Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king of England, after all the articles of the said treaties and agréements were concluded,The effect of king Henries oration to the French king. passed and sworne vnto, made to the French king, the duke of Burgognie, and other the French lords, a sumptu|ous banket; and before they departed from the same, he sadlie and with great grauitie made to them a right pithie and sententious oration, declaring to them both how profitable the ioining of the two kingdomes should be to the subiects of the same, and also the right that he had thereto, being by lineall des|cent of the womans side (which is the furest) rather a Frenchman than an Englishman. And though he was an Englishman borne, yet he assured them to tender the wealth of the realme of France, as much as he would the aduancement of his owne natiue countrie of England.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herewith, he inueied against Charles the Dol|phin, being the head and onelie mainteiner of all the ciuill discord, whose wicked nature, and cruell disposi|tion, did well appeare in the murther of the late duke of Burgognie. He therefore willed them, according to their dutie, oth, and agréement, to stand with him, and helpe to reduce such a stubborne and disloiall sonne vnto the obeisance of his father king Charles, that he might shew himselfe conformable vnto such orders and decrées, as they had taken, appointed, and agréed vpon: and for his part, he promised to worship, loue, and honor his father in law the said K. Charles, in place of his owne father, according to the true me|ning of this concord and agréement, trusting the same to be a peace finall.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 And to conclude, he promised, that if they shewed themselues true and loiall to him, according to the same agréement; the Ocean sea should sooner ceasse to slow, and the bright sunne lose his light, than he would desist from dooing that which became a prince to doo to his subiect, or a father to his naturall child. When he had thus persuaded the nobilitie, and dis|patched his businesse at Troies, he with all his ar|mie, hauing with him the French king, and the duke of Burgognie, departed from thence the fourth of Iune;It was ren|dered vp the tenth of Iune Titus Liuius. Sens & Mõ|streau besie|ged and taken. The siege was laid the 16. of Iune. and vpon the seauenth daie of the same mo|neth came before the towne of Sens in Burgognie, which held on the Dolphins part: but after foure daies siege, it was yéelded vnto the king, and there he made capteine, the lord Genuille. From thence, he remooued to Monstreau on fault Yonne, which towne was taken on the three and twentith daie of Iune, by assault, so that manie of the Dolphins part were apprehended, before they could get to the castell.