Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 On the fourtéenth of Iune being fridaie, Tho. Walsi. there was a solemne procession at London, and a sermon at Paules crosse, in which the preacher openlie declared the effect of the kings mariage, and the articles con|cluded vpon the same, by reason wherof (he said) there must be a new great seale deuised, and the old bro|ken, and in the new the kings name with a new ad|dition of his title as regent of France, and heire ap|parant of that kingdome was to be ingrauen. Be|side the league thus concluded by king Henrie with the French king,A league be|twéene king Henrie & the duke of Bur|gognie. and the whole bodie of the realme of France, there was a priuat league accorded be|twixt him and the duke of Burgognie, the effect wher|of was comprehended in articles as followeth.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 First, that the duke of Burgognie should procure this peace latelie before concluded, to be obserued firme and stable in all couenants and points therof, so far as he by any meanes might further the same: in consideration whereof, one of the brethren of king Henrie should take to wife one of the said duke of Burgognies sisters. That king Henrie should euer haue in singular fauour the said duke of Burgognie, as his most déere brother, and support him in all his rights. That the said duke, after the deceasse of king Charles, should take an oth of fealtie to be true to K. Henrie & his heires, according to the forme & te|nor therof before expressed, & should in all things be friend to king Henrie and his heires for euer. That king Henrie should doo his vttermost indeuour, that due punishment might be had for the murther of duke Iohn, father to the said duke of Burgognie, as|well vpon Charles that named himselfe Dolphin, as vpon others that were guiltie and priuie to that murther.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 If the said Dolphin chanced to be taken, either in battell or towne besieged, or if anie other chanced so to be taken, that should be prooued guiltie or priuie to the murther of the said duke Iohn, he should not be deliuered without iust punishment for his deeds, nor without the consent of the two kings Charles and Henrie, & of the thrée estates of both the realmes. In consideration of the great diligence, and pain|full trauell susteined by the duke of Burgognie, it was also agreed, that he should haue by patent gran|ted of king Charles and queene Isabell a fée of twen|tie thousand pounds Parisien, of yéerelie reuenues, assigned foorth néere to the confines of his countrie, EEBO page image 576 to inioy the same to him and to his wife the duches Michaell, and to the heires males betwixt them two, lawfullie begotten, to the obteining whereof, king Henrie should shew all his furtherance; & if it might not be brought to passe till king Henrie had obtei|ned the crowne of France, then should he sée the same performed, vpon the receiuing of his ho|mage.