You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 3 of
5: The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn
Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman. The first number noteth the page, the second the line.
Snippet: 16 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 743) R.
- RAalegh Walter is the first that entred into the Spa|niards fort, 171. 70. Complai|neth for the too much bearing with the traitors, 172. 45. His conflict with the sene|schall, 173. 10. Is commissio|ner of Mounster, 173. 17. His seruice vpon Dauid Barrie, 175. 27. He taketh the lord Roch, 174. 24. His seruice at Rekell, 170. 63. His pede|gree, Epistola. His care to the common wealth, ib. The bla|soning of his armes, Epistola.
- Ralph Fitzstephans sonne, 26. 7 [...]
- Randolph capteine and coronell arriueth into Ireland, 115. 30. He prepareth to fight with the Onele, ib. 2. He is slaine, ib. 23. His monument, 63. 26
- Randon castle destroied, 62. 28. Burned, 66. 17
- Rebellion first attempted in Ireland, 58. 65. Of Kildare, 91. 60. In the whole land. 112. 30. Of Onele, 112. 50. Of the Butlers, 130. 13. Of Iames Fitzmoris, 133. 14. 154. 40. Of Omore. 135. 35. In Con|n [...]gh, 135. 42. Of the Ocon|hors, 135. 67. Of Clanricard, 141. 10. 142. 6. Of Rorie Og. 147. 68. Of Iames of Des|mond, 157. 15. Of the earle of Desmond. 160. 42
- Rebellion against gouernours, 484
- Reimond le grosse arriueth into Ireland, 12. 35. He is assailed by the men of Waterford ib. 60 EEBO page image 744 He preuatieth against the men of Corke, ib. 10. He is assailed by Mac Artie prince of Des|mond & discomfiteth him, 33. 29. He passeth ouer into Wales vpon the death of his father William Fitzgirald, 34. 10. He returneth and marrieth Basilia the earles daughter, 34. 67. He winneth Meth. 35. 10. Heruie conspireth against him, 35. 68. He besiegeth and taketh Limerike, 39. 30. His orations and his description, 37. 10. 60. His coldnesse in re|ligion, 38. 51. He is accused by Heruie to the king, 38. 38. The king sendeth for him. 38. 60. He rescueth Limerike, 39. 60. He parleth with the kings of Connagh and Thomond, 39. 58. He restoreth Mac Ar|tie of Desmond against his sonne, 39. 73. The kings sub|mit themselues vnto him, 39. 70. He meeteth Fitzaldelme at Wexsford, 40. 63. His de|struction is practised, 41, 57. His lands taken from him, 41. 62
- Richard Strangbow arriueth into Ireland, ¶. See Strang|bow.
- Richard the second K. of Eng|land arriueth into Ireland, 73. 59. Returneth and passeth the second time and arriueth to Waterford, 73. 70. He com|meth to Dublin, [...]. 30. He im|prisoneth the duke of Gloce|sters and the duke of Lanca|sters sonne at Trim, 73. 42. He returneth home by Wales, and is deposed, ib. 45
- Richard duke of yorke, his let|ter to the earle of Salisburie, 78. 10
- Richard archbishop of Dublin vpon a vision yeeldeth vp his bishoprike, 64, 54
- Redshankes mixed with Scots and Picts, 52. 3
- Religious houses in Ireland, 53. 60
- Religion reformed, 140. 63
- Reuda gaineth the countrie of Riddesdale, 51. 57. He is slaine, ib.
- Robert Hood and litle Iohn, outlawes, 24. 45
- Rouks a pirat and a rebell, 92. 46. Besiegeth Dublin, 92. 50. He scowreth the seas, and ta|keth an English darke, 94. 64. He is hanged, 96. 7
- Rocke [...]e Ralph chiefe iustice in Connagh, 133. 57. He is sent into England to informe a|gainst the earle of Thomond, ib.
- Rokesbie sir Thomas lord iu|stice, 72. 10. His interteinment increased, ib. 13. His wise sai|engs, 62. 5
- Roch lord of Poole castle, his yeerelie reuenues 10000. 75. 30
- Roch, lord Roch had in suspicion of disloialtie, 174. 6. He is ta|ken in his castle by captaine Raleigh, and caried to Corke, ib. 1. He acquitteth himselfe, 174. 40. The good seruice of his sonnes, ib. 44
- Rodorike a Scithian, king of the Picts, arriueth into Ire|land, 50. 45. His oration to the king, 50. 57. Is sent into Scotland and slaine, ib. 42. 67
- Rorie Og submitteth him selfe, 137. 20. Rebelleth, 147. 65. Burneth the Naas and Leighlin, 148. 4. 44. Is driuen to runne awaie, 148. 2. He traitorouslie ta|keth captaine Harrington prisoner 148. 15. A draught is made vpon him, ib. 30. He bur|neth Catherlough, ib. 58. He laieth a bait for the lord of vpper Ossorie, 148. 70. He is slaine, 149. 22
- Roscoman castle destroied, 62. 23. New reedified, 62, 36. Taken by the Irishrie, 62. 56
- Rosse towne a hauen towne in Leimster, 25. 32. Inclosed with a wall, 25. 6. Interdicted by the pope, 26. 41. Decaied and impouerished, ib. 46. A long controuersie betweene them and the citie of Water|ford for liberties, 139. 60
- Rothorike Oconhor monarch of Ireland, 7. 24. 8. 7. Sum|moneth a parlement, ib. 30. Declameth against Der|mond Macmorough, ib. 35. Inuadeth Leimster, 7. 37. His oration, 8. 15. Sueth for peace, 10. 25. Is sworne to be true, 10. 48. Breaketh with mac Morough, 15. 37. He behea|deth Dermonds sonne, 15. 48. Besiegeth Dublin, 16. 66. Submitteth himselfe, 22. 20. Sweareth allegiance. 22. 27
- Ruanus baptised by saint Pa|trike, 48. 47. He liued 2041. yeres, 48. 4
- Ruine of the ecclesiasticall state, 140. 40
- Rutheranius one of the posteritie of Nemrod, 48. 28
- Ruthurgus arriueth into Ire|land, 47. 20. His poole, ib. 23
- Rumor catcheth fethers, 17. 10
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 3 of
5: The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn
Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman. The first number noteth the page, the second the line.
Snippet: 17 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 744) S.
- SAgundus one of the posteritie of Nemrod, 48. 28
- Salmon leape, 51. 12
- Sauage sir Robert fortifieth his house and castle, 72. 27. His sonnes answere, ib. His liberalitie to his souldiers. ib. 50
- Sauage Patrike taken priso|ner, paieth his ransome, and is slaine, 75. 24
- Saint Paule archbishop of Dublin, 72. 18. 33. 6
- Saints of Ireland, 53. 6
- Saint Patrike, ¶ See Patrike.
- Saint Patriks church in Du|blin, 32. 33
- Sanford Iohn, archbishop of Dublin, 63. 37. is lord iustice, ib. 49
- Sarcefield maior of Dublin, 24. 44. His hospitalitie, ib. 46
- Sailing vnknowen before No|ahs flood 0
- Satanus one of the first finders out of Ireland 0
- Salisburie captaine arriueth in|to Ireland with 200. ar|chers, 94. 70. His seruice at the siege of Mainouth, 95. 40
- Scithians driuen into Ireland, 50. 45. A seditious people, ib. 47. ¶ See Picts.
- Scorch villen archbishop of Dublin, 61. 56. Whie so na|med, ib.
- Scotia the first name of Ire|land, 9, 52. named also Gathe|la, 9, 29. It is inuaded by the citizens of Dublin, 74. 64. Inuaded by the Irish people, 64. 33
- Scotus the great schooleman borne at Downe, 9. 40
- Scots vnder Bruse inuade and spoile Ireland, 66. 55. Refuse to be of the Britanes race, ib. 35. Liue in friendship with Picts, 51. 60. They fall out, ib. 72. They are expelled out of England by the Picts ib. 47. They make title to Ire|land, 52. 4. Their king landeth at Caergfergus, 67. 4. They are slaine, ibid. 28. They are vanquished, 68. 74. They disguise with Oneile and kill him, 717. 46. Ouer|throwen in Connagh. 0
- Scald brother a theefe. 24. 10. His caue, ib. His swiftnesse, His theeuerie & his death, ib.
- Scroope lord deputie to Tho|mas of Lancaster, 73. 67. Is exclamed for his extortion, ib. 70. His wife procureth his amendment. 74. 10. He inua|deth vpon Macmorough, 74. 32. He returneth into Eng|land, ib. 50
- Selfe will causeth rebellion, 141. 50
- Seneshall of Imokellie Fi [...]zed|munds entreth into youghall 164. 55. A principall with Iames Fitzmoris, 131. 35. His castle of Balie martyr be|sieged and taken: ib. He stea|leth secretlie awaie by night, ib. He lieth in wait for captain Raleigh, 173. 10. His coward|nes, ib. He is challenged to the fight and refuseth ib. He prei|eth vpon Lismore, 173. 6. He and the lord Barrie at vari|ance, 175. 30. A spiall made on him by captaine Dowdall, 175. 43
- Serpents none venemous in Ireland, 13. 28. They die being brought thither, ib. 36. They are killed with the wa|ter and earth of that land, 14. 24. Whie there be none there, 14. 30
- Sentleger sir Anthonie sent in|to Ireland, 99. 25. His go|uernement there and his reue|cation, 109. 1. Is sent backe lord deputie the second time, 110. 30. Is lord deputie the third time, ib. 45. Is lord de|putie the fourth time, 102. 35. He sendeth an armie to Bul|leine, 103. 55. He sendeth aid to the lord Lenoux, 103. 33. A quarell betweene him and the earle of Ormond. 104. 34. They are both sent for into England, 104. 64. They are reconciled, 104. 75. He retur|neth lord deputie, 106. 10
- Sentleger Warham made pro|uost marshall of Ireland, 162. 13. Is one of the priuie coun|sell, 181. 77
- Sheepe in Ireland, 120. 3
- Shenin riuer, 22. 67
- Shires or counties in Ireland, 10. 45. 181
- Sinne cause of all ouerthrows, 52. 70. Being neuer so great want no excuse. 50. 10
- Siward king of Denmarke, 47. 50
- Sidneie sir Henrie treasuror at warres, 110. 77. 35. Is lord iustice foure times, 110. 17. Lord deputie, 110. And knight of the garter, ib. 34. 151. 20. Lord president of Waies, ib. 45. His instructions, ib. 50. Is honorablie receiued into Ire|land, 111. 2. Taketh his oth, ib. 11. His eloquent oration then, ib. 15. Is godcept to Oneile, 112. 68. His iournie into Ul|ster, 116. 6. He passeth into England, 118. 6. His com|ming to the court ib. 8. Retur|neth into Ireland, 118. 28. Summoneth a parlement, 119. 20. His answere to the spea|kers oration, 119. 56. He dub|beth sir Humfreie Gilbert knight, 132. 56. Returneth in|to England and is honorablie receiued, 134. 40. Is lord de|putie the third time, 136. 16. He maketh a iournie into Ulster, and the same wholie com|meth to submission 136. 50. He maketh an hosting through the whole land, 137. He is present at the funerals of sir Peter Carew 138. 50. The earle of Essex his letters and garter sent vnto him, 144. 15. The malecontents of the English pale repine against the cesse, 144. 5. He deliuereth the sword to sir William Drurie, 150. His saiengs at the entring into his ship, 150. 60. His parentage and educa|tion. 150. 30. 47. Is dubbed knight, ib 60. His ambassads and gouernment, his religion, 151. 5. 30. 40. He tameth O|nele, placeth presidents, refor|meth the courts, and causeth the statutes to be imprinted and ordereth places for the records, 152. 76. 35. 63. 71. 8. He repareth the castle of Dublin, he reduceth the Irish conntries into shires, he repareth sundrie decaied townes, he buildeth the bridge of Athelon, and increaseth the reuenues, 152. 51. 61. 73. 15. His noble vertues, 152. 14. His death and buriall, 153. 70. 14. He renewed Strangbows monument, 62. 20. He erecteth capteine Randolphs atchiue|ment, ib.
- Siluer quicke his nature, 133. 57
- Silken Thomas, 91. 35
- Ske [...]ngton sir William, lord deputie, 87. 22. He is very ho|norablie receiued, 87. 27. His answer to the recorders ora|tion, ib. 31. He recordeth the sword, ib. 56. His falling out with the earle of Kildare, ib. 50. He receiueth the sword to the earle of Kildare, 87. 51. He passeth into England & re|turneth lord deputie the second time, 17, 50. 94. 73. He besiegeth the castle of Mainouth. 95. His rewarding of Peers the traitor, his death, 97. 43
- Skirmish at Kilka, 33. 26
- Sonne stood still for the space of a daie, 74. 46. 77. 72
- Souldiers are of three degrees, 5. 60. Kept in discipline, 135. 29
- Sooch ¶ See Zooch.
- Speaking stone, 24. 60
- Spaniards first arriuall into Ireland, 74. 49. 77. 72. Their intents, ib. 67. They come to aid Iames Fitzmoris, 154. 40. They are besieged at Caregfoile, 167. 27. Their proud brags, ib. 50. They are taken and hanged, 167. 13. They keepe their fort at saint Marie Weeke, 170. 54. They leaue the fort and flie, ib. 57. Their determinations, ib. The lord deputie besiegeth & taketh their fort, 171. 30.
- Spanish brags, Epistola.
- Stanlie sir William, he lieth at Adar, 161. 43. His good ser|uice, ib.
- Stanlie sir Thomas, his good seruice, 77. 41
- Stanihurst speaker of the parle|ment, 119. 70. His oration, ib. His requests, ib. 40
- Stanton Philip burneth castels and preieth the countrie, 63. 42
- Stanton Richard gaoler of Newgate, 95, 45. A good sai|lor and his seruice, ib.
- Staples bishop of Meth landeth at Dublin, 87. 27. His questi|on of the Dublians, ib. 67. He was fullie answered, ib. 12
- Statutes of Kilkennie confir|med, 75. 15. They are imprin|ted, 152. 76
- Stature of an Irish man, 44. 64
- EEBO page image 745 Stephan de longe Espe lord iu|stice, 62. 57. He killed Onele, ib, He dieth, ib.
- Stephan of Ba [...]atomore his re|uenues by the yere eight thou|sand pounds, 57. 28
- Storke. 11, 68
- Strange and wonderfull things in Ireland, 28. 30
- Strange le Thomas placed in castle Baliriogh, 142. 15. He is besieged, and his good ser|uice ib. 20. He is knighted and of the councell, 181. 66
- Strangbow earle of Chepstow 3. 35. Promiseth aid to mac Morogh, and to marrie his daughter, ib: 37. He is sent for into Ireland, 11. 20. He with the good leaue of the king ar|riueth into Waterford, 11. 60. 14. 97. He marrieth Eua the daughter and heire to mac Morogh, 14. 25. He mar|cheth to Dublin, and taketh it, 15. 6. The king proclameth against him, 15. 55. He sen|deth Reimond to the king with his submission, 16. 6. The d [...]scription of him, 20. 68. He returneth into Eng|land, 20. 41. He hath peace with the king, 20. 45. He re|turneth into Ireland, 33. 8. He dieth 40. 47. His sepul|cher is in Dublin, 63. 20.
- Stratagems at Ardah and Le|sto [...]le, 176. 10. 24
- Strife about a dog, 52. 1
- Stukelie Thomas in great fa|uour with the pope, 149. 40. suspected to come to Ireland, ib. 26. Great preparation a|gainst him, ibidem, His titles of honor giuen by the pope, 149. 47
- Sure the riuer. 22. 35
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 3 of
5: The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn
Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman. The first number noteth the page, the second the line.
Snippet: 18 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 745) T.
- TAlbot Thomas is slaine, 73. 7
- Talbot Iohn lord Furniuall lord deputie, 76. 48
- Talbot Robert walketh in the suburbs of Kilkennie towne, 76. 55. Hatefull to the Giral|dines, is slaine, 84. 55
- Talbot Richard giuen for an hostage to the rebelles, 94. 30
- Talbot well learned, 43. 50
- Tale tellers, 45. 63
- Taragh hill, 30. 14
- Tenths demanded, 64. 55
- Thira daughter to king Ethel|wod married to Gurmo, 57. 60. Hir issue, ibidem. 63, Hir policie, 58. 23. Hir lamentati|on and moorning, ibid. 40
- Thomas of Lancaster arriueth into Ireland, 74. 23. Is lord deputie, 73. 70. Putteth the earle of Kildare vnder arrest, 75. 22. Is hurt and wound|ed, ibid. 28. Returneth into England, 75. 45
- Thorneburie Walter lord chan|cellor, 66. 40. Elected bishop of Dublin, ibid. 15. Drowned ibid.
- Timber turned to stones and iron. 30. 38
- Tirell Hugh serueth against the Scots, 67. 51. Is put to ransome, ibid.
- Trauers sir Iohn capteine of the armie, 103. 63
- Tripton sir Hugh serueth a|gainst the Scots, 68. 51
- Turgesius. 55. 58. Uanquisheth Edlumding ibid. 68. Abideth manie troubles 56. 10. Build|eth fortresses and castles, ibidem. 18. Mastreth the I|rish kings. 56. 20. Demandeth Omalagh [...]s daughter to wife, ibid. 26. Is killed, 59, 56