Compare 1577 edition: 1 Here is to be noted, Polydor. that during the time whilest the ciuill warre was in hand betwixt king Edward and his barons, the Scots and Frenchmen were not idle, for the Scots wasted & destroied the countrie of the bishoprike of Durham (as before ye haue partlie heard) & the Frenchmen made roades & incursions into the borders of Guien,The Scots inuade the bishoprike of Durham. alledging that they did it vpon good and sufficient occasion, for that king Ed|ward had not doone his homage vnto the king of France, as he ought to haue doone, for the duchie of Aquitaine, and the countie of Pontieu. But the true occasion that mooued them to attempt the warres at that present, was for that they were in hope to reco|uer all the lands which the king of England held within France, cleerelie out of his hands, for so much as they vnderstood the discord betwixt him and his barons, and how infortunatlie he had sped against the Scots, by reason whereof they iudged the time to serue most fitlie now for their purpose.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the octaues of the natiuitie of saint Iohn Bap|tist, Robert Bruce entring into England by Car|leill, kept on his waie through Cumberland, Rich. South. Rob. Bruc [...] inuadeth England. Coupe|land, Kendall, and so into Lancashire, till he came to Preston in Andernesse, which towne he burnt, as he had doone others in the countries through which he had passed. There were some of the Scots that for|raied the countrie fiue miles on this side Preston southwards,Sée more hereof in Scotland. and thus being fourescore long miles within England, they returned homewards, and en|tred againe into Scotland without incounter, after they had béene at this time within England the space of three wéeks and thrée daies. King Edward being thus beset with two mischiefes both at one time, thought good first to prouide remedie against the nee|rer danger, which by the Scots was still at hand, and therefore he meant to go against them himselfe, and to send his brother Edmund earle of Kent into Gui|en, to defend that countrie from the Frenchmen. Herevpon now in the sixteenth yeare of his reigne, Anno Reg. [...]. after that the Scots were returned home with a great bootie and rich spoile,The king goeth into Scotland with an ar [...] Ri. Southw. Merimou [...]h he got togither a wonder|full great armie of men, and entring into Scotland, passed far within the countrie, not finding any resi|stance at all (as the most part of our writers doo a|gree) but at length, through famine and diseases of the flix and other maladies that fell amongst the Eng|lishmen in the armie, he was constreined to come backe, and in his waie besieged the castell of Nor|ham, which fortresse he wan within ten daies after he had begun to assault it.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Robert Bruce immediatlie after the English ar|mie was retired home, raised a power, and entring into England by Sulwaie sands, laie at a place cal|led Beaumond, not past thrée miles frõ Carleill, by the space of fiue daies, sending in the meane time the most part of his armie abroad to spoile and harrie the countrie on euerie side, and afterwards remouing from thence, he passed towards Blackamore, hauing knowledge by diligent espials, that king Edward was in those parts, giuing himselfe more to pastime in hunting there within the woods about Blacka|more, than to the good ordering of his people which he had then about him. Wherevpon the Scotish king Bruce, entring into that wild and moorish countrie, where he had not beene afore, conueied his enterprise so warilie, and with such diligent industrie, that on saint Lukes daie, comming vpon the English armie at vnwares, he put the same to flight, so that the king EEBO page image 333 himselfe was in great danger to haue béene taken prisoner. For (as some authors write) the Scots had almost taken him at dinner in the abbeie of Beigh|land. Sir Iohn Brittaine earle of Richmond was ta|ken at this battell, and the kings treasure was spoi|led and carried awaie, with the prouision and ordi|nance that belonged to the host.