14.1. The oth of the duke of Burgognie.
The oth of the duke of Burgognie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _EGo Philippus Burgundiae dux, per me meósque haeredes, ad sacra Dei euan|gelia domino regi Henrico Angliae, Franciaeque, pro Carolo rege regenti iuro, quòd humiliter ipsi Henrico fide|lit ér cunctis in rebus, quae rempublicam spectant & Franciae coronam, obediemus, & statim post mortem Caroli domini nostri, domino Henrico re|gi suísque successoribus in perpetuum ligei fideles erimus; nec alium quempiam pro domino nostro supremo Franciae rege, quàm Henricum & suos haeredes habebimus, néque patiemur. Non eri|mus praeterea in consilio vel consensu cuiusquam damni regis Henrici, suorúmue successorum, vbi quicquam detrimenti patiantur capitis siue mem|bri, vel vitam perdant; sed praedicta (quantum in nobis fuerit) quàm citissimis literis vel nuntijs, vt sibi meliùs prouidore valeant, eis significabi|mus.
14.2. The same in English.
The same in English.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _I Philip duke of Burgognie, for my selfe, and for mine heires, doo here sweare vpon the holie euan|gelists of God, to Henrie king of EEBO page image 573 England, and regent of France for king Charles, that we shall humblie and faith|fullie obeie the said Henrie in all things which concerne the common-wealth and crowne of France. And immediatlie after the deceasse of our souereigne lord king Charles, we shall be faithfull liegemen vn|to the said king Henrie, and to his succes|sors for euer. Neither shall we take or suf|fer anie other souereigne lord and supreme king of France, but the same Henrie and his heires: neither shall we be of counsell or consent of anie hurt towards the said king Henrie or his successors, wherby they may suffer losse & detriment of life or lim, but that the same so farre as in vs may lie, we shall signifie to them with all speed, by letters or messengers, that they may the better prouide for themselues in such cases.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The like oth a great number of the princes and nobles both spirituall and temporall, which were pre|sent, receiued at the same time. This doone, the mo|row after Trinitie sundaie, being the third of Iune, the mariage was solemnized and fullie consummate betwixt the king of England, and the said ladie Ka|tharine. Herewith was the king of England named and proclamed heire and regent of France. And as the French king sent the copie of this treatie to eue|rie towne in France: so the king of England sent the same in English vnto euerie citie and market towne within his realme, to be proclamed and publi|shed. The true copie whereof, as we find it in the chro|nicles of maister Hall, we haue thought good here to set downe, for the more full satisfieng of those that shall desire to peruse euerie clause and article there|of, as followeth.
14.1. The articles & appointments of peace betweene the realmes of England and France.
The articles & appointments of peace betweene the realmes of England and France.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _HEnrie by the grace of God king of Eng|land, heire and regent of France, lord of Ireland, to perpetuall mind of christian people, and all those that be vnder our obeisance, we notifie and declare, that though there hath béene here before diuerse treaties betwéene the most excellent prince Charles our father of France and his progenitors, for the peace to be had betwéene the two realmes of France and England, the which heretofore haue borne no fruit: we considering the great harmes, the which haue not onelie fallen be|twéene those two realmes, for the great diuision of that hath béene betwéene them, but to all holy church; we haue taken a treatie with our said father, in which treatie betwixt our said father and vs, it is con|cluded & accorded in the forme after the manner that followeth.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 1 First, it is accorded betwéene our father and vs, that forsomuch as by the bond of matrimonie made for the good of the peace betweene vs and our most deere beloued Katharine, daughter of our said father, & of our most déere moother Isabell his wife; the same Charles and Isabell beene made our father and moother: therefore them as our father and moo|ther we shall haue and worship, as if fitteth and sée|meth so worthie a prince and princesse to be worship|ped, principallie before all other temporall persons of the world.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Also we shall not distrouble, diseason or let our father aforesaid, but that he hold and possede as long as he liueth, as he holdeth and possedeth at this time, the crowne and dignitie roiall of France, with rents and profits for the same, of the sustenance of his e|state and charges of the realme. And our foresaid moother also hold as long as she liueth, the state and dignitie of quéene, after the manner of the same realme, with conuenable conuenient part of the said rents and profits.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 Also that the foresaid ladie Katharine shall take and haue dower in our realme of England as queenes of England here tofore were woont for to take and haue, that is to saie, to the summe of fortie thousand scutes, of the which two algate shall be a noble English.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 4 And that by the waies, manners, and meanes that we without transgression or offense of other made by vs, for to speake the lawes, customes, vsa|ges and rights of our said realme of England, shall done our labour and pursuit, that the said Katharine, all so soone as it maie be doone, be made sure to take, and for to haue in our said realme of England, from the time of our death, the said dower of fortie thou|sand scutes yearelie, of the which twaine algate be worth a noble English.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 5 Also if it happe the said Katharine to ouerliue vs, we shall take and haue the realme of France im|mediatlie, from the time of our death, dower to the summe of twentie thousand franks yearelie, of and vpon the lands, places and lordships that held and had Blanch sometime wife of Philip Beasaill to our said father.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 6 Also that after the death of our said father a|foresaid, and from thence forward, the crowne and the realme of France, with all the rights and appur|tenances, shall remaine and abide to vs, and béene of vs and of our heires for euermore.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 7 And forsomuch as our said father is withholden with diuerse sickenesse, in such manner as he maie not intend in his owne person for to dispose for the néeds of the foresaid realme of France: therefore du|ring the life of our foresaid father, the faculties and exercise of the gouernance and disposition of the pub|like & common profit of the said realme of France, with councell, and nobles, and wisemen of the same realme of France, shall be and abide to vs: so that from thencefoorth we maie gouerne the same realme by vs. And also to admit to our counsell and assi|stance of the said nobles, such as we shall thinke méet. The which faculties and exercise of gouernance thus being toward vs, we shall labour and purpose vs spéedfullie, diligentlie, and trulie, to that that maie be and ought for to be vnto the worship of God, and our said father and moother, and also to the com|mon good of the said realme, and that realme with the counsell & helpe of the worthie and great nobles of the same realme for to be defended, peased and go|uerned after right and equitie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 8 Also that we of our owne power shall doo the court of parlement in France to be kept and obser|ued in his authoritie and souereignetie, and in all that is doone to it in all manner of places that now or in time comming is or shall be subiect to our said father.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 9 Also we to our power shall defend and helpe all and euerie of the péeres, nobles, cities, townes, communalties, and singular persons, now or in time comming, subiects to our father in their rights, cu|stomes, priuileges, freedomes, and franchises, long|ing or due to them in all manner of places now or in time comming subiect to our father.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 10 Also we diligentlie and truelie shall trauell to our power, and doo that iustice be administred and doone in the same realme of France after the lawes, customes, and rights of the same realme, without personall exception. And that we shall kéepe and hold EEBO page image 574 the subiects of the same realme in tranquillitie and peace, and to our power we shall defend them against all manner of violence and oppression.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 11 Also we to our power shall prouide, and doo to our power, that able persons and profitable béene taken to the offices as well of iustices and other offi|ces belonging to the gouernance of the demaines, and of other offices of the said realme of France, for the good right and peaceable iustice of the same, and for the administration that shall be committed vnto them; and that they be such persons, that after the lawes and rights of the same realme, and for the vti|litie and profit of our said father, shall minister, and that the foresaid realme shall be taken and departed to the same offices.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 12 Also that we of our power, so soone as it may commodiouslie be doone, shall trauell to put into the obedience of our said father, all manner of cities, townes, and castels, places, countries, and persons within the realme of France, disobedient, and rebels to our said father, holding with them which beene cal|led the Dolphin or Arminacke.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 13 Also that we might the more commodiouslie, suerlie and fréelie doone, exercise, & fulfill these things aforesaid, it is accorded that all worthie nobles and estates of the same realme of France, as well spiri|tuals as temporals, and also cities notable and com|munalties, and citizens, burgesses of townes of the realme of France, that béene obeisant at this time to our said father, shall make these othes that fol|lowen.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 14 First to vs hauing the facultie, exercise, dis|position, and gouernance of the foresaid common profit to our hests and commandements, these shall meekelie & obedientlie obeie and intend in all man|ner of things concerning the exercise of gouernance of the same realme.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 15 Also that the worthie, great, and noble estates of the said realme, as well spirituals as temporals, and also cities and notable communalties, and citi|zens and burgesses of the same realme, in all man|ner of things well and trulie shall kéepe and to their power shall doo to be kept of so much as to them be|longeth, or to anie of them, all those things that béene appointed and accorded betwéene our foresaid father and moother and vs, with the counsell of them whome vs list to call to vs.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 16 And that continuallie from the death, and af|ter the death of our said father Charles, they shall be our true liegemen, and our heires; and they shall re|ceiue and admit vs for their liege and souereigne and verie king of France, and for such to obeie vs with|out opposition, contradiction, or difficultie, as they béene to our foresaid father during his life, neuer af|ter this realme of France shall obey to man as king or regent of France, but to vs and our heires. Also they shall not be in counsell, helpe, or assent that we léese life or limme, or be take with euill taking, or that we suffer harme, or diminution in person, estate worship, or goods; but if they know anie such thing for to be cast or imagined against vs, they shall let it to their power, & they shall doone vs to weeten there|of, as hastilie as they maie by themselfe, by message, or by letters.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 17 Also that all maner of conquests that should be made by vs in France vpon the said inobedients, out of the duchie of Normandie, shall be doone to the profit of our said father; and that to our power we shall doo, that all maner of lands and lordships that béene in the places so for to be conquered, longing to persons obeieng to our foresaid father, which shall sweare for to kéepe this present accord, shall be resto|red to the same persons to whom they long to.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 18 Also that all manner of persons of the holie church, beneficed in the duchie of Normandie, or any other places in the realme of France, subiect to our father, and fauouring the partie of the dukes of Bur|gognie, which shall sweare to kéepe this present ac|cord, shall inioy peaceablie their benefices of holie church in the duchie of Normandie, or in other places next aforesaid.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 19 Also likewise, all maner of persons of holie church, obedient to vs, and beneficed in the realme of France, and places subiect to our father, that shall sweare to keepe this present accord, shall inioy peace|ablie their benefices of holie church in places next a|bouesaid.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 20 Also that all maner of churches, vniuersities, and studies generall, and all colleges of studies, and other colleges of holie church, being in places now or in time comming subiect to our father, or in the du|chie of Normandie, or other places in the realme of France subiect to vs, shall inioy their rights and pos|sessions, rents, prerogatiues, liberties, & franchises, longing or due to them in any maner of wise in the said relme of France, sauing the right of the crowne of France, and euerie other person.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 21 Also by Gods helpe, when it happeneth vs to come to the crowne of France, the duchie of Nor|mandie, and all other places conquered by vs in the realme of France, shall bow vnder the commande|ment, obeisance, and monarchie of the crowne of France.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 22 Also that we shall force vs, & doo to our power, that recompense be made by our said father without diminution of the crowne of France to persons obei|eng to him, and fauoring to that partie that is said Burgognie, to whom longeth lands, lordships, rents, or possessions in the said duchie of Normandie, or o|ther places in the realme of France, conquered by vs hither toward, giuen by vs in places and lands gotten or to be gotten, and ouercome, in the name of our said father vpon rebels and inobedients to him. And if so be that such maner of recompense be not made to the said persons, by the life of our said father, we shall make that recompense in such maner and places, of goods, when it happeneth by Godsgrace to the crowne of France. And if so be that the lands, lordships, rents, or possessions, the which longeth to such maner of persons in the said duchie and places be not giuen by vs, the same persons shall be restored to them without any delaie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 23 And during the life of our father, in all places now or in time comming subiect to him, letters of common iustice, and also grants of offices and gifts, pardons or remissions, and priuileges shall be writ|ten and proceed vnder the name and seale of our said father. And for somuch as some singular case maie fall, that maie not be foreséene by mans wit in the which it might be necessarie and behoouefull, that we doo write our letters; in such maner case, if any hap for the good and suertie of our father, and for the go|uernance that longeth to vs, as is beforesaid; and for to eschewen perils that otherwise might fall, to the preiudice of our said father, to write our letters, by the which we shall command, charge, and defend after the nature and qualitie of the néed, in our fathers be|halfe and ours as regent of France.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 24 Also, that during our fathers life, we shall not call nor write vs king of France; but verelie we shall absteine vs from that name, as long as our father liueth.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 25 Also that our said father, during his life, shall name, call, and write vs in French in this maner: Nostre treschier filz Henry roy d' Engleterre heretere de France. And in Latine in this maner: Praeclarissimus fi|lius noster Henricus rex Angliae & haeres Franciae.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 26 Also that we shall put none impositions or EEBO page image 575 exactions, or doo charge the subiects of our said father without cause reasonable and necessarie, ne other|wise than for common good of the realme of France, and after the saieng and asking of the lawes and cu|stomes reasonable approoued of the same realme.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 27 Also that we shall trauell to our power to the effect and intent, that by the assent of the thrée estates of either of the realmes of France and England, that all maner of obstacles maie be doone awaie, and in this partie, that it be ordeined and prouided; that from the time that we or any of our heires come to the crowne of France, both the crownes, that is to saie, of France and England perpetuallie be togi|ther in one & in the same person, that is to saie, from our fathers life to vs, and from the tearme of our life thenceforward in the persons of our heires, that shall be one after an other, and that both realms shall be gouerned from that we or any of our heires come to the same, not seuerallie vnder diuerse kings in one time, but vnder the same person which for the time shall be king of both realms, and our souereigne lord (as it is before said) kéeping neuerthelesse in all maner of other things to either of the same realmes, their rights, liberties, customes, vsages, and lawes, not making subiect in any maner of wise one of the same realmes, to the rights, lawes, or vsages of that other.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 28 Also that thenceforward, perpetuallie, shall be still rest, and that in all maner of wise, dissentions, hates, rancors, enuies and wars, betweene the same realmes of France and England, and the people of the same realmes, drawing to accord of the same peace, may ceasse and be broken.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 29 Also that there shall be from henceforward for euermore, peace and tranquillitie, & good accord, and common affection, and stable friendship betwéene the said realmes, and their subiects before said. The same realmes shall kéepe themselues with their councell, helps, and common assistance against all maner of men that inforce them for to dooen or to imagine wrongs, harmes, displeasures, or grieuances to them or either of them. And they shall be conuersant and merchandizen fréelie and suerlie togither, paieng the custome due and accustomed. And they shall be conuersant also, that all the confederats and alies of our said father and the realme of France aforesaid, and also our confederats of the realme of England aforesaid, shall in eight moneths from the time of this accord of peace, as it is notified to them, declare by their letters, that they will draw to this accord, and will be comprehended vnder the treaties and ac|cord of this peace, sauing neuerthelesse either of the same crownes, and also all maner actions, rights and reuenues, that longen to our said father and his sub|iects, and to vs and our subiects, against all maner of such alies and confederats.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 30 Also neither our father, neither our brother the duke of Burgognie shall begin, ne make with Charles, cleping himselfe the Dolphin of Uiennes, any treatie, or peace, or accord, but by councell and assent of all and ech of vs sorée, or of other the three estates of either of the said realmes aboue named.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 31 Also that we with assent of our said brother of Burgognie, and other of the nobles of the realme of France, the which thereto owen to be called, shall or|deine for the gouernance of our said father s [...]kerlie, louinglie, & honestlie, after the asking of his roiall estate and dignitie, by the maner that shall be to the worship of God, and of our father, and of the realme of France.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 32 Also all mane [...] of persons, that shall be about our father to doo him personall seruice, not onelie in office, but in all other seruices, aswell the nobles and gentlenes as other, shall be such as hath beene borne in the realme of France, or in places longing to France, good, wise, true, and able to that foresaid ser|uice. And our said father shall dwell in places nota|ble of his obedience, and no where else. Wherefore we charge and command our said liege subiects, and o|ther being vnder our obedience, that they keepe and doo to be kept in all that longeth to them, this accord and peace, after the forme and maner as it is accor|ded; and that they attempt in no maner wise, any thing that may be preiudiciall or contrarie to the same accord and peace, vpon paine of life and lim, and all that they may forfeit against vs. Yeuen at Troes, the thirtith day of Maie, 1420, & proclamed in London the twentith day of Iune.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 33 Also that we for the things aforesaid, and eue|rie one of them, shall giue our assent by our letters patents, sealed with our seale vnto our said father, with all approbation and confirmation of vs, and all other of our bloud roiall, and all other of the cities and townes to vs obedient. Sealed with our seales accustomed. And further our said father, besides his letters patents sealed with our great seale, shall make or cause to be made letters approbatorie, and confirmations of the peeres of his realme, and of the lords, citizens, and burgesses of the same, vnder his obedience. All which articles we haue sworne to kéepe vpon the holie euangelists.