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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But when it came to passe, that euen those that were reputed as heads and gouernors, and in whom consisted the hope of their whole defense, did now and then come to the shambles as well as other of lesse reputation, they thought it best to trie by issu|ing foorth, if any of their haps might be so good as to escape the danger present, whereas by tarieng still within the fortresse, they should but deuoure one an|other without any reuenge for losse of their liues had vpon their fierce and cruell enimies. Where|vpon The Scots come foorth and fight. by common consent there issueth foorth, first one Colane lord of Cantire with an hundred of his owne souldiors, and fiercelie skirmishing with the Britains, defended himselfe a good space right man|fullie, though in the end both he and his whole band were borne downe and slaine with prease and mul|titude of his enimies that assailed him on each side. In the meane season, whilest he thus occupied the Britains in fight on one side, Reuther with the resi|due of his people brake foorth by another waie, and Reuther esca|peth. escaping to the sea side, got ships and fled ouer into the westerne Iles, where he found a great number of other Scotishmen that were gotten thither, be|ing compelled by Oenus king of the Britains to auoid foorth of the countries, which they before inha|bited.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Reuther remained not long in the Iles, but pas|sed ouer into Ireland. The Britains not a little moo|ued Reuther pas|seth into Ire|land. for his escape with the other of the Scotish lords, reuenged their displeasure on such commons and o|ther meane people as fell into their hands, so that They inhabit the moun|teins. such as might escape, got them into the mounteins, and liued there by roots, berries, & other wild fruits in summer, and in winter by such veneson and flesh of wild beasts as they killed in the wildernesse: and sometimes they came downe and made raises vpon the Britains that occupied their houses and lands, fetching great booties verie often from amongest them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This cruell warre lasted twelue yéeres, vntill in maner all such Scots and Picts as remained in Al|bion were brought vnder seruitude to the Britains. In which meane while, Gethus king of the Picts kept his siege roiall in Pomonia the chéefest Ile Reuther is sent for out of Ireland. of the Orkenies. Reuther also begot of his wife a sonne named Thereus, and shortlie after being pro|cured by letters and messengers sent vnto him from the foresaid Gethus and such Scots as were yet re|maining in Albion, he assembled a number of ships togither, and first with a chosen power of warriors sailed to the westerne Iles, where increasing his numbers, he passed ouer into Albion, landing on the west halfe of Rosse at Lough Bruum, and there comming on land, the first person that they met with (according to a custome vsed amongst them in those A custome. daies) they slue, and wetting the points of their wea|pons in his bloud, they first tasted thereof after their maner, then holding vp their weapons into the aire, they desired of the gods that they might reuenge the bloud of their elders with happie battell against the Britains their enimies. After this, hearing that Gethus king of the Picts was also entred the land with a mightie power of Germans, which were The Ger|mans in aid of the Picts. come to his aid, and was not past thirtie miles off, he staied there abiding for his comming, to the in|tent that ioining their powers togither, they might be the better able to furnish their enterprise.

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