The Battle of Maldon

Part II: The Battle and Byrhtnoth's Death (lines 62-201)

Het þa bord beran, beornas gangan,
þæt hi on þam easteðe ° ealle stodon. riverbank (ds)
Ne mihte þær for wætere werod to þam oðrum;
þær com flowende flod æfter ebban,
lucon ° lagustreamas°. To lang hit him þuhte, joined (pret 3p), waters (np)
hwænne hi togædere garas beron.
Hi þær Pantan stream mid prasse ° bestodon, military force (ds)
Eastseaxena ord and se æschere° . army in ships/Viking army (ns)
Ne mihte hyra ænig oþrum derian°, to harm (+ dat)
buton hwa þurh flanes ° flyht fyl ° gename ° . of an arrow (gs), death (as), might take (subj 3s)
Se flod ut gewat; þa flotan stodon gearowe° , prepared (npm)
wicinga fela, wiges ° georne. of war (gs)
Het þa hæleða hleo ° healdan þa bricge protector (ns)
wigan wigheardne, se wæs haten° Wulfstan, named (p ptc)
cafne ° mid his cynne, þæt wæs Ceolan sunu, brave (asm)
þe ðone forman° man mid his francan ofsceat first (asm)
þe þær baldlicost° on þa bricge stop. most boldly (supl)
þær stodon mid Wulfstane wigan unforhte,
Ælfere and Maccus, modige° twegen° , bold (npm) two (npm)
þa noldon æt þam forda fleam° gewyrcan°, flight (as), to take
ac hi fæstlice wið ða fynd weredon,
þa hwile þe hi wæpna wealdan moston.
Þa hi þæt ongeaton and georne gesawon
þæt hi þær bricgweardas° bitere fundon°, guardians of the bridge (ap), they met (pret 3p)
ongunnon lytegian° þa laðe gystas°, to deceive, stranger (np)
bædon þæt hi upgang agan° moston, to have
ofer þone ford faran, feþan° lædan° . infantry (as), to lead
Ða se eorl ongan for his ofermode° pride / overconfidence (ds)
alyfan landes to fela laþere ðeode.
Ongan ceallian þa ofer cald wæter
Byrhtelmes bearn (beornas gehlyston° ): they listened (pret 3p)
'Nu eow is gerymed°, gað ricene° to us, opened (a way) (p ptc), quickly
guman to guþe; God ana wat° he knows (pres 3s)
hwa þære wælstowe° wealdan mote.' the battlefield (gs)
Wodon þa wælwulfas (for wætere ne murnon° ), they cared about (pret 3p)
wicinga werod, west ofer Pantan,
ofer scir° wæter scyldas wegon, gleaming (asm)
lidmen to lande linde° bæron. shields of linden wood (ap)

Þær ongean gramum° gearowe stodon hostile ones (dpm)
Byrhtnoð mid beornum; he mid bordum het
wyrcan þone wihagan° and þæt werod healdan battle wall (as)
fæste wið feondum. Þa wæs feohte neh,
tir°æt getohte°. Wæs seo tid° cumen glory (ns), the battle (ds), time (ns)
þæt þær fæge men feallan sceoldon.
Þær wearð hream° ahafen°, hremmas° wundon, shouting (ns), raised (p ptc), ravens (np)
earn° æses° georn; wæs on eorþan cyrm° eagle (ns), of carrion (gs), cry (ns)
Hi leton þa of folman feolhearde° speru, hard as a file (apn)
gegrundene° garas fleogan; sharpened (p ptc apm)
bogan° wæron bysige, bord ord onfeng. bows (np)
Biter wæs se beaduræs°, beornas feollon rush of battle (ns)
on gehwæðere° hand, hyssas lagon. either (asf)
Wund wearð Wulfmær, wælræste° geceas, bed of death (as)
Byrhtnoðes mæg; he mid billum° wearð, swords (dp)
his swuster sunu, swiðe forheawen°. cut down (p ptc)
Þær wearð wicingum wiþerlean° agyfen. requital (ns)
Gehyrde ic þæt Eadweard anne sloge
swiðe mid his swurde, swenges° ne wyrnde° ; of the blow (gs), he withheld (pret 3s)
þæt him æt fotum feoll fæge° cempa; doomed to die (nsm)
þæs him his ðeoden þanc gesæde,
þam burþene° , þa he byre° hæfde. chamberlain (ds) opportunity (as)
Swa stemnetton° stiðhicgende° they stood firm (pret 3p), resolute (npm)
hysas æt hilde, hogodon° georne they thought (pret 3p)
hwa þær mid orde ærost mihte
on fægean men feorh° gewinnan, life (as)
wigan mid wæpnum; wæl feol on eorðan.
Stodon stædefæste; stihte° hi Byrhtnoð,he commanded (pret 3s)
bæd þæt hyssa gehwylc hogode to wige
þe on Denon wolde dom° gefeohtan. glory (as)
Wod þa wiges heard, wæpen up ahof°, he raised (pret 3s)
bord to gebeorge, and wið þæs beornes stop.
Eode swa anræd eorl to þam ceorle,
ægþer hyra oðrum yfeles hogode.
Sende ða se særinc suþerne gar,
þæt gewundod wearð wigena hlaford;
he sceaf° þa mid ðam scylde, þæt se sceaft tobærst, pushed (pret 3s)
and þæt spere sprengde°, þæt hit sprang ongean. broke (pret 3s)
Gegremod° wearð se guðrinc; he mid gare stang enraged (p ptc nsm)
wlancne° wicing, þe him þa wunde forgeaf. proud (asm)
Frod° wæs se fyrdrinc° ; he let his francan wadan° wise (nsm) warrior (ns) to advance
þurh ðæs hysses hals° , hand wisode neck (as)
þæt he on þam færsceaðan° feorh geræhte. sudden attacker (ds)
Ða he oþerne ofstlice° sceat, quickly
þæt seo byrne° tobærst; he wæs on breostum wund coat of mail (ns)
þurh ða hringlocan, him æt heortan stod
ætterne ord. Se eorl wæs þe bliþra° , happier (comp nsm)
hloh° þa, modi° man, sæde metode þanc he laughed (pret 3s), brave (nsm)
ðæs dægweorces þe him Drihten forgeaf.
Forlet þa drenga° sum daroð° of handa, of the warriors (gp), spear (as)
fleogan of folman° , þæt se to forð gewat the hand (as)
þurh ðone æþelan Æþelredes þegen.
Him be healfe stod hyse unweaxen° , not fully grown (nsm)
cniht on gecampe, se full caflice° bravely
bræd° of þam beorne blodigne gar, he drew (pret 3s)
Wulfstanes bearn, Wulfmær se geonga,
forlet forheardne° faran eft ongean; exceedingly hard (asm)
ord in gewod° , þæt se on eorþan læg passed (pret 3s)
þe his þeoden ær þearle geræhte.
Eode þa gesyrwed° secg to þam eorle; armed (nsm)
he wolde þæs beornes beagas° gefecgan°, rings (ap), to carry off
reaf° and hringas and gerenod° swurd. garment (as), decorated (asn)
Þa Byrhtnoð bræd bill of sceðe° , the sheath (ds)
brad and bruneccg°, and on þa byrnan sloh. the shining blade (asn)
To raþe hine gelette lidmanna° sum, of the sailors/Viking (gp)
þa he þæs eorles earm amyrde°. wounded (pret 3s)
Feoll þa to foldan fealohilte° swurd; golden-hilted (nsn)
ne mihte he gehealdan heardne mece°, sword (as)
wæpnes wealdan. Þa gyt þæt word gecwæð
har°hilderinc° , hyssas bylde°, grey-haired (nsm), warrior (ns), he encouraged (pret 3s)
bæd gangan forð gode geferan;
ne mihte þa on fotum leng fæste gestandan.
He to heofenum wlat° : looked (pret 3s)
"Geþancie þe, ðeoda waldend° , ruler (ns)
ealra þæra wynna° þe ic on worulde gebad. of joys (gp)
Nu ic ah° , milde Metod, mæste þearfe own (pres 1s)
þæt þu minum gaste godes geunne° , grant (imp s)
þæt min sawul to ðe siðian° mote to travel
on þin geweald° , þeoden engla, power (as)
mid friþe° ferian. Ic eom frymdi° to þe peace (ds), entreating (nsm)
þæt hi helsceaðan° hynan ne moton." thieves, from hell (np)
Ða hine heowon hæðene scealcas° warriors (np)
and begen þa beornas þe him big stodon,
Ælfnoð and Wulmær begen lagon,
ða onemn° hyra frean feorh gesealdon. alongside (prep)
Hi bugon þa fram beaduwe° þe þær beon noldon. the battle (ds)
þær wearð Oddan bearn ærest on fleame,
Godric fram guþe, and þone godan forlet
þe him mænigne oft mear° gesealde. horse (as)
he gehleop° þone eoh þe ahte his hlaford, galloped (pret 3s)
on þam gerædum þe hit riht ne wæs,
and his broðru mid him begen ærndon°, they galloped (pret 3p)
Godwine and Godwig, guþe ne gymdon° , they cared about (pret 3p)
ac wendon fram þam wige and þone wudu sohton,
flugon on þæt fæsten° and hyra feore burgon°, stronghold (as), they saved (pret 3p)
and manna ma þonne hit ænig mæð° wære, fitness (ns)
gyf hi þa geearnunga° ealle gemundon° favours (ap), they might remember (subj 3p)
þe he him to duguþe° gedon hæfde. the benefit (ds)
Swa him Offa on dæg ær asæde
on þam meþelstede° , þa he gemot hæfde, meeting place (ds)
þæt þær modiglice° manega spræcon boldly
þe eft æt þearfe° þolian° noldon. need (ds), to suffer