Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the front of the same pageant was written the name and title thereof, which is; The seat of worthie gouernance. Which seat was made in such artificiall maner, as to the appearance of the lookers on, the fore part seemed to haue no staie,Liuely work|manship and right com|mendable. & therefore of force was staied by liuelie personages, which personages were in number foure, standing and staieng the fore|front of the same seat roiall, each hauing his face to the quéene and people, whereof euerie one had a table to expresse their effects, which are vertues, namelie Pure religion, Loue of subiects, Wisedome and Iu|stice,A proper mo|rall. which did tread their contrarie vices vnder their feet, that is to wit; Pure religion did tread vp|on Superstition and Ignorance, Loue of subiects did tread vpon Rebellion and Insolencie, Wise|dome did tread vpon Follie and Uaine glorie, Iu|stice did tread vpon Adulation and Briberie. Ech of these personages according to their proper names and properties, had not onelie their names in plaine and perfect writing set vpon their breasts easilie to be read of all: but also euerie of them was aptlie an [...] properlie apparelled, so that his apparell and name did agree to expresse the same person, that in title he represented.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This part of the pageant was thus appointed an [...] furnished.How the pa|geant was appointed and furnished The two sides ouer the two side ports had in them placed a noise of instruments, which imme|diatlie after the childs spéech, gaue an heauenlie me|lodie. Upon the top or vppermost part of the said pa|geant, stood the armes of England, roiallie purtrai|tured with the proper beasts to vphold the same. One representing the quéenes highnesse sat in this seat crowned with an imperiall crowne, and before hir seat was a conuenient place appointed for one child, which did interpret and applie the said pageant, as hereafter shall be declared. Euerie void place was furnished with proper sentences, commending the seat supported by vertues, and defacing the vi|ces, to the vtter extirpation of rebellion, and to euer|lasting continuance of quietnesse and peace. The queenes maiestie approching nigh vnto this pageant thus beautified and furnished in all points,The quéene draweth néere the pagent to heare the childs ora|tion. caused hir charriot to be drawne nigh therevnto, that hir grace might heare the childs short oration, which was this:
Which verses were painted vpon the right side of the same pageant, and the Latine thereof on the left side EEBO page image 1175 in another table, which were these héere following:While that religion true,shall ignorance suppresse,And with hir weightie foot,breake superstitions head:While loue of subiects shallrebellion distresse,And with zeale to the prince,insolencie downe tread.While iustice flattering toongs,and briberie can deface,While follie and vaine glorie,to wisedome yeeld their hands:So long shall gouernementnot swarue from hir right race,But wrong decaieth still,and rightwisenesse vp stands.Now all thy subiects hearts,ô prince of peerelesse fameDo trust these vertues shallmainteine vp thy throne:And vice be kept downe still,the wicked put to shame,That good with good may ioy,and naught with naught may mone.
The same verses in La|tins painted on a table. Quae subnixa altè folio regina superbo est,Effigiem sanctae principis alma refert,Quam ciuilis amor fulcit, sapientia firmat,Iustitia illustrat, relligióque beat,Vana superstitio & crassa ignorantia frontisPressae sub pura relligione iacent.Regis amor domat effraenos animósque rebelles,Iustus adulantes doniuorósque terret.Cùm regit imperium sapiens, sine luce sedebuntStultitia, atque huius numen inanis honor.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Beside these verses, there were placed in euerie void roome of the pagent, both in English & Latine, such sentences as aduanced the seat of gouernance vpholden by vertue.The ground or morall of the pageant. The ground of this pageant was, that like as by vertues (which doo abundantlie appeare in hir grace) the quéenes maiestie was esta|blished in the seat of gouernment: so she shuld sit fa [...]t in the same, so long as she imbrased vertue, and held vice vnder foot. For if vice once got vp the head, it would put the seat of gouernement in perill of fal|ling. The queenes maiestie when she had heard the child,The quéenes promise with thanks to the citie. and vnderstood the pageant at full, gaue the ci|tie also thanks therefore, & most gratiouslie promised hir good indeuor for the maintenance of the said ver|tues, and suppression of vices, and so marched on till she came against the great conduit in Cheape, which was beautified with pictures and sentences accor|dinglie, against hir graces comming thither. A|gainst Soper lane end was extended from the one side of the stréet to the other,A pageant at Soper lane end. a pageant which had three gates all open: ouer the middlemost whereof were erected thrée seuerall stages, whereon sat eight chil|dren, as hereafter followeth. On the vppermost one child, on the middle three, on the lowest foure, each ha|uing the proper name of the blessing that they did re|present, written in a table, & placed aboue their head.