Compare 1587 edition: 1 Reuther eſcaping with lyfe from this bloud|die encounter,Reuther the king fledde. in the night followyng departed his wayes with ſuch of his people as were left a|liue. Wherof his enimies being aduertiſed in the next morning, purſued after him with ſuch dili|gence,Reuther purſued and takẽ. that in the end they tooke him within a ca|ſtell in Catheneſe whither he was fledde for ſuc|cour: he was pardoned of life,He is pardo|ned of life. partly in reſpect of his fathers merites, and partly againe for that it was knowen how his tender youth was ſuch as had not deſerued death by any fact, otherwiſe thã in that he had followed the councell of malicious perſons. By this [...]uel murder & huge ſlaughter thus committed betwixte theſe twoo nations of Scottiſh men & Picts, bothe their forces were ſo greatly enfeebled, that they became an eaſie pray to their aũcient & cõmon enimies the Brytains, who in ſuch oportunitie of occaſion thought not to ſit ſtil til the ſame might haply be paſt & gone.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Firſt therfore with a mightie armie the Bry|tains inuaded the Picts:The Brytains vpõ occaſiõ in|uade the picts. The Picts ex|pulſed by the Brytains flee in to the Iſles of Orkeney. the nobles of which na|tion perceyuing themſelues not able to make re|ſiſtance, fled with theyr wiues, their children, and the moſt parte of their goodes, ouer into the Iſles EEBO page image 16 of Orkeney, and there aſſembling togither, they created them a new king to haue the gouernance ouer them,Gethus king. who was alſo named Gethus, and brother to the other Gethus a little before men|tioned. Here alſo they remayned certaine yeares after, liuing in peaceable manner with the for|mer inhabitants whom they found there, wrog|ing them by no iniurious dealing at all (if the Scottiſh hiſtorie be true.)
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Why Orke|ney was called Pictland as ſome ſuppoſe, but the trueth ſhoulde ſeeme to be that they were ſo called bycauſe the Pictes inhabi|ted there be|fore they ſet foote in Bry|taine.Hereof moreouer as ſome ſuppoſe it came to paſſe, that theſe Ilãds of Orkeney are named by diuers wryters the aũcient kingdome of ye Picts.