaſed vnto the
ſayde Rycharde Drayton, and to other the inhabitantes of Bu|rie, to their
heires, executours, and aſſignees the ſum of 12 [...]333. pounds .viij. ſs. 8. d of the ſaide to|tal ſum of
.140000. pounds. And further the ſaid
Abbotte and Conuent graunted and agreed for them and theyr ſucceſſours, that
if the ſayd Ri|charde Drayton, and other the inhabitantes of the ſayd towne
of Bury, or any of them, their heyres, executours, or aſſignees, ſhould paye
to the ſayd Abbot and Conuent, or their ſucceſſors within twentie yeares
next enſuyng the date of that preſent agreement, two thouſande markes, that
is to ſaye, one hundred markes yearely at the feaſtes of Saincte Michaell
and Eaſter, by euen portions: that then
the ſayde Richarde and other the inhabitauntes of the Towne of Bury ſhoulde
bee acquited and diſcharged of foure thouſand markes parcell of .17666.
pounds .xiij. ſs .iiij. d reſidue behynde for euer.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Moreouer, wheras the ſaid
Abbot & conuent, and the ſaid Abbot by himſelf, ſith the .xix. yeare
of the reigne of king Edwarde the ſeconde vnto that preſent tyme, had ſealed
certayne charters, deedes, and writinges, as well with the proper ſeale of the Abbot, as with the common ſcale of
the Abbot and conuent, if the ſayd Richard & the inhabitants of the
ſaid town of Bury did reſtore vnto the ſaid abbot & conuent all the
ſame wri|tings, or take ſuche order, that neither the Ab|botte nor conuent
be impleaded, or in any wyſe hindred, endamaged nor moleſted by force of the
ſame: & further if neither the ſaid Richard, nor a|ny the
inhabitantes of the ſayde towne, nor their heires, executors nor aſſignes,
ſhall goe about to reuerſe the iudgemẽnts
againſt them, at the ſuite of the ſaid Abbot, nor ſhall ſeeke to impeache
the executions of the ſame iudgements by any falſe or forged acquitãces or
releaſes, nor implead nor moleſt any of the Iurie, by whome they wer
cõ|uict, yt then they & their heires, executors & aſſigns
ſhal be acquited & diſcharged of .x.M. lb parcel of the
ſaid .17666. lb .xiij. ſs. iiij. d. And
furthermore if ye ſaid Richard & other the inhabitãts of ye ſaid
towne of Bury, do not hereafter maliciouſly riſe againſt the ſaid Abbot or conuente, nor ſeeke to vexe
them by any conſpiracie, confederacie, or by ſome other ſecrete vniuſt
cauſe, nor lykewyſe euill intreate any man by reaſon of the indite|mente
founde agaynſt them, nor yet clayme to haue any Corporation of themſelues,
within that towne, that then the ſayde Richarde, and the ſayde
Inhabitauntes, theyr heyres, ſucceſ|ſours, and aſſignees, ſhall remayne
acquyted and diſcharged of al the reſidue of the ſaid .17666. poundes
thirte [...] ſhillings foure pens for thee and the ſayde Abbot and conuent [...]o graunt for them [...] their ſucceſſor that their intention is not, that if any ſingular
perſon of his owne priuate malice, ſhall ryſe agaynſte the ſayde Ab|bot and
conuent, their ſu [...]ceſſoures, Monkes, Baylyffes, or ſeruauntes, [...] do them, or any of them iniurie or diſpleſure, that thoſe which do
not partakes of the offence, ſhall bee in anye wyſe puniſhed for the ſame,
ſo that the offenders bee not maynteyned by any of the ſame towne, but that
the inhabitauntes there, doe aſſiſt the Abbot and conuents their
ſucceſſoures, Bayliffes, ſer|uauntes and officers, that the ſame offenders,
may be puniſhed, according to theyr dementes as reaſon and lawe ſhall a [...]de.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Thys was the effecte of
the agreemente at lengthe had and made betwixte the Abbot and Monkes of
Burye on the one parte, and the in|habitauntes of that towne on the other
parte, and for the more confirmation thereof it pleaſed the King to put his
Seale to the charter contey|ning the ſame agreement. But howe ſoeuer it
chaunced it ſhoulde appeare by ſuche recordes as came to the hands of maſter
Foxe [...]he alledgeth in the firſte thome of his booke of actes and
mo|numentes, this agreement was but ſorilye kept:This
mighte come to paſſe before the a|greement vvas made in the .v. yeare of
the Kyngs raigne as aboue is mentioned, and ſo therevppon he mighte be
reſtored. for diuers of the former offenders bearing grudge
towardes the abbot for breaking promiſſe with them at London, did
confederate themſelues to|gither, and priuily in the night comming to the
Mannor of Chennington where the abbot then did lye, braſte open the gates,
and entring by force, firſt bounde all his ſeruants, and after they had
robbed the houſe, they took the abbot, and ſha|uing hym, ſecretely conueyed
him to London, and there remouing hym from ſtreete to ſtreete vnknowne,
hadde hym ouer the Thames into Kent, and at lengthe tranſported hym ouer
vnto Diſte in Brabant, wher they kept him for a time in much penurie
thraldome and miſerie, vntill at length the matter being vnderſtood, they
were al excõmunicate, firſt by the Archb. and after by the Pope. At the
laſt his frendes hauing knowledge where he was, they found meanes to deliuer
him out of the hãde of thoſe theues, & finally brought him home
with proceſſion, & ſo he was reſtored to his houſe again. Thus muche
touching thoſe troubles betwixt the townſmẽ of Bury & the ab|bot
& Monks there, & now we wil return to other general matters
touching the publike ſtate of the realme. And firſt you ſhal vnderſtãd yt
in the be|ginning of this kings raign the land truly ſemed to be bleſſed of
God: for the earth became fruitful, the aire temperate; & the ſea
calme & quiet. This king though he was as yet vnder ye gouernmẽt
of other, neuertheles he begã within a ſhort time to ſhew tokẽs of grit
towardnes, framing his mind EEBO page image 890 to graue deuices, and fyrſt he
prepared to make a iorney agaynſt the Scottiſhemen, the whiche in his
fathers tyme had done ſo many diſpleaſures to the Engliſhmen, and nowe vpon
confidence of his minoritie, ceaſſed not to inuade the bor|ders of his
realme, & namely the verie ſelfe nyght that folowed the day of this
kinges coronation,
R. Southwell.
Robert Man|ners capitayne of Norham ca|ſtell.
they had thoughte by ſkalyng to haue ſ [...]olne the Caſtell of Norham: but Robert Maners Cap|tayne of that place,
vnderſtandyng of their en|terpriſe
aforehand by a Scottiſhman of the gar|niſon there, ſo well prouided for
their comming, that where a ſixeteene of them boldely entred vpon the wall,
he ſlew nyne or ten of them, and toke fiue.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This was thoughte an
euill token, that they ſhuld ſtill be put to the worſe in this kyngs time,
ſith they had ſo badde ſucceſſe in the verie begin|ning of his reigne: but
they continuing in their malicious purpoſes, about Sainte Margaretes
tyde inuaded the lande with three
armies, the Earle of Murrey hauyng the leading of one of the ſame
armies,The Scots in|made Englande. and Iames
Douglas of ano|ther, the third was guyded by the Earle of Mar.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Kyng Edwarde aduertiſed
hereof, aſſembled not onely a great power of Engliſhmen, but al|ſo required
Iohn Lorde Beaumonte of [...]|nault,The [...] of [...]
whome he had lately ſente home ryght honourably rewarded for his
good aſſiſtance, to come againe into Englande, wyth certayne han|des of men
at armes, and he ſhould receyue wa|ges and good entertainement for them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Beaumount, as
one that [...] deedes of armes, was glad to accompliſhe Kyng Edwardes requeſte:Caxton. and ſo therupon with ſeuen hundred menne at
armes, or fyue hundred, (as Froſſart hath) came ouer into England agayn, to
ſerue agaynſt the Scottes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The generall aſſemble of
the armie was ap|poynted to bee at Yorke, and thyther came the ſayd lorde
Beaumont with his people, and was ioyfully receyued of the Kyng and his
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Here whyleſt not onely
the Scottiſhe ambaſ|ſadours, (whiche had bin ſente to treat of peace; were
hearde to tell their meſſage) but alſo why|leſt the Counſell tooke ſome
leyſure in debalyng the matter howe to guyde theyr enterpryſe, whi|che they
had now in hand: vpon Trinitie Sun|day, it chanced that there aroſe
contention with|in the Citie of Yorke, betwixte the Engliſhe ar|chers, and
the Straungers, whiche the Lorde Beaumount of Haynnault had broughte wyth
[figure appears here on page 890] hym,
An affraye be|twixt the En+gliſhe archers and the Hen|n [...]yers
Caxt [...]
in ſo muche that fighting togyther there were ſlayne to the number
of foure ſcore perſons of thoſe archers, whiche were buried within the
Churche of Saint Clement in
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Some write, that ther wer
ſlayn to the num|ber of three hundreth Engliſhemenne: yet by|cauſe the
Haynuyers came to ayde the Kyng, their peace was cried vppon paine of life.
And further,Froiſſart. it was founde by an enqueſt
of the citie, that the quarrell was begunne by the Engliſhe|men, the which
as ſome write were of the Lin|colne ſhire men,Caxton.
Froiſſart. of thoſe that ſometyme belon|ged to the Spencers, and
to the Earle of Arun|dell, ſo that there
was cauſe, why they bare euill will to the Haynnuyers whych had aided (as ye
haue heard, to bring the ſaide Earle and Spencers to their confuſion.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this meane time the
Scottes beeyng en|tred into Englande, hadde done muche hurt, and were come
as farre as Stannop Parke in Wyredale:
Stanhop parke.
and thoughe they hadde ſent theyr Ambaſſadours to treate wyth the
Kyng and hys counſell for peace, yet no concluſyon followed of their
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At the ſame tyme, bycauſe
the Engliſh ſoul|diours of this armie were cloathed all in coates and hoodes
embroudred with Floures and bran|ches verye ſeemely, and vſed to nouriſhe
theyr beardes: the Scottes in deriſion thereof, made a ryme, whiche they
faſtned vppon the Churche dores of Sainct Peter towarde Stangate,
con|teyning as followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
Long beardes, harteleſſe,A ryme in [...]+ [...]ion of the Engli [...].
Paynted hoodes, wytleſſe,
Gaye coates, graceleſſe,
Make Englande thriftleſſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Kyng when he ſawe it
was but a va [...] thing to ſtay any longer in cõmunication with the Ambaſſadors about
peace, departed frõ York with his puiſſant armie, and getting knowledge how
the Scots were cloſely lodged in the woods of Stanop parke, he cõmeth
& ſtoppeth all the EEBO page image 891 paſſages, ſo it was
thought that he ſhould haue had them at his pleaſure, but through treaſon
(as was after reported) of the Lord Roger Morty|mer, after that the Scottes
had bin kepte within their lodgings for the ſpace of fifteene dayes, till
they were almoſte famiſhed, they did not onely fynd a way out, but about two
hundred of them vnder the leading of the Lorde William Dou|glas,
The lorde Douglas.
aſſayling th part of the Engliſh campe where the kings Tenteſtoode,
in the night ſeaſon, miſſed not muche of
eyther taking the King or ſleayng hym: And hauing done hurte ynough o|ther
wayes, as in the Scottiſhe Chronicle is al|ſo touched, they followed their
companye, and with them retourned into Scotlande wythoute impeachement.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It is ſayde, that Henry
Earle of Lancaſter, and Iohn the lord Beaumont of Heynalt wold gladly haue
paſſed ouer the water of Wyre, to haue aſſayled the Scots, but the Erle of
March through counſell of the Lord
Mortimer preten|ding to haue right to the leading of the fore ward and to
the gi [...]yng the of on ſet firſte, woulde not ſuffer them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Howe ſoeuer it was, the
Kyng miſſed hys purpoſe, and right penſiue therfore, brake vp his fielde,
and retourned vnto London.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Walter Biſhoppe of
Canterburie departed this lyfe in Nouember, and then Simon Me|phan [...] was aduaunced to the gouernemente of that ſea.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Beaumount of
Heynalt was ho|norably rewarded for his paynes and trauayle,
The Lorde Beaumont re|turned home.
and their licenced to returne into his countreye, where he had not
bene long, but that through his meanes, (then as ſome write) the mariage was
concluded betwene king Edward, and the Lady Philip daughter to William Earle
of Haynaule and neece to the ſayde Lorde Beaumount, who had the charge to
ſee hee brought ouer hither into Englande about Chriſtmaſſe.
1 [...]8
Where in the ci|tie of Yorke vpon the euen of the Conuerſion of
Saint Paule, being Sunday, in the latter ende of the firſt yeare of his
raigne, Kyng Edward
[figure appears here on page 891] ſolemnely maryed hir.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the ſeconde yeare of
his reigne aboute the feaſt of Pentecoſt,
An. reg. 2.
A parliament [...]e Northamp| [...]on.
king Edward helde a parlia|ment at Northampton, at the which
parliament by euill and naughtie counſell, whereof the lord Roger Mortymer
and the Queene mother bare the blame,A dishonourable
peace. the Kyng concluded wyth the Scot|tiſhe King both an
vnprofitable and a diſhono|rable
Compare 1587 edition:
1 For firſte, hee releaſſed
to the Scottes their feauſtie and homage. Alſo hee delyuered vnto them
certayne olde aunciente writings, ſealed with the ſeales of the Kyng of
Scottes, and of dyuers Lordes of the lande both Spirituall and Temporall
Amongeſt the whyche, was that Indenture,Ragman.
whyche they called Ragman, with many other Charters and patents, by the
which the kinges of Scotlande were bounde as feoda|ries vnto the Crowne of
Englande,R. Fabian. Caxton. at whiche ſeaſon
alſo were deliuered certain Iewels, which before tyme had beene wonne from
the Scottes by Kynges of Englande, and among other,The
blacke Croſſe. the blacke Croſier or Roode is ſpecially named.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And not onely the King by
his ſiniſter coun|ſell loſte ſuche ryghte and title as he had to the realme
of Scotlande, ſo farre as by the ſame Counſell myght bee deuyſed, but alſo
the Lor|des and Barons, and other menne of Eng|land that had any lands or
rents within Scot|lande, loſte theyr ryghte in lyke manner, except they
woulde dwell vppon the ſame landes, and become liege menne to the Kyng of
Scot|lande.A marriage concluded. Herevppon was
there alſo a marryage concluded betwyxte Dauid Bruce the ſonne of EEBO page image 892 Robert Bruce king of Scotland, and the Ladie Iane
ſiſter to king Edwarde, whiche of diuers writers is ſurnamed Ioan of the
Tower, and the Scots ſurnamed hir halfe in deriſion,Ione
make peace. Ioan make peace.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This marriage was
ſolemniſed at Berwike vpon the day of Mary Magdalen. The Queene with the
Biſhops of Elye, & Norwich, the Erle Warreyn,R.
Southwell. the Lorde Mortimer, and diuers o|ther Barons of the
lande, and a great multitude of other
people were preſente at that marriage, whyche was celebrate wyth all honoure
that might bee.
Compare 1587 edition:
The VValſ. Adam Me|rimouth. Polidore.
Creations of Earles.
After the Quindene of Saincte Michael, K. Edwarde helde a parliamente
at Saliſbury, in whiche the Lorde Roger Mortymer was crea|ted Earle of
Marche, the Lorde Iohn of El|tham the kings brother, was made erle of
Corn|wall, and the Lorde Iames Butler of Ireland, Erle of Ormonde who aboute
the ſame tyme had marryed the Earle of
Herefordes daughter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But the Earle of March
tooke the moſt part of the rule of all things perteyning eyther to the King
or realme into his owne handes:The Earle of Marche ruleth
all thinges at his pleaſure. So that the whole gouernment reſted
in a maner betwixt the Queene mother and hym. The other of the Counſell that
were firſt appoynted, were in ma|ner diſplaced: for they bare no rule to
ſpeake of at all, whiche cauſed no ſmall grudge to ariſe a|gainſt the Queene
and the ſayd Erle of March, who maynteyned
ſuche portes,Caxton. and kept among them ſuche
retinue of ſeruauntes, that their pro|uiſion was wonderfull, whiche they
cauſed to be taken vp, namely for the Queene, at the kinges price, to the
ſore oppreſſion of the people, which tooke it diſpleaſauntly ynough.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Earle of Lancaſter.There was lyke to haue
growen great vary|ance betwixte the Queene and Henrye Earle of Lancaſter, by
reaſon that one ſir Thomas Wi|ther, a knighte pertayning to the ſayde Earle
of Lancaſter,Robert
Hol|lande [...]y [...]e. had ſlayne Robert Holland, who had betrayed ſometyme
Thomas Earle of Lanca|caſter, and was after committed to pryſon by Earle
Henries meanes, but the Quene had cau|ſed hym to be ſet at libertie, and
admitted him as one of hir counſell. The Queene would haue had ſir Thomas
Wither puniſhed for the mur|ther, but Erle Henry cauſed him to bee kepte out
of the way, ſo that for theſe cauſes and other, the Earle Henry of Lancaſter
went about to make a rebellion, and the
Queene hauing knowledge thereof, ſought to apprehende hym: but by the
mediation of the Earles Marſhall and Kent,The Archbish.
of Canterburye vvas the chie [...]e procurer of the agreement and reconcilia|tion of the erle, (at
Mer [...]outh hath.) the matter was taken vp, and Erle Henry hadde
the kings peace granted him for the ſumme of xi.M. pound, which he ſhould
haue payde, but he n [...]er payde that fine, thoughe it was ſo aſſeſſed at the time of the
agreemente. There were diuers lor|des and great men that were confederated
with hym, the lord Thomas Wake,A [...]
the lorde Henry Beaumount, the Lorde Foulke Fitz Warreyn, Sir Thomas
Roſſelyn, Sir William Truſ|ſell, and other, to the number of an hundred
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the third yeare of his
An. reg.
about the Aſ|cention tyde, King Edwarde wente ouer into Fraunce, and
comming to the Frenche Kyng Philyp de Valoys, as then being at A [...]yens, did there his homage vnto him for ye duchie of Guy|enne (as in
the Frenche hiſtorie appeareth.)
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame yeare Simon the
Archebiſhoppe of Canterburie held a Synode at London, wherin all thoſe were
excommunicated that were guyl|tie to the death of Walter Stapleton Biſhop of
Exceſter, that had bin put to deth by the Londo|ners, as in the laſt kings
tyme ye haue heard.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This Biſhop of Exceſter
founded Exceſter colledge in Oxford, and Harts hall. But nowe to the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king aboute the
beginning, or as other haue, about the middle of Lent,Tho. VVe [...]
held a parliamẽt at Wincheſter, during the whiche Edmunde of
Woodſtock, erle of Kent,R. So [...]
the kings Vncle was arreſted the morow after Saint Gregories
day,Addition to Me [...]. and being arraigned vpon certayne confeſſions and letters
founde about him, he was found gil|tie of treaſon. There were dyuers in
trouble a|bout the ſame matter, for the Erle vpon his open confeſſion before
ſundrie lordes of the realme, de|clared, that not only by cõmaundement from
the Pope, but alſo by the ſetting on of dyuers nobles of this land (whom he
named) he was perſuaded to endeuor himſelf by all ways and meanes poſ|ſible
how to deliuer his brother king Edward the ſeconde out of priſon, and to
reſtore him to the Crowne, whome one Thomas Dunhed,Tho.
Du [...] a Fryer. a Frier of the order of Preachers in London,
aſſigned for certain to be aliue, hauing (as he himſelf [...]id) called vp a ſpirite to vnderſtande the truthe ther|of, and ſo what
by counſell of the ſayd Frier, and of three other Friers of the ſame
order,Tho. VV [...]
he hadde purpoſed to woorke ſome meane howe to dely|uer hym, and to
reſtore hym agayne to the kingdome
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Among the letters that
were found about him diſcloſing a greate part of his practiſe, ſome there
were, whiche he had written, and directed vnto his brother the ſayd king
Edwarde, as by ſome writers it ſhoulde appeare.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Biſhop of London and
certayne other great perſonages, whome he hadde accuſed,1330 were permitted to go at libertie,An. reg.
vnder ſureties taken for their good demeanour and foorth commyng.
But Roberte de Touton, and the Frier that hadde rayſed the Spirite for to
knowe whe|ther the Kynges father were lyuyng or not, EEBO page image 893 were
committed to priſon, wherein the Fryer re|mayned tyll he dyed. The Earle
hymſelfe was had out of the Caſtell gate at Wincheſter, and
[figure appears here on page 893]
there loſt his head the .xix. day of
Marche,The Earle of [...]ent beheaded. chief|ly (as
was thought) through the malice of the Queene mother, and of the Earle of
Marche: whoſe pride and hygh preſumption the ſayd Erle of Kente myght not
well abyde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 His death in deede was
the leſſe lamented, by|cauſe of the preſumptuous gouernement of hys
ſeruantes and retinue,Naughtye ſer|uantes bryng [...]he maiſter into [...]no [...]r. whiche he kept about him, for that they riding abrode,
woulde take vp thin|ges at their pleaſure, not paying nor agreeyng with the
partie to whome ſuche things belonged.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The yong Queene Philippe
was brought to bedde at Woodſtocke the .xv.The blacke
[...]ince borne. day of Iune of hir firſte ſonne, the whyche at
the Fourſtone was named Edwarde, and in proceſſe of tyme came to greate
proofe of famous chieualrye, as in this booke ſhall more playnely appeare.
He was com|monly named when hee came to rype yeares, Prynce Edwarde, and
alſo ſurnamed the blacke Prince.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſixteenth day of Iuly
chaunced a great Eclipſe of the Sunne,
An Eclipſe.
and for the ſpace of two Moneths before, and three monethes after,
there fell exceding greate rayne, ſo that thorough the greate intemperancie
of wether, corne could not rypen, by reaſon whereof, in many places they
beganne not harueſt tyll Michaelmaſſe,A late
harueſt. and in ſome place, they inned not their wheate tyll
Al|hallonfyde, nor their peaſe tyl S. Andrews tyde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On Chriſtmaſſe euen,
aboute the breake of dy, a meruaylous ſore and terrible wynd came,A mightye vvinde. foorthe of the weſte, whyche
ouerthrewe houſes and buyldings, ouertourned trees by the rootes, and did
muche hurte in diuers places.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare ſhortely after
Eaſter, the Kyng wyth the Biſhoppe of Wincheſter, and the lord Willyam
Montacute hauing not paſte fifteene horſes in their company paſſed the ſea,
apparelled in [...] to marchantes, he lefte his brother the Earle of Cornewall his
deputie, and gardian of the realme till his retourne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, he cauſed it to
bee proclaymed in London, that he went ouer on pilgrimage, and for [...] other purpoſe. He retourned before the [...] ende of Aprill, and then was there holden a Tourney at Dertforf.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Monday after Saint
Mathewes day in
[figure appears here on page 893] September the Kyng helde a
ſolemne Iuſtes in Cheape ſyde, betwixt the greate Croſſe and So|per lane, he
with .xij. as Chalengers, anſwering all defendants that came. This ſolemne
Iuſtes and tourney continued .iij. dayes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Queene with many
Ladies beeing pre|ſente at the ſame, fell beſyde a ſtage, but yet as good
happe would, they had no hurte by that fall, to the reioycing of many that
ſaw them in ſuche danger, & yet ſo luckily to eſcape without
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo in a Parliament
holden at Notingham, aboute Saincte Lukes tyde, Syr Roger Mor|tymer EEBO page image 894 the Earle of Marche was apprehen|ded the ſeuententh daye of
October within the Caſtell of Notyngham, where the Kyng with the two
Queenes, his mother and his wife, and diuers other were as then lodged: and
thoughe the keyes of the Caſtell were dayly and nightly in the cuſtodie of
the ſayd Earle of March, and that his power was ſuche, as it was doubted
howe he myght be arreſted:Additions to Triuet. for
he hadde as ſome writers affirme at that preſente in retinue nyne ſcore knights, beſyde Eſquires, Gentlemen and
yeomen: yet at lengthe by the kings healpe, the Lorde William Montacute, the
Lorde Hum|freye de Bohun, and his brother ſir William, the Lorde Raufe
Stafforde, the Lorde Robert Vf|forde, the Lorde William Clinton, the Lorde
Iohn Neuill of Hornbie, and diuers other, whi|che had accuſed the ſayd Earle
of March for the murder of Kyng Edwarde the ſeconde, founde meanes by
intelligence had with ſir William de
Elande Couneſtable of the Caſtell of Noting|ham, to take the ſayd Earle of
March wyth his ſonne the Lorde Roger or Geffreye Mortimer, and ſir Simon
Bereforde, with other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Sir Hugh Trumpington or
Turrington (as ſome Copies haue) that was one of his chiefeſt frendes, with
certayne other were ſlayn, as they were aboute to reſiſt agaynſt the Lorde
Monta|cute, and his companie in taking of the ſayd erle.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The maner of his taking I
paſſe ouer, bicauſe of the diuerſitie in report thereof by ſundry wri|ters.
From Notingham he was ſent vp to
Lon|don with his ſonne the Lorde Roger or Geffrey de Mortimer, ſir Symon
Bereforde, and the o|ther pryſoners, where they were committed to priſon in
the Tower.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortly after was a
parliamẽt called at Weſt|minſter, chiefly as was thought for reformation of
things diſordered through the miſgouernance of the Earle of Marche.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But who ſoeuer was glad
or ſory for the trou|ble of the ſayd Earle, ſurely the Queene mother tooke
it moſte heauyly aboue all other, (as ſhe that loued him more (as the fame
wente) than ſtoode well with hir honour. For as ſome write,M [...]. F [...]. ſhe was founde to be with chylde by him. They kepte as it
were houſe togither, for the Earle to haue hys prouiſion the better Cheape,
layde hys penye with hirs, ſo that hir takers ſerued him as well as they did
hir bothe of victualles and caria|ges. But nowe in this Parliamente holden
at Weſtminſter hee was attainted of highe treaſon expreſſed in fiue
articles, as in effecte followeth.The Earle of Mar [...] a| [...]yned.
Compare 1587 edition:
5 Firſt, he was charged
that he hadde procured Edwarde of Carneruan the kings father to bee
murthered in moſt haynous and tyrannous ma|ner within the caſtel of Berkley.
Secondly, that the Scottes at Stanhope Parke throughe his meanes eſcaped.
Thirdy, that he receiued at the hands of the lord Iames Douglas, at that
time generall of the Scottes, great ſummes of money to execute that treaſon,
and further to conclude the peace vppon ſuche diſhonorable couenantes as was
accorded with the Scottes at the parli|ament of Northampton. Fourthely, that
hee had gotte into his handes a greate parte of the Kyngs treaſure, and
waſted it. Fyfthly, that hee hadde impropried vnto hym dyuers war|des that
belonged vnto the Kyng: and had bin more priuie wyth Queene Iſabell the
Kynges mother, than ſtood eyther with Gods law, or the kynges pleaſure.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe articles wyth other
beeyng proued a|gainſt him, he was adiudged by authoritie of the parliament
to ſuffer death, and according there|vnto, vppon Saincte Andrewes euen nexte
en|ſuing, he was at London drawen and hanged, at the common place of
Execution, called in
[figure appears here on page 894]
EEBO page image 895 thoſe dayes the E [...]mes and nowe Tyborne, as in ſome bookes we fynde.
Adam Me|remuth.
The Earle of Marche exe|cuted.
His bodie remayned two dayes and two nightes on the Gallowes, and
after taken downe was deliuered to the Fri|ers Minors, who buryed him in
their church the morrowe after he was deliuered to them, wyth greate pompe
and funerall exequies, althoughe afterwardes, hee was taken vp and carried
with Wigmore, whereof he was lorde. He came out to his anſwere in iudgement,
no more than any other of the nobilitie
had done, ſince the death of Thomas Earle of Lancaſter.
Compare 1587 edition:
Syr Symon Bereford exe|cuted.Syr Symon de Bereford
knyghte that had bene one of the kings Iuſtices, was drawne al|ſo and hanged
at London, vpon S. Lucies day.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this parliament holden
at Weſtminſter the Kyng tooke into his hande by a [...]u [...]ce of the eſta|tes there aſſembled, all the poſſeſſions, lands and
reuenues that belonged to the Queene, his mo|ther,Some
bookes haue thre thou|ſande pound. ſhe hauing aſſigned to hir a
thouſand poun|des by yeare, for the
maintenaunce of hir eſtate, being appointed to remayne in a certayne place,
and not to goe elſe where abroade: yet the King to comforte hir, woulde
lyghtely euerye [...] once come to viſite hir.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After that the Earle of
Marche was [...]|ted (as ye haue hearde) dyuers noble men that were departed the
Realme, bycauſe they coulde not abyde the pride and preſumption of the ſayd
Earle,Adam Mer+ [...]uth. howe returned: A [...] the ſonne and heyre of the Earle of
Arundell, the Lorde Thomas Wa [...]e, the Lorde Henry Beaumont, ſir Tho|mas de Roſſelyn, Sir Foul [...]e Fitz W [...]|reyne; Sir Gryffyn de la [...]oole, and [...] other.
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 3.
Edvvard [...]al| [...] commeth [...]to Englande.
In the fifth yeare of King Edwardes [...] Edward [...] came [...] of Fraunce [...] Englande, and obteyned ſuche [...] for our, the aſſiſtance of the Lorde Henrye Beaumont, the Lord Dauid
of Scrabogy Earle of [...]
the Lorde Geffrey de Mowbray, the lord
Wal|ter C [...]y [...], and other that king Edward gran|ted hym: licence to make his
prouiſion in Eng|lande to paſſe into Scotlande wyth an [...] of men to attempte the recouerie of his right to the crowne of
Scotlande, with condition that if he recouered it, he ſhoulde acknowledge to
holde it of the kyng of Englande as ſuperiour Lorde of Scotlande.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The commyng awaye of
Edwarde Bal|liolie oute of Fraunce is
dyuerſelye reported by writers:Caxton. ſome ſaye,
that hee was ayded by the French king, whoſe ſiſter he had maryed: and
o|ther ſaye,
[...]ohn Barnabie that he being in priſon in Fraunce, for the
eſcape of an Engliſhman, one Iohn Barna|bye Eſquier, which had ſlaine a
Frenchman by chance of quarelling in the town of Dampierre, where the ſame
Barnabie dwelled with the ſaide Edwarde Balliol, it ſo came to paſſe that
the Lord Henrie Beaumont hauing occaſion of bu|ſyneſſe wyth the Frenche
Kyng,The Lorde Beaumont. that fauoured him
w [...]ll came ouer into Fraunce, and there vn|der ſtanding of Balliols
impriſonement, procu|red his deliueraunce, and brought him ouer into
Englande, and cauſed him to remayne in ſe [...] wiſe at the Manor of [...]all vppon [...] Yorkeſhire, with the Ladie [...]eſ [...]ie, till hee had purchaſed the Kinges graunt for him to make his
promiſ [...] of men of warre and ſhips within the Engliſhe dominions.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the [...]te yeare of King Edwards raigne Reignolde Erle o Gelderland maried the
Ladie Eleanor ſ [...]er to this King Edwarde the thirde,
An. reg. 6.
The Earle of Gelderlande.
who gaue vnto the ſayde Earle wyth hir for hir portion, fifteene
thouſande poundes ſter|lyng.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Iſabell the kinges
daughter was borne alſo this yeare at Woodſtocke. After that Ed|warde
Balliol had prepared and made read [...] his purueyances for his iourney, and that his men of warre wer
aſſembled & come togither, being in al not paſte [...] of armes and about twoo thouſande archers and other footemen hee
tooke thoſe [...] at Rauenſpurgh in Yorkeſhire, and [...] thence directing his courſe Northewarde he arriued at lengthe in
Scotland;Edvvard Bal|lioll crovvned K. of
Scotland. wher he atchie|uing g [...]t vict [...]es (as in the Scottiſh chronicle yee may reade more at large) was
finally crow|ned king of that Realme. It may ſeeme a won|der to many [...] that the king of Englande woulde perſuit Edwarde Balliol to make his
prouiſion thus in Englande and to ſuffer his people to aide him againſte his
brother in lawe Kyng Dauid that had married his ſiſter (as before yee haue
heard,) In deede at the firſte hee was not [...]erie read [...] to graunt theyr ſute that moued it,The cauſe that
moued K. Ed|vvarde to ayd the Ballioll. but at lengthe hee was
contented to diſſemble the matter, in hope that if Edwarde Balliol had good
ſucceſſe, hee ſhoulde then recouer that a|gaine, whiche by the concluſion of
peace du|ring his minoritie, hee had throughe euill coun|ſel, reſigned out
of his handes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Scot [...]neuertheleſſe in December cha|ſed theyr newe Kyng, Edwarde Balliol out
of Scotlande, ſo that hee was faine to retire into Englande, and celebrated
the feaſte of the Na|tiuitie at Carleil, in the houſe of the Friers mi|nors,
and the morrows after, beeing Sainct Stephens daye, hee wente into
Weſtmerlande, where of the lorde Clifforde hee was right ho|nourably
Ro. Southwell
Edvvard Bal|l [...]oll chaſed out of Scotlande.
to whome hee then graun|ted Douglas, Dale in Scotlande, whiche had
bene graunted to the ſaide lord Cliffords grand|father in the dayes of Kyng
Edwarde the firſt, if hee might at any time recouer the Realme of Scotlande
out of his aduerſaries handes.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 896After thys, he went and lay a tyme with the Ladie
of Gynes,An. reg. 7.
that was his kinſewoman. Fi|nally about the .x. day of Marche,
hauing aſſem|bled a power of Engliſhemen and Scottiſhmen he entred
Scotlande,Borvvike be|ſieged. and beſieged the
towne of Berwike, duryng the whyche ſiege, many en|terpriſes were attempted
by the parties: and a|mongeſt other, the Scottes entred Englande by
Carleile, doing muche miſchiefe in Gilleſtande, by brennyng, killyng,
robbing, and ſpoylyng.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king aduertiſed
hereof, thought himſelfe diſcharged of the agreement concluded betwixte him
and Dauid Bruce, the ſonne of Rob. Bruce that had married hys ſyſter, and
therfore tooke it to be lawfull for hym to ayde his couſin Edw. Ballioll,
the lawfull king of Scottes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And herewyth aſſembling
an armie, came to the ſiege of Berwike, together with his brother Iohn of
Eltham, Earle of Cornewall,The v [...] of Engl [...] at Ha [...]
and o|ther noble menne, ſeeking by all meanes poſſible howe to winne
the Towne and finally diſcom|fited an armie of Scots, whiche came to the
[figure appears here on page 896] therof vpon Halidon hill, in ſleaing
of them what in the fighte and chaſe, ſeuen Earles, nine hundred knightes
and baronnettes, foure hun|dred Eſquiers, and vpon .xxxij. thouſande of the
common people: and of Engliſhmen were ſlain but .xv. perſons, as our Engliſh
wryters make mention.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Scottiſh writers
confeſſe, that the Scot|tiſhemen loſt to the number of .xiiij.
Compare 1587 edition:
Bervvike deli|uered.On the morrowe folowing, being
S. Mar|garets day, the towne of Berwike was rendred vnto king Edward, with
the Caſtell, as in the Scottiſhe Chronicle ye maye reade, with more matter
touchyng the ſiege and battaile afore|ſayde, and therefore here in fewe
words, I paſſe it ouer.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edward hauing thus
ſp [...] his buſines left a power of men
with Edward Balliole,The lord Ri|chard Talbot.
vn|der the conduct of the lord Richard Talbot, and returned himſelfe backe
into. Englande, appoyn|ting the Lorde Percye to bee gouernoure of the Towne
of Ber [...]re, and ſir Thomas Greye knight, his lieutenant.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lord Iohn Daroy,
lorde chiefe Iuſtice of Ireland,The Lorde Iu|ſtice of
Ireland commeth into Scotlande. leauyng the Lord Thomas Burgh his
deputie in that countrey, pa [...]d ouer wyth an armye into Scotlande, to ayde the Kyng, who (as ye haue hearde) was there the ſame tyme in
perſon. And ſo by the kyng on one ſyde, and by the Iriſhmenne on an other,
Scotlande was ſubdued, and reſtored vnto Balliole, who the morrowe after the
Octaues of the Natiui|tie of our Ladie, helde a Parliament at Sainct Iohns
towne, in the whiche he reuoked & made voyde all actes, whyche the
late King of Scots Roberte Bruce hadde enacted or made: and fur|ther
ordeyned, that all ſuche landes and poſ|ſeſſions as the ſayde Bruce hadde
giuen to any manner of perſon, ſhould bee taken from them, and reſtored to
the former and true inhery|toure.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thys yere about the
twelfth of October, Si|mon Mepham Archbiſh. of Canterbury, depar|ted this
life, in whoſe place ſucceded Iohn Steet forde,Ada [...]
[...]+mouth. being remoued from the ſea of Wynche|ſter, whereof
hee was Biſhoppe, before that hee was thus called to the ſea of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After Candelmaſſe,
A [...]. reg. Ad [...]
[...] Ada [...]+ [...]th.
A parliament at Yorke.
the Kyng of Englande repaired towardes Yorke, there to holde a
par|liament, to the whiche (beginnyng the Monday in the ſeconde w [...]ke in Lent,) when Edwarde Balliol doubting to be ſurpriſed by his
aduerſa|ries, coulde not come, hee ſente yet the Lorde Henrie de Beaumont,
and the Lorde William de Montat [...]te, to make excuſe for him.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The kyng of Englande,
paſſing farther into the Northe partes, helde hys Wh [...]ſon [...]yde at Newe Caſtell vpon Tyne, with greate royal|tie: And ſhortly
after, Edward Balliol Kyng of Scottes came thither,Edvvard Bal|lioll d [...] ho+mage [...] king of Eng|land for S [...]+lande. and vpon the ninteenth daye of Iune, made his homage
vnto the king of Englande, and ſware vnto him fealtie in the preſence of a
greate number of Nobles and Gentlemen there aſſembled, as to his ſuperiour
and chiefe Lorde of the Realme of Scotlande, byndyng hymſelfe by that othe,
to hold the ſame realme of the king of Englande, his heires and ſucceſſors
for euer. He alſo gaue & grãted vnto ye K. of England at ye time
.v. coũties next adioy|ning vnto ye borders of Englãd, as Berwik and EEBO page image 897 Rockſburgh Peplis, and Dunfres, the townes of
Hadington and Gedworthe, with the caſtell, the forreſtes of Silkirke,
Etherike, and Ged|worth, ſo as all theſe portions ſhould be ele [...]e|ly ſeparated from the crowne of Scotland, and annexed vnto the
crowne of England for euer. And theſe thinges were confirmed and robora|ted
with othe, ſcepter, and witneſſe ſufficient.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whiche thinges done in
due order as was requiſite, the Kyng of Englande retourned home, and the Kyngs wente backe into Scot|lande. And then
were all ſuche lordes reſtored againe to their landes and poſſeſſions in
Scot|lande, whiche in the dayes of Edwarde the ſeconde had bene expulſed
from the ſame: and nowe they did theyr homage vnto the King of Scotlande for
thoſe landes as apperteyned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Immediatly after, the
Kyng of Englande called a counſell of his Lordes ſpirituall and temporall at Notingham, commaundyng them to meete
h [...]m there aboute the thirteenthe daye of Iuly, there to conſult, with
hym of weightie cauſes concerning the ſtate of the realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare on Sainct
Clementes daye at night whiche falleth on the three and twentieth of
Nouember, throught a maruellouſe inu [...]|dation and ciſing of the ſea all alongeſt by the coaſtes of this
[...]ation of [...]e ſea. but eſpecially about the Thames, the ſea bankes or
walles were broken and borne downe with
violence of the water, and infinite numbers of heaſtes and cat [...]aile drowned, fruitfull grounds and paſtures were made ſalte marſhes
[...]o as there was no hope that in long time they ſhoulde recouer againe
theyr former fruitfulneſſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this meane time the
Frenche Kyng was appoynted to haue made a viage againſte the Sarazins
enemies of our faith, and had ſente to the Kyng of England, requering him
of his companie in that iourney. But
the king of Englande beeing otherwiſe occupied wyth the affaires of
Scotlande, ma [...] no direct aun|ſwere therevnto,Ambaſſadors from the
Frẽch [...]ng. ſo that the Frenche kyng per|ceyuing that the kyng of
Englande was not in all things well pleaſed with him, thought good before
hee ſet forewarde on that iourney to vn|derſtande his meaning, and
therevppon ſente eftſoones vnto him other ambaſſadours. Theſe ambaſſadours
arriued here in Englande and had audience, but nothing they concluded in
effect, ſaue that the kyng promiſed to
ſende his ambaſſadours ouer into Fraunce to haue fur|ther communication in
the matter touching ſuche pointes of variaunce as depended bee|twixt
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Although Edward Balliol
by the puiſſ [...]ce of the king of Englandes, aſſiſtaunce had gotte the moſte parte of
the Realme of Scotland in|to his handes, yet diuers caſtels were holden
a|gainſte him, and the Scots dayly ſtipped from him, and by open rebellion
moleſted him dy|uers wayes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king of England
aduertiſed therof cal|led a parliament at London,
R. Southwell.
A parliamente at London.
wherin hee tooke order for his iourney into Scotland, had a tenth
and a fifteenth graunted hym, and ſo abouts At ballontide, hee came to
Newecaſtell vppon Tine, with his army, and remained there [...]ill the feaſt of Saint Katherin, and then entring into Scotlande, came
to Rockeſburgh,
The king en|treth into Scot+land vvith an armie.
where he repared the Caſtell which had ben aforetime deſtroyed.
After the thirde daye of Chriſtmaſſe was paſte the kyng of Englande entred
into Ethricke [...]r [...]ſt, beating it vp and downe, but the Scottes would not come within his
reach: wherevpon he ſent the Kyng of Scottes that was there preſent with
him, and the Earles of Warwicke and Oxforde and [...]rten other ba|rons and knyghtes, wyth theyr retinues vnto Carlei [...] to keepe and defende thoſe Weſt parts of the realme from the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In their iourney
thitherwardes, they went by Peplis to apprehend certaine Scots, whome they
heard to be lodged & abiding thereabouts, but when they founde them
not, they waſted the countrey, and tourned ſtreight to Carleiſ, whereafter
the Epiphanie there aſſembled an armie foorthe of the Counties of Lancaſter,
Weſt [...]and and Cumberland by the kinges appointement, whiche army togither
with the kyng of Scottes and the other Lordes there founde, entred Scotland,
and did muche [...] in the country of Galloway,Marl. deſtroying
towns and all that they found abroade, but the people were fled and
withdrawe [...] out of theyr way. And when they had taken their pleaſure, the Kyng of
Scottes ratourned backe to Caſtell.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare three foll
g [...]e abundaunce of raine,A dearth and death of
cattel. and therevppon enſued morraine of beaſtes: alſo corne [...]o failed this yeare, that a quarter of wheate was ſolde at fortie
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Finally when the kyng had
finiſhed his buſi|neſſe in Scotlande,An. reg. 9.
as to his ſeeming ſtoode with his pleaſure, he retourned into
England,Ambaſſadours ſent into Frãce and
ſhortely after hee ſente the Archbyſhoppe of Canterburye, ſir Phillippe de
Montacute, and Geffrey Scrope vnto the Frenche king to conclude a firme
amitie and league with him.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe Lords comming into
France, were not at the firſte admitted to the Frenche Kings preſence, till
they ſhewed themſelues halfe greened with that ſtraunge [...]raling: for then finally were they brought vnto hym who gent|ly
receyued them, and cauſed the matter to bee entreated of aboute the whiche
they were ſente, in furthering whereof, ſuche diligence w [...]
EEBO page image 898 vſed that finally a concluſion of peace and
con|cord was agreed and ſo farre paſſed, that pro|clamation thereof ſhoulde
haue bene made in Paris, and in the countrey thereabout the next day: but
vnneth were the engliſh Ambaſſadors returned vnto theyr lodgings when they
were ſent for back againe, and further enformed that the Frenche King minded
to haue Dauid king of Scotlande compriſed in the ſame league, ſo that hee
might be reſtored vnto his kingdome, and
the Balliol put out. The Engliſhe Am|baſſadors anſwered, that their
commiſſion ex|tended not ſo farre, and therefore they coulde not conclude
any thing therin. Herevppon all the former communication was reuoked, and
therely made voide, ſo that the engliſhe ambaſ|ſadors retourned home into
Englande with|out anything concluded.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Aboute the feaſte of the
Aſcention, the king helde a parliament at Yorke, orderning for his
iourney into Scotlande,
R. Southwell. A parliament. and alſo deuiſing by [...]horitie therof dyuers profitable ſtatutes for the common wealthe.
Aboute Midſommer, he came [...]tie his army vnto Newcaſtell vppon Tine. whether came to him from
Carleil the king of Scots, and there order was taken that the Kyng of
Englande and his brother the erle of Cornwall, the Earles of Warwike,
Lan|caſter, Lincolne, and Hereforde, with all theyr retinnes, and the Earle
of Guliekerlande, that had married the
Kings ſiſter, and with a farre companie was come to ſerue the Kyng in theſe
warres ſhuld paſſe to Carletie, and on the .xij. of Iuly enter Scotland. The
king of Scots, the Erles of Surry, and Arundell, and the lord Henry Perey a
baron of greate might and po|wer, beeyng all of bin of the king of Scottes,
with their retinnes ſhoulde goe to Berwicke, and there enter the ſame daye
aboue mentio|ned, and as it was appointed, for it was p [...] in practiſe: for bothe the kings
the ſame day en|tring Scotlande in ſeuerall part is, they paſſed forward
without reſiſtance at theyr pleaſures, waſting and brenning all the
countreys, both on this ſide,The VVelche|men. and
beyonde the Scottiſh ſea. The Welchemen ſpired neyther religious perſons nor
their [...]les, making no more accompt of them thã of others: the mariners of
Newcaſtel alſo brent a great parte of the towne of Dun|dee.Dundee brent. The Earle of Namure. The Earle of
Namure aboute the ſame tyme comming into
Englande to ſerue the king in his warres, tooke vpon him to paſſe into
Scotlande wyth a bande of an hundreth men of armes, beſide ſeuen or eighte
Knightes whiche he brought ouer with him, and certaine Engliſhemen to be his
guides from Barwike,Fourdon. but hee was affa [...]ed before he coulde get to Edinburgh by the Erles of Murrey and
Dun|barre, and the Lord William Douglas, ſo that notwithſtandyng the
ſtraungers bare them|ſelues verie manfully, yet oppreſſed with mul|titude,
they were forced to giue place, but yet ſtill fighting and defending
themſelus till they came to Edinburgh, and there taking the hill where the
ruynes of the caſtell ſtoode, kept the ſame all the night following, but the
nexte day they diſpairing of all ſuccours, and hauing nei|ther meate nor
drinke,The Earle of Murrey take [...]
R. South.
at length yelded them|ſelues, whom the Earle of Murrey receyuing
right curteouſly, ſhewed them ſuch fauour, that without raunſome he was
contẽted they ſhould return into their countreys: and for more ſure|tie, he
conueyed the ſaid erle of Namur (whom the Scotiſhe bookes call Earle of
Gelderlande) and his companie backe to the borders,Fourdon. but in his retourne or ſhortely after, the ſame Earle of
Murrey that tooke himſelfe for gouernour of Scotland was encountred by the
Engliſhmen that lay in garniſon within Rockeſburgh, and by them taken
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde William Douglas
being there alſo with him eſcaped, but Iames Douglas brother to the ſaide
Lorde William Douglas was at that bicketing ſlain with diuers other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Aboute the feaſte of the
Aſſumption of our Lady,Scottes [...] them to the King of Eng|lande. diuers of the Scottiſhe
nobilitie came and ſubmitted themſelues to the king, namely the Earle of
Atholl and other, but Earle Pa|trike of Dunbarre, and the Earle of
Roſſe,The child of Kildrumme. the Lorde Andrew
de Murrey, the lord William Douglas, and the lorde William de Keth, and many
other woulde not come in, but aſſem|bling themſelues togither, did all the
miſchiefe they coulde vnto thoſe that had receyued the Kynges peace. The
Earle of Atholl in the winter ſeaſon beeſieging the Caſtell of Kil|drummy
beyond the Scottiſh ſea was ſet vpon by the Earles of Dunbarre and
Roſſe,The Earle of Atholl [...]
ſo that they flewe him there in fielde, for his men fled from him
(through ſome traiterous practiſe as was thought) and lefte him and a fewe
other in all the daunger.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King of Englande
being retourned foorth of Scotlande remayned for the moſte parte of the
winter in the Northe partes and held his Chriſtmas at Newcaſtell vpon Tine,
and after the Epiphanie hauing aſſembled an army readie to paſſe into
Scotland to reuenge the Earle of Atholles deathe, whiche hee tooke very
diſpleaſauntly, there came in the meane time Ambaſſadours bothe from the
Pope and the Frenche Kyng,1338 and founde the Kyng
of Englande at Berwicke readie with his armie to ſet forewarde into
Compare 1587 edition:
4 But theſe ambaſſadors did
ſo muche by en|treatieAn. reg. [...]
with the two kings of Englande and EEBO page image 899 Scotlande, that
aboute the feaſte of the Puri|fication,A truce graun|ted
to the Scot [...]
a truce was agreed vpon to endure till Midlent. And then ſhould a
parliament be holden at London, and herewith articles were drawn, &
certaine petitions put foorth, vpon the whiche if the parties in the meane
time coulde agree, the peace accordingly might be eſtabli|ſhed, if not, then
the warre to be proſecuted as before. The chiefeſt article and petition
which the Scots proponed, as deſirous to be therein reſolued, was to vnderſtande which of the two that
claimed the crowne of Scotland, to witte Edward Balliol, and Dauid Bruce,
had moſt righte thereto. But when in the parliament time the lorde Maurice
de Murrey ſlewe Sir Geffrey de Roſſe, a Scottiſh Knight, that was Sheriffe
of Ayre, and Lenarke, beeing of the Balliolles ſide, for that in time of
open warre the ſame ſir Geffrey had ſlaine his brother, vpon reſpect of this preſumptuous parte,The ſtoutneſſe of Scottes hin|dered the con|cluſion of the
peace. and by rea|ſon of ſuch ſtoutneſſe as the Scottes otherwiſe
ſhewed, no concluſion of peace could be brought to effect. Before the feaſte
of the Aſcention the king of Englande ſente forewarde the king of Scottes
the Earles of Lancaſter, Warwike, Oxforde, and Anegos, and diuers lordes and
capitaynes wyth an armye, the whiche after Whitſontide,An
armie ſente into Scotland. entring into Scotlande, paſſed ouer the
Scottiſhe ſea,S. Iohns tovvn fortified. and
comming to Saint Iohns towne (whiche the
Scottes had brent diſpairing to defende it againſt the Englyſhe power) they
ſet in hande to fortifie it, compaſ|ſing it with deepe ditches and a ſtrong
rampier of earthe. Aboute the ſame tyme the Kyng called a parliament at
Northampton, where leauing the prelates,Adam Me| [...]muth. and other to weate of ſuche matters as were proponed
the himſelfe to be Northewardes, and comming to Berwike, tooke with him a
ſmall bond of men of armes, and ſetting
forewarde,The K. goeth [...] Scotlande haſted forth till he came to Sainct Iohns towne,
where he founde the king of Scottes, and other his nobles greatly wondering
of his comming thither to vnlooked for. After hee had reſted there a little
hee tooke with him parte of the armie, and paſſing for|warde ouer the
mountaines of Scotlande euen vnto Elgen in Murrey, and Inuernes, further by
many miles than euer his grandfather had gone:Abirden
[...]h [...]. VValſ.
[...]r Thomas [...]
[...]lyn ſtayn. In his retourne hee brent the towne of Aberden in
reuenge of the deathe of a right va|liant
knight called ſir Thomas Roſſelin, that cõming thither by ſea tooke land
there, and was ſlaine by ye enemies: he brẽt diuers other towns and places
in this voyage, ſpoyling and wa|ſting the countreys where he came, not
finding any to reſiſte him.The Earle of Cornvvall.
Aboute Lammas the Earle of Cornewall with the power of Yorkeſhire and
Northumberlande, and the lorde Anthony Lucy with the Cumberlande and
Weſtmer|lande men entred Scotlande, and deſtroyed the Weſt partes, as
Carrike,The Lorde Douglas. and other whiche
o|beyed not the Ballioll. The lorde William Douglas ſtill coaſted the
Engliſhemen, doing to them what domage he might. At lengthe this armie loden
with praies, and ſpolle retur|ned home, but the Erle of Cornewall with his
owne retinue came throughe to Sainct Iohns towne, where he founde the king
being retur|ned thither frõ his iourney which he had made beyonde the
mountains. The king ſtayed not long there, but leauing the king of Scottes
with his companie in that towne, he went to Striueling, where on the plat of
grounde vp|pon which the deſtroyed caſtell had ſtoode,Striuelyn Ca|ſtell buylt, or rather repared. hee built an other
fortreſſe, called a Pile. And now bicauſe he had ſpent a great deale of
treaſure in thoſe warres of Scotlande, hee ſummoned a parliamẽt to be
holdẽ at Notingham; in which there was graunted to him a .x. of the
clergie, and likewiſe of the citizens, and burgeſſes of good townes, and a
.xv. of other that dwelte foorth of cities and boroughes.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 About the latter end of
October Iohn of El|tham Earle of Cornwall the kings brother,The deceſſe of the Earle of Cornevvall. de|parted
this life at ſaint Iohns towne in Scot|lande: his bodie was afterwardes
conueyed to Weſtminſter and there buried with all ſolẽpne funeralles. The
Scottiſh writers affirme that he was ſlaine by his brother king Edward for
the crueltie he had vſed in the Weſte partes of Scotlande, in ſleaing ſuche
as for ſafegarde of their liues fledde into churches.The
deceſſe of Hughe de Freſ|nes Earle of Lincolne. Moreouer in
December there deceaſſed at ſaint Iohns town aforeſaid, Hugh de Freſnes that
in right of the counteſſe of Lincolne was entitled Earle of Lincolne. He
died of the flixe, or as was ſaid, throughe exceſſiue colde,VValter Giſ|burgh. Tho VValſ. whiche in thoſe
quar|ters in that cold time of the yeare, ſore afflicted the engliſhe
people. In the meane time aboute the feaſte of ſaint Luke the Euangeliſte
the K. went with an armie into Scotlande towarde the caſtell of Bothuille,
and comming thither repared the ſame,The lord
Staf|forde. whiche by the Scottes had lately before bin deſtroied.
The baron Stafford the ſame time cõming towards the king with a power of
men, took Douglas Dale in his way, taking in the ſame a greate praye of
cattell and other thinges. Before Chriſtmaſſe the king re|turned into
England, but the king of Scottes remained all the winter in ſaint Iohns
town, with a ſober cõpanie. When the king had ſet|led the ſtate of
Scotlande vnder the gouerne|ment of the Balliol, thoſe Scottiſhmen which
toke part with the Ballioll,A ſtatute ordei+ned by the
Scots in fauour of the king of England. ordeyned as it wer in
recompence of king Edwardes frindeſhippe a ſtatute, wherby they bounde
themſelues to the EEBO page image 600 ſaide King Edwarde and his
heyres kinges of Englande, that they ſhould aide and aſſiſt him againſte all
other princes: and whenſoeuer it chanced that eyther he or any king of
England being rightful inheritor, had any warrs againſt any prince, either
within the lande or without, the Scottiſhemen of their owne proper coſtes
and expences ſhoulde finde .iij.C. horſemen, and a .M. footemen well and
ſufficientely ar|raied for the warre, the which xiij.C. men, the Scottes ſhoulde wage for a whole yeare: and if the
king of Englande ended not his warres within the yeare, then he to giue
wages to the ſaide number of .xiij.C. Scots as he dothe to other of his
ſouldiors and men of warre. There be that write,Polidore. that the king of England ſhould not only fortifie ſaint
Iohns towne about this time, as before is mencioned, but alſo ſaint
An|drowes,Tovvnes forti|fied by King Edvvard in
Scotlande. Cowper, Aberdine, Dunfermeling, with certen other
caſtels, leauing garniſons of men in the
ſame. But for ſo muche as yee may read ſufficiently of thoſe troubles in
Scotland, and of the returne of K. Dauid foorth of Frãce, and how his
realme was recouered out of the Balliols hands in the Scottiſh chronicles,
we neede not here to make any long diſcourſe thereof.
Tho. VValſ. Croxden.
The Queene was deliuered of hir ſe|conde ſonne at Hatfield, who was
therfore na|med Williã of Hatfield, who liued but a ſhort tyme, departing
this worlde when he was but yong.
Compare 1587 edition:
The King ſtudieth to ga|ther money to maintaine his
vvarres.The king being returned home foorthe of Scotlande, ſeeketh
all wayes poſſible howe to recouer money, bothe to ſupplie his charges for
the Scottiſhe warres, and alſo to furniſhe the other warres whiche he ment
to take in hande againſte the French king: he got ſo muche into his handes
(as it is reported by writers, that it was very ſcant & harde to
come by: throughout the whole realme: by reaſon of which ſcarcitie
and want of money, or vpon ſome other
neceſ|ſarie cauſe,Greate cheap|nes of vv [...]res and ſcarcitie of money. victuall, and other chaffer, and
merchãdiſes were exceding cheaper for at Lon|don a quarter of wheate was
ſolde [...] .ii. ſs a fat oxe for .vj. ſs .viij.
a fat ſheepe for .vj.
or .viij.
halfe a doſen pigeons for .j.
a fatte gooſe for .ij.
d. a pig for .j.
and ſo all other victualles after the like rate.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare was the warre
proclaimed be|twixte Englande, and Fraunce, chiefly by the procurement of the Lord Roberte Da [...]tois, a frenchmã, as then baniſhed out of France, vp|pon occaſion of
a claime by him made vnto the erledome of Artois. This lorde Roberte after
he was baniſhed Fraunce, fledde ouer vnto K. Edward, who gladly receiued
him, and made him Earle of Richmont. All the goodes of the Italians were by
the kings commaundement this yeare confiſcate to his vſe, and ſo likewi [...] were the goodes of the Mo [...]kes of the C [...]g [...]|acke, and C [...]ſter [...] orders. This yeare alſo a come to or blaſing [...]e appeãted, with ſong and terrible ſtreames paſſing from it.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this .ij. yeare of his
raigne, the Kyng helde a parliament at Weſtminſter,
An. reg.
aboue the time of Lent, during the whiche, of the Earle|dome of
Cornwall he made a duchre, and ga [...]e it vnto his eldeſt ſon Edwarde,Tho. VVa [...] Ran. H [...]g [...] Polidore. Fabian. that was then Earle of Cheſter, who [...] alſo as ſome write, he created at the ſame [...] prince of Wales.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Moreouer in rewarde of
ſeruice, there were vj. noble men at this Parliament [...] to the honour and title of Earles, as the lorde Henry ſonne to the
Earle of Lancaſter,Creation of noble men. was
created Earle of Derbie, or after ſome writers, Earle of Leiceſter. William
Bohun was crea|ted Earle of Northampton: William Mon|tacute, Earle of
Saliſburie: Hughe Audeley Earle of Glouceſter: William Clinton Earle of
Huntingdon:Addition to Mer [...]. Croxde [...]. and Roberte Vfford Erle of Suffolke. This creation was on
the ſeconde Sunday in Lente, and the ſame day were .xx. Knights made, whoſe
names for bri [...]eneſſe we doe here omitte. In this parliament it was enacted,An acte of a [...]raye, agai [...] ſu [...]pta [...]es parell. that no man ſhoulde weare any man|ner of ſake in
gown, cote, or doubler, except he might diſpende of good and ſufficient rent
an hundred poundes by yeare, whiche acte was not long obſerued. It was alſo
ordeined by the aduice of this parliament, that Henry of Lan|caſter newly
created Earle of Derbie ſhoulde goe ouer into Gaſcoigne, there to remaine as
the kinges lieutenant.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 But Richarde Southwell
ſayth, that the Earle of Saliſburie, and not the Earle of Der|bie was
appointed to goe into Gaſcoigne at that time and the erle of Warwike into
An acte ſtraint of [...]porting [...] vvolles.
Ad [...]
[...]rem [...]th.
Moreouer in this parliament it was enacted that no wo [...]ll of the engliſhe growthe ſhoulde goe forthe of the lande, but bee
here wrought and made in clothe: and farther an acte was ordeined for
receyuing of ſtraungers that were Clotheworkers, and order taken that fitte,
and conuenient places ſhoulde doe aſſigned forth to them where to inhabite,
with many priuiledges, and liberties, and that they ſhoulde haue wages and
ſtipends allowed thẽ, till they were ſo ſetled as they might gaine
cõmodiouſlie by their occupation and ſcience:
R. South.
The cal [...] Bot [...]
but now to return to other maters. The Scots this yeare tooke the
caſtell of Both [...]lle by ſur|render, ſo as the engliſhemen that were within it, departed
with their liues, and goods ſaued. Diuers other caſtels and fortreſſes were
taken by the Scots in Fife, and in other parties, but the countrey of
Galloway was by them ſpeci|ally EEBO page image 901 ſore afflicted, bicauſe
the people there helde with theyr lord Edwarde Ballioll. Herevpon it was
agreed in this laſte parliament, that the earle of Warwike beeyng appoynted
to go thither, ſhoulde haue with him the power be|yonde Trent Northwards.
But when about the Aſcention tide the Scotts had beſieged the caſtell of
Striuelin, the king of Englande in perſon haſted thitherwards, of whoſe
approch the Scots no ſoner vnderſtood, but that ſtreight wayes they brake vp their ſiege, and departed thence: the
king therefore returned backe into the Southe partes.
[...] Euſtace [...]ackevvell. Aboute the ſame time Sir Euſtace de Maxwell
knighte, Lorde of Carla|uerocke, reuolted from Edwarde Balliol vnto Dauid le
Bruis his ſide, and ſo that parte daily encreaſed, and the warre continued,
with da|mage inoughe to bothe partes.
[...]e Earle of [...]arvvike [...]deth [...]cotlande. In the begin|ning of September the erle of Warwike
with an army entred Scotlande by Berwike,
and the lorde Thomas de Wake, and the Lorde Clifforde with the biſhoppe of
Carleil accom|panied with the Weſtmerlande, and Cumber|lande men entred by
Carleil, and within twoo dayes after mette with the Earle of Warwike as
before it was appointed, and ſo ioyning to|gyther, they paſſed forewarde,
ſpoyling, and waſting Tevidale, Mofeteidale, & Nideſdale. The lorde
Anthony Lucie with a parte of the armie
entred into Galloway, and after he had waſted that countrey, he returned to
the army, which by reaſon of the exceeding great [...]eat yt fel in yt ſeaſon, they could not kepe on their ior|ney into
Douglaſdale, and to Ayre, as they had appointed: but hauing remained in
Scotland a twelue dayes, they returned altogither vnto Carleil. Edwarde
Balliol was not with the [...] in thys iourneye, but remayned ſtill in En|gland.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Scots in reuenge
hereof made dyuers rodes into Englande, withdrawing ſtill with theyr pray
and booties, before the engliſhe pow|er coulde aſſemble to giue them
Compare 1587 edition:
The caſtell of [...]denburgh be| [...]ged.Aboute A [...]hallontide, the Scotts beſieged the caſtell of Edenburgh, but the
Byſhoppe of Carleil, the lorde Randoll Dacres of Gilleſ|lande, with the
power of the counties of Cum|berlande, and Weſtmerlande, and the King of
Scotts Edwarde Balliol, with the Lorde Anthony Lucie, and ſuche companie as
they brought from Berwicke, meeting at
Rockeſ|burghe,The ſiege is [...]ed. marched forthe vnto Edenburghe and chaſing the Scots
from the ſiege, tooke order for the ſafe keeping of the caſtell from thence
foorth, and returned into Englande.
Compare 1587 edition:
The K. practi| [...] vvith the [...]ings.In this meane time things happened ſo well to the
purpoſe of King Edwarde, that by practiſe he alienated the [...]artes of the Flemings from the obedience of their Earle, being
alto|gither [...]neſt friende to the Frenche king. He therefore vnderſtanding the
mindes of his people, ſought to winne them by ſome gentle treatie, and ſo
did euen at the firſt, concluding an agreement with them of Gaunt, which
were fully at a point to haue entred into league with the king of Englãd,
as with him whoſe frend|ſhippe by reaſon of the Trafficke of merchan|dize,
(and namely of the engliſh woolles,) they knewe to bee more neceſſarie for
their countrey than the Frenche kings.The Bishop of
Turney. Althoughe by the helpe of the Biſhoppe of Turney the earle
of Flaun|ders cauſed them to ſtaye from concluding or ioyning in any ſuche
bondes of amitie with the king of Englande for that time, he yet doubted the
arriuall of ſome power out of Englande, and therevppon appointed his
baſtarde brother Guy of Rijckenburgh,Iames Mair.
and certayn other noble men and captains,The Iſle of
Cadſant. with a crue of men of warre to lie in the Iſle of Cadſant
to defende the paſ|ſage there, and to ſee that no Engliſh ſhippes ſhoulde
come or goe that way by the ſeas: whereof the king of Englande beeing
aduerti|ſed, ſent thither the Earle of Darbie,An armie
ſente by ſea into Flaunders. the lorde Lewes Beauchampe, the lorde
Reginalde Cobham, alſo the lorde William ſonne to the earle of Warwike, the
lord Walter de Man|ny an Hanneuyer, and other lordes, knightes and
capitaines, with a power of fiue hundreth men of armes, and two thouſande
archers,Foure thouſand ſaith Iac. Meir. the
whiche comming to the foreſaide Iſle of Cad|ſant, founde the Flemmings about
fiue thou|ſande in number, redie arranged on the towne dikes and
ſandes,Froiſſart. in purpoſe to defende the
en|trie, which they did a certaine ſpace right vali|antly: but in the ende
they were diſcomfited, and three thouſande of them ſlain in the ſtretes,
hauen, & houſes. Sir Guy the baſtard of Flaũ|ders was taken with
diuers other knightes and Gentlemen, the Towne was brent, and the goodes
with the priſoners were carryed into Englande.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This chaunred on a Sunday
the day before the feaſte of Saincte Martin in Nouember. Where the Lorde
Walter de Manny might haue hadde .xj. thouſande pounde ſterling for the
raunſome of the ſaide Sir Guy, and other priſoners, the king bought them of
him in the fourteenthe yere of his raygne for eighte thou|ſande pounde
ſterling, as by recordes in the Tower it appeareth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Aboute the feaſte of
Sainct Martine in winter,Tvvo Cardi|nalles come in|to
Englande. there came vnto London two Cardi|nals, ſente by the Pope
to treate for a peace be|twixte the kings of Englande, and Fraunce.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Archebiſhoppe of
Canterburie, with the Byſhops of Wincheſter, Elie, Chiceſter, EEBO page image 902 Couentrie, & the cõmeners of the citie of Lodon
met them on Shoters hill.Additions to Meri. The
duke of Corn|wall with the earle of Surrey, and many other of the nobilitie
receyued them a mile without the Citie. The Kyng himſelfe receiued them at
the leſſer Hall dore of his Pallace at Weſt|minſter, and brought them into
the paynted chamber, where they declared theyr meſſage: wherevppon the king
cauſed a Parliament to be ſummoned at London, to beginne the mor|rowe
after Candelmas daye.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King helde his
Chriſtemaſſe at Ox|forde, and within the Octaues of the ſame [...] hee tooke his iourney towardes Scotlande, de rather as other haue, he
ſente thither the Earles of Saliſburie: Glouceſter: Derbie:
133 [...]
R. S [...]
The [...].
An. reg.
and A [...]|gos, with three Barons, the lords Percy, [...]|uill, and Stafforde, the whiche with .xx. thou|ſande men beſieged the
Caſtell of Dunbarre.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This ſiege beganne euen
in the beginning
[figure appears here on page 902] of the twelfth yeare of king
Edwardes raigne and continued for the
ſpace of ninteene weeks, with ſmall gaine, and leſſe honour to the
en|gliſhemen, in ſo muche that the ſame brake vp vnder a coloure of a truce
when there was no hope of winning the place, and that the noble men that lay
there at ſiege, haſted to make an ende, that they might attende the King in
his iourney ouer into Brabante.
Compare 1587 edition:
A parliament.The morrowe after Candelmaſſe daye,
the parliament began, in whiche there was a graunte made to the king by the Laitie of the one halfe of their woolles
throughe the whole realme for the nexte ſommer,
Croxden. A ſubſidie. whiche he recei|ued, and likewiſe he
leuied of the Clergie the whole, cauſing them to paye nine markes of euery
ſacke of the hoſte wooll. But after the rate of the one halfe he tooke in
whoſe hands ſo euer it was founde aſwell merchantes as other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this, hee tooke a
fifteenthe of all the communaltie of his realme in wooll, the price
of euery ſtone conteyning fourteen
pounde ra|ted at twoo ſhillings.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Cardinals retourne.The one & twentith
of March the two Car|dinals took the ſea at Douer, and in their com|panie
went ouer the Archebiſhoppe of Canter|burie, and the biſhoppe of Durham to
treate of a peace, if by any good meanes the two kings might bee made
friendes, but as it appeared theyr trauayle was in vayne, for although they
abode togither for a time on the Frõters doing their beſte endeuour, yet
their trauaile no|thing auailed, as by that whiche followethe is moſte
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Flemings that
fauoured Kyng Ed|warde, were put in ſuche comfort, by the ſafe victorie
obteined by the Engliſhemen in the Iſle of Cadſont, that fallyng to their
former practiſe,Iames [...]
one Iaques or Iacob van Arteveld a [...] honymaker of the town of Gaunt, was choſen amongſt them to bee as it
were the defender of the people, and namely of the weauers,His [...]
and other clothworkers. Finally, his aucthoritie grewe ſo hugely
amongeſt all the whole num|ber of the commons in Flaunders, that hee might
doe more with them than their Earle, and yet the Earle to reconcile the
people to his fauour, ceaſſed not to vſe all curteous meanes towardes them
that he coulde deuiſe, as re|leaſing cuſtomes, and dueties of mony,
par|doning offences, forfeitures,A L [...] tvvi [...]
[...]+land [...] and [...]+der. and other ſuche like, but all woulde not auaile him.
The king of England had ſo wonne them by the meanes of the ſaide Iaques van
Arteuelde, that in the ende Iohn Archebiſhoppe of Canterburie, and Richarde
the Biſhoppe of Durham, came into Flaunders as ambaſſadours from king
Ed|warde, and trauailed ſo earneſtly to dra [...]e EEBO page image 903 the Flemings vnto an amitie with their maſter king
[...] be| [...]ixt Englãd [...]d Flaunders. that finally a league was con|cluded betwixt
the countrey of Flaunders, and the ſaide King at Gaunt,
[...]. Me [...]r. in the preſence of the Erle of Gelderlande, as then
beeing there. The chiefe aucthours of this league were the ſaid Iaques van
Arteveld, and a noble man of Flaunders,
[...]ger de Cur| [...]y. called Siger de Curtrey.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But this Siger being
immediatly after ap|prehended by the Earle of Flaunders, was put to death. Which act procured the earle ſo much
hatred of the people, that ſhortely after com|ming to Bruges, and attempting
to force the towne to his will, hee was forced himſelfe to fled from thence,
for otherwiſe hee had bene ei|ther taken or ſlaine: The cõmons of the towne
and namely the Fullers,The Fullers [...] G [...]. of whom he had ſlain ſome there in the ſtreetes, roſe ſo
faſte vppon him. Herevppon fleeing home to his houſe, he tooke his
[...]e Earle of [...]anders [...]eth into [...]nce. and a ſonne whiche hee hadde, and fledde with them into Fraunce, ſo forſa|king his
countrey whiche was nowe gouerned by Iaques van Arteveld, as though he had
bin immediate lorde thereof. After this, the Earle retourned home
[...] retourneth [...]. as it were with the Frenche Kinges commiſſion, to perſwade
the Flemings to renounce the league concluded with the King of Englande: but
hee coulde bring nothing to paſſe, but was ſtill in danger to haue bene
arreſted and ſtayed of his owne ſubiectes,
bothe at Gaunt and in other places, but namelie at Dirmen,
[...]en. where if hee had not made the more haſte away, hee had
bene taken by them of Bruges.
[...]e eftſoones [...]th.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 Amongeſt other of his
ſtuffe whiche hee left behinde him in that haſtie departure, his ſignet was
forgotten, and not miſſed till hee came to Sainct Omers, whether hee fledde
for his ſafegarde.
[...]ders [...]holy at the [...]tion of [...]g Edvvard. Thus yee maye perceiue that Flaunders reſted
wholy at King Edwardes commaundement, who
to eſtabliſhe amitie alſo with the Duke of Brabant, and other Princes of the
Empire, about the middeſt of Iuly ſailed ouer vnto Antwerp,
[...]ng Edvvard [...]eth to [...]vverpe. with his wife quene Phi|lip, his ſonne the prince of
Wales, and a greate number of other of the peers and Barons of his realme,
where hee was moſte ioyfully receiued of the duke of Brabant, and other
lordes of the empire.
[...]e Marques [...] Gulickerlãd
Ther was ſent vnto the Emperour to procure his friendſhip, from the
king of Eng|lãd, the Marques of Gulik
with certain noble men of England, and alſo certen of the duke of Gelderlãd
his coũſel, the which Marques was made at ye time an erle, & the
erle of Gelderlãd was made duke.The Earle of [...]elderlande [...]cared Duke. This duke of Gelderland na+med Reginald had
maried the ladie Iſabell ſi|ſter of K. Edward, and therfore in fauour of the
king his brother in law, trauailed moſt ear|neſtly to procure him all the
friendes within the Empire that he coulde make. The princes and lordes then,
with whome king Edwarde was alied and confederated at that time,King Ed|vvardes confe|derates. I finde to bee theſe,
the Dukes of Brabant, and Gelderlande, the Archb. of Colen the marques of
Gulike, ſir Arnold de Baquehen, & the lorde of Wal [...]burghe, who all promiſed to defie the Frenche K. in the king of
Englands quarrel, & to ſerue him with notable numbers of men, where
and whenſoeuer it ſhoulde pleaſe him to appoint. The alliaunce of the erle
of Hay|naulte, firſt procured the king of England all theſe friendes, vnto
the whiche erle he had ſent ouer the biſhop of Lincolne and other in
am|baſſade immediatly after that he had reſolued to make warres againſt
Fraunce, by the coun|ſell, and aduice of ſir Roberte Dartois, as in the
Frenche hiſtorie more plainelie appeareth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this meane ſeaſon was
Queene Phillip brought to bed at Antwarpe of hir third ſonne,Lionell that vvas alter duke of Clarence borne.
whiche was named Lionell. The K. of Eng|land earneſtlie followed his
buſines, and had many treaties with his friendes and confede|rates, til at
length he made ſure to him ye frend|ſhip of all thoſe townes and countreys,
whiche lie betwixt Fraũce and the riuer of Rhein: on|ly the cities of
Tourney and Cambray held of the frenche kings parte, thoughe Cambray
be|longed to the Empire.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this .xij.
Additions to Adam Me|rimouth.
A parliament at Northamp|ton.
A Subſidie vp|pon vvooll. The Clergie graunteth a tenthe.
yeare of K. Edwards raigne at a counſell holden at Northampton by
the duke of Cornewall, lorde Wardein of Englãd in abſence of the king his
brother, and by many of the prelates and barons of the realme, there was
graunted to the king a ſubſidie in wooll to the great burden of the cõmons:
but for ſo much as the Clergie of the land was not preſent at that counſell,
it was ordeined that they ſhoulde be called, and ſo they aſſembled in a
conuoca|tion at London the firſte day of October, in which the clergie
graunted to the king a .x. for the thirde yere then to come, ouer and beſide
the ij. tenthes before graunted, and that the .x. of this preſent yeare
ſhoulde be paide in ſhorter time than it was appointed: but they flatly
de|nyed to graunt their woolles, whiche neuerthe|leſſe the laitie paid, and
that to their great hin|drance, for it roſe double to a Fifteene.Greate raine From the begynnyng of October, vnto the
begin|ning of December this yeare, fell ſuche abun|daunce of of raine, that
it hindered greatly the haſbandemen in ſowing of their winter corne: and in
the beegynnyng of December came ſuche a vehement froſte continuing the ſpace
of xij. wreks, that it deſtroyed vp all the ſeede al|moſt that was ſowen, by
reaſon whereof ſmall ſtore of winter corne came to proofe in the ſom|mer EEBO page image 904 following: but though there was no plẽ|tie,
An. reg. 13.
yet all kindes of graine were ſolde at a reaſonable price, through
want of money.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Frenchemen by ſea
ſore infeſted the ſea coaſt of this realm, ſpecially where the Cham|pion
countreis ſtretch towards the ſea coaſtes. At Haſtings in the feaſt of
Corpus Christi,
The frenchmẽ inuade the coaſtes of this lande. Plimmon
the brente. they brent certayne fiſhermens houſes, and ſlewe ſome
of the inhabitantes. Alſo in the Hauens aboute Deuonſhire, and Cornewall,
and to|wards Briſtowe, they tooke and
brent certaine ſhippes, killing the marriners that came into their handes,
and in the Whitſon weeke they landed at Plimmouth, and brente the more part
of the towne: but Hugh Courtney earle of De|uonſhire,The
Earle of Deuonshire. a man almoſte .lxxx. yeres of age, and other
knightes and men of the countrey came againſte theſe Frenchmen, ſleaing ſuch
as came into their hands to the number of .v.C. as was eſteemed,R. Southwell &
chaſed the reſidue. The Scots alſo aboute the ſame time did muche hurt to
ye eng|liſhmen both by ſea & lande. In the beginning of Iuly the
lord Will. Douglas with a nũber of men of warre returned frõ Fraũce home
in|to England,VVilliam Dou|glas. & to him
vpon his return, ye caſtell of Cowper was deliuered with al the country
there abouts. After this, cõming to the ſiege of S. Iohns towne, which the
gouernor the erle of Murrey,Hect. Boetius the erle
of March, Patrik de Dun|barre and other of
the Scottiſhe lords had be|ſieged, at length it was ſurrendred by ſir
Tho|mas Vthred capitaine there of the engliſh ga|riſon, departing in ſafetie
home into England. Three dayes before the feaſt of the Aſſumption of our
Lady, there chaunced in the night ſeaſon ſuche a mightie and ſoden
invndation of water at Newcaſtell vpon Tine,A
floude. that it bare downe a peece of the towne wall a .vj.
perches in lẽgth neare to a place caled Walknow, where a .C. and .xx. temporall men with diuers prieſts and
many women were drowned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But nowe to returne to
the K. which al this while remained in Brabant. Ye haue hearde howe ye
citie of Cambray held with the French king: wherefore the king of Englande
aſſem|bling togither a mightie ſtrong army aſwell of engliſhmẽ as of the
low countreys of Teutch|lande, ment to beſiege it, but firſte he ſente the
archebiſhoppe of Canterburie with the biſhops of Lincolne and Durham vnto
Arras, as com|miſſioners from him to meete
there with the Archebiſhoppe of Roven,Commiſſioners ſente
to treate of peace. and the biſhoppes of Langres, and Beauvais,
appointed to come thither as commiſſioners from the French king, to treate
with the engliſhmen of a peace, but they coulde not agree vppon any
concluſion,They cannot agree. wherevppon King
Edwarde comming fore|warde with hys power,Cambray
be|ſieged. approched to Cambray and planted his ſiege rounde about
it. But the biſhoppe meaning not to deliuer the [...] king Edwarde nor to any other that [...] demaund into the dehoofe of the emptie o [...]
[...] doui [...] of Bauiere, as then excommunication the Pope,Ia.
M [...]. had receiued into the towne [...] Frenchmen with the french kings eldeſt [...] the Duke of Normandie lately re [...]
[...] of Guyenne, and the lorde Theobald M [...] with certaine companies of Sauoiſius, ſo that the citie was ſo
defẽded, that the king of Eng|lande perceiuyng he ſhould but loſe time [...]+ed his ſiege, and entred into Fraunce,
The King [...]+ſeth his [...] and [...]
Fabia [...]. Vh. VV [...]
pitchyng his fielde at a place called Flamingo [...]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane time had the
French king not onely made himſelfe ſtrong by lande, [...] by ſea, hauing ſente foorthe a ſtrong [...] of ſhips and galleys towards the coaſtes of Eng|lande,
whiche arriuing at Southampton the Monday after Michaelmaſſe day,
took and ſp [...]+led the town, & the morow after ſet [...] in v. places, ſo that a great part of it was [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Alſo .xiij. ſayles of the
French fleete [...]the with .v. engliſhe ſhips, & after ſore fight whiche
continued .ix. houres, tooke two of thoſe be|ing tall and goodlye ſhyppes,
the one called the Edwarde, and the other the Chriſtofer,Tvvo [...] shippes t [...]
the o|ther .iij. being ſmaller veſſels, as two of [...] Barks and the other a Caruell eſcaped by that ſwiftneſſe of ſailing.
There was ſlaine in th [...] fight vpon bothe partes aboue the number of vj.C. men. The Frenche
king himſelfe hea|ring that the king of England woulde inuade his realme,
made his generall aſſemble of hys army at Peronne, and when he hearde that
he was entred France,The Frenche Kings [...]. he remoued towards hym with his whole power beeing at the
poinct of C. thouſande men as in the frenche Chronicle ye may reade more at
large.Ia. Mer. The K. of Eng|lande had not
paſte .lx.M. in his armie at the moſte: but whileſte he lieth there vpon the
bor|ders of Fraũce, his people did much, hurt ma|king roads abrode beyond
the water of Some,Tovvn by the en [...] men in Fr [...]
brenning and ſpoiling abbeis towns and villa|ges, as Orignie ſaint
Benoit, Ribemont in Thieraſſe, ſaint Gouan, Marle, and Creſſ [...]e. Alſo the lorde Beamont of Heynnaulte brente the towne of
Guyſe,The [...] b [...]. though his daughter was as then within the ſame towne wiſe
to Lewes Erle of Blois:The Earle of Heynault. his
brother Williã erle of Hey|nault was lately before deceſſed leauing ye
erle|dom to his ſon named alſo Will. who continu|ed with ye K. of Englãde
ſo long as he lay be|fore Cambray, & kept him within the bondes of
the empire, as though his allegiaũce had boũde him to no leſſe, but after
the ſaid K. was paſſed the Ryuer of Leſcault, otherwiſe called the Skell,
and in latine Scaldis, whiche deuideth the empire from the kingdome
of Fraunce, hee woulde no longer ſerue the king of England, EEBO page image 905 but departed from hym for feare to offende the French king, accounting
that the matter pertey|ned not nowe to the Empyre, but to the priuate
quarell and buſineſſe of the king of Englande: notwithſtanding his vncle the
ſayde ſir Iohn like a faythfull gentleman continued ſtill in king Edward his
Compare 1587 edition:
The armies approch neare togither.The two armies
of England and Fraunce approched within foure myles togyther, ſo that euery
man thought that there woulde ſure haue
beene battaile betwixt them, as there had bene in deede, if the Frenche king
had beene willing, yet ſome ſaye,Froiſſart. that
hee of himſelfe was diſpoſed ther|to, but hys Counſaylours aduyſed hym to
the contrarie, by reaſon of certayne ſignes and to|kens whiche they
myſlyked, as the ſtarting of an Hare amongſt them, and ſuch like.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo it was ſayde that
Robert King of Na|ples beeing then come into France,Robert king of Sicill diſ| [...]wadeth the French king to fight with [...]he king of Englande. whoſe know|ledge in Aſtronomie was
knowne to bee greate, diſwaded the Frenche
King by hys letters, that in no wyſe hee ſhoulde fight wyth the King of
Englande, for hee hadde vnderſtanding by arte of the heauenly influences and
diſpoſition of the bodies aboue, that if the Frenche King fought wyth thys
Edwarde King of Englande, hee ſhoulde aſſuredly bee put to the worſe:
whether this was the cauſe, or any other, ſure it is that the French men had
no mynde to fight, ſo that theſe two mightie armies departed in ſunder
without battaile,The
armies [...]re without battaile. and the king of Englande returned into
Flaunders, ſorie in deede that he had not fought, for though he had not with
him halfe the number that the French king had, yet in truſt of the
va|liancie of his ſouldiers, choſen out of the pykeſt men through Englande
and all the lowe Coun|treyes on this ſyde the Rhine, he ment verily to haue
encountered his enimyes, if they had come forwarde.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...] councell at [...]kils.At his comming back into Brabant, there was a Councell called at Bruſſels, where were pre|ſent
all thoſe Lordes of the Empyre whiche had beene with him in that iourney, as
the Dukes of Brabant, Guelderlande, and Gulicke, the Marques of Blankbourgh,
the Earle of Bergen, the lord Beaumont of Heynault, otherwiſe called ſir
Iohn de Heynault, the Lord of Valkẽbourgh, and many others. Thither came
alſo Iaques Arteueld chiefe gouernor of Flaunders.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Here in counſail taken
how the king of Eng|lande might beſt
maintaine the warres which he had begonne thus agaynſt the Frenche king, hee
was aduyſed that he ſhoulde in any wyſe require them of Flaunders to ayde
hym, and in hys quarell to defie the Frenche King, and to go with him
agaynſt the ſayde Frenche King, and if they woulde thus doe, then ſhoulde
hee promiſe them to recouer and delyuer into theyr handes the townes of
Lyſle, Doway, and Bethon. The king of England according to this aduiſe to
him giuen, made ſuch requeſt to the Flemings, who therevpon deſired tyme to
conſult togither, what they might doe therein, and finally they declare for
anſwere, that they woulde gladly ſo doe, but yet whereas they were bounde by
faithe and othe and in the ſumme of two millions of Florens in the Popes
chamber, not to make nor moue any warre againſt the King of Fraunce,
whoſoeuer he were, on paine to loſe that ſumme,The motiõ
of the Flemings to haue the K. of England to take vpon him the title to
the crowne of Fraunce. and beſyde to runne in the ſentence of
curſing, they beſought hym that it myght ſtande wyth hys pleaſure, to take
vppon hym the tytle and armes of France, as the ſame apperteyned to hym of
ryght, and then woulde they obey him as righfull King of Fraunce, and
requyre of hym acquittaunces in diſcharge of theyr bondes, and he to pardon
them thereof, as rightfull king of Fraunce.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King of Englande,
though he hadde iuſt cauſe to clayme the Crowne of Fraunce, in ryght of hys
mother Queene Iſabell, yet to take vppon hym the name and Armes of that
Realme, before hee hadde made conqueſt of any part thereof, hee thought it
ſtoode not with much reaſon: but yet after he hadde cauſed the matter to bee
throughly debated, amongeſt them of hys Counſayle, as well to ſatiſfie the
Flemings as for other reſpects, hee ſawe it ſhoulde bee the beſt way that
might bee taken to the aduaunce|ment of his purpoſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Then hee aunſwered the
Flemings,The kings an|ſwere to the Flemings.
that if they woulde ſweare, and ſeale to thys accorde, and promiſe to
mainteine his warre, he would be contented to fulfill theyr deſyre, and alſo
hee promyſed to get for them againe the townes of Liſle, Doway, and
Bethune.Theſe townes had beene engaged to the king of
France for money.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herevpon was a day
aſſigned to meete at Gaunt: the King came thither, and the moſte parte of
the ſayde Lordes, and all the Coun|ſaylers of the good Townes and places in
Flaunders were there aſſembled, and ſo all the foreſayde matters were
rehearſed, ſworne,The quarte|ring of the armes of
Eng|land & France. and ſealed, and the armes of Fraunce
were then quar|tered with thoſe of Englande, and from thence|forth he tooke
vppon hym the name of King of Fraunce, in all his wrytings, proclamations,
and commaundements.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Sith then that we bee
come to this place,Polidor. it ſhall not bee muche
amyſſe to rehearſe ſome|what of the ryght and tytle whereby king Ed|warde
did thus clayme the Crowne of Fraunce, hauing of purpoſe omitted to ſpeake
thereof, tyll nowe that he entituled himſelfe wyth the name, and tooke vppon
him to beare the armes alſo of Fraunce, vpõ occaſion before expreſſed. It
is wel EEBO page image 906 knowne that Philip le Beau King of Fraunce hadde
iſſue by hys wyfe Queene Ioane three ſonnes,The iſſue of
Philip le Beau. Lewes ſurnamed Hutine, Philippe le Long, and
Charles le Beau: Alſo two daugh|ters, the one dying in hir infancie, and the
other named Iſabell lyued, and was maryed vnto Ed|warde the ſeconde of that
name King of Eng|lande, who begotte of hir this Edward the thirde, that made
this clayme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The three ſonnes of the
foreſayde Philip le Beau reigned eche
after other, as Kinges of Fraunce. Firſt after Philip the father, ſucceeded
his eldeſt ſonne Lewes Hutine,Lewes Autine. who
had iſſue by his firſte wife Margaret, daughter to Robert Duke of Burgoigne,
a daughter named Ioane, the whiche was anone gyuen in maryage vnto Lewes
Erle of Eureur: but ſhe liuing not long, dyed without iſſue. Hir father the
ſayde Lewes Hutine, maryed after the deceaſſe of his firſt wife, an other
wyfe named Clemence, daughter to Charles
Martell, the father of Robert King of Scicill, whome hee left great wyth
childe when he dyed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The childe beeing borne
proued a ſonne, and was named Iohn, but liued not many dayes af|ter.Philip le Long. Then Philip the Long was admitted to
the Crowne of Fraunce, though many ſtoode in opinion that Ione the daughter
of Lewes Hu|tine, whiche yet was aliue, ought to haue inheri|ted the
kingdome after hir father: and namely O|do
Duke of Burgoigne. Vncle to the ſaid Ione, was moſt earneſt in that matter
in fauour of his Nece. But myght ouercame ryght, ſo that hee was conſtrayned
to bee quiet. Philip le Long, after he hadde raigned fiue yeares dyed alſo,
and left no iſſue behinde hym.Charles le Beau.
Then laſtly Charles le Beau tooke vpon hym the kingdome, and the ſeuenth
yeare after dyed, his wyfe bigge bellyed, which ſhortly after brought forth
a Mayden na|med Blaunche, that ſtreight wayes haſting to followe hir Father, lyued no whyle in thys worlde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 By this meanes then the
bloud royall in the heyres Male of Philippe le Beau was extingui|ſhed in hys
Sonne the foreſayd Charles le Beau, whereof the contention tooke begynning
aboute the right to the Crowne of Fraunce, betwyxte the Frenche menne and
Engliſhe menne, whiche hangeth as yet vndecyded tyll theſe our dayes. For
King Edwarde auerred that the kingdome of
Fraunce apperteyned vnto hym as lawfull heyre, bycauſe that hee alone was
remayning of the kings ſtocke, and touched hys Mothers fa|ther Philip le
Beau, in the next degree of con|ſanquinitie, as hee that was borne of his
daugh|ter Iſabell.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Therefore immediately
after the deceaſſe of the ſayd Charles le Beau, by Ambaſſadours ſent vnto
the Peeres of Fraunce,King E [...]
[...] right [...] crowne of Fraunce. hee publiſhe [...] to them hys right, requyring that they woulde [...]|mitte hym king according therevnto: but hys Ambaſſadours coulde neuer
bee quietly hearde, and therefore returned home wythout anye to|wardly
anſwere, whiche mooued him in the ende to attempt the recouerie of hys
lawfull inheri|taunce, by force, ſithe by lawe hee coulde not pre|uayle, and
now by aduice of hys friendes to take vpon him both the tytle and Armes of
Fraunce, to ſignifie to the Worlde what right he hadde to the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After that this league
therefore was conclu|ded with them of Flaunders,
Iames M [...]
King Edw [...] tooke vpon him the [...] and armed of K. of Fraunce The Fl [...] ſweare [...] to the king [...] England.
and that king Ed|warde had taken vppon him the name of king of
Fraunce with the Armes, the Duke of Guclder|land, and Iaques van Arteueld,
went vnto al the good townes and iuriſdictions of Flaunders to receyue theyr
othes of fidelitie vnto king Ed|warde, perſwading with the people, that the
ſu|preme rule belonged vnto hym, ſauing to the townes their auncient lawes
and liberties, and to their Earle his right of proprietie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the latter ende of
this .xiij.Addit [...] Tri [...]e [...]
yere of king Edwardes raigne, the mariners and Sea man of the cinque
Portes, getting them abourde into a number of ſmall ſhippes and Balingers,
well trimmed and appoynted for the purpoſe, paſſed o|uer to Bullongne, where
they tooke lande one day in a thicke foggie weather,The
Engl [...] men burn the French ſhippes in Bolongne. and ſetting on the
Baſe towne, they burnt .xix. Gallies, foure great ſhippes, and to the number
of .xx. ſmaller veſſels, togither with their tackle and furniture.
[figure appears here on page 906]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 They ſet fire alſo on the
houſes that ſtood nere to the water ſide, & namely they burnt one
great houſe, wherein lay ſuch a number of oares, ſayles, armor &
croſſebows, as might haue ſufficed to fur|niſh ſo many men as could be wel
abourd in .xix. Galleys. There were many ſlaine on both partes in atchieuing
this enterpriſe, but more of the Frenchmen than of the Engliſhmen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the ſame time the
Queene of England EEBO page image 907 was deliuered of hir fourth
ſonne in the towne of Gaunt,Iohn of Gaunt [...]borne. the which was named Iohn, firſt created Erle of
Richmond, and after Duke of Lancaſter. He was borne about Chriſtmaſſe in
this .xiij. yeare of king Edwards raigne.
Compare 1587 edition:
An. Reg. 14.
When king Edward had finiſhed his buſineſſe with the Flemings at
Gaunt, he left his wife Q. Philip there ſtil in that towne, and returned
him|ſelfe vnto Andwarpe, and ſhortly after about the feaſt of Candlemaſſe,
tooke the Sea, and came backe into
Englande, to prouide for money to mainteyn his begon warres. And herevpon
about the time of Lent following,A Parliament. hee
called his highe court of Parliament at Weſtminſter, in the which he aſked
of his commons towardes hys charges for the recouerie of his right in
Fraunce the fifth parte of theyr moueable goodes,H [...]n. Marl. Polidor. the cu|ſtomes of woolles for two yeares,
to be payde a|forehand, and the .ix. ſheafe of euery mans corne. At length
it was agreed, that the king ſhoulde haue
for cuſtome of euerie ſacke of wooll fortye ſhillings,A
ſubſidie. for euery three hundred wool felles forty ſhillings, and
for euerie laſt of leader .xl. ſhillings, and for other marchandice after
the rate, to begin at the feaſt of Eaſter, in this .xiiij. yeare of the
kings raigne, & to endure till the feaſt of Pẽtecoſt then next
folowing, & frõ that feaſt, till the feaſt of pẽtecoſt thẽ next
enſuing into one yere, for which the king graunted that from the feaſt of
Pente|coſt which was then to come into one yeare, hee nor his heyres ſhould not demaunde aſſeſſe, nor take, nor
ſuffer to bee aſſeſſed or taken, more cu|ſtome of a ſacke of wooll of any
Engliſhman, but halfe a marke, and vpon the wooll felles & leader
the olde former cuſtome.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſide this, the Citizens
and Burgeſſes of ci|ties and good townes, graunted to giue the ninth part of
all their goods, & the forrain marchants & other not liuing
of gaine, nor of breeding cattell, nor of ſheepe, ſhoulde giue the .xv. part
of all theyr goods lawfully to the value:
for the which he grã|ted that aſwell now in time of warre as of peace, all
marchants denizens, & forreyners, (thoſe except that were of the
enimies countreys) might with|out let, ſafely come into the realme of
Englande with their goods & marchandices, and ſafely tarie, and
likewiſe returne, paying the cuſtomes, ſubſi|dies, & profites
reaſonable thereof due, ſo alwayes that the franchiſes, and free cuſtomes
granted by him or his predeceſſors reaſonably to the citie of Lõdon, and other cities, burroughes, and townes
might alwayes to them be ſaued. Moreouer there was granted vnto him the .ix.
ſheafe, the .ix. fleeſe, and .ix. lambe, to be taken by two yeares next
cõ|ming. And for the leuying therof, the Lords of e|uerie ſhire through the
lande, were appoynted to anſwer him, euery one for the circuite within the
which he dwelled. And bycauſe the K. muſt needs occupie much money ere the
receyt of this ſubſidie could come to his hands, he borowed in ye meane
time many notable ſummes of diuerſe cities, and particular perſons of this
land, amõgſt the which he borrowed of the citie of Lõdon .20000.
marks.The Citie of London len|deth the king
money. to be payed againe of the money comming of the foreſayde
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane while, now
that king Edwarde was come backe into England, the warres were hotely
purſued agaynſt his friends, that had their landes neare to the borders of
France, and name|ly agaynſt ſir Iohn de Heynault Lorde Beau|mont, for the
Frenchmen burned all his lands of Chymay, except the fortreſſes, and tooke
from thence a great pray.The Frontiers of France full of
men of war. All the frontiers were full of men of war, lodged
within townes in garniſon, as at Tourney, Mortaign, S. Amond, Doway,
Cambray, and in other ſmaller fortreſſes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe men of warre lay
not ydle, but were doing oftentymes in Flaunders, and ſometyme otherwhere,
neyther was the Countrey of Hey|nault ſpared, though the Earle (as ye haue
beard) did not onelye refuſe to ſerue the king of Eng|lande, agaynſt
Fraunce, but alſo when the ſame king entred Fraunce, hee reſorted to the
Frenche king, and ſerued him, yet by the ſuggeſtion of the Biſhoppe of
Cambray, who complayned of the Haynuyers, for the domages which they hadde
done him, the French garniſons of the Frontiers there about, were commaunded
to make a roade into that Countrey, which they, did burning the
[figure appears here on page 907] town of Aſpere, & brought frõ thẽce a
great hootie.The towne of Aſpere burnt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Heynault
ſore mooued there|with to haue his landes ſo ſpoyled and burnt;The Earle of Heynault de|fieth the frẽch king.
de|fied the French king, and ioyning with his vncle the Lorde Beaumont,
entred with an armie into Thieraſſe, tooke and deſtroyed Aubenton wyth
Mawbert Fontaine. De ube [...]ville, & diuerſe other.Townes burne in
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this meane tyme the
Frenche king pro|cured the Pope to pronounce hys Curſſe a|gaynſt the
Flemings for theyr Rebellion, and to ſuſpende all diuine Seruice that oughte
to EEBO page image 908 be ſayde in any hallowed place,Flaunders in|terdicted. ſo that there were no Prieſtes to be
founde that woulde take vpon them to ſaye any diuine ſeruice: wherevpon the
Flemings ſent ouer into Englãd certaine Meſ|ſengers to giue notice to King
Edwarde howe they were entreated, but hee ſent them worde that he woulde
bring at his comming ouer vnto them, Prieſtes that ſhould ſay Maſſes, and
other ſeruice whether the Pope would or not, for hee had priuiledge ſo to
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In Aprill William Melten
Archebiſhop of Yorke departed this lyfe, after whome variaunce roſe in the
election of a newe Gouernour to that Churche, ſo that two were elected,
William la Zouche, and William Killeſby: but at length William la Zouche
tooke place,Mert [...]
being the [...] Archbiſhop that had ſit in that ſeate.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earles of Saliſburie
and Suffolke,Meri [...]. Iames M [...]
whiche were left in Flaunders by King Ed|warde to helpe the
Flemings, ſhortly after Ea|ſter, or (as other haue) in the tyme of Lent,
were diſcomfited by the garniſon of Lyſle, and taken priſoners as they
woulde haue paſſed by that Towne, to haue ioyned with Iaques Arteueld,The Earles Salisburie [...] Suffolk th [...]
meaning to beſiege Tourney, but nowe by the taking of thoſe two
Earles that entterpriſe was broken.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Normandie
with a greate ar|mye entered into Heynault,The Cou [...] of Heynault [...] inuaded. burning and wa|ſting the Countrey, euen to the
Gates of Va|lenciennes,
[figure appears here on page 908] and Queſnoy.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And thus were they
occupied in thoſe partyes, whileſt the king of Englande prepareth hymſelfe
wyth all diligence to returne into Flaunders.
Compare 1587 edition:
Gaguin.The French king being aduertiſed, that the
king of Englande ment ſhortly to
returne in|to Flaunders wyth a greate power, in pur|poſe to inuade the
Realme of Fraunce on that ſyde,A great nauie prepared by
the French K. aſſembled a nauie of foure hundred ſhips vnder the
leading of three expert Captaynes of the warres by Sea, as Sir Hugh Kiriell,
Sir Peter Bahuchet, and a Geneweis named Barbe Noir, appoynting them to the
coaſtes of Flaunders to defende the King of Englande from landing there, if
by any meanes they might.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe three Captaynes or
Admirals came and lay with theyr Shippes wythin the hauen of Sluiſe, for
that it was ſuppoſed the King of Englande woulde arriue there, as his
mea|ning was in deede, wherevpon when his menne, Shippes, and prouiſions
were once readie in the Moneth of Iune, hee tooke the Sea with two hundred
ſayle, and directing hys courſe towards Flaunders, there came vnto hym the
Lorde Robert Morley,The king of England ta|keth the [...]
wyth the North Nauye of Englande, ſo that then hee hadde in all
aboute three hundred ſayle, or as other ſay, two hun|dred and three
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The French nauie lay
betwixt Sluife and Blaneberg,Polidor. Iames [...]
ſo that when the King of Englande approched, eyther part diſcryed
other, and there|with prepared them to battayle. The king of Englande ſtayed
till the Sunne whiche at the firſt was in hys face, came ſomwhat Weſtward,
and ſo had it vpon his backe, that it ſhoulde not hynder the ſight of his
people,The king of England ta|keth vpon [...] enimies. and ſo therewyth ſetteth vppon hys enimyes wyth
great manhood, who lykewyſe verye ſtoutely encountered hym, by reaſon
whereof, enſued a ſore and deadlye fight betwyxt them. The Nauies on both
ſides were deuided into three battayles.Addition [...] Tri [...]
On the Eng|liſhe parte, the Erles of Glouceſter, Northamp|ton and
Huntingdon, who was Admirall of the Fleete that belonged to the cinque
Portes, and the Lorde Robert Morley Admirall of the Northren Nauie hadde the
guyding of the fore warde, bearing themſelues right valiauntly, ſo EEBO page image 915 that at length the Engliſhe men hauing the ad|uauntage, not
onely of the Sunne, but alſo of the wynde and tyde, ſo fortunately, that the
Frenche Fleete was dryuen into the ſtreyghts of the Hauen, in ſuche wyſe
that neyther the Souldiours, nor Mariners, coulde helpe them|ſelues,
inſomuche that bothe Heauen, the Sea, and Winde, ſeemed to haue conſpyred
agaynſte the Frenche menne.The victory of the Engliſhmẽ
at the battaile of Sl [...]ſe. And herewith many ſhippes of Flaunders ioyning
themſelues wyth the Engliſhe Fleete, in
the ende the Frenche menne were vanquiſhed, ſlaine, and taken, theyr Shippes
beeing alſo eyther taken, bowged, or broken.
Compare 1587 edition:
Additions to Triuet and Meremouth.When night was
come vppon them, there were thirtie Frenche ſhippes, that yet had not
en|tred the battayle, the whiche ſought by couert of the nyght to haue
ſtolen away, and one of them being a mightie great Veſſell, called the Iames
of Deepe, woulde haue taken away with hyr a Shippe of Sandwiche that belonged to the Pri|our of Caunterburie:The Iames of Deepe. but by the helpe of the Earle of
Huntington, after they had fought all the night tyll the nexte morning, the
Engliſhe men at length preuayled, and taking that great huge ſhippe of
Deepe, founde in hir aboue foure hundred dead bodies.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To conclude, verie fewe
of the French ſhips eſcaped,
[...]be [...].
except ſome of theyr ſmaller Veſſelles, and certaine Gallies with
their Admirall Bar|benoir, who in the
beginning of the battayle got forth of the Hauen,
[...]uesburie. [...]ho. VValſ. Meremouth. aduiſing the other Cap|taynes to doe
the lyke, thereby to aduoyde the daunger, which they wylfully embraced.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There dyed in this
battayle fought (as ſome write) on mydſommer day in the yeare
[...]roiſſart. [...]ames Mair. [...]. Southwel.
The number [...]i [...]e.
[...]ob Southw.
of Frenche menne to the number of thirtie thou|ſande, of Engliſhe
menne about foure thouſande, (or as other haue that liued in thoſe dayes,
not paſte foure hundred:) amongeſt whome there were foure Knightes of great Nobilitie, as Sir Thomas
Monhermere, Sir Thomas Lati|mer, Sir Iohn Boteler and Sir Thomas
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It is ſayd alſo, that the
king himſelf was hurt in the thigh. The two Engliſh ſhippes that had bene
taken the yeare before, the Edward, and the Chriſtopher, were recouered at
this time, amõgſt other of the French ſhips that were taken there. Sir
Peter Bahuchet was hanged vpon a Croſſe
poale faſtened to a Maſte of one of the ſhippes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Through the wilfulneſſe
of this man, the French menne receyued this loſſe (as the Frenche Chronicles
report) bycauſe he kept the nauie ſo long within the Hauen, tyll they were
ſo enclo|ſed by the Engliſhe men, that a great number of the Frenchmen could
neuer come to ſtrike ſtroke, nor to vſe the ſhotte of theyr Artillarie, but
to the hurt of their fellowes. Howſoeuer it was, the Engliſhe menne gotte a
famous victorie, to the great comfort of themſelues, and diſcomfort of their
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king of England after
he had thus van|quiſhed his enimies, remayned on the Sea by the ſpace of
three dayes, and then comming on lande, went to Gaunt, where he was receyued
of the Queene wyth great ioy and gladneſſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In thys meane whyle hadde
the Duke of Normandye beſieged the Caſtell of Thuyne Leueſques, neare to
Southwell: The king go|eth to Gaunt. Froiſſard.
which was ta|ken by Sir Walter of Manny, a Lorde of Hey|nault at the
firſt begynning of the warres, and euer ſince till that tyme, kept to the
king of Eng|lande his vſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Heynault who
had beene of late both in Englande with king Edwarde, and alſo in Almaine
with the Emperour to purchaſe theyr aſſyſtaunce for the defence of his
Coun|trey agaynſte the inuaſions of the Frenche menne, was nowe returned
home, and meaning to reſcue ſuch as were beſieged in Thuyne, ſente for
ſuccours into Flaunders, and into Al|maigne, and in the meane tyme leuying
ſuche power, as hee coulde make within hys owne Countrey, came therewyth
vnto Valenciennes, whither forthwyth reſorted vnto hym the Earle of Namure,
wyth two hundred Speares, the Duke of Brabant wyth ſixe hundred, the Duke of
Guelderlande, the Earle of Bergen, the Lord of Valkenhergh, and dyuerſe
other, the which to|gither, with the Earle of Heynault,The ryuer of Leftault, or the Scelle. went and lodged alõg by
the riuer of Leſtault ouer againſt the Frenche hoſt whiche kept ſiege (as
yee haue hearde) vnder the conduct of the Duke of Nor|mandie before Thuyne
Leueſche, that is ſituate vpon the ſame ryuer.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There came alſo to the
ayde of the Earle of Heynault, Iaques Arteuelde,The
Flemings with three ſcore thouſand Flemings. It was thought that
they would haue fought ere they had departed in ſun|der, but they did not.
For after it was knowne how the king of Englande was arriued in Flan|ders,
and had diſcomfited the French Fleete, the Duke of Brabant and other,
thoughte good to breake vp theyr enterprice for that tyme, and to reſorte
vnto the King of Englande, to vnder|ſtande what hys purpoſe was to doe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Neyther were the French
men haſtie to giue battaile, ſo that after the Captaynes of Thuyne
Leueſche,Sir Richard Lymoſin. Sir Richarde
Lymoſyn Knyght an Engliſhe manne, and two Eſquiers, brethren to the Earle of
Namure, Iohn, and Thierry, had left theyr Fortreſſe voyde, and were come
ouer the Ryuer by Boates vnto the Earle of Hey|naultes Campe, the armyes on
both ſides brake vppe and departed, the Frenche menne into EEBO page image 910
Fraunce, and the other to Valenciennes, and from thence the Princes and
great Lordes drew vnto Gaunt,The armies breake vp.
to welcome the king of Englande into the Countrey, of whome they were ryghte
ioyfully receyued: and after they had comma|ned togither of theyr affayres,
it was appoynted by the King, that they ſhoulde meete hym at Villefort in
Brabant at a daye prefixed, where he woulde be readie to conſult with them
aboute his proceedings in his warres againſt his aduer|ſaries the Frenchmen.
Compare 1587 edition:
The aſſemble of the Princes at Villelorde.At the
day appoynted, there came to Ville|fort the Dukes of Brabant, and
Guelderlande, the Erle of Heynault, Gulicke, Namure, Blac|kenheym, Bergen,
ſir Robert Dartois Earle of Richmont, the Erle of Valkenburg, and Iaques
Arteveld, with the other rulers of Flaunders and many others.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Here it was ordayned,
that the Countreys of Flaunders,The couenants betwixt the
K. of England & his cõfederats. Brabant, and Heynault,
ſhoulde be ſo vnited and knitte in one
corporation, that nothing ſhoulde bee done amongeſt them in publike
affayres, but by common conſent, and if any warres were mooued agaynſt any
of them, then ſhoulde the other be readie to ayde them, a|gaynſt whome any
ſuch warre was moued: and if vpon any occaſion anye diſcorde roſe betwixt
them for anye matter, they ſhoulde make an ende of it amongeſt themſelues,
and if they coulde not, then ſhoulde they ſtande to the iudge|ment and
arbitrement of the king of Englande, vnto whome they bounde themſelues by
othe to keepe this ordinance and agreement.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The French king being
enfourmed that the king of Englande ment to lay ſiege vnto Tour|ney, as it
was in deede deuiſed at this counſaile holden at Villefort,
Froiſſa [...].
Tourney [...]+niſhed the ſtrong p [...] of men.
tooke order for the furniſhing therof with men, munition, and
vittayles in moſt defencible wiſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were ſent to that
towne the beſt men of warre in all Fraunce, as the Earle of Ewe Coneſtable
of Fraunce, the yong Erle of Guines his ſonne, the Earle of Foiz and his
brethren, the Earle Amerie de Narbon, with many other, hauing with them
foure thouſande Souldiers. Sir Godmar du Foy was there before as Cap|taine
of the towne, ſo that it was prouided of all things neceſſarie.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The king of Englande yet
according as it was appoynted at the Counſaile holden at Vil|lefort, about
the feaſt of Marie Magdalen, de|parted from Gaunt, and came to Tourney,
ha|uing wyth hym ſeuen Earles of hys owne Countrey, as Darbie, Pembroke,
Hereforde,Tourney be+ſieged. Huntingdon,
Northampton, Glouceſter, and Arundell, eyght Prelates .xxviij. Baronettes,
two hundred Knightes, foure thouſande men of Armes, and nine thouſande
Archers, beſide other
[figure appears here on page 910] footemen. Hee lodged at
the Gate called Saint Martyn, the way towarde Liſle and Doway. Anon after came the Dukes of Brabante and
Gelderlande, the Erle of Gulick, the Marques of Blanqueburg, the Marques of
Muſſe, the Erles of Bergen, Sauin [...]s, and Heynault: alſo Iaques Arteueld,
The great nũ|ber of people at the ſiege of Tourney.
Iames Mair.
who brought with him aboue fortie thouſande Flemings. So that there
was at thys ſiege to the number of ſixe ſcore thouſande men as ſome wryters
doe affyrme. There was alſo an other armie of Flemings, as of the townes of
Ipre, Popringue, Furnes, Caſſell, and of the Chateleynye, of Berges beeing
to the num|ber of fortie thouſand, appoynted to make warre agaynſte the
Frenche menne that kept Saint Omers, and other townes there on the Frontiers
of Arthoys, whiche armie was ledde by the Earle of Richmond, otherwyſe
called the Lord Robert Dartois, & by ſir Henrie de Flanders,The Earle of Richmond. the which approching one day
to ſaint Omers, were EEBO page image 911 ſharpely fought with, for within
Saint Omers at that tyme lay a ſtrong power of Frenchemen with the Duke of
Burgoyne, the Earle of Ar|minacke and others.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Flemings were not
willing to ſerue, for neyther had they any truſt in their Captain the ſayde
Earle of Richmonde, neyther would they wyllingly haue paſſed oute of their
owne con|fines, but onely to defend the ſame from the inua|ſion of theyr
enimyes, yet through much per|ſwaſion
forwarde they goe, deuided into ſun|drie battayles contrarie to theyr
[...]e French [...] ſet vpon [...] Flemings. The enimyes perceyuing ſome aduantage, iſſue
forth vpon them, and aſſayle them very ſtoutely, inſo|much that the Earle of
Arminacke ſetting vpon them of Hypres, ouerthrewe them, and chaled them vnto
a towne called Arques, whiche they had a little before ſet on fire and
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Another companie of
Frenchemen, ſkinni|ſhing with them of Frankes, Furnes, and Ber|gis,
[...]e variable [...] is [...]es
put them alſo to the worſe Contrarily
thoſ [...] Frenchemen that encountered with the Lorde Robert Dartois, and them
of Bruges whom he ledde, ſuſteyned great loſſe, and were beaten backe into
the Citie: the Duke of Burgoyne hymſelfe being in no ſmall daunger for a
time, ſo ſharpe the bickering was betwixt them.Addition
to [...]mouth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There be that write that
this fight continu|ing from three of the clocke till euentide, and that the
Earle of Richmond was twiſe put to flight, for his people did leaue hym in
the plaine fielde:Sir Thomas Vthred. but at length
by the aduice of ſir Thomas V|thred, whom the king of Englande had
appoyn|ted to attende the ſayde Earle, wyth manye Engliſh meane and A [...]chers, hee aſſembled his people eftſoones togyther agayne, and ſetting
on his enimies, nowe when it was almoſt night, neare to the Gates of Saint
Omers, he finally ouercame them, where were flame of the French part .xv.
Barons, and .lxxx. knightes, beſide a great number of other people.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Diuerſe alſo were ſlaine
on the Earle of Richmonds part at this laſt encounter, & among other
an Engliſh knight, that bare armes eſchec|ked ſiluer and gue [...]s.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Finally as the Erle of
Richmont returned to|wardes his [...]ampe, which lay in the vale of Caſ|ſell, he met with certaine Arteſmes
& Frenchmẽ, which had bene chaſing the other Flemings, and though
it was late in the euening, that one could not take good view of an other,
yet here they fought againe, and ſo diuerſe of the Frenchmen were taken and
killed, and amongeſt other that were taken, was a knight of Burgoin; named
ſir Wil. de N [...]lly. But when the Erle of Richmond and thoſe that were with him came
to the place
[figure appears here on page 911] where ye campe, lay they found
that all the reſidue of the Flemings were fled and gone, and when the ſayde
Earle came to Caſſell,The Ea [...]e of Richmont [...] daunger to [...]e ſlaine. the people were
readie to haue ſlaine him, their former malice to|wards him being nowe much
encreaſed with the euill ſucceſſe of thys paſſed enterpryſe, ſo that hee was
glad to gette hym thence, and to repayre vnto king Edwarde, that lay yet at
the ſiege be|fore Tourney, during whiche ſiege many pro|per feates of armes
were done betwixte thoſe within, and them without: for fewe dayes paſſed
without the atchieuing of ſome enterpriſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo the Frenche King
hauing made hys aſ|ſemble at Arras,The great ar|my rayſed
by the French K. and gotte togyther a mightie hoſt, as well out of
the Empyre as of hys owne ſubiectes, came and lodged at the bridge of
Bouuines, three Leages from Tourney. There were wyth hym the King of Bohem,
the Duke of Lorraine, the Biſhoppe of Metz, the Erles of Bar, Mount
Belliard, and Sauoy, alſo the Dukes of Burgoigne, and Burbone, with a great
number of other Erles and Lordes, EEBO page image 912 ſo that the greateſt
puyſſance of all Fraunce was iudged to be there with the king.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whyleſt hee laye encamped
thus at Bou|uins, and the King of Englande at Tourney, manye exploytes were
atchieued betwyxt theyr people, who laye not ydle, but ſtill were ryding
abroade, and oftentymes mette, and then that parte that was weakeſt payed
for the others charges, ſo that many were ſlaine and taken on both ſydes as
well of the Nobilitie as other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo dyuerſe Townes were
ſacked and bur|ned on the Frontiers of Fraunce, duryng thys ſiege at
Tourney, namely at the purſuyte of the Earle of Heynault, as Seclyn, S.
Amond, Orchies,The Lady Iane de Valois treateth for a
peace. Landas, and other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At length at the ſuyte of
the Ladie Iane de Valois, ſiſter to the Frenche King, and mother to the
Earle of Heynault, trauayling ſtyll be|twixte the partyes to bring them vnto
ſome ac|corde, it was graunted that eyther partie ſhoulde ſende certayne ſufficient perſones to entreate of the
matter, whiche ſhoulde meete at a lyttle Chappell, ſtanding in the fieldes
called Eſplo|tyn, and hereto alſo was a truce graunted for three dayes. For
the Engliſhe parte were ap|poynted the Duke of Brabant, the Biſhop of
Lyncolne, the Duke of Gelderlande, the Earle of Gulicke, and Sir Iohn de
Heynault Lorde Beaumont [...] the Frenche part, the King of Boheme, Charles Earle of Alanſon
brother to the Frenche king, the Biſhoppe
of Liege, the Earle of Flaunders, and the Earle of Armynacke: and the Ladie
of Valoſe was ſtill among them as a Mediatrix, by whoſe meanes
chiefelye,A truce accor|ded. they at length
didde agree vppon a truce to endure for a yeare betweene all partyes and
theyr menne, and alſo betweene them that were in Scotland, in Gaſcoigne, and
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It was agreed alſo by
theſe Commiſſioners, that there ſhoulde other Commiſſioners of ey|ther
parte foure or fiue meete at Arras at a
daye appoynted, and thither alſo ſhoulde the Pope ſende his Legates, to
treate of a perpetuall peace and full agreement to bee made betwyxt the two
kings of England and France.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Flemings releaſed of debts, and of the
inter|diction.There was alſo conſideration hadde of the Flemings,
ſo that they were releaſed of all ſuche ſummes of money as they were by any
bondes endaungered to paye by forfeyture, or other|wyſe, for anye matter
before that time vnto the crowne of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo they were releaſed
of the Interdicton and Curſe of the Churche, and then alſo was theyr Earle
reſtored home.Polidor.
Compare 1587 edition:
Reſtitution of townes to the king of Eng|land.
It was further accorded, that the French king ſhoulde reſtore vnto
the King of England cer|tayne Townes and places in Guienne, whiche in the
begynning of theſe warres the Earle of Alanſon had taken from the Engliſhe
[...], as Penne in Agenoys, and others.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo where as the French
king had ſeaſed the Countie of Pontieu into hys handes, [...] was the dower of Queene Iſabell, the mother of King Edwarde, hee
ſhoulde alſo reſtore the ſame vnto King Edwarde, to holde it as hee did
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Hereupon was the siege raysed from Tourney, The [...]
[...]+ney. after it had continued there the space of tenne Weekes
and foure dayes. They within stoode in great daunger for lacke of vytayles
to haue bene constrayned to the surrendring of the Towne, if thys truce had
not beene concluded, whiche caused the Frenche King the sooner to agree, in
lyke case as the lacke of money caused the King of Englande to take thys
truce, which otherwise as was thought he would not haue done.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After he had raised his siege, The Ea [...]
[...] Flaunders [...] of [...]
he went to Gaunt and thither came also the Earle of Flaunders being
nowe restored home to his Countrey, and made the King of Englande great
cheare, feasting and banquetting him right princely togyther with the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Finally, after the king Edwarde had refreshed himselfe a while at
Gaunt, The king [...]+eth [...] la [...]
he tooke a verie few with him, and came into Zealande, and there
taking the seas to passe ouer into Engla(n)d, he was sore tossed by force of
outragious stormes of winde and weather.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At length yet after three dayes and three nightes sayling, Co [...]i [...] of Tri [...]. in the nyghte of the feast of Saint Andrewe, hee came on
lande at the tower of London aboute Cockes crowe, and wyth hym the Earle of
Northampton, the Lorde Walter de Mannie, the Lord Iohn Beauchampe, with two
Chapleynes that were his Secretaries, Sir William Killesby and Sir Philip
Weston, besides a few other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After his arriuall hee
ſente for the Biſhop of Chicheſter that was Lorde Chauncellor, for the
Biſhop of Couentree and Lichfield being Lorde Treaſorer,Aue [...]
and for ſuche of the Iudges as were then in London. The Lord
Chancellor and the Lorde Treaſoree he ſtreightwayes diſcharged of theyr
offices, threatning to ſende them into Flan|ders there to remaine as pledges
for money that he there ought, or if they refuſed to go thither, then to
keepe them priſoners in the towne. But when the Biſhop of Chicheſter
declared to him the dan|ger of the Canon eſtabliſhed agaynſt ſuch as
im|pryſoned Byſhoppes, hee ſuffered them to de|parte: but the Iudges, to
witte Iohn de Sto|nore, Richard de Willoughby, Wil. de Shore|ſhull,Iudges and o|ther officers command [...] the tow [...]. and alſo Nicholas (or as other haue) Math. de la Beche,
which was before gardian of his ſon, & lieutenant of the tower: alſo
Iohn de Pultney, & EEBO page image 913 William de Poole
Merchants, and the chiefe Clearkes of ye Chancerie, Iohn de Saint Paule,
Michaell de Wath, Henry de Stretforde, and Robert de Chikewel, and of the
Eſchecker, Iohn; de Thorpe, and many other, were committed to diuers
priſons, but yet bycauſe they were com|mitted but only vppon commaundements;
they were within a while after deliuered.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Wake was alſo
committed, but ſhortly after,
[...]ewe officers [...]ade in place [...] other that [...]re diſchar| [...]ed. he was deliuered to his great honor, as Walſingham writeth. Robert de Bourchier was made Lorde
Chancellor, and Richarde de Sadington Lorde Treaſorer: all the Sherifes of
Shires, and other officers alſo, were remoued, and other putte in their
places, and Iuſtices ap|poynted in euery Shire, to enquire vppon the
de|faultes of collectors, and other officers, ſo that few or none eſcaped
unpuniſhed, howſoeuer they had demeaned themſelues, ſo ſtraitely thoſe
iuſtices proceeded in their commiſſions.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The King indeede was ſore
offended with thoſe whome he had put in truſt to leuie money, and to ſee it
conueyd ouer to him into the lowe countrey, bycauſe that for want thereof in
tyme of neede, hee was conſtreyned to take truce with his aduerſarie the
French King, and leaue off his enterpriſe, which he was in good forwardneſſe
to haue gone through with, if he had not bin diſap|poynted of treaſure
whiche he had commaunded to be ſente ouer vnto him, whiche was not done,
but kepte backe,
[...]he K. offen| [...]d vvith the [...]chbiſhop of [...]nterbury. in whomſoeuer the fault reſted. There were ſome of
his Secretaries, namely, ſir William Killeſby, which ſtirred him to take no
ſmall diſpleaſure againſt the Archbiſhop of Can|terbury Iohn Stratford, who
therevppon with|drewe him into the Priorie of Chriſtes Churche at
Caunterbury, and there remayning for a ſea|ſon, wrote his mind to the
The Archbiſ. [...]iteth to the [...]ing.
exhorting hym not to giue too light credite vnto ſuche as ſhoulde
counſell him to haue thoſe in contempt that were faithfull and true to him, for in ſo doing, he might
happely loſe the loue and good will of his people. Neuertheleſſe, hee
wiſhed, that he ſhould trie out in whoſe hands the wolles and money
remained, which was taken vp to his vſe, and that vppon a iuſt accomptes had
at their handes, it mighte ap|peare, who were in faulte, that he had not
money broughte to hym, whyleſt hee lay at ſiege before Tourney, as he had
appoynted, and that when the trueth was knowen, they that were in faulte
might be worthely puniſhed. And as for
his own cauſe, he ſignified, that hee was ready to be tryed by his peeres,
ſauing alwayes the eſtate of holye Churche, and of his order.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Further, he beſought the
King, not to thynke euill of him, and of other good men, till the trueth
might be tried, for otherwiſe, if iudgement ſhould be pronounced, without
admitting the partie to come to his aunſwere, as well the giltleſſe as the
giltie might be condemned.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The King neuertheleſſe
ſtill offended towards the Archbiſhoppe,
An. reg. 15.
A letter ſent to the Deane of Paules.
cauſed Adam Biſhop of Win|cheſter to endite a letter againſte him,
directed frõ the King, to the Deane and Chapiter of Paules, openly to be
publiſhed by them: the effect whereof was, to burden the Archbyſhoppe with
vnthank|fulneſſe, and forgetting of his bounden duetie to|wards his
ſoueraigne Lorde and louing maſter, namely, in that where he promiſed the
Kyng to ſee him throughly furniſhed with money, to|wardes the maintenance of
his warres: when it came to paſſe, none woulde be had, which turned not
onely to the hinderance of the Kings whole proceedings, but alſo to his
great diſcredite, and cauſing him to runne greatly in debt by intereſt,
through borrowing of money, for the paymente of the wages of his men of
warre, when through the Archbyſhops negligence, who had the chiefe rule of
the lande, the collectors and other officers ſlacked their duetie, wherby
there was no money ſent ouer according to that was appoynted: and whereas
now, ſith his comming ouer, he had ſent to the Archbiſhop to come vnto him,
that by hys information, he might the better learne, who they were that had
neglected their duety, hee diſobedi|ently refuſed to come, pretending ſome
feare of bodily harme, through the malice of ſome yt were about the King.
Wherevpon, when Raufe Lord Stafforde, Lord Stewarde of the Kings houſe, was
ſente with a ſafeconduit, for him to come in all ſafetie to the Court, he
flatly made aunſwere, that hee woulde not come,The
Archebi|ſhop refuſeth to come to the courte. except in full
Parlia|ment. Many other miſdemeanors was the Arch|byſhop charged with
towardes the King in that letter, as malitiouſly ſlaundering the King for
vniuſt oppreſſion of the people, confounding the Cleargie, and greeuing the
Church with exacti|ons, leuies of money, tolles and tallages: there|fore,
ſith he went about ſo to ſlaunder the Kyngs royall authoritie, to defame hys
ſeruauntes, to ſtirre Rebellion among the people, and to with|draw the
deuotion and loue of the Erles, Lords, and greate men of the lande from the
Kyng: hys highneſſe declared, that hee meante to prouide for the integritie,
and preſeruation of his good name, and to meete with the Archbyſhops malice,
and heerewith, diuers things were reherſed to ye Arch|biſhops reproche,
which he ſhould do, procure, and ſuffer to be done, by his euill and
ſiniſter counſell, whileſt hee hadde the rule of the Realme in hys handes
vnder the Kyng: wherein he had ſhewed hymſelfe not only an acceptor of
giftes, but alſo of perſons, in gratifying dyuers that nothing had deſerued
ſundry wayes forthe, and preſuming to doe raſhly many other things to the
detrimente of the Kynges royall ſtate, and hurte of hys EEBO page image 914
regall dignitie, and to no ſmall damage of the people, abuſing the
authoritie and office to hym committed, ſo that if hee perſiſted in his
obſtinate wilfulneſſe, and rebellious con [...]umacie, the King by thoſe his letters ſignifyed, that he meant to
de|clare it more apparantly in due time and place, and therefore commaunded
the ſayd Deane and Chapiter of Paules, to publiſhe all thoſe thyngs openly,
in places where they thought conueniẽt according to their wiſedome giuen to
them by God, ſo as hee mighte haue cauſe
to commende therein their carefull diligence.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This letter was dated at
Weſtminſter the tenth of February, in the fifteenth yeare of hys raigne ouer
Englande, and ſeconde ouer France.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Where the Londoners would
not permitte the Kinges Iuſtices to fitte within the C [...] London, contrary to their liberties, the King [...]+poynted them to ſitte in the Tower, and [...] they would not make any aunſwer there, a [...] tumulte was reyſed by the commons of the Ci+tie, ſo that the Iuſtices
beeing in ſome perilles they thoughte, feygned themſelues to ſitte there
till towardes Eaſter. Wheervpon, when the K. coulde not get the names of
them that reyſed the tumult, no otherwiſe but that they were certaine light
perſons of the common people, he at length pardoned the offence. After this,
thoſe Iuſtices neyther ſate in the Tower, nor elſe where, of all that
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the quindene of
Eaſter,A Parliament the Kyng helde a
Parliamente at London, in the which, ye Pre|lates,
[figure appears here on page 914] Earles, Barons and commons, preſented many petitions,Merimouth. as to haue the great Charter of liberties,
and the Charter of Forreſtes duely ob|ſerued, and that they which brake the
ſame, ſhuld be diſcharged of their offices, if they were ye kings
officers, and that the high officers of
the Kyng, ſhuld be elected and choſen by their peeres in Par|liament. The
Kyng withſtoode theſe petitions a certayne time, at length yet he graunted
to ſome of them, but as concerning the election of his of|ficers, hee in no
wiſe woulde conſente, but yet hee was contented, that they ſhould receyue an
othe in Parliamente, to doe iuſtice to all men in theyr offices. &c.
Vppon whyche Article and others, a ſtatute was made and confirmed with ye
Kyngs Seale.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Empe|ror won from the King of Englands
friendſhippe.In the meane whyle, the French King had with bribes
wonne Lewes of Bauaria, that na|med himſelfe Emperour, from further
fauouring the King of Englande, in ſo muche, that vnder a colourable
pretence of finding him ſelfe gree|ued, for that the King of England had
without his knowledge takẽ truce with the French king, he reuoked the
dignitie of being vicar in the Em|pire, from the King of England, but yet
ſignified to him, that where the Frenche Kyng had at hys requeſt put the
matter in controuerſie betwixte him and the Kyng of England into his handes,
to make an ende thereof, if it ſo pleaſed the Kyng of England,The Empe [...] offereth [...] a meane, [...] conclud [...] peace. that hee ſhould treate as an indiffe|rent arbitrator
betwixt them, he promiſed to doe his endeuor, ſo as he doubted not, but that
by hys meanes he ſhoulde come to a good agreement in his cauſe, if he wold
follow his aduice, and to re|ceyue aunſwere hereof, he ſente his Letters by
a chaplayne of his, one Eberhard, the reader of the Friers hermites of Saint
Auguſtines order, re|queſting the King of England to aduertiſe hym by the
ſame meſſenger, of his whole minde in that behalfe. The Kyng for aunſwere,
ſignifyed againe by his letters vnto the Emperoure,The
Kyngs aunſwere. that for the zeale whiche he hadde, to make an
accorde betwixt him and his aduerſarie Phillippe de Va|loys, that named
himſelfe French King, he could not but muche commend him, and for his parte,
hee had euer wiſhed, that ſome reaſonable agree|ment EEBO page image 915
mighte bee had betwixt them: but ſith hys right to the Realme of France was
cleere & ma|nifeſt inough, hee purpoſed not to committe it by
writing vnto the doubtful iudgement, or arbitre|ment of anye: and as
concerning the agreemente which the Emperor had made with the Frenche Kyng,
bycauſe as he alledged, it was lawfull for him ſo to do, ſith without the
Emperors know|ledge, hee had taken truce with the ſame Frenche King, he
ſaid, if the circumſtances were wel con|ſidered, that matter could not miniſter any cauſe to moue him to
ſuch agreement: for if the Empe|ror remembred, he had giuen to him libertie
at all times to treate of peace, without making ye Em|peror priuie thereto
(ſo that without his aſſent, he concluded not vppon any ſmall peace) which
hee proteſted, that he neuer meant to do, till he might haue his prouidente
aduice, counſell, and aſſente therevnto. And as concerning the reuoking of
the vicarſhippe of the Empire from him, hee tooke it done out of tyme, for
it was promiſed, that no ſuch reuocation ſhould be made, till he had
obtey|ned the whole Realme of France, or at the leaſt, the more part
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe in effect were the
poyntes of the Kyngs letters of aunſwere vnto the Emperor. Dated at London
the thirtenth of Iuly, in the ſecond yeare of his raigne ouer Fraunce, and
fifteenth ouer England.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare, about
The deceaſſe of the Lorde Geffrey de Scrope, and of the Byſhop of
The Queene brought to bedde.
or ſomewhat before, at Gant in Flanders, dyed the Lorde Gef|frey
Scrope the Kings Iuſtice, and Henry By|ſhoppe of Lincolne, two chiefe
counſellors to the King.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Queene after hir
returne into Englãd, was this yeare brought to bed in the Tower of London,
of a daughter named Blanch, that dyed yong, and was buried at
[figure appears here on page 915]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this meane while,
during the warres be|twixt France and Englande, the Frenche Kyng in fauour of Dauid, king of Scotland, had ſente
menne of warre into Scotlande, vnder the con|duit of Sir Arnold Dãdreghen,
who was after one of the Marſhals of France, and the Lorde of Garentiers,
with other, by whoſe comfort & help, the Scottes that tooke parte
with King Dauid, did endeuor themſelues to recouer out of ye Eng|liſh mens
handes, ſuche Caſtels and fortreſſes as they helde within Scotland, as in
the Scottiſhe hiſtorie ye ſhall finde mentioned, and how aboute this time, their King the foreſaide Dauid,
retur|ned foorth of France into Scotland by the french kings help, who
hauing long before concluded a league with him, thought by his friendſhippe
to trouble the King of England ſo at home, that he ſhoulde not bee at great
leyſure to inuade hym in France.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But now to tell you what
chanced of the mee|ting appoynted at Arras,The
commiſ|ſioners that met at Arras. for the commiſſioners that
ſhould there treate of the peace, when the day aſſigned of their meeting was
come, there arriued for the King of Englãd the Biſhop of Lincolne, the
Biſhop of Dureſme, the Earle of Warwike, the Earle of Richmond, Sir Robert
Dartois, ſir Iohn of Heynault, otherwiſe called Lord Beau|mont, and ſir
Henry of Flaunders.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 For the french King,
there came the Earle of Alaunſon, the Duke of Burbon, the Earle of
Flaunders, the Earle of Blois, the Archbyſhoppe of Sens, the Biſhop of
Beaunoys, and the By|ſhop of Auxerre.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Pope ſente thither
two Cardinals, Na|ples and Cleremont, theſe commiſſioners were in treatie
fifteene dayes, during the which, many matters were putte foorth, and
argued, but none concluded: for the Engliſhmen demanded large|ly, and the
Frenchmen woulde departe with no|thing, ſauing with the Countie of Pontieu,
the EEBO page image 916 which was giuen with Queene Iſabell in mar|riage to
the King of Englande.This truce was prolonged about the
feaſt of the decol|lation of Saint Iohn, to en|dure til Mid|ſomer then
next follo|wing, as the addition to Adam M [...]ri+mouth hath. The occaſion of the warres of Britaine. So
the treatie brake, the commiſſioners departed, and nothyng done, but onely
that the truce was prolonged for two yeres further.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus were ye warres
partly appeaſed in ſome part of Fraunce, but yet was the truce but
ſlen|derly kept in other partes, by reaſon of the deathe of the Duke of
Britaine. For whereas contentiõ roſe betwixte one Charles de Blois, and
Iohn Earle of Mountfort, about the right
to the Du|chie of Britaine, as in the hiſtorie of Fraunce it may more
plainely appeare. The Erle of Moũt|fort, thinking that he had wrong offered
him at the French Kings hands, who fauoured his ad|uerſarie Charles de
Blois, alyed himſelfe with the King of Englande. And as ſome write, after he
had wonne diuers Cities and Townes with|in Britaine, he came ouer into
England, and by doing homage to King Edward, acknowledged to holde it of hym, as of the ſoueraigne Lorde thereof,
ſo that he would promiſe to defende hym and that Duchie againſt his
aduerſaries, whyche the Kyng promiſed him to do.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this, the French K.
made ſuch warres a|gainſt this Earle of Mountfort, that he was at lẽgth
taken priſoner in the towne of Nauntes, & committed to ſafe keeping
within the Caſtell of the Lovre at Paris: but his wife being a ſtoute woman,
and of a manly courage, ſtoode vp in the
quarrell of hir huſbande, and preſented a yong ſon which ſhe had by him,
vnto ſuch Captaines & men of warre as ſerued hir huſbande, requiring
them not to bee diſmayd, with the infortunate chance of hir huſbãds taking,
but rather lyke mẽ of good ſtomackes, to ſtãd in defence of his right,
ſith whatſoeuer happened to hym, the ſame re|mayned in that yong Gentleman
his ſonne.
Compare 1587 edition:
Ia. Meir.This Counteſſe of Mountfort, was ſiſter
vnto Lewes Earle of Flaunders, and named
Margaret, and not Claudia as ſome write. She was very diligente in hir
buſineſſe, and ſpared no trauaile to aduaunce hir cauſe, ſo that ſhe wanne
not only the heartes of the men of warre, but alſo of the people of
Britaine, the whiche fauoured hir huſband, and lamented the miſhap of his
taking. She firſte furniſhed ſuche Cities,Froiſſard. Townes, Ca|ſtels, and fortreſſes as hir huſband had in
poſſeſ|ſion, with men, munition & vittayles, as Renes, Dynaunt,
Guerand, Hanibout and others. This done,
ſhe ſente ouer into England, ſir Emerie de C [...]ſſon, a noble man of Britaine, to require the King of Englande of
ſuccours, with condition, that if it pleaſed him, hir ſonne Iohn ſhould
mar|rie one of his daughters. The King of Englande glad to haue ſuche an
entrie into Fraunce, as by Britaine thought not to refuſe the offer,
& there|vpon, graunted to ayde the Counteſſe: & forth|with
reyſing a power, ſente the ſame ouer him Britaine, vnder the conduct of the
Lord Walter of Manny and others: the which at length, after they had
continued long vpon the ſea, by reaſon of contrary windes arriued in
Britaine, in whi|che meane time, a great army of Frenchmẽ were entred into
Britaine, and had beſieged the Citie of Renes, and finally wonne it by
ſurrender, and were nowe before the Towne of Hanibout, whiche with ſtraite
ſiege, and ſore bruſing of the walles, they were neere at poynt to haue
taken, and the Counteſſe of Mountfort within it, if the ſuccours of England
had not arriued there, euen at ſuche time, as the Frenchmenne were in talke
with them within, about the ſurrender. But af|ter that the Engliſh fleete
was ſeene to approch, the treatie was ſoone broken off, for they within had
no luſt, then to talke any further of the mat|ter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde of Manny, and
the Engliſhmen arriuing at Hanibout thus in time of imminent daunger,
wherein the Counteſſe, and the other within that Towne were preſently
beſet,The Engli [...] ſuccour [...]+ [...]ed in good time. greatly recomforted the ſaide Counteſſe as
ſhe well ſhe|wed by hir cheerefull countenance in receyuing them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortly after their
arriuall,Archers. a certaine num|ber of the
Engliſhe archers, iſſuing forthe, beate the Frenchmen from an engine which
they hadde reared againſt the walles, and ſet fire vppon the ſame engin. To
conclude, the Frenchemen lyked the Engliſhmen ſo well, that ſhortly after
being wearie of their companie, they rayſed their ſiege to get themſelues
further from them: and in an other parte of the countrey endeuoured
them|ſelues to winne Townes and Caſtels as they did indeede,Charles de Blois. hauing their army deuided into two
partes, the Lord Charles de Bloys gouerning the one parte, and a Spanyarde
called the Lorde Lewes de Spaine the other (which was the ſame that thus
departed from the ſiege of Hanibout,Lewes de
Spaine. after the arriuall of the Engliſhmenne) and then winning
the townes of Dinant and Guerand,Britaine Britona [...]
paſſed into the countrey of Britaine, Britonaũt, and there not
farre from Quinpercorentine, were diſcomfited by the Engliſhmenne, who
fol|lowed them thither.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Of ſixe thouſande
Genewaies, Spanyardes, and Frenchmenne whiche the Lorde Lewes of Spayne had
there with him, there eſcaped but a few away. A nephewe which he hadde there
with him named Alfons was ſlaine, howbeit he him|ſelfe eſcaped, though not
without ſore hurtes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare,
Edmond of Langley that was after Duke of [...] is borne.
Fabia [...].
the fifth of Iune Queene Phillip was deliuered of a ſonne at the
towne of Lang|ley the which was named Edmond, and ſurna|med Langley, of the
place where hee was thus borne.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 917
[...]uſtes and [...]urney at [...]nſtable.Alſo about the ſame time, was a great iuſtes kept by
King Edwarde, at the Towne of Dun|ſtable, with other counterfeyted feates of
warre, at the requeſt of diuers yong Lords and Gentle|men, whereat, both the
King and Queene were preſente, with the more parte of the Lordes and Ladies
of the lande.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Charles de
Blois, hauing in the meane time wonne Vannes, and other townes, brought his
army backe vnto Hanibout,
[...]anibout [...]ſieged. and eft|ſoones
beſieged the ſame, and the Counteſſe of Mountfort wtin it: but for ſomuch
as it was wel fortifyed, & prouided of all things neceſſarie to
defend a ſiege, the Engliſhemen being returned thyther agayne after the
ouerthrowe of the Lord Lewes de Spayne, it could not be eaſily wonne. At
An. reg.
[...]he Coũteſſe [...] Richmont [...]mmeth o| [...] into Eng| [...]de.
[...] army ſente [...]o Britaine.
by the labor of certayne Lords of Bri|taine, a truce was taken for a
tyme, during the whiche, the Counteſſe of Richmond came ouer into England,
to cõmune with King Edward, touching the
affaires of Britaine, who appoyn|ted ſir Robert Dartois Earle of Richmond,
the Earles of Saliſburie, Pembroke, and Suffolke, the Lordes Stafford,
Spencer, and Bourchier; with other, to goe with hir ouer into Britaine, who
made their prouiſion, ſo that they mighte take the ſea, to come thither
againſt the time that the truce betwixte the Counteſſe, and the Lorde
Charles de Bloys ſhould expire.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]dditions to [...]dam Meri| [...]outh, and [...]uet.There bee that write, how the Lord Walter de Manny, tooke a truce indeede with the Lorde
Charles de Bloys, to endure till Alhallowne [...]de next enſuing, but with condition, that if the king of Englande were
contented therewith, then the ſame to be firme and fully ratifiede otherwiſe
not. Wherevpon, when about the beginning of Iu|ly, the ſayd Lord Walter came
ouer into Eng|land, bringing with him the Lord of Lions, and other ſuch
priſoners as he had taken, and ſignifi|ed to King Edward, what he had
cõcluded tou|ching the truce, the King liked not thereof, and ſo ſente ouer
the Earles of Northampton and Deuonſhire, the Lord Stafford,The Earle of Northampton and Deuon|ſhire. and ſir
William de Killeſby his Chaplayne, and one of his Secre|taries, with fiue
hundred men of armes, and a thouſand archers, whiche taking Shippe, the
vi|gill of the Aſſumption of our Lady, ſayled forthe towards Britaine.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The frenchmen therefore
vnderſtanding that this ſuccour was comming, appointed the Lord Lewes of
Spaine, ſir Charles Grimaldo, and ſir Antony Doria, with three thouſand
Genewes,Genewes re|teined in the French kings
wages. and a thouſande menne of armes, embarqued in two and
thirtie great Shippes, to lie on the ſea in awayte, to encounter the
Engliſhe fleete, as the ſame ſhould approch towards Britaine.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About Eaſter, the
Counteſſe of Mountforde with the Engliſh army, appoynted to attend hir,
tooke the Sea at Southhampton, and at length,The
Engliſh|men and Ge|newayes mete and fight on the Seas. mette with
the Lord Lewes of Spayne, and his
[figure appears here on page 917] fleete,
where betwixt thẽ was fought a ſore bat|taile. The Engliſhmen were a ſixe and fortie veſſels, but the
Lorde Lewes of Spayne, hadde nine great Shippes, and of more force, than any
of thoſe which the Engliſhmen had, and alſo he had three Galleys.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 They began to fighte
about euenſong tyme, and continued till that nighte parted them, and had
gone togither againe in the morning, if by a tempeſt that roſe about
midnighte, the ſame night, they had not bin ſcattered in ſunder.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Spanyardes and
Genewayes tooke a|way with them foure Engliſh Shippes, whyche being
vittellers, were left behinde, and bycauſe the ſame Spanyardes and Genewaies
were able to abide the Sea better than the Engliſhmenne, by reaſon of their
great ſhippes, they kept the maine Sea, but the Engliſhmen were aduiſed by
theyr EEBO page image 918 marriners to drawe vnto the lande, and ſo they did,
arriuing at a little hauen, not farre from Vã|nes, where comming a land,
they ſtreight ways made towardes that Citie, and beſieged it, [...] ceaſſing to aſſaulte it both day and night,Va [...]
till [...] lengthe they wanne it, by giuyng the aſſault in
[figure appears here on page 918] two places at once, whyleſt an other number of them ſette
vpon in a thirde place, where was no ſuſpition, and ſo entred. After this,
the moſte part of the Engliſhmen departed from Vannes, as ſome with the
Counteſſe, to bryng hir vnto Hanibout, and ſome with the Earles of
Saliſ|bury, Suffolke, and Cornewall, who wente and laide ſiege to Rennes, ſo
that the Earle of Rich|mont remayned in
Vannes, with the Lordes Spencer and Stafford, to keepe it, hauing a
cer|taine number of Archers and other men of warre with them. The Lord
Cliſſon, and ſir Henry de Leon, whiche were within Vannes when it was taken
by the Engliſhmen, and founde meanes to eſcape, were abaſhed at the matter,
that they had ſo loſt the Citie, wherevpon, they ſecretly aſſem|bled a
greate power of men thereaboutes, & came againe vnto Vannes, and ſo
fiercely aſſailed the gates and walles,
that in the ende, they entred by fine force. The Earle of Richmont was ſore
hurt, but yet hee eſcaped out at a poſterne gate, and the Lord Stafford with
him, but the Lorde Spencer was taken by ſir Henry de Leon.
Compare 1587 edition:
Additions to Triuet.Other write otherwiſe, both of
the landyng, and alſo concerning the miſfortune of the Lorde Spencer,
alledging letters ſent from the Earle of Northampton (whome the ſame authors
repute as generall of that army into Britaine) directed to the Kyng, in whiche was ſignified, howe that within
the octaues of the aſſumption of our La|dy, they arriued on the coaſt of
Britaine, neere to the Towne and Caſtell of Breſt, in the whyche, the
Ducheſſe of Britaine, with hir children were of the enimies beſieged, both
by ſea and lande, by ſea with thirteene greate galleys, by lande by the
Lorde Charles de Bloys, the Earles of Sauoy and Foiz. But the galleys
perceyuing the Eng|liſhe fleete to bee approched vpon them, ere they were
aware, ſo that they were compaſſed in, to their great danger, three of the
ſame galleys fled, and ſo eſcaped, the reſidue got vp into a riuer of the
ſame hauen, where they that were aboorde, left their veſſels, and fledde to
the lande, and as wel they, as the other that held ſiege before Breſt and
ſuche as kept a Caſtell there, not farre off, called Goule Forreſt, packed
away without any more ado.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The engliſh marriners
following the galleies (that were withdrawen vp the riuer) with theyr ſmall
boates and barges, ſet fire on the ſame gal|leys, and ſo brent them. Thus
all the Engliſhmẽ came a lande, and leauing the Lorde Say Cap|tain in the
ſaid Caſtel of Gouleforreſt, they paſſe forward into ye countrey, &
comming to a Caſtel cõmonly called Monſieur Relix, gaue an aſſault thereto,
where many of their men of warre were woũded, and ſir Iames Louel ſlaine.
After this, ſtaying a time for ye cõming of their cõfederates, whiche
after a fortnightes ſpace, came to them, on ye monday, being the morrow
after Michael|mas day, they hearde that the Lorde Charles de Blois was
comming in al haſt, with a power of three M. mẽ of armes, twelue C.
Genewayes, & a greate multitude of cõmons to reyſe the ſiege.
Wherevpõ, ye Erle of Northamptõ with his ar|my marched ſoftly towards
thẽ, & choſing a plot of ground conueniẽt for his purpoſe, fought
with his enimie, ſlew and tooke of them at ye leaſt, three hundred men of
armes. The Erle of Northamp|ton loſt not any noble man in this fight,
excepted onely the Lord Edwarde Spencer.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 But nowe as touching the
Earle of Rich|mont, EEBO page image 919 Froiſſart ſayth, yt he cõming to
Hanibout, after he had thus loſt Vannes, tooke the Sea, and ſailed into
England: but by reaſon of beeing toſ|ſed on the ſeas, his wounds rancled ſo,
that ſhort|ly after his comming to London hee dyed, and was buried in the
Church of Saint Paule. The King of Englande was ſore diſpleaſed with hys
[...]he Kyng [...]eth ouer [...]o Brytayn. and immediately after, paſſed ouer hym|ſelfe into
Britaine with a greate army: and lan|ding there the nine and twentith of
Nouember, at the ſame place where the
Earle of Richmont did land at his arriuall there, not farre from
[...]nnes be| [...]ed. he went ſtraight, and beſieged Vannes, but perceyuing
that it woulde not bee wonne but by long ſiege, he left the Erle of
Arundell, and ye lord Stafford to continue the ſiege, whileſt he wente to
Rennes to aide his people, which ſtill lay at the ſiege therof. Before the
kings arriual in Britain, thoſe yt were there vnder the Erle of
[...]ditions to [...]. as the Lord Hugh Spencer, & the L. Richard
Talbat, with their retinewes, foughte
with the Frenchmen neere to Morleis, where a few Eng|liſhmen, vnneth fiue
hũdred, diſcomfited a migh|ty power of Frenchmen,
[...] army of [...]enchmen comfited a few En| [...]ſhmen. eſtemed to be aboue fif|tie thouſand, of whome, ſome
they ſlewe, & ſome they tooke. Among other, was taken the L.
Gef|frey de Charny, accompted for one of the beſt and ſageſt Knightes in
Fraunce, whome the Lorde Richard Talbot tooke, and ſent into Englande. But
nowe as touching the Kings doings, wee
finde, that whileſt hee remayned for this winter ſeaſon in Britaine, his
people forreyed ye Coun|trey a four dayes iorney in length, and two days
iorney in bredth. After his comming to Rennes, hee ſtayed not paſt fiue
dayes, but leauing them whome he found there to continue the ſiege, hee went
himſelfe to Nauntes, where he had know|ledge, that the Lorde Charles de
Blois was. At his comming thither, hee enuironed the Citie a|bout with a
ſtrong ſiege,Nauntes be|ſieged. and made many
fierce aſſaultes to walles and gates, but could not pre|uayle, then leauing
certaine of his Lords there to continue the ſiege, hee rayſed with the
reſidue, and went to Dinan, whiche Towne, with ſore and fierce aſſaultes,
hee laſtly wonne, and after that, drew againe towards Vannes, for that he
was enformed, howe the Duke of Normandy was comming downe towards him, with
an ar|my of fortie thouſand men.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Heerevpon, he ſent for
them that lay at ſiege before Nauntes to come vnto him, and ſuffered them at
Rennes to keepe their ſiege ſtil, till they heard other word from him. The
Duke of Nor|mandy with four thouſande men of armes, and thirtie thouſande
other men of warre,The duke of Normandie cõmeth downe
into Britayne. comming into Britaine to ayde ye Lord Charles of
Blois, was aduertiſed, that the King of England was with the moſt part of
all his power withdrawen to Vannes, and there lay at ſiege, ſore
conſtrey|ning them within: wherefore he alſo drewe thi|therwards, and
approching to the place, encam|ped with his army ouer againſt ye King of
[figure appears here on page 919] encloſing his field with a great
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King of England
ſuppoſing he ſhoulde haue battell, ſente vnto thoſe whiche lay at ſiege
before Rennes, commanding them to come from thence vnto him: ſo that by this
meanes, all the powers, both of the King of Englande, and of the Duke of
Normandie, generall to his father the Frenche Kyng in thoſe warres of
Bry|taine, beeing aſſembled before Vannes, hande foughten ſome great and
bloudy battell as was ſuppoſed, for the whole triall of the right of
Bri|taine, if the Cardinals of Cleremount and Pre| [...]ſt [...], as Legates from Pope Clement the ſixth, hadde not taken vp the
matter, by concluding a deale betwixte them, for the tearme of three
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 920
Additions to Triuet.
Commiſsio|ners for the King of Eng|lande.
Commiſſioners appoynted to treate with theſe Cardinals, on the
behalfe of the Kyng of Eng|lande were theſe, Henry of Lancaſter Earle of
Derby, William Bohun Earle of Northamp|ton, William Mountagew Earle of
Saliſbu|rie, Raufe Lord Stafford, Bartholmewe Lorde Burgherſe, Nicholas
Lorde Cantelow, Regi|nald Lorde Cobham, Walter Lord of Manny, Maurice Lord
Berkeley, and Maſter Iohn Vf|ford Archdeacon of Elie.
Compare 1587 edition:
Commiſsio|ners for the french king.For the Frenche
King, Odo Duke of Bur|goigne, and Piers Duke of Burbon were depu|ted
Commiſſioners: and ſuch diligence was vſed by the parties,1343 that finally they agreed vpon thys truce of three
yeares,A truce for three yeares. with certayne
articles for meane to conclude ſome final peace, as that there ſhould be
ſent from eyther Kyng, ſome perſona|ges of their bloud and others, vnto the
Courte of Rome, with ſufficient authoritie, to agree, con|firme, and
eſtabliſhe vpon all controuerſies and
diſſentions betwixt the ſayde Kings, accordyng to the agreement of the Pope,
and ſuch as ſhould be ſo ſent to treate thereof.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It was further agreed,
that they ſhould haue libertie to declare and pronounce their argumẽts and
reaſons before the Pope, but not to haue po|wer to decide and giue ſentence,
but only by way of ſome better treatie and order of agreemente to be made.
And theſe commiſſioners were appoin|ted to appeare before the Pope, afore
the feaſt of Saint Iohn Baptiſt next
enſuing, and the Pope to diſpatche the buſineſſe before Chriſtmas after, if
by conſent of the ſayde nobles, the tearme were not proroged. And if it ſo
were that the Pope could make no agreemente, yet ſhoulde the truce endure
the prefired tearme,The conditi|ons of the truce.
to witte, till the feaſt of Saint Michaell the Archangell, and for the ſpace
of three yeares then next enſuing, betwixte the Kings of Fraunce, England
and Scotland, the Earle of Heynaulte and their alies, as the Dukes of Brabant, and of Gilderlande, alſo, the
Marques of Guillickerland, the Lorde Beau|mont, otherwiſe called Sir Iohn de
Heynault, and the people of Flaunders in all theyr landes and dominions,
from the date of the charter made heereof, by all the ſayde tearme
aforeſaide, to be obſerued, holden and kept.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo, the Kyng of Scottes
and the Earle of Heynaulte were appointed to ſende certaine per|ſons, as
commiſſioners for them, vnto the ſayde
Court of Rome.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thys truce was alſo
accorded to bee kepte in Britayne, betwixt the ſayde Kyngs and their
adherentes, in whyche Countrey, as well as in Gu [...]enne, and other places, euery man ſhoulde remayne in poſſeſſion of
that whiche hee helde at the tyme of concluding this truce, ſaue that the
Citie of Vannes ſhoulde bee deliuered into the handes of the Cardinall, to
bee kepte by [...] the Popes name, during the truce, and th [...]
[...] dyſpoſe thereof, as ſhoulde ſeeme to [...] good.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Many other articles were
compriſed in the Charter of thys truce, too long heere to rehearſe, all the
whyche were confirmed with the othes of the ſayd Dukes of Burgoigne, and
Burbone, on the French Kinges behalfe, and of the Earles of Derby,
Northampton, and Saliſbury, the Lorde Burgherſts, and the Lorde of M [...]y, for the Kyng of England. In witneſſe where|of, the ſayde Cardinals
cauſed the charter to bee made, putting therevnto their ſeales, the
nineteenth daye of Ianuary, in the yeare [...]343. in preſence of dyuers Prelates, and of the Earles of Bolongne,
Auſſerre, Sancerre, Iuigny, and Porcien, the Lorde Miles de Nohers, the
Lorde Ingram de Coucy, and the foreſayde Lordes, Cantelowe, Cobeham, and
Berkeley, with ma|nye other, Lordes, Barons, Nobles, and Ge [...]e|menne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When thys truce was thus
confirmed,An. reg. ma|nye of the Engliſhe armye
returned home tho|rough Fraunce, ſo to paſſe ouer by the narrowe Seas into
Englande, but the Kyng hymſelfe,The King England [...] Sea [...]. with a fewe other, taking theyr Shippes to paſſe by long
Seas, were maruellouſly [...]|ted by tempeſt, ſo that their Shippes were [...]|tered, and dryuen to take lande at dyuers ha|uens.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Ducheſſe of
Britaigne, with hir ſonne and daughter, came a lande in Deuonſhire.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Sir Peers de Veel,
and his ſonne Sir Henry Veel, and Sir Iohn Rayne Knyghtes, were
drowned, togyther with the Shippe in whyche they paſſed.
[figure appears here on page 920]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Kyng eſcaping very
hardly, landed at Weymouth, and the fifth day of March came to London to the
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 921
Parliament. [...]he Kings [...]eſt ſonne [...]eated prince [...] Wales.In the Quindene of Eaſter, he helde a Parli|ament at
Weſtminſter, in which, he created hys eldeſt ſonne Edward Prince of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this Parliamente, were
diuers matters
[figure appears here on page 921] talked of, and ſpecially
concerning woolles, and of the aſſeſſemente of a certayne price of them,
more and leſſe, according to the ſeuerall parties of the Realme, and of the
cuſtomes to bee made of them, to witte, three markes and an halfe, for euery
ſacke to be tranſported foorth of the Realm.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]baſſadors [...]oynted to [...] to the [...]e.Alſo in the ſame Parliament, were Ambaſſa|dors appoynted
forth, ſuche as ſhoulde goe to the Pope to treate of peace, (as in the
Charter of the truce among other articles
it was conteyned,) whoſe names followe, Iohn Byſhop of Exeter, Henry de
Lancaſter Earle of Derby, Hugh le Diſpenſer Lord of Glamorgan, Couſins to
the King: Raufe Lord Stafford, William de Nor|wiche Deane of Lincolne,
William Truſſell Knighte, and maſter Andrewe de Vfford a Ci|uilian. Theſe
perſons were ſent with commiſ|ſion to ye Pope, to treate with him, not as
Pope, nor as iudge, but as a priuate perſon, and a com|mon friende to both parties, to be a meane or me|diator, to
fynde out ſome indifferente ende of all controuerſies betwixt the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The date of their
commiſſion was at Weſt|minſter, the foure and twentith of May, in thys
ſeuenteenth yeare of the Kings raigne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer in thys
Parliamente, a greeuous complaynte was exhibited, by the Earles, Ba|rons,
Knightes, burgeſſes, and other of the com|mons, for that ſtraungers, by
vertue of reſerua|tions and prouiſions
Apoſtolike, gote the beſt be|nefices of this lande into their hands, and
neuer came at them, nor bare any charges due for the ſame, but deminiſhing
the treaſure of the Realm, and conueying it foorthe, ſore endomaged the
whole ſtate.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Byſhops durſt not, or
woulde not gyue theyr conſents in exhibiting this complainte, but rather
ſeemed to ſtande againſte it, till the Kyng compelled them to gyue ouer.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Heerevpon, a letter was
framed by the Lords of the temporaltie and commons, whiche they directed
vnto the Pope in all humble manner, be|ſieching hym to conſider of the
derogation done to the Realme of England, by ſuch reſeruations, prouiſions,
and collations of benefices, as had bin practiſed heere in Englande, and
therefore, ſith the Churches of Englande had bin founded and endowed by
noble and worthy men in times paſt, to the ende the people might be
inſtructed by ſuche as were of their owne language, and that hee beeyng ſo
farre off, and not vnderſtandyng the defaultes had (lyke as ſome of his
predeceſ|ſors more than in times paſt hadde bin accuſto|med) graunted by
dyuers reſeruations, prouiſi|ons, and collations, the Churches and
ſpirituall promotions of this lande, vnto diuers perſons, ſome ſtraungers,
yea, and enimies to ye Realme, whereby the money and profites were carried
foorthe, the cures not prouided for, almes with|drawen, hoſpitalitie
decayed, the Temples and other buyldings belonging to the Churches,
rui|nated and fallen downe, the charitie and deuo|tion of the people ſore
deminiſhed, and dyuers other greeuous, enormities thereby growen cleane
contrary to the founders mindes: where|fore, vpon due conſideration thereof
hadde, they ſignifyed to him, that they could not ſuffer ſuche enormities
any longer, and therefore beſoughte hym wholly to reuoke ſuche reſeruations,
proui|ſions, and collations, to auoide ſuche ſlaunders, miſchiefes, and
harmes as myghte enſue, and that the cures myghte therewith be committed EEBO page image 922 to perſons meete for the exerciſe of the ſame:
fur|ther alſo, beſeeching him without delay, to ſig|nifie his intention,
ſith they meante to employ theyr diligence to remedie the matter, and to ſee
that redreſſe myghte bee hadde accordyng to reaſon.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The date of theſe letters
was in full Parlia|ment at Weſtminſter, the eight and twentith of May, in
the yeare of grace. 1343.
Compare 1587 edition:
Sir Iohn Shordiche ſent to the Pope.Beſide theſe
letters, were other written, and ſent from
the King, conteyning in ſumme, the tenor of the other aboue mentioned, and
one Sir Iohn Shordiche Knighte a graue perſonage, and well ſeene in the
lawe, was appoynted to
[figure appears here on page 922]
goe with the ſame, who comming to
Auigni|on, and there preſenting his letters in the Popes priuie chamber,
where the Pope ſate, with all hys Cardinals about him, receyued no greate
curte|ous welcome, after hys letters were once redde: and when the Knight
made aunſwere vnto ſuch wordes as hee hearde the Pope vtter, and char|ged
hym,The Popes wordes to ſir Iohn Shordich. with
giuing the Deanrie of Yorke, vnto one that
was reputed the Kynges enimie, the Pope ſayde, well, It is not vnknowen to
vs who made and endited theſe letters, and wee knowe that thou madeſt them
not, but there is one that pincheth at vs, and wee ſhall puniſhe him well
ynough: we knowe all.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Heerevnto, hee added this
muche more, that there was a Knighte that ſpake defamous words of him,
& the Church of Rome, wherwith hee ſee|med highly offended. To
conclude, hee ſayd, that he woulde
aunſwere the letters of the Kyng and commons, as touching the poyntes
conteyned in the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Cardinals, after they
hadde hearde theſe thynges, departed, as if they hadde bin ſore of|fended
and troubled therewith: and the Knyghte taking hys leaue of the Pope,
departed alſo forth of the chamber, and without anye longer abode, got him
away towardes Burdeaux, aboute o|ther of the Kyngs buſineſſe: doubting leaſt
if [...] had ſtayed longer, hee myghte haue bin kepte there agaynſte his will.
The Pope ſente aun|ſwere indeede, but neuertheleſſe, the King pro|ceeded in
prohibiting ſuch prouiſions,Of bene [...] inhibited [...] the Kyng. and colla|tions within his Realme, on payne of
empriſon|mente and death to the intruders thereby, as af|ter yee ſhall
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare aboute
[...]es in Smithfielde there were ſo|lemne Iuſtes proclaymed by
the Lorde Roberte Morley, whiche were holden in Smithfielde, where for
challengers, came foorthe one apparel|led lyke to the Pope, bringing with
hym twelue other in garmentes lyke to Cardinals, whyche tooke vppon them to
aunſwere all commers, for there courſes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On the defendantes ſide,
ranne the Prince of Wales, with many Earles, Barons, Knyghtes and Eſquires
innumerable, ſo that thoſe Iuſtes continued three dayes togither, to the
greate pleaſure of the beholders.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare,
An. reg. [...]
King Edwarde ordeyned a cer|tayne newe coigne of golde, whyche hee
na|med the Florene, that is, the peny of ſixe ſhillings
[figure appears here on page 922] eight pence, the halfe peny of the valewe of three
ſhillings foure pence, and the farthing of the va|lewe of twentie pence.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thys coigne was ordeyned
for hys warres in Fraunce, the golde whereof was not ſo fine, as the Noble,
whiche in the fourteenth yeare of hys raigne, hee hadde cauſed for to bee
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare,
Tho. VV [...]
A chamber built [...]i [...] the Caſte [...] Windſor, called the round [...]
the King cauſed a great number of artificers and labourers to be
taken vp, whome hee ſet in hande to buylde a chamber in the Ca|ſtell of
Windeſor, whiche was called the rounde table, the floore whereof, from the
center or middle poynte, vnto the compaſſe thoroughout, the one halfe was
(as Walſ. writeth) an hundred EEBO page image 923 foote, and ſo the diametre,
or compaſſe rounde a|bout, was two hundred foote. The expenſes of this
worke, amounted by the weeke, firſt vnto an hundred pounde, but afterwardes,
by reaſon of the warres that followed the charges was demi|niſhed vnto two
and twentie pounde the weeks, as Thomas Walſingham writeth in his lar|ger
booke, entituled, the Hiſtory of Englande, or as ſome Comes [...]ane vnto nyne poundes.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]ow out of [...]enry de Lei| [...]ſter. The Iſle of [...]an.This yeare alſo, William Montagew Earle of Saliſbury, conquered the Iſle of Man, out of the hands
of the Scottes, whiche Iſle, the Kyng gaue vnto the ſayd Earle, and cauſed
him to bee entituled, and crowned King of Man:
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This Iſle as Robert
Southwe [...]
[...]teth was wonne by the Scottes, about the ſecond yeare of Edwarde the
ſecond his raigne, who in the yeare before, to witte, Anno Chriſti [...] had giuẽ the ſame Iſle vnto Peers de Ganaſton whome hee had alſo
made Earle of Cornewall.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, about the
beginning of this eyghteenth yeare of his raigne King Edwarde held a ſolemne
feaſt at his Caſtell of Windſor, where betwixt Candlemas and Lente,Iuſtes and tor|neys holden at Windſore. w [...]re at|chieued many martiall feates, as Iuſtes [...]+mentes, and dyuers other the like warlike pa|ſtimes,
[figure appears here on page 923] at the which were preſent, many ſtraun|gers of other
landes, and in the ende thereof, hee deuiſed the order of the Garter, and
after, eſtabli|ſhed it,The order of [...]e garter [...]unded. as it is at this day. There are ſix and twẽ|tie
companions or confreres of this felowſhip of that order, beeing called
Knightes of the blewe garter, and as one dyeth or is depriued, an other is
admitted into his place. The K. of Englande is euer chiefe of this order. They weare a blewe tobe or mãtel, and a
garter about their left legge, richly wrought with golde and precious
ſtones, hauing this inſcription in Frenche vpon it, Honi ſoit, qui mal y
penſe, Shame come to hym ye euill thinketh.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This order is dedicated
vnto Sainct George, as chiefe patrone of menne of warre, and there|fore
euery yeare do the knightes of this order kepe ſolemne his feaſt, with many
noble ceremonies, at the Caſtell of
Windeſor, where King Ed|warde founded a Colledge of Canons, or rather
augmenting the ſame, ordeyned therein a Deane with twelue Canons Seculars,
eight peticanõs, and thirteene vicars, thirteene Clearkes, and thir|teene
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Knightes haue
certayne lawes and ru|les apperteyning to their order, amõgſt the whi|che,
this is chiefly to be obſerued, as Polidor alſo noteth, that they ſhall ayde
and defende one ano|ther, and neuer turne their backes or runne away out of
the fielde in tyme of battell, where hee is preſent with hys ſoueraigne
Lorde, his Lieute|naunte or deputie, or other Captayne, hauyng the Kynges
power royall, and authoritie, and whereas his banners, ſtandertes, or
pennous are ſpredde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The reſidue of the lawes
and rules appertey|ning vnto this noble order, I doe heere purpoſe|ly
omitte, for that the ſame in other place conue|niente by others maye bee
expreſſed, ſo farre as ſhall bee thoughte expediente. But nowe tou|ching
theſe ſixe and twentie noble menne and Knightes whyche were firſte choſen
and ad|mitted into the ſame order, by the fyrſte Soue|raigne and founder
thereof, thys Kyng Ed|warde the thyrde, theyr names are as fol|lowe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 - Firſte, the ſayde noble Prince, King Edwarde the thirde.
- The Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewalle, and Earle of Cheſter hys
eldeſt ſonne.
- Henry Duke of Lancaſter.
EEBO page image 924The Earle of Warwike.
- The Captall de Bench, alias Buz or Beufe.
- Raufe Earle of Stafforde.
- William Montacute Earle of Saliſbury.
- Roger Lord Mortimer.
- Iohn Lord Liſle.
- Bartholmew Lord Burwaſch, or Bergheſech.
- The Lord Iohn Beauchampt.
- The Lord de Mahun.
- Hugh Lord Courtney.
- Thomas Lord Holand.
- Iohn Lord Gray.
- Richard Lord Fitz Simon.
- Sir Miles Stapleton.
- Sir Shomas Walle.
- Sir Hugh Wrotteſſley.
- Sir Neele Loringe.
- Sir Iohn Chandos.
- Iames Lord Audeley.
- Sir Otes Holand.
- Sir Henry Eme.
- Sir Sanchet Dabrichcourt.
- Sir Walter Panell.
Compare 1587 edition:
The occaſion that moued King Edward to inſtitute the
order of the garter.The cauſe and firſte occaſion of inſtituting
this order is vncertayne. But there goeth a tale amongſt the people, that it
roſe by this meanes, It chanced that Kyng Edwarde finding eyther the garter
of the Queene, or of ſome La [...],The [...]
[...] whome hee was in loue, beeing fallen [...] legge, ſtouped downe, and tooke it vp, [...] diuers of his nobles founde matter to tell, [...] talke their fancies merily, touching the Kyngs affection towards the
woman, vnto whome h [...] ſayde, that if hee liued, it ſhoulde come to paſſe that moſt high
honor ſhould be giuen vnto the [...] for the garters ſake: and there vpon ſhortly and, he deuiſed and
ordeyned this order of the garter with ſuch a poſey, whereby he ſignified
that hys Nobles iudged otherwiſe of him than the [...] was. Though ſome may thinke, that to noble [...] order, had but a meane beginning [...] bee true, yet many honorable, degrees of [...] hadde their beginnings of more [...]
[...]a [...]e things, than of loue, whiche beeing or [...]
[...]oſed, is moſt noble and commendable, h [...]
[...] it ſelfe is couered vnder loue, as the [...] ſayth, Nobilitas ſub amere iacet.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 William de Montagewe
Earle of [...] bu|rie, Kyng of Man, and Marſhall of [...]de,Addition [...] Adam M [...]+mouth, [...] Tri [...]. was ſo bruſed at ye Iuſtes holdẽ heere at Wind|ſor (as
before yee haue hearde) that hee [...]rted thys life, the more was the pitie, within eyghte dayes after.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King about the ſame
time, to [...], in the quindene of Candlemas, helde a Coun [...]ell at
[figure appears here on page 924] London, in the whiche, with good
aduice, and ſound deliberation had vppon the complaynt of the commons to hym
before time made, hee gaue out ſtraight
commaundemente, that no man, on payne of empriſonmente and deathe, ſhoulde
in time to come, preſente or induct anye ſuch perſon or perſons, that were
ſo by the Pope promoted, without the Kinges agreemente, in preiudice of his
royall prerogatiue. Heerevppon, he directed alſo writtes to all Archbyſhops,
By|ſhoppes, Abbots, Priors, Deanes, Archdeacons, Officials, and other
eccleſiaſticall perſons, to whome it apperteyned, inhibiting them in no wiſe
to attempte anye thing in preiudice of that ordinance, vnder pretext of any
Bulles, or other writings, for ſuche manner of prouiſions, to come from the
Courte of Rome. Other writtes were alſo directed to hys ſonne the Prince of
Wales, and to all the Sherifes within ye realme, for to arreſt all ſuche as
broughte into the lande any ſuch Bulles or writings, and to bring them
before the Kings counſell or his Iuſtices, where EEBO page image 925 they
mighte bee puniſhed, according to the treſ|paſſe by them committed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the ſame time, the
Kyng ordeyned a certayne coigne of fine golde, and named it the Florene,
which coigne was [...]uiſed for his warres in Fraunce, for the golde thereof was not ſo fine
as was the Noble, which in the fourteenth yeare he had [...] to be coigned: but this coigne con|tinued not long.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After the feaſt of the
holy Trinitie, the Kyng held a Parliament
at London, in the whych, hee aſked a tenth of the Cleargie, and a fifteenth
of the laytie, about which demaunde, there was no finall altercation, but at
length he had it graun|ted for one yeare.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame time, the
Archbyſhop of Can [...]r|bury helde a conuocation of all the Cleargie at London, in the
which, many things were in talke about the honeſt demeanor of Churchmen,
whi|che ſeldome is obſerued, as the addition to Nicho|las Triuet ſaith.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]oigne [...]nged.About the feaſt of the Aſſumption of our La|dy, the
King diſanulled the Florens, to ye greate commoditie of his Kingdome;
ordeyning a grea|ter Florene of halfe a marke, and a leſſer of three
ſhillings four pence, and the leaſt of all, of twen|tie pence, and theſe
were called Nobles, and not without cauſe, for they were a noble coigne,
faire and fine golde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare, the
ſeuententh day of Nouember, the Pope in
Auinion created the Lord Lewes de Spaine, Ambaſſador for the Frenche K.
Prince of the Iſles called Fortunatae, for what purpoſe it was not
knowen, but it was doubted, not to be for any good meaning towardes the
king|dome of Englande, the proſperitie whereof, the ſame Pope was ſuſpected
not greately to wiſh.
An. reg. 19.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the beginning of
Lent the ſame yeare, the ſayde Pope had ſente an Archbyſhoppe and a
Byſhoppe, Ambaſſadors to the King, who
meete them at Oſpring in Kente, and to the ende they ſhoulde not linger long
within the Realme, hee quickly diſpatched them withoute effect of theyr
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare, ſhortly after
Eaſter, the Duke of Britaine, that had bin deteyned priſoner by the Frenche
King, and eſcaped out of priſon, came ouer into England. And about the ſame
time, the King ordeyned the exchange of moneys at London Caunterbury, and Yorke, to ye greate
commoditie of his people.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]burie. Ad. Meri. [...]lichron.About Midſomer, or as other bane Michael|mas, the
Erle of Derby, with the Erle of Pem|broke, the Lorde Raufe Stafford, the L.
Walter de Manny, the L. Iohn Grey of Codnore, and diuers other Lords,
[...]e hundred [...]en of armes, and two thou|ſand archers hath Froiſſart.
Knightes, and Eſquires, to the number of fiue or ſixe hundred men of armes,
and as many archers, ſailed ouer into Gaſcoigne, to a [...] the Kinges ſubiectes there agaynſte the Frenchmen. This Earle of
Derby, being gene|rall of the army, after hys arriuall in Gaſcoigne, about
the beginning of December, wanne the Towne of Bergerat by force,Bergerat won. hauing putte to fight the Erle of
Leſſe, as then the French kings Lieutenant in Gaſcoigne, who lay there with
a greate power, to defende the paſſage, but beeyng drawen into the
Towne,Froiſſart. and hauing loſt the S [...]thes to the Engla [...]
[...] hee fledde out in the night, and ſo left the Towne, withoute anye
Souldiers to defende it, ſo that the Towneſmen yeelded it vnto the Earle of
De [...], and [...]ware themſelues to be true ſiege men vnto the Kyng of Englande.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this, the Earle of
Derby paſſed further into the Countrey, and wanne diuers Caſtels and Townes,
as Lango le Lacke, Mo [...]rat, Mong [...]e, Punach, La [...]ew, For [...]th, Pondair, Beaumount in Layllois, Bodnall, Abberoch and Li [...]orne, part of them by aſſaulte, and the reſidue by ſurrender.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This done, he returned to
[...]urdeaux, hauing left Captaines and Souldiers in ſuche places as he had
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare, the King ſent
forth a commiſſion vnto certaine perſons in euery countie within this
Realme, to enquire, what landes and tene|mentes euery man, aboue fiue
poundes of yeere|ly reuenewes, bring of the lay fee myght diſpend, bycauſe
he had giuen order, that euery man whi|che myghte diſpende fiue poundes and
abdue, vnto tenne pounde of ſuche yeerely reuenewes in lande of the ley fee,
ſhoulde furniſhe hymſelfe, or finde an archer on horſebacke, furniſhed with
armour and weapon accordingly.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Hee that might diſpende
tenne pounde, ſhould furniſhe hymſelfe, or fynde a demilaunce or a light
horſeman if I ſhall ſo tearme hym, beeyng then called an Hobeler with a
launce, and hee that myghte diſpende fiue and twentie pounde, ſhoulde
furniſhe hymſelfe, or finde a man at armes. And hee that myghte diſpende
fiftie poundes, ſhoulde furniſhe two men at armes. And hee that myghte
dyſpende an hundred poundes, ſhoulde fynde three men at armes, that is,
hymſelfe, or one in his ſteede, with two other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And ſuche as myght
diſpende aboue an hun|dred poundes, were appoynted to fynde more in number
of menne at armes, accordingly as they ſhoulde bee aſſeſſed, after the rate
of theyr landes, whyche they myghte yearely diſpende, beeyng of the lay fee,
and not belonging to the Church.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About this ſeaſon, the
Duke of Britayne,Additions to Triuet. ha|uing wt
him the erles of Northãpton & Oxford, EEBO page image 926 Sir William
de Killeſby one of the Kings ſe|cretaries, and many other Barons and
knightes, with a greate number of men of armes, paſſed o|uer into Britaine,
againſte the Lord Charles de Bloys, where they carried a long time, and dyd
little good to make anye accompte of, by reaſon that the Duke, in whoſe
quarrell they came into thoſe parties,The Duke of
Britayne de|parted this life ſhortly after his arriuall there,
de|parted this life, and ſo they returned home into England. But after their
comming from thẽce, Sir Thomas Dagworth
Knighte, that hadde bin before, and nowe after the departure of thoſe Lordes
and Nobles, ſtill remayned the Kyngs Lieutenant there, ſo behaued himſelfe
againſte both Frenchmen and Britaines, that the memo|rie of his worthy
doings, deſerueth perpetual cõ|mendation.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Lorde Beaumount of Heynault for|ſaketh the K. of England his
The king go|eth ouer into Flaunders.
Sir Iohn de Heynault Lorde Beaumont, a|bout the ſame time, changed
his coate, and lea|uing the King of Englandes ſeruice, was retey|ned
by the French Kyng.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this nineteenth yeare
of King Edwarde I finde, that about the feaſt of the Natiuitie of Saint Iohn
Baptiſt, he ſayled ouer into Flaun|ders, leauing his ſonne the Lord Lionell,
warden of the Realme in his abſence. He tooke with him a great number of
Lords, Knightes, and Gẽtle|men with whome hee landed at Sluſe.
[figure appears here on page 926]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The cauſe of his going
ouer was to further a practiſe whiche he hadde in hande with them of
Flaunders, the which by the labor of Iaques Ar|teueld, meant to cauſe their
Earle Lewes, eyther to do homage vnto Kyng Edward, or elſe if hee refuſed,
then to diſinherite him, and to receyue
Edwarde Prince of Wales for theyr Lorde, the eldeſt ſonne of King
Edwarde.Ia. Meir.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King Edwarde promiſing to
make a Duke|dome of the Countie of Flaunders, for an aug|mentation of honor
to the countrey, there came vnto Sluſe to the King,Froiſſart. Iaques van Arteueld, and a great nũber of other,
appointed as counſel|lors for their chiefeſt Townes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King with all his
[...] of Engl [...] ſhippe. lay in the Ha+uen of Sluſe, where in his great
Shippe [...] the Catherine a Counſell was holden vpon thys foreſaid purpoſe: but
at length, thoſe of the Coun|ſels of the chiefeſt Townes, miſliked the [...] ſo much, that they would conclude nothing [...] required reſpite for a moneth to conſult with all the communaltie of
the Countreys, and to [...] and as the more part ſhould be enclined, ſo ſh [...] the King receyue aunſwere, The King and Iaques Arteueld would fayne
haue had a [...] daye, and a more towardly aunſwere, but [...] other could be gotten.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Heerevppon, the Councell
brake vp, and Ia|ques Arteueld tarying with the King a certain ſpace after
the other were departed, promiſed hym to perſwade the Countrey well ynough
to h [...] purpoſe, and ſurely, hee hadde a great gift of [...]+quence, and hadde thereby induced the Countrey wonderfully, to
conſent to many things as well in fauour of King Edward, as to his [...] a|nauncement: but this ſ [...]te whiche he went [...]we about to bring to paſſe, was ſo odious [...]to all the Flemings, that in no wiſe they thought it reaſon to
conſente vnto the diſinheriting of the Earle.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At length, when Iaques
Arteuelde ſhoulde re|turne vnto Gaunt,
Ia. Meir.
Welchemen appoynted to Iaques Arte|ueld for a [...] Gerard De|nyſe.
Kyng Edwarde appointed fiue hundred Welchmen to attende hym as a
garde, for the preſeruation of his perſon, bycauſe he ſayde, that one
Gerarde Deniſe, Dean of the waynors, an vnquiet man, malitiouſly purpo|ſed
his deſtruction.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Captaynes of theſe
Welchmen, were Iohn Matreuerſe, and William Sturine, or Sturrie, and ſo with
this crewe of Souldiers, Arteuelde returned to Gaunte, and earneſtly goeth
in hand with hys ſute in Kyng Edwardes behalfe, that eyther the Earle
ſhoulde doe hys homage to the Kyng of Englande, to whome it was due, or elſe
to forfeyte hys Earledome. Then the fore|ſayde Gerard, as well of his owne
mynde, as procured thereto by the authoritie of Earle Le|wes, ſtirred the
whole Citie againſte the ſayde Arteuelde,Iacob Arte|uelde
houſe beſette. and gathering a greate power vnto hym, came and
beſette Arteueldes houſe rounde about vpon eache ſide, the furie of the
people be|ing wonderfully bente agaynſte hym, crying kill hym, kill hym,
that hathe robbed the trea|ſure of the countrey, and nowe goeth aboute to
diſinherite our noble Earle.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Iaques van Arteuelde
perceyuing in what danger he was, came to a window, and ſpake to that
enraged multitude, in hope with faire and curteous wordes to appeaſe them,
but it coulde not bee: wherevpon, hee ſoughte to haue fledde out of hys
houſe, but the ſame was broken vp, and ſo manye entred vppon hym, that hee
was EEBO page image 927 founde out,Froiſſart. [...]ames Mair. and ſlayne by one Thomas Deniſe (as ſome write.)
But other affirme, that a Cob|ler, whoſe father this Iaques van Arteueld had
ſometime ſlayne, followed him, as he was fleeing into a ſtable where hys
horſes ſtoode, and there with an axe cloue his head in ſunder, ſo that hee
fell downe ſtarke dead on the grounde.Iacob van Ar|teueld
ſtayne. And thys was the ende of the foreſaide Iaques van
ArteLueld, who by hys wiſedome and policie had ob|teyned the whole
gouernemente of all Flaun|ders.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 He was thus ſlayne vpõ a
Sunday in ye after noone, being the ſeuententh of Iuly. There were ſlayne
alſo tenne other perſons that were of hys counſell, and dyuers of the
Welchmen in lyke manner, but the other eſcaped, and got away vn|to King
Edwarde, as yet remayning at Sluſe, vnto whome thoſe of Bruges, Caſſell
Curtrick, Hypres,Ambaſſadours the the good [...]ovvnes in Flã+ders vnto K. Edvvarde. Aldenard, and other
Townes, dyd af|terwards ſende their orators to excuſe thẽſelues, as nothing giltie nor priuie to the deathe of hys
friende, and their worthy gouernour Iaques van Arteueld, requiring him not
to impute the faulte vnto the whole countrey, which the raſh and vn|aduiſed
Gantiners had committed, ſith ye Coun|trey of Flaunders was as ready now to
do hym ſeruice and pleaſure as before, ſauing that to the diſinheriting of
their Earle, they could not be a|greeable, but they doubted not to perſwade
hym to doe his homage vnto the King of Englande, and till then, they promiſed not to receyue him.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 They put the King alſo in
hope of a marriage to be had, betwixte the ſonne of their Earle, and ſome
one of the Kings daughters. Heerewith, the King of England (who was departed
frõ Sluſe, in greate diſpleaſure with the Flemings became ſomewhat pacified
in hys moode, and ſo renued the league eftſoones with the Countrey of
Flan|ders: but the Earle woulde neuer conſent to doe homage vnto the Kyng of Englande, but ſtill ſticked to
the French Kings part, which purcha|ſed him muche trouble, and in the ende
coſt hym his life, as after ſhall appeare.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But now to returne vnto
the Earle of Der|by,Froiſſart. whome wee left in
Gaſcoigne. Yee ſhall vn|derſtand, that ſhortly after he was come backe to
Burdeaux, from the conqueſt whiche hee hadde made of Bergerat, &
other townes thereaboutes. The Earle of Liſle, who (as ye haue hearde) was
the French Kings Lieutenant in that
countrey, aſſembled an army of twelue thouſand men, and comming before
Auberoche, a Towne in Gaſ|coigne,Auberoch be| [...]ged. beſieged it, ſore preſſing them within, in ſo muche,
that they were in greate daunger to haue bin taken, if the Earle of Derby,
hauyng knowledge in what caſe they ſtoode, hadde not come to theſe reſke [...]e, who with three hundred ſpeares, or men of armes as we may call
them, and a ſixe hundred archers, approching neere to the ſiege, layde
hymſelfe cloſely within a wodde, till the Frenchmenne in the euening were at
ſup|per,The Frenche armie diſtreſ|ſed, and he Earle of
Liſle taken. and then he ſuddainely ſet vpon them in their campe,
and diſcomfited them, ſo that the Earle of Liſle was taken in his owne
tente, and ſore hurte.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were alſo taken,
the Earle of Valen|tinois, and other Earles, Vicontes, and Lordes of greate
accomple, to the number of nyne, be|ſide thoſe that were ſlayne. The reſidue
were putte to flight and chaſed, ſo that the Engliſh|menne hadde a fayre
iourney, and wanne greate riches by priſoners and ſpoyle of the enimies
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After thys, the Earle of
Derby, beyng re|turned to Burdeaux, and hauing but the Cap|tiues in
ſafekeepyng, aſſembled his power, and marching foorthe into the Countrey,
towardes the Ryolle,Townes won by the Earle of
Derby. (a Towne in thoſe parties whyche hee meante to beſiege) he
wanne dyuers townes and Caſtels by the way as Saint Baſill, Ro|che Million,
Montſegure, Aguillon, and Se|gart.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At length, he came to the
Towne of the Ry|olle, whiche hee beſieged, and lay about it nyne weekes, ere
hee coulde winne it, and then was the ſame towne ſurrendred into his handes,
but the Caſtell was ſtill defended agaynſte hym for the ſpace of eleuen
weekes, at whyche tyme, beeyng ſore oppreſſed, and vndermyned, it was
yeelded by them within, conditionally, that they ſhoulde departe only with
theyr ar|moure.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After thys, the Erle of
Derby wanne Mont|peſance, Mauleon, Ville-Franche in Agenois, Miremont,
Thomines, the Caſtell of Damaſ|ſen, and at length,Angoleſ [...]
came before the Citie of An|goleſme, the whyche made appoyntmente
with the Earle, that if no ſuccoures came from the Frenche Kyng, within the
ſpace of a moneth, that then the Citie ſhoulde bee ſurrendred to the Kyng of
Englandes vſe: and to aſſure thys appoyntmente, they deliuered to the Earle
foure and twentie of their chiefe Citizens as hoſta|ges.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane tyme,Blaues. the Earle layde ſiege to Blaues, but coulde
not winne it.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Hys men rode abroade into
the Countrey, to Mortaigne, Mirabeau, and Aunay, but wanne little, and ſo
retourned agayne to the ſiege of Blaues.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the moneth was
expired, that they of Angoleſme ſhoulde yeelde, the Earle ſente hys two
Marſhals thither, who receyued the homage EEBO page image 928 and
fealtie of the Citizens, in the King of Eng|lands name, and ſo they were in
peace, and recei|ued againe their hoſtages.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At length, when the Earle
of Derby ſawe, that he did but loſe his time in the beſieging of Blaues,
whiche ſir Guiſchart Daugle, and Sir Guilliaume de Rochfort, being Captains
with|in, did ſo valiantly defende, that he could obteyne no aduantage of
them, hee reyſed hys ſiege, and returned vnto Burdeaux, hauing furniſhed
ſuche Townes as hee hadde wonne in that
iourneye wyth conueniente garniſons of men to defende them agaynſte the
enimyes, and to keepe fron|tier warre as they ſhoulde ſee cauſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
Froyſſart ſaith they were in hũdred thou|ſand. Gio.
Vil|lani writeth, that they were a ſixe thou|ſand horſe|men, and fiftie
thouſande footemen, of Frenchmen, Gaſcoignes, Genewayes, &
Lombardes.The Frenche Kyng being ſore moued at the conqueſts thus
atchieued by the Earle of Derby, rayſed a mightie army, and ſent the ſame
foorth, vnder the leading of his ſonne the Duke of Nor|mandy, into
Gaſcoigne, to reſiſt the ſaide Earle, and to recouer agayne thoſe Townes
which hee had wonne in thoſe partes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Normãdy
being come to Tho|louz, where his general aſſembly was appoynted, ſet
forwarde with his army, and winning by the way Miremoũt, and Ville Franche
in Agenois, at length came to the Citie of Angoleſme, whych hee enuironed
about with a ſtrong ſiege, conti|nuing the ſame, till finally, the Captayne,
na|med Iohn Normell,
Annales de Burgoigne.
An. reg. 20.
required a truce to endure for one daye, which was graunted, and the
ſame was the daye of the purification of
our Ladye, on the which, the ſame Captayne, with the ſoul|diers of the
garriſon departed, and lefte the Citie in the Citizens handes.
Compare 1587 edition:
Angouliſme recouered by the Frenchmẽ.The
Frenchmen, bycauſe they had graunted the truce to endure for that day
withoute excep|tion, permitted them to goe theyr wayes without lette or
vexation. The Citizens in the morning yeelded the Citie to the Duke.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this,Da [...] Th [...]
he wanne the Caſtell of Da [...]+ſen, Thonins, and Port S. Mary, Thonius by ſurrẽder, & the
other two by force of aſſaultes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Then hee came to the
ſtrong Caſtell of Aig|uillone, which he beſieged,Aiguillon b [...]ged. and lay thereat a long ſeaſon. Within was the Earle of
Pembroke, the Lorde Walter de Manny, Sir Frãke de [...] and dyuers Knightes and Captaines, which de|fended themſelues, and
the place ſo ſtoutely, that the Frenchmenne coulde winne little aduaun|tage
at theyr handes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whileſt the ſiege
continued before thys for|treſſe,Gi [...]. Villani, the Seueſhall of Guyenne departed from the Campe,
with an eyght hundred horſemen, and foure thouſand fotemen, purpoſing to
winne a Caſtell,The [...]
belonging to a nephewe of the Cardi|nall Della Motte a twelue
leagues diſtant from Aiguilone. The Archdeacon of Vnfort, owner of that
Caſtell, went to the Ryoll, where the Earle of Derby with his army as then
was lodges, to whome he made ſute, to haue ſome power of mẽ to reſcue his
Caſtel. The Erle appoynted to hym a ſufficiẽt nũber, both of horſemẽ,
& alſo of Eng|liſh archers, with whome, ye ſaid Archdeacon r [...]de all the night, & the next morning betimes, beyng the 31. of
Iuly, they came to the Caſtell, where the Frenchmen were arriued the day
before, and had fiercely aſſayled the Caſtell, doyng their beſt to winne it
by force. But the Engliſhmenne without any delay, immediately vpon their
com|ming, ſet vpon the Frenchmen, and gaue them ſo ſharp and fierce
battaile, that in the ende,Frenchmen diſcomfited.
the Frenchmen were diſcomfited: the Seneſhal with
[figure appears here on page 928] many other Gentlemen, were taken priſoners, beſide thoſe
that were ſlayne. To conclude, the number of them that were ſlaine, and
taken pri|ſoners in the whole, amounted to foure hundred horſemen, and two
thouſand footemen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Sir Godfrey de Harcourt
being conſtreyned EEBO page image 929 to flee out of France to auoyde the
French kings diſpleaſure, came ouer vnto the king of England, who receyued
him right ioyfully, for hee was knowne to bee a right valiaunt and a wiſe
perſo|nage. He was brother to the Earle of Harecourt, Lorde of Saint Sauiour
le Vicount, and of dy|uerſe other townes in Normandie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 A little before that hee
fell into the Frenche kings diſpleaſure, he might haue done wyth the king of
France, more than any other Lord with|in
that Realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
Additions to [...]remouth.In this .xx. yeare of his raigne, king Edward vpon
complaint of the people made agaynſt pur|ueyours of vittayles for his
houſholde (the which vnder colour of their Commiſſions, abuſed the ſame, in
taking vp among the commons all ma|ner of things that lyked them, without
making payment for the ſame, further than the ſayd com|miſſions did allow
them) he cauſed inquirie to be made of theyr miſdemeanors, and ſuche as were
founde to haue offended of whome there was no ſmall number, ſome of them
were put to death on the Gallowes, and other were fined,Puruevers puniſhed. ſo to teache the reſt to deale more warely in
theyr buſineſſe
[figure appears here on page 929] from thenceforth.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]tices.About the ſame time, he cauſed all the Iuſti|ces
within his dominions to renounce and giue ouer all their Pencions, fees, and
other vyding benefites or rewardes, which they vſed to receiue of the Lordes
and great men of the lande, as well prelates, as of them of the temporaltie,
to the end that their handes beeing free from gyftes, Iuſtice might more
freely haue courſe, and bee of them duly
and vprightly miniſtred.
Compare 1587 edition:
Parliament.Alſo this yeare in the lent ſeaſon, the
King helde a Parliament at Weſtminſter, and toke in|to his handes all the
[...]dinals. reuenues, and emo|luments, which the Cardinals helde
within thys land: for he thought it not reaſon, that they which fauoured the
Pope and Frenche king beeing hys aduerſaries, ſhould enioy ſuch cõmodities
with|in his realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
The king paſ| [...]th ouer into Normandie.
After this, in the Moneth of Iuly following, he tooke ſhipping and ſayled into Normandie, hauing
eſtabliſhed the Lord Porcie, and the Lord Neuile, to be wardens of his
realme in h [...]s ab|ſence, with the Archbiſhop of Yorke, the Biſhop of Lyncolne, and
the Biſhop of Dureſme.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...] Villani [...]yth there [...]ere 2500. [...]rſemen, and 30000. footmẽ and archers, that paſſed o|uer with the
king. But whẽ he commeth to ſpeake of the battail, he ſee|meth to
en|creaſe the number.The army which he had ouer with him, was to
the number of foure thouſande men of armes, and ten thouſande archers,
beſide Iriſh men, and Welchmen, that followed the hoſt aſoote. The chiefeſt
Captains that went ouer with him were theſe. Firſt his eldeſt ſonne Edwarde
Prince of Wales being as then about the age of .xiij. yeres, the Earles of
Hereford, Northampton, Arundel, Cornwal, Huntingdon, Warwike, Suffolk, and
Oxforde, of Barons the Lorde Mortimer, who was after Earle of Marche, the
Lordes, Iohn, Lewes, and Roger Beauchamp, alſo the Lords Cobham, Mounbray,
Lucy, Baſſet, Barkcley, & Wyllonghbie, with diuerſe other Lordes,
beſides a greate number of knightes and other worthie Captaynes. They landed
by the aduice of the Lorde Godfrey of Harecourt, in the Iſle of
Con|ſtantine, at the port of Hague Saint Waſt, nere to Saint Sauiour le
Vicount. The Earle of Huntingdon was appoynted to be gouernour of the fleet
by Sea, hauing with him a hundred men of armes, and foure hundred
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After that the whole
armie was landed, the king appoynted two Marſhals, the Lord God|frey of
H [...]court, and the Earle of Warwike, and the Erle of Arundell was made
Coneſtable. There were ordeyned three battayles,The
ordering of the kings armie. one to goe on his right hande,
following by the moſt of the Sea, and another to March on his left hande
vn|der the conduct of the Marſhals, ſo that hee him|ſelfe EEBO page image 930
went in the middeſt with the maine armie, and in this order forwarde they
paſſed towardes Caen, lodging euerie night togither in one fielde. They that
went by the Sea, tooke all the ſhippes they founde in theyr way, and as they
marched forth thus,Harflew. what by water, and
lande, at length they came to a towne called Harflewe, whiche was giuẽ vp,
but yet neuertheleſſe it was robbed, and much goodes found in it.
Compare 1587 edition:
Chierburg.After this they came to Chierburg,
whiche towne they wanne by force, robbed
it, and burnt part of it, but the Caſtle they coulde not winne. Then came
they to Mountburge,Mountburge. and tooke it,
robbed it, and burnt it cleane. In this manner they paſſed foorth, and burnt
many townes and villages in all the Countrey as they went.Carentine. The towne of Carentine was deliuered vnto them
a|gaynſt the will of the ſouldiers that were within it. The ſouldiers
defended the Caſtel two day [...] and then yeelded it vppe into the Engliſh [...] handes, who burnt the ſame, and cauſed the B [...]+geſſes to enter into theyr Shippes. All th [...] done by the battaile that went by the Sea [...] and by them on the ſea togither.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 On the other ſyde, the
Lorde Godfrey of Harecourt, with the battayle on the right [...] of the King, roade foorth ſixe or ſeuen [...] from the kings battayle, in burning and c [...] the Countrey. The King had with him ( [...] thoſe that were with the Marſhals) three [...]+ſand men of armes ſix thouſand archers, [...] thouſand men on foot. They left the Citie of Cõ|ſtance,Saint Lo. and came to a great towne called [...]aint Lo, a rich towne of draperie, hauing many wel|thie Burgeſſes
within it: it was ſonne taken and robbed by the Engliſh men vpon theyr fyrſt
[figure appears here on page 930] From thence the king marched
ſtreight to Caen, wherein were Captaines, Raufe Earle of Ewe and Guines
Coneſtable of France, and the the Erle of Tankeruile. Theſe noble men ment
to haue kept their defences on the walles, gate, bridge, and riuer, and to
haue left the Suburbes voyde, bycauſe they were not cloſed, but one|ly
with the Riuer: but they of the towne
ſaid they would iſſue forth, for they were ſtrong ynough to fight with the
king of England. When the Co|neſtable ſaw their good willes, he was
contented to follow their deſire, and ſo forth they went in good order and
made good face to put their lyues in hazard: but when they ſawe the Engliſh
men approch in good order deuided into three battails, & the archers
readie to ſhoote, whiche they of Caen had not ſeene before, they were ſore
afrayde and fled away towarde the towne
without any order or array, for all that the Coneſtable coulde doe to ſtay
them.There were ſlaine in all without and within the
towne. 5000. men, as Gio. Villani wri|teth. The Engliſhe men
followed, and in the chaſe ſlue many, and entred the towne with their
enimies. The Coneſtable, and the Earle of Tankeruile tooke a Tower at the
bridge foote, thinking there to ſaue themſelues, but perceyuing the place to
be of no force, nor able long to holde but, they ſubmitted themſelues vnto
ſir Thomas Hollande.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But here whatſoeuer
Froiſſart doth report of the taking of this tower, and of the yeelding of
theſe two noble men, it is to be proued yt the ſayde Earle of Tankeruille
was taken by one [...] Legh, aunceter to ſir Peter Legh nowe being,Peter
L [...]
whether in the fight or within the Tower I haue not to ſay: but for
the taking of the ſayde Earle, and for his other manlike prowes ſhewed here
and elſe where in this iourney, king Edwarde in recompence of his agreeable
ſeruice, gaue to him a Lordſhip in the countie of Cheſter called Han|ley,
which the ſayde ſir Peter Ligh nowe leuing doth enioy and poſſeſſe, as
ſucceſſor and heyre to his aunceſter the foreſayd Ligh, to whome it was ſo
firſt giuen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But to returne nowe to
the matter where we left: The Frenchmen beeing entred into theyr
houſes,Ca [...]
caſt downe vpon the Engliſh men [...] in the ſtreetes, ſtones, tymber, hote water, and barres of yron, ſo
that they hurt and ſlue more than fiue hundred perſons. The king was [...] mo|ued therwith, that if the L. God. of Harecourt had not aſſwaged
his mood, the towne had bin burnt, EEBO page image 931 and the people put to
the edge of the ſworde: but by the treatie of the ſayd Lorde Godfray,
procla|mation was made, that no man ſhoulde put fire [...]nto any houſe, nor ſlea any perſon, nor force any woman, and then did
the towneſmen and ſoul|diers ſubmit themſelues, and rece [...]ed the Eng|liſhe men into theyr houſes. There was great ſtore of
riches gotten in this towne,
[...]0000. clo| [...]es, as Gio Villani wri| [...]th, were got [...]y the Engliſh [...]en in one place and o|ther in this [...]rney. and the moſt part thereof ſent into Englande with the
fleete which the king ſent home with the priſoners, vn|der the guiding of the Earle of Huntingdon, ac|companied with
two hundred men of armes and foure hundred Archers.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When all things were
ordred in Caen as the king could deſire, be marched from thence in the fame
order as he had kept before burning and e [...]|fling the Countrey. He paſſed by Gureur, and came to Loui [...]rs,
[...]iers which the Engliſhe men ſoone entred and ſacked with out
mercie. Then went they forth and left Roane, and came to Gyſors,Giſors. the towne they burnt, but the Caſtell they
coulde not get they brent alſo Vernon,Vernon. and
at Poyſſy they repared the bridge whiche was broken, and ſo there they
paſſed ouer the riuer of Saine. The power of the Engliſhe men increaſed
dayly,Gio. Villani. by ſuche numbers as came
ouer forth of Englande in [...]o [...] to winne by pyllage. Alſo many gen|tlemen of Normandie, and other of
the Frenche Nation which loued not the French king, came to the king of
Englande, offring to ſerue him, ſo that there were in his armie foure
thouſand horſ|men and fiftie thouſand footemen with the Nor|mans, and of
this number there were .xxx. thou|ſand Engliſhe Archers, as Giouan Villani
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Engliſh Marſhals
manne abrode iuſt to M [...] and bury Saint Germains in Lay:S. Germains in Lay.
S. Claude. alſo [...] and Saint Clow [...], and p [...] B [...]|longne
[figure appears here on page 931] by Paris, and the Queenes
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane time had the
French king aſ|ſembled a mightie army vpon
purpoſe to fyght with the Engliſh men. The Lorde Godfrey of Harecourt, as
hee rode forth with fiue hundred men of armes, and .xiij. hundred archers by
ad|uenture encountered with a great number of the Burgeſſes of Amiens on
horſebacke, who were ryding by the kings commaundement to Paris. They were
quickly affayled, and though they de|fended themſelues manfully for a while,
yet at length they were ouercome, and .xj. hundred of them ſlaine in the fielde, beſide thoſe that were ta|ken.
The Engliſhe men had all their caryage and armour.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus paſſed forth the
king of England, and came into Beauvoiſyn,
and lodged neare vnto the citie of Beauvois one night in an Abbey
cal|led Meſſene, and for that after he was diſlodged, there were that ſet
fire in the ſame Abbey, with|out any commaundement giuen by him the cau|ſed
.xx.Burners executed. of them to be hanged hot
were the firſte procurers of that fyre.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 So long the king of
England paſſed forward, that finally hee approched neare to the water of
Some, the which was large and deepe, and al the bridges broken, and the
paſſages well kept, wher|vpon he cauſed his two Marſhals with a thou|ſande
men of Armes, and two thouſand archers, to go along the riuer, to the ende
to finde ſome paſſage. The Marſhals aſſayed dyuerſe places,Piqueney. as at Piqueney, and other where, but they
could not finde any paſſage vncloſed, Captaynes with men of warre being ſet
to defende the ſame, inſo|much that the marſhals returned to the king, and
declared what they had ſeene and founde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame inſtant time was
the French king come to Amiens,The French kings
armie. with mor than a hundred thou|ſande men, and thought to
encloſe the King of Englande, that he ſhoulde no way eſcape, but bee EEBO page image 932 conſtrayned to receyue battaile in ſome place greatly to
his diſaduauntage.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The king of England well
perceyuing him|ſelfe in daunger, remoued from the place where he was
encamped, and marched forwarde through the Countries of Ponthiew and Vimew,
appro|ching to the good towne of Abuile, and at length by one of the
priſoners named Gobyn de Grace, he was told where he might paſſe with his
army ouer the riuer of Some, at a four [...] in the ſame ry|uir, being hard in
the bottom, and very ſhallow at an ebbe water. The French king vnderſtanding
that the king of England ſought to paſſe the ri|uer of Some,Sir Gormare du Foy. ſent a great baron of Normandie,
one ſir Godmare du Foy, to defend the paſſage of the ſame riuer, with a
thouſand men of armes, & ſir thouſand on foote with the Genewais.
Thys ſir Godfrey had with him alſo a great number of them of Mutterell and
others of the Countrey, to that he had in all to the number of .xij.M. men,
one and other, and hearing that the
king of Eng|lãd was minded to paſſe at Blanchetaque (which was the paſſage
that Gobyn Agace had infor|med the king of Englande of) he came
thither.Gobin a Grace When the Engliſh men
approched, he arranged all his companie to defend the paſſage. And ſurely
when the Engliſh men at the lowe water entred the fourde to paſſe ouer,
there was a ſharpe bicke|ring, for diuerſe of the Frenchmen encountred the
Engliſhmen on horſebacke in the water, and the Genewais did them much hurt, and troubled thẽ ſore with
their croſbows: but on the other ſide, the Engliſh archers ſhot ſo wholy
togither, that the French men were faine to giue place to the Eng|liſh
men,The Engliſh men wan the paſſage ouer the water of
Some. ſo that they got the paſſage and came o|uer, aſſembling
themſelues in the field, and then the Frenchmen fled, ſome to Abuile, ſome
to S. Riquier. They yt were on foot could not eſcape ſo wel as theſe on
horſeback, inſomuch that a great number of them of Abuile, Muttrel, Arras,
and of S. Riquier were ſlaine and taken,
for the chaſe endured more than a great league.
Caxton. The number ſlai [...]e Froiſſart.
There were ſlaine in all to the number of two thouſande.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the king of Englande
had thus paſſed the riuer, hee acquit Gobin Agace, and all hys companie of
their raunſoms, and gaue to ye ſame Gobin an hundred nobles,Crotay burnt. and a good horſe, and ſo the king roade
foorth as he did before. His mar|ſhals roade to Crotay by the Sea ſide, and
burnt the towne, and tooke all ſuch wines
and goodes as were in the Shippes and Barkes which lay there in the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 One of the Marshals road to the gates of Abuile, and from thence
to S. Richier, and after to the towne of Rue saint Esperite. This was on a
Fryday, and both the Marhsals returned to the kings host about noone, and so
lodged all togither about Cressy in Ponthieu, where hauing knowledge that
the French king followed to giue hym battaile, he commaunded his marshals to
choose a plot of ground, somewhat to his aduantage, that he might there
abide his aduersaries. In the mean time the French king being come with al
his puissance vnto Abuile, and hearing how the king of Engla(n)d was passed
ouer the riuer of Some, and discomfited sir Godmar du Foy, he was sore
displeased in his minde: but when he vnderstood that his emimies were lodged
at Cressy, and ment ther to abyde him, he caused all his people to issue out
of Abuile, and early on the Saterday in the morning, anon after Sunne rysing
he departed oute of the towne himselfe, and marched towards his enimies. The
king of England vnderstanding that his aduersarie king Philip stil followed
him, to giue him battaile, and supposing that the same Saterday he would
come to offer it, rose betimes in the morning, and com(m)aunded euery man
first to call vpon God for his ayde, then to be armed, and to draw with
speede into the field, that in the place before appoynted they might be set
in order of battail.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beside this, he caused a parke to be made and closed by the
woodde side behinde his host, in the which he ordeyned that all the Cartes
& cariages shoulde be set, with all the horses, (for euery man was
on foot.) Then he ordeyned three battails: in the first was the prince of
Wales, & with him the Earle of Warwike, the Lord Godfrey of
Harecourt, the Lord Stafforde, the Lord de la Ware, the Lord Bourchier, the
Lord Thomas Clifford, G [...]
[...] ſayth, that when they ſhould in [...]
[...] Engliſh [...] were y [...] arche [...] Eng|liſh de Wel [...]+men, beſide [...]+ther [...] with [...] Ian [...]ies, and not [...]ully 400 [...]
the Lord Reginal Cobham, the Lord Thomas Hollande, sir John Chandos,
sir Bartilmew de Browash, sir Rob. Neuil. They were an .viij.C. men of
armes, and two. M. archers, & a .M. of other with the Welchmen. In
the second battaile was the Erle of Northampton, the Erle of Arundell, the
Lords, Ros, and Willowbie, Basset, S. Albine, Multon, and other. The third
battaile the king led himselfe, hauing with him .vij.C. men of armes, and
two thousande Archers: and in the other battayle were to the number of eight
hundred men of Armes, and twelue hundred Archers.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus was the English armie marshalled according to the report of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When euery man was gotten into order of battaile, the king leapt
vpon a white Hobbie,
Froiſſ [...]t.
The [...] me [...]
[...] the [...]e.
and rode from ranke to ranke to viewe them, the one Marshall on hys
right hande, and the other on hys lefte, desiring euerie manne that daye to
haue regarde to hys right and honour. Hee spake it so courteously, and wyth
so good a countenaunce, that euen they whiche before were discomforted,
tooke courage in hearing him speake suche sweete and louing woordes amongest
them. It was nine of the clocke or euer he
EEBO page image 933 he had
thus visited all his battayles, and thervpon he caused euerie man to eate
and drinke a little which they did at theyr leysure.
Compare 1587 edition:
5 The French king before hee approched neare to his enimies, sent
forth foure skilfull knightes to viewe the demeanor of his enimies, the
whiche returning againe, made report as they had seene, and that forsomuch
as they could gesse, the Englishme(n) me(n)t to abide him, being deuided
into three battayles, readie to receiue him and his puissance, if hee wente forwarde in purpose to assayle them.
Here was the French king counsailed to stay and not to giue battayle that
day, but to aduise all things with good deliberation and regard, to consider
well how and what way he might best assayle them. Then by the Marshals were
all men commaunded to stay, The diſorder [...]mong the French men. and not to goe any further, they that
were formost and next to the enimies taryed, but they that were behinde,
would not abide but rode forth, and sayd they would not stay till they were as farre as the formost: and when
they before saw them behind come forward, then they marched on also againe,
so that neyther the king nor his marshals could rule them, but that they
passed forward still wtout order, or any good array,
till they came in sight of their enimies: & as soone as as the
formost saw their enimies, then they reculed back, wherof they behind had
maruaile, & were abashed, supposing that the formost company had bin
fighting. The(n) they might haue had roome
to haue gone forward, if they had beene minded. The co(m)mons of who(m) all
the wayes betwixt Abuile & Cressy were ful, when they saw yt they were nere their enimies, they tooke their swords
& cried downe with them, let us slea the(m) all. There was no ma(n)
though he were present at the iorney could imagin & shew the truth
of the euill order yt was amo(n)gst the French partie,
& yet they were a maruellous great number. The Englishmen which
beheld their enimies thus approaching towardes the(m), prepared the(m)selues at leysure for the
battaile, which they saw to be at hand. The first battaile wherof the prince
was ruler, had the archers sta(n)ding in maner of an herse, & the
men of armes in the bottom of the battaule. The Erle of the Northa(m)p. and
the Erle of Arundell, with the second battail, were on a wing in good order
redy to comfort the princes battail, if need were. The lords &
knights of Fraunce came not to the assemble togither, for some came before,
& some came after, in such hast and euil order, that one of them
troubled another. There were of the Genewaies Crosbowes to the number of
.xij. or .xv.M.
Charles Gri|maldi & An|thony or O|thonie Doria were captains
of theſe Gene|waies, which were not paſt ſix thouſand, as Gio. Villani
Polidor. Froiſſart.
The Earle of Alanſon.
the which were co(m)au(n)ded to go on before, & with their
shot to begin the battail, but they were so werie with going on foot that
morning, .vj. leagues armed, with their crosbowes, that they said to their
we bee not well vsed, in that we are com(m)aunded to fight
this day, for we bee not in case to do any great feat of armes, we haue
more need of rest.
These words came to the hearing of the Erle of
Alanso(n), who said: A man is wel at ease to be charged with such a sort of
rascals, that faint and faile nowe at most need. Also at the same instant
there fell a great rain, & an eclipse with a terrible thu(n)der,
Rain & thun|der with an eclipſe. and
before the raine, there came flying ouer both armies a great number of
Crowes, for feare of the tempest co(m)ing: then anon the aire began to wax
cleare, & the sunne to shine fair & bright, whiche was right
in the Fre(n)ch mens eies, & on the English mens backs. Whe(n) the
Genewais were asse(m)bled togither, and began to approch, they made a great
leape & crie, to abashe the Englishment,
Genewais but they stood stil & stirred not at all for that
noise: the(n) the Genewaise the seco(n)d time made an other leap and huge
crie, & stepped forward a little, and the Englishmen remoued not a
foot: the third time again the Genewais leapt, & pelled and went
forth til they came within shot, & fiercely therewith discharged
their crosbowes. Then y
e English archers
[figure appears here on page
EEBO page image 934 stept forth one pace, and let flie their arrowes so wholy
and so thicke togither,
The battaile is begon.
that is seemed to snow. Whe(n) the Genewais felt the arrowes piercing
through heads, armes and breastes, many of them cast downe their Crosbowes,
and cutte the strings and returned discomfited. When the French king sawer
them flee away, he sayde: flea these rascalles, for they shall let and
trouble vs without reason. Then yee might have seeene the men of armes haue
dasht in amongst them, and killed a great
number of them, and euer the Englush men shot where they saw the thickest
prease: the sharpe arrowes ranne into the men of armes, and into their
horses, and many fell horse and man amongest the Genewais, and styll the
Englishe menne shotte where they saw the thickest prease, and when they were
once downe they coulde not recouer againe: the throng was suche that one
ouerthrew another, and also among the English men, there were certain some
of the footemen with great kniues, that
went in among the men of armes, and killed many of them as they lay on the
ground, both Erles, Barons, knights, and esquires.
king of Boheme. The valiant king of Bohem being almost blinde,
caused his men to fasten all the reynes of the brydles of their horses eche
to other, and so hee being himselfe amongst them in the formost rank they
ranne on their enimies. The Lord Charles of Boheme, sonne to the same king,
and late elected Emperour, came in good order to the battaile, but when he saw how the matter went awrie on theyr
part, he departed, and saued hymselfe. His father by the meane aforesayde
went so farre forward, that ioyning with his enimies, he fought right
valiantly, and so did all his companie: but finally being entred within the
prease of their enimye, they were of them enclosed and slaine, togither with
the king theyr maister, and the next day founde deade lying about him, and
their horses all tyed eche to other.
The Earle of
Alanſon. The Earle of Alanson
came right orderly to the battayle, and fought with the Englishmen, and so
did the Erle of Flaunders also on his part. These two Lords coasted y
e English archers, & came to the princes battail,
& ther fought right valiantly a long time. The Fre(n)ch king
perceiuing where their banners stoode, would faine haue come to them, but
could not by reason of a greate hedge of archers that stood betwixt them and
Compare 1587 edition:
2 This was a perillous battaile and sore foughten: there were few taken to mercie, for the English
men had so determined in the morning. Certaine French men and Almaines
perforce opened the archers of the Princes battaile, The
princes battail pierced and came to fight with the men of armes
and to hand. Then the seconde battaile of the English men came to succor the
Princes battaile, and not before it was time, for they of that battail had
as then ynough to do, insomuch that some whihch were about him, as the Erle
of Northampton, The [...] Northam [...] ſendeth [...] king. and others, sent to the king, where he stood aloft on
a Windmil hill, requiring him to aduaunce forward, and come to their ayde,
they being as then sore layde to of their enimies. The king herevpo(n)
demaunded if his son were slaine, hurt, or felled to the earth? No sayde the
knight that brought the message, The kings
anſwere. but he is sore matched: well (sayd the king) returne to
him and them that sent you, and say to them that they send no more to me for
any aduenture that falleth, so long as my sonne is aliue, for I will that
this iourney be his, with the honor thereof. With this answere the knight
returned, wich greatly encouraged them to do their best for him to win theyr
spurres, being halfe abashed in that they had so sent to the king for ayde.
At length, when it drew toward euening, & that the Frenchmen were
beaten downe & slain on eche hand, The French
king depa [...] out of the [...]
king Philip as it were by constraint departed out of the field, not
hauing as then past .lx. persons about him, of who(m) the L. John of
Heynault was one, by whose perswasion he cheifly consented to ride his way
for this owne safegarde, when he sawe the losse was such on that day it
could not be recouered.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſlaughter of the
Frenchmen was great and lamentable,
Great ſlaugh+ter of French|men.
Caxton. Iames M [...] Polidor. Froiſſ [...]rt.
Noble m [...]n [...]a [...].
namely for the loſſe of ſo many noble menne, as were ſlaine at the
ſame battaile, fought betwene Creſſy & Broy on that S [...]terday next following the feaſt of S. Bartholomew be|ing (as that
yeare fell) the .xxvj. of Auguſt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Among other which died
that day, theſe [...] regiſtred by name as chiefeſt, Iohn king of Bo|heme, Raufe Duke of
Lorraine, Charles of A|lanſo brother germaine to king Philip, Charles Erle
of Bloys, Lewes Erle of Flanders, alſo the Earle of Harecourt, brother to
the Lord Ge [...] of Harecourt with the Earles of Auſſere, An|merle, and Saint Poule,
beſide diuers other of the nobilitie. The Engliſh men neuer brake out of
their battails to chaſe any man, but kept themſel|ues togithers in their
wards and ranks, & defended themſelues euer agaynſt ſuch as came to
aſſayle them. This battaile ended about euening.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the Frenchmen were
clearly ouer [...]e, and thoſe that were left aliue fled & gone, ſo that the
Engliſhmen heard no more noyſe of them,The king of
England com+meth downe from the h [...]
king Edwarde came downe from the hyll (on the which hee had ſtood
all that day with his helmet ſtill on his head) & going to the
prince, embraced him in his armes, & kiſſed him, ſaying, faire ſ [...]e God ſend you good perſeuerance in this your pro|ſperous beginning,
you haue nobly acquit your ſelfe, you are wel worthie to haue the gouern [...]e of a realme cõmitted to your hands for your vali|ant doings. The
prince inclined himſelfe to the earth in honouring his father as hee beſt
coulde. This done, they thanked God togither with their EEBO page image 935
ſouldiers for their good aduenture: for ſo the king commaunded, and willed
no man to make anye boaſt of his owne power, but to aſcribe all the prayſe
to almightie God for ſuch a noble victorie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On the Sunday in the
morning, there was ſuche a myſt that a man could not ſee an Acre bredth
before him. Then by the kings commaun|dement there departed from the hoſt
fiue hundred Speares, and two thouſand archers, to trie if they might heare
of any French men gathered togither in any
place neare vnto them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame morning there
were departed out of Abuile and S. Requier in Ponthieu, the cõmons of Roan,
and Beauvais, with other that knewe nothing of the diſcomfiture the day
before. Theſe met with the Engliſh men, ſuppoſing they hadde bin Frenchmen,
& being fiercely aſſayled of them, after ſore fight, and great
ſlaughter, the French|men were diſcomfited and fled, of whõ were ſlain in
the hedges and buſhes, mo than .vij.M. men.Frenchmen
ſlaine the day after the bat|taile.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Archbiſhop of Roan,
and the Graund Prior of Fraunce, ignorant alſo of the diſcomfi|ture the day
before, and ſuppoſing (as they were enfourmed) the French ſhoulde not haue
fough|ten till that Sunday, were likewiſe encountred (as they came
thitherwarde) by the Engliſh men, with whom they fought a ſore battaile, for
they were a great number, but yet at length they were not able to ſuſteine
the puiſſant force of the Eng|liſh men, and ſo the moſt part of them were
ſlain,The Archbi|ſhop of Rouẽ, and the Lorde grand
Prior of France ſlain with the ſayd Archbiſhop and grand Prior,
and few there were that eſcaped.
[figure appears here on page 935]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 That Sunday morning the
Engliſhe men mette with diuerſe French men, that hadde lofte theyr way on
the Saterday, and wyſte not where the King nor theyr Captaynes were be|come.
They were all ſlaine in manner, ſo ma|ny
as the Engliſhe menne coulde meete with, inſomuch that of the Commons and
footemen of the Cities and good townes of Fraunce, (as was thought) there
were ſlaine this Sunday foure tymes as many as were ſlaine the Saterday in
the great battaile.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When thoſe Engliſhmen
that were ſent a|brode thus to view the Countrey, were returned againe, and
ſignified to the king what they had ſeene and done, and how there was no
more ap|parance of the enimies, the K.
ſent to ſearch what the number was of them that were ſlaine, and vpon the
view taken, it was reported vnto him, that there were found dead .xj.
princes, foure ſcore baronets .xij.C. knights, and mo than .xxx.M. other of
the meaner ſort.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Thus was the whole
puiſſance of France vã|quiſhed, and that chiefly by force of ſuch as were
of no reputation amongſt them, that is to ſay, the Engliſh archers, by whoſe
ſharp and violent ſhot the victorie was atchieued, to the great cõfuſion of
the French nation. Of ſuch price were the Eng|liſh bowes in that ſeaſon,
that nothing was able to withſtand them, whereas now our archers co|uet not
to draw long and ſtrong bowes, but ra|ther to ſhoote compaſſe, which are not
meete for the warres, nor greatly to be feared, though they come into the
field. The K. of Englãd with his army kept ſtil his field, vntill Mõday in
the mor|ning, and then diſlodged & came before Mõturel by the ſea,
and his Marſhals ran toward Hedyn. The next day they road toward Bolongne,
and at Wyſam the king and the prince encãped, and taried a whole day to
refreſh their people, & on the Wedneſday being the .30. day
of Auguſt,Calice beſie|ged. he came before the
ſtrong towne of Calice, & there planted his ſiege, and erected
baſtides betwene the town & the riuer, & cauſed carpẽters
to make houſes & lod|gings of great timber, which were couered wt
reed & broom, ſo many & in ſuch order, yt it ſemed a new
town, & in it was a market place apointed of pur|poſe, EEBO page image 930 in the which the Market was dayly kept of vit|tayle, and
all other neceſſarie things euery Tueſ|day and Saterday, ſo that a man myght
haue bought what he woulde of things brought thi|ther out of Englande and
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But nowe forſomuch as we
haue ſpoken of this iorney and inuaſion made by king Edward into Fraunce, in
this .xix. yeare of his raigne, ac|cordingly as wee haue gathered out of
Froiſſart and diuerſe other authours, I haue thought good to make the reader partaker of the contentes of a letter
written by a Chapleyn of the ſayd King, and attendaunt about him in the ſame
iourney, conteyning the ſucceſſe of his proceedings after his departure from
Poiſſie, which letter is inſerted with others in the hiſtorie of Robert de
Aueſburie and Engliſhed by maiſter Fox as followeth.
1.11.1. A Letter of VV. Northbourgh the kings Con|feſſor deſcribing
the kings voiage in
A Letter of VV. Northbourgh the kings Con|feſſor deſcribing
the kings voiage in
SAlutations premiſed.Actes and
Monuments Pag. 482.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 We giue you
to vnder|ſtande, that our ſoueraigne Lorde the King came to the
towne of Poiſſie the day before the Aſſumption of our Ladie,
where was a certaine bridge ouer the water of Saine broken downe
by the enimie, but the king taryed there ſo long tyll that the
bridge was made againe. And whiles the bridge was in reparing,
there came a greate number of
men at armes, and other ſouldiers w [...] armed, to hinder the ſame. But the Erle of Nor|thampton
iſſued oute agaynſt them, and fiue of them more than a
thouſande, the reſt fled away: thankes bee to God. And at
another time, oure men paſſed the water (although with muche
tra|uaile) and ſlut a greate number of the common ſouldiers of
Fraunce, about the Citie of Paris, and countrey adioyning, being
part of the French kings armie, and throughly well appoynted: ſo
that oure people haue now made other good brid|ges vpon our
enimies, God be thanked, withoute any loſſe and damage to vs.
And on the mor|row after the Aſſumption of our Ladie, the king
paſſed the water of Sayne, and marched toward Poiſſie, which is
a towne of great defence, and ſtrongly walled, and a maruellous
ſtrong Ca|ſtell within the ſame, whiche our enimies kept. And
when our vauntgard was paſſed the towne, our reregarde gaue an
aſſault therevnto, and toke the ſame, where were ſlaine more
than three hun|dred men at armes of our enimies part. And the
next day following, the Earle of Suffolke, and ſir Hugh Spencer,
marched forth vpon the com|mons of the Countrey aſſembled and
well ar|med, and in fine diſcomfited them, and ſlue of them more
than two hundred, and tooke three ſcore Gentlemen priſoners
beſyde others.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And after
that the King marched towarde graund Vylliers, and while he was
there encam|ped,
[figure appears here on page 930] the kings
vauntgarde was diſcried by the
men at armes of the king of Boheme: wherevpon our men iſſued out
in great haſt, and ioyned bat|tail with them, but were enforced
to retyre. Not|withſtanding, thankes be vnto God, the Erle of
Northampton iſſued out, and reſcued the horſe|men with the other
ſouldiers: ſo that fewe or none of them were either taken or
ſlaine, ſauing only Thomas Talbot but had again the enimie in
chaſe within two leagues of Amiens: of whõ we tooke .viij. and
ſlue .xij. of their beſt men at armes: the reſt being well
horſed, tooke the towne of Amyens.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this
the king of England marched to|warde Pountife, vpon Bartholmew
day, and came to the water of Some, where the Frenche king had
layde fiue hundred men at armes, and three thouſande footemen,
purpoſing to haue kept EEBO page image 937 and ſtopped our
paſſage: but thanks be to God the king of Englande and his hoſte
entred the [...] water of Some, where neuer man paſſed before, withoute
loſſe of any of our men, and after that encountered wyth the
enimie and ſlue of them more than two thouſande, the reſt fledde
to A [...]|uile, in which [...] chaſe was taken many knightes, Eſquiers, and men at
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame daye
Sir Hugh Spencer tooke the towne of Cro [...]ay, where he and hys Souldi|ers ſlue foure hundred men at armes, and kep [...] the Towne, where they founde great [...]ye of vittayles.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame
night encamped the king of Eng|lande in the Forreſt of Creſſy
vpon the ſame wa|ter, for that the French kings hoſt came on the
o|ther ſide of the towne, neare with our paſſages [...] he woulde not take the water of vs, and ſo mar|ched
towarde Abuile. And vppon the Frydaye next following, the King
beeing ſtill encamped in the
ſayde Forreſt, our Scutters deſcryed the French King which
marched toward vs in foure great battayles: And hauing then
vnderſtan|ding of our enimies, (as Gods will was) a little
before the euening tyde, we drewe to the plaine fielde, and ſet
our battailes in array: and imme|diately the fight beganne,
whiche was ſore and cruell, and endured long, for our enimies
behaued themſelues right nobly: but thanks be giuen vn|to God,
the victorie fell on our ſide, and the king our aduerſarie was diſcomfited with all his
hoſte [...] and put to flight: where alſo was ſlaine the king of
Boheme, the Duke of Loraine, the Earle of Alanſon, the Earle of
Flaunders, the Earle of Blois, the Earle of Harcourt, wyth hys
two ſonnes, the Earle of Danmarle, the Earle de Neuers, and his
brother the Lorde of Tronarde, the Archbiſhop of Niſmes, the
Archbi. of Sons, the high Prior of Fraunce, the Earle of Sauoy
the Lorde of Morſes, the Lorde de Guis, le ſeig|neur de S. Nouant le ſeigneur de
Roſingburgh, with ſixe Earles of Almaigne, and diuerſe other
Earles, Barons, knightes, and Eſquiers, whoſe names are
vnknowne. And Philippe de Va|lois hymſelfe, with an other
Marques, which was called Lord Elector among the Romaines,
eſcaped from the battaile.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The number of
the menne at armes whiche were founde deade in the fielde,
beſide the com|mon Souldiers
and footemen, were a thouſande, fiue hundred, fortie and two:
and all that nyght the King of Englande wyth hys hoſte aboade
armed in the fielde, where the battayle was fought.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On the nexte
morrowe before the Sunne roſe, there marched towardes vs another
greate hoſte, mightie and ſtrong of the French menne But the
Earle of Northampton, and the Erle of Nor [...]e iſſue out agaynſt there in three battayles, and after
long and [...]
[...]ght, them in [...] for they diſco [...]d by Gods greate helpe and grace (for otherwyſe it coulde
ne|uer haue beene) where they tooke of Knightes, and Eſquites a
greate numbre, and fiue a| [...]e two thouſande pur [...]yng the ch [...]ſe three [...]nes from the place where the battaile was [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame
nyghte alſo the King encamped him [...] agayne in the Fo [...] Creſſye, and on the morrowe marched towarde Bolongne, and
by the waye hee tooke the Towne of Sta|ples: and them thence hee
marched towarde Ca|lays, [...] hys ſiege, and lay his [...]ter [...] to the ſ [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And therefore
out [...] Lorde the King willeth and common [...], in all that e [...]er you maye, to ſende to the [...]yde ſiege vittayles conu [...]. For after [...] of our depar|ting from T [...], [...]
[...]ayled through the C [...] wyth greate peryll and daunger of our people, and yet
alwayes h [...]dde of vittayle be plen|tie, thankes hee to God therfore.
But [...] (as the caſe ſtandeth) w [...]e p [...]lye neede youre helpe to hee refreſhed wyth vittayles.
Th [...] fare yee well. Written at the Siege before the Towne of
Calays, the fourtenth daye of September.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But nowe
touching the ſiege of Calays, and to returne where wee loſte,
yee ſhall vnder|ſtande that ( [...]s yet haue hearde) the Engliſhe campe was furniſhed wyth
ſufficient prouiſio [...] of meate, drynke, apparell, munition, and all o|ther
things neceſſarie: and oftentymes alſo the Souldiours made
roades and forrayes into the borders of Fraunce nexte adioyning,
as to|wardes Guines, and Saint Omer, yea euen to the gates of
that Towne; and ſometyme to Bolongne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo the
Earle of Northampton fetched a bootie out of Arthoys,Iames Mair. and as he returned toward the
hoſte, he came to Te [...]ane, which Towne the Biſhoppe had fortifyed and
mannen,Terrouan. deliue|ring the
cuſtodie thereof vnto Sir Arnold Dan|drehen for when he hearde
the Engliſh men ap|proched, he [...]ſt not [...]ame wythin the ci [...] him|ſelfe, but got them to Saint [...]ers.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Sir Arnolde
ſtoode valiantly to his defence, and would not yeeld, vntil by
fiue force the Eng|liſhe men entered the Citie, fiue the
Souldiours,Terrouan won by force.
and tooke theyr Captaine ſhe fayde Sir Arnolde priſoner. The
Citie was put to the ſacke, and af|ter ſet on fyre.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And when the
Engliſhemen [...]
[...] depar|ted, there to [...]e a number of [...]ing [...] the ſiege which they had layd before Saint O [...]ers, and beganne a newe ſpoyle, and [...]ied ſuche EEBO page image 938 houſes belonging to the Canons
& other, which the Engliſh men had ſpared. Thus we [...]e thoſe confines in moſt miſerable caſe, for no houſe nor
other thing was in ſafegarde, but ſuche as w [...] conteyned within the cloyſure of ſtrong tow [...] and fortreſſes.
[figure appears here on page 938]
Compare 1587 edition:
Froiſſart.The king of Englande would
not aſſayle the towne of Calais by giuing any aſſault to it, for
he knewe he ſhould but loſe his labor, and waſte his people, it
was ſo ſtrong of it ſelfe, and ſo well furniſhed with men of
war. Captain thereof alſo was one ſir Iohn de Vienne,Sir Iohn de Vienne Cap|tain of Calais. a
valiant knight of Burgoigne, hauing with him diuerſe other right
ha [...]die and expert Captaynes, Knights, and Eſ|quiers.
When the ſayd ſir Iohn de
Vienne ſaw the maner of the Engliſh hoſt, & what the
kings intention was, he conſtrayned all the poore and meane
people to depart out of the towne.The king of
Englands pitie towards to poore. The king of England
perceyuing that this was done of purpoſe to ſpare vittail, would
not driue them backe againe to helpe to conſume the ſame, but
rather pitied them, and therfore did not only ſhew them ſo much
grace to ſuffer thẽ to paſſe through his hoſt, but alſo gaue
them meate & drink to din|ner and moreouer two pens ſterling to euery
per|ſon which charitable deed wan him much praiſe,
and cauſed manye of his enimies to praye right har [...]l [...] for his [...]ſ [...]eſſe and proſperitie.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The French K.
[...]ing to rayſe the ſiege frõ Calais which the king of
Englande kept there, ſent for his ſon the Duke of
Normandie,The Duke of Normandie ſent
for. which had lien long at the ſiege of Aygut [...], & now by commaundement of his father left le
ſore againſt hys will. In this my due wh [...]le, the Erle of Dar|l [...]
[...]mayned as the Citie of Burdeaux, and there had held men
du [...]ng all the time that the ſiege lay defa [...] Aig [...]ilom When he once vnderſtood that the ſiege was raiſed,
& that the duke of Normãdie had broken vp his con [...]pe, he ſent into Gaſgoigne for all knights and ſinners
that held of the Eng|liſh partie.The Erle of
P [...]e aſſem|bleth an army. Then co [...] to Burdeaux the L. Daſ|br [...] the lord de Leſpare, the lord de Roſam, the lord of
Muſidẽt, the lord of P [...]miers, and a great ſort mo of the lordes and nobles of
Gaſcoigne, to that the Erle had .xij.C. men of armes, two .M.
archers, and three .M. other footmen. They paſſes the riuer of
Garonne, betwixt Burdeaux & Blay, and tooke their way
into Xanctonge, to to go vnto Pontiers, and tooke by the way the
towne of Mi|rabel by aſſault: they wan alſo the towne and
ca|ſtell of Annay, Surgieres and Benon,Townes
v [...] by the Earle of Dar [...]. Alſo they tooke Maraunt in Poictow by fine
force, they burnt alſo the towne of Luſignen, but the Caſtell
they could not win. Moreouer they wã ye bridge, towne,
& caſtel of Taliburg, and fine al that were found within
it, bycauſe a knight of the Engliſh part was ſlain in the
aſſaulting. From thence the Erle of Darby went & layd
ſiege to Saint Iohn Dangely, which was yeelded to him by
cõpoſiti|on. At Niort he made three aſſaultes, but coulde not
win it, & to frõ thence he came to Bourg S. Maximen the
which was won by force, & al that were within it ſlain,
& in like maner the towne of Montreull Bonnin was won,
& the moſt part of the within ſlain, yt toke vpõ thẽ
to defend it, which were .200. coyners of money that
wrought in the mint, which the French K. kept there. Frõ thence
he paſſed forward with his hoſt, and finally came before the
Citie of Poictiers, whiche was great & large, ſo that he
coulde not beſiege it but on the one ſide. The thirde day after
his coming thither, he cauſed the citie to be aſſaulted in three
[...]es, & the greateſt number were appointed to
affacte the weakeſt part of ye citie. As thẽ ther were no
expert men of warre within Poictiers, but a great mul|titude of
people, vnſkilfull and not vſed to anye feates of warre, by
reaſon whereof the Engliſhe men entered in at the weakeſt place.
When they EEBO page image 939 within ſawe the Citie wonne, they
fledde out at other gates, but yet there were ſlaine to the
num|ber of ſeuen hundred perſons: for all that came in the
Engliſh mens way were put to the ſworde, men, women and
children. The Citie was ſac|ked and rifled,The Citie of Poicters won by force. ſo that greate
ſtore of ryches was gotten there, as well of the inhabitantes as
other that had brought their goods thither for ſauegard of the
ſame. The Earle of Darbie lay there ten or twelue dayes, and
longer myght haue layen, if
his pleaſure had ſo beene, for there was none that durſt go
about to diſquiet him, all the Countrey trembled ſo at his
Compare 1587 edition:
3 At his
departure from Poictiers he left the Ci|tie voyde, for it was to
great to be kept: his ſoul|diers and men of warre were ſo
peſtered with ry|ches, that they wyſt not what to doe therewith,
they eſteemed nothing but golde and ſiluer, and feathers for men
of warre. The Erle viſited by the way as he returned homewardes
to Burde|aux the towne of
Saint Iohn Dangeli,Saint Iohn Dangely.
and the other fortreſſes which he had wonne in going to|ward
Poictiers, and hauing furniſhed them with men, munition, and
vittayles neceſſarie, at hys comming to Burdeaux he brake vp his
hoſt, and licencing his people to depart, thanked them for theyr
paynes and good ſeruice. All this while the ſiege continued
ſtill before Calais, & the French K. among other deuiſes
which he imagined how to raiſe the king of England from it,
procured the Scots to make
warre into England, inſomuch yt Dauid K. of Scotland,
notwithſtãding the truce which yet endured betwixt him
& the K. of Eng|land, vpon hope now to do ſome great
exploite, by reaſon of ye abſence of K. Edward entãgled thus
with the beſieging of Calais,The king of [...]cots inuadeth [...]nglande.
he aſſẽbled ye whole puiſſance of his realme, to the
nũber of .xl. or .lx. M. fighting mẽ (as ſome write) &
with thẽ entred into Englande, burning, ſpoyling, &
wafting the country, til he came as far as Durhã. The lordes of
England that were left at home with the Q. for the ſure keeping
& defence of the realm, percei|uing the K. of Scottes
thus boldly to inuade the land, & in hope of ſpoil to
ſend forth his light horſ|men to harry the country on eche ſide
him,The Engliſhe lords aſſemble a power to
fight with the Scottes Froiſſart.
aſſem|bled an hoſt of al ſuch people as were able to
beare armor, both prieſts & other. Their general
aſſẽble was appointed at Newcaſtell, & when they were
al togither, they were to the nũber of .1200. men of
armes three .M. archers, & .vij.M. other, with the
Welchmen: & iſſuing out of the town, they found the
Scots redy to come forward to incoũter thẽ. Thẽ euery man was
ſet in order of battel, & there were foure battels
ordeined, one to ayde another. The firſt was led by the B. of
Durh. Gilbert de Vmfreuile Erle of Anegos, Henry L. Percy,R. Southwel. and the L. Henry Scrope: the
ſeconde by the Archb. of York, & the L. Rauf Neuil: the
third by the B. of Lincoln, Iohn L. Mounbray, & the L.
Thom. de Rokeby: the fourth was gouerned by the L. Ed|ward
Baillol captain of Berwicke, the Archb. of Cant. & the
L. Ros:
Thom. VValſ. Froiſſart.
The Queenes diligence.
beſide theſe were ther W.L. D' Eincourt, Rob. de Ogle,
& other. The Q. was there in perſon, & went from
rank to rank, and en|couraged hir people in the beſt maner ſhe
could, & that done ſhe departed, cõmitting thẽ
& their cauſe to God the giuer of all victory. Shortly
hereupon the Scots ſet forward to begin the battail, &
like|wiſe did the Engliſhmen, & therewith the archers on
both partes begã to ſhoot: the ſhot of the Scots did little
hurt, but the archers of Englande ſore galled ye Scots, ſo that
there was an hard battel. They began at .ix. of the clock,
& continued ſtill in fight till noone.The Scottes fight with Axes. The Scots had ſharpe and
heauie Axes, and gaue with the ſame great and mightie ſtrokes,
howbeit finally the Engliſh men by the helpe of God obteyned the
victorie, although they loſt many of theyr men.
[figure appears here on page 939]
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 940There were diuerſe of the nobles of
Scotland ſlaine,The Engliſh men obteyne the
victorie. The king of Scots taken. to the number of
ſeuen Erles, beſide lords. The king was taken in the fielde ſore
wounded, for he fought valiantly. He was priſoner to an Eſquier
of Northumberland called Iohn Cope|lande, who as ſoone as he had
taken him, rode out of the fielde with him, accompanied onely
wyth viij. of his ſeruaunts, and reſted not till he came to his
owne Caſtell where he dwelled, being .xxx. mile diſtant from the
place of the battaile. There
was taken alſo beſide him,Hec. Boetius.
Southwell: Fabian. Froiſſart. the Erles of Fife,
Su|therlande, Wighton, and Menteth, the Lorde William Dowglas,
the Lord Veſcie, the Archb. of S. Andrewes, and another Biſhop,
wyth Sir Thomelyn Fowkes, and diuerſe other men of name. There
were ſlaine of one and other to the number. of .xv.M. This
battaile was fought be|ſide the citie of Durham,Neuils croſſe. at a place called Neuils
croſſe, vpon a Saterday next after the feaſt of S.
Michaell,See in Scotlãd. Pag. 350.
& 351 in the yeare of our Lorde .1346. He that
will ſee more of this
battaile, may finde the ſame alſo ſet forth in the Scottiſhe
hyſtorie, as theyr writers haue written thereof. And forſomuch
as by the circumſtances of their writings it ſhoulde ſeeme, they
kept the remembraunce of the ſame battaile perfitely regiſtred,
wee haue in this place onely ſhewed what other wryters haue
recorded of that matter, and left that which the Scottiſhe
Chronicles write, to be ſeene in the life of king Dauid, without
much abridging thereof.
Compare 1587 edition:
Hec. Boetius.
Counttreys of Scotland ſub|dued by the Engliſhmen.
The Engliſh men after this victorie thus ob|teyned, tooke
the Caſtels of Roxburgh, and Her|mitage, and alſo without any
reſiſtance ſubdued the Countreys of Annandale, Galloway, Mers,
Tiuidale, and Ethrike Foreſt, extending theyr marches forth at
ye time vnto Cokburnes Peth, and Sowtray hedge, and after vnto
Trarlinlips, and croſſe Cane.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Queene of
England being certainly en|formed that the king of Scottes was
taken, and that Iohn Copland
had conueyed him out of the field, no man vnderſtood to what
place, ſhe incõ|tinently wrote to him,Iohn
Copland refuſeth to de|liuer the king of Scottes.
commaunding him forth|with to bring his priſoner king Dauid vnto
hir preſence: but Iohn Copland wrote to hir againe for a
determinate anſwere, that he would not de|liuer his priſoner the
ſayde king Dauid vnto any perſon liuing, man or woman, except
onely to the king of England, his ſoueraigne Lord &
maiſter. Herevpon the Queene wrote letters to the king,
ſignifying to him both of
the happie victorie chan|ced to his people againſt the Scots,
& alſo of the demeanor of Iohn Coplande, in deteyning
the Scottiſh king. King Edwarde immediatly by letters commaunded
Iohn Coplande to repaire vnto him where hee laye at ſiege before
Calais, which with all conuenient ſpeede he did, and there ſo
excuſed himſelfe of that which the Queene had found hirſelfe
grieued with him, for deteyning the king of Scots from hir, that
the king did not [...]+ly pardon him, but alſo gaue to him .v.C.Iohn C [...] rea [...]
pounds ſterling of yearely rent to him and to his
hey [...] for euer, in reward of his good ſeruice and valiant
prowes, and made him Eſquier for his bodie, cõ|manding him yet
vpõ his returne into England to deliuer king Dauid vnto the
Queene, whiche he did, and ſo excuſed himſelfe alſo vnto hir,
that ſhe was therwith ſatiſfied and content.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Queene
then, after ſhe had taken order for the ſafe keping of the king
of Scots, and good go|uernment of the realme, toke the ſea and
ſayled o|uer to the K. hir huſband ſtil lying before Calais.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whileſt
Calais was thus beſieged by the king of Englande, the Flemings
which had lately be|fore beſieged Betwine,
Iames M [...]
The Fle [...]
& had rayſed from thence about the ſame time,
that the battaile was fought at Creſſy, nowe aſſemble togither
againe, and doing what domage they mighte agaynſte the Frenche
men on the borders, they lay ſiege vnto the towne of Ayre.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer,Froiſſart. they wrought
ſo for the king of England (earneſtly requiring their friendſhip
in that behalfe) that their ſoueraigne Lorde Lewes,
An. reg. [...]
Earle of Flaunders being as then about fiftene yeares of
age, fianced the Ladie Iſabel, daughter to the king of
England,The Earle of Fla [...]ders [...]+ſtrayned to promiſe [...]|riage to the king of Eng|lãds d [...]g [...]
more by cõſtraint in deed of his ſubiects, than for any
good wil he bare to the king of England: for he would often ſay,
that he would neuer mary hir whoſe father had ſlain his: but
there was no remedie: for the Flemings kept him in maner as a
priſoner, till he graunted to fo|low their aduice. But the ſame
weeke that the mariage was appoynted to bee ſolemnized, the
Earle as he was abrode in hawking at the Hea|ron, ſtale away and
fled into France, not ſtaying to ride his horſe vpon the
ſpurres, till he came in|to Arthois, and ſo diſhonourably
diſappoynted both the king of England, and his owne naturall
ſubiects the Flemings, to their high diſpleaſure.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 While the
king lay thus at ſiege before Calais, diuerſe Lords and knights
came to ſee him out of Flaunders, Brabant, Heynault, and
Almaigne. Amongſt other came the Lorde Robert of Na|mur, and was
reteyned with the king as his ſer|uaunt, the king giuing him
three .C. pounde ſterling of yearly penſion out of his Coffers
to bee payd at Bruges.The Lorde Charles de
Blois taken priſoner. During the time that the ſiege
thus continued before Calais, the Lord Charles du Blois, that
named himſelfe Duke of Britain, was taken before a Caſtell in
Britaine, called la Roche Darien, and his armie diſcomfited,
chiefly by the ayde of that valiaunt Engliſhe knight ſir Thomas
Sir Thomas Dagworth.
who had bin ſent from the ſiege of Calais by king
Edwarde to aſſyſt the Coũteſſe of Montfort & other his
friends againſt the ſayd Charles de Bloys, that with a great
ar|my EEBO page image 941 of Frenchmen and Brytaynes, had the ſame
tyme beſieged the ſayd Caſtel of Roche Darien, conſtrayning them
within in ſuch forceable ma|ner, that they ſtoode in great neede
of preſent ſuc|cors.Sir Iohn Har| [...]lle an Eng|liſh knight was alſo there with him.
The ſayd ſir Thomas Dagworth aduer|tiſed hereof, with three .C.
men of armes, and four C. archers of his owne retinues, beſide
certayne Brytaynes, approched to the ſiege, and on the xx. of
Iune earely in the morning, a quarter of an houre before day,
ſodainly ſet vpon the enimies,
who hauing knowledge of his comming, were readie to receyue him
all the day before, but bee|ing now ſurpriſed thus on the
ſodaine, they were greatly amazed: for they that were within
Roch Darien, as ſoone as the apperance of day had diſ|couered
the matter vnto them, ſo that they might know their friends from
their enimies, they iſſued forth, and holpe not a litle to the
atchieuing of the victorie, whiche was clearely obteyned before
Sunne ryſing, and the Frenche armie quite diſ|comfited,
[figure appears here on page 941] greatlye to the prayſe of the ſayde
Sir Thomas Dagworth and his
companie, conſidering theyr ſmall number, in compariſon of their
aduerſaries, who were reckened to bee twelue hundred good men of
Armes, Knightes, and Eſquires, beſide ſixe hundred other armed
men, two thouſande Croſbowes, ſixe hundred archers of the
Countrey of Brytayne, and foote|men of commons innumerable.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were
taken beſide, the Lorde Charles de Bloys, naming himſelfe Duke
of Brytayne, diuerſe other
Lordes and men of name, as Mon|ſieur Guy de la Vaal, ſonne and
heyre to the Lorde la Vaal, which dyed in the battayle, the Lord
of Rocheford, the Lorde de Beaumanour, the Lord of Loyack, with
other Lordes, knights and Eſquiers, in great numbers.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were
ſlaine the ſayde Lorde de la Vaall, the Vicounte of Rohan, the
Lorde of Chaſteau Brian, the Lorde de Maileſtr [...]ite, the Lorde de Quintin, the Lord de Rouge, the Lord
of Dereuall and his ſonne,
Sir Raufe de Mont|fort, and many other worthie men of armes,
Knightes, and Eſquiers, to the number betwixt ſixe and ſeuen
hundred, as by a letter wrytten by the ſayde ſir Thomas
Dagworth, and regyſtred in the Hyſtorie of Robert de Aueſburie
it doeth appeare.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this meane
while, King Philip hauing daylye worde howe the power of his
enimie king Edwarde, dyd encreaſe by ayde of the Eaſter|lings
and other nations,Fabian. whiche were
to him al|lyed, and that his menne within Calais were brought to
ſuch an extreame poynt, that wyth|out ſpeedie reſkue they coulde
not long keepe the Towne, but muſte of force render it ouer
in|to the handes of hys ſayde enimye, to the great preiudice of
all the Realme of Fraunce,
Thẽ French king aſſem|bleth an army.
after greate deliberation taken vpon this ſo weightie a
matter, hee commaunded euerie man to meete hym in theyr beſt
array for the warre, at the feaſt of Pentecoſt in the Citie of
Amiens, or in thoſe marches.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At the day
and place thus appoynted, there came to him Odes Duke of
Burgoigne, and the Duke of Normandie eldeſt ſonne to the King,
the Duke of Orleaunce his yongeſt ſonne, the Duke of Burbon, the
Earle of Fois, the Lorde Lois de Sauoy, the Lorde Iohn of
Hey|nault, the Erle of Arminacke, the Earle of For|reſt, and the
Erle Valentinois, with many other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe noble
men being thus aſſembled, they tooke counſayle which way they
myght paſſe to gyue battayle to the Engliſhe menne: It was
thought the beſt way had beene through Flaun|ders, but the
Flemings in fauour of the king of Englande denyed,The Fleming a beſiege Ayre. not onely to
open theyr paſſages to the Frenche menne, but alſo hadde EEBO page image 942 leuied an armie of an hundred thouſande men of
one and other,Iames Mair. and layde
ſiege to Ayre, and burnt the Countrey all aboute. Wherevpon
there were many ſharpe beckerings, and ſore encounters, be|twixt
the Flemings, and ſuch French menne as king Philip ſent forth
agaynſt them both: nowe whileſt the French armie lay about
Amiens, and alſo before, during all the time that the ſiege lay
at Calais. For all the French townes vpon the Frontiers were
ſtuffed with ſtrong garniſons of Souldiours, as Lyſle, Saint Omers, Arras, Bolongne, Ayre, and
Monttreul: and thoſe men of warre were euer redie vpõ occaſion
to attempt ſundrie exploytes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this,
when the armie of the Flemings was broken vp,The French king commeth towarde Ca|lais. and returned
home, or rather de|uided into partes, and lodged along on the
fron|tiers, the French king with two thouſande men one and other
came forwarde, taking his waye through the Countrey, called la
Belme, and ſo by the Countrey
of Frankeberg, came ſtraight to the hil of Sangate, betwixt
Calais & Wiſant.
Compare 1587 edition:
The prepara|tion made by the king of England
to re|ſiſt the French king.The king of England had
cauſed a ſtrong ca|ſtell to be made betwene the towne of Calais,
and the ſea, to cloſe vp that paſſage, and had placed therein
.lx. men of armes, and two hundred Ar|chers which kept the hauen
in ſuch ſort that no|thing could come in nor out.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo
conſidering that his enimies could come neyther to ſuccour the
towne, nor to annoy hys hoſte,
except eyther by the Downes alongſt the Sea ſyde, or elſe aboue
by the high way, he cau|ſed all his nauie to drawe alongſt by
the coaſt of the Downes,The Earle of
Darbie. to ſtop that the French men ſhould not
approche that way. Alſo the Earle of Dar|bie being come thither
out of Guyenne, was ap|poynted to keepe Newlande bridge, with a
great number of men of armes and archers, ſo that the Frenchmen
coulde not approch any way, vnleſſe they woulde haue come
through the mariſhes, which to
do was not poſſible.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Fiftene
hundred of the Commons of Tour|ney wan a Tower which the Engliſh
men had made and kept for the impeaching of the French mens
paſſage by the Downes, but that notwith|ſtanding, when the
Marſhals of France had well viewed all the paſſages and ſtraites
through the whiche their armie muſt paſſe, if they ment to fight
with the Engliſhmen, they well perceyued that they coulde not
come to the Engliſh men to
giue them battaile, without the king woulde loſe his people,
wherupon (as Froiſſart hath ye French king ſent the Lord
Geffrey de Charny, the Lord Euſtace de Ribaumont, Guy de Nele,
& the Lord de Beauiewe,The requeſt of
the Frenche Lords to the king of Eng|lande. vnto the
king of Englande, which required him on their maiſters behalfe
to appoint certaine of his Counſaile, as he woulde likewyſe
appoynt certaine of his, which by cõmon conſent might aduiſe
betweene them an indifferent place for them to trie the battaile
vpon: wherevnto the king of Englande anſwered, that their hee
was, and had beene almoſte a whole yeare,His
whiche coulde not bee vnknowne to hys aduerſarie there
maiſter, ſo that he might haue come ſooner if hee woulde: but
nowe ſithe hee hadde ſuffered hym there to remaine ſo long,
withoute offer of bat|tayle, he ment not to accompliſhe his
deſire, nor to depart from that, whiche to his great coſt hee
had brought at length to that poynt now, that he might eaſily
winne it. Wherefore if the French king nor his hoſte coulde not
paſſe thoſe wayes which were cloſed by the Engliſhe power, let
them ſeke ſome other paſſage (ſayd he) if they think to come
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this meane
while,Cardinals [...] to [...] peace. came two Cardinals from Pope Clement, to
treate a peace betwyxte the two kings, wherevpon Commiſſioners
were appoynted, as the Dukes of Burgoigne, and Burbone, the
Lorde Lewes de Sauoy, and the Lord Iohn de Heynault, otherwiſe
called Lorde Beaumont, on the French part: and the Erles of
Derbie and Northampton, the Lord Reginalde Cobham, and the Lorde
Walter de M [...]y, on the Engliſh part. Theſe commiſſioners and the
Legates (as intreaters betwene the parties) met &
cõmuned three dayes togither, but agreed not vpon any
concluſion,They d [...]
and ſo the cardinals depar|ted: and the French king
perceyuing he could not haue his purpoſe,The
French king re [...] into Fraunce. brake vp his hoſt and returned
into Fraunce, bidding Calais farewell.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 After that
the French king with his hoſt was once departed from Sangate,
withoute mini|ſtring any ſuccour to them within the Towne, they
began to ſue for a parlee, which being gran|ted, in the ende
they were contented to yeelde, and the king graunted to receyue
them and the towne on theſe conditions:The
conditi|ons of the [...] reader of C [...]+lais. that ſixe of the chiefe burgeſſes of the
town ſhould come forth bare han|ded, bare footed, and bare
legged, & in their ſhirtes, with halters about their
neckes, with the keyes of the towne and Caſtell in their handes,
to ſub [...]t themſelues ſymply to the kings will, and the re [...]|due he was contented to take to mercie. This de|terminate
reſolution of king Edward being inti|mated to the commons of the
towne aſſembled in the market place by the ſound of the common
[...]l, afore the captaine, cauſed many a weeping [...] a|mongeſt them: but in the ende when it was per|ceyued
that no other grace would be obteined .vj. of the moſt
wealthieſt burgeſſes of all the towne agreed to hazard their
liues for the ſafegard of [...] reſidue, and ſo according to the preſcript order deuyſed
by the King, they wente forth of the Gates,Sir [...] of Calais pre|ſented to the King. and were
preſented by the Lorde Walter de Manny to the King, before whome
they kneeled down, offred to him the keyes of ye town, EEBO page image 943 and beſought him to haue mercie vpon
them: but the king regarding them with a fell countenance,
commaunded ſtreight that theyr heades ſhoulde be ſtriken off.
And although manye of the noble men did make greate intreatance
for them, yet woulde no grace bee ſhewed, vntill the Queene
being great with childe,The Queene [...]neth their [...]on. came and kneeled downe before the King hir
huſbande, and with lamen|table cheare and weeping eyes,
entreated ſo much for them, that finally the kings diſpleaſure
was aſwaged, and hys rygour
turned to mercie, ſo that he gaue the priſoners vnto hir to do
hir plea|ſure with them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Then the
Queene commaunded them to be brought into hir Chamber, and
cauſed the halters to be takẽ from their necks, clothed them of
new, gaue them their dinner, and beſtowing vpon eche of them
ſixe nobles, appoynted them to bee con|ueyed out of the hoſt in
ſafegarde, and ſette at libertie.
Compare 1587 edition:
Calais yeelded to the king of England.
Thus was the ſtrong towne of Calais yeel|ded vp into the
handes of king Edward, the third of Auguſt, in the yeare .1347.
The Captaine the Lorde Iohn de Vienne, and al the other captains
and menne of name, were ſtayed as pryſoners, and the common
ſouldiers and other meane peo|ple of the Towne were licenced to
depart, and voyde theyr houſes, leauing all their armor and
ryches behinde them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king
would not haue any of the olde in|habitantes to remaine in the towne, ſaue onely a Prieſt,
and two other auncient perſonages, ſuch as beſt knew the
cuſtomes, lawes, and ordinaun|ces of the towne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 He appoynted
to ſende ouer thither amongeſt other Engliſh men there to
inhabite .xxxvj. Bur|geſſes of London,Calais
made a colonie of Engliſhmen. and thoſe of the
wealthieſt ſort, for he ment to people the towne only with
Eng|liſhe men, for the better and more ſure defence thereof. The
King and the Queene were lod|ged in the Caſtell, and continued there tyll the Queene was
deliuered of a daughter named Margaret.The
Queene brought to [...]ed in the Ca| [...]el of Calais. Polidor.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Cardinals
of whom ye heard before be|ing come as Legates from Pope
Clement, to moue communication of peace, did ſo much in the
matter, that a truce was graunted betwixte the realme of England
and Fraunce, for the tearme of .xij. monethes, or two yeares, as
Froiſſart hath. But the Engliſh Chronicle,Caxton. [...]ames Mair. [...]. and Iacobus Meir ſeeme to agree, that this truce was taken but
for nine monethes, though afterwards the ſame was proroged.Women harde [...] agree To the which truce all parties agreed
Brytayne excepted, for the two women there would not be quieted,
but ſtill purſued the warre the one agaynſt the other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After that
this truce was accorded, the king with the Queene hys wyfe
returned into Eng|lande, and lefte for Captayne wythin Calais,
one Sir Amerie of Pauie an Italian Knight,Sir
Amerie de Pauie. or as other Bookes haue, he was but
Captayne of the Caſtell, or of ſome one of the Towers of that
towne, whiche ſeemeth more lyke to be true, than that the king
ſhoulde commyt the whole charge of the Towne vnto hys
gouernment, beeing a ſtraunger borne, and therefore Iacobus Meir
is the more to be credited, that writeth how ſir Amerie of Pauie
was left but in charge with the Caſtell onely, and that the
towne was com|mitted to the keeping of the Lorde Iohn
Beau|champe, and Lewes his brother.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But fow that
there was a peace thus conclu|ded betwixt the two kings,
Thom. VValſ.
it ſeemed to the Eng|liſhe people that the Sunne brake
forth after a long clowdie ſeaſon, by reaſon both of the greate
plentie of all things, and remembraunce of the late glorious
victories: for there were fewe wo|men that were houſekeepers
within this lande, but they had ſome furniture of houſehold that
had beene brought to them out of Fraunce, as part of the ſpoyle
got in Caen, Calais, Carẽten, or ſome other good towne. And
beſide houſeholde ſtuffe, the Engliſh Maydes and Matrones were
bedec|ked and trymmed vppe in Frenche womens Ie|wels and
apparell, ſo that as the French women lamented for the loſſe of
thoſe things, ſo our wo|men reioyſed of the gaine.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this
.xxij. yeare,
An. Reg. 22.
Great raine.
from mydſommer vnto Chriſtmaſſe for the more part it
continually rai|ned, ſo that there was not one day and night
drie togither, by reaſon whereof great flouds enſued, and the
ground therwith was ſore corrupted, and many inconueniences
enſued, as great ſickneſſe, and other, inſomuch that in the
yeare following in Fraunce the people dyed wonderfully in
dy|uerſe places. In Italy alſo,
An. reg. 43.
A great mor|talitie.
and in many other Countreys, as well in the landes of
the Infidels, as in Chriſtẽdom, this grieuous mortalitie
raig|ned to the great deſtruction of people.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the
ende of Auguſt, the like death be|ganne in dyuerſe places of
Englande, and eſpeci|ally in London, continuing ſo for the ſpace
of a twelue month following. And vpon that enſued great
barrenneſſe, as well of the ſea, as the lande,Dearth. neyther of them yeelding ſuch plentie of
things as before they had done. Wherevpon vittaile and corne
became ſcant, and hard to come by.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Aboute the
ſame time died Iohn Stretforde Archbiſhop of Canterburie, after
whome ſuccee|ded Iohn Vfforde, and liued not in that dignitie
paſt ten monethes, and then followed Thomas Bredwardin, who
deceaſſed within one yere after his cõſecration, ſo yt then
Simõ Iſlep was cõſe|crated Archb. by Pope Clem. ye .vj. being
the .liij. archb. yt had ſit in that ſeat. Within a while after
W. Archb. of York died: in whoſe place ſucceeded EEBO page image 944 Iohn Torſby being the .xliiij. Archbiſhop that had gouerned
that Church.
Compare 1587 edition:
4 Moreouer in
this .xxiij. yere of king Edwards raigne, the great mortalitie
in England ſtill con|tinuing,A practice to
betray Calice. there was a practiſe in hand for the
reco|uering againe of Calice to the French kings poſ|ſeſſion.
The Lorde Geffray of Charnye lying in the towne of S. Omers, did
practiſe with ſir A|merie de Pauie, to be receyued into the
towne of Calice by the Caſtell ſecretly in the night ſeaſon.
The Italian gaue eare to
the Lord Geffrey hys ſute, and to make few wordes, couenanted
for the ſumme of .xx.M. crownes to betray the towne vnto him, in
ſuch ſort as he coulde beſt deuiſe. Here writers varie:Diuerſitie in writers. for Froiſſart
ſayth that king Edwarde had information thereof before that ſir
Amerie de Pauie vttered the thing himſelfe, but the French
Chronicles, and alſo other writers af|firme, that the Italian
aduertiſed the king of all the drift and matter betwixt him and
the Lorde Geffrey of Charny
before he wente through with the bargaine.
[...]a [...]n. But whether by him or by other, truth it is
the king was made priuie to the mat|ter at Hauering Bower in
Eſſex (where hee kept the feaſt of Chriſtmaſſe) and therevpon
departing from thence,Froiſſart. he
came to Douer, and the day be|fore the night of the appoyntment
made for the deliuerie of the Caſtell of Calice (hauing
ſecretely made his prouiſion) he tooke ſhipping and landed the
ſame night at Calice,
[...] kin [...] ſe| [...]re [...]
[...] paſſeth [...] to Calice in ſo ſecrete maner that few of the towne vnderſtoode of his
arriuall, hee brought with him out of England three hundred men
of armes, and ſix hundred archers, whom hee [...]ayde in Chambers and towers within the caſtel, ſo cloſely
that [...]we or none perceyued it, the ma|ner he knewe by ſir Amerie
de Pauie his aduer|tiſements (accordingly as it was agreed
betwixt them) that the Lorde Geffrey of Charny was appoynted to
come and enter the towne that nyght,The L.
Geffrey de Charn [...]y for the king had commaunded ſir Amerie
to proceede in
marchandiſing with the ſayd Lord Charny, and onely to make him,
prinie of the day and houre in the which the feate ſhoulde bee
The Lorde Geffrey de Charny be|ing couenanted that he
ſhoulde bee receyued into Calice the firſt night of the newe
yeare, departed from Saint Omers, where hee hadde aſſembled fiue
hundred Speares, the laſt day of December towarde night, and ſo
in ſecrite wiſe hee paſſed forth, till aboute the middeſt of the
[...]te night after, he
approched neare to Calice, and ſending an hundred men of armes
to take poſſeſſion of the Caſtell, & to pay ye Italian
his .xx.M. crownes, came to the poſterne of the Caſtell, where
ſir A|merie de Pauie hauing let downe the Poſterne Bridge, was
readie to bring them in by the ſame Poſterne,Sir Edward de Renty. and ſo the hundred men of armes
en|tred, and ſir Edwarde de Rentie deliuered to the Italian his
twentie thouſand crownes in a [...] who when he had caſt the crownes into a [...] (for he had no leyſure to tell them) he brought the
Frenchmen into the dungeon of the Caſtell, as it were to
poſſeſſe them of the chiefeſt ſtrength of the fortreſſe. Within
this dungeon or tower was the king of England cloſely layd with
two .C. men of armes, who iſſued out with their ſwordes and axes
in their handes, crying Manny to the reſcue,The ki [...]
[...]+eth Manny [...] the reſcue. for the king had ſo ordeyned, that
both he and his ſon ſhould fight vnder the bãner of the L.
Walter de Manny, as chief of that enterpriſe. Then were the
Frenchmen greatly abaſhed, in ſuch wiſe, that perceyuing how no
defence might aduaunce thẽ, they yeelded themſelues without any
great ſhewe of reſiſtance. Herewith the Engliſhmẽ iſſued out of
the caſtel into the town, and mounted on horſ|backe, for they
had the French priſoners horſes, & then the archers road
to Bollongne gate, where the Lorde Geffray was with his banner
before him of Gewels three ſkutchẽs ſiluer. He had great deſire
to be the firſt that ſhoulde enter the towne: But ſhortly the
king of England with the prince his ſonne was readie at the
gate, vnder the Ban|ner of the Lorde Walter de Manny to aſſayle
him.The Earles of Stafforde and Suffolke,
the Lords Monta|gue, Berkley and la Ware. There were
alſo other banners as the Erles of Stafford, and Suffolke, the
Lord Iohn Mon|tague, brother to the Erle of Saliſburie, the lord
Beauchampe, the L. Berkley, and the Lord de la Ware. Then the
great gate was ſet open and all they iſſued forth crying Manny
to the reſcue.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The French
men perceyuing that they were betrayed, alighted from their
horſes,The French men alight on fo [...]e. and put thẽ|ſelues in order of battayle on
foote, determining to fight it out lyke valiant men of warre.
The King perceyuing thys, cauſed his people lyke|wyſe to be ſet
in order of battayle, and ſent three hundred archers to Newlande
bridge to diſtreſſe thoſe French menne, whiche he heard ſhoulde
be there.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This was
earely in the morning, but incon|tinently it was day: the
Frenche menne kepte theyr grounde a whyle, and manye feates of
Armes were done of bothe partes, but the Eng|liſhe menne euer
encreaſed oute of Calice, and the French menne diminiſhed, ſo
that finally they were ouercome, as well in the one place, as in
the other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It chaunced
that in the hoteſt of the fight,Sir Euſtace
de Ribaumont right va [...] knight. the king was matched with ſir Euſtace
de Ribau|mont, a right ſtrong and hardie knight. There was a
ſore encounter betwixt him and the king, that maruaile it was to
behold them. At length they were put aſunder, for a greate
companie of both partes came that way, & there fought
[...]ne|ly togither.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Frenche
menne did behaue themſelues ryght valyauntly, and eſpecially Sir
Euſtace de EEBO page image 945 Ribaumount:
[...] is taken [...]riſoner by [...]he kyng of [...]nglande. he ſtrake the King that daye twice
vppon his knees, but finally, he was taken priſo|ner by the King
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde
Geoffrey of Charnye was alſo taken priſoner,The lord Gef| [...]rey de Char| [...]ey is taken. & woũded right ſore, but
the king of his noble courteſie, cauſed him to bee dreſſed by
ſurgeons, and tenderly looked vnto.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were
ſlayne, Sir Henry de Blois, and Sir Pepin de la ware, with
other, to the number of ſixe hundred. Monſieur de Memorancie
eſca|ped with great daunger.
Froyſſart ſayeth, that this battell was fought in the yeare
1348. vpon ye laſt of December, towards ye next morning be|ing
Newyeres daye, but as Aueſburie & Wal|ſingham haue, that
begin the yeare at our Lady day, this enterpriſe chanced 1349.
and ſo conſe|quently, in the 23. yeare of this Kings raigne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 All the
priſoners were brought to the Caſtell of Calleis, where the King
the next night gaue them a ſupper, and made thẽ right hartie
cheare,Sir Euſtace de Ribaumoun.
and gaue to Sir Euſtace de
Ribaumont a riche chaplet of pearles, whiche hee then did weare
on his owne head, in token that he had beſt deſerued it for his
manfull prowes ſhewed in the fighte, and beſide that, in fauour
of his tried valiancie, he acquir him of his raunſome, &
ſet him at libertie.
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 24. The death [...]eaſeth.
A [...]b.
About the ende of Auguſt, the deathe in Lon|don ceaſſed,
which had bin ſo great and vehement within that Citie, that ouer
and beſide the bodyes buried in other accuſtomed burying places,
there were buried that yeare
dayly, from Cadlemas til Eaſter, in ye Charter houſe yard of
Lõdon, more than two hundred dead corpſes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo this
yeare, by the earneſt ſute of the two Cardinals which were ſent
(as yee haue hearde) from Pope Clement the ſixth, a peace was
con|cluded for one yeare.Commiſsio+ners meete
to talk of peace. There met neere vnto Ca|leis for the
treatie of this peace, the foreſaide two Cardinals, as
mediators, and for the King of England, the Byſhop of Norwich
Treaſorer, and high Chancellor of the Realme, with o|thers, came
thither as commiſſioners. And in like manner for the French
King, there appeared the Biſhoppe of Lion, and the Abbot of S.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare in
Auguſt dyed Phillippe de Va|lois the French King. Heere is to
bee noted,
Men borne with fewer teeth than in tymes paſt.
Caxton. Tho. VValſ. Polichron.
that all thoſe that were borne, after the beginning of
that great mortalitie whereof ye haue heard, wã|ted four cheeke
teeth, (when they came to ye tyme of grouth) of thoſe 32. which
the people before that time commonly vſed to haue, ſo that they
hadde but 28.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this 24.
yeare of this Kings raigne,A combat.
there was a combate fought in Liſtes within ye kyngs palace of
Weſtminſter, betwixt the Lord Iohn, baſtard ſonne to Phillip
King of Fraunce, and a Knight of the Towne of Ipres in
Flaunders, but the baſtard had the vpper hand, and vanqui|ſhed
his aduerſarie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the
feaſt of the decollation of Saint Iohn Baptiſt,Auesburie. Tho. VValſ. King Edwarde
aduertiſed of a fleete of Spanyardes returning forth of
Flaun|ders, that was laden with clothes and other ri|ches,
aſſembled a conueniente power of men of armes, and archers, and
at Sandwiche tooke the Sea with them, ſayling forth,
A Spanyſhe fleete.
Spanyardes vanquiſhed by the king of En+gland by ſea.
till vpon the coaſt of Winchelſee hee mette with the
Spanyardes, and there aſſayled them, ſo that betwixt hym and
thoſe Spanyardes, there was a ſore fighte, and
[figure appears here on page 945] long continued, to the greate loſſe of people
on both partes, but in the ende, the bright beame of victory
ſhone vpon the Engliſh ſailes, ſo that all the Spanyardes were
ſlayne, for they were ſo proude and obſtinate (as Walſingham
afirmeth) that they woulde not yeelde, but rather choſe to die,
and ſo they did indeede, either vpon the Eng+liſhe mennes weapon
pointes, or elſe were they EEBO page image 946 drowned
there in the Sea,Tho. VValſ. ſixe and
twentie of their ſhippes were taken, in the which was found
greate ſtore of good ware and riches.Auesburie. And ſo the Kyng thoughte hym ſelfe well
reuenged of the Spanyardes, whiche in the laſt yeare, about
Al|hallontide, hadde entred into the riuer of Ba|rons, as it
runneth vp towards Burdeaux, and there finding many ſhippes
fraught with wines, ſlewe all the Engliſhmen they founde
aboorde, and tooke away the Shippes with them: whyche iniurie moued the King to enterpriſe
thys ex|ployte now at this time againſt them.
Compare 1587 edition:
Sir Thomas Dagworth ſlayne.
About the beginning of Auguſt, Sir Raoull de Cahors, and
dyuers other Knightes and Eſquires, to the number of ſixe ſcore
menne of armes, foughte before a Caſtell called Avleon, with ſir
Thomas Dagworth, and there ſlewe the ſame Sir Thomas, and to the
number of one hundred men of armes with him.
Compare 1587 edition:
Ambaſſadors ſent to the Pope.There
were ſente ſolemne meſſengers thys yeare vnto Auignion, for the eſtabliſhing of
a peace, mentioned betwixt the King of Englande and Fraunce, at
the ſute of the Pope, ſo that K. Edwarde ſhoulde haue reſigned
hys title and clayme to the Crowne of Fraunce, and ye Frẽch
King ſhould haue giuen ouer vnto him ye whole Duchie of
Guyenne, to holde the ſame freely, without knowledging of reſort
or ſuperioritie, or doing any manner of homage for the ſame: but
ſuche delayes were made, and the ſute ſo prolon|ged by the Pope,
that the Earle of Derby, whi|che with others were ſente to him
aboute thys matter, returned withoute ſpeede of his purpoſe, for
the whych he went.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the fiue
and twentith yeare of King Ed|wardes raigne, the
An. reg.
hauing layde ſiege vnto the Towne of Saint Iohn Dangell,
the Lorde Dalbrettes ſonne, hauing aſſembled ſixe hundred men of
armes, Gaſcoignes & Eng|liſhmen, meant to worke ſome
feate, for reliefe of them within, wherevppon,Froiſſart. as hee was marching through the countrey
of Xainctonge neere vnto Xainctes the eigth of Aprill, or as
other haue, the firſte, hee was encountred by the Lord Guy de
Neell, one of the Marſhals of Fraunce, and o|ther French Lords,
where at length, the French|men were diſcomfited, many ſlayne,
and dyuers taken priſoners, of which number was the ſayde
Marſhall, with his brother the Lorde William, and ſir Arnolde de
Dandrehen, beſide others, to
[figure appears here on page 946] the
number of three hundred men of armes, but yet the ſiege
remayned, till for want of vittayles, the Towne was rendred to
the Frenchmen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame
yeare in October, an Engliſhe ar|cher of the ga [...]iſon of Caleis, named Iohn of Dancaſter, by licence of the
Lord deputie of Ca|leis, tooke
with him threeſcore perſons menne of armes and archers, and in
the nighte that goeth before the feaſt day of Saint Vincent, in
the laſt quarter of the ſame nighte, hee commyng to the Caſtell
of Guynes, founde as well the watch as other faſt a ſleepe,
wherevpon, hee paſſed a water that adioyned to the Caſtell,
wading vp to the girdell, and ſo came to the wall, where he and
hys company rearing vp ladders, mounted by ye ſame ſo
ſecretely, that ſlaying the watche, beeing not paſt three or
four perſons that were on ye walles, they entred the
Caſtell,The Caſtell of Guynes
wonne. and finding the French|men a ſleepe, ſleWe
thoſe that vppon their wake|ning made anye defence, and tooke
the reſidue, whome they ſuffered to departe: and by thys meanes
they wanne the Caſtell, finding greate ſtore of vittayles
within, and ſo as they founde it, they kepte it to the Kyng of
Englande vſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The French
hiſtories declare, that one Guilliã de Beauconroy, that was
Captayne of this Ca|ſtell, betrayed ye place to ye engliſhmẽ,
for a ſũme of money, and when the Frenche King required EEBO page image 947 reſtitution,
[...]lidor. bycauſe the truce was not yet expi|red,
he was ſhifted off with this forged anſwer, ye nothing was
excepted by the aſſurance of the truce, concerning things that
ſhoulde be bought and ſolde. The Frenchman that betrayed it, was
ſhortly after put to execution at Amiens.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]otes and [...]e grotes [...]ſt coigned.In this yeare were the firſt peeces
of ſiluer cal|led groates and halfe groates of foure pence and
two pence the peece ſtamped, by the Kinges ap|poyntment, through
the counſell of William de
Edington Byſhop of Wincheſter Lorde Trea|ſorer. Before that
time, there were no other coignes, but the Noble, halfe noble,
and quarter noble, with the peeces of ſiluer called ſterlings.
Bycauſe theſe newe peeces wanted of the weight of the olde
ſterling coigne, the prices as well of vittayles as of other
wares, did dayly riſe, and ſeruauntes and workemen waxing more
craftie than beforetime they had bin, demaunded grea|ter
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This
An. reg. 26.
vpon the euen of the Aſſumption of our Lady, Sir Iohn
Bentley Knight, as thẽ Lord warden of Britaigne, fought with
the L. Guy de Nealle, Marſhall of Fraunce, (lately ranſomed out
of captiuitie) in the parties of Bri|taine, neere to a place
called Movron,Movron. betwixte Rennes
and Pluremell, where the ſayd Marſhal was ſlayne, togither with
the Lorde of Brique|beke the Chateline of Beauvais, and dyuers
o|ther, both Britons and Frenchmen.
[figure appears here on page 947]
Compare 1587 edition:
135 [...]
An. reg. 27.
[...]ho. VValſ.
[...] the printed [...]ooke of ſta| [...]tes it ſhould [...]peare, that [...]is Parliamẽt [...]s rather [...]olden in the [...]5. yeare of [...]his Kings [...]oigne.
In the ſeuen and twentith yeare of his raigne, King
Edwarde helde a Parliamente at Weſt|minſter, after the feaſt of
Eaſter, in which, an or|dinance was deuiſed, what wages
ſeruauntes and labourers ſhould be allowed, prohibiting thẽ to
receyue aboue the rate whiche they were accu|ſtomed to take
before the yeare of the great mor|talitie. Seruantes and
labourers were in deede growen to bee more ſubtill than before
time they had bin, but by
reaſon that the prices of thinges were enhaunced: it is like
they demaunded grea|ter wages than they hadde done before time,
and one cauſe of the dearth was imputed to the newe coigne of
money, beeing of leſſe weight in the alley thereof, than before
it had bin, ſo that the Biſhoppe of Wincheſter, being Lord
Treaſorer, who hadde counſelled the king to ordeine thoſe
groates and halfe groates, was euill ſpoken of amongeſt the
people. In this Parliament there were ſtatutes alſo made,
[...]tatutes for [...]aking of [...]othes. that clothes ſhould in length and breadth
through the Realme, beare the ſame aſſiſe, as was ordeined in
the Parliamẽt holden at Northampton. Alſo, that all weares,
milles,Weares and [...]illes. and other lettes, ſhould be remoued forth
of riuers, that might be any hinderance for ſhips, botes, or
lighters, to paſſe vp and down the ſame. But theſe good
ordinaunces tooke little or none effect, by reaſon of bribes
that walked abroad, and friendſhippe of Lordes and greate men,
that ſought rather their owne commodities, than the common
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortely
after the feaſte of Pentecoſte,Creations of
noble men. the Earle of Derbie, and Lancaſter, was
made Duke of Lancaſter, and Raufe Lord Stafforde, was created
Earle of Stafforde. Whereas there had bin a treatie betwixte the
lordes of Britaine, and the king of Englande, not onely for the
de|liueraunce of the lorde Charles of Bloys,The Lorde Charles of Blois. but al|ſo for the
matching of his eldeſt ſonne in marri|age with one of king
Edwards daughters, and ſo to enioy the Dukedome in peace. This
matter was ſo farre forewardes, that in the yeare laſt paſſed,
the ſaid lorde Charles, leauing two of his ſonnes and a daughter
in pledge for the paymẽt of .xl.M. florens, agreed vpon for his
raunſome: hee was permitted to retourne into Britaine, to
prouide that money: and withall, to procure a diſpenſation, that
his eldeſt ſonne might marrie with one of king Edwards
daughters, notwith|ſtanding that otherwiſe they were within the
de|grees of cõſanguinitie, prohibiting them to mar|rie.
Heerevppon this yeare about Michaelmas, hee retourned into
Englande, with the ſame diſ|penſation: but bycauſe aboute the
ſame time the EEBO page image 948 Britons had taken by
ſtelth an Ilande, wyth a Caſtell therein, that the Engliſhmen
had kepte, and put all thoſe whiche they founde therein, to the
ſworde, the ſaide Lorde Charles, otherwiſe Duke of Britaine,
loſt the Kings fauour, ſo that he woulde heare no more of any
ſuche aliance, by way of marriage, as had bin cõmuned of
before: by reaſon wherof, the Brittiſh lords, that were in great
number come ouer with the lorde Charles de Blois, were
cõſtreined to returne home, with|out atchieuing any part of their purpoſe, leauing
the ſaide lorde Charles, and his children behinde them ſtill
here in Englande.
Compare 1587 edition:
Debate be|twixt the Dukes of Brunſwike
& Lancaſter.The fourth daye of September, the
Duke of Brunſwicke, and the Duke of Lancaſter, ſhould haue
fought a combate in Paris, about certayne wordes that the Duke
of Lancaſter ſhoulde ſpeake, in derogatiõ of the Duke of
Brunſwikes honor, for the which, the ſayd Duke had appea|led him
in the Court of Fraunce: but when they were ready to haue tryed it, and were on
horſe|backe, with their ſpeares in hand within ye liſtes, at
poynte to haue runne togither, the Frenche King cauſed them to
ſtay, and taking on hym the matter, made them friendes, and
agreed them.
Compare 1587 edition:
Tho. Walſ. affirmeth, that this re|mouing of the ſtaple of
woolles, was the 28. yeare of King Ed|wards raigne.
This yeare the King by aduice of his coun|ſell remoued
the marte or ſtaple of Woolles from the Townes in Flaunders, and
cauſed the ſame to be kept at Weſtminſter, Chicheſter, Lincolne,
Briſtowe, Canterbury and
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This was done
in deſpite of the Flemings, bycauſe they helde not the
couenauntes and a|greementes which they had made with the king,
in the life time of Iaques Arteuelde, by whoſe prouiſion,Fabian. the ſayde mart or ſtaple had bin
kept in ſundry townes in Flaunders, to their greate ad|uauntage
and commoditie.
Compare 1587 edition:
Sir Walter Bentley com|mitted to the
Tower.Sir Walter Bentley, vppon his commyng ouer
foorthe of Britaine, where he hadde bene the Kings Lieutenant, was committed to the
To|wer, where he remayned priſoner for the ſpace of twelue
monethes, bycauſe hee refuſed to deliuer vp the Caſtels within
his gouernemente, vnto ſir Iohn Auenell Knighte, beeing
appoynted to receyue the ſame, to the vſe of the Lord Charles de
Bloys, at the ſame time when the treatie of a|greement was in
hande, betwixte the Kyng, and the ſayd Lord Charles. But after,
when it was perceyued what damage mighte haue enſued by
deliuery of thoſe Caſtels,
Sir Walter was ſet at libertie vpon ſureties yet, that were
bound for his forth comming, and that he ſhoulde not departe the
Realme: at length, he was receyued agayne into the Kings
Compare 1587 edition:
A greate drought.In the Sommer of this
.27. yeare, was ſo great a drought, that frõ the latter end of
March, fell little raine, till the latter ende of Iulye, by
reaſon whereof, manye inconueniences enſued: and one thing is
ſpecially to be noted,A dea [...]. that cor [...]e the yeare following waxed ſcant, and the price began
this yeare to be greatly enhaunced.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo beeues
and muttons waxed deere, for the want of graſſe, and this
chaunced both in Eng|lande and Fraunce, ſo that this was called
the deare ſommer.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde
William Duke of Bauiere or Bauarie, and Earle of Zelande,
Corne [...]+gh [...] cut of Zelande.
broughte many Shippes vnto London, fraught with Rie, for
re|liefe of the people.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the eight
and twentith yeare of King Ed|wards raigne,
An. reg. [...] Tho. VV [...] Aneſton.
vpon a treatie that was holden by commiſſioners,
appoynted by the two Kings of Englande and Fraunce after Eaſter,
they were in manner fully agreed vpon a peace, ſo that no|thing
wanted, but putting vnto their ſeales. In the articles whereof,
it was conteyned, that the King of England ſhould enioy all his
landes of his Duchie of Aquitaine, withoute holding the fame of
any by homage, or reſort, and in conſide|ration thereof, he
ſhould reſigne all his clayme to the Crowne of Fraunce.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Heerevpon
were Ambaſſadors ſent from ey|ther King, vnto the Pope, and a
truce taken,A truce be|twixt Eng|lande and
Fraunce. to endure till the feaſt of Sainte Iohn
Baptiſt in the yeare next following.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Ambaſſadors
for the King of England,Ambaſſador to the
Pope. were theſe: Henry Duke of Lancaſter, Iohn Earle
of Arundell, the Byſhoppes of Norwich, and Lon|don, and the
Lorde Guy de Brian.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 For the
Frenche King, the Archbyſhoppe of Rouen, Lord Chancellor of
Fraunce, the Duke of Burbon, and others: but when the matter
came to be heard before the Pope about Chriſt|mas, all went into
ſmoke that had bin talked of: for the Frenchmen denyed that the
articles were drawen, according to the meaning of their
com|miſſioners, and the Pope alſo winked at ye mat|ter, ſo that
the Engliſhe Ambaſſadors, (when they ſawe that nothing would be
concluded) re|turned home all of them, the Biſhoppe of Nor|wich
excepted (who departed this life there,) and ſo their iourney
came to none effect.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare,
the tenth of February,
An. reg.
Deba [...] be|twixt the [...]+lers, & [...] men of Ox|forde.
there roſe a ſore debate, betwixt the Scholers and
Towneſ|men of Oxforde. The occaſion roſe by reaſon of the
falling out of a Scholler, with one that ſolde wine, for the
Scholler perceyuing hymſelfe euill vſed, poured the wine on the
drawers head, knoc|king the potte about hys pate, ſo as the
bloud ranne downe by his eares.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Heerevppon
beganne a ſore fray, betwixte the Schollers and Towneſmenne,
whych continu|ed for the moſt part of two dayes togyther.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were
ſlayne a twentie Towneſ|menne, beſyde thoſe that were hurte: but
at EEBO page image 949 length, there came a greate number of
countrey|men foorth of the villages next adioyning, to ayde the
Towneſmenne, entring the Towne with a blacke banner, and ſo
fiercely aſſayled the Scho|lers, that they were conſtreyned to
flee to theyr houſes and hoſtelles, but their enimies purſuing
them, brake vp theyr dores, entred their cham|bers, ſlewe dyuers
of them, and threwe them into priuies, tare their bookes, and
bare away theyr goodes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Scholers
heerewith tooke ſuche diſplea|ſure, that they departed the
Vniuerſitie: thoſe of Merton colledge, and other the like
colledges on|ly excepted.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Byſhoppe
of Lincolne inhibited Prieſts to celebrate diuine ſeruice in
preſence of anye lay man within that Towne of Oxforde, and the
King ſending his Iuſtices thither, to take know|ledge of this
diſorderly riot, there were diuers, both of the Towneſmen and
Scholers endited, and certayne
of the burgeſſes cõmitted to warde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare,
the firſte Sunday in Lente, the King helde a royall Iuſtes at
Woodſtocke, for ioy of the Queenes purifying, after the birthe
of hir ſixth ſonne, the Lorde Thomas, whome the Biſhoppe of
Durham named Thomas, helde at the fontſtone. Hee was borne the
ſeuenth of Ia|nuary laſt paſt.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]ho. VValſ. [...]uesburie.
[...]he quarrell [...]pe [...]ed be| [...]ixt the cholers and [...]wneſmen of [...]xforde.
In the Parliamente holden at Weſtminſter this yeare after
Eaſter, the Kyng tooke vppon
him to make an ende of the quarrell betwixte the Schollers, and
Towneſmen of Oxforde, and ſauing to euery man his right,
pardoned ye Scho|lers of all tranſgreſſions: and this he
ſignifyed in|to euery ſhire, by writtes directed to the Sherifs,
they to proclayme the ſame, for more notice of the thing. And ſo
in the ſommer following, the Vniuerſitie began agayne to
flouriſhe, ſtudentes reſorting thither from each ſide.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this
Parliamente, the proceſſe of ye iudge|ment had and made againſt Roger Mortimer, late
Earle of Marche, was reuoked, adnichilate, and made voyd, ſo
that the Lord Roger Morti|mer was reſtored to the title and
poſſeſſions of the Earledome of Marche, as couſin and heire to
his grandfather the ſayd Earle of Marche.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]baſſadors [...] the Pope.Moreouer to this Parliament, came the
By|ſhop of Carpentras, and the Abbot of Clugny, beeing ſente
from Pope Innocente the ſixth, to make ſute to haue the truce
proroged betwixte the two
Kinges, of Englande, and Fraunce, to whome the King himſelfe in
perſon, made this reſolute anſwere, that he would not agree to
any longer truce, for that when diuers times, at the Frenchmens
ſute, he had conſented to haue truce by mediation of two
Cardinals, ſent to hym a|bout the ſame matter, his aduerſaries
in ye meane time, whileſt ſuche truces endured, haue done much
harme and damage by ſubtill practiſes to perſons, and places
beyond the ſea, that were vn|der his rule and gouernemente, yet
he ſaide, hee would deliberate heereof with his counſell, and
after intimate his pleaſure to the Pope, and to them of Fraunce
by meſſengers which he woulde ſende ouer for that purpoſe: and
ſo theſe Ambaſ|ſadors within foure dayes after their commyng,
were thus diſpatched with aunſwere.
[figure appears here on page 949]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herewith in
this Parliamente it was ordey|ned, that the Prince of Wales,
beeing as then a|bout foure and twentie yeares of age, ſhoulde
paſſe ouer into Gaſcoigne, and haue with him a thouſande men of
armes, and two thouſande ar|chers, with a great number of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Aboute the
ſame time,
R. Aueſb.
A nauie pre|pared.
the K. cauſed 40. ſhips to be prouided, rigged, and made
ready at Ru|therhive, furniſhed with vittailes for one quarter
of a yere, and euery of ye ſayd ſhips had principall ſtreamers
of the Duke of Lãcaſters armes, who was appoynted with a greate
power of choſen men of armes and archers to paſſe to the Sea wt
the ſame Shippes, but fewe or none of his com|pany knewe
whither, horſes they hadde none.The Duke of
Lancaſter. He had with him two of the Kings ſonnes,
Lionell of Andwerpe, and Iohn of Gant, the elder of thẽ being
about 16. yeares of age. Alſo, there wente with him the Earles
of Northampton, March, & Stafford, beſide many lords,
Barõs, & knightes. The 10. of Iuly, he made ſayle to
Greenewich, & there and at Sandwich he ſtayed, till ye
Aſſump|tion of our Lady, ye winde for ye moſt parte,
con|tinuing al that while at Weſt and South, con|trary to his
iourney as it mighte appeare. At length with muche difficultie,
he came to Win|chelſee, and after to the wight. It was thought,
that the Dukes purpoſe was to paſſe into Nor|mandy, to ioine
with ye K. of Nauarre, who was at variance with the frenche K.
But after it was knowen by eſpials that they were made friendes,
the Duke of Lancaſter doubting crooked mea|ſures, &
hauing with him no horſemen, returned EEBO page image 950 home,
without further attempt.
Compare 1587 edition:
Record. Tur.On S. Kenelmes day beeing
friday, and the 17. of Iuly, maſter Humfrey Cherleton, profeſſor
of Diuinitie, and Iohn Carleton ye yonger, doc|tor of the
lawes, on the behalfe of the Vniuerſitie of Oxford, and Iohn
Saint Frideſwide Maior, Iohn Bedeford, and Iohn Norton,
burgeſſes of the ſayde towne of Oxforde, on the behalfe of the
communaltie of the ſame towne, came before the Kinges counſell
at Weſtminſter in the counſell
chamber there, neere to the Eſchecker, where the allegations on
both parties being hearde, and vp|pon requeſt made, that it
might pleaſe his maie|ſties counſell, according to the
ſubmiſſions by bothe parties made, vnto the King, and to hys
counſell, to take order in the matter in contro|uerſie betwixt
them, concerning the late tumulte and buſineſſe whiche hadde
chanced in the ſayde towne, by the diſorder of the communaltie
of the ſame, in breaking downe, and brenning vppe of houſes, in taking and bearing away the
bookes and other goodes of the ſaide maſters and Schol|lers, and
in committing other tranſgreſſions, the counſell hauing
conſideration thereof, to aduoyd the decaye that mighte haue
enſued to the ſayde towne,The ende and awarde
made of the quarrell betwixt the Vniuerſitie and towneſ|men
of Ox|forde. made thys ende betwixte them, that the
communaltie of the ſayde Towne (Iohn Bere|forde, beeing in the
Kinges priſon, and Roberte Lardiner only excepted) ſhould be
bound to pay vnto the ſaid maſters and Scholers, dampnified
in the ſayde tumulte and
buſineſſe, for amendes, and reformation of iniuries and loſſes
ſuſteyned (death and Maheme excepted) two hundred and fiftie
poundes, beſide the goodes taken and borne away, to bee reſtored
againe, and this money to bee payde to the ſayde Chancellor,
maſters and Scholers, on that ſide ye monday next before the
feaſt of Saint Iames, or elſe ſufficiente ſureties put in for
the paymẽt thereof, at certain tearmes, as the parties ſhoulde
agree vpon: and in reſpecte
thereof, the ſaid Iohn Bedeford, and Iohn Nor|ton, ſhall bee
releaſſed out of priſon of the Mar|ſhalſea, at the baile of the
ſaid Maior, and of Ro|berte de Menkes, and Iohn Dimmoks, till
the next ſeſſions of gaole deliuerie, with condition, that the
ſaid ſummes of money be paide, or ſure|tie putte in for the
paymente thereof, as before is ſaid, or elſe the bodies of the
ſaid Iohn Bedeford, and Iohn de Norton, ſhall bee returned to
the ſayd priſon, within three dayes after the feaſt of
Peter ad Vincula, there to remayne in manner as before
they did.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It was alſo
ordeyned by the counſel, with the aſſent of the ſaid Humfrey,
and Iohn Carleton, that all and euery manner of perſons of the
ſayde Towne of Oxforde, and the Suburbes of the ſame, indited
and arreigned of the felonies and tranſgreſſions before
mentioned, that ſhoulde yeelde themſelues to the Kings priſon,
to be [...]|ed by lawe, and alſo all other that were at t [...] preſent in priſon, whiche the ſayd Humfrey, a [...] Iohn de Carleton ſhould name (Iohn de Be [...]|ford and Robert Lardiner excepted) mighte bee let to
baile, vppon ſufficient ſureties, that ſhoulde vndertake for
them, bodyes for bodies, to appeare at the next ſeſſions of
gaole deliuerie, there to bee tried, according to the order of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And further
it was ordred, that all ſuch goodes and cattels as were taken
and carried away frõ the ſaide maſters and Schollers in the
ſayde tu|multe and buſineſſe, by the menne of the ſayde Towne
and ſuburbes, in whoſe handes, and in what places ſoeuer within
the ſaide Towne and ſuburbes, by inquiſitions, informations, or
other meanes, they ſhoulde or mighte be found, ſhould bee
deliuered vnto the ſayde Chauncellor, and procurators of the
ſayde Vniuerſitie, to bee by them reſtored vnto thoſe perſons,
to whome they belonged.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This was the
effect of the order taken at that day and place, before the
reuerende fathers, Iohn Archbyſhoppe of Yorke, primate and
Chancellor of Englande, William Byſhoppe of Winche|ſter, Lorde
Treaſorer, Thomas de Brembre, Lorde keeper of the priuie ſeale,
and Dauid de Wollore, maſter of the rolles, Henry de Iug [...]|by Clearke, and other of the Kings counſell then there
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Prince of
Wales (as yee haue hearde,Tho. VV [...]
) beeing appoynted to paſſe ouer into Gaſcoigne, ſette
forwarde from London the laſt daye of Iune,The Prince Wales g [...]
[...]er i [...] Gaſcoigne. and comming to Plimmouth where hys
nauie was appoynted to be made ready, he ſtay|ed there, for want
of conuenient winde and wea|ther a long time after.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Finally,
hauing with him the Erles of War|wike, Suffolke, Saliſbury and
Oxforde, alſo, the Lord Iohn Chandos, Sir Robert Knolles, ſir
Franke de Halle, the L. Iames Audeley, with diuers other of the
nobilitie, and of men of armes and archers, a greater number,
than in Parlia|mente was firſte to hym aſſigned, hee ſette from
Plimmouth on the daye of the natiuitie of oure Lady.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 They were in
all three hundred ſayle, and finding the winde proſperous, they
paſſed ouer into Gaſcoigne, where of the Gaſcoignes they were
ioyfully receyued.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In Auguſt,
the Engliſhmen that were in Britaine, warring agaynſte the
Frenchmenne, that tooke parte with the Lorde Charles de Bloys,
ſlewe many of them, and tooke the Lorde of Beaumanor, the
vicount of Roan, and dy|uers other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This yeare
alſo, aboute Michaelmas the King hauing ſommoned an army to be
ready at EEBO page image 951 Sandwich, paſſed ouer to Caleis with
the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There wente
ouer with him his two ſonnes, Lionell of Andwerp Earle of
Vlſter, and Iohn of Gant Earle of Richmont.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 He found at
Caleis a thouſand men of armes that came to ſerue hym for wages,
forthe of Flaunders, Brabant, and Almaigne, ſo that hee had
about three thouſand men of armes, and two thouſand archers on
horſebacke, beſide archers on foote in great number.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]e Citie of [...]don.The Citie of London had ſente to hym fiue
and twentie men of armes, and fiue hundred ar|chers, all in one
ſute or liuerti, at their owne coſtes and charges.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſecond of
Nouember, he ſet from Caleis, marching foorthe towardes Saint