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A Table ſeruing vnto both parts of the Chronicles of England, wherein,
for thy better inſtruction (gentle Reader,) thou ſhalt vn|derſtand, that
the firſt number ſignifyeth the page, and the ſecond number, the line of the
page, which in ſome places thou ſhalt finde diuided into the lynes of
the Columes, and in ſome other, to followe the number of the whole
lynes of the page, ſome pages are by ouerſight eſcaped faultie, which it may
pleaſe thee to correct, and ſo vſe it to thy profite.
Snippet: 14 of 23 (1577, Volume 4, p. 1474) O.
- Obrin created Earle of Com|mon. 1590.10.
- Obeyers of the Popes, or Tho|mas Beckets Archbyſhop interdiction, to be baniſhed with their linage, and theyr goods confiſcate. 408.104.
- Obſeruers and defenders of the auncient cuſtomes of the elders in England, accurſed. 409.56.
- Obedience to the Pope tho|roughout the realme, for|ſworne. 411.2.
- Obrin Dunon knight created Barõ of Ebranky. 1590.12
- Occa and Ebuſa arriue in the North, and ſettle themſelues there. 114.18.
- Octauius, Duke of Gewiſſes appoynted gouernour of Britaine vnder Conſtanti|nus. 92.86.
- Octauius maketh himſelfe K. of Britaine. 92.94.
- Octauian, looke Octauius. Octauius put to the woorſe by Traherne, fleeth into Norway for ayde. 93.9.
- Octauius dyeth. 92.55.
- Occa and Ebuſa ſent for to come into Britaine. 114.13
- Occa fleeth to Yorke, and is there beſieged. 123.8.
- Occa and his Saxons, appoyn|ted to dwel in Gaſſowaye. 123.11.
- Occa and Oſca taken priſoners 127.49.
- Occa and Oſca eſcaping out of priſon, make freſh warre vppon the Britaynes. 128.
- Occa and Oſca ſlayne in the field by the Britaynes. 128.46.
- Occaſion geuen to the Engliſh men to reuolt from Kyng Lewes and to ſtand to Kyng Henry the third. 609.28.
- Ocley battel fought by the EEBO page image 1474 Engliſh men agaynſt the Danes. 206.109.
- Occaſion of the fable of Iupi|ter helping Hercules from heauen. 6.25.
- Occaſion of the Normans title to the Crowne of this Realme. 242.35.
- Octa, looke Occa.
- Oceane ſpoyled. 48.16.
- Odo baniſhed or committed to priſon, for ſuſpition of ſi|niſter dealing. 312.68. and. 318.8.
- Odo byſhoppe of Bayeux, and Earle of Kent. 312.73.
- Odo layd faſt in priſon in Ro|cheſter Caſtle by his owne confederates. 320.14.
- Odo being depriued of al his liuings and dignities in England returneth into Normandie. 320.24.
- Odo vſurpeth diuerſe poſſeſſi|ons, belonging to the See of Canterburie. 320.82.
- Odocer King of ye Heruli v|ſurpeth the gouernment of Italy. 122.88.
- Odo ſent with an army into the North to reuenge Byſhoppe Walchrrs death. 311.13. and. 312.10.
- Oddo made Earle of Deuon|ſhyre, and Somerſetſhire. 272.27.
- Odo conſpireth with Duke Robert, agaynſt Kyng Wil|liam Rufus. 318.28.
- Odo ſubmitteth himſelfe to K. William Rufus. 320.9.
- Odo Archbyſhop of Yorke. 227.63.
- Odiham Caſtle reſigned to Henry the third. 751.58.
- Odo Archbyſhop of Canter|burie. 229.27.
- Odo releaſed out of priſon. 315 15.
- Odiham Caſtle won by Lewes 601.3.
- Odomare made Byſhoppe of Wincheſter.
- Offa ſonne to Sigerius ſuc|ceedeth Sighard and Seu|fred in the kingdome of Eaſt Saxons. 190.37.
- Offa renounceth his kingdome goeth to Rome and is made a Monke. 190.42.
- Offa departeth out of this world. 195.68.
- Offeditch caſt, and where it runneth. 195.75.
- Offchurch builded. 195.84.
- Offa taketh vppon him the kingdome of Mercia. 194.78.
- Offa alyeth him ſelfe with for|rayne Princes. 195.31.
- Offa and Charles the great, reconciled. 195.36.
- Offa graunteth the tenthe part of his goodes to the the Church and the poore. 195.50.
- Offa trauayleth to Rome, and graunteth Peter pence to the Pope. 195.56.
- Offices claymed at Coronati|on. 1119. col. 2. lin. 4.
- Officers remoued from about king Edward the thyrd. 997.25. a. called agayne. 997.28. b.
- Officers made. 1119. col. 1. lin. 19. pag. 1155. col. 2. lin. 31.
- Officers appoynted in Scot|land. 823.19. a.
- Officers remoued. 847.40. a.
- Office of an Harrault. pag. 1346. col. 2. lin. 56.
- Offeld Manour, burnt. 779.41
- Offa, ſonne to Saxnot. 131.37
- Offers made to the Emperour Henrie the ſixt, to keepe king Richard the fyrſt longer in priſon. 514.39.
- Officers changed. 913.10. a.
- Ogerſian Gilbert, a knight tem|pler, puniſhed for his fal|ſhoode. 469.66.
- Oglethorp Byſhop of Carleile crowneth Queene Elizabeth 1776.36.
- Olavus king of Swedeners, looke Aulafe.
- Olavus, ſonne to king Harold Harfager of Norway. 285.8.
- Oliphant ſent to Henry the thyrd. 739.31.
- Oneon executed for denying the kings ſupremacie. 1574.32.
- One ſoweth and another rea|peth. 349.107.
- Oueile Shane rebelleth, is ta|med and ſlayne. 1837.58.
- One brother helpeth another. 226 4
- Onichelinus, looke Rechelinus.
- Ouan. 194.65.
- Opinions ſundry of the buil|ding of Saint Paules Church in London. 150.57.
- Opinions concerning the firſt inhabiting of Britayne. 4.70.
- Oration of William Earle of Pembroke before the No|bilitie. 608.42.
- Ordinances for Forreſtes ap|poynted. 536.60.
- Oxford Caſtle ſurrendred to king Lewes. 610.35.
- Order of a Coronation. 475.92.
- Ordinances made againſt robberies. 732.8.
- Ordouices where they inhabi|ted. 18.87. and, 55.35.
- Ordering of Abbeys and Mo|naſteries in olde tymes. 193.21,
- Order of ſucceſſion in the Pic|tiſh kingdome. 67.58.
- Ordouices inuaded and ſlayne. 68, 80.
- Ordinances for Armour to be had in pruate mens houſes. 454.1 and. 455.34.
- Orange Prince commeth into England. 1762.46.
- Oration of king Richard the thyrd. pag. 1417. col. 2. lin. 40.
- Oration of Henry Earle of Richmond. pag. 1419. col. 1. lin. 41.
- Oration of the Duke of Buc|kingham. pag. 1380. col. 2. lin. 32.
- Order of the Britiſh fighting in Charrets. 37.105.
- Oration made by Hubert arch|byſhop of Cantorbury. 544.19.
- Ormus, an Earle. 227.69.
- Order of Fryers newe deuiſed called ſacked Fryers. 745.52.
- Original and line of the Earles of Richmond. 301.69.
- Order of the Engliſh and Nor|man battailes, in the battail fought at Haſting. 286.59.
- Ordalium law, what, and how executed. 269.64.
- Orwell. 433.55.
- Oration of Henry the fifth. pag. 1186. co. 1. lin. 48.
- Order of the E [...]rter founded. 923.36. a.
- Oriall Colledge founded. 884.47. a.
- Orlians beſieged by the Eng|liſhe. pag. 1239. col. 1. lin. 47.
- Ordinance for conſecration of Byſhops. 149.53.
- Ordmer Duke, father to Queene Egelfrida. 235.7.
- Ordinances ſet forth by Kyng Richard the firſt for his fleete to be obſerued in his viage towards the Holy land. 484.53.
- Ordinances deuiſed to be ob|ſerued in the campes of the kings of England & France in their viage towardes the Holy land. 488.16.
- Orreford. 431.53.
- Orkney Iles recouered by the Britaines. 141.80.
- Original of al nations for the moſt part vncertaine. 1.14.
- Original of the Philoſophers called Samothei. 2.69.
- Original of the Philoſophers called Sarronides. 3.17.
- Original of the Philoſophers called Druides. 3.47.
- Original of Herauldes, and Heraultrie. 3.113.
- Original of the Philoſophers called Bardi. 4.1.
- Oronius, a Barde. 4.41.
- Oſfride ſonne to Edwine bap|tiſed. 161.114
- Oſfride ſonne to Edwin, ſlaine 163.58.
- Oſrike ſonne to Elfricke, taketh vpon hym the kingdome of Deira. 164.38
- Oſrike falleth from Chriſte, to his former idolatrie. 164 51.
- Oſrike with al his army ſlaine. 164.58.
- Oſwald, ſonne to Edelfert, cre|ated king of Northumber|land. 164.74
- Oſwald baptiſed in Scotland. 164.82
- Oſwald cõmeth againſt Cud|wallo with an army. 164.104.
- Oſwald ſlaine by Penda. 167 23.
- Oſunus ſucceedeth his brother Oſwald in the kingdome of Northumberland. 167.25
- Oſunus ſueth to Cadwallo for peace. 167.29
- Oſwald zealous to ſet forth the ſincere worde of life, ſendeth into Scotland for preachers 167.67.
- Oſwald interpreteth Aydans Sermons to the people in the Saxon tongue. 168.57
- Oſwald had in eſtimation a|mong his neyghbours. 168.92.
- Oſbright king of Northam|bers expulſed his countrey. 209.32.
- Oſbright & Ella made friends, go forth againſt the Danes. 209.38.
- Oſbright and Ella ſlaine by the Danes. 209.46
- Oſbright burnt in the citie of Yorke. 209.62
- Oſrec a Dane, looke Baſreeg.
- Oſberne a Dane, ſlaine, 210 37.
- Oſbright rauiſheth the wyfe of one Bearne. 211.60
- Oſoulphus ſucceedeth his fa|ther Egbert in the kingdom of Northũberland. 195.102
- Oſoulphus trayterouſly mur|dred. 195.103
- Oſwyn Earle rebelleth agaynſt king Molle. 195.113
- Oſrike a man of great auctho|ritie among the weſt Saxõs. 198.36.
- Oſred ſucceedeth Aſwald in the kingdome of Northumber|land. 201.16
- Oſred expulſed his kingdome. 201.18.
- Oſred betrayed & put to death, 201.41.
- Oſwald ſucceedeth Ethelbert in the kingdome of Northũ|berland, and is immediately conſtrayned to forſake his Realme. 201.52
- Oſmond a captaine ſlaine. 204 64.
- Oſburga wife to king Ethel|wolfus. 205.115
- Oſberne Pẽtecoſt conſtrained to forſake the land. 274.35
- Oſulfe expulſed out of the go|uernment of the Northum|bers, Copſius. 312.20.
- EEBO page image 1475Oſull ſlayne by a thiefe. 312 29.
- Oſtorius Scapula entreth into the Britiſh campe. 53.89
- Oſtorius entreth into the de|fenced place of the Britains, and diſcomfiteth them. 56.6.
- Oſtorius entreth the Citie of Rome in triumph, for taking Cataracus. 57.15
- Oſtorius dyeth. 57.78
- Oſwaldes liberalitie towardes the poore. 168.102
- Oſwald Godfather to Cinegiſ|cus at his chriſtnyng. 169 9.
- Oſwald ſlaine by Penda. 170 8.
- Oſwald canonized a Saint, and ſheweth myracles. 170.21.
- Oſwy ſueth to Penda for peace and cannot obtaine it. 175 39.
- Oſwy voweth vnto God for vi|ctorie. 175.46
- Oſwy commeth againſt Penda with an army. 175.51
- Oſwy ſickneth, and dyeth. 179 72.
- Oſwy brother to Oſwald, ſuc|cedeth his father in the king|dome of Northumberland. 170.26.
- Oſwy and Oſwin begynne to make warre ech againſt other 170.48.
- Oſwyn betrayed to Oſwy, and ſlaine. 170.59
- Oſwin an humble Kyng. 171 12.
- Oſtorius Scapula the new li|eutenant of Britaine, & his exploites at his firſt cõmyng thyther. 53.50
- Fitz Oſbert accuſeth his bro|ther of treaſon. 529.5
- Oſred ſonne to Alfride, ſuccee|deth his father in the Kyng|dome of Northumberland. 190.59.
- Oſred ſlaine in battaile by his kinſfolkes. 190.73
- Oſyris father to Neptune, and Hercules. 5.5.
- Oſyris ſlaine by his nephewes 5.96.
- Oſrike Kyng of Northumber|land. 186.12
- Oſtorius M ſonne to the Li|eutenant, deſerueth a ciuica corona againſt the Britains. 53.98.
- Oſrick and Kenred ſuccede Oſ|red in the Kingdome of Nor|thumberland. 190.76
- Oſwald rebelleth againſt Ethe|lard. 191.44
- Oſwald fleeth out of the coun+trey. 191.49.
- Oſberne permitted to take vp vitail for his armie vppon condition to depart the Realme. 302.26.
- Oſmond ſecond Byſhoppe of Saliſburie. 316.47.
- Oſſeſtrie thriſe burnt within xxx. yeares. 1837.37.
- Oſgote Clappa, a Noble Dane. 268.2.
- Oſmear an Engliſh ſouldiour like to king Edmond, ſlayne. 254.53.
- Oſca and Otha, waſt and de|ſtroy the Weſt partes of Britayne. 124.59.
- Oſca and Otha with their ar|mie diſcomfited. 124.65.
- Oſyris came into Britayne. 9.1.
- Oſberne Vncle to king Swa|nus of Denmarke ſent with an armie into England. 300 27.
- Oſgote Clappa, receyueth his wife, and returneth into Denmarke. 270.73.
- Oſrryda cruelly murdered. 189.13.
- Oſwin partner with Oſwy in the kingdome of Northum|berland. 170.42.
- Oſwald Byſhop, remoued from Worceter to Yorke. 232.28.
- Oſgote Clappa baniſhed the Realme. 269.116.
- Oſtrydo, wife to Ethelred. 189.8.
- Oſtreham. 395.19.
- Otho or Othobon Cardinal commeth into England. 651.40. is highly commen|ded. 651.55. appeaſeth much controuerſie among the Nobilitie. 651.63.
- Othe made by the Kynges of England and Fraunce. 967.23.
- Othe of obedience. 1103.10. a.
- Othe made by the Welchmen. 788.4. a.
- Othe made by the Scots. 822.40. b.
- Othe miniſtred by the Kentiſh rebels to paſſingers. 1025.7. b.
- Othe of the Kyngs of England and Fraunce. 1089.26. a.
- Othe cõſtreyned, nothing worth in lawe. 283.48.
- Othe of a mayde, concernyng the beſtowing of her bodye, without her Parents con|ſent, is voyde. 283.52.
- Othes diſpenſed withal by the Pope. 396.62. and. 403, 89.
- Othe taken by the Lordes ſpi|ritual and temporal, to be true to king William and his Heires. 314.21.
- Otho elected Emperour. 535.45.
- Otho, ſonne to Maude ſiſter to Kyng Richard the fyrſt made Earle of Yorke, and of Poictou. 490.45.
- Oth, ſonne to Occa, ſucceedeth his father in the kingdome of Kent. 129.111.
- Otho the firſt Emperour mar|rieth Edgina, daughter to King Edward 223.20.
- Othobon Cardinal ſent Legate from the Pope into Eng|land. 774.57. lodged in the Towre. 778.30.
- Oteford or Okeford battel, fought by the Engliſh men a|gaynſt the Danes. 255.50.
- Othon, made Cuſtos, or Gar|dein of the Citie of London. 774.75.
- Othe of the Duke of Burgone to Henry the fift. pag. 1204. col. 1. lin. 36. of the three eſtates of France. pag. 1211 col. 1. lin. 20.
- Othe of the Lordes. 1231. col. 2. lin. 16.
- Othe of allegiancy taken anew by king Iohn of his ſubiectes 567.74.
- Othe of obedience to king Iohn. 542.64.
- Othe taken by king Iohn in Normandie. 543.72.
- Othe taken by the Byſhoppe of Beauuois. 546.58.
- Othe taken by diuers of the Nobilitie in Fraunce to a|ſiſt king Iohn agaynſt the French. 547.3.
- Otha, looke Oſca and Otha.
- Otwel, brother to Richard Earle of Cheſter, drowned. 357.109.
- Othe of the kings of England, at their Coronatiõ. 476.35.
- Othe exacted of Henry the third and of Edward his ſonne Prince of Wales. 751.37.
- Othobone Cardinal Legate, returneth to Rome. 780.6. is choſen Pope and named Adrian the fyft. 780.8.
- Othe of Allegeance demaunded by King Iohn of his ſubiects 587.80.
- Otho the Emperour commeth into England to king Iohn. 564.31.
- Otford battel fought by Offa againſt the Kentiſhmen. 194 89.
- Otho the ſeconde Emperour. 235.68.
- Outrages committed by the Frenche men that came a|gainſt kyng Iohn vnder Le|wes. 601.67.
- Ouſe ryuer. 214.115.
- Ouſe ryuer. 284.59.
- Owen Glendoner wyth the Welchmen rebel. pag. 1132 co. 1. lin. 34. pag. 1133. co. 2 lin. 14.39. pag. 1142. co. 1. lin. 16. his ſonne taken. pag. 1155. co. 2. lin. 57.
- Owen ayded the Frenche. pag. 1149. co. 2. lin. 50. ended his lyfe. pag. 1155. col. 2. lin. 20.
- Owſe bridge born away. 1834 13.
- Owen Teuther maried Queen Katharine. pag. 1264. co. 2. lin. 4. committed to warde lin. 21. taken and beheaded. pag. 1304 co. 2. lin. 56.
- Owin Prince of Wales, ſlaine. 354.88.
- Earle of Oxford dyeth in Fraunce. 967.12. b
- Oxford wonne by the Danes. 247.81.
- Oxfordſhiremen vanquiſhed and ſlaine. 54.1
- Oxenford Iohn, made Byſhop of Chicheſter. 432.60
- Oxford ſtatutes repealed by Act of Parliament. 774.6.
- Oxford Caſtle. 391.22.
- Oxford Schollers make a fray wyth Otho the legates men. 652.11.
- Oxford forſaken of the Schol|lers. 568.69.
- Oxford Burgeſes require ab|ſolution for hanging three Schollers vniuſtly, they are aſſoyled, and penance enioy|ned them. 582.94.
- Oxfordſhiremen, a puyſant kind of people. 53.73.
- Oxford beſieged by king Ste|phan and taken. 379.6.
- Oxford Vniuerſitie founded. 217.61.
- Oxford burned by the Danes. 245.19.
- Oxeholm [...] Ile taken, and poſ|ſeſſed by certaine outlawes and diſhinherited perſons. 776.58.
- Oxe hides payed for a yeerely tribute out of Ireland. 442.11.
- O [...]cay walkeline, a valiant knight. 380.34.