
The Lament of the Last Survivor (lines 2247-66)

'Heald þu nu, hruse°, nu hæleð° ne mostan, earth (ns), heroes (np)
eorla æhte°! Hwæt, hyt ær on ðe possessions (ap)
gode° begeaton°. Guðdeað° fornam°, good [men] (npm), gained (pret 3p), death in battle (ns), took away (pret 3s)
feorhbealo° frecne°, fyra° gehwylcne threat to life (ns), dangerous (nsn), of human beings
leoda° minra, þara ðe þis lif ofgeaf°, of people, abandoned (pret 3s)
gesawon seledream°. Ic nah hwa° sweord wege° revelry in the hall (as), 'one who' (as), might carry (pres subj 3s)
oððe feormie° fæted° wæge°, might polish (pres subj 3s), ornamented (asn), cup (as)
dryncfæt° deore°; duguð ellor° sceoc°. drinking vessel (as), precious (asn), elsewhere, fled (pret 3s)
Sceal se hearda° helm° hyrsted° golde resolute (nsm), helmet (ns), adorned (p ptc nsm)
fætum° befeallen°; feormynd° swefað°, gold plate (dp), deprived (p ptc + dat), polishers (np), sleep (pres 3p)
þa ðe beadogriman° bywan° sceoldon, helmet (as), to polish
ge swylce seo herepad°, sio æt hilde° gebad° coat of mail (ns), battle (ds), experienced (pret 3s)
ofer borda° gebræc° bite° irena°, of shields, crashing (as), bite (as), of swords
brosnað° æfter beorne. Ne mæg byrnan° hring° decays (pres 3s), of the coat of mail, armour (ns)
æfter wigfruman° wide feran°, war-chief (ds), to travel
hæleðum be healfe.° Næs hearpan° wyn°, side (ds + dat of person), of the harp, joy (ns)
gomen° gleobeames°, ne god hafoc° entertainment (ns), of the harp, hawk (ns)
geond sæl° swingeð°, ne se swifta mearh° hall (as), flies (pres 3s), horse (ns)
burhstede° beateð°. Bealocwealm° hafað castle court (as), pounds (pres 3s), baleful death (ns)
fela feorhcynna° forð onsended°!' of the races of men, sent (p ptc)