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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Robert Bal|docke is made lord chancel|lour. Polydor. At this time also master Robert Baldocke, a man euill beloued in the realme, was made lord chancel|lour of England. This Robert Baldocke, and one Simon Reding were great fauourers of the Spen|sers, and so likewise was the earle of Arundell, wher|by it may be thought, that the Spensers did helpe to aduance them into the kings fauour, so that they bare no small rule in the realme, during the time that the same Spensers continued in prosperitie, which for the terme of fiue yeares after that the fore|said barons (as before is expressed) were brought to confusion, did woonderfullie increase, and the quéene for that she gaue good and faithfull counsell,The quéene giueth good counsell. was no|thing regarded, but by the Spensers meanes cléere|lie worne out of the kings fauour. Moreouer, we find,The kings eldest sonne created prince of Wales. that in this parlement holden at Yorke, the kings sonne Edward was made prince of Wales, and duke of Aquitaine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Also, the king caused the ordinances made by the earles and barons to be examined by men of great knowledge and skill, and such as were thought neces|sarie to be established, he commanded that the same should be called statutes,Statutes. and not ordinances. Beside a great subsidie granted to the king by the temporal|tie,A subsidie. the cleargie of all the prouince of Canturburie granted fiue pence of euerie marke, and they of the prouince of Yorke foure pence. Aimer earle of Pen|broke,Addition to Triuet. The earle of Penbroke arrested. being returned home from this parlement holden at Yorke, was arrested by certeine knights, sent with authoritie therevnto from the king, who brought him backe to Yorke, where at length tho|rough suit of certeine noble men, he was vpon his oth taken to be a faithfull subiect, and in considerati|on of a fine which he paied to the king, set at libertie. The occasion of his imprisonment came, for that he was accused and detected to be a secret fauourer of the barons cause against the Spensers in time of the late troubles.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Fabian. Moreouer, shortlie after the king gathered the sixt penie of the temporall mens goods thorough Eng|land, Ireland and Wales, which had beene granted to him at the foresaid parlement holden at Yorke, to|wards the defending of the realme against the Scots. This ta [...] was not gathered without great murmur and grudge, the realme being in such euill and miserable state as it then was. ¶ This yeare also the sunne appeared to mans sight in colour like to bloud, and so continued six houres, to wit, from se|uen of the clocke in the morning of the last daie of October, vntill one of the clocke in the afternoone of the same daie.

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