Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whilest the siege laie there, and before the towne was entred, the duke of Bedford came thither vnto the king, bringing with him a faire retinue of soldi|ers out of England. After the getting of the towne, the castell being well vittelled and manned, denied to render, and therefore was it enuironed with a strong siege. During the which, the duke of Burgognie was informed, in what place of the towne the duke his father was buried, who was slaine there (as before you haue heard) and now his corps was taken vp a|gaine by his sonnes appointment, and [...]eared, and so conueied vnto Digeon in high Burgognie, and there buried by his father Philip; to the end that the remembrance of him should remaine to posterities, by the reseruation of some monument abiding in the place of his interment, after that his bodie was consumed, and his naturall countenance forgotten. Which is the last point of reuerend dutie (as we may well thinke) which pietie of children towards their pa|rents dooth require; namelie, that they be decentlie buried when they be departed, and that their graues or toome stones may put vs that are aliue in mind of going the same waie, and to set no more by this flit|ting life, than standeth with the vncerteintie and shortnesse of the same; as one right well saith:
Cùm tumulum cernis, cur non mortalia spornis?Esto memor mortis, quo viuis tempore fortis.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Bicause they within the castell of Monstreau, gaue opprobrious words vnto the kings herald that was sent to them, the king caused a gibet to be set vp before the castle, on the which were hanged twelue of those spitefull offendors, all gentlemen & freends to the capteine named monsieur de Guitrie, who at length, perceiuing that by no means he could be suc|coured; and fearing to be taken by force began to treat with the king of England,It held not out so long as should appeare by Tit. Liuius, who saith, yt it was ren|dred ye fourth of Iulie. who for the space of eight daies would hearken to none of his offers; but in conclusion, he and his rendred themselues simplie, their liues onelie saued, six wéekes after they had béene besieged. The earle of Warwike was made capteine, both of the towne and castell, who fortified it with men, munition, and vittels.
[About this time Robert the gouernour of Scot|land, W.P. Buchan. lib. [...]. the fiftéenth yéere after his brothers reigne, and in the thirtith yeare of his owne regiment deceassed, in whose steed and office his sonne Mordac duke of Albanie was by and by chosen, who had sonnes three, Walter, Alexander, and Iames, whereof the two el|dest beginning betimes to be obstinate, grew soone after verie graceles and wicked: that in one flagiti|ous feat among the rest by this Walter verie impi|ouslie against his parents was vttered. The gouer|nour had a faire, a gentle, and well flieng falcon, whereby he set great store. The sonne verie desirous of the same, made manie meanes and motions to haue hir, not without note of malapert importunitie and lacke of reuerence toward his parents pleasure, which the father dissembling to sée, would not yet in anie wise forgo his hawke. Whereat this child reiec|ting regard of dutie, and receiuing an vnnaturall hate and heat by broth of iniquitie set a boiling in his brest, came in on a time, where standing a while at a sudden braid, pluckt awaie the bird from his fathers fist, and straight before his face wrang of hir necke. The gouernour heereat sore astonied, for verie greefe gaue a great grone; Well sonne (quod he) since yée cannot bridle your brunts for dutie and reuerence toward me your parent and souereigne, I will bring in one that shall bridle vs both. Heerevpon soone af|ter, he with one Calen Campbell, a noble man & of much authoritie (vnto whome this Walter had doone a great despight) and with other of the nobilitie fell straight in consultation about the calling home of their king. Which all with one assent they did right well allow, whereby soone after (as is touched afore, and followeth more at large) he was by them in his kingdome right roiallie placed. But this came of it. These mischéefous children Walter and Alexander, the verie cause of their fathers confusion and their owne, within few yeares after condemned by law, vpon a hill by Sterling castell, had their heads chopt off at once. Walters wife with hir two sonnes, An|drew and Alexander, ran for refuge awaie into Ire|land; thus for their long iniquities their hires iustlie paid all in a daie.]