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1.10. The description of the Thames, and such riuers as fall into the same. Cap. 11.

The description of the Thames, and such riuers as fall into the same. Cap. 11.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _HAuing (as you haue séene) at|tempted to set downe a full discourse of all the Ilands, that are situat vpon the coast of Britaine, and finding the successe not correspondent to mine intent, it hath caused me somewhat to restreine my purpose in this description also of our riuers. For whereas I intended at the first to haue written at large, of the number, situation, names, quantities, townes, villages, castels, mounteines, fresh waters, plashes or lakes, salt waters, and other commodi|ties of the aforesaid Iles, mine expectation of infor|mation from all parts of England, was so deceiued in the end, that I was fame at last onelie to leane to that which I knew my selfe either by reading, or such other helpe as I had alreadie purchased and gotten of the same. And euen so it happeneth in this my tractation of waters, of whose heads, courses, length, bredth, depth of chanell (for burden) ebs, flow|ings, and falles, I had thought to haue made a per|fect description vnder the report also of an imagined course taken by them all. But now for want of in|struction, which hath béene largelie promised, & slack|lie perfourmed, and other sudden and iniurious de|niall of helpe voluntarilie offered, without occasion giuen on my part, I must needs content my selfe with such obseruations as I haue either obteined by mine owne experience, or gathered from time to time out of other mens writings: whereby the full discourse of the whole is vtterlie cut off, and in steed of the same a mangled rehearsall of the residue set downe and left in memorie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Wherefore I beséech your honour to pardon this imperfection and rudenesse of my labour, which not|withstanding is not altogither in vaine, sith my er|rors maie prooue a spurre vnto the better skilled, ei|ther to correct or inlarge where occasion serueth, or at the leastwise to take in hand a more absolute péece of worke, as better direction shall incourage them thereto. The entrance and beginning of euerie thing is the hardest; and he that beginneth well, hath atchi|ued halfe his purpose. The ice (my lord) is broken, and from hencefoorth it will be more easie for such as shall come after to wade through with the rest, sith Facile est inuentis addere; and to continue and finish, is not so great a matter in building, as to attempt and laie the foundation or platforme of anie noble péece of workmanship, though it be but rudelie hand|led. But to my purpose. As I began at the ThamesThamesis. in my description of Ilands, so will I now doo the like with that of famous riuers; making mine en|trie at the said riuer it selfe, of whose founteine some men make as much adoo, as in time past of the true head of Nilus, which, till of late (if it be yet descried) was neuer found: or the Tanais, whose originall was neuer knowne, nor shall be: for whilest one placeth it here, another there; there are none at all that deale with it exactlie. Wherefore leaning to such mens writings as haue of set purpose sought out the spring of the Thames; I affirme, that this famous streame hath his head or beginning out of the side of an hill, standing in the plaines of Cotswold, about one mile from Tetburie , néere vnto the Fosse (an high waie so called of old) where it was sometime named Isis , or the Ouse, although diuerse doo ignorantlie call it the Thames euen there, rather of a foolish custome than anie skill, bicause they either neglect or vtterlie are ignorant how it was named at the first. From hence it runneth directlie toward the east (as all good riuers should) and méeteth with the Cirne or Churne , (a brooke called in Latine Corinium) whereof Cirn|cester Corinium. towne (by which it commeth) doth take the denomination.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 From hence it hasteth vnto Créekelade , aliàs Crekanford, Lechlade , Radcotebridge , Newbridge , and Eouesham , receiuing by the waie an infinit sort of small streames, brookes, beckes, waters, and rundels: and here on this side of the towne diuideth it selfe into two courses, of which the one goeth straight to Botleie and Hinkseie , the other by God|stow , a village not farre off. This latter spreadeth it selfe also for a while into sundrie smaller branches, which run not farre yer they be reunited, and then beclipping sundrie pleasant medowes, it passeth at length by Oxford,Charwell. of some supposed rather to be cal|led Ouseford of this riuer, where it m [...]eteth with the Charwell , and a litle from whence the originall bran|ches doo ioine and go togither by Abbandune (aliàs Sensham or Abington as we call it) although no part of it at the first came so néere the towne as it doth now,Some write, that the maine streame was brought thi|ther which ranne before betweene An|dredeseie and Culenham. till a branch thereof was led thither from the maine streame, thorough the industrie of the moonks , as (beside the testimonie of old records thereof yet extant to be séene) by the decaie of Cair Dour now Dorchester it selfe, sometime the through|fare from Wal [...]s and the west countrie to London, which insued vpon this fact, is easie to be seene. From hence it goeth to Dorchester, and so to Thame , where ioining with a riuer of the same denomination, it looseth the name of Isis or Ouse (whereof Ousencie at Oxford is producted) and from thenceforth is called Thamesis. From Thame it goeth to Wallingford, and so to Reding,Pontium. which in time past, of the number of bridges there, was called Pontium ; albeit that the English name doth rather proceed from Rhe, or Ree, Saint Marie ouer Rhee. the Saxon word for a water-course or riuer, which maie be séene in Ouerée, or Sutherée, for ouer the Ree, or south of the Rhee, as to the skilfull doth readi|lie appéere; yet some hold (and not altogither against probabilitie and likelihood) that the word Sutherée is so called of Sudrijc, to wit, the south kingdome, EEBO page image 46 wherevnto in part the Thames is a bound. But that holdeth not in denomination, either of the said church or name of the foresaid countie. Other affirme like|wise, that Reding is so called of the Greeke word ( [...]) which is to ouer flowe. Certes, as neither of these coniectures are to be contemned, so the last cõmeth most neere to mine aid, who affirme, that not onelie the course of euerie water it selfe, but also his ouer flowing was in time past called Rhe, by such Saxons as inhabited in this Iland: and euen to this daie in Essex I haue oft obserued, that when the low|er grounds by rage of water haue béene ouerflow|en, the people beholding the same, haue said; All is on a Rhe, as if they should haue said; All is now a riuer, albeit the word Riuer be deriued from the French, and borrowed by them from the Latins: but not without corruption, as it was brought vnto them. I will not here giue notice how farre they are decei|ued, which call the aforesaid church by the name of S. Marie Auderies , or S. Marie ouer Isis, or Ise. But I will procéed with the course of this noble streame, which, howsoeuer these matters stand it hath passed by Reding, and there receiued the Kenet ,Kenet. which commeth from the hilles that lie west of Marlebo|rough, & then the Thetis,Thetis. commonlie called the Tide that commeth from Thetisford: it hieth to Sudling|ton otherwise called Maiden head , and so to Win|dleshore (or Windsore) Eaton , and then to Chertseie , where Erkenwald bishop of London, sometime buil|ded a religious house or cell, as I doo read.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 From Chertseie it hasteth directlie vnto Stanes, and receiuing an other streame by the waie, called the Cole Cole. (wherevpon Colbrooke standeth) it goeth by Kingstone , Shene , Sion , and Brentford or Bregent|ford , where it méeteth the Brane or the Brene , ano|ther brook descending from Edgeworth , whose name signifieth a frog, in the Brittish speach. Upon this also sir Iohn Thin had sometime a statelie house, with a maruellous prouision to inclose and reteine such fish as should come about the same.Brene. From Brentfoord it passeth by Mortlach , Putneie , Fulham , Batterseie , Chelseie , Lambeth , and so to London. Finallie going from thence vnto the sea, it taketh the Lée with it by the waie vpon the coast of Essex, and the Darnt vpon Kent side, which riseth néere to Tanrige , and commeth by Shoreham , vnto Dernt|ford ,Darwent. wherevnto the Craie Craie. falleth. And last of all the Medwaie a notable riuer (in mine opinion) which watereth all the south and southwest part of Kent, and whose description is not to be omitted heereafter in this place.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Hauing in this maner bréefelie touched this noble riuer, and such brookes as fall into the same; I will now adde a particular description of each of these last by themselues, whereby their courses also shall be se|uerallie described to the satisfaction of the studious. But yer I take the same in hand, I will insert a word or two of the commodities of the said riuer, which I will performe with so much breuitie as is possible; héereby also finding out his whole tract and course from the head to the fall thereof into the sea. It appeareth euidentlie that the length thereof is at the least, one hundreth and eightie miles, if it be mea|sured by the iourneies of the land. And as it is in course, the longest of the thrée famous riuers of this Ile, so it is nothing inferiour vnto them in aboun|dance of all kind of fish, whereof it is hard to saie, which of the three haue either most plentie, or greatest varietie, if the circumstances be duelie weighed. What some other write of the riuers of their coun|tries it skilleth not, neither will I (as diuerse doo) in|uent strange things of this noble streame, therewith to nobilitate and make it more honorable: but this will I in plaine termes affirme, that it neither swal|loweth vp bastards of the Celtish brood, or casteth vp the right begotten that are throwne in without hurt into their mothers lap, as Politian fableth of the Rhene, Epistiloram lib. 8. epi. 6. nor yéeldeth clots of gold as the Tagus dooth: but an infinit plentie of excellent, swéet and pleasant fish, wherewith such as inhabit néere vnto hir bankes are fed and fullie nourished.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 What should I speake of the fat and swéet sal|mons,Salmons. dailie taken in this streame, and that in such plentie (after the time of the smelt be past) as no riuer in Europa is able to excéed it. But what store also of barbels, trouts, cheuins, pearches, smelts, breames, roches, daces, gudgings, flounders, shrimps, &c: are commonlie to be had therein, I refer me to them that know by experience better than I, by reason of their dailie trade of fishing in the same. And albeit it see|meth from time to time, to be as it were defrauded in sundrie wise of these hir large commodities, by the insatiable auarice of the fishermen, yet this fa|mous riuer complaineth commonlie of no want, but the more it looseth at one time, the more it yéeldeth at another. Onelie in carps it séemeth to be scant,Carps a fish late brought into England and later into the Thames. sith it is not long since that kind of fish was brought o|uer into England, and but of late to speake of into this streame, by the violent rage of sundrie land|flouds, that brake open the heads and dams of diuers gentlemens ponds, by which means it became some|what partaker also of this said commoditie, whereof earst it had no portion that I could euer heare. Oh that this riuer might be spared but euen one yeare from nets, &c! But alas then should manie a poore man be vndoone. In the meane time it is lamentable to see, how it is and hath béene choked of late with sands and shelues, through the penning and wresting of the course of the water for commodities sake. But as this is an inconuenience easilie remedied, if good order were taken for the redresse thereof: so now, the fine or paie set vpon the ballaffe sometime freelis giuen to the merchants by patent, euen vnto the lands end (Iusques au poinct) will be another cause of harme vnto this noble streame, and all through an aduantage taken at the want of an (i) in the word ponct: which grew through an error committed by an English notarie vnskilfull in the French toong, wherein that patent was granted.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Furthermore, the said riuer floweth and filleth all his chanels wise in the daie and night, that is in euerie twelue houres once; and this ebbing & flow|ing, holdeth on for the space of seauentie miles, within the maine land: the streame or tide being al|waies highest at London, when the moone dooth ex|actlie touch the northeast and south or west points of the heauens, of which one is visible, the other vnder the earth, and not subiect to our sight. These tides also differ in their times, each one comming latter than other, by so manie minuts as passe yer the reuoluti|on and naturall course of the heauens doo reduce, and bring about the said planet vnto those hir former places:The iust di|stãce betwéen one tide and another. whereby the common difference betwéene one tide and another, is found to consist of twentie foure minuts, which wanteth but twelue of an whole houre in foure and twentie, as experience dooth con|firme. In like sort we sée by dailie triall, that each tide is not of equall heigth and greatnesse. For at the full and change of the moone we haue the greatest flouds, and such is their ordinarie course, that as they dimi|nish from their changes and fuls, vnto the first and last quarters; so afterwards they increase againe, vntill they come to the full and change. Sometimes also they rise so high (if the wind be at the north or northeast, which bringeth in the water with more ve|hemencie, bicause the tide which filleth the chanell, commeth from Scotland ward) that the Thames EEBO page image 47 ouerfloweth hir banks néere vnto London: which hapneth especiallie in the fuls and changes of Ianu|arie and Februarie, wherein the lower grounds are of custome soonest drowned. This order of flowing in like sort is perpetuall, so that when the moone is vpon the southwest and north of points, then is the water by London at the highest: neither doo the tides alter, except some rough winds out of the west or south|west doo kéepe backe and checke the streame in his entrance,The streame oft checked in hir entrance into the land. as the east and northeast doo hasten the comming in thereof, or else some other extraordina|rie occasion, put by the ordinarie course of the nor|therne seas, which fill the said riuer by their naturall returne and flowing. And that both these doo happen eft among, I refer me to such as haue not sildome obserued it, as also the sensible chopping in of thrée or foure tides in one naturall daie, wherof the vnskilfull doo descant manie things.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But how so euer these small matters doo fall out, and how often soeuer this course of the streame doth happen to be disturbed; yet at two seuerall times of the age of the moone, the waters returne to their naturall course and limits of time exactlie. Polydore saith, that this riuer is seldome increased or rather neuer ouerfloweth hir banks by landflouds: but he is herein verie much deceiued, as it shalbe more appa|rantlie séene hereafter. For the more that this riuer is put by of hir right course, the more the water must of necessitie swell with the white waters which run downe from the land: bicause the passage can|not be so swift and readie in the winding as in the streight course. These landflouds also doo greatlie straine the finesse of the streame, in so much that af|ter a great landfloud, you shall take haddocks with your hands beneath the bridge, as they flote aloft vp|on the water, whose eies are so blinded with the thicknesse of that element, that they cannot see where to become, and make shift to saue themselues before death take hold of them. Otherwise the water of it selfe is very cléere, and in comparison next vnto that of the sea, which is most subtile and pure of all other; as that of great riuers is most excellent, in compa|rison of smaller brookes: although Aristotle will haue the salt water to be most grosse, bicause a ship will beare a greater burden on the sea than on the fresh water; and an eg sinke in this that swimmeth on the other. But he may easilie be answered by the quantitie of roome and aboundance of waters in the sea; whereby it becommeth of more force to susteine such vessels as are committed to the same, and wher|vnto the greatest riuers (God wot) are nothing com|parable. I would here make mention of sundrie bridges placed ouer this noble streame, of which that of London is most chieflie to be commended,London bridge. for it is in maner a cõtinuall street, well replenished with large and statelie houses on both sides, and situat vpon twentie arches, whereof ech one is made of ex|cellent free squared stone, euerie of them being thrée|score foot in heigth, and full twentie in distance one from another, as I haue often viewed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In like maner I could intreat of the infinit num|ber2000 boates vpon the Thames and 3000 pooreinẽ mainteined by the same whose gaines come in most plentifullie in the tearme tune. of swans dailie to be séene vpon this riuer, the two thousand wherries and small boats, whereby thrée thousand poore watermen are mainteined, through the cariage and recariage of such persons as passe or repasse, from time to time vpon the same: beside those huge tideboats, tiltbotes, and barges, which ei|ther carrie passengers, or bring necessarie prouision from all quarters of Oxfordshire, Barkeshire, Buc|kinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Herfordshire, Midle|sex, Essex, Surrie, and Kent, vnto the citie of Lon|don. But for somuch as these things are to be repea|ted againe in the particular description of London, annexed to his card; I surceasse at this time to speake anie more of them here, as not lingering but hasting to performe my promise made euen now, not yet forgotten, and in performance where|of I thinke it best to resume the description of this noble riuer againe into my hands, and in adding whatsoeuer is before omitted, to deliuer a full and perfect demonstration of his course. How and where the said streame ariseth, is alreadie & with sufficien|cie set downe, noting the place to be within a mile of Tetburie, whereof some doo vtterlie mislike, bi|cause that rill in summer drouths is oft so drie, that there is little or no water at all séene running aboue ground in the same. For this cause the therefore manie affirme the verie head of IsisIsis. to come from the poole aboue Kemble. Other confound it with the head of the Cirne or Chirne, called in Latine Corinium that riseth aboue Coberleie . For my part I follow Le|land, as he dooth the moonke of Malmesburie, which wrote the historie intituled Eulogium historiarum , who searched the same of set purpose, and pronoun|ced with Leland, although at this present that course be verie small, and choked vp (as I heare) with grauell and sand. Procéeding therefore from the head, it first of all receiueth the Kemble water called the Coue, which riseth aboue Kemble towne,Couus. goeth by Kemble it selfe vnto Poole and Somerford , and then (accompanieth the Thames) vnto Canes , Ash|ton, Canes , and Howston , holding on in one chanell vntill they méet with the Chirne, the next of all to be described.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Chirne is a faire water arising out of the ground aboue Coberleie ,Corinium. from whence it runneth to Cowleie , Cowlesburne , Randcome , and so into the Isis on the left side aboue Crekelade . These thrée waters being thus vnited and brought into one cha|nell, within a little space of the head of Isis, it run|neth on by Crekelade, beneath which towne it recei|ueth the Rhe , descending from Elcombe ,Rhe. Escot , Redburne , Widhill , & at the fall into Isis, or not far off ioineth with another that runneth west of Pur|ton by Braden forrest, &c. Next of all our Isis mée|teth with the Amneie on the left hand, which com|ming from aboue Holie roode Amneie ,Amneie. runneth by Downe Amneie , and finallie into the Isis a little a|boue Iseie . In like sort I read of another that mée|teth withall on the right hand aboue Iseie also, which so far as I can call to remembrance, commeth from about Orifield and falleth so into our Isis, that they run as one vntill they come at the Colne , although not so nakedlie and without helpe, but that in this voiage, the maine streame dooth crosse one water that descendeth from Swindon, and going also by Stratton toward Seuingham , is it selfe increa|sed with two rils by the waie, whereof one commeth from Liddenton by Wambreie , as I haue béene in|formed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Colne is a faire riuer rising by north neere to Witchington ,Colneius, Co|lineus, or Co|lunus. & from thence goeth to Shiptons , Compton Abdale , Wittenton , Yarneworth , Colne Deanes , and Colne Rogers , Winston , Biberie , Colne Alens , Quenington , Faireford , and west of Lachelade into the riuer Isis, which hereabout on the southside also taketh in another, whereof I find this remembrance. The Isis being once past Se|uingham, crosseth a brooke from southest that moun|teth about Ashbirie , and receiuing a rill from by|west (that commeth from Hinton ) beneath Shrine|ham , it afterward so diuideth it selfe, that the armes therof include Inglesham , and by reason that it fal|leth into the Isis at two seuerall places, there is a plesant Iland producted, whereof let this suffice.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Being past Lechelade a mile,Lecus or Leche. it runneth to saint Iohns bridge , & the reabout méeteth with the Leche on the left hand. This brooke, whereof Lechlade ta|keth EEBO page image 48 the name (a towne wherevnto one péece of an old vniuersitie is ascribed, which it did neuer possesse, more than Crekelade did the other) riseth east of Hampnet , frõ whence it goeth to north Lech , Esten|ton , Anlesworth , east Lech , south Thorpe , Faren|don , & so into the Isis. From hence this famous wa|ter goeth by Kenskot toward Radcote bridge (ta|king in the rill that riseth in an od péece of Barke|shire , and runneth by Langford ) and being past the said bridge (now notable through a conspiracie made there sometimes by sundrie barons against the e|state) it is not long yer it crosse two other waters, both of them descending from another od parcell of the said countie, whereof I haue this note giuen me for my further information. There are two fals of water into Isis beneath Radcote bridge, wherof the one commeth from Shilton in Barkeshire by Ares|cote , blacke Burton and Clarrefield . The other also riseth in the same péece, and runneth by Brisenorton vnto Bampton , and there receiuing an armelet from the first that breake off at blacke Burton, it is not long yer they fall into Isis, and leaue a pretie I|land. After these confluences, the maine course of the streame hasteth by Shifford to Newbridge , where it ioineth with the Winrush .Winrush. The Winrush riseth a|boue Shieburne in Glocestershire, from whence it goeth to Winrush , & cõming by Barrington , Bur|ford , Widbrooke , Swinbecke castell, Witneie , Duc|kington , Cockthorpe , Stanlake , it méeteth with the Isis west by south of Northmore . From hence it go|eth beneath Stanton, Hartingcourt and Ensham , betwéene which and Cassinton , it receiueth (as Le|land calleth it) the Bruerne water.Briwerus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 It riseth aboue Limington, and going to Norton in the Marsh, and through a patch of Worcestershire vnto Euenlode, betweene it and the foure shire|stones,Comus. it taketh in a rill called Come, comming by the long and the little Comptons. After this also it goeth by Bradwell, Odington, and so to Bledden|ton, aboue which towne it taketh in the Rolrich wa|ter that issueth at two heads, in the hils that lie by west of little Rolrich,Rolrich. and ioine aboue Kenkeham, and Church hill. From thence also it goeth vnto Bruerne, Shipton vnderwood, Ascot, Short hamton, Chorleburie, Corneburie parke, Stonfield, Long|combe, and southeast of Woodstocke parke, taketh in the Enis, that riseth aboue Emstone,Euis. and goeth to Ciddington, Glimton, Wotton (where it is increa|sed with a rill that runneth thither from stéeple Barton, by the Béechin trée) Woodstocke, Blaidon, so that after this confluence, the said Enis runneth to Casũnton, and so into the Isis, which goeth from hence to Oxford, and there receiueth the Charwell, now presentlie to be described.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The head of Charwell is in Northamptonshire,Charwell. where it riseth out of a little poole, by Charleton vil|lage, seuen miles aboue Banberie northeast, and there it issueth so fast at the verie surge, that it grow|eth into a pretie streame, in maner out of hand. Soone after also it taketh in a rillet called the Bure,Bure. Culen. which falleth into it, about Otmere side: but foras|much as it riseth by Bincester, the whole course ther|of is not aboue foure miles, and therefore cannot be great. A friend of mine prosecuting the rest of this description reporteth thereof as followeth. Before the Charwell commeth into Oxfordshire, it recei|ueth the Culen, which falleth into the same, a little a|boue Edgcote, and so descending toward Warding|ton, it méeteth with another comming from by north west, betweene Wardington and Cropreadie. At Banberie also it méeteth with the ComeCome. (which fal|leth from fennie Conton by Farneboro, and after|wards going by kings Sutton, not far from Aine, it receiueth the discharge of diuerse rillets, in one bot|tome before it come at Clifton. The said water ther|fore ingendred of so manie brookelets, consisteth chiefelie of two, whereof the most southerlie called Oke,Ocus. commeth from Oke, Norton, by Witchington or Wiggington, and the Berfords; and carieng a few blind rils withall, dooth méet with the other that falleth from by northwest into the same, within a mile of Charwell.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 That other (as I coniecture) is increased of thrée waters, wherof each one hath his seuerall name. The first of them therefore hight Tudo,Tudo. which comming betwéene Epwell and the Lée by Toddington, ioi|neth about Broughton with the second that runneth from Horneton, named Ornus, Ornus. as I gesse. The last falleth into the Tude or Tudelake, beneath Brough|ton; and for that it riseth not far from Sotteswell in Warwikeshire, some are of the opinion, that it is to be called Sotbrooke.Sotbrooke. Souarus. The next water that méeteth without Charwell beneath Clifton commeth from about Croughton, and after this is the SowarSowar. or Swere, that riseth north of Michaell Tew, and run|neth by nether Wotton. The last of all is the Reie aliàs Bure,Burus. whose head is not far aboue Burcester, aliàs Bincester, and Burncester: and from whence it goeth by Burecester to Merton, Charleton, Fen|cote, Addington, Noke, Islip, and so into Charwell, that holdeth on his course after this augmentation of the waters, betwéene Wood and Water Eton, to Marston, and the east bridge of Oxford by Mag|dalene college, and so beneath the south bridge into our aforesaid Isis.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In describing this riuer,Middest of England whereabouts. this one thing (right honorable) is come vnto my mind, touching the cen|ter and nauill as it were of England. Certes there is an hillie plot of ground in Helledon parish, not far from Danberie, where a man maie stand and behold the heads of thrée notable riuers, whose waters, and those of such as fall into them, doo abundantlie serue the greatest part of England on this side of the Humber. The first of these waters is the Charwell, alreadie described. The second is the Leme that go|eth westward into the fourth Auon. And the third is the head of the Nene or fift Auon it selfe, of whose courses there is no card but doth make sufficient mention; and therefore your honour maie behold in the same how they doo coast the countrie, and also measure by compasses how this plot lieth in respect of all the rest, contrarie to common iudgement, which maketh Northampton to be the middest and center of our countrie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to go forward with my description of the Ouse, which being past Oxford goeth to Iflie, Ken|nington, Sanford, Rodleie, Newnham, and so to A|bington, somtime called Sensham, without increase, where it receiueth the Oche,Ocus. otherwise called the Coche, a little beneath S. Helens, which runneth thi|ther of two brooklets, as I take it, whereof one com|meth from Compton, out of the vale and west of the hill of the White horsse, the other from Kings Let|combe, and Wantage in Barkshire, and in one cha|nell, entreth into the same, vpon the right side of his course.Arun. From Abington likewise (taking the Arun withall southwest of Sutton Courtneie) it goeth by Appleford, long Wittenham, Clifton, Wittenham the lesse, & beneath Dorchester, taketh in the Thame water, from whence the Isis loseth the preheminence of the whole denomination of this riuer, and is con|tented to impart the same with the Thame, so that by the coniunction of these two waters Thamesis is producted, and that name continued euen vnto the sea.

Thame riuer riseth in the easterlie parts of Chil|terne hils,Thame. towards Penleie parke, at a towne called Tring west of the said parke, which is seauen miles EEBO page image 49 from the stone bridge, that is betweene Querendon and Ailsburie (after the course of the water) as Le|land hath set downe. Running therefore by long Merston, and Puttenham, Hucket, and Bearton, it receiueth soone after a rill that commeth by Que|rendon from Hardwike, and yer long an other on the other side that riseth aboue Windouer in the Chilterne, and passing by Halton, Weston, Turrill, Broughton, and Ailsburie, it falleth into the Tame west of the said towne (except my memorie doo faile me. From this confluence the Tame goeth by E|thorpe, the Winchingtons, Coddington, Chersleie, Notleie abbeie: and comming almost to Tame, it receiueth one water from southeast aboue the said towne, and another also from the same quarter be|neath the towne; so that Tame standeth inuironed vpon thrée sides with thrée seuerall waters, as maie be easilie séene. The first of these commeth from the Chiltern east of Below or Bledlow, from whence it goeth to Hinton, Horsenden, Kingseie, Towseie, and so into the Tame. The other descendeth also from the Chilterne, and going by Chinner, Crowell, Sid|denham, and Tame parke, it falleth in the end into Tame water, and then they procéed togither as one by Shabbington, Ricot parke, Dracot, Waterstoke, Milton, Cuddesdon, and Chiselton. Here also it ta|keth in another water from by-east, whose head com|meth from Chilterne hils, not farre from Stocking church, in the waie from Oxford to London. From whence it runneth to Weston (and méeting beneath Cuxham with Watlington rill) it goeth on to Chal|graue, Stadham, and so into the Tame. From hence our streame of Thame runneth to Newen|ton, Draton, Dorchester (sometime a bishops see, and a noble citie) and so into the Thames, which hasteth in like sort to Bensington, Crowmarsh, or Walling|ford, where it receiueth the Blaue, descending from Blaueburg,Blauius. now Blewberie, as I learne.

Thus haue I brought the Thames vnto Wal|lingford, situate in the vale of White horsse that run|neth a long therby. From hence it goeth by Newen|ham, north Stoke, south Stoke, Goring, Bassilden, Pangburne, where it meeteth with a water that commeth from about Hamsted Norris, runneth by Frizelham, Buckelburie, Stanford, Bradfeld, Tid|marsh and Pangburne. After which confluence it go|eth on betweene Mapledorham and Purleie, to Ca|uersham, and Cauersham manour, and a little be|neath receiueth the Kenet that commeth thereinto from Reading.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Kenet riseth aboue Ouerton 5 or 6 miles west of Marleborow,Cenethus. or Marlingsborow, as some call it; & then going by Fifeld; Clatfor, Maulon, & Preshute, vnto Marleburie: it holdeth on in like order to Ramsburie, and northwest of little Cote, taketh in a water by north descending from the hilles aboue Alburne chase west of Alburne town. Thence it run|neth to little Cote, Charnhamstréet, & beneth Charn|hamstréet it crosseth the Bedwin,Bedwiine. which (taking the ChalkburneChalkeburne. rill withall) commeth from great Bed|wiine, & at Hungerford also two other in one botom somewhat beneath the towne. From hence it goeth to Auington, Kinburie, Hamsted marshall, Eu|burne, Newberie; and beneath this towne, taketh in the Lamburne water that commeth by Isberie,Lamburne. Egerston, the Sheffords, Westford, Boxford, Do|nington castell, and Shaw. From Newberie it go|eth to Thatcham, Wolhampton, Aldermaston, a little aboue which village it receiueth the Alburne,Alburnus. another brooke increased with sundrie rils: and thus going on to Padworth, Oston, and Michaell, it com|meth at last to Reading, where (as I said) it ioineth with the Thames, and so they go forward as one by Sonning to Shiplake, and there on the east side re|ceiue the Loddon that commeth downe thither from the south, as by his course appéereth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Loddon riseth in Hamshire betwéene west Shirburne and Wooton toward the southwest,Lod [...]nus. after|ward directing his course toward the northwest, tho|rough the Uine, it passeth at the last by Bramlie, and thorough a peece of Wiltshire, to Stradfield, Swal|lowfield, Arberfield, Loddon bridge, leauing a patch of Wiltshire on the right hand (as I haue béene in|formed.) This Loddon not far from Turges towne receiueth two waters in one bottome, whereof the westerlie called Basing water, commeth from Ba|singstoke, and thorough a parke vnto the aforesaid place.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The other descendeth of two heads from Mapledour well, and goeth by Skewes, Newenham, Rother|wijc, and yer it come at Hartlie, ioineth with the Ba|sing water, from whence they go togither to Tur|ges, where they méet with the Loddon (as I haue said alreadie.) The next streame toward the south is called Ditford brooke.Ditis vadum. It riseth not farre from Up|ton, goeth by Gruell, and beneath Wharnborow castell receiueth the IkellIkelus. (comming from a parke of the same denomination) from whence they go togi|ther by Maddingleie vnto Swalowfield, and so into the Loddon. In this voiage also the Loddon méeteth with the Elwie or Elueie that commeth from Alder|share, not farre by west of Euersleie:Elueius. and about Eluesham likewise with another running from Dogmansfield named the Douke:Ducus. and also the third not inferior to the rest comming from Erin,Erin. whose head is in Surreie, and going by Ash becommeth a limit, first betwéene Surreie and Hamshire; then betwéene Hamshire and Barkeshire, and passing by Ash, Erinleie, Blacke water, Yerleie, and Fin|chamsted; it ioineth at last with the Ditford, before it come at Swalowfield. To conclude therefore with our Loddon, hauing receiued all these waters; and after the last confluence with them now being come to Loddon bridge, it passeth on by a part of Wilt|shire to Twiford bridge, then to Wargraue, and so into the Thames that now is maruellouslie increa|sed and growen vnto triple greatnesse (to that it was at Oxford.)

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Being therefore past Shiplake and Wargraue, it runneth by Horsependon, or Harding: then to Henleie vpon Thames, where sometime a great rill voideth it selfe in the same. Then to Remenham, Greneland (going all this waie from Shiplake iust north, and now turning eastwards againe) by Me|denham, Hurleie, Bisham, Marlow the greater, Marlow the lesse, it meeteth with a brooke soone after that consisteth of the water of two rilles, whereof the one called the Use,Us [...]. riseth about west Wickham, out of one of the Chilterne hilles, and goeth from thence to east Wickham or high Wickham, a pre|tie market towne. The other named Higden,Higden. des|cendeth also from those mounteines but a mile be|neath west Wickham, and ioining both in one at the last, in the west end of east Wickham towne, they go togither to Wooburne, Hed [...]or, & so into the Thames. Some call it the Tide; and that word doo I vse in my former treatise: but to procéed. After this confluence our Thames goeth on by Cowkham, Topleie, Mai|denhead, aliàs Sudlington, Braie, Dorneie, Clure, new Windsore (taking in neuerthelesse, at Eaton by the waie, the Burne which riseth out of a Moore, & commeth thither by Burnham) old Windsor, Wrai|borow, and a little by east therof doth crosse the Cole, whereof I find this short description insuing.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Cole riseth néere vnto Flamsted, Colus, ali [...]s Uere and Uertume. from whence it goeth to Redburn, S. Michaels, S. Albons, Aldenham, Watford, and so by More to Richmans|worth, where there is a confluence of three waters, of EEBO page image 50 which this Cole is the first. The second called GadusGadus. riseth not farre from Ashridge, an house or palace belonging to the prince: from whence it runneth to great Gaddesdin, Hemsted, betwéene Kings Lang|leie, and Abbots Langleie, then to Hunters, and Ca|shew bridges, and so to Richman swoorth, receiuing by the waie a rill comming from Alburie by north|west, to Northchurch, Barkehamsted, and beneath Hemsted ioining with the same. The last commeth in at northwest from aboue Chesham, by Chesham it selfe, then by Chesham Bois, Latimers, Mawd|lens, Cheinies, Sarret and Richmanswoorth, and so going on all in one chanell vnder the name of Cole, it runneth to Uxbridge, where it taketh in the Mis|senden water, from northwest, which rising aboue Missenden the greater goeth by Missenden the lesse, Hagmondesham (now Hammersham) the Uach, Chalfhunt Giles, Chalfhunt S. Peters, Denham, and then into the Cole aboue Uxbridge (as I haue said.) Soone after this our Cole doth part it selfe in|to two branches, neuer to ioine againe before they come at the Thames, for the greater of them goeth thorough the goodlie medows straight to Colebrooke, the other vnto two milles, a mile and a halfe east of Colebrooke, in the waie to London, leauing an I|land betwéene them of no small size and quantitie.

Being past the Cole,Uindeles. we come to the fall of the Uindeles, which riseth by northwest néere vnto Bag|shot, from whence it goeth to Windlesham, Chob|ham, and méeting with a brooklet comming west|ward from Bisleie, they run togither toward Cher|teseie, where when they haue met with a small rill ri|sing north of Sonning hill in Windlesoure great parke, it falleth into the Thames on the northeast side of Cherteseie. When we were come beyond this water, it was not long yer we came vnto another on the same side, that fell into the Thames betweene Shepperton on the one side, and Oteland on the o|ther,Ueius. and is called the Waie. The Weie or the Waie rising by west, commeth from Olsted, & soone after taking the Hedleie brooke withall (which riseth in Wulmere forrest, and goeth by Hedleie and Fren|sham) hasteth by Bentleie, Farnham, Alton, Wai|berleie, Elsted,Thuresbie. and so to Pepper harrow, where it ioineth with the Thuresbie water, which commeth not farre off from a village of the same denominati|on. From hence also it goeth to Godalming, and then toward Shawford, but yer it come there, it cros|seth Craulie becke, which rising somewhere about the edge of Sussex short of Ridgewtjc, goeth by Uache|rie parke,Crawleie. Knoll, Craulie, Bramleie, Wonarsh, and so into the Waie. From hence then our riuer goeth to Shawford, and soone after (méeting with the Ab|binger water that commeth by Shere, Albirie,Abbinger. and the chappell on the hill) it proceedeth to Guldeford, thence to Stoke, Sutton in the parke, Send, Wo|king, and at Newarke parke side taketh in a brooke that riseth of two heads, whereof one dooth spring be|twéene two hils north of Pepper harrow, and so run|neth through Henleie parke, the other aboue Pur|bright, and afterward ioining in one, they go foorth vnto Newarke, and being there vnited, after the con|fluence it goeth to Purford court, to Bifler, Wai|fred, Oteland, and so into the Thames.

From Oteland the Thames goeth by Walton, Sunburie,Molis. west Moulse [...]e, Hampton, and yer it come at Hampton court on the northside, and east Moulseie on the other, it taketh in the Moule water, which giueth name vnto the two townes that stand on each side of the place, where it falleth into our streame. It riseth in Word forrest, and going by Burstow, it méeteth afterward with another gullet, conteining a small course from two seuerall heads, whereof one is also in the forrest aforenamed, the o|ther runneth from Bebush wood, and comming by Iseld, méeteth with the first aboue Horleie, and so run on in one chanell, I saie, till they ioine with the Moule water, whereof I spake before.

After this confluence in like sort, it is not long yer the Moule take in another from by north, which commeth from about Mesham on the one side, and another on the other side, running by Ocleie and Capell, and whereinto also a branch or rill com|meth from a wood on the northwest part. Finallie, being thus increased with these manie rilles, it go|eth by east Becheworth, west Becheworth, and ouer against the Swalow on the side of Drake hill, ta|king in another that cõmeth thither from Wootton by Darking and Milton, it runneth to Mickleham, Letherhed, Stoke, Cobham, Ashire parke, east Moulseie, and so into the Thames, which after this coniunction goeth on to Kingston, and there also méeteth with another becke, rising at Ewell south of Nonsuch. Certes, this rill goeth from Ewell by the old parke, then to Mauldon, & so to Kingston towne. The Thames in like maner being past Kingston, go|eth to Tuddington, Petersham, Twickenham, Richmond, and Shene, where it receiueth a water on the northwest side, which comming from about Har|row on the hill, and by west of the same, goeth by Haies, Harlington, Felthan, and Thistle worth into the Thames.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The next fall of water is at Sion,Brane. néere vnto new Brainford, so that it issueth into the Thames betwéen them both. This water is called Brane, that is in the Brittish toong (as Leland saith) a frog. It riseth about Edgeworth, and commeth from thence by Kinges|burie, Twiford, Periuall, Hanwell, and Austerleie. Thence we followed our riuer to old Brentford, Mortlach, Cheswtjc, Barnelmes, Fulham, and Put|neie, beneath which townes it crossed a becke from Wandlesworth, that riseth at Woodmans turne, and going by Easthalton, méeteth another comming from Croidon by Bedington, and so going on to Mitcham, Marton abbeie, and Wandlesworth, it is not long yer it fall into the Thames.Mariburne. Next vnto this is Mariburne rill on the other side, which commeth in by S. Iames, so that by this time we haue either brought the Thames, or the Thames conueied vs to London, where we rested for a season to take view of the seuerall tides there, of which each one differeth from other, by foure & twentie minuts, that is fortie eight in a whole daie, as I haue noted before, except the wether alter them. Being past London, and in the waie toward the sea: the first water that it mée|teth withall, is the Brome on Kent side, west of Gréenewich, whose head is Bromis in Bromleie pa|rish, and going from thence to Lewsham,Bromis. it taketh in a water from by east, and so directeth his course foorth right vnto the Thames.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The next water that it méeteth withall, is on Es|sex side, almost against Woolwich, and that is the LéeLée. or Luie, whose head riseth short of Kempton in Hert|fordshire,Logus. foure miles southeast of Luton, sometime called Logodunum or Logrodunum, & going through a péece of Brokehall parke (leauing Woodhall parke on the north, and Hatfield on the south, with another parke adioining) it goeth toward Hartford towne. But yer it come there, it receiueth a water (perad|uenture the Marran) rising at northwest in Brode|water hundred,Marran. from aboue Welwin, northeast of Digeswell, and going to Hartingfeld burie, where the said confluence is within one mile of the towne. Beneath Hatfield also it receiueth the Beane (as I gesse) comming from Boxwood by Benington,Beane. A|ston, Watton, and Stapleford, and a little lower, the third arme of increase from aboue Ware, which des|cendeth from two heads: whereof the greatest com|meth EEBO page image 51 from Barkewaie in Edwinster hundred, the other Sandon in Oddesey hundred, and after they be met beneath little Hornemeade, they go togither by Pulcherchurch, or Puckrich, Stonden, Thunderidge Wadesmill, Benghoo, and so into the Lée, which from hence runneth on till it come at Ware, which was drowned by the rage of the same 1408, and so to Am|well, where on the north side it receiueth the water that commeth from little Hadham, through a péece of Singleshall parke, then by great Hadham, and so from Widford to the aforesaid towne. From hence also they go as one to old Stansted called Le Veil, branching in such wise yer it come there, that it run|neth through the towne in sundrie places. Thence it goeth foorth to Abbats Stansted, beneath which it méeteth with the Stoure, west (as I remember) of Roidon.Sturus. This Sture riseth at Wenden lootes, from whence it goeth to Langleie, Clauering, Berden, Manhuden, & Birchanger (where it taketh a rill com|ming from Elsingham, & Stansted Mountfitchet.) The [...] it hieth on to Bishops Stourford, Sabrich|foord, and beneath this towne crosseth with another from the east side of Elsingham, that goeth to Hat|field, Brodocke, Shiring, Harlo, & so into the Stoure, and from whence they go togither to Eastwic, Par [...]edon, and next into the Lée. These things be|ing thus performed, the Lée runneth on beneath Hoddesdon, Broxburne, and Wormleie, where a wa|ter breaketh out by west of the maine streame, a mile lower than Wormeleie it selfe, but yet within the paroch, and is called Wormeleie locke.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 It runneth also by Cheston nunrie, and out of this a little beneath the said house, breaketh an arme called the Shirelake, bicause it diuideth Eastsex and Hartford shire in sunder, and in the length of one medow called Fritheie. This lake runneth not but at great flouds, and méeteth againe with a succor of ditchwater, at a place called Hockesdich, halfe a mile from his first breaking out, and halfe a mile lower at Marsh point ioineth againe with the streame from whence it came before. Thence commeth the first arme to S. Maulie bridge (the first bridge westward vpon that riuer) vpon Waltham causie, & halfe a mile lower than Maulie bridge, at the corner of Ramnie mead, it méeteth with the kings streame & principall course, of Luy, or Lee, as it is commonlie called. The second arme breaketh out of the kings streame at Halifield halfe a mile lower than Cheston nunrie, and so to the fulling mill, and two bridges by west of the kings streame, wherinto it falleth about a stones cast lower at a place called Malkins shelffe, except I was wrong informed. Cheston & Hartfordshire men doo saie, that the kings streame at Waltham dooth part Hartfordshire and Essex, but the Essex men by forrest charter doo plead their liberties to hold vnto S. Maulies bridge. On the east side also of the kings streame breaketh out but one principall arme at Ha|lifield, three quarters of a mile aboue Waltham, & so goeth to the corne mill in Waltham, and then to the K. streame againe a little beneath the kings bridge.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 From hence the Lée runneth on by south on Wal|tonstow till it come to Stretford Langthorne,Alfred. where it brancheth partlie of it selfe, and partlie by mans industrie for mils. Howbeit heerein the dealing of Alfred (sometimes king of England) was not of smallest force, who vnderstanding the Danes to be gotten vp with their ships into the countrie, there to kill and slaie his subiects, in the yeere of grace 896, by the conduct of this riuer: he in the meane time be|fore they could returne, did so mightilie weaken the maine chanell, by drawing great numbers of tren|ches from the same; that when they purposed to come backe, there was nothing so much water left as the ships did draw: wherefore being set on ground, they were soone fired, & the aduersaries ouercome. By this policie also much medow ground was woone, & made firme land, whereby the countrie about was not a lit|tle inriched, as was also a part of Assyria by the like practise of Cyrus with the Ganges, at such time as he came against Babylon, which riuer before time was in maner equall with Euphrates. For he was so of|fended, that one of his knights whom he loued déerlie, was drowned and borne awaie with the water in his passage ouer the same, that he sware a deepe oth yer long to make it so shallow that it should not wet a woman to the knées. Which came to passe, for he cau|sed all his armie to dig 46 new draines frõ the same, wherby the vow that he had made was at the full per|formed. Senec. de Tra. li. 3. But to conclude with the Lee that somtime ouerflowed all those medowes, through which it passeth (as for a great waie not inferior to the Thames) and I find that being past Westham, it is not long yer it fall into that streame. One thing I read more of this riuer before the conquest, that is, how Edward the first, & sonne of Alfred, in the yeare of grace 912, builded Hartford towne: at which time also he had Wittham a towne in Essex in hand, as his sister called Aelfled repaired Oxford & London, and all this foure yeares before the building of Mal|don, of some called Hertford or Herudford betweene three waters, that is, the Lée, the Benefuth, and Memmarran, or rather Penmarran: but how these waters are distinguished in these daies, as yet I cannot tell. It is possible, that the Bene may be the same which commeth by Benington, and Benghoo: which if it be so, then must the Memmarran be the same that descendeth from Whitwell, for not farre from thence is Branfield, which might in time past right well be called Marranfield, for of like inuersi|on of names I could shew manie examples.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Being past the Lee (whose chanell is begun to be purged 1576, with further hope to bring the same toRodon or Rodunus. the north side of London) we come vnto the Rodon, vpon Essex side in like maner, and not verie farre (for foure miles is the most) from the fall of the Lée. This water riseth at little Canfield, from whence it goeth to great Canfield, high Roding, Eithorpe Ro|ding, Ledon Roding, White Roding, Beauchampe Roding, Fifeld, Shelleie, high Ongar, and Cheping Ongar, where the Lauer falleth into it,Lauer. that ariseth betwixt Matching and high Lauer; and taking ano|ther rill withall comming from aboue Northweld at Cheping Ongar, they ioine (I saie) with the Ro|don, after which confluence Leland coniectureth that the streame is called Iuell:Iuelus. for my part, I wot not what to say of it. But héerof I am sure, that the whole course being past Ongar, it goeth to Stansted riuers, Theidon mount, Heibridge, Chigwell, Woodford bridge, Ilford bridge, Barking, & so into the Thames.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The DarwentDarwent. méeteth with our said Thames vp|on Kents side, two miles and more beneath Erith. It riseth at Tanridge, or there abouts, as I haue beene informed by Christopher Saxtons card late made of the same, and the like (I hope) he will doo in all the se|uerall shires of England at the infinit charges of sir Thomas Sackford knight, & maister of the requests, whose zeale vnto his countrie héerin I cannot but re|member, & so much the rather, for that he meaneth to imitate Ortelius, & somewhat beside this hath holpen me in the names of the townes, by which these riuers for the Kentish part do run. Would to God his plats were once finished for the rest! But to procéed. The Darwent therefore, rising at Tanridge, goeth on by Titseie toward Brasted, and receiuing on ech side of that towne (& seuerall bankes) a riuer or rill, it goeth on to Nockhold, Shorham, Kinsford, Horton, Darn|hith, Dartford or Derwentford, & there taking in the Craie on the left hand that coms from Orpington byCraie. EEBO page image 52 Marie Craie, Paules Craie, North Craie, and Craiford, it is not long yer it fall into the Thames. But after I had once passed the fall of the brooke, it is a world to sée what plentie of Serephium groweth vpon the Kentish shore, in whose description Fuich|fius hath not a little halted; whilest he giueth foorth the hearbe Argentaria for Serephium, betwéene which there is no maner of likelihood. This neuerthe|lesse is notable in the said hearbe, that being transla|ted into the garden, it receiueth another forme cleane different from the first, which it yéelded when it grew vpon the shore, and therevnto appeareth of more fat & foggie substance. Which maketh me to thinke that our physicians do take it for a distinct kind of worme|wood, whereof controuersie ariseth among them. The next water that falleth into the Thames, is west of the Wauie Iles, a rill of no great fame, neither long course, for rising about Coringham, it runneth not manie miles east and by south, yer it fall into the mouth of this riuer, which I doo now describe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 I would haue spoken of one créeke that commeth in at Cliffe, and another that runneth downe from Haltsto by S. Maries: but sith I vnderstand not with what backewaters they be serued, I let them passe as not skilfull of their courses. And thus much of the riuers that fall into the Thames, wherein I haue doone what I maie, but not what I would for mine owne satisfaction, till I came from the head to Lechlade, vnto which, as in lieu of a farewell, I will ascribe that distichon which Apollonius Rhodius wri|teth of the Thermodon:

Huic non est aliud flumen par, nec tot in agros
Vllum dimittit riuos quot fundit vtrinque.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Next vnto the Thames we haue the Midwaie water,Midwaie. whereof I find two descriptions, the first be|ginneth thus. The Midwaie water is called in La|tine Medeuia (as some write) bicause the course ther|of is midwaie in a manner betwéene London and Dorobernia, or (as we now call it) Canturburie. In British it hight Dourbrée: and thereof Rochester was sometime called Durobreuum. But in an old charter which I haue seene (conteining a donation sometime made to the monasterie of saint Andrews there by Ceadwalla) I find that the Saxons called this riuer Wedring; and also a towne standing be|twéene Malling and east Farleie, Wedrington; and finallie, a forrest also of the same denomination, Wedrington, now Waterdon, wherby the originall name appeareth to be fetched from this streame. It ariseth in Waterdon forrest east of Whetlin or We|dring, and ioineth with another brooke that descen|deth from Ward forrest in Sussex: and after this confluence they go on togither, as one by Ashhirst, where hauing receiued also the second brooke, it hast|eth to Pensherst, and there carrieth withall the E|den, that commeth from Lingfield parke. After this it goeth to the southeast part of Kent, and taketh with it the Frith or Firth, on the northwest side,Frethus. and an other little streame that commeth from the hilles, betwéene Peuenburie and Horsemon on the south|east. From thence also, and not farre from Yalling it receiueth the Theise (a pretie streame that ariseth about Theise Hirst) & afterward the Gran or Crane,Theise. Grane aliàs Cranus. which hauing his head not farre from Cranbrooke, and méeting with sundrie other riuelets by the waie, whereof one branch of Theise is the last, for it parteth at the Twist, and including a pretie Iland, doth ioine with the said Midwaie, a little aboue Yal|ding, and then with the Lowse. Finallie at Maid|stone it méeteth with another brooke, whose name I know not, and then passeth by Allington, Duton, Newhide, Halling, Cuckestane, Rochester, Chat|tham, Gillingham, Upchurch, Kingsferrie, and fal|leth into the maine sea betwéene Shepeie and the Grane.

And thus much out of the first authour, who com|mendeth it also, for that in time past it did yéeld such plentie of sturgeon, as beside the kings portion, and a due vnto the archbishop of Canturburie out of the same, the deane and chapter of Rochester had no small allowance also of that commoditie: likewise for the shrimps that are taken therein, which are no lesse estéemed of in their kind, than the westerne smelts or flounders taken in the Thames, &c. The second authour describeth it after this manner, and more copiouslie than the other.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The cheefe head of this streame riseth in Water|don forrest, from whence after it hath runne a pretie waie still within the same, east of Whetlin, it méeteth with a brooke, whose head is in Ward forrest, south|west of Greenested, which goeth to Hartfield, and so to Whetlin, and yer long ioineth with the Midwaie. After this confluence it is not long yer it take in an|other by-west from Cowden ward, and the third a|boue Pensherst, growing from two heads, whereof one is in Lingfield parke, the other west of Craw|herst; and ioining aboue Edinbridge, it doth fall in|to the midwaie beneath Heuer towne, and Chidding|ston. From Pensherst our maine streame hasteth to Ligh, Tunbridge, and Twidleie, and beneath the towne, it crosseth a water from North, whereof one head is at the Mote, another at Wreteham, the third at west Peckham, & likewise another from southest, that runneth east of Capell. Next after this it recei|ueth the These, whose forked head is at Theise Hirst, which descending downe toward the north, taketh in not farre from Scotnie a brooke out of the northside of Waterden forrest, whose name I find not, except it be the Dour. After this confluence our riuer go|eth to Goldhirst, and comming to the Twist, it brancheth in such wise, that one part of it runneth into Midwaie, another into the Garan, or rather Cranebrooke (if my coniecture be anie thing.) The Garan (as Leland calleth it) or the Crane (as I dooGarunus, Cranus. take it) riseth néere to Cranebrooke, and going by Sissinghir [...]t, it receiueth yer long one water that commeth by Fretingdon, and another that runneth from great Chard by Smerdon, and Hedcorne, cros|sing two rilles by the waie from by north, Hedcorne it selfe standing betwéene them both. Finallie, the Garan or Crane meeting with Midwaie south of Yalling, they on the one side, and the These on the other, leaue a pretie Iland in the middest, of foure miles in length, and two in breadth, wherein is some hillie soile, but neither towne nor village, so farre as I remember.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 From Yalling forward, the Midwaie go|eth to west Farlegh, east Farlegh: and yer it come at Maidstone, it interteineth a rill that riseth short of Ienham, and goeth by Ledes and Otteringden, which is verie beneficiall to clothiers in drie yéeres: for thither they conueie their clothes to be thicked at the fulling milles, sometimes ten miles for the same: there is also at Ledes great plentie of fulling earth, which is a necessarie commoditie.

Being past Maidstone, it runneth by Allington, Snodland, Halling, Cuckstane, and Rochester, where it passeth vnder a faire bridge of stone, with a verie swift course, which bridge was begun 1388 by the lord Iohn Cobham, the ladie Margaret his wife, and the valiant sir Robert Knolles, who gaue the first on|set vpon that péece of worke, and therevnto builded a chappell of the Trinitie at the end therof, in testimo|nie of his pietie. In processe of time also one Iohn Warner of Rochester made the new coping there|of; and archbishop Warham of Canturburie the iron barres: the bishops also of that see were not slacke in their beneuolence and furtherances toward EEBO page image 53 that worke, especiallie Walter Merton founder of Merton college in Oxford, who by misfortune perish|ed by falling from the same, as he rode to surueie the workemen. Being past Rochester, this noble riuer goeth to Chatham, Gillingham, Upchurin, and soone after branching, it imbraceth the Greene at his fall, as his two heads doo Ashdon forrest, that lieth be|twéene them both.

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2.1. Of ryuers and waters that loſe their before they come at the ſea. Cap. 1.

Of ryuers and waters that loſe their before they come at the ſea. Cap. 1.

I Haue in the former Treatise made report of most of the greatest riuers in Englande, wherewyth our seafaring men are very well acquainted, not only by reason of their notable issues into the Ocea(n), but also for the ofte(n) herborow & passage, which they haue by diuers of them, farre vp into the countrey. Nowe therefore will I proceede, with the descriptio(n) of such as are yet in parte vntouched, and whereby the chanels and courses of the first are not a litle increased. In tractation whereof I will not omitte to reiterate the description of those maine riuers, that are not already perfitely set downe, neyther the insertion of such as earst I had no knowledge of. And as I first beganne with the Thames in that booke, so will I nowe make mine entraunce with such riuers as fall into the same, not letting any one escape, wherein a man in the Winter season may wet hys horse foote up unto the footelockes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 How and where this riuer issueth out of the grounde, I haue before set downe, noting the place to be within a myle of Tetbury, wherof some doe utterly mislike, bycause that ryll in sommer drowthes is oft so drie, that there is litle or no water at all seene running in the same. For this cause therefore many affirme the very head of Isis to come from the poole aboue Kemble. Other [sic] confounde it with the head of the Cyrne or Chyrne, called in latine Corinium that riseth aboue Coberley. For my part I followe Lelande, as he doeth the Monke of Malmesbury, that wrate the hystorie entituled Eulogium historiarum, who searched the same of set purpose, and pronounced wyth Lelande, although that at this present that course be very smal, and choked up as I doe here with mowldes. Proceeding therefore from the hed, it first of all receyueth the Kemble water called the Coue, which ryseth aboue Kemble towne, goeth by Kemble it selfe vnto poole and Somerford, & accompanyeth ye Thames, unto Canes, Ashto(n) Canes, & Howsto(n), until they meete with the Chirne, the next of all to be described.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Chyrne is a faire water, rysing out of the grounde aboue Coberley. From whence it runneth to Cowley, Cowlesburne, Randcome, and so into the Isis on the left side aboue Crekelade. These three waters beyng thus united & brought into one chanell, within a little space of the head of Isis, it runneth by Crekelade, beneath which towne it receyueth the Rhe, descending from Elcombe, Escot, Redburne,Widhil, and at the fall into Isis, or not farre of ioyneth with another that runneth west of Purton by Brade(n) forest &c.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Next of all our Isis meeteth with the Amney on the left hande, which comming from aboue Holly roode Amney, runneth by Downe Amney, and finally into the Isis a litle aboue Isey. In lyke sorte I reade of another that meeteth withall on the right hand aboue Isey also, which so farre as I can call to remembraunce, commeth from about Dryfield and falleth so into our Isis, that they runne as one vntill they come at the Colne, although not so nakedly and without help, but that in this voyage, the maine streame doth crosse one water that descendeth from Swindon, & going also by Stratton toward Seuingham, is it selfe increased with two rilles by the way whereof one commeth from Liddenton by Wambrey, as I haue bene informed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Colne is a fayre riuer rysing by north neere to Witchington, and from thence goeth to Shiptons, Compton Abdale, Wittenton, Yarneworth, Colnedeanes, and Colne Rogers, Winston, Bybery, Colne Alens, Quenington, Faireford, and west of Lachelade into the riuer Isis, which hereabout on the southside also taketh in another, whereof I find this remembraunce. The Isis being once EEBO page image 58 once past Seuingham, crosseth a brooke from southeast that mounteth about Aſhebyry and receyuing a ryll from by weſt, (that com|meth from Hinton) beneath Shrineham, it afterward ſo deuideth it ſelfe, that the armes therof include Ingleſham, and by reaſon that it falleth into the Iſis at two ſeuerall places, there is a pleaſant Iſlande producted, wher|of let thys ſuffiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Lenis.Beyng paſt Lechelade a mile, it runneth to S. Iohns bridge, & thereabout méeteth wyth ye Leche, on the left hande. This brooke wher|of Lechlade taketh the name (a towne wher|vnto one péece of an olde Vniuerſity is aſcri|bed, which it dyd neuer poſſeſſe, more then Crekelade did the other) ryſeth eaſt of Hãp|net, frõ whence it goeth to Northlech, Eſtẽ|ton, Anleſworth, eaſt Leche, ſouth Thorpe, Farendon and ſo into the Iſis. From hence thys famous water goeth by Kẽſkot toward Radcote bridge, (taking in the rill that riſeth in an odde péece of Barkeſhyre, and runneth by Langford) & being paſt ye ſaid bridge, (now notable thorowe a conſpiracye, made there ſometimes by ſundrye Barons againſt the eſtate) it is not long eare it croſſe two other waters, both of thẽ deſcending from another adde parcell of the ſaide countie, whereof I haue this note gyuen me for my further in|formation. There are two falles of water in|to Iſis, beneath Radcote bridge, whereof the one commeth from Shilton, in Barkeſhire by Areſcote, blacke Burton and Clarrefield. The other alſo riſeth in the ſame piece and runneth by Briſenorton vnto Bampton, and there receyuyng an armelet from the firſt that break of at Blackeburton, it is not long ore they fall into Iſis, and leaue a pretye I|land. After theſe confluences, the main courſe of the ſtreame,winruſh. haſteth by Shifford to New|bridge, where it ioyneth with the Winruſh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Winruſh ryſeth aboue Shyeburne, in Gloceſterſhyre, frõ whence it goeth to Win|ruſh, and comming by Barringtõ, Burford, Widbroke, Swinbeck caſtel, Witney, Duc|kington, Cockthorpe, Stanlake, it méeteth wyth the Iſis weſt by ſouth of Northmore. From hence it goeth beneath Stantõ, Har|tingcourt and Enſham, betwéene which and Caſſenton,Briwerue it receyueth as Lelande calleth it the Bruerne water.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It ryſeth aboue Limington, and going to Norton in the Marſhe, and thorowe a patche of Worceſter ſhire vnto Euenlode, betwene [...] and the foure ſhyre ſtones,Comus. it taketh in a rill called Come, comming by the Long and the little Comptons. After this alſo it goeth by Bradwell, Odington, and ſo to Bleddenton, aboue which towne, it taketh in the Rolriche water, that iſſueth at two heades, in ye hilles that lie by weſt of little Rolriche, and ioyne aboue Kenkeham, and Church hill. [...] From thẽce alſo it goeth vnto Bruerne, Shiptõ vn|derwood, Aſcot, Short hamton, Chorlebury, Cornebury parke, Stonfielde, Longcombe, and ſouth eaſt of Woodſtocke parke, taketh in the Enis, that riſeth aboue Emſtone, [...] and go|eth to Cyddington, Glymton, Wotton (wher it is increaſed wyth a rill (that runneth the|ther frõ Steple Barton, by the Béechia trée) Woodſtocke, Blaydon, ſo that after this con|fluence, the ſayde Enys runneth to Caſſentõ and ſo into the Iſis, which goeth frõ hence to Oxforde, and there receiueth the Charwell, now preſently to be deſcribed. [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The heade of Charwell is in northampton ſhyre, where it ryſeth out of a little poole, by Charleton village, ſeauen miles aboue Ban|berye northeaſt, and there it iſſueth ſo faſt at the verye ſurge, that it groweth into a pretye ſtreame, in maner out of hand. Sone after al|ſo it taketh in taketh in a rillet called ye Bure, [...] which falleth into it, about Ormere ſide, but foraſmuch as it ryſeth by Binceſter, ye whole courſe thereof is aboue foure myles, and therefore cannot be great. A friende of myne proſecuiting the reaſt of this deſcription re|porteth thereof as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Before the Charwell commeth into Oxforde ſhyre, it receiueth the Culen, which falleth in|to the ſame, a lyttle aboue Edgecote, & ſo dyſ|cẽding toward Wardington, it méeteth with another comming from by northweſt, be|twéene Wardington & Cropredy. At Ban|burye alſo it méeteth wyth the Come (which falleth from Fenny Cõton by Farneboro, [...] and afterwards going by Kings Sutton, not farre from Ayne, it receiueth the diſcharge of dyuers ryllettes, in one bottome before it come at Clifton. The ſayde water therefore ingendred of ſo many brookelettes, conſiſteth chiefly of two, whereof the moſt ſoutherly cal|led Oke, commeth from Oke Norton, [...] by Witchington or Wiggington, and the Ber|fords, and carying a few blind rilles withal, doth méete with the other that falleth from by northweſt into the ſame, within a myle of Charwell. That other as I coniecture, is in|creaſed of thrée waters, whereof eache one hath his ſeuerall name, the firſt of them ther|fore, height Tudo, which comming betwéene Epwell and the Lée by Toddington, ioyneth about Broughton with the ſeconde that run|neth from Hornetõ, named Ornus, as I geſſe. Ornus. The laſt falleth into Tudo or Tudelake, beneath Broughton and for that it riſeth not far from Sotteſwel in Warwijcſhyre, Southbroke ſome are of the opinion, that it is to be called Sotbroke, EEBO page image 49 broke. The next water that meeteth with our Charwell beneath Clifton commeth from about Croughton, and after this is the Sowar Sowar. or Swere, that riseth north of Michael Tew, & runneth by nether Wootton. The last of all is the rey alias Bure, Burus whose hed is not farre aboue Burcester, alias Bincester: & frõ whence it goeth by Burecester to Merton, Charleton, Fencote, Addington, Noke Islip, and so into Charwell, that holdeth on hys course after this augmentation of the waters, betwene Woode and Water Eton to Marston, and the east bridge of Oxford by Magdalene colledge, and so beneath the southbridge into our aforesayd Isis.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In descrybing this ryver, this one thyng right honourable is come into my mynde, touchyng the centre and nauell as it were of England. Certes, there is an hilly plotte of ground in Helledon paroche, Middest of England whereabouts. not farre from Banberry, where a man may stand & behold the heds of three notable ryvers, whose waters, and those of such as fall into them, do aboundantly serue the greatest parte of England on this side of the Humber: the first of these waters is the Charwel, already described. The second is the Leme that goeth westward into the fourth Auon: and the third is the head of the Nene or fift Auon it selfe, of whose courses there is no Carde but doth make sufficient mention, and therefore your honour may behold in the same how they do coast the country, and also measure by compasses how this plot lyeth in respect of all the rest, contrary to common iudgement, which maketh Northampton to be the midst of our countrey. But to go forward with my description of the Ouze, which beyng past Oxford goeth by Islip, Kennington, Sanforde, Rodleye, Newnham, and so to Abington, with out increase, where it receyveth the Oche, otherwyse called the Coche, a little beneth S. Helenes, Ocus. which runneth thither of two brockets as I take it, whereof one cõmeth from Compton, out of the vale and west of the hill of the White horse, the other from Kinges Letcombe and Wantage in Barkshire, and in one chanell entreth into the same, upõ the right side of his course. From Abington likewyse (taking the Arun withall southwest of Suttõ courtney) it goeth by Appleford, long Wittenham, Clifton, Wittenham the lesse, and beneth Dorchester taketh in the Tame water, from whence the Isis looseth the preheminence of the whole denomination of this ryuer, and is contented to imparte the same with the Tame, so that by the coniunction of these two waters, Thames is produced, & that name continued euen unto the sea.

Thame ryuer rysethin the easterly partes Thame. of Chilterne hils, toward Penley parke, at a towne called Tring west of the saide park, which is vij myles from the stone bridge, that is betwene Querendon and Aylesburye (after the course of the water) as Lelãd hath set downe. Running therfore by long Merstõ and Puttenham, Hucket and Bearton, it receyueth soone after a Ryll that commeth by Querendon from Hardwicke, and ere long an other on the other side that riseth aboue Wyndouer in the Chilterne, and passyng by Halton, Weston, Turrell, Broughton, and Aylesbury, it falleth into the Tame, west of the sayd towne, except my memory doe faile me. From this confluence, then the Tame goeth by Ethorpe, the Winchingtons, Coddington, Chersley, Notley Abbey, and commyng almost to Tame, it receyveth one water from southeast aboue the sayd towne, and another also from the same quarter beneath the towne, so that Tame standeth enuironed upon three sides, with three seuerall waters, as may be easily sene. The first of these commeth from the Chilterne east of Below or Bledlow, from whence it goeth to Hinton Horsenden, Kingsey, Towsey, and so into the Tame. The other descendeth also from the Chilterne, and goyng by Chinner, Crowell, Siddenham, and Tame parke, it falleth in the end into Tame water, and then they proceede together as one, by Shabbington, Kycote parke, Dracote, Waterstoke, Milton, Cuddesdon, and Chiselton. Here also it taketh in another water from by east, whose hed commeth from Chilterne hils, not farre from Stocking church in the way from Oxford to London. From whence it runneth to Weston (and meetyng beneth Cuxham with Watlington ryll) it goeth on to Chalgraue, Stadham, and so into the Thame. Frõ hence oure streame of Thame runneth to Newento(n), Draton, Dorchester (sometyme a Byshops see, and a noble city) and so into the Thames, which hasteth in lyke sorte to Bensington, Crowmarshe or Wallingford, Blausus where it receyueth the Blaue, descendyng from Blaueburg, now Blewbery as I learn. Thus haue I brought the Thames unto Wallingforde, situate in the vale of white horse that rũneth a long therby. Frõ hēce it goeth by Newenham, Northstoke, Southstoke, Goring, Bassilden, Pangburne, where it meeteth with a water that commeth from about Hamstede Norrys, runneth by Frizelham, Bucklebury, Stanford, Bradfeld, Tidmarsh & Pangburne. After which confluence it goeth on betwene Maplederham and Purley to Cauersham, and Cauersham manour, and a little beneath, EEBO page image 59 beneath receyueth the Kenet that commeth therinto from Readyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Cenethus.The Kenet ryſeth aboue Ouerton, v. or vj. myles weſt of Marleborow, or Marlingſbo|row as ſome call it, and then goyng by Fy|feld, Clatford, Maulon, and Preſhute, vnto Marlebury, it holdeth on in lyke order to Ramſbury, and northweſt of little Cote, ta|keth in a water by north deſcending from ye hils aboue Alburne chaſe, weſt of Alburne town. Thence it rũneth to little cote, Charn|ham ſtréete, and beneth Charnham ſtréete, it croſſeth the Bedwin, which (taking ye Chalk|burn ril withal) cõmeth frõ great Bedwijne, & at Hũgerford alſo,Bedwijne. Chalkes burne. two other in one botom ſomewhat beneth the towne. From hence it goeth to Auington, Kinbury, Hamſted mar|ſhall, Euburne, Newbery, and beneath thys towne,Lamburne taketh in the Lamburne water that cõmeth by Iſbiry, Egerſton, the Sheffords, Weſtford, Boxford, Donington Caſtle, and Shaw. From Newbery it goeth to Thatchã, Wolhampton, Aldermaſton, a little aboue which village, it receyueth the Alburne, an other broke increaſed wt ſundry rilles,Alburnus. & thus goyng on to Padworth, Oſton, and Michael, it commeth at laſt to Readyng, where as I ſayd it ioyneth with the Thames, and ſo they go forward as one by Sonning to Shiplake, and there on the eaſt ſide receyue the Lod|don that commeth downe thither from the ſouth, as by his courſe appeareth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Lodunus.The Loddon ryſeth in Hamſhire betwéene weſt Shirburne, and Wootton, towarde the ſouthweſt, afterwarde directyng his courſe toward the northweſt, thorowe the vine, it paſſeth at the laſt by Bramley, and thorow a piece of Wiltſhire to Stradfield, Swallow|field, Arberfield, Loddon bridge, leauyng a patch of Wiltſhire on the right hande, as I haue bene informed. This Loddon not farre from Turges towne, receyueth two waters in one botome, whereof the weſterly called Baſingwater, commeth from Baſingſtoke, and thorow a parke vnto the aforeſaid place. The other deſcendeth of two heds, from Ma|pledour well, and goeth by Skewes Newen|ham, Rotherwijc, and ere it come at Hartly, ioyneth with the Baſing water, from whẽce they goe togyther to Turges, where they méete with the Loddon, as I haue ſayd alre|dy.Diris va|dum. The next ſtreame toward the ſouth is cal|led Ditford brooke. It ryſeth not farre from Vpton, goeth by Gruell and beneath Wha|rnborow caſtle,Ikelus. receyueth the Ikell (cõmyng from a parke of the ſame denomination) frõ whence they go togither by Maddingley vn|to Swalowfield, [...]luci [...]. and ſo into the Loddon. In this voyage alſo, the Loddon méeteth with the Elwy or Eluey that commeth from [...]+der ſhare, not farre by weſt of [...] and about Eluctham, likewyſe with another cõ|ming from Dogmanſfield, named ye De [...]ke, [...] and alſo the third not ſuferior to the reſt, [...]õ|nyng from Er [...], whoſe head is in Surrey; [...] and goyng by Aſhe, becommeth a [...], firſt betwene Surrey & Hamſhire, then betwene Hamſhire and Barkeſhire, and paſſyng by Aſhe, Erynley, blackewater, Yer [...]y, & Fin| [...]amſted, it ioyneth at laſt with the Ditford, before it come at Swalowfield. [...] therfore with our Loddon, ha [...]ng receiued all theſe waters, and after the laſt [...] with thẽ now beyng come to Loddon bridge, it paſſeth on by a part of Wiltſhire to T [...]|forde, then to Wargraue, and ſo into the Thames that now is merueilouſly intre [...]|ſed and grown vnto triple greatneſſe to that it was at Oxford Being therfore paſt Ship|lake and Wargraue, it runneth by Horſe|penden or Hardyng, then to Henley vpon Thames, where ſometyme a great will voy|deth it ſelfe in the ſame. Then to Remẽham; Greneland (goyng all this way from Ship|lake iuſt north, and now turnyng eaſtwards agayne) by Medenham, Hurley, Byſham, Marlow the greater, Marlow the leſſe,Vſe it mée|teth with a brooke ſoone after that conſiſteth of the water of two rilles, whereof the [...] called the Vſe, ryſeth about weſt Wickham out of one of the Chiltern hils, and goeth frõ thence to eaſt Wickham or high Wickham, a prety market towne. The other named Higden,Hig [...] deſcendeth alſo from thoſe moun|taynes, but a myle beneath weſt Wickham; and ioyning both in one at ye laſt in the weſt ende of eaſt wickham town, they go togyther to Wooburn, Hedſor, and ſo into ye Thames. Some call it the Tide and that word do I vſe in my former treatiſe, but to procéede. After this confluence, our Thames goeth on by Cowkham, Topley, Maydenhead (aliâs Sud|lington) Bray, Dorney, Clure, new Wind|ſore, (takyng in neuertheleſſe, at Eaton by ye way, the Burne which riſeth out of a Moore, and commeth thither by Burneham) olde Windſor, Wrayborow, and a little by eaſt therof, doth croſſe the Cole, whereof I finde this ſhort deſcription enſuyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Cole riſeth néere vnto Flamſted, frõ whence it goeth to Redburn, S. Mighels,Col [...], Ve [...] Vert [...] S. Albons, Aldẽham, Watford, and ſo by More to Richemanſworth, where there is a conflu|ence of thrée waters, of which this Cole is the firſt.Gadus. The ſecond called Gadus riſeth not farre from Aſheridge, an houſe or pallace be|longyng to the prince. From whence it run|neth to great Gaddeſden, Hemſted, betwene EEBO page image 50 [...] EEBO page image 60 called Brane, that is in the Britiſſh tong (as Leland ſaith) a frogge. It riſeth about Edge|worth, and commeth from thence by Kingeſ|biry, Twiford, Peri [...]ll, Hanwell, and Au|ſterley. Thence we followed our riuer to old Brẽtford, Mortlach, Cheſwijc, Barnelmes, Fulham and Putney, beneth which townes it croſſed a becke from Wandleſworth, that ryſeth at Woodmans turne, and goyng by Eaſthalton, méeteth another comming from Croydon by Bedington, and ſo goyng on to Mitcham, Marton Abbey & Wandleſworth, it is not long ere it fall into the Thames. Next vnto this is the Maryburne rill on the other ſide,Mariburn which commeth in by Saynt Iames, ſo that by this tyme we haue eyther brought the Thames, or the Thames con|ueighed vs to London, where we reſted for a ſeaſon to take viewe of the ſeuerall tydes there, of which ech one differeth frõ other, by 24. minuts, that is 48. in an whole day, as I haue noted afore, except the wether alter thẽ. Beyng paſt London, and in the way toward the ſea: the firſt water that it méeteth with al, is on Kent ſide, weſt of Grenewich, whoſe hed is in Bromley pariſh, and goyng from thence to Lewſham, it taketh in a water frõ by eaſt, & ſo directeth hys courſe foorth right vnto the Thames.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Lée.The next water that it méeteth withall, is on Eſſex ſide, almoſt agaynſt Woolwiche, and that is the Lée, whoſe hed rileth ſhorte of Kempton in Hertfordſhire, 4. myles ſouth eaſt of Luton, and goyng thorowe a péece of Brokehall park (leauing Woodhall park, on the north, and Hatfield on the ſouth, with an other park adioyning) it goeth toward Hart|ford towne. But ere it come ther, it receiueth a water (peraduenture the Marran) riſing at northweſt in Brodewater hundred frõ a|boue Welwin,Marran. northeaſt of Digeſwell, & go|ing to Hartingfeld bury, wher the ſaid cõflu|ence is within one mile of the towne. Beneth Hatfield alſo it receyueth the Beane (as I geſſe) commyng from Boxwood by Bening|ton,Beane. Aſton, Watton, and Stapleford, and a little lower, the third arme of increaſe from aboue Ware, which deſcẽdeth frõ two heds: whereof the greateſt commeth from Barke|way in Edwinſter hundred, the other from Sandon in Oddeſey hundred, and after they be met beneth little Hornemeade, they goe togither by Pulcherchurche, or Puckriche, Stonden, Thunderydge, Wadeſmill, Ben|ghoo and ſo into the Lée, which from hence runneth on tyll it come at Ware, and ſo to Amwell, where on the north ſide it receiueth the water that commeth from little Hadhã, thorow a péece of Singleſhall parke, then by great Hadham, and ſo from Midford to the aforeſayde towne. From hence alſo they go as one to olde Stanſtede called le veil, draunchyng in ſuch wyſe ere it come there, that it runneth thorow the towne in ſundry places. Thence it goeth forth to Abbots St [...]ſted, beneath which it méeteth wyth the Stoure, weſt as I remember, of Roydon. This Sture riſeth at Wenden lootes, [...] from whence it goeth to Langley, Claueryng, Berden Manh [...]en, & Byrcheanger (where it receyueth a ryll commyng from Elſing [...] & Stanſted Mount [...]tcher.) Thence it hy [...] on to biſhoppes Stourford, Sakrichworth, and beneath this town, croſſeth with another frõ the eaſt ſide of Elſingham, that goeth to Hatfield Brodock, Shityng, Harlo, and [...] into the Stoure, and from whence they goe togither to Eſtwyc, Parmedon, and next in|to the Lée. Theſe thinges beyng thus perfor|med, the Lée runneth on beneth Hoddeſdon, Broxburne, Wormley, where a water brea|keth out by weſt of the maine ſtreame, a [...] lower then Wormely it ſelfe, but yet within the paroche, and is called Wormeley locke. It runneth alſo by Cheſton Nunry, and out of this a little beneath the ſayde houſe, brea|keth an arme called the Shirelake, bicauſe it deuideth Eaſt [...] and Hartford ſhires [...] ſunder, and in the length of one medow cal|led Frithey, this lake rũneth not but at great [...], and méeteth againe with a ſuccor of ditchwater, at a place called Hockeſdich, half a myle from his firſt breakyng out, and half myle lower at Mar [...]h point, wyneth agayne with the ſtreame from whence it came be|fore. Thence commeth the firſt arme to [...] Mauly bridge (the firſt bridge weſtward vp [...] that ryuer) vppon Waltham cauſey, and halfe a myle lower then Mauly bridge at the corner of Ramney meade, it méeteth with the kinges ſtreame, and principal courſe of Luy or Lée, as it is commonly called. The ſecond principall arme breaketh out of the kynges ſtreame at Hallyfielde halfe a myle lower then Cheſton Nunnery, and ſo to the fullyng mill and two bridges by weſt of the kynges ſtreame, where into it falleth about a ſtones caſt lower at a place called Malkins ſhelf, [...]|cept I was wrong informed. Cheſton and Harfordſhire men ſay, do ſay that the kings ſtreame at Waltham, doth part Hartford|ſhire and Eſſex, but the Eſſex men by forreſt charter do plead their liberties to holde vnto S. Maulies bridge. On the eaſt ſide alſo of ye kinges ſtreame breaketh out but one princi|pall arme at Halifield, thrée quarters of a myle aboue Waltham, and ſo goeth to the corne myll in Waltham, and then to ye kings EEBO page image 51 ſtreame agayne, a little beneath the kynges bridge. From hence the Lée runneth on till it come to Stretforde Langthorne, where it brauncheth partly of it ſelfe, and partly by mans induſtry for mils. Howbeit herein the dealyng of Alfrede ſometyme king of Eng|land, [...]de. was not of ſmalleſt force, who vnder|ſtandyng the Danes to be gotten vp wyth their ſhips into the countrey, there to kil and ſlay, by the conduct of this ryuer: he in the meane tyme before they could returne, dyd ſo mightely weaken the mayne chanell by drawyng great numbers of trenches from the ſame, that when they purpoſed to come back, there was nothyng ſo much water left as the ſhips dyd draw, wherfore being ſet on ground, they were ſoone fired, and the aduer|ſaries ouercome. Finally beyng paſt Weſt|ham, it is not long ere it fal into ye Thames. One thyng I read more of this riuer before the conqueſt, that is, how Edward the firſt, & ſonne of Alfrede, builded Hartford towne v|pon it, in the yeare of grace 912. at which tyme alſo he had Wittham a town in Eſſex in hande as hys ſiſter called Aelflede repay|red Oxford and London, and all this 4. yeres before the buildyng of Maldon. But concer|nyng our ryuer it is noted, that he buylded Hertford or Herudford betwene 3. waters that is, the Lée, the Benefuth, and Me [...]|ran, but how theſe waters are diſtinguiſhed in theſe dayes, as yet I cannot tell. It is poſ|ſible, that the Bene may be the ſame which commeth by Beningtõ and Bengh [...], which if it be ſo, then muſt the Memmarran be the ſame that deſcendeth from Whit wel, for not farre from thence is Branfield, which might in tyme poſt right well be called Marran|field, for of lyke inuerſion of names I coulde ſhew many examples.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]on or [...]mus.Beyng paſt the Lée (whoſe chanell is be|gun to be purged 1576. with further hope to bring the ſame to the northſide of London we come vnto the Rodon, vpon Eſſex ſide in lyke maner, and not very farre (for [...] is the moſt) from the fall of the Lée. This water ryſeth at little Canfielde, from [...]ence it goeth to great Canfield, high R [...]+dyng Eythorpe Roding, Ledon Rodyng, White Rodyng, Beauchampe Roding, [...]+feld, [...]er. Shelley, high Ongar, and Cheyyng Ongar, where the Lauer falleth into it, that ariſeth betwixt Matchyng and high Lauer, and takyng another rill withall commyng from aboue Northweld at Cheping Ongar, they ioyne I ſay with the Rhodõ, after which confluẽce, Leland coniectureth that ye ſtreame is called Iuel: [...]us. for my part, I wote not what to ſay of it, but hereof I am ſure that ye whole courſe beyng paſt Ongar; it goeth to Stan|ſted riuers, The [...] [...], Heybridge, Chigwell, W [...]dford bridge, Ilforde bridge, Backyng and ſo into the Thames.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Darwent mée [...]eth with our ſayde Thames vpon Ken [...]s ſide,Darwent. two [...]yles and more beneth Erith. It riſeth at Tanridge, or the [...]bantes, as I haue bene informed by Chriſtofer Saxtons Card late made of the ſame and all the ſeuerall ſhyres of England at the infinite charges of ſix Thames Sack|forde might, and maiſter of the requeſtes, whoſe [...] vnto his countrey herein & can|not but remember, and ſo much the rather|forth that he meaneth to imi [...]te Ortelius, and ſomewhat beſide this hath holpen me. In the names of the townes, by which theſe ryuers doe run. Mould to God hys plats were ones finiſhed. [...] to procéede. The Darwent I ſay, riſing at [...]ridge, goeth on by Tit [...]y toward Br [...]ted, and receiuyng on eche ſide of that towne (and ſeueral bankes) a riuer or rill, it goeth on to Nockhold, Shorehã, Kent|ford, Horton, Darnehith,Craye. Dartford or Der|wentford, and there takyng in the Cray on the left hand that commeth from Orpington by [...]ary Cray, Powles Cray, North Cray, and Cray [...]e, it is not long ere it fall into the Thames.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next water that falleth into the Thames, in weſt of the [...] Iſles, a [...]ill of no great [...], neyther long courſe, for ri|ſing about Coringham, it runneth not many miles eaſt & by ſouth, ere it fall into ye mouth of this riuer, which I doe now deſcribe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The chiefe hed of this ſtreame, ryſeth in Wood forreſt, ſouthweſt of Eaſt greneſted, Medeuius. This ri|uer is de|ſcribed al|redy, but here with more dili|gence, bet|ter helpe, and after their opi|nion that accompt it not to fall into the ſea but in|to ye Tha|mes. & goyng by Hartfield and Whetelin, it recei|ueth a rill from the ſecond hed, that commeth in from ſouth eaſt, and eyther from the north ſide of Argas hill, or at the leſt wiſe out of the ſouth part of Waterdon forreſt, as Saxton hath ſet it downe. After this confluence it is not long ere it take in another by weſt from [...]owden warde, and the third aboue Pen|ſher [...], growing frõ two heds, wherof one is in Kingfield parke, the other weſt of Craw|herſte [...] ioyning aboue Edinbridge, it doth fall into the Midway beneth He [...]er towne, & Chid [...] [...]. From Penhirſt our [...] ſtream [...]ſteth to Kigh, Eunbridge, & Twid|ley, and beneth the towne, it croſſeth a water from North, whereof one hed is at the Mote, another at Wroteham, the thirde at weſt Peckham, and likewyſe an other from ſouth eaſt, that runneth eaſt of Capell. Next after this it receiueth the Theſe, whoſe forked hed is at Tiſehirſt, which deſcendyng downe to|ward the north, taketh in not frõ Scowy EEBO page image 61 a brooke out of the northſide of Waterdẽ fo|reſt, whoſe name I find not except it be the Dour. After this confuence our ryuer goeth to Goldhirſt, and commyng to the Twiſt, it brauncheth in ſuch wyſe that one parte of it runneth into Midwaye, another into the Ga|ran or rather Cranebrooke, if my coniecture be any thyng.Garunus. Cranus. The Garan as Leland calleth it, or the Crane as I do take it, riſe [...]h nere to Cranebrooke, and goyng by Siſſinghirſt, it receyueth ere long one water that commeth by Fretingdon, and another that runneth from great Charde by Sinerdon & Hedcorn, croſſing two rils by the way from by north, Hedcorne it ſelfe ſtanding betwene thẽ both. Finally, the Garan or Crane méetyng with the Midway ſouth of Yallyng, they on ye one ſide, and the Theſe on the other, leaue a pre|ty Iſland in the midſt, of foure miles in lẽgth and two miles in bredth, wherin is ſome hil|ly ſoyle, but neyther towne nor village, ſo far as I remember. From Yalling forward, the Midway goeth to weſt Farlegh, eaſt Far|legh, and ere it come at Maidſtone, it enter|tayneth a rill that riſeth ſhort of Ienham, & goeth by Ledes and Otterinden. Being paſt Maidſtone, the Midway runneth by Alling|ton, Snodland, Hallyng, Cuckſtane, Roche|ſter, Chatham, Gillingham, Vpchurch, and ſone after braunching, it embraceth ye Grene at hys fall, as his two heds do Aſhdon foreſt, that lyeth betwene them both. I would haue ſpoken of one creke that cõmeth in at Cliffe, and another that runneth downe from Halt|ſto by S. Maries, but ſithe I vnderſtand not with what backewaters they be ſerued, I let them paſſe as not ſkilfull of their courſes. And thus much of the riuers that fal into the Thames, wherin I haue done what I may, but not what I would for myne owne ſatiſfa|ction, till I came from the hed to Lechelade.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Auon 2.Being paſſed the Thames and hauing as I thinke ſufficiently in my former treatiſe de|ſcribed all ſuch waters as are to be found be|twéene the Stoure in Kent, & Auon in Wilt|ſhire, it reſteth that I procéede with this ry|uer, and here ſupply many thinges that I be|fore omitted, although not by mine owne o|uerſight ſo much as by the abuſe of ſuch as ſhoulde haue better preſerued the pamphlets to be inſerted. Certes this Auon is a goodly riuer ryſing as I ſayde before néere vnto Wolfe hall, although he that will ſéeke more ſcrupulouſlye for the head in déede, muſt looke for the ſame about the borders of the forreſt of Sauernake (that is Soure oke) which lieth as if it wer embraced betwene ye firſt armes therof, as I haue bene enformed. Theſe heds alſo do make a confluence by eaſt of Martin|ſhall hill, and weſt of Wootton. From whẽre it goeth to Milton, Powſey, Manningfield Abbey, Manningfielde croſſe, & beneth New|ington taketh in one rill weſt from Rudbo|row, and another a little lower that riſeth al|ſo weſt of Alcanninges, and runneth into the ſame by Patney, Merden, Wilford, Charle|ton, and Ruſtiſal. Beyng therfore paſt New|ington, it goeth to Vphauen (wherof Leland ſpeaketh) to Cheſt [...]bury, Cumpton, Abling|ton, little Almſbury, Darntford, Woodford, olde Saliſbury, and ſo to newe Saliſburye, where it receiueth one notable riuer from by northweſt, and another frõ north eaſt, which two I wyll firſt deſcribe, leauyng the Auon at Saliſbury. [...] The firſt of theſe is called the Wilugh, and riſeth among the Deuerels, and runnyng thence by hill Deuerell, & De|uerell long bridge, it goeth toward byſhops ſtraw, taking in one rill by weſt, and another from Vpton by Werminſter at northweſt. From biſhops ſtraw it goeth to Nortõ, Vp|ton, Badhampton, Stepiyngford, and Sta|pleford, where it méeteth with the Winter|bury water from by north, deſcending from Maddenton by Winterburne. From Sta|pleford it haſteth to Wiſhford, Newtõ, Chil|hampton, Wilton, and thither cõmeth a wa|ter vnto it from ſouthweſt, which ryſeth of two heds aboue Ouerdonet. After this it go|eth by Wordcaſtle, to Tiſbury, and there re|ceiueth a water on eche ſide, whereof one cõ|meth from Funthill, the other from two iſ|ſues (of which one riſeth at Auſ [...]y, the other at Swalodiſe) and ſo kepyng on ſtill with his courſe, our Wilugh runneth next next of all by Sutton. Thence it goeth to Fo [...]ant, Bo|berſtocke, Southburcombe, Wilton, [...] (where it taketh in the Fomington or Naddet wa|ter) Weſtharnam Saliſbury and Eaſthar|nam, and this is the race of Wilugh. The o|ther is a naked arme or ſtreame without a|ny braunches. It riſeth aboue Collingburne Kingſton in the hils, and thence goeth to Co|lingburne, the Tidworthes (wherof ye more ſoutherly is in Wiltſhire) Shipton, Chol [...]e [...]|ton, Newton, Toney, Idmerſon, Porton, the Winterburnes, Lauerſtock, and ſo into [...] eaſt of Sar [...]ſbury. And thus is the confl [...] made of the aforeſayd waters, with thys [...] ſecond Auon, whereinto another water fal|leth (called Becquithes brooke) a myle beneth Harneham bridge, [...] whoſe head is fiue miles from Sarum, and thrée myles aboue Bec|quithes bridge, as Lelande doth remember, who noteth the Chalkeburne water to haue hys due recourſe alſo, [...] at thys place into the aforeſayde riuer. Certes it is a pretye brooke, and riseth sixe miles from Shaftes bury [page ] bury, and in the way toward Salisbury in a botom on the right hand, whence it commeth to Knighto(n) and Fennystratford, to Honington, that is about 12. myles from the hed, and about two miles and an halfe from Honington beneth Odstocke, goeth into the Auon, a mile lower then Harnham bridge, except he forget himselfe. This Harneham whereof I now entreate was sometime a prety village before the erection of new Salisbury, & had a church of S. Martine belonging vnto it, but now in steade of this church there is onely a barne standyng in a very low meade on the northside of S. Mighels hospitall. The cause of the relinquishyng of it was the moistnesse of the soile, very oft ouerflowen. And whereas the kinges high way lay sometyme thorough Wilton, licence was obteyned of the kyng & bishop of Salisbury, to remoue that passage vnto new Salisbury also, & upo(n) this occasion was the maine bridge made ouer Auon at Harneham. [...] [...]nes [...]yed by [...]nging [...]e [...]. By this exchaunge of the way also olde Salisbury fel into vtter decay, and Wilton which was before the hed towne of the shire, and furnished with 12. paroche churches, grew to be but a poore village, and of small reputation. Howbeit, this was not the onelye cause of the ruine of olde Salisbury, sith I read of two other, wherof the first was a salue vnto the latter, as I take it. For where as it was giuen out that the townesmen wanted water in olde Salisbury, it is flat otherwise, sithe that hill is very plentifully serued with springes and wels of very sweete water. The truth of ye matter therfore is this. In the tyme of ciuill warres, the souldiors of the castle and Chanons of old Sarum fell at oddes, in so much that after often brawles, they fell at last to sad blowes. It happened therefore in a Rogation weeke that the clergy goyng in solemne procession, a co(n)troversie fell betwene them about certayne walkes and limites, which the one side claymed and the other denied. Such also was the whote entertainement on eche part, that at the last the Castellanes espying their tyme, gate betwene the clergy and the towne, and so coyled them as they returned homeward, yt they feared any more to gange about their bounds for yt yere. Hereupon the people missing their belly chere (for they were wont to haue ba(n)ketting at euery statio(n), a thing practised by the religious in old tyme wherewith to linke in the com(m)ons vnto them) they conceyued forthwith a deadly hatred against the Castellanes, but not beyng able to cope with them by force of armes, they consulted with their bishop, and he with them so effectually, that it was not long ere they, I meane the Chanons, began a church upo(n) a peece of their owne ground, pretending to serue God there in better safetie, and with farre more quietnesse then they could do before. The people also seyng the diligence of the chanons, and reputyng their harmes for their owne inconuenience, were as earnest on the other side to be nere vnto these prelates, and therfore euery man brought hys house vnto that place, & thus became old Sarum in few yeres vtterly desolate, and new Salisbury raysed vp in stede therof, to the great decay also of Harnham and Wilton, whereof I spake of late. Nowe to returne agayne from whence I thus digressed. Our Auon therefore departyng from Sarisbury [sic], goeth by Burtforde, Longford, and taking in the waters afore mencioned by the way, it goeth by Stanley, Dunketon, Craiforde, Burgate, Fordyng bridge, Kingwood, Auon, Christes church, and finally into the sea. But ere it come all there, and a little beneth Christs church, it crosseth the Stoure, or Sture, a very faire stream, whose course is such as may not be lefte vntouched. It ryseth of sixe heds, wherof thre lie on the north side of the Parke at Sturton within the pale, the other ryse without the parke, and of this riuer the towne and Barony of Sturton doth take his name as I gesse, for except my memory do to much faile me, the lord Sturton giueth the sixe heds of the said water in hys armes, but to proceede. After these braunches are conioyned in one botome, it goeth to long Layme mill, Stilto(n), Milton, and beneth Gillingham receyueth a water that descendeth from Mere. Thence ye Sture goeth to Bugley, Stoure, Westouer bridge, Stourprouost, and ere long taketh in the Cale water, from Pen that commeth downe by Wickhampton, to Moreland, and to Stapleford, vij. miles from Wickhampton, passing in the sayd voyage, by Wine Caunton, and the fiue bridges. After this co(n)fluence, it runneth to Hinton Maries, Lidden. Deuilis. & soone after crosseth the Lidden and deuilish waters all in one chanell, whereof the first ryseth in Blackmore vale, and goeth to bishops Cau(n)dell: the second in the hils south of Pulham, and so runneth to Lidlinch: the third water issueth nere Ibberton, and goyng by Fifehed to Lidlington, and there meetyng wyth the Lidden, they receiue the blackewater aboue Baggeburne, and so go into the Stour. Iber. Black-water After this the Stoure runneth on to Stoureton minster, Fitleford, Hammond (and soone after takyng in one water that commeth fro(m) Hargraue by west Orcharde, and a seconde fro(m) Funtmill, it goth on to Chele, Ankeford, Handford, Durweston, Knighto(n), Brianston Bland EEBO page image 62 Blandford, Carleton, and crossing ere long a rill that riseth about Tarrent, and goeth to Launston, Munketon, Caunston, Tarrant, it proceedeth forth by Shepwijc, and by and by receyuing an other brooke on the right hand (that riſeth about Strickeland, and go|eth by Quarleſton, Whitchurch, Anderſtõ & Winterburne) it haſteth forward to Stour|minſter, Berforde lake, Alen bridge, Win|burne, aliâs Twinburne minſter, whether commeth a water called Alen (from Knoltõ, Wikechãpton, Eſtumbridge, Hinton, Barn|ſley) which hath two heds, wherof one ryſeth ſhort of Woodcotes, and eaſt of Farneham, named Terig,This ſtoure a|boundeth with pike, perche, roche, dace, Gudgeon and eles. the other at Munketon aboue S. Giles Winburne, and goyng thence to ſ. Gyles Aſheley, it taketh in the Horton beck, as the Horton doth the Cranburne. Finally, méetyng with the Terig aboue Knoltõ, they run on vnder the name of Alen to the Stour, which goeth to the Canfordes, Preſton, Kingſton, Perley, and Yolneſt. But ere it come at Yolneſt, if taketh in two brookes in one bottom, wherof one commeth frõ Wood|land parke by Holt parke and Holt, another from aboue vpper Winburne, by Ed [...]i [...]nde|ſham, Vertwood, and Manning [...], & ioyning about S. Leonardes, they go to Hornbridge, and ſo into Stoure. After which confluence, the ſayd Stoure runneth by I [...]r bridge, and ſo into Auon, leauyng Chriſtes church aboue the méetyng of the ſayde waters, as I haue ſayd before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hauyng in this manner paſſed Chri [...]es church hed,Burne. we come to the fall of the Burn, which is a little brooke runnyng frõ Stou [...]e|field heath, without braunches, and not tou|ched in my former voiage for want of know|ledge, and information therof in tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When we had left the Burne behynde vs, we entred Pole hauen, now far better known vnto me then it was at the firſt. Goyng ther|fore into the ſame, betwene the north and the ſouth pointes, to ſée what waters wer there, we left Brunke ſey Iſland and the caſtle on the left hand within the ſaid pointes, and paſ|ſing about by Pole, and leauing that Creke, becauſe it hath no freſh, we came by Holton and Keſworth, where we beheld two falles, of which one was called the north, the other the ſouth waters. The north ſtreame [...]ight Piddle as I heare.Piddle. It riſeth about Alton, and goeth from thẽ [...]e to Piddle trentch hed Pid|dle hinton, Walterſtow, and ere it come at Birſtã, receiueth Deuils brooke that cõmeth thither from Brugham, and Melcombe by Deuiliſh town.Deuils. Thence it goeth to Tow pid|dle, Aſhe piddle, Turners piddle (takyng in ere it come there, a water that runneth from Holton by [...], Milburne and [...] then to Hide, and ſo into Pole hauen, an [...] this water Mariani [...]s Scotus ſpeaketh, except I be deceyued. The ſouth water is properly called Frome for Frame. It riſeth were vn|to Euerſhot, [...] and going down by Fromeq [...]|tain, Thelmington, and Catſ [...]ke, it recey|ueth there a rill from beſide Rowſham, and Wraxehall. After this it goeth on to Ch [...]|frome, and thence to Maden Newtõ, where it méeteth with the Owke, [...] that riſeth eyther two miles aboue H [...]keparke at Kenforde, or in the great [...]ine within [...]oke par [...], and goyng by the [...]olla [...]des, falleth into the Frome about M [...]en Newton, and ſo go as one from thẽce to Fromevanchirch, Cro [...]|wey, Frampton, and Muckilford, and recei|ueth nere vnto the ſame a rill frõ aboue Vp|ſ [...]lyng by S. Nicholas Sidlyng, and Grim|ſton. From hence it goeth on by Stratton & Bradford Peuerell, [...] and beneath this Brad|ford, it croſſeth the Silley, aliâs Mintern and Cherne brookes both in one chanell: [...] whereof the firſt riſeth in vpper Cherne pariſh, the o|ther at Minterne, and méeting aboue middle Cherne, they go by [...]her Cherne, Forſton, Godmanſt [...]n, and aboue Charneminſter in|to Frome. In ye meane time alſo our Frome br [...]cheth and leaueth an Iſlande aboue Charneminſter, and ioyning agayne néere Dorcheſter, it goeth by Dorcheſter, & For|thington, but ere it come at Beckington, [...] ma [...]eth with an other Becke that runneth thereinto from Winterburne, St [...]pleton, Martinſtow, Heringſtow, Caine and Staf|ford, and from thence goeth without any fur|ther increaſe as yet to Beckington, Kingh|ton, Tinkleton, Morton, Wooll, Bindon, [...] Stoke, and beneath Stoke, receiueth ye iſſue of the Luckeforde lake, from whence alſo it paſſeth by Eaſtholme, Warham, and ſo into the Bay. From this fall, we went about the arme point by Slepe, where we ſaw a little creke, then by Owre, where we behelde an o|ther, and then commyng againe toward the entraunce by S. Helens, and Furley caſtell, we went abroade into the maine, and ſounde our ſelues at liberty.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When we were paſt Pole hauen, we left the handfaſt point, the Peuerell point, S. A|delmes chappell, and came at laſt to Lugh|port hauen, wherby and alſo the Lucheford [...] lake, all this portion of ground laſt remem|bred, is left in maner of a byland or peninſu|la, and called the Iſle of Burbecke, wherin is good ſtore of alam. In lyke ſort goyng ſtill weſterly, we came to Sutton pointes, where is a créeke. Then vnto Way or W [...]lemouth, by kinges Welcombe, whereinto when we EEBO page image 53 were entred, we ſaw thrée falles, whereof thẽ firſt and greateſt commeth from Vpwey by Bradwey, and [...]adypoll, receiuyng after|ward the [...] that ran from eaſt Che [...]e|rell, and likewiſe the third that maketh the grounde betwene Weymouth and Smal|mouth paſſage almoſt an Iſlande. Goyng by Portland and the point therof, called ye Raſe, we ſayled along by the Shingle, till we came by S. Katherines chappel, where we ſaw the fal of a water that came downe from Black|den Beaconward, by Porteſham and Ab|boteſbury. Thence we went to another that fell into the ſea, mete Byrton, and deſcended from Litton by Chilcombe, then vnto the Bride or Brute porte, [...]. a prety hauen and the ryuer it ſelfe ſerued with ſundry waters. It riſeth as I ſayd before, halfe a myle or more aboue Bemiſter, and ſo goeth from Bemi|ſter to Netherbury by Parneham, then to Melplaſhe, and to Briteport, where it taketh in two waters from by eaſt in one chanel, of which one ryſeth eaſt of Nettlecourt, and go|eth by Poreſtoke, and Milton, the other at Aſkerwell, & runneth by Longlether. From hence alſo ou [...] Bride goyng toward the ſea, taketh the Simen on the weſt that commeth by Simenſburge into the ſame, the [...] ſtreame ſoone after fallyng into the ſea, and leauyng a prety hauenet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next porte is the Chare, ſerued wyth two rilles in one confluence, beneath Chare|mouth. The chiefe hed of this riuer is as Le|land ſayth in Marſhewoode parke, and com|meth downe by Whitchurch: the other run|neth by weſt of Wootton, and mée [...]yng be|neth Charemouth towne, as I ſaid, doth fall into the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then came we to the Cobbe, and beheld the Lime water, which the towneſmen call the Buddle, [...]. and is alredy deſcribed vnder ye ſame denomination. Certes, there is no hauẽ here that I coulde ſée, but a quarter of a mile by weſt ſouthweſt of ye towne, is a great and coſtly Iutty in the ſea for ſuccour of ſhippes. The towne is diſtaunt from Colyton, about 5. miles, and here we ended our voyage from the Auon, which conteyneth the whole coſt of Dorceſter, or Dorcetſhire, ſo that next we muſt enter into Somerſet Countie, and ſée what waters are there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt water that we méete with all in Somerſetſhire is ye Axe, which riſeth as you haue heard, not far from Bemiſter, and to ſay it more preciſely nere vnto Cheddington in Dorſetſhire, from whence it runneth to Moſterne, Feborow, Claxton, Weyforde bridge, Winſham fourde, and receiuing one rill from the eaſt by Hawkechurch, and ſoone [...] another comming from northweſt by Churchſtone, from Waindroke,Yate aliâs Artey. it goeth to Axem [...]iſter, beneath which it croſſeth the Yare, that commeth from about Buckland, by Whit [...]unton, Yareco [...], Long bridge, Stockeland, Killington bridge (where it re|ceiueth a brooke from by ſouth, that runneth by Dalw [...]) and ſo into the Axe. From hence our Axe goth to Drake, Muſbury, Cullyford, but ere it come altogither at Calliſhop, it ma|teth wt a water yt riſeth aboue Ca [...]e [...], & goeth frõ thẽce by Widworthy, Culli [...], & there re|ceuiing a rill alſo procéedeth on after ye [...] aboue C [...]ford bridge into the Axe, & frõ thence hold on together into ye maine ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By weſt of Be [...]eworth point [...]eth a creke ſerued ſo farre as I remembe [...], with a freſhe water that commeth from the hils ſouth of S [...]ley to Branſc [...]mbe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sidmouth hauen is the next,Sid. and thither cõ|meth a freſhwater by S. Martes from the ſayd hils that goeth from S. Mar [...]es afore|ſaid, to S [...]bury, and betwene Saltcombe & Sidmouth into the maine ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By west of Auterton point also lyeth another hauen, and thither commeth a prety riueret, Autri aliâs Otterey. whose hed is in the Hackpendon hils, and commeth downe first by Vpauter, then by a parke side to mohuns Auter, Munketo(n), Honnyton, Buckewell, and north of Autry receiueth a rill called Tale, Tale. that riseth north west of Brodembury in a woode, and from whence it runneth by Pehembury, Vinnito(n), and making a confluence with the other, they go as one betwene Cadde and Autry, to Herford, Luton, Collaton, Auterton, Budeley and so into the sea. This riuer is afore described vnder the name of Otterey, as Leland left it to me: now will I cast about the Start point that I may come to Exe. Exe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Exe riſeth in [...]xe [...]ore in Somerſet ſhire (as I ſaid before out of Leland) and go|eth from thence to Exeford, Winſforde, and Exton where it receiueth a [...] comming from Cutcombe by north. A [...]et this conflu|ence it goeth on toward the ſouth, til it méete with a prety brook, riſing northeaſt of Whet|tel (goyng by Brunton regis) increaſed at the left with thrée r [...]les which come all from by north. Theſe beyng once met, this water rũ|neth on by weſt of the beacon that beareth ye name of Haddon, and ſome after taketh [...] the Barle that receiueth in like ſort ye Do [...]e at Hawkebridge,Barley. and from hence goeth by Daue [...]n, and Combe,Doue aliâs Doue ſtroke. and then doth méte with the Exe, almoſt in the very confines be|twene Dorſet and Somerſetſhires. Beyng paſt this coniunction our Exe, paſſeth be|twene Bruſhford and Murba [...]h and then to EEBO page image 63 Ere bridge, where it taketh in as I heare a water by Weaſt, from Eaſt Auſtye, and after thys likewyſe another on eche ſide, whereof one commeth from Di [...]forde and Baunton,Woodburn. the other called Woodburne, ſomewhat by caſt of Okeforde. From theſe méetinges it goeth to Caue & thorough ye for|reſt and wooddes to Hatherland and Waſh|fields vntill it come to Tiuerton, and here it receiueth the Lomund water, that ryſeth a|boue Athebrittle, and commeth downe by Hockworthy vpper Loman, and ſo to Tiuer|ton that ſtandeth almoſt euen in the very cõ|fluẽce. Some cal this Lomũd the Simming brooke or Sunninges bathe.Lomund or Sim|ming. After this our Exe, goeth to Bickley, Theuerten (takyng in a rill by weſt) nether Exe, Bramford, be|neath which it ioyneth with the Columbe,Columb. that riſeth of one heade, northeaſt of Clary Hayden, and of another ſouth of Shildõ, and méeting beneath Columbe ſtocke, goeth by Columbe and Bradfeld, and there croſſing a rill that commeth by Aſhforde [...] runneth ſouth to Woode, More haies, Columbton, Brandnicke, Beare, Columbe Iohn, Hor|ham, and ioyning as I ſayde wyth the Exe at Bradford it paſſeth vnder but one bridge, ere it méete wyth another water by weſt,Cride. Forten. growyng of the Forten and Cryde wa|ters, except it [...]ée ſo that I doe iudge amiſſe. The Cride riſeth aboue Wolleſworthy, and néere vnto Vpton, after it is paſt Dewriſh, croſſeth a rill from betéewne Puggill and Stockley by Stocke engliſh, &c. From hence it goeth to Fulford where it méeteth with the Forten, whereof one braunche commeth by Caldbrook, the other from S. Mary Ted|burne, and ioyning aboue Crediton, the cha|nell goeth on to the Cride (which ere long al|ſo receiueth another from by north, cõming by Stockley & Combe) then betwene Haine and Newton Sires to Pines and ſo into the Exe which ſtayeth not vntill it come to Ex|ceſter. From Exceſter it runneth to Were there takyng in a rill from by weſt, and ano|ther lower by Exeminſter, next of all vnto Toppeſham,Cliuus. beneath which towne the Cliue entereth therinto, which riſing about Plym|trée, goeth by Clift Haydon, Clift Laurence, Brode Clift, Honiton, Soutõ, biſhops Clift, S. Mary Clyft, Clyft S. George, & then in|to the Exe, that runneth forward by Notwel Court, Limſtõ and Ponderham caſtle. Here as I here,Ken. it taketh in the Ken (or Kenton brooke, as Leland calleth it) commyng from Holcombe Parke, by Dunſdike, Shilling|ford, Kenford, Ken, Kenton, and ſo into Exe hauen, at whoſe mouth lye certaine rockes, which they call the chekeſtones, except I be deceiued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next fal, wherof Leland ſayth nothing at all, commeth by Aſhecombe and Dul [...] and hath hys hed in the hils therby.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Teigne mouth is the next fall that we came vnto, [...] and it is a goodly port. The hed of this water is alredy touched in my firſt [...] to be in Dartmore among the Gidley hilles From whence it goeth to Gydley towne Teignton drue, [...] where it receyueth the Cro|kerne commyng from by north, and ljkewiſe another weſt of Fulford parke. Thẽ it goeth to Dufford, Bridforde, Kirſlow, Chidley, Knighton, and beneath the bridge there re|ceyueth the Bo [...]y whoſe courſe is to north Bouy, Lilley, and Bouytracy. [...] Thence i [...] runneth to kinges Teingneton, taking in Eidis a brooke beneath Preſton that cõmeth from Edeford by the way, [...] and whẽ it is paſt this confluence, at Kings Teigneton, it croſ|ſeth the Leman which commeth from Sad|dleton rocke by Beckington, [...] and Newton Buſhels, [...] and ſone after the Aller that riſeth betwene Danbury and War [...]g well, after|ward fallyng into the ſea by biſhops Teign|ton, ſouth of Teignemouth towne.

From hence we goe ſtill ſouthwardes (as we haue done long alredy by ſouthweſt) by Worthſtone, and finding thrée or foure ſmal crekes betwene Worthſtone rocke and the Biry point, we go furder to Mewſtone rock, and ſo into Dartmouth hauen, where into ſundry waters haue their direct courſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The riuer of Darnt commeth out of Da|rntmore, xv. myles aboue Tomeſſe (as I ſaid before) from whence it goeth to Bucklande Hole, and ſoone after taking in the Aſhebur [...] water on the one ſide that runneth frõ Sad|dleton rocke by north, [...] and the Buckfaſtlich that commeth from north weſt, [...] it runneth to Staunton, Darington, Hemſton, and there alſo croſſing a rill on eche ſide, paſſeth forth to Totneſſe, Bowden, and aboue Gabriell Stoke, [...] méeteth with the Hartburne that rũ|neth vnder Roſt bridge, two miles aboue Totneſſe, or as an other ſayeth, by Ratter, Harberton, Paineſford, and Aſprempton in|to Darnt, which ere long alſo commeth to Cornworthy, Greneway, Ditſham, Darnt|mouth, betwene the Caſtels, and ſo into the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From hence we went by Stokeflẽming to another water, which commeth from blacke Auton, then to the ſecond that falleth in ea [...] of Slapton, and ſo coaſting out of this bay by the Start point, we ſaile almoſt directly weſt, till we come to Saltcombe hauẽ. Cer|tes this port hath very little freſh water cõ|myng vnto it, yet the hed of ſuch as it is, ry|ſeth EEBO page image 54 nere Buckland, and goeth to Do [...]ook, which ſtandeth betwene two créekes. Thẽce it hieth to Charelton, where it taketh in a ril whoſe hed commeth from ſouth and north of Shereford. Finally, it hath another créeke that runneth vp by Ilton, and the laſt of all that falleth in north of Portlemouth, whoſe hed is ſo nere the bay laſt afore remembred, that it maketh it a ſory peninſula, as I haue heard it ſayd.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then come we to the Awne, whoſe hed is in the hils farre aboue Brent towne, from whence it goeth to Dixford wood, Loddewel, Hache, Aunton, Thorleſton, and ſo into the ſea ouer againſt a rocke called inſul borow.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Arme riſeth aboue Harford, thence to St [...]|ford, Iuy bridge, Armington bridge, Fléete, Orchardton and Ownewell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Yalme goeth by Cornewood, Slade, Strat|ley, Yalmeton, Collaton, and Newton ferry.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Being paſt theſe Portlets, then next of all we come to Pli [...]mouth hauen, a very buſie péece to deſcribe, becauſe of the [...] waters that reſort vnto it, & ſmall helpe that I haue for the knowledge of their [...], yet will I doe what I may [...] this, [...] the reſt, and ſo much I hope by God [...] [...] performe, as ſhall iuſtice my purpoſe in [...] behalfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Plimme or Plym, is the very same water that gyueth name vnto Plimpton towne. It ryseth in the hilles west of Cornewood, and commeth downe a short course of three miles to Newenham after it bee issued out of the ground. From Newenham also it ru(n)neth to Plimpton, and soone after into the Stour, [...]re [...] Cat| [...]. which Stour aryseth northwest of Shepistour, and goeth from thence to Memchurch, Hele, Shane Bickley, & so to Eforde where taking in the Plym, it runneth downe as one under the name of Plymme, vntill it go past Plymmouth and fall into the hauen South est of Plymmouth aforesayd. Plymmouth it self standeth betweene two creekes, not serued wyth anye backewater, therefore passing ouer these two, wee enter into the Thamar that dischargeth it selfe into the aforsaid haue(n), going therefore vp that streame which for the most part partheth Deuonshire from Cornewall, [...]e or [...]y. the first riueret that I met withall on the est side is called Tauy, the hed wherof is amo(n)g the mountaines foure miles aboue Peeters Tauy, beneath which it meeteth with another water from by west, so that these two waters include Marye Tauye, betweene them though nothing neere the confluence. From hence the Taue or Tauy runneth to Tauistocke, aboue which it taketh in a rill from by west, and another aboue north Bucklande whose head is in Dartmore, and commeth thereunto by Sandforde and Harrow bridge. From hence it goeth into Thamer, by north Buckland, Monks Buckland, Beare, and Tamerton Folly. Hauing thus dispatched the Tauy. The next that falleth in on the est side vpwardes is the Lidde, Lidde. which rysing in the hilles aboue Lidforde, runneth downe by Curryton and Siddenham, and so to Lidstone, aboue which it receyueth the Trushell brooke, Tru [...]hell. which rising north east of Brediston, goeth by Trusholton to Thaine, where it receyueth a rill that commeth by Bradwood from Germanswijc, and after the confluence runneth to Liston, and fro(m) thence into the Thamar. The next aboue this is the Corewater, Core. this riseth somewhere about Elwell or Helwell, and goyng by Virginston, runneth on by S. Giles without any increase vntill it come to Thamar. Next of all it taketh in two brookes not much distant in sunder, whereof the one commeth in by Glaunto(n), the other from Holsworthy, and both east of Tamerton, which standeth on the further banke, and other side of the Thamar, & west northwest of Tedcote, except the quarter deceiue me.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Certes, the Thamar it selfe riseth in Somersetshire, Thamar. about three miles northeast of Hartlande, and in maner so crosseth ouer the whole west country betweene sea and sea, that it leaueth Cornewall, a bylande or peninsula. Being therfore descended from the hed, by a tract of vj. myles, it commeth to Denborow, Pancrase well, Bridge Reuel, Tamerton, Tetcote, Luffencote, Boyton, & Wirrington, Artey. where it meeteth wyth a water on the west side called Artey, that riseth short of Iacobstow. Two miles in like sort from this confluence, we met with the Kensey, Kenſey. whose hed is short of Warpeston, by south east, fro(m) whence it goeth by Treneglos, Tremone, Tresmure, Trewen, Launston, and so into the Thamar that runneth fro(m) hence by Lowwhitton vnto Bradston, and goyng on toward Dunterton, taketh in a rill from seuth Pitherwijc, and by Lesant. Beneath Dunterton also it crosseth the Enian. This ryuer riseth at Dauidston, Enian. and directeth his race by S. Clethir, Lancast, and Trelask first, and then vnder sundry bridges, vntill it meete w(ith) the Thamar. From hence also the Thamar goeth by Siddenham to Calstocke bridge, Calstocke towne, Clifton, Targreue (there aboutes takyng in a creeke aboue Landilip) and runnyng on from thence, hasteth toward Saltashe, where it receiueth the Liuer water. Liuer. The head of Liuer is about Broomwelly hill EEBO page image 64 hill from whence it goeth on to North hill, Lekenhorne, South hill, and taking in a rill by east (from aboue Kellington) it runneth on to Newton, Pillaton, Wooto(n), Blofflemyng, S. Erne, and beneth this village crosseth a rillet that runneth thither from Bicton by Quithiocke, S. Germaines and Sheuiocke. But to proceede after the confluence, it goeth betweene Erly & Fro Martine castle, and soone after takyng in a ril from by north, that passeth west of S. Steuens, it is not long ere it fall into the Thamar, which after this (receiuing the Milbrooke creeke) goeth on by Edgecomb, and betwene S. Mighels Isle and Ridden poine into the maine sea. And thus haue I finished the descriptio(n) of Plimmouth water, and all such falles as are betweene Mewston rocke on the east side, & the Ra(m)me hed on the other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sutton. After this we proceeded on with our iourney toward the west, and passing by Longstone, we came soone after to Sothan baie, where we crossed the Seton water, whose hed is about Liscard, and his course by Mynheniet, Chafrench, Tregowike, Sutton, and so into the sea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Then came we to Lowe, and goyng in betweene it and Mount Isle, Low. we finde that it had a braunched course, and thereto the confluence aboue Lowe. The chiefe heade ryseth in ye hils, as it were two miles aboue Gaine, and goyng by that towne, it ceaseth not to continue his course, east of Duloe, til it come a little aboue Low, where it crosseth and ioyneth with the Brodoke water that runneth fro(m) Brodokes by Trewargo, & so into ye sea. Nexte unto these are two other rils before we come at Faw, or Fawy, whereof in my former treatise, I made some small intreaty. Foy or Fawy riuer riseth in Fawy more, on side of an hill, Fawy. from whence it runneth by certayne bridges, till it meete with the Glin water west of Glyn towne, Glyn. which rising aboue Temple, and meting with a rill that com(m)eth in from S. Neotes, doth fall into Fawy a mile and more aboue Kesprin from by east. After this conflue(n)ce then, it goeth to Kesprin bridge, Lesterme(n) castle, Lostwithiel bridge, Pill, s.Kingtons, s.Winnow, and Golant, and here also receiueth the Lerine water out of a park, Lerinus. that taketh his way into the main streame by Byconke, Tethe, and the fining house. Beyng thus vnited, it proceedeth vnto Fawy towne, taking in a rill or creeke from aboue it on one side, and another beneath it south of Halling on the other, of which two this latter is the longest of course, sith it runneth three good myles before it come at the Foy, and thus much had I to adde vnto the description of the sayd Fawy conteined in my former treatise. I might haue touched the creeke that lyeth betweene Knaueland & blackbottle pointes ere I came at Foye or Fawy, but sith it is serued only with the salt, I make small account to speake of it. But to proceede, entering finally into the baie commonly called Trewardith baie, which lyeth into the land betwene the Canuasse and the blacke head pointe, we sawe the fall of two small brookes, not one uery far distant from another. The first of them entring west of Trewardith, the other east of s.Blayes and both directly agaynst Curwarder rocke, except I mistake my compasse. Neyther of the(m) are of any great course, and the longest not full three miles and an halfe, wherefore sith they are neither braunched nor of any great quantity, what should I make long haruest of a little corne, and spend more tyme then may well be spared about them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When we were past the blackhed, [...] we came to Austell broke, which is increased with a water that commeth from aboue Mewan, & within a myle after the confluence they fall into the sea at Pentoren, from whence we went by the black rocke, and about the Dudman pointe, till we came to Chare haies, where falleth in a prety water, [...] whose hed is two miles aboue S. Tues. The(n)ce we went by here & there a meere salt creeke, til we passed ye gray rocke, in Gwindraith baie, & s.Anthonies point, where Leland maketh his big acco(m)pt to enter into Falamouth haue(n), to the former description whereof, I wil adde another here, wherby the first shal be more plain and easie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Fala riseth a little by north of Penuenton towne, and goyng westwarde til it come downwardes toward s.Dionise, [...] it goeth fro(m) thence to Melader, s. Steuens Grampont, Goldon, Crede, Cornley, Tregue, Moran, Tregu(n)an, it falleth into the hauen with a good indifferent force, and this is the course of Fala. But lest I should seme to omit those creekes that are betwene this and S.Antonies point, I will go a little backe again, and fetch in so many of them as come now to my reme(m)braunce. Entring therefore into ye port, we haue a creeke that runneth vp by s. Antonies toward s.Gereus, then another that goeth into the lande by east of s.Maries castle, with a forked hed passing in the meane time, by a great rocke, that lieth in the very midst of the hauen, in maner of the thirde poynts of a Triangle, betweene S.Maryes castle and pendinant. Thence we cast about by the sayde castle, and came by another creeke, that falleth in by east, then the second aboue s.Justus, the third at Ardenors, the fourth at Kilan EEBO page image 55 Kilan, and hauing as it wer visited all these in order, we come backe againe about by Tregonnian, and then goyng vpward betwene it and Taluerne, til we come to Fentangolan, we founde the confluence of two great creekes beneath S.Clementes, wherof one hath a fresh water comming down by s.Merther, ye other another fro(m) Truro, increased w(ith) sundry brau(n)ches, though not one of the(m) of any greatnesse, and therfore vnworthy to be handled. Polewhole standeth vpon the hed almost of the most easterly of them. S.Keuwen and Truro stand aboue the confluence of other two [sic]. The fourth falleth in by west, fro(m) certaine hils: as for the fift and sixt, as they be little creekes and no fresh, so have I lesse language and talke to spend about them. Of s.Caie, [...]e. [...]ks. and s.Feokes creekes, I spake inough before, the towne of s.Feoke standyng betwen the both. That also called after ye saint, rising aboue Pera(n)narwothill, and comming thence by Kyrklo, falleth into Falamouth, northeast of Milor, which standeth vpon the point betwene it & Milor creeke. Milor creek (for Lela(n)d did kepe no order in their description) is next Restronguet. Some cal it Milor poole, from whence we went by Trefuus point, and there found an other great fall fro(m) Perin, which beyng braunched in the toppe hath Perrin towne almost in the very confluence. Thus leauing Fala hauen, as more troublesome for me to describe, then profitable for seafaring men without good aduise to enter into, we left the rocke on our left hand, and came streight southwest to Helforde hauen, whose water commeth downe from Wreeke (where is a confluence of two small rilles whereof that ryll consisteth) by Mawgan and Trelawarren, [...]le. and then it receyueth a rill on the north ripe from Constantine, after whose confluence, it goeth a maine vntill it come to the Oceane. Beneath thys also is another rill commyng from s.Martirs, by whose course, and another ouer against it on the west side that falleth into ye sea by Winniton, all Menage is left almost in maner of an Island. From hence we go south to ye Manacle point, then southwest to Lysard, and so north and by west to Predannocke pointes, beyonde which we meete with the fall of the said water, that riseth in the edge of Menage and goeth into ye sea by Melian on the north, and Winniton on the south. By north also of Winniton is the Cury water that ryseth short of Magan, and toucheth with the Ocean south of Pengwenian point.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 From hence we sayled to the Loomouth which some call Lopole, because it is narower at the fall into the sea, then it is betweene the sea and Hailston. It riseth aboue s.Sethians, and commyng downe by Wendron, it hasteth to Hailston or Helston, from whence onely it is called Loo, but betwene Helston & the hed, men call it commonly Cobor. Here Leland omittyng a great number of waters betwene this and the landes end, and so forth about the point vnto the Haile, as you may see in my former treatise, I thinke it good so far as to me is possible, to supply his want in this place, although I confesse that I cannot do it so exactly as I would. Beyng therefore passed the Loo, I came to another water that desce(n)deth without any increase from Crowan by Symney, whose whole course is not aboue 3. myles in all. Then goyng by the Cuddan point, we entred the mountes Bay, and goyng streight north (leauing saint Mighels mount a little vpon the left hand) we came to the Lyd, which rising short of Tewidnacke, descendeth by Lidgeuan, and so into the sea. Certes the course of these waters can not be long, sith in this very place, the bredth of la(n)d is not aboue foure miles, and not more then fiue at the very landes ende. There is also a rill east of Korugy, and Guluall, and another west of the same hard at hand, and likewise the third east of Pensantz and not a ful quarter of a myle from the second, southwest of Pensantz, also lieth the fourth that co(m)meth from Sancrete warde by Newlyn, from whence goyng southwest out of the Baye by Moushole Isle, that lyeth south of Moushole towne, we come to a water that entreth into the Ocean betwixt Remels and Lamorley point. Truly the one hed therof commeth fro(m) by west of Sancrete, the other by from west of an hill that standeth betwene them both, and ioyning aboue Remels, it is not long ere they salute their grandame. After this and before we come at Rosecastle, there are two other creekes, whereof one is called Boskenny that riseth south of s.Buriens, and another somewhat longer then the first that issueth by west of the aforesayd towne, wherein is to be noted, that our cardes made heretofore do appoint s.Buriens to be at the very landes ende of Cornewall, but experience now teacheth vs that it commeth not neere the lands end by three miles. This latter rill also is the last that I do read of on the south side, and likewyse on the west, and north tyll we haue sayled to s.Ies baye, which is full x. myles from the landes ende, or Bresan Isle eastward, and rather more if you reckon to the fall of the Haile, which lieth in the very midst and highest part of the bay of the same. The soile also is very hilly here, as for s.Ies towne, it is almost (as I sayd) a byland, and yet EEBO page image 65 yet is it well watred with sundry rilles that come from those hils vnto the same.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Haile. The Haile riseth in such maner, and from so many heds, as I haue before described out of Leland. Howbeit, I will adde somewhat more vnto it for the benefite of my readers. Certes, the chiefe hed of Haile riseth by west of Goodalfin hils, and goyng downe toward s.Erthes, it receyueth the second and best of the other three rilles from Godalfin towne: Finally, commyng to s.Erthes, and so vnto the maine bay,Clowart. it taketh in the Clowart water from Guymer, south of Phelacke which hath two heds, the sayd village standyng directly betwixt them both.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Caine. The Caine ryseth southeast of Caineburn towne, a myle and more, from whence it goeth without encrease by west of Gwethian, and so into the sea west of Mara Darway. From hence we coasted about the point, Luggam. and left the bay till we came to a water that ryseth of two heds from those hils that lye by south of the same: one of them also runneth by s.Vni, another by Redreuth, and meetyng within a myle they fall into the Oceane, beneath Luggam or Tuggan. A myle and a halfe from this fall we come vnto an other small rill, and likewyse two other creekes betwixt which the towne of s.Agnes sta(n)deth, and likewyse the fourth halfe a mile beyond the most easterly of these, whose head is almost three myles within the land, in a town called s.Alyn. S. Pirãs créeke. The(n)ce going by the Manrock, and west of s.Piran in the Sande, we finde a course of three myles and more from the hed, and hauyng a forcked braunch, the partes do meete at west aboue s.Kybbard, and so into the sea. I take this to be s.Piranes creeke, for the next is Carantocke pill or creeke, Crantock. whose hed is at Guswarth, from whence it goeth to Trerise, and soone after takyng in a rill, from by west it runneth into the sea east of s.Carantakes. Beyonde this is an other creeke that ryseth aboue little s.Colan, and goeth by lesse s.Columb, and east & by north hereof, commeth down one more, whose hed is almost south of the nine stones, and goyng from thence to great S.Columbes, it passeth by Lanherne, and so into the sea. S. Merous creeke is but a little one, rysing west of Padstow, Padſtowe. and fallyng in almost ouer against the Gull rocke. Then turning betwene the point and the blacke rock, we entred into Padstow hauen, whose waters remayne next of all to be described.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alen. The Alane ryseth flat east from the hauen mouth of Padstow, well neere eight or nyne myles, about Davidston, neere vnto which the Enyam also issueth, Enyam. that runneth into the Thamar. Goyng therfore from hence, it passeth to Camelford, s.Aduen, s.Bernarde, (both Cornish saintes) and soone after receyueth a rill at north east descending fro(m) Rowters hil. Thence it goeth to Bliseland, & Helham, the first bridge of name that standeth vpon Alyn. Ere long also it taketh in one ryll by south from Bodman, another from s.Laurence, the third by west of this, and the fourth that commeth by Wethiell, no one of them excedyng the course of three miles, and all by south. From hence it goeth towarde Iglesale warde and there receyueth a water on the east side, which co(m)meth about two miles from aboue s.Teath, by Michelston, s.Tuchoe, s.Maben (mo Cornish patrones) and finally south of Iglesall, meeteth with the Alen that goeth from thence by s.Breaca to Woodbridge. [...] Here about I finde that into our Aleyn or Alen, there should fall two riuerets, whereof the one is called Carnsey, [...] the other Layne, and commyng in the end to the full notice of the matter, I see them to issue on seuerall sides beneth Woodbridge almost directly the one against ye other. That which descendeth from northwest, and riseth about s.Kew, is named Carnesey as I heare, the other that commeth in on the southwest banke high Laine, and noted by Leland to rise two miles aboue s.Esse, but how so euer this matter standeth, there are two other creekes on eche side also beneth these as Pethrike creek, [...] and Minner creeke, so called of two Cornish saintes (for that soyle bred many) wherewith I finish the description of Alen, or as some call it Dunmere, and other Padstow water. [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Beyng past Padstow hauen, and after we had gone three myles, we came to Portgwin a poore fisher towne, where I finde a brooke and a peere. Then I came to Portissec two myles further, and founde there a brooke a peere, and some succour for fisher botes. Next of all vnto a brooke that ran from south east, directly north into the Sauern sea, and within halfe a myle of the same lay a great black rocke lyke an Islande. From this water to Treuenni is about a myle, where the paroch church is dedicated to s.Symphorian, and in which paroch also Tintagel castle standeth, which is a thyng inexpugnable for the situation, and would be made with little reparations one of the strongest things in England. For it standeth on a great high terrible crag enuironned with the sea. There is a chappell yet standyng in the dungeon thereof, dedicated to s.Vlet. Tintagell towne and Treuenni are not a myle in sunder. The next creeke is called Bosynni, which is a myle fro(m) Tintagell, [...] and to the same Tredwy water resor teth EEBO page image 56 teth, and so they go to the sea betwixt two hils, wherof that on the one side lyeth out like an arme or cape, and maketh the fashion of an hauenet or peere, whether shiplets sometyme do resort for succour. A Frier of late dayes toke vpo(n) him to make an hauen at this place, but in vayne. There lie also two black rocks as Islets, at the west northwest point, or side of this creeke, the one (sauyng that a little gut doth part them) ioyning with the other, and in these by all likelyhoode is great store of gulles. I can not tell whether this be the water that runneth by Boscastle or not, but if it be not, then haue I this description of the latter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]caf [...]le. [...] Boscastle creeke that lyeth east of Tintagiel, is a small thyng running at the most not aboue two myles into the land, yet it passeth by foure townes, wherof the first is called Lesneth, the second s.Juliet, the third, Minster, and the fourth Boscastle or Bushcastle as some men doe pronounce it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]. In Bede bay, I find the Bedewater, whose chiefe hed is not farre from Norton. Thence runnyng to Stratton, [...]ncels. it receiueth the Launcels rill before it come at Norham. And here also it crosseth another whose hed is cast of s. Mary wijke, from whence it runneth by Wolston and Whalesborow, and thence into the sea betwene Efford and Plough hyll. And thus much of ye waters that lie betwene the poynt of Cornwall, and the Hartland hed vpon the northside of Cornwall. Now let vs do the lyke with those that remayne of Deuonshire, wherof the said Hartland is the very first point in this our poeticall voiage. Hauing therfore brought Hartland point on our backs, we come next of all to Barstable bar, and so into the Hauen, wherinto two principall streames do perpetually vnburden their chanels.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The first and more westerly of these is called Ocus, [...]. whose hed is not farre west of the hed of Darnt, & both in Darntmore. Rising therefore in the aforesayd place, it runneth northwest to Snorton, and so to Okehampton, beneath which towne it meeteth with an other water commyng from southeast, and riseth not much west from the hed of Tawe. From hence it goeth to Stowe Erborne, Munke Okington, and Iddesley, where it taketh in the Tanrige a very prety streamelet, [...]anridge. whose issue is not a full mile by east from the hed of Thamar. Commyng therfore by west and east Putforde, Bulworthy, Bockington, Newton, and Shebbor, it receiueth a forked rill that runneth from eche side of Bradworthy by Sutcombe, Treborow, Milton, and so to Thornebiry, where meetyng with another forked water (wherof one head commyng from Dunsland, ioyneth with the other north of Cockebiry) it goeth with spede into the Tanrige water. After this coflue(n)ce it runneth on to Sheepewash (by west wherof falleth in the Buckla(n)d water fro(m) by north) then to high Hainton, and so to Haytherlay, Buckland. north wherof it taketh in a rill fro(m) by south, and endeth his race at Iddesley, by ioynyng with the Oke. Hence then the Ocus hasteth to Dowland, and betwene it and Doulton, receiueth one rill from by east, as it doth an other betwene Doulton and Marton fro(m) by west, and so proceeding on with his course, it commeth east of Torrington the lesse, and taking in a water at east, that runneth from three heds (by Wolly parke) betwene which Combe and Roughborow are situate, it descendeth to Torington the more, and meting with the Langtree water on the one side, Langtrée. and the Ware brooke on the other, it proceedeth to Bediford, Were or Ware. crossing a rill by the way that commeth vnto it betwene Annary and Littham. From Bediford bridge it goeth without any increase to Westley, Norham, Appledour, and so into the hauen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Taw of both is the more noble water, Taw. and hath most rils descendyng into hys chanell. Howbeit by these two is all the hart of Deuonshire well watered on the northside of ye Moores. The Tawy riseth directly at south.west of Throwley, and north of the head of Darnt. From thence also it runneth to Sele, South Taueton, Cockatre, Bathe, Northtaueton, Atheridge, Colridge, and soone after receiueth the Bowmill creeke, Bowmill. whereof one hed riseth at Bow, the other at Mill, and meting beneth bishops Morchard, they fall into the Taue north of Nimeth Rowland, as I haue bene informed. From hence then it runneth by Edgeforth, to Chimligh, by south wherof, it meeteth with a ril comming down of two heds from about Rakenford, by Wetheridge and Chawley. Thence it goeth to Burrington, and Chiltenholtwood, and there taketh in the Moulebray water consisting of two in one chanell, Moule|bray. wherof the Mol doth ryse aboue north Moulton, and co(m)myng to Moulton, receiueth another rill running fro(m) Moland, and soone after the second that growing by two brookes (ye hed of one beyng Knawston, and of the other west of Crokeham, and both vniting themselues beneath Mariston) doth fal into the same ere long also, Bray. and so go togyther till it crosse the Bray, which (beyng the second of the two that maketh the Moulbray) riseth at Bray, commeth by Buckland and south of Holtwood doth make his confluence with Taw. Beyng past the woode, it go eth EEBO page image 66 on to Brightley hall, Taueton, Tauestocke, and Berstable, sometyme a pretye walled towne with foure gates, but nowe a little thyng and such in deede, as that the suburbes thereof, are greater than it selfe. I suppose that the name of this towne in the Brittish speache was Abertaw, because it stoode toward the mouth of Taw, and Berdnesse pronounced short as I gesse, for Abernesse. As for Staple it is an addition for a market, and therfore hath nothyng to doe in the proper name of the towne. King Athelstane is taken here for the chiefe priuileger of the towne, this is also worthy to be noted hereof, that the houses there are of stone, as most are in all the good townes thereabout.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to proceede with our purpose. Beneath this Towne there falleth in a water that hath one head nere about Challacombe, and another at east Downe, whereof this descendyng by Stoke ryuer, and the other by Sherwell, they vnite themselues within three myles of Berstaple. Soone after also it taketh in another that descendeth from Bitenden by Asheford, and the last of all east of S.Anthonies Chappell, named thw Doneham, Doneham. because one hed is at west Done, and the other at Ham, both of them meetyng west of Ashe. And thus is Taue described, which is no great water nor quick streame, as may appeare in Low water mark at Berstable, & yet is it a prety riueret. This also is worthy to be noted therof, that it receiueth no brooke from by west, whereof I would somewhat meruaile, if Taurige were not at hand.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beyng past the Taue, Cride bay and Bugpoint aliâs Bagpoint, we go by More baye, Morestone aliâs Mortstone, and then toward the northeast, till we come to a creekelet to Ilfare combe, & so to Combe marton, where at (I meane eche of them) are sundry creekes of saltwater, Paradine. but not serued with any fresh, that I as yet do heare of. Marry there is betwene Martinbowe and Trensowe, a creeke that hath a backewater, which descendeth fro(m) Parracombe (so farre as I call to mynd named Parradine beck) but the gretest of all is betwene Linton and Connisbery called Ore, which riseth in Somersetshire in Exmore, Orus. (East of Hore oke, more then a myle) and goyng by Owre, falleth into the sea betweene Linton & Connisbery, so that the whole race therof, amou(n)teth in & out to an 8. miles as I haue heard reported. Thus haue I finished ye discourse of the waters of Deuo(n)shire, whose bredth in this place from hence ouerthwart to the checkestones in the mouth of Exe, The bre [...]|th o [...] De|uonſhire [...] Cornewal. on the south side of the Isle, is 38. miles or vnder 40. and so much likewyse is it fro(m) Plimouth to Hartla(n)d point, but the brodest part there commeth to 36. miles, where as the broadest part of Cornewall doth want two myles of 40.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beyng past the aforesayd limites of the counties we came to Portloch bay, whether commeth a water named Loche that descendeth from Stokepero, Lucham and Portloch without increase. Thence to Dunsteir brook, which runneth from one about Wootton, and Courtney by Tunbercombe and Dunsteir, then to another that commeth west of Olde Cliffe, leauyng a parke on the west side, next of all to Watchet water, whereof one hed co(m)meth from the Quantock hils south of Bickualer by westquantocke head, and almost at Doniford, receyueth the Wiliton becke, the(n) to east Quantocke brooke (omitting a creket) & next of all to Doddingto(n) water, yt goeth by Holford, Alfoxton, & afterward into the sea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From hence we go by Bottesall pointe, to Stert pointe, where two noble riuers doe make their confluence, which I will seuerally describe, as to my purpose appertayneth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The first of these is called the Iuell. Iu [...] It ryseth aboue Oburne, .al [...] and at Shirburne receyueth a water whereof Lela(n)d saith thus. There are seuen springes in an hill called the seuen sisters, northest fro(m) Shireburn, The [...] ſi [...] which gather into one botom, & come into ye Mere. Another brooke likewise co(m)meth by Heydo(n) fro(m) Pusca(n)dell, three myles from thence by flat east, betwixt the parke and the Mere, full so great as the streame of the Mere, and ioyning at the lower mill of Shireburn, with the Mere water, it is not long ere it fall into the Euill. Thence our Euill goeth on toward Glasen, B [...]dford, and ere it come there taketh in a forked rill from by ſouth, deſcending from a|bout weſt Chelbury and Chetnall in Dorſet|ſhire, beneth which towne ye other hed falleth into the ſame, ſo that they run forth by Bear|haggard & Thornford (til they méet with the Iue [...]) & ſo to Clifton, Euil, Trent, Mutforde, Aſhinton, and eaſt of Limminton it méeteth with the Cade that runneth from Yarling|ton, by north Cadbiry,Cade. and ſoone after croſ|ſing a rill alſo from by eaſt, that cõmeth frõ Blackeford by Compto [...], it haſteth to ſouth Cadbiry, Sparhford, Quéenes Camel, weſt Camell, & ſo into Iuell, which runneth on to Kimmington, Ilcheſter, Ilbridge; long Sut|ton, and ere it come at Langport, [...] taketh in two famous waters in one chanell next of all to be remembred before I go any further. The firſt of all theſe riſeth ſoutheaſt betwene the Parets (where it is called Parret water) and goeth to Crokehorne,Parret. and at Meri [...]t ta|keth in a brooke from the eaſt, which cõſiſteth EEBO page image 57 of two courſes vnited at Bowbridge, wherof the one deſcendeth from Pen by Haſilbury, the other from aboue the thrée Chenocks, as I doe vnderſtand. From hence alſo they goe as one with the Parret water, toward ſouth Pederton (takyng in at eaſt a becke cõming from Hamden hil) thence to Pederton, Lam|brooke, Thorney bridge, & Muchelney where it méeteth with the ſeconde called Il or Ilus, whoſe hed is aboue Chellington, & comming down frõ thẽce by Cadworth, before it come at Dunniet, it taketh in a ril that runneth by Chafcomb and Knoll. Thence leauing Ilmi|ſter on the eaſt ſide, it méeteth with another from by Eaſt, deſcendyng from aboute Whitlakington. Then it goeth to Poking|ton (where it croſſeth ye Ilton water by weſt) next to Ilbruers, [...]on. and there it ioyneth with a rillet that riſeth by weſt at Staple, and run|neth by Bicknell and Abbots Ily, and after this confluence goeth on toward Langport. And here after ſome mens opinion, the Iuell looſeth hys name, and is called Parret, but this coniecture cannot holde, ſithe in the olde writers it is called Iuell, till it fall into the ſea. Neuertheleſſe, how ſo euer this matter ſtandeth, beyng paſt Langport, it goeth by Awber toward ſ. Antonies, where it méeteth with the Tone next of all to be deſcribed. The Tone iſſueth at Clatworthy, [...]ne. and goeth by weſt of Wiuelſcombe, to Stawley, Ritford, Runton, Wellington and Bradford, beneath which it taketh in a faire water commyng from Sanford Combe, Elworthy, Brunte Rafe, Miluerton, Oke and Hilfarens. After this confluence alſo it runneth to Helebridge and there below meteth with one water that runneth by Hawſe, Hethforde and Norton, then another frõ Crokeham by biſhops Sle|diard, and the third and fourth at Tawnton, that deſcendeth from Kingſton by north, and another by ſouth that ryſeth about Pidmi|ſter, and thus is the Tone increaſed, which goeth from Taunton to Riſton, Creche, Northcurry, Ling, and ſo by Anthony into ye Iuell, that after this confluence méeteth ere long with the Chare, [...]are or [...]re. a prety riuer that com|meth by eaſt from Northborow, by Carletõ, Badcare, Litecare, Somerton, Higham Au|dry more, Audry, and Michelſborow. From whence goyng on betwene Quéenes moore and North moore, it receyueth one brooke cal|led Peder from by ſouthweſt, that runneth thorough Pederton parke and Northmoore, [...]der. and likewyſe another that paſſeth by Dur|ley, ere it doe come at Bridgewater. From Bridgewater it goeth by Chilton directly northweſt, and then turnyng flat weſt, it go|eth northwardes towards the ſea, takyng in two waters by the way, wherof one runneth by Coripole and Cannington, and beareth ye name of Cannington,Cãmingtõ Brier. the other by Sidding|ton and Comage, and then receyuyng the Brier before it come at Start point, they fol as [...]ne into the Ocean, wherof let this ſuffice for the deſcription of the Iuel, whoſe ſtreame doth water al the weſt part of Somerſetſhire and leaue it very fruitfull.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Brier, Bruer, or Bréer,Brier. ryſeth of two waters, wherof one is in Selwood foreſt, and commeth downe by Bruecombe, Bruham,Lelãd wry+teth ye firſt Brieuelus & the ſeconde Mellodun [...] or ye Mil|ton water. and Bruton. The other which Lelãd nameth Mellos, is northeaſt of Staffordell towne, & goyng by the ſame, it runneth by Redlinche, to Wike where it meteth with the other hed, and thence go on as one to Awnſford, Alford (where it taketh in a water called Dulis frõ by north that ryſeth nere Dolting,Dulis. and com|meth by Euerchurch parke) then to the Lid|fordes, Baſborow wood, the Tor hil,Soway. Pont perilous bridg (wherinto they fable that Ar|thur beyng wounded to death did throw Ca|lybur hys ſword) by Glaſſenbury and ſo into the Méere. Beſide this riuer there are two o|ther alſo that fall into the ſaid Méere, wherof the one called Soway commeth from Crée|church parke, & Pulton by Hartlack bridge, the other named Cos or the Coſcombe wa|ter, from aboue Shepton,Cos. Mallet (which eaſt of Wyke taketh in a water commyng from Welles) by Wyke, Gedney, and ſo into the Méere. Finally, returning all into one cha|nell it runneth to Burtlehouſe, and ſoone af|ter diuiding it ſelfe, one arme goeth by Ba|ſtian aliâs Brent bridge, to High bridge, lea|uyng Hunteſpill a market towne by South weſt, the other by Marke to Rokes bridge, Hebbes paſſage, and ſo into the ſea, leauing a faire Iſland wherin beſide Brentmarſh are 7. or 8. townes, wherof Vphill is none, which is contrary to my former aſſertion, and here in therfore not onely the ſame, but alſo an o|ther errour in the name of this riuer is wor|thy to be redreſſed, beſide a third touching the courſe of the ſaid Axe, which brauncheth not ſo low, but rather runneth into the braunche of Brier that lyeth moſt eaſterly, as experi|ence by the eie of him that of ſet purpoſe hath of late ridden to view it, doth manifeſtly con|firme. Now as touching the water that com|meth from Wels, which falleth as I ſaid in|to ye Coſcomb water on the right hand of the Cawſey. You ſhall vnderſtand that as many ſprings are in Wels, ſo the chiefe of them is named Andres well, which ryſeth in a me|dow plat not farre from the eaſt ende of the cathedrall church, and afterward goeth into the Coſcomb, in ſuch place as I haue noted. EEBO page image 67 Leland ſpeaketh of the Milton and Golafer waters,Milton. Golafer. which ſhould fall likewyſe into the Brier, but whether thoſe be they wherof the one ryſeth aboue Staffordell, and in the diſ|cent runneth by Shipton, Pitcomb, and ſo to Awnſford on the one ſide, as the other doth riſe betwene Batcomb and Vpton noble on the other halfe: or vnto whether of them ey|ther of theſe names are ſeuerally to be attri|buted, as yet I do not read.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Axe. 2. The Che|der brooke, driueth .12. milles within a quarter of a myle of his heade.The ſecond Axe iſſueth out of Owky hole, from whence it goeth by Owky towne, af|terward meeting with the Chederbrook that commeth from the Cheder rocks, it runneth by Were, Ratcliffe, and after a little com|paſſe into the northeaſt braunch of the afore|ſayde riuer laſt deſcribed, betwene Rokes bridge and Hebbes paſſage, as I haue bene informed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bane.From the fall of Axe we come to an other called Bane, northeſt of Woodſpring, whoſe hed is about Banwel parke, or els in Smal|don wood. Then to another, and to the third, called Artro,Artro. which riſeth about Litton, and goyng by the Artroes, Vbbey, Perrybridge (receiuyng a rill ere it come the [...]her from by ſouth) beneth Cungeſbiry, or as I learne be|twene Kingſton and Laurens Wike it mée|teth with the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sotteſ|pill.Sotteſpill water ryſeth betwene Cheue|ley and Naileſey, howbeit it hath no en|creaſe before it come into the ſea at Sotte|ſpill, more then the next vnto it, which is na|med Cleueden water, of a certaine towne néere to the fall therof. It ryſeth ſoutheaſt of Barrow,Cleueden goeth by Burton Naileſey, and ſo vnto Cleuedon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Auon. 3.The Auon commonly called the third Auon is a goodly water, and growen to be very fa|mous by ſondry occaſions, to be particularly touched in our deſcriptiõ of Briſtowe. It ry|ſeth in the very edge of Tetbury, and goeth by long Newtõ to Brokenton, Whitchurch, and Malmſbury, where it receiueth two wa|ters, that is to ſay, one from by weſt cõming by Foxeley, and Bromleham, which rũneth ſo néere to the Auon in the weſt ſuburbe of Malmeſbury, that the towne thereby is al|moſt made an Iſland. Another from Okeſey parke by Hankerton, Charleton, and Gareſ|den. After this confluence it haſteth to Cole parke, then goeth it toward the ſoutheaſt, till it méete with a water comming from ſouth weſt (betwene Hullauington and Bradfield) by Aſton: and ſoone after with another at the northſide from Bynall by Wootton Baſſet (thorow the parke to Gretenham, and Ido|uer bridges) and after ye confluẽce to Daunt|ſey, Segar, Sutton, Chriſtmalford, Auon, Calwaies houſe, & then to weſt Tetherton. Beneth this towne alſo it taketh in a water increaſed by two brokes, wherof one cõming from Cleue by Hilmarton, Whitley houſe and Bramble, (and there receiuyng another that commeth by Calne) paſſeth on by Stan|ley into the Auon, which from thẽceforth go|eth to Chippenham, Rowdon, Lekham, and then receiuing Coſham water, [...] goeth to La|cocke, Melſham, and ere it come at Whad|don, croſſeth two other in one chanell, wher|of one riſeth about Brumham houſe, and go|eth to Sene, the other about the Diuizes, and frõ thence runneth to Potterne wood, Creke|wood, Worton, Maſton, Bucklington, and ioyning with the other aboue Litleton, they run by Semmington, and north of Whad|don aforeſayd into the maine ſtreame, wher|of I now intreat. From hence our Auon run|neth to Stauerton, and ſouth weſt of that towne méeteth with the Were that cõmeth from Vpton by Dilton, Brooke parke (there croſſing a ril from Weſtbiry vnder ye plane) then to north Bradley, Trubridge, [...] and ſo in|to Auon that goeth from thence to Bradford, and within a myle or there about, before it come at Freſhford, it meteth with ye Frome, whoſe deſcription doth inſue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Frome ryſeth in the eaſt part of Mẽ|dip hils, and from thence rũneth by Aſtwijc, [...] ye Cole pits, Lye vnder Mendippe, Whate|ley, Elmeſbridge, and ſoone after taketh in the Nonney water, [...] comming from Nonney caſtle, thẽce to Walles & Orcharley bridge, where it receiueth a prety brooke deſcending from Frome Selwoode weſt of Brackley, increaſed with ſundry rils, wherof two come out of Selwood forreſt (and one of them from the Fratry) another out of Long lead parke, from Horningſham, and the fourth from Coſley. Hence our Frome goeth to Lulling|ton, Beckington, Farley caſtle, Borde and Freſh foord, [...] and taking in the Silling brooke falleth into the Auon beneath Bradford, and eaſt of Freſhford. From thence goyng be|neath Stoke, it receyueth on the left hande a water commyng from ſouthweſt, increaſed by ſundry brookes, whereof one commeth frõ Camelet by Litleton, and Dankerton, the o|ther from Stone Eſton, Midſommer Nor|ton, by Welſton, Rodſtocke, Wrigleton, Foſcot, and Wellow (and there takyng in a rill from Phillips Norton, it goeth) by Cla|uerton to Hampton, & there it méeteth wyth another water commyng from Barthforde, whoſe hed is at Littleton, from whence it rũ|neth by weſt Kineton to Caſtle comb (where it ioyneth with a rill riſing by north from Litleton drue) and thence commeth ſouth to EEBO page image 58 Slaughtenford, Haſelbury, Box, Baithford, and ſo into the Auon, which turnyng playne weſt haſteth to Baithw [...]jc, and (méeting wt another in his paſſage from Coldaſton) to Bathe the Tiuertons and Coſton. Here alſo it taketh in a rill by the way from Markeſ|biry by Wilmerton and Newton, and then goyng on to Sawford, it méeteth with one rill ſoone after weſt of Northſtocke, called Swinford, [...]ford and another by Bittõ, from Dur|hain by Wike, and ſo procéedeth ſtil holding on his way to Cainſham, [...]ford [...]h [...]erſet [...]oce| [...] yres [...]er. where it croſſeth the Chute, which iſſueth at Winford, and go|eth by biſhops Chue to Penford, and there receiueth the Clue commyng from Cluton, and from thence to Chute, and ſo into Auon. The Auon likewyſe after all theſe confluen|ces goeth to Briſelton, and ſo to Briſtow, be|neath which it receyueth a rill on eche ſide, (whereof one commeth from aboute Stoke lodge in Glouceſter ſhire, beyng a faire wa|ter and running by Acton, Framptõ, Ham|broch, Stapleton, and thorow Briſtow, the other by ſouth from Dundrey hill & towne, by Biſport and Bedminſter) and ſo diſcen|ding yet lower, goeth to Rawneham paſſage & Clyfton, then by S. Vincentes rocke and Laie, next of all to Crocampill, and finally into the ſea, whether all waters by nature do reſort.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide this water, Leland maketh menti|on of Alderley brook, which in ſome auncient recordes is alſo called Auon, and runneth by Barkeley. In like maner he talketh of Dou|reſley becke, [...]rley [...]eſley. whoſe principal h [...]d is in Dou|reſley towne, howbeit he ſaith no thing of it more, then that it ſerueth ſundry t [...]cking l [...]o|king milles, [...]orth & goeth by Tortworth or foure miles further, before it come at the Sauern. Finally, making mention of an excellent quarrey of hard ſtone about Doureſley, he telleth of the Tortworth becke that runneth within a flight ſhot of Barkeley towne, and faileth on the left hande into Sauerne mar|ches, taking with all the Alderley or Auon, except I miſtake his meanyng, which may ſoone be done among his confuſed notes.