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The partie is here, said the lord maior. Take him with you (said Gardiner) and punish him according to his desert, and said further: My lord, take héed to your charge, the citie of London is a whirlepoole and a sinke of all euill rumors, there they be bred, and from thence spred into all parts of this realme. There stood by the same time the lord Shandois, who being then lieutenant of the tower,The Lord [...]handois [...] report in the Star|chamber, a|gainst the la|die Elizabeth and lord Courtneie. and now hea|ring the bishop thus speake, to sooth his tale, came in with these words as followeth: My lords (quoth he) this is a truth that I shall tell you, I being lieu|tenant of the tower when Wiat suffered, he desired me to bring him to the lord Courtneie; which when I had doone, he fell downe vpon his knees before him in my presence, and desired him to confesse the truth of himselfe, as he had doone before, and to submit him selfe vnto the quéenes mercie. And thus much of this matter I thought to declare, to the intent that the reader perceiuing the procéedings of the bishop in the premisses, & comparing the same with the true testimonie of Wiat himselfe, and with the testimo|nie of the shiriffes, the which were present the same time when sir Thomas Wiat asked the lord Court|neie forgiuenesse, maie the better iudge of the whole case and matter for the which the ladie Elizabeth and the lord Courtneie were so long in trouble.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On saturdaie next following being Easter euen, and the foure and twentith of March, the lord mar|ques of Northampton, the lord Cobham, and sir William Cobham his sonne and heire, were deli|uered out of the tower, where they had remained for a time, being committed thither vpon some suspicion about Wiats rebellion: as diuerse others were, wherof manie were put to death, as C.O. reporteth:

Nunc istos laesae nunc illos quaestio torquet
Maiestatis, habet multos custodia clausos
Firma viros, atro parsplurima deditur Orco.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Not long after, quéene Marie partlie offended with the Londoners, as fauorers of Wiats conspi|racie, and partlie perceiuing the more part of them nothing inclined towards hir procéedings in religi|on, which turned manie of them to losse, summoned a parlement to be holden at Oxford,A parlement summoned at Oxford but no [...] holden. as it were to gratifie that citie, which with the vniuersitie, towne, and countrie, had shewed themselues verie forward in hir seruice; but speciallie in restoring of the reli|gion called catholike: for which appointed parlement there to be holden, great prouision was made, as well by the quéens officers, as by the townesmen & inhabitants of the countrie round about. But the quéens mind in short space changed, and the same parlement was holden at Westminster in Aprill next following, wherein the queene proponed two speciall matters, the one for the mariage to be had betweene hir and the prince Philip of Spaine: the o|ther, for the restoring againe of the popes power and iurisdiction in England. As touching hir mariage, it was with no great difficultie agréed vpon; but the other request could not be easilie obteined.

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