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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 First therefore with a mightie armie the Britains inuaded the Picts: the nobles of which nation per|ceiuing themselues not able to make resistance, fled with their wiues, their children, and the most part of their goods, ouer into the Iles of Orkenie, and there assembling togither, they created them a new king to haue the gouernance ouer them, who was Gethus king. also named Gethus, and brother to the other Ge|thus a little before mentioned. Héere also they re|mained certeine yeares after, liuing in peaceable manner with the former inhabitants, whom they found there, wronging them by no iniurious dea|ling Why Orke|nie was called Pictland as some suppose, but the truth should séeme to be that they were so called bicause the Picts inhabi|ted there be|fore they set foot in Bri|taine. at all (if the Scotish historie be true.) Hereof moreouer as some suppose it came to passe, that these Ilands of Orkenie are named by diuers writers the ancient kingdome of the Picts.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane while the Britains seizing vpon such countries as these Picts had forsaken, that is to saie, the Mers, Louthian, and others, they left in diuers places where they thought expedient, gari|sons of men of war, to kéepe the same in due subiecti|on: and after entred into the confines of the Scotish kingdome, burning & wasting all afore them, where|with such Scots as yet remained aliue, being high|lie EEBO page image 38 mooued to indignation, came stoutlie into the The Scots ouerthrowne. field to defend their countrie, and incountring with their enimies néere to Kalender wood, they lost two thousand of their companie: the residue also being sore chased, fled into sundrie parties for safegard of their liues.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This discomfiture put the Scotish nation into such feare and terror, that they vtterlie despaired of all recouerie, where contrariwise the Britains were so aduanced (in hope vtterlie to expell all aliens out of their Ile) that pursuing the victorie in most ear|nest wise, they forced Reuther and all the nobilitie of the Scotish nation that was yet le [...]t aliue, to flée for safegard of their liues into the castell of Berego|nium, where they held themselues as in the surest hold. The Britains being certified of the repaire of their enimies to Beregonium, enuironed the ca|stell with a strong and vehement siege, vntill that the Scots within were constreined through want of Scots besie|ged deuoure one another. vittels to eate each other, according as the lots fell by a common agréement made amongst them.

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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Firſt therfore with a mightie armie the Bry|tains inuaded the Picts:The Brytains vpõ occaſiõ in|uade the picts. The Picts ex|pulſed by the Brytains flee in to the Iſles of Orkeney. the nobles of which na|tion perceyuing themſelues not able to make re|ſiſtance, fled with theyr wiues, their children, and the moſt parte of their goodes, ouer into the Iſles EEBO page image 16 of Orkeney, and there aſſembling togither, they created them a new king to haue the gouernance ouer them,Gethus king. who was alſo named Gethus, and brother to the other Gethus a little before men|tioned. Here alſo they remayned certaine yeares after, liuing in peaceable manner with the for|mer inhabitants whom they found there, wrog|ing them by no iniurious dealing at all (if the Scottiſh hiſtorie be true.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Why Orke|ney was called Pictland as ſome ſuppoſe, but the trueth ſhoulde ſeeme to be that they were ſo called bycauſe the Pictes inhabi|ted there be|fore they ſet foote in Bry|taine.Hereof moreouer as ſome ſuppoſe it came to paſſe, that theſe Ilãds of Orkeney are named by diuers wryters the aũcient kingdome of ye Picts.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane while the Brytains ſeaſing v|pon ſuch countreys as theſe Pictes had forſaken, that is to ſay, the Mers, Louthien and other, they left in diuers places wher they thought expediẽt, garyſons of men of warre, to keepe the ſame in due ſubiection: and after entred into the confines of the Scottiſh kingdome, brẽning and waſting all afore them,The Brytaines inuade the Scottes. wherewith ſuche Scottes as yet remayned aliue, being highly moued to indigna|tion, came ſtoutly into the fielde to defende theyr countrey,The Scottes ouerthrowen. & encoũtring with their enimies neare to Kalendar wood, they loſte a ij.M. of theyr companie: the reſidue alſo being ſore chaſed, fled into ſundrie parties for ſauegard of their liues.