Compare 1577 edition: 1 These verses and other pretie sentences were drawen in void places of this pageant, all tending to one end, that quietnes might be mainteined, and all dissention displaced: and that by the quéenes ma|iestie heire to agreement, and agreeing in name with hir, which to fore had ioined those houses, which had béene the occasion of much debate and ciuill war within this realme, as maie appéere to such as will search chronicles, but be not to be touched herein: onelie declaring hir graces passage through the ci|tie, and what prouision the citie made therefore. And yer the quéenes maiestie came within hearing of this pageant, she sent certeine as also at all the o|ther pageants, to require the people to be silent. For hir maiestie was disposed to heare all that should be said vnto hir.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the quéenes maiestie had heard the childs oration, and vnderstood the meaning of the pageant at large, she marched forward toward Cornehill, al|waie receiued with like reioising of the people. And there as hir grace passed by the conduit,The conduit [...] Cornehill [...]cked, and a noise of loud instruments [...]n the top of the same. which was curiouslie trimmed against that same time, with rich banners adorned, and a noise of lowd instruments vpon the top thereof, she spied the second pageant. And bicause she feared for the peoples noise, that she shuld not heare the child which did expound the same, she inquired what that pageant was yer that shé [...] came to it; and there vnderstood, that there was a child representing hir maiesties person, placed in a seat of gouernement, supported by certeine vertues which suppressed their contrarie vices vnder their feet, and so foorth, as in the description of the said pa|geant shall hereafter appeere.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This pageant standing in the nether end of Corn|hill, was extended from the one side of the stréet to the other.The deuise of the pageant in Cornehill. And in the same pageant was deuised thrée gates all open, and ouer the middle part thereof was erected one chaire or seate roiall, with a cloth of e|state to the same apperteining, wherein was placed a child representing the quéenes highnesse, with con|sideration had for place conuenient for a table, which conteined hir name and title: and in a comelie wreath artificiallie & well deuised, with perfect sight and vnderstanding to the people.