You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 3 of
5: The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn
Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman. The first number noteth the page, the second the line.
Snippet: 10 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 742) L.
- LAcie walter lord of Meth, 61, 17. Dieth, 62, 21. His daughters and heires maried, ib.
- Lacie Hugh sent into England, 49, 50. He buildeth Leighline and other forts, 46, 6. The description of him, 47, 1. Had in suspicion, 46, 20. Is sent for into England, 48, 20. Is made lord deputie, ib. He is slaine, 49, 3, 60, 38. His buri|all, ib. 46. He receiueth the submission of Rothorike the monarch at the Shenin, 22, 23
- Lacie Hugh the yoonger keepeth the realme in quietnesse, 60, 56. Is banished, 61, 71. He trauelleth into France, and is disguised, ib. 2. He is pardoned and restored to his earledome, ib. 14. His yeerelie reuenues, 2500. li. Dieth and is buried at Cragfergus, 62, 27. His daughter and heire maried to Walter de Burgh, ib. 28.
- Lacies do rebell, 68, 63. Reuolt to the Scots, ib. 71. Procla|med traitors. ib.
- Lacie Iohn arreigned and sto|ned to death, 68, 46
- Laigria arriueth into Ireland with Cesarea, 47, 35
- Lambert the counterfeit sonne to George duke of Clarence, 79, 34. Is crowned king at Dublin, 79, 4. Is taken and pardoned, 69, 15
- Laurence archbishop of Dub|lin intreateth for, and is pre|sent at the synod at Cashill, 23, 49
- Legats from Rome, 44, 50, 51, 55, 83, 33
- Legues not to be kept with traitors, 93, 4, 96, 8
- Leinster the fift part of Ire|land, 2, 3. In a miserable state, 112, 30
- Leonides king of Sparta ouercommeth Xerxes the great monarch, 93, 40, 96, 8
- Lerned men of Ireland, 39, 50
- Letters from the duke of Yorke to the earle of Salisburie, 78, 12
- Letters from Thomas Fitzgi|rald to the lord Butler, 91, 23
- Letters from the Lord Butler to Thomas Fitzgirald, ib. 33
- Leighlin, 46, 30. Inclosed with a wall, 109, 45
- Leurouse Thomas schoolema|ster to the earle of Kildare, 97, 63. His care of the earle, 98, 34. He is placed in the Eng|lish house at Rome, 98, 68
- Liberties called, 71, 33, 144, 146
- Limerike builded by Sa [...]iri|cus, 58, 4, 54, 22, 50, 24, 70. Whie so named, 24, 73, 27, 44, 73, 34, 60. The king of Lime|rike submitteth himselfe, 21, 45. It was builded by the Esterlings, 22, 50. It is be|sieged & taken, 37, 36. Besie|ged by Donald, 39, 40. Re|couered, ib. 47. Set on fire, 40, 14
- Lionell king Edward the third his sonne, marieth the daugh|ter and heire to the earle of Ulster, 70, 58. He arriueth into Ireland, 72, 41. Is lord iustice, ib. Dubbeth knights, ib. 54. He remoueth the chec|ker to Catherlough, ib. 57
- Lisemore an old ancient towne, 22, 25, 27, 45. The king lieth there, 22, 25. A bishoprike, ib. United to Watersord, ib. 27. Spoiled, 33, 47
- Logan Iohn his seruice against the Scots, 67, 27. He taketh sir Allen Steward prisoner, ib. 38
- Lords of Ireland giue assu|rance for their loialtie, 66, 60. They answer for their fol|lowers, 140, 50
- Loue must be tempered with feare, 1, 27
- Louell, lord Louell capteine of the conspiracie against king Henrie the seuenth, 79, 55
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 3 of
5: The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn
Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman. The first number noteth the page, the second the line.
Snippet: 11 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 742) M.
- MAc Adam Gilmore a common spoiler and bur|ner of churches, 174, 18 Is therof called Corbie. ibid. 24
- Mac Artie Reogh married the ladie Elconor Fitzgirald 98, 3
- Mac Artie More an ancient Irish gentleman, 114, 70. He surrendreth his lands and ta|keth it anew, 14, 9. Swea|reth allegiance, ibid. Is made baron of Ualencia and earle of Clancar, ibid. 18, 37, 22. Shane Oneile scoffeth at him, ibid. 20. His comming to Corke. 140, 40. His re|dinesse to serue against forren power, 154, 20. Departeth home, ibid. 37, 46, 10, 45, 7. His pride and insolencie, 118, 3. Ioineth with the But|lers, 13, 4. Submitteth himselfe, 132. 10, 140, 40. In|uadeth the lord Roches lands 118. 36
- Mac Artie Dermon is in open rebellion, 45, 5
- Mac Balther burned the castle of Kennun and the towne of Courcoulie, 65, 17
- Mac Eughter William his countrie spoiled, 142, 30. He is a good subiect, ibid.
- Mac Cartie plaieth the diuell in Desmond, 62, 60
- Mac Cormake Oconhor in re|bellion. 147, 66
- Mac Coghlan capteine of the Scotish ships is taken, 74, 55. Killeth Omalaghlin king of Meth, 63, 57. Discomfi|teth William Burgh, ibid.
- Mac Holan Ophalen prince of Ossorie submitteth himselfe vnto king Henrie the second, 22, 17
- Mac Goghganie, what he got his posteritie lo [...]t, 78, 69, 63 56
- Mac Gillimore was slaine in the church at Cragfergus which before he had burned, 75, 38
- Mac Morogh. ¶ See Der|mon, 39, 70. Is taken pri|soner, 7 [...], 28
- Mac Mahon preieth [...] [...]n|trie, 77, 23, 18
- Macworth capteine entreth first the Spaniards fort, 167, 1
- Mac Morice baron of Kerrie and Lexnaw, 38, 24
- Mac William the rebell taken & all his companie at Knock|tow and slaine, 79, 57
- Madocke a noble man of birth, 54, 5. He died bishop of Fernes, ibid. 14
- Man the Iland, whether En|glish or Irish, 13, 45
- Margaret ladie Fitzgirald of Kildare married to the earle of Ossorie, 83, 70. She lon|geth for wine. 84, 9. Hir stoutnesse, ibid. 22, 56. Hir wisedome and policie in go|uernment, 83, 33. Hir griefe for the murthering of Tal|bot, 84, 66
- Marcus Antonius bewitched with his wife Cleopatra, 2. 63
- Marius the noble Roman, 19, 69
- Mariages made for increase of loue and amitie, 75, 78, 34, 70 22, 60, 66, 25
- Marie Tagh Oconhor king of Offalia & his companie slaine by Iordan Cumin, 64, 69
- Markets not to be kept vpon holie daies, 15, 60
- Malachias a noble man borne at Ardmagh, 54, 40. Gouernor of Bangor, ibid. 60. Bishop of Ardmagh, 55, 1. His stoutnesse with the soldiors, ibid. 17. He died at Clara|uell, ibid. 48
- Malbie sir Nicholas serueth with sir Peter Carew in the Butlers warres, 130, 21. His seruice at Kilkennie, ibi. 63. He is commended by the queene, 142, 70. Is dubbed knight, 143, 8. Sworne one of the priuie councell, ibidem. Made colonell of Connagh, ibid. He serueth in Mounster vnder sir William Drurie lord iustice, 157, 31. Is gouernor of Mounster, 158, 38. His seruice there, 159, 5. He send|eth to and for the erle of Des|mond, ibid. 28. He incounte|reth with sir Iohn of Des|mond, 159, 55. Discomfiteth him, ibid. 19. He writeth to the earle of Desmond for his submission, 160, 22. He dis|solueth his armie, ibid. 34. Subscribeth to the proclam|ing of the erle of Desmond to be a traitor, 164. 10. He meet|eth sir William Pelham lord iustice at Limerike, 162, 66. Presenteth him with San|ders letters, ibi.
- Malcontents against the cesse, 144, 5
- Malchus a moonke at Winches|ter, 55, 50. Is bishop of Lise|more, ibid. 54
- Manners and dispositions of the Irishrie, 44, 10
- Manreuar Thomas baron of Serin is taken prisoner by Oconhor of Meth. 76, 44
- Maupas the leader of a thou|sand three hundred twentie and foure men incountereth with the Scots, 68, 55. He is found dead vpon the dead bodie of Bruse his enimie, 69, 2
- Maundeuill lord of Barne [...]ol|lie his yearelie reuenues one thousand and two hundred pounds, 75, 21
- Maundeuill sir Iohn is recon|ciled to the lord Butler, 66 74. Is slaine, 67, 59
- Maundeuill sir Thomas his good seruice at Glenfield, 64, 20. Dooth great enter|prises vpon the Scots, 67, 53 Is slaine, ibid. 10
- Martyrs in Ireland, 55
- Masterson Thomas in great danger, 135, 66
- Meilerius nephue to Fitzste|phans. 6, 41. Is ambitious, ibid. 43. His seruice, 11, 42. Arriueth at Waterford, 34, 33. The description of him, 38, 25, 47, 28. His valtantnes 39, 43. 41, 1. Hath no issue, 44, 37. Leix is giuen vnto him for Kildare, 47, 14
- Men eat men for want of vit|tels, 68, 40
- Meinouth stronglie warded 95, 14, 11. Is beseeged, 11, 21. Summoned ibid. 25. Betrai|ed, ibid. 50. The betraier be|headed, 96, 8
- Merlins prophesies, 14, 64 21, 5 22, 40 24, 47, 42, 20, 51, 20, 53 11
- Meth in Latin Media, 48, 55. It is appointed for the kings diet, 28. It is the fift part of Ireland, 2, 3. It conteineth sixteene cantreds, ibid. 46. It is inuaded and spoiled, 15, 23. It is vnder Omalaghlin, 56 25. It is giuen vnto Hugh de Lacie, 24, 10
- Miles in what sense it is to be taken, 5, 54
- Miles of saint Dauid lieute|nant of Limerike, 38, 23
- Milo Cogan. ¶ See Cogan.
- Monarch of Ireland, 59, 25. His authoritie, ibid. 4
- Moris aliàs Omoris vp in rebel|lion, 84, 51. 147, 66. They burne the Naas, 148, 8. They burne Leighlin, ibid. 47
- Moris a r [...]nnagate priest made archbishop of Cashill, 118, 50 Like to be killed, ibid.
- Mortimer Roger lord of Meth arriued into Ireland, 65, 48 Is discomfited by the Scots 60, 38. Is lord iustice, 68, 13. He chaseth the La [...]ies out of Connagh, 68, 70. Proclameth them traitors, ibid. Is lord lieutenant, 73, 60. Is slaine, 73, 10
- Mutinie in the parlement house 120, 10
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 3 of
5: The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn
Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman. The first number noteth the page, the second the line.
Snippet: 12 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 742) N.
- NAas burned by Rorie Og, 148, 8
- Names of all the noble houses in Ireland, 60, 33, 13
- Nauiculare littus, 47, 38
- Nele the great or Nigellus the monarch of all Ireland, 53, 30
- Nele Donell taken prisoner, 77, 45
- Nele Onele. ¶ See Onele.
- Nemodus with his foure sons arriue in Ireland, 48, 2
- Nero his wicked life and end, 2, 52
- Nesta the noble ladie mother to the conquerors of all Ireland 4, 72, 47, 45, 48, 13
- Noble men of Ulster glad of Onels death, 117, 10
- Noble men to attend the king, 63, 70. To answer for their men, 140, 50. To attend the lord deputie, 141, 40
- Norwegians inuade Ireland, 55, 30. Expelled, 56, 58. Be|sieged Dublin, 57, 35. They were first merchants, 57, 55. They build townes, ib.
- Notingham Robert maior of Dublin taketh and impriso|neth the earle of Ulster, 67, 50. Spoileth saint Marie ab|beie. ib.
- Nugent baron of Deluin, a malcontent against the cesse, 145, 50, He with others com|mitted to ward, 147, 5. He is suspected to be one of the con|spiracie of Desmonds rebel|lion, is committed to prison, He is sent into England, and then to the Tower. ibidem.