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  • Pal ſent from Rome vnto Rafe Archbiſhop of Cantorbury. 351.102
  • Paul the Apoſtle was rounded and ſhauen. 378.34
  • Pawlet Amiſe knight. 1450.16.
  • Paulus a Notarie ſent ouer in|to Britaine with commiſſiõ. 94.68.
  • Paulus called Catera, & why. 94.73.
  • Paulus returneth into Italy, & is ſlaine. 95.16
  • Parliament. 786. lin. 29. a
  • Parliamẽt at London. 790.5. b
  • Parliament at Shrewſbury. 793.45. b.
  • Parliament at Aeton Burnel. 794.2. a
  • Parliament at Berwick. 822 18. b
  • Parliament at Bury. 823.19 b.
  • Parliament at Saliſbury. 824 38. b
  • Parliament at Yorke. 831. EEBO page image 1475 1. a.
  • Parliament holden at Oxford. 557.69.
  • Pawlet William Lord Saint Iohns, Lord great maſter, & Preſident of the Counſel, politiquely obtayneth the Towre. 1689.1. is crea|ted Marques of Wincheſter 1709.
  • Paulet William knight, trea|ſurer of his maieſties houſe, is created Lord S. Iohn. 1572.52.
  • Palingus Earle, huſbande to Gunthildus, with his wife, and his ſonne, put to death. 247.30.
  • Pawlet William knight, is made Lord Pawlet of Ba|ſing. 1862.54
  • Par William knight, created Lord Par. 1572.54
  • Parliament vnder Henry the fourth. 1119. co. 1. lin. 34. pa. 1121. co. 2. lin. 22. pa. 1132. co. 2. lin. 20. pa. 1135 co. 2. lin. 28. at Couentrie. 1140. co. 2. lin. 44. at Lon|don. 1141. co. 1. lin. 11. at Couentrie. pa. 1143. co. 1. lin. 16. pa. 1150. co. 2. lin. 23. at Gloceſter. pa. 1153 co. 1. lin. 2. pa. 1155. co. 2. lin. 34. pa. 1161. co. 2. lin. 50.
  • Parliament by Henry the ſixt. pa. 1226. co. 1. lin. 41. pag. 1228. co. 1. lin. 29. pa 1243 co. 2. lin. 42. at Roan. pag. 1245. pa. 1249. co. 1. lin. 52. pa. 1262. co. 1. lin. 54 pa. 1271. co. 1. lin. 27. at Bury. pa. 1273. col. 2. li. 20. at Leiceſter. pa. 1277. co. 2. lin. 20. pa. 1279. co. 1. lin. 3. pa. 1288. co. 2. lin. 40. at Couentrie. pa. 1298. co. 1 lin. 44. at Weſtminſter. pa. 1300. co. 1. lin. 30.
  • Pace Richard doctor dieth mad 1551.20.
  • Paulet William knight, Con|troller of the Kyngs houſe, ambaſſadour vnto the french king. 1560
  • Parker Doctor Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 1803.7. dieth 1870.57. his Epitaph. 1872.5.
  • Packington Robert mur|dered. 1570.3.
  • Parliament holden at Ox|forde. 629.5.
  • Patrike William the elder, conſpyreth agaynſt king Henrye the ſecond. 426.110.
  • Paule Earle of Orkney. 285.9.
  • Paluel Caſtle taken by the French king 469.10.
  • Pauline Souday field. pag. 1311. col. 2. lin. 8.
  • Paſcy Caſtle beſieged in vayne. 538.7.
  • Paulinus fleeth into Kent with Ethelburga and her children. 164.19.
  • Paulinus becommeth By|ſhop of Rocheſter. 164.34.
  • Palles ſent from the Pope to Paulinus and honori|us. 163.9.
  • Pariſhes how manye in England. 1524.30.
  • The Pageantes ſet foorth in the Citie of London as Queene Elizabeth went thorough it to her Coronati|on. 1787.14.
  • The new Palace before Guiſnes deſcrybed. 1509.54.
  • Paulinus licenced to preach the Goſpel in Northum|berland. 161.57
  • Valeran Earle of Saint Paule, marryeth the kings halfe ſiſter. 1016.11. b.
  • Palladius ſent from Rome to preach in Scotlande. 120.1.
  • Paulet Amis knight ſent Commiſſioner into Corn|wal. 1451.53.
  • Paulinus Suetonius retur|neth out of Angleſey to London. 63.116.
  • Paulinus Suetonius recey|ueth ayde into Britayne. 64.50.
  • Paulinus Suetonius gy|ueth the Britaines an vtter diſcomfiture. 65.22.
  • Ponthoiſe recouered by the Engliſh. pag. 1263. col. 2. lin. 52. got agayne by the French. pag. 1265. col. 1. lin. 41.
  • Palmer Thomas knight han|ged. 1722.25.
  • Partrich Miles knight com|mitted to the Towre. 1709 31. is hanged. 1712.5.
  • Par William knight Vncle to the Queene created Lord Par of Horton. 1591.52.
  • Papirio Iohn a Cardinal, ſent Legate into Ireland. 386.29
  • Papirio Iohn receiueth an othe of fidelitie vnto king Stephan. 386.40.
  • Patrike Earle of Saliſburie, ſlayne by treaſon of the Po|ictou [...]s. 411.20.
  • Pal ſent from Rome to Tho|mas the Archbyſhop elect of Yorke. 348.110.
  • Pandulph, made Byſhop of Norwitch. 617.26.
  • Paganel or Paynel, keepeth the Caſtle of Ludlow, in the ryght of Maud the Empres 368.76.
  • Paris yeelded to the French. pag. 1258 col. 1. lin. 28.
  • A Parliament. 1708.18.
  • Parliament when firſt inſtitu|ted and the order thereof. 354.12.
  • Pal ſent into Britayne vnto Auguſtine. 149.99.
  • Paulet William Marques of Wincheſter dyeth. 1861.46. his prayſes. ibidem.
  • Pattern of an excellent gouer|nour. 69.9.
  • Parliament at Lincoln. 836.28. a.
  • Paule Abbot of Saint Albons Nephue to Lanfranke. 320.69.
  • Pace Richard ſent to wage the Suiſſes. 1499.28.
  • Patents reuoked. pag. 1144. col. 1. lin. 43.
  • Pandulfe ſent into Fraunce by the Pope to practiſe with the French king for king Iohns deſtruction. 573.19.
  • Parliament at Caerlile. 844.41. a.
  • Parliament at Northampton. 847.35. b. 891.45. a.
  • Parliament of white bandes. 860.30. a.
  • Pandraſus prepareth an armie agaynſt the Troian ofſpring 11.27.
  • Pandraſus and his armie diſ|comfited by Brute. 11.34.
  • Pandraſus taken priſoner, and his armie ouerthrowen. 12.4.
  • Parliament ſommoned at Lon|don to be holden. 617.49.
  • The Paraphraſe of Eraſmus tranſlated and commaunded to be had in al Churches. 1633.40.
  • Parliament called in king Ri|chards name. 1111.16. a.
  • Paulinus made Archbyſhop of Yorke. 163.10.
  • Paulinus Byſhop, ſent vnto Edwine with the Ladie E|thelburga. 159.36.
  • Amerie de Pauie knight Cap|tayne of Calais Caſtle. 943.1. b. ſelleth Calais to the French men. 944.3. a.
  • Parliament. pag. 1166. col. 1. li. 28. pa. 1168. col. 1. lin. 54. pag. 1186. col. 1. lin. 46. pag 1213. col. 1. li. 23. pa. 1214. col. 1. lin. 44.
  • Par William Marques of Northampton goeth againſt Queene Mary. 1720.40. proclaymeth Queene Mary. ibidem. and goeth and ſub|mitteth him ſelfe vnto her grace. ibidem. is attaynted. 1721.25. deliuered out of the Towre. 1734.40. is choſen high Steward of England. 1801.43.
  • Paulinus Suetonius, and Iu|lius Claſſicianus, fall at ſquare. 65.69.
  • Paſcentius, ſonne to Vortiger|nus, returneth into Britaine with an armie. 123.38
  • Paſcentius with his armie diſ|comfited and ſlayne. 123.52
  • Paulinus Byſhop of Rocheſter departeth this life. [...]70.36.
  • Parliament called the great Parliament. 1094.50. a.
  • Pawlet William Lord Saint Iohn knight of the order and great maiſter of ye houſ|hold appoynted by the kings Teſtament to be one of hys ſonnes gouernours. 1611.58.
  • Parliament at Northampton. 1023.18. a.
  • Pageauntes in making. pag. 1371. co. 2. lin. 53.
  • Parliament that wrought won|ders. 1070.35. b.
  • Pardons promiſed to ſutch; as wil go into the Holy land, to defend it againſt the Sara|ſins. 454.98.
  • Pandraſus king of Greece. 10.69.
  • A Parliament at the blacke Friers. 1524.6
  • Paſcy Caſtle. 445.24.
  • Paulinus Suetonius ſent Lieutenant into Britain. 59.76.
  • Paulinus Suetonius winneth the Ile of Angleſey. 59.114 Paules Churche in London builded. 33.111.
  • Parliament at Weſtminſter. pa. 1313. co. 1. lin. 15.
  • A Parliament. 1634.
  • Paules ſteeple in London fini|ſhed.
  • Pace Richard deſcribed. 1518.28.
  • Pardon. 969.18. a.
  • Parliament at Cambridge. 1074.22. a.
  • Paſſelew Iohn. 726.4.
  • Pauſanias cyted. 4.100. and. 8.1. and. 8.74.
  • Palmer Thomas knight ouer|throwen in fight. 1637.8.
  • Paulinus ſent into Brytaine. 149.98.
  • Partholin, looke Bartholoin. 28.
  • Paul the Apoſtle preacheth to the Britaines. 53.23.
  • Peterborrough in olde tyme called Meidhamſteede. 181.11.
  • Percie reſtored Earle of Nor|thumberland. pag. 1168. col. 1. lin. 40.
  • Peter Pence graunted to the Pope by Offa. 195.64.
  • Peada murthered throughe treaſon of his wyfe. 176.41.
  • Peda or Peada king of Mercia receyueth the Chriſtian faith 173.7. and. 173.31.
  • Peda Baptiſed by Finnan. 173.32.
  • Peſtilence. 1833.1. what num|ber dead thereof in London. eadem. 10. ceaſeth. 1834.47.
  • Pedredeſmouth battel, fought by the Engliſhmen againſt the Danes. 206.105.
  • Percie Henry the fift Earle of EEBO page image 1476 Northumberland warden of the Marches conducteth the Ladie Margaret into Scotland, and his magnifi|cence. 1458.10.
  • Peace taken betweene kyng Iohn and the kyng of France for two yeares. 563.57.
  • Peredurus and Vigenius con|ſpire againſt Elidurus. 31.83.
  • Peredurus & Vigenius reigne ioyntly as Kinges in Bry|taine. 31-100.
  • Earle of Penbroke taken priſo|ner. 992.10. b.
  • Penda beſiegeth the Citie of Exceter. 166.55.
  • Penda taken by Cadwallo, and his armie ouerthrowen. 166 60.
  • Penda ouerthrown at Heauen|field battaile. 167.19.
  • Penda maketh warre againſt Oſunus, and is ſlayne him|ſelfe. 167.33.
  • Penda commeth againſt Qui|chelme with an armie. 169.29.
  • Penda inuadeth Northumber|land with an armie. 170.5.
  • Pertinar ſent Lieutenant into Britaine. 77.51.
  • Pertinar pacifieth the diſſenti|ous armie in Brytaine. 77.58.
  • Pertinar ſtriken downe and left for dead by his owne ſouldi|ours. 77.61.
  • Pertinar obtaineth to bee diſ|charged from the Lieute|nantſhip of Britaine. 77.63.
  • Perhennis, Captaine of the Emperor Commodus gard. 77.9.
  • Perhennis deliuered to the ſouldiours, and by them put to death. 77.38.
  • Penda maketh ſharpe warre vpon Cenwalch king of weſt Saxons. 171.42.
  • Penda maketh ſore warres vp|pon Egricus King of the eaſt angles. 172.17
  • Penda ſlaine by Oſwy 172.62
  • Pentho battaile fought by the Danes againſt the Somer|ſetſhyre men. 241.70
  • Pennum battaile fought by Cenwalch againſt the Bri|taines, where Bruces poſte|ritie receiueth an vncurable wound. 176.79
  • Pelagius hereſie preuaileth in Britaine. 119.29
  • Peter a Monke, felowe with Auguſtine. 148.70
  • Perſecution for religion. 1763 27. and. 1766.20.
  • Peter Warbeke called in deri|ſion, Perkin Warbecke coũ|terfeit Duke of Yorke. 1441 10. goeth into Portugall, and from thence into Irelãd. eadem. 50. is ſent forth by the French Kyng. ibidem. returneth into Flaunders. i|bidem. is called the White Roſe. 1442.8. his true li|nage is found out. eadem. 10 landeth in Kent, and is re|pelled with ſlaughter. 1445 30. ſaileth into Ireland, & from thence into Scotland. eadem. 30. maried the daugh+ter of the Earle Huntley. ibi|dem. his counterfeit pitie 1446.2. landeth in Corn|wal. 1449.44. beſigeth Ex|ceter. 1450.1. fleeth and taketh Sanctuarye. eadem. 30. yeeldeth hym ſelfe. 1451 37. maketh an eſcape. 1552 7. is ſet in the ſtockes, and afterward ſtandyng vpon a Scaffold, readeth his confeſ|ſion. ead. 30. corrupteth his keepers. 1453.43. is hanged 1454.7.
  • Peter Hialas the Spaniſh am|baſſadour vnto the kyng of Scottes. 1449.47. conclu|deth a truce betweene Eng|land and Scotland. eadem. 10.
  • Penda ſore oppreſſeth Oſwy with warres. 175
  • Penda and his army ouerthro|wen by Oſwy. 175.65
  • Peace concluded betwene kyng Henry the firſt, & his brother Robert Duke of Normadie, vpon conditions. 339.30
  • Peace and quietnes bought by the Engliſh men of the Danes, for money. 239.65. &. 244 51.
  • Petronille Counteſſe of Ley|ceſter, arriueth in England with a power of Flemyngs. 431.52.
  • Petronille Counteſſe of Ley|ceſter taken priſoner. 431 93.
  • Pelham Nicholas knight, vali|auntly beateth the landed Frenchmen to their ſhyppes. 1602.20.
  • Percyes enter in league with Owẽ Glẽdoner. 1137. co. 2 lin. 3. rayſe their power a|gainſt Henry the fourth. pag. 1137. co. 1. lin. 30. craue aid of the Scots. 1137. co. 1. lin. 32. their pretence ibid. co. 2. lin. 17. were vanqui|ſhed at Shrewſbury. 1140 col. 1. lin. 6.
  • Peace concluded betwene Cad wan and Ethelfert, vppon conditions. 156.99
  • Peter king of Caſtil chaſed out of his Realme. 971.48. a. reſtored. 974.8. a. ſlayne by his brother Henry. 974.28. b
  • Peter pence forbydden in En|gland. 791.56. a
  • Pendaes godly ſaying, concer|nyng cold Chriſtians. 173.50.
  • Peſtilence great at Calice. 1466.54.
  • Parre William Earle of Eſſex created Marques of Nor|thampton. 1614.15. is ſent with a power againſt Ket. 1663. is diſtreſſed by Ket. 1666.10
  • Peace betweene Britaine and France. 1021.31. b
  • Pemſey Caſtle beſieged, and rendred to king William Ru+fus. 319.57
  • Percy William knight. 1448.46.
  • Peſtilence. 1839.12
  • Penda king of Mercia, ioyneth with the Britaines againſt Edwine. 163.51
  • Parre William, Lord Parre, created earle of Eſſex. 1591 50.
  • Percy Thomas knight, put to death. 1570.9
  • Petro Lione Hugh, a Deacon Cardinal, ſent Legate into England. 442.94
  • Peake Richard keeper of the ci|tie of Dublin. 454.33
  • Petrus Cirialis, Lieutenant of the nynth Legion, put to flight. 63.102
  • Pearch of land, how many foot it conteyneth. 312.103
  • Peace betwixt king Iohn and Arthur Duke of Britaine. 547.17.
  • Penenſey towne and Caſtle. 390.79.
  • Peter firſt Abbot of S. Augu|ſtines Monaſtery nigh Can|terburie. 150.48
  • Peter of Sauoy made earle of Richmond. 658.115
  • Peace with the articles conclu|ded betweene king Stephan and Hẽry Fitzempreſſe. 389 27.
  • Penda ſucceedeth Ciarlus in the kingdome of Mercia. 165.41.
  • Penda an vnmeaſurable hater of Chriſtian religiõ 165.63
  • Pelagius hereſie reuiued in Britaine. 100.37
  • Pelitus a Wiſard of Spaine. 166.50.
  • Pembroke ſhire ſpoyled by the Welch men. 749.59.
  • Penbroke Hal in Cambrige founded. 996.18. b.
  • Peter Pateſhul a Frier prea|cheth againſt his order. 1059.1. a. accuſeth his brethren of Heynous crimes. 1059.10. b.
  • Peterborough Abbey eſtabli|ſhed. 234.9.
  • Pelagians exiled out of Bri|tayne. 121.34.
  • Perceual Iohn. 1462.10.
  • Iohn Earle of Pembroke diſ|comfited. 980.43. b. dieth. 996.8. b.
  • Petroke, Earle of Perch. 398.51.
  • Peverel William, diſinherited for ſorcerie and wichcraft. 305.96.
  • Pelagius the heretike, borne in Wales. 118.38.
  • Pelagius hereſie, what it was. 119.40.
  • Peinters firſt brought into England. 178.114.
  • Perthelmus, byſhop of Whi|terne. 192.26.
  • Iohn Pecham made Archby|ſhop of Canterburie. 788.46. b. dyeth 806.13. a.
  • Peter Archbyſhoppe of Taren|ſaſia. 423.112:
  • Petilius Cerialis, appoynted Leutenante of Britaine. 66.68.
  • Pecham Henry executed for treaſon. 1766, 40.
  • Peter Bahuchet hanged at Sluce. 909.50. a.
  • Poter dwelling in Red Croſſe ſtreete. pag. 1358. col. 1. lin. 47.
  • Iohn Pouderhams knauery. 856.33.
  • Peace concluded betweene King Iohn and the king of France with a maryage and other agreementes 548.27.
  • Peace concluded betweene the Erle of Flaunders & the French king. 548.77.
  • Peace concluded vppon condi|tions betweene Edmond king of England, and Au|lafe king of Danes. 227.64.
  • Periurie neuer left vnpuniſhed. 286.37.
  • Peter pence firſt payd in En|gland to ye Byſhop of Rome. 189.1.
  • Peter Byſhop of Wincheſter made gouernour to king Henry the third. 617.33.
  • People at Canterbury tithed by the Danes. 246.22.
  • Pelagius Hereſie renued a|mong the Scots. 163.35.
  • Henry Lord Percy put to flight by the Scots. 843.10. b.
  • Peace concluded, betweene King Edward, and Earle Godwin. 273.90.
  • Peace breakers betweene king Henry the ſecond and his ſonnes excommunicated. 457.80.
  • Percie Henry the fourth Earle of Northumberland ſlayne. 1434.40.
  • The Pencioners muſter in ar|mour before her Maieſtie. 1839.42. A lotterie held. 1839.46.
  • Percie Henry the firſt Earle of Northumberland Warden of the whole Marches ſueth to be diſcharged of his office 1522. much miſlyked there|fore of al men. ibidem.
  • Peace proclaimed betweene king Henry the third and the Barons. 770.28.
  • EEBO page image 1476Petitur and Higanius, looke Peredurus and Vigenius.
  • Peace between England and Fraunce. 966.10. b
  • The Pencioners ordeyned. 1574.40.
  • Percie Erle of Worceter brea|keth the ſtaffe of his office. 1108.13. a.
  • People in al England numbred 312.79.
  • Peter Breſſie Captayne of Alnewike Caſtle. pa. 1313. col. 2. lin. 54. pag. 1315. col. 1. lin. 24.
  • Percie Thomas made knight, after Lord, and the next daye Earle of Northumberland. 1767.28. rebelleth. 1839. his attemptes there, & after|ward fleeth into Scotland. 1841.12. is brought out of Scotland and beheaded. 1865.
  • Peace concluded betweene William of England, and king Malcolme of Scotland vpon conditions. 307.60.
  • Peith Iohn. 1447.21.
  • Pente Riuer. 174.45.
  • Perkin Werbecke. pag. 1389. col. 2. lin. 42.
  • Petronius Turpilianus ap|pointed Lieutenant of Bri|taine. 66.9.
  • Henry Lord Percy ſent to the Sea. 1058.30. b.
  • Peace concluded betweene K. William Rufus of England and his brother Duke Ro|bert of Normandie vppon conditions. 321.68. and. 325.85.
  • Henry Lord Percie created Earle of Northumberland. 1006.8. b.
  • Peter the Apoſtle ware a ſha|uen Crowne. 178.30.
  • Peredurus reigne and deth, va|riable among writers. 332.1.
  • Peace concluded at Stanes betwixt Henry king of Eng|land, and Lewes the kings ſonne of Fraunce. 616.46.
  • Peace with the Scottes. pag. 1249. col. 2. lin. 6.
  • Peſtilence. pag. 1350. col. 2. lin. 55.
  • Penius Poſthumus ſlayeth himſelfe. 65.43.
  • Peter Landeyſe. pag. 1407. col. 2. lin. 12. lin. 20. lin. 50. pag. 1408. col. 1. lin. 50. col. 2. lin. 13. lin. 47.
  • Petteham Manour, made o|uer to the Church of Canter|bury. 327.56.
  • Peace betweene England and Scotland. 873.30. a.
  • Pence of the value of two pen|ces coyned. 1459.17.
  • Perrottus Nicholas cited. 5.42.
  • Thomas Percie created Earle of Worceter. 1097.30. b.
  • Alice Perers Concubine to king Edward the third. 997 27. a. baniſhed the Realme. 1008.45. a.
  • Periurie reuenged, by euyl death and affliction. 365.48.
  • Perambulations of Forreſtes. 834.50. a.
  • Peter pence in Ireland to be payed to the Pope. 420.112.
  • Peter Courtney byſhop of Ex|ceter. pa. 1402. col. 2. lin. 15
  • Penerel William of Notting|ham. 369.
  • Penſey Caſtle deliuered to the king. 397.19.
  • Pencaire Dauid cited. 7.5.
  • Earle of Penbroke put to flight by Scots. 845.16. a.
  • Perdir the wiſehard flouriſheth 21.65.
  • Penwithſtreete. 241.40.
  • Peter pence payment confir|med by Ethelwolfus. 207.49.
  • Periurie horribly puniſhed. 224.20.
  • Pegnalech Abbey. 177.49.
  • Peace diſhonorable with the Scots. 891.47. a
  • Philip K. of France returneth home from the ſiege of Acres 500.113. practiſeth falſhode againſt king Richard the firſt in his abſence in the Holy land. 503.5. prouoketh Earle Iohn to forſake his alleage|ance vnto king Richard the firſt his brother. 509.47. en|treth into Normandie with an armie. 510.34.
  • Philip Prince of Spayne mar|rieth Queene Mary. 1756.54. his trayne. eadem. 12. is made knight of the Garter. 1759.10. goeth to the Par|liament houſe in his Roabes 2759.36. goeth into Flaun|ders vnto his father. 1764. taketh poſſeſſion of the lowe Countreys & then returneth into England. 1766.53. paſſeth into Flaũders. 1767.2. winneth Saint Quintins concludeth peace with the French king. 1801.18.
  • Philip the Archduke of Au|ſtrich marrieth the heyre of Hiſpayne. 1459.50. caſt on the coaſt of England by ſtorme and ſaued. ead. 1. di|eth. 1460.58. is deſcribed. 1460.1.
  • Philip king of Fraunce in dan|ger of drowning by fal of a bridge vnder him. 527.25.
  • Philips Dauie knight counſe|lour to prince Arthur. 1456 52.
  • Philippes Rouland vicar of Croyden famous preacher. 1524.44.
  • Philip Byſhop of Beauoyes ta|ken priſoner. 531.59.
  • Phightiaid the name of the Pictes, in Britiſh, Scottiſh, and Pictiſh. 68.50.
  • Philpot Clement put to death. 1580.30.
  • Philip Earle of Flaunders, ta|keth vpon him to goe to the Holy land. 439.7.
  • Philip king of Fraunce depar|teth frõ the battaile of Creſ|ſey. 934.20. b.
  • Philip Duke of Burgongne. pag. 1317. col. 2. lin. 7. dyed. pag. 1318. col. 1. lin. 47.
  • Philip the French king twice in great daunger of taking by Richard the firſt. 111. al|moſt drowned in the riuer of Gethe. 536.12.
  • Philip king of Fraunce dyeth. 347.106.
  • Philip the French king dyeth. 623.4.
  • Philip K. of Fraunce cõmeth to Sangate 942.16. a. ſen|deth to king Edward to haue an indifferent place for bat|taile. 942.58. a. breaketh vp his armie. 942.30. b.
  • Philip Earle of Flaunders made Erle of Kent. 327.10.
  • Philip the French king ieſteth at king Williams ſickneſſe. 314.54.
  • Philip de Commins. pa. 1323. col. 1. lin. 22.
  • Philip Queene of England dy|eth. 980.2. a.
  • Philo cited. 101.78.
  • Pilgremages aboliſhed. 1571.24.
  • Piemont the Prince Emanuell Philibert commeth into En|gland. 1762.38. ouerthrow|eth the French power neare to Saint Quintins. 1768.20. marryeth Margaret the French kings Siſter. 1802.47
  • Piers of Erton knyght murde|red king Richard the ſecond. pag. 1129. col. 2. lin. 54.
  • Pinder Rachel-dooth penance, for fayning to bee poſſeſſed by the diuel. 1870.48
  • Piers of Gaueſton baniſhed. 841.1. b. called home and made Earle of Cornewale. 847.10. b. marryeth the kings Neece. 847.46. b. ba|niſhed agayne. 879.20. a. ta|ken and beheaded. 851.20. a
  • Pirats taken by ſhips of Rie.
  • Picts, Saxons and Scots in|uade the Romane prouince in Britayne. 106, 60.
  • Pictes and Scots vanquiſhed by the Saxons. 112.22.
  • Picts ouerthrowen betweene Lyene and Cere by the Nor|thumbers. 190.68.
  • Piers a Legh beheaded. 1108.13. b.
  • Picts in league with the Eng|liſh men become Chriſtians. 192.39.
  • Pilkinton Thomas attaynted 1425.45.
  • Picts and Scots ſlayne and chaſed out of Britayne. 100, 36.
  • Picts and Scots when firſt they came to inhabite Bry|tayne. 102.15.
  • Picts require wyues of the I|riſh Scots. 67.55.
  • Picts the firſt ſtrangers that came into Brytayne to inha|bite next after the Romanes 67.65.
  • Peueneſſey or Pemſey. place in Suſſex, where Duke willi|am of Normãdie landeth his armie 285.65.
  • Pictes inuade Britaine. 67.6.
  • Pictes deſcended of the nation of the Scithians. 67.6.
  • Pictes, whereof ſo named. 67.10.
  • Pictes ſuppoſed to be Agathir|ſes. 67.17.
  • Pictes arriue in Irelande to ſeeke ſeates. 67.24.
  • Pictes depart from Irelande, and arriue in Britaine. 67.39.
  • Pictes vanquiſhed and ſlayne by the Britaines. 67.45.
  • Pictes remainder appointed to inhabite Catneſſe in Scot|land. 67.49.
  • Pictes and Scots enter vppon the Britaines and chaſe them out of their townes. 101.6.
  • Pictes that inhabite the South part of Scotland, brought out of Scithia by Fulgen|tius. 81.69.
  • Pictes, by what auncient Ro|mane writer firſt made men|tion of. 87.107.
  • Pictes ſo called of painting their bodyes. 13.90.
  • Pictes and Scots inuade Bri|taine, and waſt the countrey. 111.27.
  • Pictes and Scots returne into Britaine by ſea, and inhabite the North partes of the Ile. 100.72.
  • Pilgrimage in women, a co|lour to whoredome. 190.30
  • Pightland in Scotland, ſo cal|led of the Pictes. 13.99.
  • Pictes ſend ayde to the Bry|taines againſt the Romanes. 39.45.
  • Pig brought forth with a face like a man. 351.42.
  • Praying to Saintes not lyked of. 335.88
  • Pictes vanquiſhed by king Oſ|wy. 176.33.
  • Pictes and Scots driuen out of Britaine, with helpe of the Romanes. 100.6.
  • Pictes and Scots breake down the wall, and enter againe in|to Britaine. 100.20.
  • Pikering towne builded. 32.15.
  • Pirrhus, ſonne to Achilles. 10.43.
  • EEBO page image 1477Pirrhus iſſue by Andromache. 10.45.
  • Pictes deuided into two nati|ons. 104.5.
  • Pius Antoninus Emperour. 76.57.
  • Piracie of the Saxons deſcri|bed. 107.82.
  • Pinnor, king of Loegria. 22.90.
  • Peers of the Realme called to a counſell. pag. 1292. col. 1. lin. 2.
  • Piece of the holy Croſſe, ſent from Rome into Englande. 217.49.
  • Pictes and Scots ſore diſquiet the Romane ſubiectes in Britaine. 95.17.
  • Pilgrimage to the Abbey of Burie. 586.45.
  • Pictouius cited. 5.17.
  • Plantagenet Arthur created Viſcount Liſle. 1525.50.
  • Pleſhey Caſtle deliuered to K, Stephan. 380.42.
  • Edward Plantagenet created Erle of Rutland. 1076.3. b.
  • Plantagenet Geffray, moueth rebellion againſt kyng Ste|phan. 367.81.
  • Plantagenet Geffray put to flight, and many of his peo|ple ſlaine. 367.103.
  • Plantagenet Geffray inuadeth Normandie. 376.54.
  • Plautius, Pretor of Rome, ſent General of the Romane ar|me into Britaine. 48.65.
  • Plautius landeth with his ar|mie in Britaine. 48.95.
  • Plautius vanquiſheth ye Bry|taines at his firſt arriual. 49.6.
  • Plautius triumphed for hys noble actes atchieued in Britaine. 50.13.
  • Plantagenet William, eldeſt ſonne to king Henrye the ſe|cond departeth this life. 396.30.
  • Plantagenet Geffray, begin|neth a rebellion againſt hys brother king Henrye the ſe|cond. 396.34.
  • Plantagenet Geffray not to bee buryed, tyll his ſonnes had ſworne to performe his laſt wyll and teſtament. 396.51.
  • Plantagenet Geffray expulſed out of his Earledome of An|iou by his brother Henry the ſecond. 396.67.
  • Plantagenet Geffray dyeth. 396.75.
  • Plantagenet Edward Erle of Warwicke is brought open|ly from ye Towre to Poules by land and goeth in proceſ|ſion. 1429.23.
  • The Pauſgraue of the Rhine commeth into Englande. 1574.18.
  • Plantagenet Arthur Viſcount Liſle dieth of immoderate ioye. 1584.8.
  • Plantagenet Edward ſonne and heyre of George Duke of Clarẽce kept in Sheriffehu|ton Caſtle as priſoner, and from thence conueied vnto the Towre of London. 1424 20. arreygned and beheaded. 1454.30.
  • Plozac Geffray with his ſonne Myles, Ambaſſadours to K. Henry the ſeconde from Hu|bert Earle of Morienne. 424.25.
  • Edward Plantagenet created Earle of Rutland. 1050.8. b.
  • Pleymond made Archbiſhop of Cantorburie. 218.36.
  • Plantagenet Geffray, Earle of Aniou departeth this lyfe. 384.10.
  • Plantagenet Geffray Earle of Aniou his iſſue. 384.16.
  • Plentie of wealth accompanied with ſtore of ſinnes. 111.1.
  • Pleymond ſent to Rome with ritch preſentes from the king 223.48.
  • Placida mother to Valentiny|an the Emperour. 121.55.
  • Pleymond Archbyſhop of Can|torburie. 223.42.
  • Pleaſance. 1103.1. a.
  • Pleas of the crowne holden at the towre of London. 705.46.
  • Plenidius a Barde. 4.41.
  • Plentie of graine. 797.8. a.
  • Popes goe out of the ſteppes which Peter trode. 330.109.
  • Pope to haue nothing to doo in any kingdome, touching tem|poral liberties. 331.6.
  • Popes office and duetie, what it is. 331.7.
  • Popiſh Byſhops cannot keepe their allegiance towardes their Prince, and their obedi|ence to the See of Rome, without their Princes plea|ſure. 331.36.
  • Portes fiue reſiſt the landing of French men comming to ayde Lewes. 615.37.
  • Pont Meulan ſurpriſed by the French. pag. 1220. col. 2. lin. 34. rendred agayn to the Engliſh. lin. 49.
  • Popes power baniſhed. 1563.15. is reſtored agayne. 1761 30. is eftſoones baniſhed. 1797.26.
  • Poſte comming from the Pope is ſtayed at Douer, 712.54
  • Popes Nuncio commaũded to depart the Realme. 713.29.
  • Pope requireth the French king to warre agaynſt Eng|land. 714.89.
  • Pope giueth ſentence with the Monkes of Cantorburie a|gaynſt the Byſhops. 563.73
  • Pope nameth Stephan Lang|ton to be Archbiſhop of Can|terburie againſt king Iohns appoyntment. 564.48.
  • Popes anſwere to king Iohns Letter. 565.15.
  • Pope writeth to the Byſhops concerning king Iohn and Stephan Langton choſen Archbyſhop of Canterburie and of the Monkes there. 565.98.
  • Poules doore blowen open. 1835.57.
  • Pope Alexander the ſecond ſen|deth a banner to Duke Wil|liam of Normandie, at his expedition into England. 285.100.
  • Pope and Cardinales compa|red to a ſhaken Reede, which bendeth what way ſoeuer the wynde bloweth. 286.4.
  • Poole Reynold Cardinal reuo|ked by Queene Mary. 1723 5. conſultation held how he ſhould be receyued. eadem. 20. his attaindour is reuer|ſed by Parliament. 1759.50. commeth into the Par|liament houſe Legate from the Pope. 1760.4. the effect of his Oration there. eadem. 37. abſolued the Realme from Schiſme. 1761.30. is receyued into Poules with proceſſion by the Lord Chan|cellour. 1762.43. goeth to Marke to conclude a peace betweene the Emperour and the French king. 1764.6. ſendeth the Byſhop of Glou|ceſter to ſit in iudgement on Cranmer 1765.20. is arch+byſhop of Canterburie. ea|dem. 30. depriueth Doctor Weſton of al his ſpiritual ly|uings for adulterie. 1769.26 dyeth. 1782.1. his pede|gree. ibid [...]m.
  • Poynings Edward knight ſent with a power into Ire|land to ſuppreſſe the fauorers of Perkin Warbecke. 1444.37.
  • Poynings Edwarde Knight. 1447.20.
  • Poole Lord Montagne com|mitted to the Towre. 1510.28. reſtored to the kings fa|uour. 1519.47.
  • Pope diſpenſeth for the detay|ning of Abbey landes. 1763.8.
  • Poules Steeple with a part of the Church burned. 1815. the Church repayred. ibidem
  • Policie of the Frenche king to weaken Kyng Williams force of England. 310.16.
  • Pope and Sea of Rome. ſoue|reygne Lord of Ireland. 420 59.
  • Pope graunteth the ſouereign|tie of Ireland to king Henry the ſecond. 420.87
  • Polidore reprooued of errour. 32.45. and. 55.18.
  • Policie of Lewis the French king to winne Vernueyle. 428.49.
  • Poynings Edward, knight of of the Garter and Control+ler of the kings houſe ſent with a power agaynſt the Duke of Geldres. 1440.1.
  • Pope ſweareth by Saint Pe|ter. 592.20.
  • Popes decree is declared to the Barons. 592.50.
  • Pope ſendeth to the French king to diſwade hym from help in the Barons againſt king Iohn. 598.78. The French kings allegations to the Popes Legate. 598.83.
  • Poyctouins are confederate with the french king againſt the king of Englãd. 411.12
  • Porteſmouth. 551.99.
  • Popes Legate ſueth for the re|ſtitutiõ of Fulkes de Brent, but obtayneth not. 628.6.
  • Poynings Thomas knight cap|tayne of Guiſnes. 1594.36. diſcomfiteth the Frenchmen at Baſſe Buileyne. 1599. is created Lord Poynings and Leuetenant of Bologne and Bolongnois. 1602.50.4. di|eth and his commendations. ibidem.
  • Poynings Edward knight ſent to the ſiege of Scluſe. 1438.50. hath the two Caſtles yeelded vnto him eadem. 20.
  • Pope ſueth to Richard the firſt for the deliuerance of the Biſhop of Beauoyes out of priſon. 432.35. geueth o|uer his ſuite and forſaketh the Byſhop. 532.47.
  • Porrex and Ferrex ſonnes to Gorbodug, begin to rule o|uer Britayne. 22.36.
  • Pope perſwadeth peace be|twixt Rychard the firſt, and and Phillip king of Fraunce 538.43. truce is taken for fiue yeares. 538.77.
  • Pope exhorteth Criſtians to warre agaynſt the Saracens 630.85.
  • Popes requeſtes vnreaſonable 632.43.
  • Pope Innocent requeſteth aide agaynſt the Turkes and infi|dels. 552.70.
  • Pope ſendeth into Fraunce to make a peace betwixt the French king and king Iohn. 556· 69.
  • Poinings Edward knight di|eth. 1519.5.
  • Poyntz Robert knight. 1450.14.
  • Policie of Conſtantius to diſ|cerne true Criſtians from falſe. 89.109.
  • Policie of the Kentiſhmen, to intrap King William, and his armie. 292.53.
  • Pope requeſteth ayde of king Richard the ſecond. 1011.34. b.
  • EEBO page image 1477Policie of Duke William of Normandie, to diſorder the Engliſh battayle. 287.2.
  • Poyton wonne by the French men. 993.4. a.
  • Poynings Edward knight Captaine of Tourney. 1487 1.
  • King of Portingal marrieth the Duke of Lanc. daughter. 1052.7. a.
  • Popes Collations forbidden. 924.50. a.
  • Powel hanged for the ſupre|macie. 1580.40.
  • Policie of Gurmundus to burne Ciceſter. 144.13.
  • Policronicon cited. 22.60. and. 22.101. and. 24.40.
  • Popes Legate graunteth free remiſſion of ſinnes to all the kings ſouldiours. 613.33.
  • Polidore Virgil cited. 123.76. and. 128.47. and. 129.19.
  • Pope writeth to the Kyng a|gaynſt the Wecleuiſts. 1088 20. b.
  • Pomfret Caſtle. pag. 1310. col. 2. lin. 25. pag. 1328. col. 2. lin. 45.
  • Porteſmouth in Suſſex whẽce ſo called. 130.11.
  • Poole Richard Knight, kinſ|man and chiefe Chamber|laine vnto Prince Arthur. 1456.51.
  • Poynings Edward Knyght, Captayne of a band called the kings Gard. 1606. co. 2. lin. 41.
  • Poynings Edward knight, ſent Ambaſſadour vnto Phillip the Archduke. 1442.17.
  • Poole Reynald Cardinal at|tainted. 1570.53.
  • Popea daughter to the Earle of Bayeulx, married to Rollo, Duke of Normandie. 288.107.
  • Polidore Virgil cited. 99.81. and. 113.35. and. 116.99. and. 120.67.
  • Ponte de Larche taken by the French. pag. 1274. col. 2. lin. 26.
  • Popes decree concerning ſpiri|tual mens goods. 715.114.
  • Popes peace. 835.6. a. wry|teth in defence of ye Scots. 835.53. b. forbiddeth the king to vex thẽ. 836.38. a.
  • Poole Henry Lorde Moun|tague beheaded. 1572.5.
  • Poictunius ſubdued by the French. 585.75.
  • Pontorſon rendred to the Eng|liſh. pag. 1236. col. 1. lin. 31.
  • Ponticus Virumnius cited. 12 43.
  • Poitiers wonne by Henry Erle of Derby. 939.1. a.
  • Porcheſter wonne by the Ro|mans 51.33.
  • Polichronicon cited. 223.62.
  • Pontfracte Coledge founded. pag. 1152. col 2. lin. 52.
  • Policletus ſent Commiſſioner into Britaine. 65.76.
  • Polidore cited. 321.30. and. 333.58.
  • Ponte de Larch rendred to the Engliſh men. pag. 1193. col. 2. lin. 39.
  • Polidor Virgil cited. 210.56. and. 217.70.
  • Pouleſworth Abbey builded. 208.7.
  • Ponthieu taken by the French King. 977.30. b.
  • Pope Adrian, an Engliſhman borne. 396.61.
  • Popes diſpenſe with othes, right, law, and equitie. 396.63.
  • Pomerey Henry, dieth for griefe and feare. 516.50.
  • Policie and Zeale of Germaine to diſcomfit the Saxons. 120.46.
  • Poſſeſworth in Warwikſhyre. 225.6.
  • Porthland in deuonſhyre, ſpoy|led by the Danes. 238.37.
  • Popes power how farre it ex|tendeth. 741.11.
  • Policie of the Romans in get|ting the Ile of Angleſey. 68.92.
  • Portes kept for feare of letters of interdiction. 418.22.
  • Portemouth diſquieteth the French fleete. 1046.10. b.
  • Polidore cited. 228.49. and. 236.2. and. 304.13. and. 315.10. and. 315.51.
  • Policie of Maximianus to in|trap Gracianus the Empe|rour. 97.36.
  • Policie of Ethelburga to per|ſwade her huſband Inas to renounce the world. 188.43
  • Porth entreth Britaine at Por+teſmouth hauen. 130.6
  • Policie of king William, to en|trap Engliſh men within his lawes of hunting the Deere. 313.77.
  • Polidore Virgil cited. 3.69. & 4.83. and. 5.27. and. 38.72. and. 55.8. and. 60.26
  • Poyſonyng worthily puniſhed. 224.92.
  • Popes Nuntio commeth into England. 1078.23. b
  • Poictauins reuolt from Kyng Iohn. 553.15
  • Poer Ranulph Sheriffe of Glo+ceſterſhyre, ſlaine by ye Welch men. 456.77
  • Pope very liberal of another mans purſe. 736.74
  • Poinyngs Edward knight, one of the kyngs coũſel. 1464.55
  • Popes letters, commaundyng Archbiſhop Thomas Bec|kets ſuffryng day, to be kept holy. 425.5
  • Policie of the Troians agaynſt the Gaules. 14.56
  • Polidore cited. 349.108. and 353.75. and. 414.95.
  • Porrer ſlain by his mother. 22 70.
  • Pope of Rome an hypocrite, and therfore mens deuotiõs ware cold towards him. 742.33.
  • Pontien reſtored to king Ed|ward the third. 912.3. b
  • Policie of Maude Empreſſe, to eſcape the ſiege at Oxford. 379.26.
  • Polybius cited. 27.37
  • Popes Legate gayneth in En|glãd twelue thouſand marks 616.77.
  • Policie of Aulafe to ſuruey the Engliſh campe. 226.31
  • Poictou tooke name of ye Picts 13.96.
  • Polichronicon cited. 226.67
  • Popes authoritie not eſteemed in England. 351.105
  • Ponteandemer caſtle beſieged, and taken. 359.53
  • Poore people dye through fa|myne. 749.42
  • Pontoyſe taken by the Engliſh. 1200. co. 2. lin. 40.
  • Poyron Robert, a knight Tem|pler. 400.69
  • Policie of Elgina, to procure the farther loue of K. Cnute. 264.6.
  • Prerogatiue of the Engliſh na|tion in the general Councel. pa. 1186. co. 1. lin. 40.
  • Progenie of the Weſt Saxon kyngs, endeth in king Ed|ward the Confeſſor. 280.48
  • Prieſt ſlayn by a tempeſt before the Altare, at Andeuer. 421 16.
  • Prouiſiõ made by rate of lands for building of ſhips, and fur|niſhyng of armour. 244.82
  • Preparation of warre made to goe againſt the Scots. 567.77.
  • Prayers made vnto God be|fore battaile. 164.114.
  • Prizes great taken by ſea, of French goodes. 1600.50
  • Princes euyl example, geueth occaſion to the ſubiectes to offend. 157.53
  • Princes chalenge to thẽſelues the inueſting of Biſhops, & other ſpiritual Miniſters. 341.93.
  • Prieſtes diſplaced at Waltham Colledge, and Chanons Re|gular put in their roumthes. 447.64.
  • Praſutagus king of the Iceni, maketh the Emperour of Rome, and two of his owne daughters, his heires. 60.73
  • Prieſtes, Deacons, and Sub|deacons, to lyue chaſtly. 347 52.
  • Prieſtes commaunded to for|ſake their wyues. 347.60
  • Prieſtes that wyl forgo ſeruing at the altare, to remaine with theyr wyues, to be depriued. 347.73.
  • Prieſtes and Monkes forſa|kyng their orders, for loue of theyr wyues, to be excõmu+nicated. 340.69. and. 347 78.
  • Prior of the Charterhouſe at London, executed. 1563.35
  • Prelates fined for rebellyng a|gainſt the kyng. 616.65
  • Prebendes in the new Mona|ſterie of Wincheſter, taken from prieſtes, and geuen to vicars. 234
  • Prieſtes and Churchmen mi|ſerably handled by king Iohn and by al men, without re|medie. 566.48
  • Prieſtes lackyng to ſay dayly ſeruice in churches. 567.70
  • Prieſtes and Canons remoued from old Saliſbury, to new, together with the Byſhops See. 618.23
  • Prayers vſed to be ſayd at the ſhuttyng in of doores & win|dowes. 298.32
  • Priuilege of thoſe that tooke vpõ them the croſſe. 599.38
  • Prieſtes ſaying Maſſe, appre|hended. 1869.52
  • Prolocutor of the parlament, & his office. 354.46
  • Prior of Lawnd apprehended. pa. 1134. co. 1. lin. 33.
  • preſumption of the Cardinal of Tuſculane. 583.53
  • Prohibition to goe ouer ſea without the kyngs licence. 324.30.
  • Prieſtes and Miniſters to be yearely examined. 198.84
  • Prieſtes not to come to the al|tare bare legged. 198.92
  • Prieſtes marryed, not to ſaye maſſe, not to haue vicars. 347.91.
  • Preſumptuous dealing of the Archbyſhoppe of Yorke in ye Conuocation houſe. 444.18.
  • Prebendes in the new Mona|ſterie of Wincheſter, taken from Vicars, and geuen to Monkes. 234.49.
  • Prieſtes liuing vnchaſtly, to be puniſhed. 361.63.
  • Preſumption of the Popes par|dons cauſeth many offences. 750.24.
  • Prodigal expences of Henry ye third. 736.20.
  • Prieſtes keeping of women commeth againe into queſti|on. 351.10.
  • Prieſtes of the prouince of Cantorburie ſuſpended. 717.105.
  • Prelates in a great perplexitie. 740.69.
  • Prieſtes, looke Secular Prieſtes.
  • Prieſts deuy the Legates re|queſt concerning a yearely penſion to be payd to the Pope. 628.33.
  • EEBO page image 1478Proxies gathered by Gualo of euery Cathedral church and houſe of religion within England. 602.42.
  • Prieſtes to weare apparrel of one manner of colour. 340.58.
  • Prieſtes ſonnes not to ſucceede their fathers in their benefi|ces. 340.67.
  • Prieſtes to weare broade crownes. 340.72.
  • Prince of Portingale came in|to England. pag. 1226. col. 1. lin. 57.
  • Prieſtes wiues forbidden Chriſtian burial. 627.43.
  • Prieſtes wiues not to be Chur|ched as other women are. 627.53.
  • Priſoners ſet at libertie by king William Rufus. 317.54.
  • Proclamation made to a|uoyde ſtraungers. 618.4.
  • Priſoners throughout al the priſons of London, ſet at li|bertie by the Citizens of London. 778.54.
  • Prieſtes conſtrayned by the Pope to forſake their lawfull wiues. 309.51.
  • Prieſtes offending in Foreſtes to be areſted. 536.74.
  • Priſe Iohn cited. 2.105. and. 4.8. and. 4.42. and. 27.58.
  • Priuiledges and Freedomes reuoked from Cities, Townes, Biſhops Secs, and Abbeyes. 303.5. and. 304.46.
  • The Priour of Beuall, execu|ted. 1563.36.
  • The Prior of Exham, executed 1563.37.
  • Priours and Abbots depriued by Archbiſhop Aſelme, and why. 340.30.
  • Proclamation for Engliſh men to returne from Rome. 1078.12. b.
  • Prouiſions from Rome made Treaſon. 1076.41. a.
  • Proteſtantes returne out of ex|ile. 1798.27.
  • Prince of Wales diſcomfited. 622.60.
  • Proclamation. pag. 1311. col. 1. lin. 15. co. 2. lin. 4. pag. 1316. col. 1. lin. 7. pag. 1324. col. 1. lin. 59. pag. 1325. col. 2. lin. 16. pag. 1329. col. 2. lin. 34. pag. 1345. col. 2. lin. 38.
  • Promoters puniſhed. 1465.30.
  • Priorie of Saint Iames in Briſtow builded. 351.55.
  • Priour Iohn commeth into our Ocean with Galleyes, Foiſtes, and row Galleyes. 1476.25. is aſſayled in lanke Sable Baye. 1477.10. landeth in Suſſex. 1478 10.
  • Proclamation inhibiting mo|ny to be ſent to the Pope. 716.28.
  • Prieſtes of Normandie excom|municated by the Popes Le|gate. 352.1.
  • Prouerbe. pag. 1409. col. 2. lin 52.
  • Proclamation. pag. 1297. col. 1. lin. 15.
  • Princeſſe of Wales procureth quietneſſe. 1018.48. a.
  • Praſutagus, looke Aruira|gus.
  • Promoters highly rewarded. 324.16.
  • Proſumptious Prelates. 874.10. a.
  • Price Iohn cited. 137.50.
  • Prior Iohn eftſons landeth in Suſſex, & is hurt in the eye. 1494.20.
  • Prophecies deuiliſh fantaſies. pag. 1350. col. 2. lin. 8.
  • Proceſſion of a new forme. 1539.22.
  • Prenne, looke Edbert, or E|thelbert King of Kent.
  • Preſton in Auandernes, brent by the Scottes. 870.8. b.
  • Priueteſfloud. 194.15.
  • Priuiledge graunted to Saynt Cutbertes Shrine. 219.57.
  • Prodigious tokens. pag. 1302. col. 2. lin. 9.
  • Prophecie. pag. 1375. col. 11. lin. 8.
  • Proceſſion at Powles. pag. 1293. col. 2. lin. 19.
  • Prieſtes vſed for priuie meſ|ſengers. pa. 1330. col. 1. lin. 48.
  • Prophecie vayne. pag. 1137. col. 1. lin. 16.
  • Proclamation. 1374. col. 2. lin. 15.
  • Proclamation. 1386. col. 2. lin. 9.
  • Ptolomei cited. 55.3.
  • Puglia. 314.43.
  • Pulcher Church. 228.62.
  • Purueyers puniſhed. 929.12. a.
  • Puniſhment ceaſeth, but ſinne encreaſeth among the Bri|taynes. 101.92.
  • Putta ordeined Biſhop of Ro|cheſter, after damianus de|ceaſe, 178.80.
  • Pudſey Hugh Biſhop of Dur|ham, of an old Byſhop made a young Earle. 478.74.
  • Putta Byſhop of Rocheſter, fleeth into Mercia, getting his liuing by teaching to ſing 181.73.
  • Parre Katharen late wife to the Lord Latimer, maried to Henry the eyght. 1590.17.
  • Pudſey Henry, ſonne to the Byſhop of Durham. 449.54.
  • Puiſſance and price of the Britiſh ſouldiours. 97.26. and. 99.11.
  • Putting to death on the Croſſe forbidden. 92.12.
  • Pulter Thomas of the County of Kent attaynted. 1425.51

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