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  • Obrin created Earle of Com|mon. 1590.10.
  • Obeyers of the Popes, or Tho|mas Beckets Archbyſhop interdiction, to be baniſhed with their linage, and theyr goods confiſcate. 408.104.
  • Obſeruers and defenders of the auncient cuſtomes of the elders in England, accurſed. 409.56.
  • Obedience to the Pope tho|roughout the realme, for|ſworne. 411.2.
  • Obrin Dunon knight created Barõ of Ebranky. 1590.12
  • Occa and Ebuſa arriue in the North, and ſettle themſelues there. 114.18.
  • Octauius, Duke of Gewiſſes appoynted gouernour of Britaine vnder Conſtanti|nus. 92.86.
  • Octauius maketh himſelfe K. of Britaine. 92.94.
  • Octauian, looke Octauius. Octauius put to the woorſe by Traherne, fleeth into Norway for ayde. 93.9.
  • Octauius dyeth. 92.55.
  • Occa and Ebuſa ſent for to come into Britaine. 114.13
  • Occa fleeth to Yorke, and is there beſieged. 123.8.
  • Occa and his Saxons, appoyn|ted to dwel in Gaſſowaye. 123.11.
  • Occa and Oſca taken priſoners 127.49.
  • Occa and Oſca eſcaping out of priſon, make freſh warre vppon the Britaynes. 128.
  • Occa and Oſca ſlayne in the field by the Britaynes. 128.46.
  • Occaſion geuen to the Engliſh men to reuolt from Kyng Lewes and to ſtand to Kyng Henry the third. 609.28.
  • Ocley battel fought by the EEBO page image 1474 Engliſh men agaynſt the Danes. 206.109.
  • Occaſion of the fable of Iupi|ter helping Hercules from heauen. 6.25.
  • Occaſion of the Normans title to the Crowne of this Realme. 242.35.
  • Octa, looke Occa.
  • Oceane ſpoyled. 48.16.
  • Odo baniſhed or committed to priſon, for ſuſpition of ſi|niſter dealing. 312.68. and. 318.8.
  • Odo byſhoppe of Bayeux, and Earle of Kent. 312.73.
  • Odo layd faſt in priſon in Ro|cheſter Caſtle by his owne confederates. 320.14.
  • Odo being depriued of al his liuings and dignities in England returneth into Normandie. 320.24.
  • Odo vſurpeth diuerſe poſſeſſi|ons, belonging to the See of Canterburie. 320.82.
  • Odocer King of ye Heruli v|ſurpeth the gouernment of Italy. 122.88.
  • Odo ſent with an army into the North to reuenge Byſhoppe Walchrrs death. 311.13. and. 312.10.
  • Oddo made Earle of Deuon|ſhyre, and Somerſetſhire. 272.27.
  • Odo conſpireth with Duke Robert, agaynſt Kyng Wil|liam Rufus. 318.28.
  • Odo ſubmitteth himſelfe to K. William Rufus. 320.9.
  • Odo Archbyſhop of Yorke. 227.63.
  • Odiham Caſtle reſigned to Henry the third. 751.58.
  • Odo Archbyſhop of Canter|burie. 229.27.
  • Odo releaſed out of priſon. 315 15.
  • Odiham Caſtle won by Lewes 601.3.
  • Odomare made Byſhoppe of Wincheſter.
  • Offa ſonne to Sigerius ſuc|ceedeth Sighard and Seu|fred in the kingdome of Eaſt Saxons. 190.37.
  • Offa renounceth his kingdome goeth to Rome and is made a Monke. 190.42.
  • Offa departeth out of this world. 195.68.
  • Offeditch caſt, and where it runneth. 195.75.
  • Offchurch builded. 195.84.
  • Offa taketh vppon him the kingdome of Mercia. 194.78.
  • Offa alyeth him ſelfe with for|rayne Princes. 195.31.
  • Offa and Charles the great, reconciled. 195.36.
  • Offa graunteth the tenthe part of his goodes to the the Church and the poore. 195.50.
  • Offa trauayleth to Rome, and graunteth Peter pence to the Pope. 195.56.
  • Offices claymed at Coronati|on. 1119. col. 2. lin. 4.
  • Officers remoued from about king Edward the thyrd. 997.25. a. called agayne. 997.28. b.
  • Officers made. 1119. col. 1. lin. 19. pag. 1155. col. 2. lin. 31.
  • Officers appoynted in Scot|land. 823.19. a.
  • Officers remoued. 847.40. a.
  • Office of an Harrault. pag. 1346. col. 2. lin. 56.
  • Offeld Manour, burnt. 779.41
  • Offa, ſonne to Saxnot. 131.37
  • Offers made to the Emperour Henrie the ſixt, to keepe king Richard the fyrſt longer in priſon. 514.39.
  • Officers changed. 913.10. a.
  • Ogerſian Gilbert, a knight tem|pler, puniſhed for his fal|ſhoode. 469.66.
  • Oglethorp Byſhop of Carleile crowneth Queene Elizabeth 1776.36.
  • Olavus king of Swedeners, looke Aulafe.
  • Olavus, ſonne to king Harold Harfager of Norway. 285.8.
  • Oliphant ſent to Henry the thyrd. 739.31.
  • Oneon executed for denying the kings ſupremacie. 1574.32.
  • One ſoweth and another rea|peth. 349.107.
  • Oueile Shane rebelleth, is ta|med and ſlayne. 1837.58.
  • One brother helpeth another. 226 4
  • Onichelinus, looke Rechelinus.
  • Ouan. 194.65.
  • Opinions ſundry of the buil|ding of Saint Paules Church in London. 150.57.
  • Opinions concerning the firſt inhabiting of Britayne. 4.70.
  • Oration of William Earle of Pembroke before the No|bilitie. 608.42.
  • Ordinances for Forreſtes ap|poynted. 536.60.
  • Oxford Caſtle ſurrendred to king Lewes. 610.35.
  • Order of a Coronation. 475.92.
  • Ordinances made againſt robberies. 732.8.
  • Ordouices where they inhabi|ted. 18.87. and, 55.35.
  • Ordering of Abbeys and Mo|naſteries in olde tymes. 193.21,
  • Order of ſucceſſion in the Pic|tiſh kingdome. 67.58.
  • Ordouices inuaded and ſlayne. 68, 80.
  • Ordinances for Armour to be had in pruate mens houſes. 454.1 and. 455.34.
  • Orange Prince commeth into England. 1762.46.
  • Oration of king Richard the thyrd. pag. 1417. col. 2. lin. 40.
  • Oration of Henry Earle of Richmond. pag. 1419. col. 1. lin. 41.
  • Oration of the Duke of Buc|kingham. pag. 1380. col. 2. lin. 32.
  • Order of the Britiſh fighting in Charrets. 37.105.
  • Oration made by Hubert arch|byſhop of Cantorbury. 544.19.
  • Ormus, an Earle. 227.69.
  • Order of Fryers newe deuiſed called ſacked Fryers. 745.52.
  • Original and line of the Earles of Richmond. 301.69.
  • Order of the Engliſh and Nor|man battailes, in the battail fought at Haſting. 286.59.
  • Ordalium law, what, and how executed. 269.64.
  • Orwell. 433.55.
  • Oration of Henry the fifth. pag. 1186. co. 1. lin. 48.
  • Order of the E [...]rter founded. 923.36. a.
  • Oriall Colledge founded. 884.47. a.
  • Orlians beſieged by the Eng|liſhe. pag. 1239. col. 1. lin. 47.
  • Ordinance for conſecration of Byſhops. 149.53.
  • Ordmer Duke, father to Queene Egelfrida. 235.7.
  • Ordinances ſet forth by Kyng Richard the firſt for his fleete to be obſerued in his viage towards the Holy land. 484.53.
  • Ordinances deuiſed to be ob|ſerued in the campes of the kings of England & France in their viage towardes the Holy land. 488.16.
  • Orreford. 431.53.
  • Orkney Iles recouered by the Britaines. 141.80.
  • Original of al nations for the moſt part vncertaine. 1.14.
  • Original of the Philoſophers called Samothei. 2.69.
  • Original of the Philoſophers called Sarronides. 3.17.
  • Original of the Philoſophers called Druides. 3.47.
  • Original of Herauldes, and Heraultrie. 3.113.
  • Original of the Philoſophers called Bardi. 4.1.
  • Oronius, a Barde. 4.41.
  • Oſfride ſonne to Edwine bap|tiſed. 161.114
  • Oſfride ſonne to Edwin, ſlaine 163.58.
  • Oſrike ſonne to Elfricke, taketh vpon hym the kingdome of Deira. 164.38
  • Oſrike falleth from Chriſte, to his former idolatrie. 164 51.
  • Oſrike with al his army ſlaine. 164.58.
  • Oſwald, ſonne to Edelfert, cre|ated king of Northumber|land. 164.74
  • Oſwald baptiſed in Scotland. 164.82
  • Oſwald cõmeth againſt Cud|wallo with an army. 164.104.
  • Oſwald ſlaine by Penda. 167 23.
  • Oſunus ſucceedeth his brother Oſwald in the kingdome of Northumberland. 167.25
  • Oſunus ſueth to Cadwallo for peace. 167.29
  • Oſwald zealous to ſet forth the ſincere worde of life, ſendeth into Scotland for preachers 167.67.
  • Oſwald interpreteth Aydans Sermons to the people in the Saxon tongue. 168.57
  • Oſwald had in eſtimation a|mong his neyghbours. 168.92.
  • Oſbright king of Northam|bers expulſed his countrey. 209.32.
  • Oſbright & Ella made friends, go forth againſt the Danes. 209.38.
  • Oſbright and Ella ſlaine by the Danes. 209.46
  • Oſbright burnt in the citie of Yorke. 209.62
  • Oſrec a Dane, looke Baſreeg.
  • Oſberne a Dane, ſlaine, 210 37.
  • Oſbright rauiſheth the wyfe of one Bearne. 211.60
  • Oſoulphus ſucceedeth his fa|ther Egbert in the kingdom of Northũberland. 195.102
  • Oſoulphus trayterouſly mur|dred. 195.103
  • Oſwyn Earle rebelleth agaynſt king Molle. 195.113
  • Oſrike a man of great auctho|ritie among the weſt Saxõs. 198.36.
  • Oſred ſucceedeth Aſwald in the kingdome of Northumber|land. 201.16
  • Oſred expulſed his kingdome. 201.18.
  • Oſred betrayed & put to death, 201.41.
  • Oſwald ſucceedeth Ethelbert in the kingdome of Northũ|berland, and is immediately conſtrayned to forſake his Realme. 201.52
  • Oſmond a captaine ſlaine. 204 64.
  • Oſburga wife to king Ethel|wolfus. 205.115
  • Oſberne Pẽtecoſt conſtrained to forſake the land. 274.35
  • Oſulfe expulſed out of the go|uernment of the Northum|bers, Copſius. 312.20.
  • EEBO page image 1475Oſull ſlayne by a thiefe. 312 29.
  • Oſtorius Scapula entreth into the Britiſh campe. 53.89
  • Oſtorius entreth into the de|fenced place of the Britains, and diſcomfiteth them. 56.6.
  • Oſtorius entreth the Citie of Rome in triumph, for taking Cataracus. 57.15
  • Oſtorius dyeth. 57.78
  • Oſwaldes liberalitie towardes the poore. 168.102
  • Oſwald Godfather to Cinegiſ|cus at his chriſtnyng. 169 9.
  • Oſwald ſlaine by Penda. 170 8.
  • Oſwald canonized a Saint, and ſheweth myracles. 170.21.
  • Oſwy ſueth to Penda for peace and cannot obtaine it. 175 39.
  • Oſwy voweth vnto God for vi|ctorie. 175.46
  • Oſwy commeth againſt Penda with an army. 175.51
  • Oſwy ſickneth, and dyeth. 179 72.
  • Oſwy brother to Oſwald, ſuc|cedeth his father in the king|dome of Northumberland. 170.26.
  • Oſwy and Oſwin begynne to make warre ech againſt other 170.48.
  • Oſwyn betrayed to Oſwy, and ſlaine. 170.59
  • Oſwin an humble Kyng. 171 12.
  • Oſtorius Scapula the new li|eutenant of Britaine, & his exploites at his firſt cõmyng thyther. 53.50
  • Fitz Oſbert accuſeth his bro|ther of treaſon. 529.5
  • Oſred ſonne to Alfride, ſuccee|deth his father in the Kyng|dome of Northumberland. 190.59.
  • Oſred ſlaine in battaile by his kinſfolkes. 190.73
  • Oſyris father to Neptune, and Hercules. 5.5.
  • Oſyris ſlaine by his nephewes 5.96.
  • Oſrike Kyng of Northumber|land. 186.12
  • Oſtorius M ſonne to the Li|eutenant, deſerueth a ciuica corona againſt the Britains. 53.98.
  • Oſrick and Kenred ſuccede Oſ|red in the Kingdome of Nor|thumberland. 190.76
  • Oſwald rebelleth againſt Ethe|lard. 191.44
  • Oſwald fleeth out of the coun+trey. 191.49.
  • Oſberne permitted to take vp vitail for his armie vppon condition to depart the Realme. 302.26.
  • Oſmond ſecond Byſhoppe of Saliſburie. 316.47.
  • Oſſeſtrie thriſe burnt within xxx. yeares. 1837.37.
  • Oſgote Clappa, a Noble Dane. 268.2.
  • Oſmear an Engliſh ſouldiour like to king Edmond, ſlayne. 254.53.
  • Oſca and Otha, waſt and de|ſtroy the Weſt partes of Britayne. 124.59.
  • Oſca and Otha with their ar|mie diſcomfited. 124.65.
  • Oſyris came into Britayne. 9.1.
  • Oſberne Vncle to king Swa|nus of Denmarke ſent with an armie into England. 300 27.
  • Oſgote Clappa, receyueth his wife, and returneth into Denmarke. 270.73.
  • Oſrryda cruelly murdered. 189.13.
  • Oſwin partner with Oſwy in the kingdome of Northum|berland. 170.42.
  • Oſwald Byſhop, remoued from Worceter to Yorke. 232.28.
  • Oſgote Clappa baniſhed the Realme. 269.116.
  • Oſtrydo, wife to Ethelred. 189.8.
  • Oſtreham. 395.19.
  • Otho or Othobon Cardinal commeth into England. 651.40. is highly commen|ded. 651.55. appeaſeth much controuerſie among the Nobilitie. 651.63.
  • Othe made by the Kynges of England and Fraunce. 967.23.
  • Othe of obedience. 1103.10. a.
  • Othe made by the Welchmen. 788.4. a.
  • Othe made by the Scots. 822.40. b.
  • Othe miniſtred by the Kentiſh rebels to paſſingers. 1025.7. b.
  • Othe of the Kyngs of England and Fraunce. 1089.26. a.
  • Othe cõſtreyned, nothing worth in lawe. 283.48.
  • Othe of a mayde, concernyng the beſtowing of her bodye, without her Parents con|ſent, is voyde. 283.52.
  • Othes diſpenſed withal by the Pope. 396.62. and. 403, 89.
  • Othe taken by the Lordes ſpi|ritual and temporal, to be true to king William and his Heires. 314.21.
  • Otho elected Emperour. 535.45.
  • Otho, ſonne to Maude ſiſter to Kyng Richard the fyrſt made Earle of Yorke, and of Poictou. 490.45.
  • Oth, ſonne to Occa, ſucceedeth his father in the kingdome of Kent. 129.111.
  • Otho the firſt Emperour mar|rieth Edgina, daughter to King Edward 223.20.
  • Othobon Cardinal ſent Legate from the Pope into Eng|land. 774.57. lodged in the Towre. 778.30.
  • Oteford or Okeford battel, fought by the Engliſh men a|gaynſt the Danes. 255.50.
  • Othon, made Cuſtos, or Gar|dein of the Citie of London. 774.75.
  • Othe of the Duke of Burgone to Henry the fift. pag. 1204. col. 1. lin. 36. of the three eſtates of France. pag. 1211 col. 1. lin. 20.
  • Othe of the Lordes. 1231. col. 2. lin. 16.
  • Othe of allegiancy taken anew by king Iohn of his ſubiectes 567.74.
  • Othe of obedience to king Iohn. 542.64.
  • Othe taken by king Iohn in Normandie. 543.72.
  • Othe taken by the Byſhoppe of Beauuois. 546.58.
  • Othe taken by diuers of the Nobilitie in Fraunce to a|ſiſt king Iohn agaynſt the French. 547.3.
  • Otha, looke Oſca and Otha.
  • Otwel, brother to Richard Earle of Cheſter, drowned. 357.109.
  • Othe of the kings of England, at their Coronatiõ. 476.35.
  • Othe exacted of Henry the third and of Edward his ſonne Prince of Wales. 751.37.
  • Othobone Cardinal Legate, returneth to Rome. 780.6. is choſen Pope and named Adrian the fyft. 780.8.
  • Othe of Allegeance demaunded by King Iohn of his ſubiects 587.80.
  • Otho the Emperour commeth into England to king Iohn. 564.31.
  • Otford battel fought by Offa againſt the Kentiſhmen. 194 89.
  • Otho the ſeconde Emperour. 235.68.
  • Outrages committed by the Frenche men that came a|gainſt kyng Iohn vnder Le|wes. 601.67.
  • Ouſe ryuer. 214.115.
  • Ouſe ryuer. 284.59.
  • Owen Glendoner wyth the Welchmen rebel. pag. 1132 co. 1. lin. 34. pag. 1133. co. 2 lin. 14.39. pag. 1142. co. 1. lin. 16. his ſonne taken. pag. 1155. co. 2. lin. 57.
  • Owen ayded the Frenche. pag. 1149. co. 2. lin. 50. ended his lyfe. pag. 1155. col. 2. lin. 20.
  • Owſe bridge born away. 1834 13.
  • Owen Teuther maried Queen Katharine. pag. 1264. co. 2. lin. 4. committed to warde lin. 21. taken and beheaded. pag. 1304 co. 2. lin. 56.
  • Owin Prince of Wales, ſlaine. 354.88.
  • Earle of Oxford dyeth in Fraunce. 967.12. b
  • Oxford wonne by the Danes. 247.81.
  • Oxfordſhiremen vanquiſhed and ſlaine. 54.1
  • Oxenford Iohn, made Byſhop of Chicheſter. 432.60
  • Oxford ſtatutes repealed by Act of Parliament. 774.6.
  • Oxford Caſtle. 391.22.
  • Oxford Schollers make a fray wyth Otho the legates men. 652.11.
  • Oxford forſaken of the Schol|lers. 568.69.
  • Oxford Burgeſes require ab|ſolution for hanging three Schollers vniuſtly, they are aſſoyled, and penance enioy|ned them. 582.94.
  • Oxfordſhiremen, a puyſant kind of people. 53.73.
  • Oxford beſieged by king Ste|phan and taken. 379.6.
  • Oxford Vniuerſitie founded. 217.61.
  • Oxford burned by the Danes. 245.19.
  • Oxeholm [...] Ile taken, and poſ|ſeſſed by certaine outlawes and diſhinherited perſons. 776.58.
  • Oxe hides payed for a yeerely tribute out of Ireland. 442.11.
  • O [...]cay walkeline, a valiant knight. 380.34.

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