Howbeit, it was to be wished, euen to the disap|pointing of that mariage (if God in counsell had so prouided) that the whole bodie of the parlement had beene semblablie affected, as it is said, that all the nations of the world were,All nations in the world against the mariage of the sun, and why. when the sunne would néeds be maried. Against which purpose of the sun the people of all regions assembling, humblie be|sought Iupiter to cast in a blocke and impediment against that wedding. But Iupiter demanding of them why they would not haue the sun maried; one stepping vp made answer for the rest, and said: Thou knowest well enough Iupiter that there is but one sun, and yet he burneth vs all: who, if he be maried & haue children, as the number of suns must néeds increase; so must their heat and feruentnesse be multiplied, whereby a generall destruction of all things in their kind will insue. Herevpon that match was ouerthrowne. But God aboue ruling by prouidence all things here beneath, had purposed this coniunction; so that it was not in the power of man to withstand or interrupt it: howbeit it was his pleasure (to what end himselfe best knoweth) to cursse it with barrennesse, as he did the queene hir selfe with a short and vnpeaceable reigne (full of sedition and bloudshed) as our English poet noteth:
Quaepost Eduardi mortem conuersio rerum,Transtulit in varias alieno pectore partesBrutigenas, fauet hic externis, ille perosusMystarum rabiem, tantis obstacula quaeritOpportuna malis: cùm iam proh dedecusingens,Seditio exoritur, regnorum pessima pestis.
¶On the eight of Aprill, then being sundaie, Iohn Stow. A cat hanged in cheape. a cat with hir head shorne, and the likenesse of a vestment cast ouer hir, with hir fore féet tied togither, and a round peece of paper like a singing cake betwixt them, was hanged on a gallows in Cheape, néere to the crosse, in the parish of saint Matthew: which cat being taken downe, was caried to the bishop of London, and he caused the same to be shewed at Pauls crosse by the preacher doctor Pendleton.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 On the tenth daie of Aprill following,The bishops Cranmer, Latimer, and Ridleie sent to Oxford. Thomas Cranmer archbishop of Canturburie, Nicholas Ridleie bishop of London, and Hugh Latimer once bishop of Worcester, who had béene long prisoners in the tower, were now conueied from thence, and caried to Windsore, and afterward to the vniuersi|tie of Oxford, there to dispute with the diuines and learned men of the contrarie opinion. Two daies after their comming to Oxford, which was the twelfe daie of the said moneth,Commissio|ners. diuerse learned men of both the vniuersities were sent in commission from the conuocation (which during this parlement was kept in Pauls church in London) to dispute with those prisoners in certeine articles of religion. The names of them that were in commission were these following. Of Oxford, doctor Weston prolo|cutor, Cole, Chadseie, Pie, Harpesfield, Smith. Of EEBO page image 1103 Cambridge, Yoong, Seton, Watson, Atkinson, Phecknam, Sedgewike. The thirtéenth daie of A|prill these disputers assembled themselues in saint Maries church, to conuent the thrée persons aboue named vpon certeine articles of religion, who being brought out of prison before them, were seuerallie one after another examined of their opinions, vpon the articles proponed vnto them, Io. Fox in acts and monu|ments. whereof ye maie read in the booke of monuments of the church more at large, and there find the whole procéeding in that matter.