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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 At length Strangbow earle of Penbroke, Fitz|stephans, & Laurence, that for his vertue was called saint Laurence archbishop of Dublin, and his foure successors, Iohn of Euesham, Henrie Scortchbill, and Lucas, and last of all Iohn de faint Paule fi|nished it. This notable building, since the time that it was thus defaced by fire, hath béene beautified in di|uerse sorts by many zealous citizens. Strangbowes Strangbows toome resto red by Henrie Sidneie. toome defaced, by the fall of the roofe of the church, sir Henrie Sidneie, when he was lord deputie, restored; & likewise did cost vpon the earle of Kildares chap|pell for an ornament to the quier, ouer the which he left also a monument of capteine Randolfe, late co|ronell Capteine Randolfe. of the English bands of footmen in Ulster that died there valiantlie, fighting in his princes ser|uice, as after shall appeare. In the yeare one thou|sand two hundred foure score and three, Furmund chancellor of Ireland, and Richard Tute departed this life, and frier Stephan Fulborne was made lord iustice of Ireland.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 In the yeare 1285, the lord Theobald Butler fled from Dubline, and died shortlie after, and the lord 1 [...]85 Theobald Uerdon lost his men and horsses as he went towards Offalie, & the next day Gerald Fitz|maurice was taken, and Iohn Samford was conse|crated Iohn Sam|ford consecra|ted archbishop of Dublin. In ouerthrow at Rathod Norwagh and Ardscol burnt 1286 archbishop of Dublin. Moreouer at Rathod, the lord Geffreie Genuill fled, and sir Gerard Do|get, and Rafe Petit were slaine, with a great num|ber of others. The Norwagh and Ardscoll with other townes and villages were burnt by Philip Stanton the sixteenth daie of Nouember, in the yeare 1286. Also Calwagh was taken at Kildare. In the yeare 1287, diuerse nobles in Ireland deceased, as Ri|chard Deceter, Gerald Fitzmaurice, Thomas de Clare, Richard Taffie, & Nicholas Teling knights. The yeare next insuing, deceased frier Fulborne 1288 Samford archbishop o [...] Dublin lord [...]ustice. lord iustice of Ireland, and Iohn Samford archbi|shop of Dublin was aduanced to the roome of lord iustice. Also Richard Burgh earle of Ulster besieged Theobald Uerdon in the castell of Athlon, and came with a great power vnto Trim, by the working of Walter Lacie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 In the yeare 1290, was the chase or discomfiture 1290 of Offalie, & diuerse Englishmen slaine. Also Mac Coghlan slue Omolaghelin king of Meth, and William Burgh was discomfited at Deluin by Mac Coghlan. The same yeare 1290, William Ues|cie William Ues|cie lord iustice. was made lord iustice of Ireland, and entered in|to that office on S. Martins daie. Unto this iustice, Edward Balioll king of Scotland did homage for an earledome which he held in Ireland, in like ma|ner as he did to king Edward for the crowne of Scotland. In the yeare 1292, a fifteenth was gran|ted to the king, of all the temporall goods in Ireland, 1292 whilest Uescie was as yet lord iustice. This Uescie was a sterne man and full of courage, he called Iohn earle of Kildare before him, charging him with foule riots and misdemeanors, for that he ranged abroad, and sought reuenge vpon priuat displeasures out of all order, and not for anie aduancement of the pub|like wealth or seruice of his souereigne.

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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1283. Furmund, Chancellor of Ireland, and Richarde Tute departed this life, and Friar Stephan Fulborne was made Lorde Iuſtice of Irelande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1285. the Lorde Theobald butler fled from Dublin, and died ſhortly after,1285 and the lord Theobald Verdon loſt his men and Horſ|ſes [figure appears here on page 46] as he went towards Ofali, and the next daye Gerald Fitz Maurice was taken, and Iohn Sã|ford was conſecrated Archbiſhop of Dublin.

Iohn Samford conſecrated Archbiſhop of Dublin. An ouerthrow at Rothode. Norwagh and Ardſcol brent.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer at Rathode, the Lord Geffrey Gẽ|uille fled, and ſir Gerard Doget, and Raufe Pe|ti [...] were ſlayne, with a great number of other.