You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 3 of
5: The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn
Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman. The first number noteth the page, the second the line.
Snippet: 13 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 742) O.
- OBren king of Thomond slaine, 64, 8
- EEBO page image 743 Obren Donat slaine by his own men, 66. 10
- Obren Morogh baron of Ines|teklen, 39. 39. He killeth Iohn Fitziohn, 73. 12
- Oconher of Ophalia his victo|ries, 64. 6
- Oconher king of Conagh slaine, 67. 4. 34. 40
- Oconher mac Kellie slaine in Conagh, 67. 23. His victo|ries, 75. 72. 76. 42
- Oconher Catholo flaine, 74. 17
- Oconher of Ulster rebelleth, 102. 14. His countrie is inua|ded and burned, ib. 25. He submitteth himselfe, ib. 30. Giueth hostages, ib.
- Odonell anoieth the kings sub|iects in Ulster, 62. 44. He is vanquished, ib. Restored to his possessions, 116. 25
- Odempsie discomfiteth Ocon|her, 64, 7. Subdueth Obren, 65. 45
- Odron, 55. 58
- Okensile in Leinster. 7. 37
- Ornalaghlin king of Meth, 56. 26. In credit with Turge|sius, ib. His policies to be|guile Turgesius, ib. 40. His persuasion to his countrimen, 56. 25. His daughter maried to Ororike, 1, 26, He is slaine, 63, 58
- Omores rebell, 135. 35
- Onele was chased in battell, 62. 65. He is slaine and 352. men with him, 62. 57. He paieth tribute, ib. 45
- Onele Con beareth the sword before the earle of Kildare, 84. 75. Maketh insurrection a|gainst the earle of Ossorie, 86. 46. He inuadeth the English pale, 101. 20. The first earle of Tiron, 112. 16. He had two sonnes, ib. His first sonne ba|ron of Dungannon, ib. 24. Onele and all the North vn|quiet, 110. 5. He is taken pri|soner, 110. 25
- Onele Shane by blood and mur|ther preuaileth, 112. 8. The proudest man, ib. 8. 115. 40. 151. 74. The causes of his rebellion, ib. 20. He vsurpeth the name of Onele, ibid. 40. He breaketh into rebellion, ib. 50. He praieth the lord deputie to be his godcept, ib. 65. His obiections against his elder brether, 113. 6. He promiseth to be quiet, 113. 3. He is pur|sued by the earle of Essex, ib. 12. Is become a tyrant, ib 20. He is a dronkard, ib. 30. He is buried in the ground to reco|uer his dronkennesse, ib. 38. His force and gard, ib. 53. He traineth vp his pesantes in warres, ib. 55. He taunteth at the earle of Clancar, 114. 17. He besiegeth Dundalke, 115. 12. 116. 62. He is discomfited, [...]. 30. His cowardnesse, 116. 12. His friends forsake him, 116. 70. His countrie is prei|ed, 117. 10. He is distressed, ib. 26. He is slaine, ib. 56. His head set vpon the castle of Dublin, ib. 65. His sonne committed vnto the castle of Dublin, ib. 34
- Onele would speake no Eng|lish, 12. 30
- Onolan one of the Macmurghes and his companie were set vp|on and discomfited, and cari|ed awaie prisoners, 74. 36
- Oration of Donald of Osso|rie, 39. 6
- Oration of Rodorike king of Picts, 57. 46
- Oration of Omaleighlin 56. 46
- Oration of Rothorike Ocon|hor, 8. 7
- Oration of Mac Morough, 9. 20
- Oration of Fitzstephene, 10. 20
- Oration of Reimond, 25. 13. 6. 17. 37. 10
- Oration of Heruie, 13. 24
- Oration of Moris Fitzgirald, 17. 47
- Oration of Worslie lord chan|cellor, 85. 6
- Oration of Fitzgirald earle of Kildare, 85. 48. To his sonne, 88. 21
- Oration of Thomas Fitzgi|rald, 89. 70. 91. 34
- Oration of Weston lord Chan|cellor, 119. 30
- Oration of Stanihurst, 119. 1
- Oration of sir H [...]nrie Sidneie, 119. 56
- Order of a parlement, 121. 10
- Oreons, 55. 58
- Ossories there be two, 7. 40
- Ossorie is ouerrun, 6. 56
- Ostemen, 34. 47
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 3 of
5: The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn
Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman. The first number noteth the page, the second the line.
Snippet: 14 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 743) P.
- PAlladius archdeacon of Rome arriueth into Ireland, 52. 72. Appointed to preach, ib. 30. Hetrauelleth into Scot|land, ib. 20
- Pall what it is, 31. 47. 49. 24
- Pangs of gelousie, 26. 10
- Parkin Warbecke raised vp to be a king, 79. 30. He is ta|ken, 79. 40
- Parker Nicholas, valiantlie de|fendeth himselfe, 166. 63
- Parker Iohn lieutenant to cap|taine Furse, slaine in the Glinnes, 169. 44
- Paris Christopher betraieth Mainouth, 95. 50. His pro|mised reward is paied, ib. 57. 15. Beheaded. 96. 10
- Parlement at Dublin, 70. 50. 71. 40. 75. 12. 76. 59. 87. 58. 74. 16. 74. 40. 119. 15. 99. 30. At Kilkennie, 71 69. 25. 35. At Balidale, 72. 73. Parlement order, 121. 10. At Trim. 76. 70
- Patriarch Heraclius commeth to king Henrie the second for aid, 49. 60. Intreateth the king to go into the holie land, ib. 56. He threatneth the king for denieng, ib. 64
- Patrike his life, 53. 40. Where he was borne, 53. 33. His purgatorie, 28. 28. 53. 58. Made an archbishop, ib. 8. He baptised Ruanus 2041. yeeres old, 48. 45. He conuerteth all Ireland to christianitie, 53. 25.
- Pellam sir William is dubbed knight, 158. 44. Is chosen lord iustice, 162. 50. He dubbeth sir William Girald and sir Tho|mas Perot knights, ib. 70. He maketh a iournie into Moun|ster, ib. 20. He sendeth for the earle of Desmond. ib. 50. He sendeth the earle of Ormond vnto him, 163, 2. He procla|meth the earle traitor, 164. 14. He commeth to Limerike and then to Gallowaie, and is honorablie receiued, he ma|keth a second iournie then to Mounster, 166. 38. Is verie honorablie receiued at Water|ford, ib. 60. He sendeth the chancellor of Limerike to ward and the bishop he com|mandeth to his owne house, 66. 144, He besiegeth & taketh the castle of Caregfoile, 167. 40. 10. He taketh Asketten castle, 167. 30. He createth sir William Burcke baron of Connell, 168. 20. He deliue|reth the swoord to the lord Greie, 170. 36
- Peet signifieth a Magician, 54, 20
- Pet sent for Lacie, 48. 68
- Peers Gaueston, ¶ See Gaue|ston.
- Perot sir Iohn lord president of Mounster, 133. 2. His state & conditions, ib. Iames Fitz|moris rebelleth at his go|uernment, ib. 14. His gouern|ment, 134. 434. His seruice a|gainst him, ib. 12. The peace of the countrie, ib. 40. His as|sistance, ib. 56. He reformeth Irish maners, ib. 30. 151. 4. Admerall of the Queenes ships, 158. 1. He is lord depu|tie, he subdueth the Scots, He maketh the land all shire ground.
- Perot sir Thomas is dubbed knight, 158. 46
- Pestilence in the English pale, 136. 20
- Philip of Worcester sent for Lacie, 48. 40. His gouerne|ment. ib.
- Pietie is necessarie in a gouer|nour, 13, 50
- Picts arriue into Ireland, 50. 46. Into Scotland, ib. 44. They marie with the Irish, ib. 68. Inhabite in part of Britain, 51. 56. The amilie betweene them & the Scots, ib. 67. They fall out and are reconciled, ib. 26. 70. They be rooted out, ib. 50
- Poole cardinal sendeth to Rome for Girald Fitzgirald, 98. 55 He carefullie bringeth him vp. 99. 1. Giueth him a yeere|lie pension, 98. 47. Increa|seth his pension, 99, 39
- Pope Celestine inuesteth Pa|trike archbishop of Ardmach, 53. 6. He sendeth Palladius into Scotland, 58. 20
- Pope destroieth the Templers, 64. 63
- Popes legats assoile king Hen|rie the second, 25. 36. They ini [...]ine him penance, 25. 1
- Pope Alexander his priuileges to Ireland, 35. 25. He de|mandeth tenths and Peter pence, 64. 45. 36. 55. 36. 22
- Pope Adrians priuileges, 35. 48. He keepeth a synod at Dublin, 44. 30. He maketh peace. 42. 40
- Popes fauour vnto Thomas Stukelie, 149. 40. He giueth him titles of honour, ib. 47
- Pope sendeth aid with Iames Fitzmoris, 154. 15. Appoin|teth doctor Sanders to be his legat, ib. 31. The fruites of his religion, he sendeth foren aid into Ireland, 154. 30. His banner is displaied, 159. 6. Dispenseth with mur|ther, 156. 68. His wicked prac|tise, 183. 48
- Poer Dominik sent to Charles the emperour for aid, 97. 70. Presenteth him with hawkes and horses, ib. 70. 3. He hath the kings pardon, ib. 7. He hath the emperours pension, ib. 8
- Poer Arnold accused of here|sie, 69. 72. He died, 70. 30. He was seneschall of Kilkennie, 69. 24. Hee killed the lord B [...]euill, 65. 57
- Poet Eustace inuadeth Scot|land. 94. 59
- Poet Eustace vicount Baltin|glas cemplaineth against the cesse, 145. 42. His letters to the earle of Ormond, 149. 54. Complaineth against sir Ni|cholas Bagnoll, 150. 2. His cõplaints found vntrue, ib. 25. He was baron of Kilcolen. 38. 7. Hideth in the Glinnes, 169, 3. Is wearie of his life, 180. 56. He died miserablie. ib. 70
- Poer baron of Coraghmore, 39. 18
- Poer William seneschall of Wa|terford, 47. 36
- Poer Roger, his seruice in Ul|ster, 43. 34. His race and pro|genie, 43. 36. Gouernour at Leighlin and in Ossorie. ib. 38. 47. 34. Slaine in Ossorie, 52. 16. 54. 3
- Poer Robert, seneschall of Wa|terford and Wexsford, 44. 51. 46. 60
- Poer Thomas Fitziohn, ba|ron of Donoile, sweareth to serue the king, 156. 68
- Poets were at the first chrono|graphers, Epistola.
- Propheter of Ireland, 53. 11
- Posts set betweene England and Ireland, 114. 5
- Prophelles, 3. 30. 14. 60. 22. 41. 29. 30. 24. 50. 42. 28. 47. 50. 51. 20. 53. 10
- Prouerbe, Too late quod Boies 95. 68
- Prendergast Moris ariueth in|to Ireland at the Banne, 5. 4 Borne in Wales, ib. 5
- Prendergast William slaine, 66, 29
- Punishment for sinnes make a quiet common wealth, 141. 68
- Prerogatiue of a king. 140. 4. 145, 65. 20
- Prebendaries made moonks, 60. 36
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 3 of
5: The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn
Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman. The first number noteth the page, the second the line.
Snippet: 15 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 743) Q.
- QUestions cõcerning gouern|ment, 70. 50
- Quimo, liuerie, and other Irish impositions, 78. 56
- Quimerford Ful [...]o spoiled and robbed, 130. 18
- Queene Elisabeth hir continu|all care for Ireland, 111. 20
- Quicke siluer, the nature of it, 133. 57