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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 In the yeare one thousand two hundred seuentie 1276 An ouerthrow at Glenburie. and six, there was an ouerthrow giuen at Glenbu|rie, where William Fitzroger, prior of the knights hospitalers, & manie other with him, were taken pri|soners, and a great number of other were slaine. The same yeare, Iohn de Uerdon departed this world, and Thomas [...] Clare maried the daughter of Mo|rice Fitzmorice. In the yeare following, Robert U [...]|fort was appointed to supplie the [...]ome of Ge [...]ill, being called home, and so was this Uffort the second time ordeined lord iustice of Ireland. He hauing oc|casion to passe into England, made his substitute Fulborne bishop of Waterford till his returne, and then [...] the gouernement into his owne hands againe. In the yeare one thousand two hundred sea|uentie and seauen, Thomas de Clare flue Obrenroth king of Tholethmond: and yet after this the Irish 1277 closed him vp in Slewbani, togither with Maurice Fitzmaurice, so that they gaue hostages to escape, and the ca [...]ell of Roscoman was woone. In the yere 1278 next insuing, was [...] de Derlington consecrated archbishop of Dublin. There was also a councell holden at Gre [...]ke, and Mac Dermo [...] fiue Cathgur Oconthir king of Connagh. In the yeare one thou|sand two hundred se [...]entie and nine, Robert Uffort vpon occasion of busines came ouer into England, and left [...]er Ful [...] bishop of Waterford to sup|plie his [...], and Rafe [...] and Ohaulan chased O [...]eale in a [...].

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the yeare one thousand two hundred and foure 1280 score, Robert [...] the third [...] to occupie the [...] of lord thiefe [...] in Ireland, resuming that [...]oome into his hands againe. In the yeare fol|lowing, 1281 the bishop of Waterford was established by the king of England lord iustice of Ireland. Adam Cusacke the yoonger [...] William Barret, and ma|nie other in Connagh. And in the next yeare, to wit, o [...]e thousand two hundred foure score and two, Pen|queit [...]ue Murer [...]agh, & his brother Art Mac Murgh EEBO page image 63 at [...]hlon. Also the lord Iames de Birmingham, and Piers de Tute departed this life. Also the arch|b [...]p Derlington deceassed. And about the same time, the citie of Dublin was defaced by fire, and the stéeple of Christs church vtterlie destroied. The citi|zens Ch [...]st church repa [...]ed. before they went about to repare their owne priuat buildings, agraed togither to make a collecti|on for reparing the ruines of that ancient building first begun by the Danes, and continued by Citrius prince of Dublin at the instance of Donat some|time D [...]nat bishop of Dublin. bishop of that citie, and dedicated to the blessed trinitie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 At length Strangbow earle of Penbroke, Fitz|stephans, & Laurence, that for his vertue was called saint Laurence archbishop of Dublin, and his foure successors, Iohn of Euesham, Henrie Scortchbill, and Lucas, and last of all Iohn de faint Paule fi|nished it. This notable building, since the time that it was thus defaced by fire, hath béene beautified in di|uerse sorts by many zealous citizens. Strangbowes Strangbows toome resto red by Henrie Sidneie. toome defaced, by the fall of the roofe of the church, sir Henrie Sidneie, when he was lord deputie, restored; & likewise did cost vpon the earle of Kildares chap|pell for an ornament to the quier, ouer the which he left also a monument of capteine Randolfe, late co|ronell Capteine Randolfe. of the English bands of footmen in Ulster that died there valiantlie, fighting in his princes ser|uice, as after shall appeare. In the yeare one thou|sand two hundred foure score and three, Furmund chancellor of Ireland, and Richard Tute departed this life, and frier Stephan Fulborne was made lord iustice of Ireland.

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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere following, Robert Vffort was appointed to ſupply ye roomth of Genuille, being called home, and ſo was this Vffort the ſeconde time ordeyned Lord Iuſtice of Irelande. He ha| [...]ing occaſion to paſſe into Englande, made hys ſubſtitute Fulborne Biſhop of Waterford til his returne, and then reſumed the gouernemente into his owne handes agayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1277. Thomas de Clare ſlewe Obrencoth King of Tholethmo [...],1277 and yet af|ter this, the Iriſh cloſed him vp in [...] wha [...] to|gither with Maurice Fitz Maurice, ſo that they g [...]e hoſtages to eſcape, and the Caſtell of Ro|ſcoman was wonne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere next enſuing, was Iohn de [...]er|lington cõ [...]crated Archbiſhop of Dublin.1278 [...]here was alſo a Councell holden at Grenok, & Macke Dermot ſlewe Cathgu [...] O Conthir King of Connagh.