Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the forefront of this pageant, before the chil|dren which did represent the blessings, was a conue|nient standing cast out for a child to stand, which did expound the said pageant vnto the quéenes maiestie, as was doone in the other before. Euerie of these chil|dren were appointed and apparelled, according vn|to the blessing which he did represent. And on the fore|part of the said pageant was written in faire letters the name of the foresaid pageant in this manner:
The eight beatitudes expressed in the fift chapter of the gospell of saint Matthew,The inscripti|on fixed or set vpon the front of the said pa|geant. applied to our souereigne ladie queene Elisabeth.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Ouer the two side ports was placed a noise of in|struments. And all the void places in the pageant were furnished with prettie saiengs, commending & touching the meaning of the said pageant, which was the promises & blessings of almightie God, made to his people. Before that the queenes highnesse came vnto this pageant, she required the matter somwhat to be opened vnto hir, that hir grace might the bet|ter vnderstand, what should afterward by the child be said vnto hir. Which so was, that the citie had there erected the pageant with eight children, representing the eight blessings touched in the fift chapter of saint Matthew. Whereof euerie one vpon iust considera|tions,The meaning of the pa|geant. was applied vnto hir highnesse, and that the people thereby put hir grace in mind, that as hir good dooings before had giuen iust occasion, why that these blessings might fall vpon hir, that so if hir grace did continue in hir goodnesse as she had entered, she should hope for the fruit of these promises due vnto them that doo exercise themselues in the blessings: which hir grace heard maruellous gratiouslie, and re|quired that the charriot might be remooued towards the pageant,The quéene giueth atten|tiue eare to the childs words. that she might better perceiue the childs words, which were these, the quéenes maiestie giuing most attentiue eare, and requiring that the peoples noise might be staid. The verses were as follow:
Thou hast beene eight times blest,ô queene of worthie fame,By meekenesse of thy spirit,when care did thee beset,By mourning in thy griefe,by mildnesse in thy blame,By hunger and by thirst,and iustice couldst none get.By mercie shewd, not felt,by cleannesse of thine heart,By seeking peace alwaies,by persecution wrong.Therefore trust thou in God,sith he hath helpt thy smart,That as his promise is,so he will make thee strong.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When these words were spoken, all the people wi|shed, that as the child had vttered,A consent on all sides of prince, people and children. so God would strengthen hir grace against all hir aduersaries, whome the queenes maiestie did most gentlie thanke for their so louing wish. These verses were painted on the left side of the said pageant, and other in La|tine on the other side, which were these héere insuing:
Qui lugent hilares sient, qui mitia gestantPectora, multa soli iugera culta metent:Iustitiam esuriens fitiénsue replebitur: ipsumFas homini puro corde videre Deum:Quem alterius miseret, Dominus miserebitur huius:Pacificus quisquis, filius ille Dei est:Propter iustiti am quisquis patietur habétqueDemissam mentem coelica regna capit.Huit hominum generi terram, mare, fidera, vouitO [...]mipotens, horum quisque beatus erit.