Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Sir Thomas Wiat arreig|ned.Sir Thomas Wiat (of whome mention is made before) was about this time brought from the tower to Westminster, and there arreigned of high trea|son: the earle of Sussex, sir Edward Hastings, and sir Thomas Cornwallis, with others being his iudges. The effect of whose indictment among o|ther things speciallie was;The effect of Wiats indict|ment. that he the fourtéenth daie of Februarie last before, with force of armed multitude and ensignes displaied, had at Brainford raised open warres against our souereigne ladie the quéene, traitorouslie pretending and practising to de|priue hir of hir crowne and dignitie; and the question was demanded of him, whether he was guiltie or no? Where at he staied, and besought the iudges that he might first aske a question, before he answered directlie to the point,Wiat answe|reth not di|rectlie to the question guil|tie or vnguil|tie. and he was licenced so to doo. The question was, that if he should confesse himselfe guiltie, whether the same should not be preiudiciall vnto him, so as he by that confession should be bar|red from vttering such things as he had more to say? Wherevnto it was answered by the court; Maister Wiat (said they) ye shall haue both leaue and leasure to saie what you can.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Then my lords (quoth he) I must confesse my selfe guiltie, and in the end the truth of my case must in|force me. I must acknowledge this to be a iust plague for my sins, which most gréeuouslie I there|fore haue committed against God, who suffered me thus brutishslie & beastlie to fall into this horrible of|fense of the law. Wherefore all you lords & gentle|men, with other here present, note well my words, lo here & sée in me the same end which all other com|monlie had, which haue attempted the like enter|prise from the beginning. For peruse the chronicles through, & you shall sée that neuer rebellion attemp|ted by subiects against their prince and countrie,A rebels re|port touching rebellion. from the beginning did euer prosper, or had euer better successe, except the case of king Henrie the fourth: who although he became a prince, yet in his act was but a rebell, for so must I call him: & though he preuailed for a time, yet was it not long but that his heires were depriued, and those that had right a|gaine restored to the kingdome and crowne, and the vsurpation so sharplie reuenged afterward in his bloud, as it well appeared, that the long delaie of Gods vengeance was supplied with more greeuous plagues in the third and fourth generation. For the loue of God all you gentlemen that be here present, remember and be taught as well by examples past,Wiats ex|hortation to loialtie by his owne exam|ple. as also by this my present infelicitie and most wret|ched case. Oh most misserable, mischiefous, brutish & bestlie furious imaginations of mine! I was per|suaded that by the mariage of the prince of Spaine, the second person of this realme, and next heire to the crowne, should haue béene in danger; and that I being a free borne man, should with my countrie haue beene brought into the bondage and seruitude of aliens and strangers. Which brutish beastlie opi|nion then seemed to me reason, and wrought in me such effects, that it led me headlong into the practise of this detestable crime of treason.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now being better persuaded, and vnderstand|ing the great commoditie & honor which the realme should receiue by this marriage:Wiat altereth his mind tou|ching the quéenes ma|riage. I stand firme and fast in this opinion, that if it should please the queene to be mercifull vnto me, there is no subiect in this land that should more trulie and faithfullie serue hir highnes than I shall; nor no sooner die at hir graces féet in defense of hir quarrell. I serued hir highnesse against the duke of Northumberland, as my lord of Arundell can witnesse. My grandfather serued most truelie hir graces grandfather, and for his sake was set vpon the racke in the tower. My father also serued king Henrie the eight to his good conten|tation, and I also serued him, and king Edward his son. And in witnesse of my bloud spent in his ser|uice, I carrie a name. I alledge not all this to set foorth my seruice by waie of merit, which I confesse but dutie: but to declare to the whole world, that by abusing my wits, in pursuing my misaduised opini|on, I haue not onelie ouerthrowne my house,The fruits of rebellion by Wiats confes|sion. and defaced all the well dooings of me and my ancestors (if euer there were anie) but also haue béene the cause of mine owne death and destruction. Neither doo I alledge this to iustifie my selfe in anie point, neither for an excuse of mine offense: but most humblie sub|mit my selfe to the queenes maiesties mercie and pi|tie, desiring you my lord of Sussex, and you maister Hastings, with all the rest of this honorable bench, to be meanes to the quéenes highnesse for hir mercie, which is the greatest treasure that maie be giuen to anie prince from God, such a vertue as God hath ap|propriate to himselfe. Which if hir highnesse vouch|safe to extend vnto me, she shall bestow it on him, who shall be most glad to serue truelie, and not re|fuse to die in hir quarrell. For I protest before the iudge of all iudges, I neuer meant hurt against hir highnesse person.