Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This practise being thus contriued, shortlie after the king got knowledge thereof, though by whome it was not certeinlie knowne: so hard a thing it is for man to conceale and keepe secret that thing which he goeth about, though he studie neuer so much so to doo, namelie in matters of treason,Treason will euer come to light by one mean [...] or other. which hath a thou|sand feet to créepe abroad, and which way soeuer it go|eth, it leaueth a thousand prints of the footsteps behind it, by the which it may be discouered to the world. When therefore the earle came backe againe to Car|leill, he was arrested by commandement from the king, and straightwaies being arreigned of the trea|son, he was thereof condemned and put to execution.1323 The earle of Carleill put to death. His head was sent vnto London,The earle of Carleill put to death. and there set vpon the bridge, or rather vpon some turret of the tower. So hard a matter it is for traitors to escape the hands of the executioner; vnder whose hatchet they submit their heads to be hewen from their shoulders, euen then when they haue conceiued their traitorous attempts in hart, for God who hath placed princes in thrones of roialtie, to this end hath vouchsafed them a superlatiue degrée of dignitie, that they might be obeied, neither will his iustice permit impunitie to the disloiall enterprises and complots of malefactors, common peace-disturbers, hautie-harted Nemrods, ambitious Hamans, or anie lewd malcontent: for
Acer Dei est oculus ad omnia videndum,Eius poenas non effugit mortalis,Viuere volens ergo ne faciat morte digna.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 ¶ But there be that write otherwise (as it may well be) thus, that this earle of Carleill, perceiuing the miserie of his countrie, without consent of the king of England, made peace with the king of Scots, vnder this forme, as by Richard Southwell we find recorded. Ri. Southwell. First, the earle promised faithfullie for him and his heires, that they should with all their force and means possible, séeke to mainteine the said king of Scots, his heires and successors, in the peace|able possession of the kingdome of Scotland, and that to their powers they shuld fight against all those that would not agrée vnto that couenant, as against them that should séeme to be enimies vnto the com|mon-wealth of both the realmes of England and Scotland. The king of Scots promised faithfullie for his part, to defend the said earle, his heires, and adhe|rents in the said couenant or paction, and not onelie to keepe peace with England, but also to build a mo|nasterie within Scotland, assigning reuenues there|to, to the value of fiue hundred marks, to celebrate diuine seruice, and to pray continuallie for the soules of them that were dead, by occasion of the passed warres betwixt England and Scotland; and further, that he should giue to the king of England within ten yeares, fortie thousand pounds of siluer; and that the king of England should haue the king of Scots eldest sonne, to marrie him vnto some ladie of his bloud, as he should thinke expedient. To the perfor|mance of all which couenants well and truelie to be obserued, Thomas Randulfe earle of Murrey sware on the behalfe of the king of Scots, and the earle of Carleill sware for himselfe: and héerewith certeine writings indented were drawne and ingrossed, to the which interchangeablie they set their hands and seales.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After that the earle of Carleill was returned home, he called to Carleill all the cheefe persons of the countrie, as well spirituall as temporall, and there rather through feare, than otherwise, constrei|ned EEBO page image 334 them to receiue an oth, that they should aid & as|sist him to their powers, to see all the couenants a|bouesaid performed and kept. After that these things were knowne to the king and the realme, although some of the communaltie liked well inough of the matter, bicause they hoped thereby to remaine in peace, especiallie those of the north parts, the king yet and his councell (not without cause) were sore offended, for that he whom the king had so latelie ad|uanced, should confederate himselfe with the Scots, to the preiudice of the king and his crowne, conclu|ding any couenants of peace without his consent, wherevpon reputing him for a ranke traitor, the king sent vnto the lord Antonie Lucie,The lord Lucie. to apprehend the said earle by some meanes if he might, and for his paines he should not faile to be well rewarded.